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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 4. 1929 'The Sugar Cossette" On Crop Irrigation Cool Comfort A New Shipment A new shipment of silk dresses just received. Remember! you are always assured of new silk dresses at our stores. We never keep a dress in stock over six weeks. Priced at $12.75, $7.45, $9.90, $14.75 Anklets, Newest colors. From little tots to ladies sizes 25c and 49c pr. At Mens Shirts J.C.PENNEYC Mrs. S. N. Cole and Mrs. R. D. Continued from page one.) air through the Smith, spent Friday in Ogden, with Mrs. Jean Williams. leaves. TREMONTON, UTAH Mr. and Mrs. George Shuman of We all know that the best way to are the at visiting produce a prize winning pig or any Caliante, Nevada, other animal is to feed it properly home of their mother, Mrs. John and continuously from the time it is Shuman, this week. born. The same is equally true of J. D. Hogan of Burley, Idaho, spent with his family- - Mrs. the week-enplants. Plants secure their food from the Hogan returned with him to Burley, soil, from water and from the air. for a week s visit. Since all of the food taken from the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Getz and family soil must be dissolved in water and of Peoria, Illinois, and Mrs. T. P. taken into the plant with the water Meister left Friday for Elko, Nev., to it naturally follows that if a plant is visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Getz. to pe properly and continuously fed A. N. Fishburn and R. L. Fishburn it must have a proper and continu of Brigham City, spent Sunday at ous supply of water available. The Howell. purpose of irrigation is to furnish Mrs. Israel Hunsaker returned home this water supply. from a hospital in Salt Lake Sunday Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash and City where she has been receiving several other elements found in the medical treatment. soil pass into the beet dissolved Miss Phyllis Bates was quite ill last the water the roots take up. While week but is improving rapidly. these are all very important they con Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wadsworth and stitute but a small part of a plant Over 807c of all that is not mater Mr. and Mrs. DeMont Dockstader in plants, in general, is caibon. This spent Sunday in Ogden. Melvin Castleton of Glenn's Ferry, is taken into the plant in the form oi caroon dioxide gas with the air Idaho, was visiting here with friends which enters the leaves. Sunday. a Smart Assortment Carbon is of great importance m Arthur and Eli Winzeler of Los Fancy Patterns, Plain Colors and plant economy since a large part of Angeles, California were visiting their all foodstuffs such as starch and brothers, B. F., E. J., and Elmer Fill Vacation Needs sugar is carbon as well as the greater Winzeler, last week. structure of the of woody Miss Karma Beck and Miss Vaudis part plants Without carbon no growth is possible, Zesiger left on Sunday for a two The air enters the leaves through week's visit at different places in thousands of small openings in the California. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hamer and family leaf. These are called stomata. It consists of an opening surrounded by of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Going on your vacation? guard cells containing several green Kromer and family of Salt Lake City Well, there's one thing youH granules. The whole is surrounded attended the funeral of Mr. John by very small veins. The guard cells Shuman, Friday. Mrs. Kromer is a sorely need that is some new open and close the opening, thus granddaughter and Mrs. Hamer a shirts . You can easily find regulating the loss of water from the niece of Mr. Shuman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grover and just what you want herein leaves and the intake of air. wnen the guard cells are com Miss lone Christensen enjoyed the either collar attached or neckpletely filled with water tKey become Singing Fool" at Logan, Wednesday band style with collar to match. more or less circular in form. In night. this condition they hold the opening Mrs. J. C. Thomas was pleasantly A U Fancy Patopen. If the plant is not supplied surprised last Wednesday when her with water enough the guard cells mother, Mrs. J. G. Bennett, her sister, terns Fast Color lose some of their water and become Mrs. L. A. White and Mrs. David more flattended. This increases their Thomas, all of Malad, spent the day length so that the opening is closed with her and family, it being Mrs. Long oefore visible wilting occurs Thomas' birthday. the opening begins