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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930. TAGESO. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Mrs. Orval Nish and son returned UTAH WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL OF MAILS . REVIEW home from Deweyville, Wednesday (Cut This Out) where II rs. Nish has been staying for Monticello Blue Mountain Sports the part two weeks. man's Club planted 60,000 fingerlingj From the North 9:15 a. m Miss Grrce Udy of Riverside, was trout in North Creek. 5:27 p. m Friday niaht guest of her cousin, Miss shown in sheep and rom e Sou Ogden-G- ain From Deweyville 10 a. ra Evadine Smith. hog receipts during May at Ogden Misses lone and Nina UJy of River- Union Stockyards as compared with Mail Dispatched side spent the Fourth here with Luella same month last year. Tremonton Posloffice Lake. Fole line being For the South leaves and Lilly Smith. Erigham City 9:15 a. m. Mr. and Maradt'i Maxwell of erected near Reservoir hill prepara For SnowvilJe Edward Tubbs and son Blaine of 11.30 a. nu near For Malad 5:10 p. m. Ogden came up Friday to visit Mrs. Malad were Friday guests of Mrs. Don tory to installing transformers for ex For Deweyville power house to make hook-uFrancis Tubbs. They returned home Rufus Lamb. . 6:30 p. m. A this number of between r our your. sports at change of electric energy Sunday. Mail Route Service Star tended the dance at Ma! J City, July! city and Utah Power and Light com The family of Albert Tubbs of From Stone, Tddho, to Tremonton, fpany. Idaho, were the guests of Mrs. fourth. 47 miles Mr. Mrs. and ! Thomas Hav.es of Francis Tubbs, Sunday. , f- Mrs. Eliza Ward is visiting at Will-- ! den spent the Fourth here. '"J Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hess of St. 6 a. m. Leaves Stone, Idaho ard witn her sister, Mrs. Sarah When You Think 11:00 a. m. John,.Fpent the Fourth here with Mr. Arrives Tremonton HARDWARE 11.30 a. m. Leaves Tremonton Mrs. Henry Swenson of Salt Lake fnd Mrs. Hess's grand parents, Mr. ana Mrs. itooert .ish. Stone fln-6 p. m. at Arrives Citv am! MrQ Mum-iViolent WILSON land, were recent visitors at the via From Tremonton Deweyville, .. 'L'vei .rihiiig to IJjild Anything George Bowcutt home. 0.10 miles Phone 11. 9:50 a. m. Leaves i Fielding1 10:0.i Arrives at 1 ic monton The family of Lorenzo Bowcutt spent the 4th at Hyrum. Mr. and Mrs. William Bowcutt went to Willard Sunday to take Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marsh home. Mrs. Nina Dustin and children went to Elwood, Friday. Howard Capener returned home Sunday, after a pleasant visit at Salt f TOWNS" "DOCTOR SAYS - M-- s. i MINDED GET COMMUNITY p What you do, what you say, your attitude toward the place where you live, creates or destroys public opinion, prestige and good will of . your community. Other people look to you for an example if you do not f peak well of the community, if you do something for the community, others will Hol-broo- k, On--- Car-do- do likewise. n. , No city, town, village or hamlet can expect to become a better, more interesting, more attractive place in which to live, work, play and prosper unless everybody does a little something. It isn't necessary to .spend days or weeks on a drive of some kind; you don't have to get out and make a show of yourself; nor is it necesary for you to be one of the big toads in the puddle, to be able to do something. And don't think that when you do anything for the bent fit of others, that you are a matyr to the cause; nor that you are donating. Get it out of your head that you are doing something charitable every time you go a little out of your way to perform a little service or dig down into your pocket fur a few dollars to mak possible something that the other fellow will get some good out of. You can't make money unless the other fellow does. What profits the community profits vou, and there are no "jf's" and "and's" or "butV about it. Do somethnigj You have a dozen chances every day to do something, to say something, thai will build. You have as many opportunities to put your foot on what others say and what others fail to do ' THINK n Dewc-yvill-e i Plymouth Mrs. Ralph Grover - VFARS AND YOUR RpyAirJINfi ' YOUR INCOMl A. of Magna, to Carev, Idaho. where spent the pa.