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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930. PAGE TWO i i Bear River City j and Harold Castleton left for Malad, and Mrs. Nick Clarson and Mr. The annual reunion of the ThompHoward. Will of Mrs. the the 5th and 4th week, held was Idaho, son family early part July Veda Gardner returned to her home at the. girls home in Logan Canyon, where he will manage an American childhere after spending a pleasant vacamembers of the family attending from Food Store. Mrs. Castleton and tion at Mapleton. Idaho. here were: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thomp- ren will join him later. TUn .1hrat!on at the Crystal son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leon of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Felsted Thompson and family, Pres. and Mrs. California are visiting here with rel- Sprinps was very pleasing to all and J. J. Shumway and family, air. ana atives and friends. those in charge are to be commended Mrs. D. Henry Manning and family, Mrs. Fay Porter of Rollins, Wyo- the way everything was handled. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Archibald and is visiting with her daughters, Dewewitle feels honored as nearly all Mr. and Mrs. Glen Archibald and ming Mrs. P. C. Petterson and Mrs. John the prizes were received by town folks. family. Burton. Mr. and Mis. Guy Ault and J. J. C. Ault and Mrs. and Mrs. Guy Mrs. E. J. Holmgren and Mrs. J. M. R. T. Mrs. and Ault. of Tremonton, visited at the Gaddie were Ogden visitors, Tuesday. Ault visited with Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter The reunion of the Kennard family Ault here, Sunday. last Thursday. Sunday night the speaker at the will be held July 12 and 13th at the .. UIl. Mutual meeting was Elder Gam of A reunion of the Bishop family was . iU. lUliip ;lit tlAJUII UilMJ who just recently returned Fiedlinrr, of home held July 4th and 5th at the Bertha Geraer and s frtsn mission, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eiahop. rendered a duet. E'ain Hanson, The Misses Grace and .Sargent Wednesday, the Sunday school and are visiting with relatives and friends Deweyville h:id an outing up Logan canyon. ward in St. Joseph, Mo. All enjoyed the trip. Program, games of the Margaret Manning visited with rt-Seventy of the Dewey family met at and races was the amusement atives in Brigham City last week. the Lava Hot Sprnigs, July 2nd, and aiternoon. uuur u The new officers of the Garland enjoyed the 21st reunion. A meeting pleasant trip home. Lions club assumed their duties at wa3 held in the L. D. S. chapel there, the last regular luncheon and meeting. old officers were released and new After extending thanks to the mem- ones elected. Joseph I. Dewey was bers of the club and the different com- chosen President and Hattie Marble, mittees, Pres. J. M. Caddie turned the with Mary Dewey, as meeting over to the new president, P. secretary and Orpha Ault, Treasurer. C, Fetterson. Thursday evening, a jolly party was The next reunion will be held at bv the Hansen family at Udy G. G. enjoved of S. to celebrate the 100th Mrs. Chloe Gam, sister Deweyville nature of It i wasi in the Sweeten and Launcelot Hamilton, both birthday of John C. Dewey, the father Hot "Springs. : i nr;nwl of Salt Lake City, were married at of this great branch, consisting of 583 a lart'weu social nuiiuims ,,mam swimwho Those enjoyed Johnson. G. G. Mrs. and Mr. home relatives. of the S. Mrs. W. were and supper J. J. Sweeten, last week. President Mrs. Koford and son Harold of ming and family, Mr. and Mrs. SidShumway performed the ceremony. Preston visited at the home of Mr. and Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite and Mrs. Peter Jensen, two days last week. ney Johnson and daughter, and Miss of Logan; Mr. and daughter Erma and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Arvenna Redford of Brigham Mabel Hawkins Millan Peck and daughter Sherry Jean City was calling on friends and was a Mrs. I ige Jensen and family of BrigMrs. Frank Bums of South spent the Fourth in Logan Canyon. guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.! ham, Dakota, Norma Hansen of WashingFred L. Nye wa soperated on early Peter Jensen last week. Ariel Hansen and Friday moming, following an attack Mrs. N. Peter Marble intertained at ton, D. C, Mrs. and Mrs. Wynn Hansen, of of appendicitis. dinner , for a number of relatives, family, Mr.Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Peck and daugh- Sunday of last week, the occasion Fielding; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Soren-se- n and family; ter Jennie and Mr. and Mrs. Delos being her husband's birthday. and family, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson spent the Fourth in Logan Bobbie Dewey, of Murray, visited of East Garland. Canyon. