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Show PAGE FOUR C2AR BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1930. VALLEY LEABE1 BIYE3 Entered at the Posteffice at Tre- MtM, Utah, as Second Oin Jfat- - This Week ip ARTHUR BRISBANE Christensen Reunion Held At Spanish Fork n anA v;. j- the Christensen, Jor-gensen and Hansen reunion held at Texas Surprises Them Fork, July 9, Spanish That these Whiskers the Fashion I amines are blessed with a. 1arM Published at Tremonton, Utah, an Get Your Automobile xaaraeay 01 eacn wee. tenty is attested by the fact that several hundred of the relatives asYou Rich Uncle Hare a sembled at the gathering. Salecriptioa Rate wm Tear, in advance Another rounx American surnriaed In teres tine nroprama wr VaU fix Months, in advaece. world last week In London. This SDOITS the 01 ail JOfidfi WM J69 . iruliilfrel r betweenin.. t, . mentaa, la one, wllmer Allison, from San Antonio, oaseoau games were James P. Christen scendenta attend James Walton, Editor and Publisher tJt You ." played the married and simrl married and single women. Everyone naa an enjoyaoie time. in the business transacted at the gathering Patriarch James P. Christ ensen, wno naa oen president for some time was retained as honorary presi-I dent while his son. R. A. niif.nun If you elan a trio to London, aaa was elected as active of the president want to look fashionable, let toot V association. beard crew, la caveman faanlon. Toeac L i Oxford men and the "rooax set" rem-are doing that ereuy well as to your Country Britain decides that whiskers are I necessary to celebrity; a man eannot woe eoeviBcingiy eminent eteaa-Leslie Roberts, son nf Mr unA Mt4 ahaven. . T n HOOertS. f l OI tilWOOd. waa mamaA D. PATRONIZE YOUR a. They oreiiook at least three Alex on JulV Miss 4th ta Velva Vauimt f LOCAL MERCHANTS ander. Caesar and Naooleoft. They the Ogden, ceremony being performed were clean shaven and quite eonrlne- I at me nome oi nis parents, Uishop V II II 1 L. Hansen. Of Elwond nffiriafinoThose Dresent. hesiHes thA hriAa or,,l That style will not last Whisker bridegroom, were Miss EVERYBODY are nests for germs, traps for crumbs, roomer ana two sisters: Mr. Young's nH Mm CAN HELP needed only by those (hat lack char- John Peoush. of OcHen; Mr acter. the case of dootora. thev McDowell, of Tremonton; Mr. and Every thirty seconds someone gets should In be made illegal Scarlet fever Mrs. v. ju Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Uncle v hurt in an American home. ttnA Af. Com Vna finniroa nd other germs cling doggedly to T. A. Meldrum. v wwv Itia mao mtraM h iii nut kui Leslie is a fine vnnnv man ha women club of whiskers. throughout ganizations navinir crown uo nere m h.iwnoH nH - the country are launching a movement to reduce it. Uusually it is a woman Lacoste. second amonsr tennis iav is liked by everyone. Miss Young is a charming young in the hnme. ohild nr V V iU that awaavf ers, last week married Mademoiselle VW ia (m'nrwl generally by slipping on the floor oi Do La Chaume, best female golfer in lady of Ogden. Hearty congratulations ar wt&nAaA foiling down a stirway. Poor lighting France. the newly-wedis also said to contribute to the danThey will make their According to eugenists, their child nome as ugaen, wnere jLesiie is em gers. Brooms and mops and ironing should be the earth's greatest tennis Dloved at the Mutual Cream hoards standinc at the ton of dark or Mr. and Mrs. W. E. WnnHa and Mr star. can golf someone which over stairways, Very probably it will play neither and Mrs. Jones of Kansas, left Friday easily trip, are also blamed for many broken bones and numerous deaths. game, and take to flying. Charles A. morning, juiy 4th, for California. are due to Dana used to tell of two hisrhlv intel Thev will co bv wav of .Seattle. Wash Tremonton be asked pretty soon to join in this lectual stlrpiculturists that ington and will visit Mr. Jones' sister married, mere, movement to reduce accidents in the determined to have a aiso otner places in Washington family of ge