--t few days 3 they John, spent the Fourth of July her TV line wirn i.ir. ana ,urs. t.avar Jnstensen v.,f . VT and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Albertson. The Mrs Robert Nish party returned , Sunday. Mr. and r.f (V.WMi Mrs. O. A. John-sorue.srlay rver-iiisrIjeorgo, Ltsh, are guests of their 1 ' ,,-! ik' rt entertained' the "Trail Builders" .it a plunge party at Udy Hot Springs. Luncheon was served. Olcen Gam spent the Fourth July at Richfield, with Mr. and Mrs. . Melon Mrs. Garn returned home with him after spending the pa.--t three weeks at their home. Miss Gertrude Laub is spending the wrk with relatives in Ogden. Verle and Marvis Grover, little e'u'dr. n of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grover returned Saturday after 'spending several days at their uncle's home, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Justejisen of Honey-vi!!- danchter, Mrs. Ezr i Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Mason and children Jarklui, Colin, Phil Helen, of this place, Mr. and Mr-- . Overmire of St. George spent the 1th of July at Lagoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lamb were Tremonton shoppers Saturday evetn'rg. Mrs. Lawrence Hess and children of St. John, were Fourth of July of Mrs. Iless's parents, Mr. and MrRobert Nish. The celebration on the Fourth of July was enjoyed by all here towns, Ii the many from naar-b- y afternoon, the Scouts entertained ail Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Earl spent Saturby wrestling and boxing, and in the the Ro'eo at the ball nark day in Logan. furnished many thrills for the large crowd of p 'ii!.'.' who went to enjoy the stunts pidh'd off there. Mrs. "Don Rufus Lamb had ns S.v.v dav eiiecta, Miss Elva Maoa ;i; Ilewerd Taylor of Ogden. Miss Kneftn Rurrett. who h;i- Iwn '1 "TT It' viit'ng in Orden for the part mort!', J.A returned home Sunday. jU miss ivuoy Diirnert nai as r.er nn 0 day r.TiC'it, M Shirley Mn common sense. Copyright, 1929, A. D. Stone. Reproduction prohibited in whole or part This editorial is published by the Bear River Valley leader in with the Tremonton Lions Club. j -. I j j Miss Edna Mao Ward accompanied Miss Edythe Gcphart to Ogden, Tues- day. Gef rgft Benson of Logan spent a Mr. nad Mrs. Wilford Durfey and few days at the home of his sister, ciaugnters and Mr .ana Mrs. Marvin tks. t it Ward Simmons find children, joined their and Mis. Lloyd, Cravens of .Salt i "r. , parents,LAir. and ins.; J. J. Wmte and T ake came up Inursday and spent tne ?m;t m an outing in Logan canyon, lamily mirt h with their parents, Mr. am i i m r, and lay riaay. Blrs. George Hales. Thev left Satur -. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Rigler accompan-- ; f.r Yellowstone Park. ied Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simmons and day Stanley Fa rnsworth and small children to the cool mountain air in sonMrs. of are spending the week Fieldin(r Logan canyon on the Fourth. with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Jensen, Mr.1 visitirg Hales. O'r.i. and Mrs. Eimer Jensen and daughters, id T. Rurnott is visit 'S. Mr 1). Maefarlane and R. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jensen and daugh- WIU reiat'ves. so!!. Ted ;;iid Mrs. Rewane Udy went 0"d; n tiis ' Mr. Mrs. and LaGrande Jensen ter, Th ''in .; to Elba, Idaho, Saturday. and William Rigler," had a delightful i - T if!), h:;v Mis. Rowane Udv, Mrs. Effie Well-iti- g L.'IT.' motor trip through Mink Creek can-- 1 and Mrs. Rewane Maefarlane went yon, Hear Lake, and I.oiran canvon on T T is pen to .t';rt lake Monday. the Fourth of July. III, 11 ' fnnii;e of Ward. Gi..n Mr. and Mrs. Ddh rt How-i-- i a.id hi illr and J. O. II Id and' Mrs. familv, enjoyed the Fourth at Rear W: Mr J?" ,c 10 reur; of Lake. 'in Mis Hrb.n ISishhee of Ogden, was the pu -- st of 1'i'ue) and R. J. PI I'sitiej', for sewrai days la, t eefc. Mr. au ! Mis. O.ieli Hitler. Mr. Mrs. E. E. Lt.!'ier mi Mr. ;u:-- Mrs. D, v,-rura-.?eY. he V;j ;.t t'l.; Cr ;t:.l no! plea. au tl-Sprits ir Mr. Mts. and j j j j ; r h i men know that the folks i NSURANCE who are "assured a fixed income for life. who live longest are those Vhv not add tn vour livelihood of a long life by putting your u t a: ivicLit:puiaii money Mto a rnoTHhiv iP.com e 10 ue p:uJ c-- NVil-'"u- b Why Not increase Both? the i I ::: Get community minded! It is good business, and plain, everyday, I V Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hess cf St that tears down. Collinston Lk--- f. and daughter, Enna accompanied Mr. and Mrs. A insurance Company? The Metrop' two million dulars a daw It is the leaiiin financial institution of the world. This plan increases your income because the Metropolitan will pay you, not only the interest on your money, but some of your principal every month. And it will pay the same amount every month as long as you live. The plan will be explained to you, without, obligation, by L. C. Christopherson 13.a-- l e. Utah .. Garland R. F. D. Representing METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY .. SEi 5f ?' i. -- ' ; i h. ; "X M--- :, v ! chih'iva ! r , ; 'Av Mr pan'i't . Mr. e p- -r: - Mr. and fdrs. W. V, ,:. Mr. nn,' ,'. Ci uk il.nven an . and Mrs. the cvnimr, tle in Mr. Cr.