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. S. Hansen and family On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dr. J. W. Chambers motored to Dewey, of this place, a few days. and family took Willard to Salt Camp Kiesel, Saturday to spend a day Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grant and to the mission home. They or two with Mrs. Chambers. children of Arizona, visited here with Lake City Mrs. C. D. Barfuss, Mr. and Mrs. relatives last week. enjoyed luncheon at Liberty Park with Mulliner and Mrs. R. J. Bowcutt spent Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stohl are the Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hansen and Dr. the Fourth in Logan Canyon. parents of a baby girl born, President C. E. Smith motored to proud 1st at the home of its grandJuly South Jordan, July Fourth where he parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleone HunCOMBO delivered the address of the day. . saker. Clinton Smith and Horace Rose Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bigler and sons spent the Fourth at Lagoon. were calling on relatives here a few Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten motored while Mr. Bigler relieved the O. Model to Holbrook, Idaho, Thursday night days S. L. station agent, Mr. Farmer. Mr. of death of the after learning Mrs. Gene Leavitt and son of Blue THE LATEST INVENTION Sweeten's nephew. Creek visited at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boss and family Mrs. Alvin Norr FOR GIVING PERMANENT Mr. and Mrs. Jos. and were Logan visitors Friday. I. Dewey. WAVES Melba Nish of Salt Lake City is Mabel Ault to returned her work at visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wallace COMBO Ugden after visiting Friday and Wise. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Petterson and Saturday here with her parents, Mr. 1. The smallest amount of heat Mrs. T. R. Ault and sister, Mrs. family motored to Brigham City, Fri- and of any known system of waving. Duett Loveland. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish, Horace (Problems of overheating avoidMr. and Mrs. J. L. Harvey and Mr. ed.) and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren spent the Lish, and Mrs. A. R. Burbank and son Kenneth, visited relatives 2. Gives a Spiral without the at Fourth in Logan Canyon. need of tying at the scalp or the Rev. and Mrs. Dickson of Tremon- American Falls Saturday and Sunday, ends. ton visited at the home of Mr. and while there they were guests of Mr. Mrs. T. A. Carter, Thursday. 3. The Combo protector and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Carter and heater starts the first Croquig-nol- e Rosella Carter, and Gerry Wood spent wave one inch closer to the the Fourth in Logan Canyon. scalp. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stayner and 4. Uses the mildest solution of all. A cream mixture. family are spending their vacation in Idaho. 5. The hair comes off the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persson and curlers wet, glossy, ful of life, family motored to Payson, Friday, and in perfect condition. where they spent a few days with Mr. ON THE AIR Persson's parents. They returned From New York City to the home Monday. Also all kinds of Fire and Pacific Coast the new Combo Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten and Ringlette Permanent is being daughter Orpha and Mrs. Lynn WillAutomobile Insurance broadcast to millions of womiams attended the funeral services en. We have installed it in held for Hazel Sweeten, at Holbrook, Apply our beauty parlor come in and Saturday afternoon. " ooo it Jack Shumway, Hunter Gaddie and ...... Don Chambers were Ogden visitors BROUGH - The reunion of the Jensen family Mrs. was held at the home of Mr. and City, Orsen Jensen at Bear River ved after Saturday. Dinner was held on the which a program was of lawn. About one hundred members rel:IuainK were present the family Lake, atives from Freston, Idaho, Salt and nearRiverton, Garfield, Brigham by towns. Mr and Mrs. Tarley Holmgren are pound the proud parents, of a fine 10 Hcimilv 2nd. Mrs. ... ..,iby wvj eren was formerly anss ahiwo Andersen. f on A Mrs. TVan Ieak of Center and Francis Nelson, of Oakland, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Leak's and air. iei-parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Nelsen.and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Taylor daughter .Beverly, was shopping in Tremonton, Thursday. June Thompson and two Mr calling on daughters, of Elwood, were this in friends city, and relatives Thursday. Mrs. Christian Zinck and daughter, Carrie, were shopping in Brigham City, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. East Fetersen and children spent July 4th visiting in