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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. JULY 10, 1930. Mike battered the table with his iron fists. "No, by G d." he shouted, "that's not the way I work. We'll batter the door down." With L:irs of iron. .Mike dim his fi.yt K:iv;i' Mislatilit. The nni.--e in the Qiiurttrs cf t!.e prl.siiHl pit'ji'e was ; afeniiiy ; J'ary clung to I'ros'f She saw J.Irs. K.alway take the During ii terva'.s of this t...1 terinj (hey oiiM hear Hie nwst horrible oaths hiirif !. as they y The of ihe Albatross sil.t. -- I'm at tlieinselvi-- : !:;.: To Sir.. r had tricked inid i ' ' rtoi-to- the Li'l;!c-ssneH3- ! (. meant that th us she liar) r:ire.; . This was it criil. t ir: jrton, on hearing the extra. irdi ot tin nary racket, nm to the coiiif aiiion. The shouts of Mike and his friends warned him of grate dan gor. Mike, Craunuitin find I;ausi v.ri I?; inn to batter l!..'ir way to the women; there was no other explanation possible.' ' Stop," he shouted. Ilii voice arrested them for a mo ment. "We want Metzger and l'ereira," they told him. "They are not in there," cried IJ-- t hi-a- COrTRIGHT IN THE V. S. WSD Servtc yike was one of those 110, after a sufficient amount of poiou, lose the more obvious marks Where the other f intoxication. three slept stertorously he was kept awake by the growing ferocity he felt toward Metzger and l'ereira. It was cook work he aniiouneed. "He is imt dai.p-ronwithout a knife auJ lave no chance to get one this of eiernity. 1 shall lock Metzger ' ; ' we reach New York." "V.-Yuri;?'" said M:iry. smiling for t!.- tilih'. "U'e iv livjiding for home now," he o'-i- j - it, make the hole Ui li lii-i- Martyn by Wyndham Then, with the aid of Slivers who had hurried o. h lowered tt a bit and removed the revering. The two women shrank bak at the -! ;;!. red. I'M was txtiunaiding I'.oh in tne jhoiise with innumerable questions. II? voiced again his suspicion of the doctor and speculated as to what his motive nii'ht be. I la inner, polishing brass, crept near enough to hear what they were saying. Kvldeiitly Mullen's nephew writhed under the authority of Andy Onne. That was a new an'le to look at the v. i half-an-hou- r. LOAN 2; 4 fS A J- I V fu-tar- e. r r ,. ',: li v m t In Feed lines- Everything 'H-f- lid J'i III, Cottenseed Meal Linseed Oil Meal Dried Butter Milk i caidt i . ' Fish Meal Meat Scrap yonf sister ' ' . A en-dar-ed Just 'over. "But what about Metzger and the , '". r" w Charcoal Bone Meal tad your esteemed friend pride Todd soon. , Ah, here they, come." Evelyn Radway teemed paler and more slender than be had ever seen her. Ho reflected that she bad agonising hoars compared with which his own had been aa nothing.' Briefly be told them of the struggle :i . ., cook?" Todd asked. "I am coming to them." He turned to Mrs. Radway and the girl ''Don't : ' , 't i be frightened." i Ho swung the davits round so that the cutter was over part of the deck. -- Kitchen ! WITH A New fMonarch Range in one of the tinted enamel finishes, or white if you prefer. We have a complete line at unheard of low prices that will mean a real saving to you. Never before have you been able to buy such quality in a Range at such moderate cost. Liberal allowance on your old stove. cr Fronk Chevrolet Milling "Seize him," he said; "there's three to one and he don't suspect a thing. Tie him up, the swine, and then wireless for help. That'll put us In good. It's my belief," the tempter went on, "that him and Metx-- er plan to get What's to t,tup them going away overboard Just after we get through the Bridge and escaping or lowering a boat In the dark?" "We mustn't let him get away from the police," Todd said, wavering, "and Modernize Your Terms to suit your convenience. aboard now your pore uncle's gone." "You see," said Todd, when nam-ne- r had gone away unanswered, "what they think. It's abominable how a doctor, and such a doctor, Is allowed to take command." He forgot that his qualifications were nil Bpb's sympathy was very grateful. It was easy for Hamner to mold these young and enthusiastic lads to his liking. Already they had commended him highly to Mrs. Radway. But she persisted la her mistrust "Look at them," she said to Mary, when they had slept themselves Into better spirits. "Are they conspiring about seven o'clock when he roused "Then where are they hiding?" Lis reluctant comrades from their slumbers. They awaked sober but Graumann snarled. The doctor's unreadiness to answer savage. It was not hard to bring thorn to their last night's mood of vengeance. promptly seemed direct proof that he The bottles on the table helped them was lying. Krause pulled out his revolver and took aim at Dettington, to that obscene abuse as he did so. to shouting then and there decided was It hunt for the traitors. Every state- It was no moment for hesitation. Betroom and storeroom was drawn blank. tington Bhot first Krause spun round a bullet had gone through the hand The two must be on the upper dec! held the weapon. Another gun that That with their crony the surgeon. spat out and Graumann fell shot would make three against four. Graumann was chosen to ask leava through the heart Bettington glanced to speak with the autocratic navlf ator, round and saw Hamner's smoking and while speaking, locate the missing barrel. "Saved your life them. Doc," said together?" men. HamneY "Crosby wants