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Show i PAGE THREE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930. Work progressing on Federal aid Railway mail service to southern Utah resumed wtih celebration by all project between Henefer and Morgan. cities and towns from Gunnison, Utah " State Highway Commission calling on north to Fredonia, Arizona on for bids for construction of gravel sursouth. concrete bridge face road and Vernal Natural gas installed at between Nephi and Sanpete County line. Crystal Baths, swimming resort. This Week's Tidbits Many women do not think of sugar in connection with sandwiches, yet a little touch of sugar furnishes some quick energy food of real value and goes a long way toward bringing out the real flavor of some of the other sandwich ingredients. Try the following and you wiil appreciate these facts: ;, Boston Sandwiches or canned baked Either beans can be used for a delicious fillWhole ing for a hearty sandwich. wheat and Boston brown bread are equally desirable. Press 1 cup baked beans through a coarse sieve and add 1 tablespoon to muto catchup, 'a teaspoon onion juice; 3 teaspoon mixed mustard and 12 n sugar. Spread on buttered slices of bread and serve with crisp Bridal Party Worthy o f Your Culinary Triumphs Like spring SPRING and spring birds, they with us. A party for a spring bride Is one of the loveliest of all parties to plan, for about a bride there hovers only thoughts of happiness and promise. Most exciting of all parties that one cau give Is the announcement party at whiA a bride tells her friends of her engagement to be married. Such a party cast be pretty in all ii . and decorations, to suit the mood of the guest of honor and her friends. Foods chosen for a bride's party aust be In keeping with the spirit of the affair, both in taste and in color appeal. The beauty of food ndd3 two fold to Its enjoyment. Yet uch dull things as ease of preparation must not be forgotten by the hostess who wishes to derive every possible pleasure from the affair. Here is a menu for a bride's luncheon in which all these things have been considered. Color and beauty add to each dish planned, and the Buttered Peas In tender turnips qt. boiling water tsp. salt tsp. sugar lied new pea 1 pt. boiling water 1 tan. salt 8 1 1 1 1 Turnip Cases 1 up. luear cup raport4 milk left-ov- tt.sp. butter J tbsp. chopped parsley Select medium sized turnips, globular in shape. Wash and peel. Carefully teoop out inside of turnip, leavInch In diaming a shell about eter. . ( Save scooped out portion for soups.) Cook turnips in boiling water to which salt and sugar hare t tlisp. butter 1 1 1 tbtip. flour cup tup water evaportd milk tsp, salt rash peeper can shrimps (1 nip) 4 halibut steaks Cudi'uted evaporated 1 1 U tEp. paprika, 1 tsp. Worcester- shire Sauco milk Corn rae&l 1 cups pastry flour 4 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. Worcestershire Sauee Prepare a white sauce of the butter, flour, water and evaporated milk. Add salt, pepper, paprika and Worcestershire Sauce. Chop shrimps fine and add to white sauce. Continue cooking half an hour, stirring occasionally. During this cooking prepare halibut. Dip steaks into .evaporated milk, then into corn meal. Season, with salt and pepper and Worcestershire Sauce. Heat fat and fry h to a golden brown. Arrange on hot platter and garnish with lemon and orange slices. Serve at once with shrimp sauce. Yield: 8 s&rvings. H. G. SCOTT, R. C. HARRIS, JOHN P. HOLMGREN, EDGAR H. WHITE, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me. This 1st dav of July, 1930. JAMES WALTON, Notary Public . (Seal) My Commission expires the 9th day ..... of April. 1933. STATE OP UTAH, ) Office of Bank Commissioner )' Commissioner I, W. H. Hadloek.-Banof the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company, fi!el in my office tin's 2nd day of Jurp. 1930, - k y ; ' W. H. HADLOCK, Bn.nk Commissioner. i REPORT Made to the Bank Commissioner of The .State of Utah, of the condition of The Tremonton Banking Company, located at Tremonton in the county of Box Elder, stnte of Utah, at the close of business on the 30th day of June, . r . - : . ' VN. 3 - 2-- well-beate- QU A I ITY Clf "'niiv; niul I'rcssing well-beate- ' ! j tbp. well-beate- At Economy Prices n woll-greasc- -d "i i BOOST OUR TOWN by spending The dollars y hevf. i help in any n';,7 jit here at plii i.f ;n r ln'ie, v i i 2-- 3 2-- 1 hO"'!,. 