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Show Page vive j i jdajesday l:Wi..nm rui - IOAM CARROLL . - i -- -- - June 17, 18, 19, 20 fifth . cimddic viviuiL nuAir. r t in BETTY- -- -s Following his three week's leave the young couple will return to Cleveland. tlAL NEWS HONORS '..fR given last ;lB &ffl at Ballad and the Ballard gam'S faring the evenings for sucn Sudcd the guests of Korth, Donald Dav,s 1, fjand Clare Bailey, and Clarke, Beth Brown, Dor-;;- d Polly Sidway.; the m enter iU ncarfuture. ary . MOTHER $ WITH ; Richard Reese and baby Fran- ','ije flew from San Air Lines to spend mother 'visiting with her Mrs. Christnsen. "parley homC her t0 return United ,d BARBARA X1ELSOX . IS JUKE BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nielson of Garland announce the marriage of their daughter Barbara Jean to Duane Madsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Madsen of Tremonton. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, with President C. E. Smith officiating. The bride wore a lovely gown of white chiffon with an orchid pinned at her waist. She was attended' by her cousin, Carina Nielson, who was dressed in attractive dress of green marquisette. Blain Madsen, twin brother of the groom was best man. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in honor of the young people. Colleen Bowcutt, Beth Brown and Sherry Peck entertained with musical selections and readings. l 3 Sunday Tomorrow The World" I COMING Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 23 JUNE 21, MATINEE :00 p. m. 'Rockin In The Rockies Nights 7:30 and e LT. AND MRS. KIMBALL MARRIES BEARD ft EHTERTAIJiED CITY GIRL jll Mrs. Amos P. Hansen entermade or the tained aaugn-MiSunday in honor of, her . t of Carol Housley, Lt. and and Mrs. Cyril Housley daughter and Mrs. C. Kimball. A. A hot and Raymond Shirley 'im City reldinner was served to forty-fiv"marriage was performed by atives. Lt. and Mrs. Kimball are on in is! El Ray Christiansen from Norfolk, Virginia, leave 8th. A ism Temple, June Lt. Kimball is now stationwhere held the was at j? recptione Vtfane in Brigham City on ed. He completed duty aboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific and evening this week. Atlantic before his present duty bride is a graduate of Box school and has been a as supply officer on the staff of for the Admiral Read. ::;a:5t at Bushncll vancement is r. son-in-la- THEATRE TREMONTON "I Love A Mystery" iiij jut the theme. At the close of the dinner and program, the outlines for next ETERTAlS were Carmen Waldron, Lois CLUB Edna Fronk and Christensen, Members of trie Towne Club Claudine Harris. Prizes went to were deliiihtfuly enterltained on Eulaila Cornwall and Ethel Miller Tuesday night by Mrs. F. M. and a guest prize to Lois Christenui'isi.i?3cn. They were served sen. supper at Otto's after which they went to Mrs. Christensen's home BRIDGE CLUB MEETS to play cards. AT BALLARD HOME Mrs. Guy Ballard was hostess on MRS. STRAND HOSTESS Friday evening at a Bridge party TO W. C. T. U. ior her club. Other guests includMrs. Oscar Strand entertained ed Mrs. Howard Glenn and Mrs. the Woman's Christian Temper- Leland Hansen. Following lunchance Union at her home June 7th. eon the game was played and The Union will take the making of prizes awarded to Mrs. William afghans for the Red Cross as a SandJl, Mrs. Rudy Miller and Mrs. Clarence Brough. project. Miss Bebe Strand delightfully entertained with two solos. CLUB WOMEN ATTEKD The July meeting will be a nic- - SALT LAKE MEETLKG i nic held on the Parsonage lawn. Last Friday evening at the Lion House in Salt Lake, the Simada CIVIC