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Show 0 East Tremonton j Mrs. R. G. Broueh, Mrs. lvon Gar field and Mrs. Arthur Kroksh of West Hollywood, California, were Brigham City visitors on Monday, Miss Mildred Seager of Salt Lake City visited her parents, Mr .and Mrs. O. A Seager, on July 4th. O. L. Brough and family motored to Malad on the 4th. Charles Peterson and wife returned from their trip "on Thursday. While away they visited many points or interest including Bryces Canyon, Zion National Park and the new Tunnel They report c wonderful time, but were disappointed in not getting more . , ': ;fish,-'rv'- . Mr and Mrs. Harry ;Furse and - children returned to their home in Sa't Lake City. Sunday after a week's ; .' with Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager tVid famflvr At ? irvine Garfield and sister". Wanda 'motored to Salt Lake City on July 4th. L Mrs. returned to Paolinr-Scofiel- d her home in Salt Lake. City, Tuesday after spending a week with . her mother. Mrs. Sarah Jane Abbott. - Emerson Abbott ha&been spending the nast week in Salt Lake City. Mrs. George Abbott had ; i. as her .guests Sunday, her sister, Mrs. Ben. Youne of Kemmerer. Wyoming, and her brother Thomas Waldron of Logan. Mrs. J. 0. Garfield entertained the Veori boys and girls of the Primary, ; on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Helen Garfield, Mrs. . Ina Perry and Mrs. Joe Cutler, of d Draper, were guests in the J. u. uar-fiel- home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kay and child ren of Eureka, visited the families of J. O. Garfield and Mrs. Ada Garfield July 4th. Dr .and Mrs. Verne Fridal of Los Angeles, made a trip to Yellowstone Park over the week-enon d. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal entertained in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Verne Fridal on Thursday. Thirty - four guests enjoyed the day together. Mrs. Barbara Burns and Miss Mary Bums of Tremonton were visitors at the hotme of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ault on the Fourth. Mrs. Sarah Jane Abbott went to gan Tuesday for a few days visit Olsen and childe0renMr. and Mrs. N. W. spent the past two weeks at their summer home in Vivian Park in Provo canyon. Topliff W. W. Bellows planning to open old "Scanton Mine, located 10 miles south of here. ' Nephi Nephi Poultry Association working to get Utah Poultry Pro ducers ., Association to establish egg grading plant in city. b -- I 1 Tremonton Locals - -- i Mrs. Mamie Cache and children, Gartha and Alvira, spent the week-en- d with her mother, in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. White, of Poca tello, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Davis. Mrs. Charles Holland entertained her brdige club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dan Hickman took the prize for highest score; Mrs. Fred Gephart the cut prize, and Mrs. 0. D. Luke, the guest prize. Delightful refreshments were served and a pleasant afternoon spent. Mrs. E. of Ogden, was an guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barnett, Sunday. Mrs. Mamie Gorringe proprietor of the Midland cafe received a painful injury Sunday morning. While she drew the carving knife ifg bread, end of her thumb, the blade icross the into cutting through the finger-naithe flesh leaving a painful wound. Zina Christensen, of Salt Lake was the guest of Verde Whitaker, Tuesday and Wednesday. Word has been received here that Mrs. N. E. Christensen, who last year conducted the Midland cafe, is now conducting a large chicken ranch at Murray and is donig well. Mrs. Sallie Gephart. Wesley, and Edith Gephart, and Mrs. Joe Burgess visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sorensen at Arimo, Idaho, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Georald Wapples of Los Angeles, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Watland, parents of Mrs. Wapples. Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Dickson left Saturday morning to attend the League Institute held in Oquirrh Canyon this week. Other attending from Tremonton are Lucile Anna Cropley, Marie McDowell, Brenkman, Margaret and William Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weaver and family of Salt Lake City visited in Tremonton the Fourth." r,,. Elmer Getz, Mrs. Sam Getz, and ' daughter Elva, motored to Ogden, Wednesday. Matilda and Carried Bad of Peoria, 111., arrieved in TrfmontonJast Thurs-Ida- y and will spend weeks Visiting their parents, Mr,' and - Mrs. i. jf VHenry Baer. Charlie Roberts, of Blue Creek, received word Monday of the death' of his brother irt Texas.. The body .will be brought to Tremontortfor burial, ? ''"'": '.K Sundav. La Vern Storrer left Sunday to attend business college fn- Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Philip, Getz jentertain-e- d at Sunday dinner. Among the guests were Malilda and CarnV Baer, of Peoria and Aleck Isler, of Wichita, ' ' ' ' v Kansas. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calderwood motored to Brigham City Tuesday evening and enjoyed a show. Estella Westmoreland returned Sunday from South Carolina, where she has been visiting relatives since last September. over-nig- ht l, Ep-wor- Mrs. Richard Anderson and Mrs. Eli Winzeler were invited guests. The members are looking forward to the next meeting which will be the annual waffle breakfast at Crystal Springs, the middle cf August, after which the members will take a vacation from club activities until the first of September. Mrs. Elmer Winzeler entertained the B. B. Bridge club, at a prettily arranged luncheon, . Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Special guests of the club were Mrs. Herman r, Mrs. Eli Winzeler, Mrs. G. H. Watland, Mrs. B. F. Winzeler. Mrs. Eli Winzeler received the guests high prize, Mrs. Hector Haight, club high prize and Mrs. Jim Manning cu prize. CL Allen consolation prize. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Watland and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wapples, enjoyed a week-en- d trip to Yellowston Park, re,... turning Tuesday. The Campfire girls entertained their mothers last Thursday evening at the home of Miss Dorothy Calderwood. A demonstration of Campfire work was given, by 35 campfire girls, under the leadership of Mrs. A. R. Dickson. Margaret Pack, .Rebecca Earl and Ruth Cropley, having completed the required work to be a wood gather, were formally accepted in the group, and given their beads of honor. The pledge and ceremony was very pretty and impressive. Three candles taking the place of the camp-firaround which the girls sat the ceremonial demonstration. during The special musical numbers were given by Emma Lue Stander and the girls choir. Miss Dorothy Calderwood and Lucile Cropley had charge of the games and a deliehtful time was had by mothers and daughters till a late hour, when dainty refreshments were served. George Skidmore, of Snowville, is successor to Bealey Cutler, of the same place, as carrier on the Star Mail route. He was the successful bidder and now carries the mail from the Tremonton post office to Stone, Idaho. Dr. and Mrs. Verne A. Fridal of Los Angeles, woh have been visiting at the home of K. H. Fridal, returned home Monday evening from a trip to Yellowstone Park. On Thursday they left for their home in California, stopping in Salt Lake City for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Farren E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Waren E. Wright and baby were also guests at the Fridal home over the 4th. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Evald Nygren visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dewey, over Sunday. Mrs. Voy Hudson and sister Ivolon from Los Angeles, visited with the Dewey family, Tuesday evening. Mrs. jacK iiabuit and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cripps of Emeryville, California, who have been visiting with Mrs. Bert Gibson, and other, relatives, left for home last Thursday; .. Mrs. Eberhardt Zundel and sons are spending the week with relatives at Land-vatte- - , wood-gathe- rs e, Frank T&vlor and Harry Taylor enjoyed fishing in West yellows tone rant, on uie rourcn. Jv Rnrwu. Mrs. Anna Maxwell of Seattle, who has been visiting prominent places in the east, arrived here Tuesday enroute home. She is the guest of her niece, Mrs. N. E. Shaw. Mrs. Wm. Fields, Mrs. Sarah H Mrs. Anna Maxwell and Mrs. N. E. Shaw visited friends in Corinne, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Haddock, of Los week-en- d Angeles, are spending the with Mr. and Mrs. C J. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Londie Harris entertained Wednesday evening at a 500 party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wapples of Los Angeles. Other guests Mr nH Mr. Reed Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Quenten Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Miller, Mr. ft Mrs. n. craasnaw. Brad-shaQuentin Allen and Mrs. Afton received high score. Rudy Miller Mrs. Allen low score. Mrs. Londie Harris, Mrs. Ettie StanfilL Mrs. C. E. Baer nd Mrs. J. D. Harris went to Ogden, today to attend the funeral of John D. Gebhardt. Mrs. Anna Anger visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mark, of St Louis, and Mrs. A. D. Kuhns, of Ogden at the Hotel Bigelow, at Ogden. Mrs. Dick Allen of Hansel Valley was calling on friends in Tremonton, ad-le- y, w Wednesday. Tuesday the Relief Society spent a very pleasant and profitable afternoon iit fti work Reuben Baer of Los Angeles, Cafil., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baer. The daughters of the Pioneers are meeting today at the home of Mrs. Eh Anderson in Bothwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hone of Logan, guests of Mr. and were the week-en- d Mrs. E. H. Fredrickson left Sunday to visit in Rexburg, Idaho. ILfw an1 Ala ence and Ruth Vance, Odessa, Orayl and Freddie Wyatt, and Lillian Moms vacation in Black- a pleasant spent Wm. Rogers and son Dean and Miss iy Lovella Kasmussen oi sail L.ae were guests of Mr. and Airs, wm Bosley, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook of Ogdon arm Mr and Mrs. W. M. Wads. HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everrtkiaf U BtiU AarAta PttOM 11. - worth, of Hooper, visited friends and relatives in Tremonton, sunaay. ass'n; and these in turn will loan it to bank will be established ia Salt Take City with in the next few days to handle this money. J. M. Maefarlane, president of the Utah Livestock organization, we present and explained the benefits to the Utah livestock men if they will affiliate with the organization, He urged all interested to be at a meeting to be held in Logan at the farmers' summer . encampment Not Just As Good BUT-- The Best Binder Twine you can buy. --and the cheapest in the long run . McCormick-Deerin- g IHlMimdIiredls Miss Mary Burns, on Servk KJSriCa TItt EVERYTKIKG IlSave Askedl "Do you mean that Guarantee on Miller Tires?" MmnnimnninriniiuiinninnnFinnirnnnnniitiMtintnmuininninnininmrrmrrrrr HNlr We y, guarantee this Miller Tire to outwear any other tire of equal price when run under the same conditions. Geared-to-the-Roa- Care Will Save Your Car d MILLER RUBBER PRODUCTS COMPANY (INCORPORATED) , Akron, Ohio, tJ. S. A. g g 8 1 R;iliIllllllli!