to get all the eviheartily. Bettington listened to Graumann's he can," Mary answered. "You dence was Hamner's which It treachery story when he had given permission, he's him Mike fall an see, made and really an officer and will staggered through Slivers, for him to come on Bettington have to be chief witness. He says deck. He entertained a profound mis- easy victim to arrest slipped a clove hitch over his wrist this will be a celebrated case." trust of the man. "Not if I can help it," Evelyn Rad- Mike was led to the chain locker and him "Well," Bettington said, seeing said. The idea of widespread he was in. kway Hamner, pushed although gazing about him. "What is it?" of the fray, publicity was abhorrent at the result Joy betraying was cook if the "I was wondering knew in his heart that until Mike was "May I wireless to my lawyers?" up here, sir. We ain't seen him in dead he was in She bad asked of the doctor. she hourly peril. Ilamner the galley nor Mr. Metzger neither." cursed his been told Indignantly by Todd that he of aim. He inaccuracy Oo they look to be here?' had meant to kill Mike, and by a had been locked out of his own quarTfraumnnn glanced toward the wire on the nervous had ters. jerky, less house. It was their only possible slain Graumann.pull Graumanntrigger "I forhe could "Ofcourse,M he answered. Bettington watched have managed. But Mike! place. hiding bade Todd because he was for wiring him sidle up to it. Slivers had brought Kenzle up from accounts to the papers. May I agk "Are they there?" the surgeon his engines. The boy had become you to see that he pends no other mesasked, as if interested In their disap- panic stricken. He could not undersages?" pearance. Graumann took this as an stand how it was Ilamner had "I will look after that" she said. invitation to investigate. emerged with so stainless a reputa- "When can we get to New York?" "I guess they're below," he said, tion. Hamner was engaged in the "Let me see," he meditated. "This touching his cap. necessary business of cleaning up. No is Tuesday noon. We ought to be In His news added to the wrath of the longer filled with visions of vengeance, by Thursday afternoon. I think you tricked four. It was plain they could Krause followed Bettington to the doc- may safely promise that" Instead of Bob Unwin being allowed only be in the fore part of the ship tor's room, where his wound was above the forecastle dressed. He did not venture to pro- to remain on deck and talk to Todd, immediately where the men were now sitting. test when he was locked in a small he was sent below to aid the weary Kenzie. It was plain to Mrs. Radway "There they are, the stlnkin' da- room. Things were going rather well for that Bettington had deliberately goes," said Hamner, "eating and drinking with the women, while anything Is Hamner, but he still was in some per- broken up the committee on grievgood enough for us. If I was as plexity as to where Metzger and ances. "Mary," she said abruptly to the strong as you boys I wouldn't stand Pereira might be. Thinking it over, It, no, not for one minute. Just over- and bearing in mind Andrew Orme's girl, "I'm going to live at my home head, they are, a laughin at the Justly earned reputation for violence, up the Hudson. It is near Peekskill monkeys they've made of us. We what was more likely than they had and perched on the top of a hill with ought to break in. Graumann here, been done away with and dumped a marvelous view of the river. It's he knows how to open any klester ever Into the ocean? very, very big. I was wondering If Hamner was evolving a story where- your father would care to live there, made; it won't take him long to 4a the trick." by he enacted the role of Sir Galahad too, and act as a sort of secretary and and Providence together. In the end generally useful business man. There it would be seen that but for him, the would be a great deal to do and I voyage would have finished In utter think the place would benefit Mrs. OU1 disaster. He determined to attach Unwin. Of --course, you'd be there, himself to Mrs. Badway. He bad too." been, formerly, a specialist in those "Oh, Mrs. Radway," cried the enhard-luc- k stories whose success de- raptured Mary, "there Is nothing In the whole world that could make me pended upon feminine sympathy. happier. How he hates his work, poor MAKE GOOD OR WE DO old dear. May I break it to him?" CHAPTER XII "You shall wireless him to meet us Co. on Thursday and tell him whatever The Treachery of Friends Phone 20 Tremonton, Utah choose." After the first amazing clamor was youOn night Bettington Instilled and Crosby Todd had whis- formedWednesday Mrs. Radway that he hoped to pered some comforting phrases to be In early on the following morning. Mary, two shots rang out Then came "You talk as tf you were glad to Krause's yell of agony. After that be In," she said. there was a silence of "I am," he answered. "I want to be But the three, waiting as they ex- done with this nightmare business." pected for death, made no move. She could not understand why It Out of the silence came three stacwas he did not appear to dread the cato double raps, the signal by which end of the trip which spelled for him the doctor was known. -prison. on Irrigated Land. 6V per "Don't openl" said Todd, hoarsely. "I shall Instruct my attorneys to "It's a trick." cent. No commissions. put themselves at your