CLUB VISITS Study Club met for its annual BUSHXELL banquet. The members of the Tremon- The theme of the evening was ton Women's Civic League made the Pot of Gold at the "Finding a trip to Brigham City last Thurs- - end of the rainbow, through study day for a visit to Bushnell hospi-- in Simada." The toasts were to tal, which took the place of their last year's study with two memregular meeting. bers of the Tremonton Chanter responding, Mrs. Erma Burke and CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. Marilyn Leavitt. The tables Mrs. Quentin Allen was hostess were beautifully decorated with to her club Friday. Special guests flowers and a centerpiece carry TOVE s. year's study were presented to each member. The course chosen is "A Study of the World's Worship." Established 40 Years Members from Tremonton, who BRIGHAM CITY. UTAH utended were Mrs. Irene Morris, Mrs. Mildred Harris, Mrs. Erma Burke, Mrs. Marilyn Leavitt, Mrs. Mrs Linda Somcrs and her son Tuliane Harris. Mrs. Mabel Romer, Fireman 1st Class Carl Somers Mrs. Ruth Hunsaker. Mrs. Glenna visited with relatives in East GarHales, Mrs. Roma Whitaker and land Monday afternoon. Carl is Mrs. Venice Ewer. home on leave and will report back to Philadelphia on the 28th where SIMADA STUDY he is to attend schcxil. CLUB FETED Last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Irene Morris, Mrs. Marilyn Leavitt was hostess to the FOR member of Simada study group. Travel was the subject chosen with Mrs. Marilyn Leavitt giving the background and Mrs. Roma Whitaker reviewed the book, Days of Ophelia, by Diamorth. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. ABSTRACTOR j ELECTROLUX j Cleaner and Air j Purifier SALES and SERVICE Call j Mr and Mrs. Oran Parkinson 1 -- j Orpheum and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs Allen of Portage, called at the Henry Sorensen home Sunday. 'Staff S'Tt. Al'n Sorensen spent Saturday in Ogden and Salt Lakej visiting relative, and friends. j ML! Garland Phone 32 R2 e vw t f ... Now as always, depend on ' , Safeway for top quality food 1 ft i ,;;v - ro years. V. G. F. CLUB MEETS Mrs. R. Z. Hcppler entertained from the Western the V. G. F. Sewing club at her is a son of Mr. and Beard of Tremonton. minted with a B. S. degree ':; croom Cliff 13th at x University at Cleveland, home Wednesday. Refreshments is in the Navy pre were served by the hostess. V-1- 2 He r ' Shopping Guide IIDIES! wear. Easily Dress up in good work clothing. $1.98 value to close out Piece DRESS SLACK SUITS. Only to close out The t: J SANITARY 19c . PANTIES Box of 12 Sizes 2 to 12. Elastic top. ECIAL ISH Run resistant . Rayon, pair ........ New improved porcelain orsteel enamelware Hair Accessories "jBBY ff0X rted O Ct JO 119 Cocoanut Oil m, 16 oz. size 39c and off for the 101 every day tasks. as'!in2. dustinjr, laundry, garden- fine for I keeping hands soft and love- tuy several at low this pair price f Leather FOLDS $1.98 S?rei favorite patterns TIES 59c Jg'" Military or fc's Day MEETING CARDS $2.98, $3.98 5c and 10 .....! Ken 1.00 I J Rocky Mo untain KELLOGG S FLOUR 34 oz. l LAMB BREAST LAMB Soft-As-Si- 44 oz. Mild r Putch 37 Sliced ib. 38 29 tj ryiM j rwTr3 I American lb. Tremonton, Utah vA7 No as high asthev UTTLE HIGHER, BUT NOT TOO BAD BECAUSE OF THE GOVERNMENTS PRtCE CEIUNO PROGRAM. 1 Sf'II,, Rpd' n,pe' for m,:lng ib s- - U- - No' li New Crop' CIIp Top'' lb ib. ? JAE.AJ I TOO, BUT I SEEM orvrtir, ..noc fJ 4 I i I TrT MY STORE. SAF6WA OAV. A PENNY SAVEO WFBE AJJD THERE SOON 6 6 ib. 11 Jin!i!!rL GOLLY! 