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllll!lllllllllllt!lll!ll!IIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllll!lll!llllllllllllUllS LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD TIRES ( Phone or drive In for appraisal) Be Sure Your Tire Are Safe for Your Memorial Day Trip! th A FEW months ago the tire industry was amazed at the sweeping guarantee an. D Have your Greasing and Washing done by experts, at the only completely equipped greasel station in Northern Utah. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Vico Oils PEP 88 Gas Quaker State Oils Blue Light Service No. 9 ' Adam ' Imthurivlhe GasMan Mgr. We mean this Miller guaraniee. Read It It assures you all the tire service it is possible d Bounced lor Miller Tires. Thousands of motorists read this guarantee and from all sides ame this question! MDo jou Mean ittn to get for the money you pay. Truth Is stranger than fiction, and a tire guar nteethat goes all the way and sajs"fftb lire U This is guaranteed to you when you boy d Miller Tires. You can find no safer way to buy Tires. Come in. Get all the factsbe your Geared-to-the-Roa- .', When you Think (Continued from page one.) wheat, and the federal farm board has some job on its hands to help the farmer find a market. It was at this point that Mr. Howard discussed the importance of the livestock industry. Instead of producing all this wheat to be shipped out of the country, the time has arrived to look for other markets, and this is through feeding it to livestock, especially wheat and barley. The speaker called attention to the fact that cattle, especially, are in demand and the price of beef is too high for the average family.- Something should be done to bring fresh meat to the consumers at such prices as they con afford to pay, and still deliver to the .livestock producers a reasonable price for their products. This can be In done, he said, by organization. Utah one should become affiliated with either the Western Livestock association or the Intermountain Livestock association and market all livestock cooperatively, thereby eliminating commission men and organizations that absorb profits that should go to the producers. The federal farm board is back of them with finances. Mr. Howard pointed out how a lot of wheat and barley can be used by feeding it to livestock and then ship these feeders, through your own organization ,to federal marketing organizations. This is the best outlet for wheat By building the livestock industry we find a ready market for our wheat and barley. ' Hi said, for twenty-fiv- e year3 we hive exported cattle, but for the past three years we have imported frozen beei to supply the trade. He then explained that the quick freezing process, cold pack, whether beef, fruit, or vegetables, was the coming method of marketing various farm and orchand products. Garden peas have been found delicious following this method, rather than canning them. Meat is being handled in the same manner. Mr. Howard stated that the farmers of Iowa, and some of the other states are growing corn. They want to continue to grow corn and buy calves from these states that can successfully produce livestock. Mr. Howard left the message that the federal farm board, is ready to loan all the money needed to such organizations as the Western Livestock ass'n, or the Intermountain Livestock the ivestock men at six per cent A - : - Speaker Points Way To Improve Price of Wheat The Mozart club met at the home of last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Henry Rohde and Miss Burns as hostesses. The mem hers presented the following program Studies from First Grade by John M. Williams. " m Anril Flowers Mary Clarkson Helen Winzeler (b) Hippety Hop Kichard Anderson (c) Drifting Valaine Cornwall (d) Drifting (a.) A Fairv Dream Boat Ireen Rogers John Thompson (bj Fairy Frolies Shirley Watland Elizabeth Hopson Elfin Delight Norman Shaw Rob Roy Peery li Monroe. A Japanese Doll Glen Calderwood of San Francisco is Lois Davis Florence Rea spending, the week with his parents, Wood Nymph's Harp Mr: and Mrs. Robert Calderwood. Lois Rohde Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luke- if Bur-le- Uncle Remus Stories .... G. A. Grant Schaefer Idaho, spent the Fourth in Tremonton, visiting with Mrs. Luke's (a) Uncle Remus Mrs. (b) A Ghost Story mother, Mrs. Helen Wilson. Wilson returned to Burley with them, (c) Plantation Dance. for several days visit. DeMar Thompson Mr. and Mrs. C. Taliman and family Games were played on the lawn and were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. were followed by the usual refreshments. Tom Carater's. - PAGE FIVE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930. guaranteed to outwear any other tire of equal price is so strange that, to man, k seems incredible. What you want, we believe, are tires that will outwear any other tires of equal price when run under the same conditions. Geared-to-the-Roa- mm own Judge. Winchester Service Phone 103 Tremonton Utah |