service," she "I must know," Mrs. Radway said, said presently. It was not easy to JOHN J. SHUMWA1 .. and unboltetl the door. say what she (Ie:lred to tell him. "I Bettington stood there. He was know nothing of ' the reasons you Bell, 129 Phones: B. R. V. 69.a-. t pale and unsmiling. shipped on the Albatross. I know only 'Tm afraid you have been very that you have brought us into safety much frightened," he began. "I'm and I am grateful." "You could have heard what brought sorry; but it has turned out fortunate after all. I control the boat at last me aboard If you had wanted to," he and you are free to nse the upper reminded her. "Why not listen to the Garland-Tremonto- if deck when you want to." whole thing now 7" "Do you mean the dreadful danger She had a dread of hearing some has passed?" Co. , confession which must rob her of the . He looked down at her and smiled confidence she stubbornly held to. u "That would be useless," she said just for a moment "I think so, I shall want Todd up more coldly. He knew she was re' there at once." lieved to see Mary coming toward her. and came Todd forward. "WellT He sighed. So there must be a little "Don't go anywhere but on deck more sailing under the skull and cross-bone- s. lTJTAH'S FAVORITE" and these quarters of yours.5 I have . ' f f I y: 1 1 FLOUR' very good reasons." He bowed to Mrs. Badway and . As the yacht neared Its destination went out Hamner became less certain of his $ STARTING, GROWING . His efforts to stir Todd and f What's happened Bob cried eager-l-y if Jt f when he was relieved at h wheel. Bob Unwin Into active insubordina'j "Murder tad suddea death,'' said tion had not coma to fruitage. His Bettington. "Totfll be able to see afzn was to awaken a certain proper LAYING MASH Unlimited Money to was courageous and had long felt his inaction was unmanly. And It seemed that Boh, who had a ne!l off duty, expected him to belray more leaderlike qualities. "What do you think we ought to do?" Boh asked. Hamner sprang Instantly Into future from. "lieg pardon, gentlemen," said ilamner urbanely, "but is there anything I get for you? You'll be taking lie adcommand, sir, I suppose?" dressed Todd. "You're the only o'A-c- PAGE SEVEN the breast of the lata Captain Halletfa nephew. Was be, aa officer, to allow the vessel ho should control by right to bo taken into New York by a murderous vllllan like Andrew Onne? ' "They'll say," said Hamner, with resigned sadness, "that you was afraid of him ; they won't believe It was caution. Ill say he was bigger and stronger and you was wise to wait What's It matter if they do laugb at t . you a bit sir?" ."Shut up," Crosby Todd said angrily. He resented these Implications of cowardice. It happened that be In ; , w nmmrn,j-- c tr.it u I wa. r n m l m m mm R n p. sv bti m "What's It Matter If They Do Laugh . at You a Bit Sir?" yet It seems hardly playing the game to get him now?" "If you're afraid, just say so." Hamner's manner was less polite. "But don't expect me to want to give a bloody murderer fair play same as Fd give you." A happy thought struck him. "If the judge says to you, 'Why YOU'RE IN COMMAND OF THE COMBINE "CATERPILLAR-HOLT- " didn't you do what Albert Hamner said?' what'U you answer? I'll have to tell him everything." On the roomy, convenient platform of the "Caterpillar" Combine, all the time. From every angle your you're in complete command to the combine itself, to every part of the field. view is clean The responsive controls are within your easy reach as you hold the header control wheel. No detail of the cutting, threshing or cleaning action, need escape you. At your position, you can instantly hear the warning "snap" of safety clutches . .. . which prevents breakage or loss of grain. Lubrication is easy and positive. ... ... (To Be Continued) SUMMER TIME ... Buy a "Cater- You're in Command . . . and this combine obeys. pillar' combine and eliminate worry. LAN DES TRACTOR Remember a few months back? We were saying that summer would soon be here with all its luscious fresh fruits and vegetables, and that "we were just going to live on fresh garden foods this summer." Well, summer is here and our store is stocked brim-ful- l with all the fresh foods you were longing for two or three months and EQUIPMENT CO. DEALERS Salt Lake City, Utah Branch House at Tremonton, Utah ago. 1 CANNING TIME Besides wWaP SjT t jSIXiP en jo y i n g these fresh foods for the time being, every thrifty 0. P. Skaggs System customer is also busily mapping out her canning program. She is going to lay in a big stock, for it is possible to do so much canning at such small cost by buying all the items at our store. If you have canning in mind, be sure to look over our food stocks and canning ..i:;:r.., V ; thing from sugar to the paraff ine that seals the jar. And besides finding that THE stantial, quality . merchandise, you'll be delighted with the low prices we charge. 'r; book-keepi- system ng you can contrive. It modern way of making payments and keeping records. This Bank will glad- - X S, Jl 4 i; 1 AO SATURDAY lit Get three loaves of White, Raisin o r Health bread for a i S 1 H A S Jr . A ) 1 On Savings Accounts "V I '.: Banking Co. 1 & 7 ' ; VJs a V t . TREMONTON dime. A Surety of Purity" stubs 'in your checkbook are is the safe, sure, we carry only sub- , gav'& Your Own Auditing Department accessories... Every- - p.p. stances yfr w a v :.J 1 |