15 19 Larffc, Solid. Crisp. Icebers ..iz 1 5'2 n, LEMONS ORANGES TURNIPS Z?.L.c.!::i.l!.p...". rr, how you 15 ?.L?L.l CABBAGE.:-- HALIBUT PlIced.Fresh fTI A lb. Fish MANAGE SO WELL WITH FOOD PRICES '33 Tender. Yellow Fresh. Sweet, Tender, Green CARROTS -- AREA 1 ..i!. ..z. .26 gjyyg Mill Jl Slusser Co. 17 . VINEGAR " '. s,.lus52 PAROWAX gaj""'",r n. 12 PECTIN hott.es 45 FRUIT JARS 63 79 BLEACH 10 TOMATOES J f 47 17 pyJ CHEESE 25 ib. pks. STRAWBERRIES CORN Sweet Toune' POTATOES 38 17 fW 13 for pkg, 10 Loaf.... ce Produce prires subject to dnlly ninrket clmnxen LORNA LEARNS A LESSON eo ewjur v Cirnile lb. CuSSlr2 JlVr' ROUND STEAK PRIME RIB ROAST RAISIN bot 31 34 nre plninlr ninrkrd d. lfJ 220-oonr- e 25 j 1 LSTlvOO. RAISINS i'rrtk5 22 a 2 lk Peed- - de ib. r.K 32 $2.09 Enr,Bc0he1i, Powdered Beet (with stamps) lb. pkg CAKE FLOUR CHOPS Small RibA AChops Ujt tirnde lb. Al( LEGS ...Mi!. WHITE OR WHEAT jar 61 giant size CHEESEZ!."i!rbB. .Witt!. STEAK 32 Miscellaneous "37 PICKLES for J I f-J- Corn Flakes Kitchen Craft SUGAR EGGS 4 1 1 Ment entn reialrlnir red polni GUARANTEED FRESH OR YOUR MONEY BACK ...83 y, lb. Cherub. Top Quality Tall Cans HONEY I POT R0AST...s!:.o.d,;.r:..c;.u.,.s A a Gift from SLUSSLR'S. AVEL KITS MILK tight-fittin- S , lb lb. pkg. 1 TENDER LEAF is dampened. Drop dumplings by tablespoonfuls on gently boiling stewg or liquid in large kettle with cover; cover; steam 15 minutes or until done, without removing II cover. Makes 12 medium-siz- e I LAMB Father's Day June 17 th WXED 43 U lb unl SIRLOIN MLL , 1 to slip on os, lz&lx:Z 1 h , . y CANTERBURY QUICKII Safe way Homemakers' Bur 8 FANCY BLACK TEA cakes. JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Behold rubber mitts jSyine Morocco MARMALADE CRACKERS cup milk all at milk add Place mix in bowl; all of the flour once; stir only I Try-Walnu- .24 l.rc Color Bocks For a Delicious Treat. Meats in Waffles Meadow wd-Fire- t Graj Trimrn nnrin ' 35 50 48 lb. d 2 cups biscuit mix 12 os. SfotiFt I 2V ..16 oz. . pressedHam rnEEEE 2 tbspt. sugar 1 tsp. salt 2 eggs c"P milk 2 tbsps. melted medium-siz- e iiniir m lb. Edward'B for those Blend, Luxury COFFEE who want the best lb. jar Hill's Red lb. Jar VSI I L.L. NOB HILL No Finer Coffee Packed t PANCAKES br.akfmf-CO- RN u. vv Sleepy Hollow. Rich in Maple Flavor BUTTER For hit favorite dinner or Beef Slew with Dumpling. "9c M VALUE Remember Dad with f ln?s he can use for-ge- CVDI ID PURITAN WALNUTS favorite dishes DUMPLING Tov Gun and Holster Set :on's Dil his Chicken Fricattee Tattoo Transfer Books 110 transfers for ...,10c 10c z ... lightly-grease- TOYS! - TOYS! PINS 5c & 10c SNOODS colors 1 " " And Father's Day is an excellent to prove all time to serve them over again that you love him. So the calories and vitamins for a day and give him those things he likes . . . just because they taste so good, such as to 12 PANS 'Rock. VO KIDDIES RAYON NAPKINS - shortening or margarine Sift flour, measure, and sift again with corn meal, baking powder, soda, sugar, and salt. Beat egg yolks, add milk and combine with dry ingredients, beating until smooth. Add melted butter or margarine and fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Drop by tableepoonfuls on moderately not, griddle or heavy frycakes when bubbles Turn pan. ing form on top surface. Bake until golden brown. Serve with equal amounts of melted butter or margarine and heated syrup. Makes 10 AO A "- m cup flour i3 cup corn meal V2 tsps. baking powder 's tsp. soda vflHp WW laundered. LOTUS 1 For SLACK SUITS SUITS LEFT ideal for outdoor 10 ST j - V" N F?srb mmWmmmmmm U $LU$$ER$ Current T '. nasals 1 JmWZZ ..... W ; If you like fresh . I bread, you'll like' n, ib. A 9 7 IFTHATS THE 6AFEWAV j FROM NOV |