before coins' to California, home. We feel Rure thev will resnond where thev niuses. had one child, weak- - will again spend the summer months, readily and hearitly for, as in every- minded. They thing else that tends to safety, they returning in time lor apple harvest Nature keeps us about even. Mr. and Mrs. Dean T,eelr. f Cantor. are always anxious to do their part. ville. California: Frank- Niel cen nf Automobile comnanles renort sales uaiciana, taiirornia; Mr. and Mrs. lid. racnarsen ana aaugnsers, Uonne and NEW KIND OF GAS greatly diminished in June. nf Mrflill This means that many Americans Roma, and son Erfo-ar-. With the tendency to crowd an are making a serious mistake. Effl Nevada, and Mr. and Mrs Vitnr share of tax burdens on the ciency and rapid motion ko tosrether: Romer, and children Fern and Junior, old family flivver, the discovery of a you wouldn't think much of cngnam Jity, were guests at the a bird that or home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Romer, new and more powerful type of gaso- decided to economize by dolus: without on the 4th of Julv Mr. Nielsen nrA line, a kind that will cut down fuel ' AU DreSSeS bills 4s of interest to car owners. If wings. Better do without something Mrs. Leek, are brother and sister of else. be do to then can made Mrs. itomer. more, gasoline Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petersen return obviously its price is cheapened, and if An automobile, wisely bought, used ed July 4th after a one uses less his taxes come down in visit to The new gas is said to and cared for, is not an extravagance jsoutnern luano. iney were accompanSroportion. power. This is brought for any man. It is a necessary part of ied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff about, it is stated, by restoring to moaern equipment, and to do without Of Perrv. Thev visited at WenHel nnH gasoline two ingredients which have u is the worst kind of "false economy. Buhl, Mr .and Mrs. Wagstaff remainbeen largely removed by modern ed to visit with their daughter at methods of producing and refining. Secretary Mellonkeeper of the pub w enaei. One of these is natural gasoline and lic purse, announces a satisfactory fin . Mr. and Mrs fTlem Jnun nnA the ether naptha, which is claimed to anclal year, and a of 1184.000.' daughters Albertha and Marjorie, of surplus be verv effective in hnt weather If 000 in Uncle ugden, came for Mr. and Mrs. J. Sam's pocket is claimed the blended product is far Green early Friday morning. Walter Mr. Mellon reduced by 1746.000,000 Thev went superior to the original product in to Brio-haf!itv Tin tne which now totals six that blends can be made to suit clipublic debt Sardine Canyon, over to through matic conditions in all parts of the teen billions, one hundred and eighty where they were joined by Mr. country. But the most important part nve minions, wot much for such a and Mrs. Heber Jensen and snn Mwl of the discovery is that it cannot be rich country. Business might be better of Sheridan, Wyoming. They went on patented. Any refinery can use the u oonas were not paid off so raDldlv ud to CiacKsmitn rorK eanvnn. where formula for making it. To moUrists But Mr. Mellon probably knows best. they spent the day. Upon returnipg mat win spear as even more they visited Heber Jensens, at rTvnim ant than the discovery itself. import' Mr. Lingle, reporter for the Chicago where they listened to the radio over the KSL station. They enTrioune, murdered, turns out to have the "Utah Song", sang by Herjoyed A FOOLISH been deep in the plans and probably man and Norman Andreasen- - anA IDEA tne of snaring gangsters, ac other numbers profits cording to detectives' statements. Ills Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Law and The average Tremonton motorist was $65 a week tod his income of Franklin: Mr. and Mrs. Vernn has long been of the opinion that the salary eo.uoo a year. Thompsen and children of Richmond: woman driver is not as capable, as f The most serious statement in this ivir. ana Mrs. itasmussen, ot smith-fiel: cool or as careful as the man. But lamentable and LoLaVera is exposure that of Christensen, Llngle are figures being given out, the result dealt In can. all snent Sundav at hnme viai'tino' police promotion. To be mud of a recent nation-wid- e survey made L' Brderick Pened by Auto Clubs, to dispute this belief. police lieutenant the charge was their brother, Floyd, who left Sunday of highway between, The report shows that women drivers si.600, for a captain. 