-t;ia-- ,! l e!! ". ; I "' v';'' y. N' fn : - . ; o-. ;; cni.vea a e '!. ,;-- Tn'-d- M. er:iy. i.at Wuen;eer. ev th-- ' '. V, v!;et; I'. V - ' 11 " t: t J. Mi ! . V;,,;-'- -v ' hlv''"- r"e v. V . s Mrs. ir;-- r 1 M;.-.- i.rmc : :. (hn-hnid- 0 1 . for-thei- . f . S:'-i;r.- lied family of Honey visit with hrr Ke , Mr. Joseph See!, hi ,v. ;c. Mr. and Mrs. Howard of Seattle, Wasli., and rrsm';:en ef Mr, and Mrs. Henrv .Timmett. V' re reoeiv- ing old r.ieri,.r?c her" Sfonday. Mr. and Mr. Ed. Pi.--r had Sundav e'ets, 31 r .rn;l M"s Jai'c Rh'vle-'- of Mrs. Gevtraee Simmons and Mrs. Aih'ea Simmons, were transacting busin.'Si in Pi Citv. Mondai?. Mr. and Mrs. AMon J:i"kse,n of Og- - iI v V i r ' . de. w Mr. oral Mrs. p,.,. S :iunIer Mr. an Mrs.. Arthur Saunders and daughters, enjoyed the Fourth in Ogdsn. Uivcrsid ii w i iIC t you VCl i Mrs. Mary 11. Tingey visit d with relatives here daring the week. Mrs. L. Snulli of Draper is vinfin:-wU- h her daughters, Mrs. U. W. V.'aid and Mrs. J. O. Ha field.. The family of of Idaho, spent Independence Da r here and visited a few days-witrelatives. Mr. fnd Mrs. Glen Walker entertained the following relatives at dinner, Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Hadi'ield and Mrs. L. Smith. Later President and Mrs. C. E. Smith and soft Richard of Garland; called at the Walker homo. The Earl Hales family were Ogden visitors, Wednesday. The J. H. Ward family, Mr. and Mrs, Go. M. Ward and the family of Dolose Jensen, spent the 4th at Logan Joel-Tub- Hol-broo- k, J.-.O- . canyon. Mrs. Cecil Bigler and two children of Salt Lake were visiting with Mrs. George Hales, Friday and Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Young of Cor-lnn- e were calling on relatives at Riverside, Sunday. Lex and La Neath Welling of Salt We can suooiv your every need and save T you money. Lake City, are guests at the T. R Welling home for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield, Mrs. E. W. Ward and Mrs. L. Smith, went to Malad, Monday and also called to see Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith of Pocatello Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hales and children went to Snowville, Thursday of The Job Hadfield family were Logan canyon visitors Friday of last week. Come And See Farmers Cash Union Tremonton, Utah - Phone 35 ? las n"E i tOUO TUB Oil SEDAN Check up tm comfort, safety acceleration, easo of emiirol, tqwed, poirer, reliahWty mu? eeoimmg tuiti ywz wiii Famw that th ssir Ford is u raSm fssr a&ice the nvicu WlIETf yon see tLe new Ford vow arc impressed instantly by its trim, lines and beautiful colors.. As you watch it in traffic, on hills, and on the open road, you get some idea of its quick acceleration, its case of control, and its speed and power. In talking with owners and experienced mechanics you hear enthusiastic praise of its reliability ami economy. But only by driving the new Ford yourself can you fully appreciate the value that has been built into the car and its satisfactory performance. You will particularly like g its comfort on bad roads and the safety of its fully enclosed four-whebrakes. See the nearest dealer, therefore, and have him take you for a demonstration ride in the new Ford. Select sub-t-taiiti- al all-roun- , last week. i I'!-- . K:ee Mr.. '. a I 1 I -vj m;-.i:- .;..! hit ten ae, Uvfiii: pt Mr. ren 1 easy-ridin- el d your own roads and plan to give the car a severe lest. Check up on feature that every goes to make a good automobile. Then you will know, from your, own experience, why so many mil- lions of people the world over arc buying Ford cars. NKW FORD LOW PRICES Roadster Phaeton $t3- - Tudor Sedan 495 Coupe 495 Sport Coupe De Luxe Coupe 525 Fordor Sedan Convertible Cabriolet Do Luxe Phaeton Three-windo- w .... 545 600 62 S 623 De Luxe Sedan 640 Town Sedan 660 All price f. o. b. Detroit, plu$ freight and Dumper t and ipare tire extra, tf low coif. FORD MOTOR COMPANY de-U- |