Elwood, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . Jung Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ruland Gardner of Deweyville spent Sunday in this city visiting at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Ed. Christensen. Miss Vinona Christensen is visiting in Deweyville with her sister, Mrs. Rulon Gardner. . Miss Marie Arbon of Snowville, is visiting in this city with her brother, Ellis Arbon and family. old daughter Margaret, the of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olsen, was tne operated on for appendicitis atMonCooley hospital in Brigham City, ' day evening. George A. Gardner was a Tremonton visitor, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Leak of Center-villCaifornia, and Mrs. F. L. Nelsen of this city were visiting with relatives in Brigham and Corinne Thursday afternoon. Blain Campbell, of Afton, Wyoming, is visiting in this city with his sister, Mrs. Austin L. Johnson and family. John Sars spent several days of last week visiting with relatives and frends in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Wanuker and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson and children and Miss Wilma Zinck spent July 4th In Blacksmith Fork canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Burnice Hunsaker and children of Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Matesen of this city spent July 4th at the Crystal Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Austin L. Johnson and visittwo children spent the week-en- d ing in Afton, Wyoming. Emma Ohman, returned home from Salt Lake City and Midvale, where she had been visiting with relatives. She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. Mutch of Midvale. Carma Petersen returned home Sunday after spending a week in Ogden with her cousin Emma Jane Allison. Sarah M. Fridal attended a party at the Udy Hot Springs last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Elm and two children of Los Angeles, and Axel Elm and two sons of this city spent July 3rd and 4th visiting at Ovet and Preston, Idaho. Merlin Petersen and Miss Pearl Petersen of Ovet, Idaho, spent Friday visiting with their uncle, Avel Elm. There will be no meeting of the Ladies Farm Bureau held in Bear River City during the month of July, on account of the Farmers' Encampment being held at Logan, July July 15th is Bo Elder day. Everybody is urged to attend. Miss Carie Zinck is now at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Christian Zinck, where she has her beauty parlor and will do marcelling for her friends every day in the week. All remember to make a date to have your hair marcelled for prices are right. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luku and baby of Salt Lake City and Mrs. John P. Jeppesen of East Ely, Nevada, were visiting with relatives in this city, o - e, 14-1- 7. July 4th. Miss Ruba Ohman of Salt Lake City is visiting in this city the guest of Miss Esther Ohman. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Mortensen and children of Sugar City, Idaho, in this city visiting spent the week-en- d at the home of Mrs. Mortensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen, Jr. Heber Cloward and son Orval and Clifford Huggins are visiting with relatives at Mount Pleasant Mr .and Mrs. Arnold Dallin were snooping In Brigham City, Monday. Mrs. Trena Christensen, Miss Dena Christensen and Master Doyle Christensen, returned home Thursday evening, after spending two weeks visiting relatives at Sunnyside and at Hiawatha, Utah. Neugent Hansen of Chicago, 111., Is visiting in this city with his father, Hyrum J. Hansen and family. Mrs. Orsen Iversen and Mr3. Methia Hansen are visiting with relatives in Salt Lake City. -- I I . Garland Personals15 ' -- 1 j. p Mr. and Mrs. George Nye and family motored to Brigham City, Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Millan Peck and small daughter Sherry, and Erma Lillywhite, were Brigham City visitors, last Wednesday. ':: Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Austin and family and Miss Mildred Carter motored to Logan canyon, Thursday afternoon, returning home Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Cal. Smith were n visitors last Thursday. . Og-de- PIANO TUNING And REPAIRING C. J. Allen Phone 98.a-- l Tremonton -- . 