15,000. His sister find odd establishment in Castle Dale and Ferron evening ior a mission. cleaning bottles Mrs. Hanfor shape completed as are involved in onlv R nerrent. rvf nutn No wonder some of the police turn Mary Larsen and family were also at sen, and far north as Clawson. paper for flowers for Mrs. Ahorsen DUQmgaccidents. Since only one in every to gran and gangsters, when the nol home. Mr. and Mrs. Trt Petersnn went t neisirum. four drivers is a woman, that means tion they hold is part of a graft system. Ogden to visit relatives on the 4th of she is entitled to figure in 25 accidents Wasatch Bids onened fnr nniiof mo out of every 100. That she July. in enrfOMA - - Of 5.26 milpc nf crravAl ou& The Incident A laro-- numher from here eninved tion no in but 6 out of every 100 showsfigures discredits way bwa that she the Detween Utah- this and nignway place Chicago Tribune, which knew the splendid program at Tremonton on W vnmiTHr- line in Knmmit drives, if not with more skill, then ' ... "iiiii.j v wuiaji. the 4th. vith more care than the average maa nothing of Lingle's underworld life Coalville Constnirtinn nf. d&tMi AVW1X Some of the mothers and dnnorhtore But her critics will contend that she j However, Colonel McCormlck and completed. bridge causes many accidents that she does Major Patterson, whose themselves at and the Mothers enjoyed ownership Newly completed scenic highway be not get hurt in, but in which someone controls tne Tribune, will want to uaugnters treat at uariand last tween mu armei ana Zion JVational e is nun. Ana right there is where know what Wednesday. particular individual in thA we are going to side-ste-p Mr. and Mrs. Jim ninmnsnn and raric, aeaicatea. the argu-meCoalville Shell Oil fVimnan We haven't any figures to dis- TriDune organization did know of daughter Dolories spent the 4th of $12,000 distributing Lingle's ing station on activities, him supporting prove that statement, and on the face juiy at strevei. of it there may be a lot of truth in it with the Tribune's authority and pre- Mr. and Mrs. C. .S. Christensen and large wacs oi grouna on u. Jf. railway bo, smch we have troubles children, of Preston. Ida. visited Tra nurwi ox aepou of sumaoiy snaring his profits. our own tlready, we'll letenough Anderson's last Saturday. someone Phyllis else continue the argument. Babe Ruth "slammed out" his thlrty- - Christensen stayed to visit with Anna nrst borne run last week and Is cettlnr Annersen ior a summer vacation. on toward forty years of age. That will Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Tingey and children, of Corinne. were guests at FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Also interest millions. Tra Andersnn'a Ifict Snndnv Black Currants. Call Starlin Stan- -, uoetne "slammed out" the mo Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Tnnhnr nf fill, phone 43 part of Faust when he was seventy Salt Ijilre- - Mr and Mrs Hnrnld J iwo. xnai interests lew. Madsen and little daughter, Janet, and BERRIES For dark red raspberries W. F. Pratt- hi. own r , Legs and arms rule now. Brains will and dewberries, shone 96.0-Mra ana Luby Kasmussen. all spent the weekvieurire, control men's interest ia the fotare. end daughter. Roma. r.f When A. D. Hunsaker, Elwood. at H. P. Rasmussen's. 45 were injured at five o'clock, Madsen's returned they were accomThursday aay, ioo.ooo years hence. car in wtucn " panied by their sons, Harold and FOR RENT Furnished home. In ",. fc"uri"g they were riding Williams, Boyd and Connor plan new Kenneth, who have been visitinsr here collided with . a car quire Walter Wyatt, phone 58.0-. . , driven hxr Rut,1 rv-.Av"w oi ieni, on deeds, havJng flown from New York since June conference. 