1 I . 1 i 1 i ! U.S. CLEANERS i u-- .V;nn've ii. Pack, s -- ( 1 MU-- - , : V''- Clec ned and Blocked to servo you well. here We're o, f - ' Suits Culled For and Delivered. Tre-nwist- on 3 Phone 37 i r n r,:- -' 5. . ' ' - ' v-- f -- hi . i t. i r - i ' 4 1 fr : . ' Sift flour, then measure. Resift twice with baking powder and salt. Cream fat until plastic, then add sugar gradually and continue creaming until white and smooth. Add unbeaten egg whites and beat until mixture has the appearance of softened marshmallow. Add dry ingredients and diluted milk alternately, then the flavoring. Bake in a square or rectangular pan lined with paraffin paper ia a moderate oven (350'-37- 5 F.). Frost with pink icing. Yield : 12 servings. fl.-.- SPENCER C. TAYLOR," Correct Attest: t extract "sugar milk -- on j cup egg whites evaporated milk diluted with 6 tbsp. water 1 ten. letnom extract tsp. almond 2 4 tsp. salt cup fat (half butter) 1 cup fine granulated tablespoon butter flour 1 2 taWespoons $ RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $199,007.56 rost fowl tmu 'Stocks, Bonds and Securi- cup sugar cre"r.p blend wcH l cup flour 14,832.14 ties, etc 4 teaspoon salt Bank House 17.01)0.00 1 cup boiling water Furniture and Fixtures, .... 3,700.00 SOCIAL, i EVIL'S POOD CAKE 1 cup evaporated milk Real Estate Sold Under V ) shrn'teniity Contract 3 egg yolks 14,489.39 2 ms ugnr 1 tablespoon butter Other Real Estate Owned 16,000.00 4 eggs Due from Other Banks 1s teaspoon vanilla 16,379.23 1 cun millk Cash Items, 123.82 Baked pastry shell. 2 cups flour iGold 277.50 Melt chocolate over hot water. Add 3 teaspoons baking powder .. Silver suear that lias been thoroughly mixed 2,3'5.f0 3 squares chocolate with flour and salt. Blend well. Add 5,436.00 Currency, u...- 1 teaspoon vanilla Cash on Hand Total 8,192.92 boiling water and milk. Cook in a douCream shortening and sugar ble boiler minutes, stirring occaAdd egg yolks Total $2!)0,2C1 2! sionally. Pour chocolate mixture grad- Sift together drv ingredients and mid n egg yolks, beat-M- i: alternately ually over LIAB1UT1ES Add mclled with the milk. vigorously to prevent curdling. Lastly, fold in Cujiitnl Stock Paid in, Return to double boiler and cook 2 chocolate ond vanilla. 25,000.00 eg;r whites. Pour into 2 Surplus Fund, m'nutes longer. Add butter and flavor- j 12,500.00 and cake tins square Un iivi.lnd Profits, t N, 3,7(M.07 ing, cool slightly anil pour into cold b'tke in moderate to hot over (375 dee. 0.13 01 baked pastry shell. Cover with merinrDipi ckticn, 30 minutes. Use your favor-- i lM. for F.) 14 "Q 77 B.nka gue and brown to the preferred color ite 0''u t) icing. in n slow oven. Deposits Subject t t i'v, jlt,Cj;i. ' C AUTOS AND CHURCHES A , 1,111 14 ui COTTAGE CHEESE CUSTARD 18.00 Dividends Unpaid 1 cup cottage cheese 'i It po its, 11,820 i ivt ,1 D iv n K'jIV to be js we run sugar Timo Cerlifi- wouiu like to see them around cup sweet milk until a lut of us wake up to "1 3,'C2 tr 2 C5i?S i Hr i ct teat wlal'i' the auto is a won-- 1 Savmcs Dcpos- 1 tablespoon melted butter 1. b.l t.. i a , """,9 ",197 '.'i teaspoon salt T D ' t , i . r sii nneth r T . t i' .,i ",ir(7 87 vanilla teaspoon ' , YCU lv:d.' it i .. 2i,f 7t SO . )!) .l l lit i Ol.r Ee;t the :gg yol'cs, ;..! the 'Uctr t mm t a is tha it , hi-- ' t.ii" milk, then nix cottage I et e , M 09 20 ula'i l' , t "i , u'i'i I'rrd iliee m iUlpH'W . . rt. Hitte.r, jmd vrm'i'a. B J in 8 he of in ilei, pan f'ev at T1. i ii t M f "i ;d hi.1 nunutess;. '.iiv oven, frrtv-f'v- e White Cake Salt Pepper HOL-LANDAI- SAUCE cup Date Picnic Sandwich 'a teaspoon suit The picnic lunch needs plenty of '.i teaspoon pepper fruits. A few date sandwiches help to Few grains cayenne bolster this up, and furnish very delicYolks of 2 eggs ious tidbits as well. Run half a cup h cup butter of dates and half a cup of walnut lemon juice meuts throusrh the food grinder, ufdn;' Asparagus the coarce plate. Mix with one Phil Prepare as for white sauce. Stir in adelphia cream cheese and ,a teaspoon beaten egg yolks after snuce is cooked. of slices on buttered sugar. Spread Add the i cup butter bit by bit and whole wheat bread. Pour over finally the lemon juice. strips of cocked asparagus. Garnish CHOCOLATE PIE with pimento. 