11 twni East Garland vice-preside- ,. Sor-ens- en Permanent Guests of Mr. and Mrs Edwin Isaacmotor-e- d and Mrs. Arthur Hansen, then on the Fourth were: Mr. and Mrs. son to Lagoon, returning home in the O .W. Oleson and four children from Brigham. Mr. Miss Louise Atkir.son returned SunMr. and Mrs. Fred Petersen and Mrs Hna Larson have had as day from a pleasant week's visit with friends at Layton. their guests the past two weeks: Mrs. The theme of the conjoint M. I. A. sou ana Lucue R. S. Snvth. daughter Sunday was the report of the orogram Mrs. Eph. M. L A. conference held in Salt Howard, Ben Barr, Mr. and recent Petersen and Warren Peterson, all of Lake City in June. Mrs. Odell Julan-de- r stay they Los Angeles. During theirand gave a talk on the slogan, Miss swimhave had cpnyon parties Larson reported the M. Rhoda Girls Convention and Conrad ming parties to both the Crystal and Udy Springs. The guests upor. Larson gave an instrumental selecreturning to California expressed tion. themselves as having very much enMrs. C. J. Hansen motored to Erig-hojoyed their visit in Utah. for cherries Saturday. The J. W. Larson and David Irson J. W. Larson. Jr, formerly Mrs. families together with their guests Miss Geneva Fett, ct New York City, SimLouise and Phoebe Misses the with relatives here Sunday. mons of Salt Lake City, spent the visited Steed and Miss Steiner of n swimRulon where Fourth on Bear River and relatives friends visited here and canoeing fishing ming, boating, were enjoyed until evening when time on the Fourth. Mrs. David Lf.rson was hostess to was spent in games, music and parlawns. the Relief Society for the regular the on refreshments of taking ant! business meeting Those who went to Logan and monthly work C. J. Hansen report Blacksmith Folk canyon on the Fourth on Tuesd.iv. Mrs. wont staKe ed tne L. meeting and ex Isaacson, Mrs. J. and Mr. were: examples of work done. After Madge and Roger Nielsen, Mr. and hibited atMrs. Leo. Oyler and family, Mr. and the business of the meeting was vcu spent in social Mrs. Lee Isaacson and small son, Mr. tended to, tha thr.o and Mrs. Heber Petersen and children. chat. Refreshments, suggestive of both Alcn fnVnds from California. Mr. and national and state holidays earring Mrs. Fred Petersen and family, Mr. out red, white and blue colors, were and Mrs. Gus Larson and family, Mr. served to eighteen members and six and Mrs. E. S. Hansen, son Wendell guests. Special guests were Stake and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Korth and Relief Society Presidents Mesdames Margaret Mannnig and Annie Munns. family. I Men-Glean- m Lo-ga- ATLA OIL Just West of R. R. Tracks Ringlette uses WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS We Never Close MERWIN P. CHRISTENSEN Manager e . Federal Farm Loans Interest Rate JAMES Secretary and Treasurer Milady Beauty Garland National Firm Loan Association GEORGE HODGES, Prop. Phone Tremonton 27r Sunday. The ward primary officers and teachers entertained at a shower, Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Thorpe, for the new -- baby. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie and Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Innes spent the Fourth in Logan Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. F. ,S. Peck entertained GARLAND at a family dinner, Sunday. Professor Hickman of Logan was the special speaker at the mutual conjoint meeting Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson and son Blaine and Mrs. Leonard Bishop, motored to Clarkston, Monday. Frank Stayner of Ogden visited here with relatives, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Strongf Salt Lake City, parents of Mrs. Wendell Grover, spent Sunday at the Grover home. Mrs. Grover and children accompanied them to Salt Lake City to spend a few days. ' Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Harvey motored to Ogden, Tuesday. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY Knine.rliiBaUdli, CUoMo, HUaol Brigham UTAH 71 NOTICE TO MY OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Just returned from L. A. and Hollywood with all the latest Ideas in Paintnig, Paper Hanging and Decorating. Let us estimate your work. Temporary Phone 19.y-- 4 Gilbert Gilespie Free to Public TK. only pUce in the U. S. wker. catalog, and dvertitn matter coverinc anjrlia ei buiineu or product can be obtained Frao anal Without Obligation it tha American Industrial Library. Write for BiMimM Advertising Matter yon are interested in; tame will be promptly forwarded. Parlor EVENTUALLY! WHY NOT NOW? Don't Neglect your Eyes They mean too much to you. . '. ". : We i have the Experience and Equipment to five you the Best in Cytometric vice. , Ser- I aw ed Tag Binding Twine The Guaranteed Twine 500 feet to the pound. The smooth even Twine that does not bunch or break in the needle. Spray ,jour cows with STOCKAID, the Fly and Mosquito Repellant. Con. Wagon & Machine Co. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS (The Largest Implement Retail Dealers in the World.) Tremonton, Utah Phone 90 To Users Of Milk of Magnesia A 25c bottle Free with a large tube of Tooth Paste, at 39c. .Pasteurized Milk & Cream More Summer Comfort ror You DAILY MORNING DELIVERIES A tube of Mosquitone Free with a 25c bottle Twin City Home Dairy PHONE HO er of Sunburn Lotiom H. G. Scott Drug Go. Prescript ion Specialists Phone 47 - Tremonton, Utah El |