8tf. tx. ?Imontonal8-diiKhwto Bermuda and back, Mrs. Wm. Goldsberry and son visit- bot la 17 Good Second Hand "yroouth- - The hoars and 1 minute. And Dorothy erl with Mr. and Mrs. I Jirsen nftar at. FOR SALE e dVr tES. rTived a dep cut on the Hester, nlneteen-rearolat Tremonton on ranges. Call Utah Power and Lis-h- t airL in Part. tendinr the nroB-rawrenched neck; the land. Ore., does an "outside J1 29 x 4.50 L Co. 4tn. cn 9tf loop." juiy cut on the Mrs. Kim and Mann son Merrill CVCiVC", 30 x 4.50 one aner and one on the arm, while Three flying. year's times, $12.00 the daugK with two failures in made a business tnp to Ogden. Tues FOR SALE Good Home In Tremon five tries, the dav WM P0U(fht- a ton Call 23. young western girl did what few men iSSi Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larsen and ribs. unvcr oi me car received an ever have done and no woman 29 x 4.40 Good building lime children, of Bothwell, spent Sunday at FOR SALE attempted. o tne nome or his parents, Mr. and Mrs Susrar $12.00 per ton. kiAit 29x5.00 w av Wm. Ijirsen. Utah lstfd uariana, Mrs. Delia Akeley returns from tfia Mr. and Mra Mervin . - . . . . - fThrlatenonn v ...... . V...,v. ... to Mr. Pratt, the truck land of the African pigmies much Lm Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rnhhina. and GOOD BUILDING LOTS For Sale which he was 29 x 4.40 ' Some right in town, other two Ind driving oq pressed with the good dualities of babies, of Tremonton, visited Mr. and Mrs W. Also on oat. hailldMr blocks Christensen two 4th the homes for sale. Parley little people. She thinks it is a Farrhn0! returning to MalaJ thoee that $5.o5 Call Leader office. juiy. pity they should be vanishing. oi Remember from Plymouth and the temnle viirstnn they secured Tires are so cheap now why not have rapiaiy. next Friday. Relief Society members WILL BUY VEAL, COWS and how. the best Sometimes they eat each other, few Jt none ex penally asked to go. are Utah. 8ltf uarland, 4ji, are the left to throw a paper at a ranch they affectionate, keep their word The relief society held their wnrV ana nave other good qualities. Good Second Hand and business meeting last Tuesday .It FOR SALE Call Utah Power and Light ranges. to was In a decided back to har.aar work W for on We of ?SLa It becomes us to remember thai n comoany with the primary. Mrs. V. Co, ptf way '"rther to the UtLtot p'i5!ve ear our ancestors were once cannibals. L. Hensen, Primary President, Mrs. FOR SALE 1926 oi hitting Ford, ton truck. right side, turning the car complete!? Only the races that ate human fw. Lottie Munns. Mrs. Ed. Haslop, of the doov: ana l h w iaeStationary ad Pinning Mta ftatt SSK regularly, or In ease of emergency! Primary onraniintlnn wer rhnaen in Deere erinAdam take charge of the art work.' Mrs. thurn, "The Gaa Man." nititn. fttf - Minnie Kelstnim and Mrs. Ella The ethers had ae setae to crre have are to nf CASH Phone 20 PAID rham For Dead and Useless ta tames of TrMMllta TTtak I flower making. (JOfWm Mrs. Christensen, and hnrana ..tl Relief Society President, la to have imgaara itcjz. : t tfil 930 UTAH STATE PRESS ASSR Texas, beat Henri Cochet. the world tennis champion. In three straight sets. London could not nave been more MrDrtsed If the rouns Texan had lifted p the Nelson monument with eae nana. Will Always find To Your Town a J Quality Smte and; Furnishings r g. J pj Our Ehrood " Everyday 1 1 - Prices As Low Or Lower s. Than house-keepe- rs Elsewhere m A and our ever-increasn- ig Quality V4e Equally ys At July Saving S M High Hy-ru- pro-srra- nmmjRN m d, ltSSSSS ,!fna' - - p 4. r'.. "f- - ai-- GOOD --TEAM " nt - ...want mum.. Four Are In jured in Automobile Accident 14.1-5-- 5. v- 3. 1. a . non-eto- y. d ir AJ?2i!??? ., ALL WEATHER er Utah-Idah- u., .Ainng d,aur ALL WEATHER HEAVY mr ii PATHFINDER 30x3, . VJ Fronk Chevrolet Co. and Hun-aak- elMt er Marble's Service Station v |