2 sq. bitter chocolate The savory flnvor of celery top Drain turnips and evaporate water on peas almost to dryness. Add evaporated milk and butter and as soon as peas are hot, fill them Into the cavities of the turnips. Sprinkle turnips with parsley. Serve Immediately. Yield: 8 servings. French Dressing WITH MOCK ASPARAGUS tea.-poo- whole meal ia one that even a hostess who has no maid and who must keep an eye to the kitchen as well as to the parlor, can serve with little effort. TUT been added In an open kettle. In the Strawberry Cocktail Olives Curled Celery Radish Roses meantime cook the peas in another Halibut Steak with Shrimp Sauce open kettle In boiling water to which salt and sugar have been added. Potato Croquettes About 20 minutes cooking will be Buttered Peas In Turnip Cases Cucumber and Radish Salad required for both turnips and peas. White Cake with Pink Icing Peppermint Ice Cream Halibut Steak With Shrimp Sauce 3 : er pickle. -- 1 2-- the said bank at the close of business the 30th day of June. 1930. as did the generation that preceded it And the next generation is apt, from all indications, to need it more. Because the outo permits .one to attend church at a great distance from home docs not mean that people are using it for that purpose. Church attendance has dwindled, especially during! July and August, in every section of the country, and is not in proportion! to what it once was during the other ten months in the year. Anything that discourages church: attendance is harmful. But the auto would take people to church as easily and comfortably , as it takes them-- 1 elsewhere if they only head it in that; direction. We read in the good book1 that Elijah was carried to heaven in a chariot of fire. Can it be that a lot of citizens are going to be present-dacarried to the other place in a more modern vehicle the automobile? teaspoon salt lb. can salmon 2 small eggs cup shopped celery l's cups bread crumbs H teaspoon baking powder li cup evaporated milk Add lemon juice, cayenne and salt to boned, flaked salmon, then beaten eggs, celery, bread crumbs, baking powder and milk. Shape into a loaf and place in an boiled baking pan. Bake in moderate over (350 deg. F.) until brown and firm. Serve with medium white sauce or egg sauce. Yield: 5 servings. 1 - 1 t fly-beat- en By BETTY BARCLAY 30-fo- ot brides! STATE OF UTAH, ) Cool slightly and add meringue made to show how rural and small-tow- n by adding 2 tablespoons of sugar to churches are suffering, more and more County of Box Elder J Spencer C Taylor, being first duly the etif whites of 2 eggs. each year, through decreased attendance. But such figures are easy to sworn according to law, deposes and Brown in oven. obtain. Fays that he is Cashier of the abova the above and foreSALMON LOAF One thing we are all pretty much named bank; that true and contains a 1 tablespoon lemon juice report going agreed upon is that the present gen- correct statement of thefall, of condition eration needs the church fully as much Cayenne v " i 1 V f J 'J iiif i'llA ilri J i v f ,i a ! - die i u i . ... i.4 ' I'ji 1 1 ' t ? ' J ' 3 , j r v.. k F V vv H n t4 M i it 3 x-"-.; it ft 1L M V; " 4 . X f ? 1 ) li l o " Oi if ixit 1$ en Every Week ? ft 1 tvsry i own and namiet sn tne County inac rssia open mors ESSE it t- 1 They demand attention with their bold, dashing- layouts and illustrations. They create confidence by their handsome, clean-cu- t presentation. They awaken the desire to buy by their persuasiveness. -' 1 i i5 E1 If you have anything to sell or want to buy or trade, these salesmen (The Bear River Valley Leader's will do the job for you. The spider spins her web over the door of those who do not Advertise " LET'S TALK SHOP kj |