to close. This not Farren Christensen, son of Mr. and only reduces the outgo of water from Mrs. R. A. Christensen is suffering the leaves but reduces the amount of from a broken arm, caused by falling carbon dioxide entering the leaves from a horse. This in turn reduces the amount of Misses Karma Beck and Vaudis building material prepared by the Zeseger were guests of honor at a growth possible . Thus it is apparent chicken dinner at the home of Miss leaves and reduces the amount of Mildred Stone. Friday evening. Other that if maximum growth is to be eruests were Misses Elva Miller, Etta made there must not only be a con- Andersen, Louise Burns, Edna Oyler stant supply of water available but and Dorothy Iversen of bait Lake the leaves must be able to take in City. Mrs. T. A. Carter and daughter, the necessary carbon dioxide also. Building materials are made only Miss Mildred, visited in Cormne, durnig the day time. If any part of Thursday. Soil More Mrs. R. D. Smith and daughters, the day is spent in a wilted condition the amount of material for growth is Misses Jean and Dorothy Bosley, and Is reduced. The greater part of the Marian West of Portland, Oregon, growth takes place during the night. are spending several weeks here with So if the beets remain wilted during friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stander and the day the night growth is small even though the leaves do straighten family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, up after the heat of the day is past. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bur The only way the stomata can be gess, spent ,Sunday in Logan Canyon. Mr . and Mrs. D . J. Gephart and keep open is to keep the plant from of Pleasing Styles wilting and the only way this can be Mrs. H. L. Gephart, spent Sunday and done is by supplying the plant with Monday in Ogden and Salt Lake City. and Sturdy Fabrics Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Dickson, Misses sufficient water by irrigating. We irrigate not only to supply the Margaret Jenkins, Anna Marie Brenk- Liberal assortments to choose from. Some suits crop with water, nitrogen, phospho- man and Lucile Cropley, leave Friday waists and pants of same material . . . with rus, potash and the other elements of morning for Oquirrh Canyon, near ome in combination fabrics. Lively patterns and the soil but just as much to keep, the Tooele, to attend the Epworth League colors that the boy likes. Low priced, at leaves in condition to take in and as- Institute. Other members of the similate the carbon and other gases league will join them Monday for a of the air. ten days outing and study. The Sugar Cossette. Mrs. G. H. Watland entertained the members of her bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Guests of the hostess were Mesdames S .B. Watland, H. C. Rohde Favors were Mr. and Mrs. F. Millan Peck Erma and H. T. Woodward. Mrs. F. H. Powell, Mrs. to awarded Lillywhite, Mildred Rampton and Mrs. H. Landvatter. Jennie Peck, motored to Idaho Falls, W. E. Getz and Refreshments were served during the Wednesday. F. A. Dnggs has just installed a afternoon. The ladies of the B. B. bridge club beautiful new soda fountain in his were entertained oy Mrs. TT naroio11 of Blue Bell the place business, Persson at Udy Springs Tuesday Hats and caps in bright summer shades, breakfast sturdily Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gunderson and morning. After a plunge, was fashioned was and served of cool, enjoyed bridge fabrics. In smart "Rah Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gunderson ren- a time. turned last week-enfrom an extend forMiss Rah," Middy and Jockey Cap shapes. Delightful Marelda Henrie, Miss Edith ed trip thru the North West as far Aileen Calderwood selection, all moderately priced. as Vancouver and down the coast to Foxley and Miss Tuesday in Ogden. the Mexican border, visitinsr all places spent Mrs. Will Poulter returned from of interest. The Gundersons are Idaho Falls, Sunday after a two weeks newly weds and we are glad thev are on account of illness of a grand stay making their homes m Garland. The members of the Chicquot club child. went to Idaho Miss and their husbands enjoyed a swim Falls Ethel Holmgren to visit a friend and Tuesday ming party followed by luncheon at later accompany friends through the Udy Springs last Friday evening, will Park. Yellowstone in honor of Mra. A. H. Archibald's son of Mr. urA Mrs. Bvell Doyle, birthday anniversary, a number of her Frazier has been very ill this wek. relatives and friends enjoyed a swim Miss Edith returned home Duet Fairy's Gift weeks visit m Bloomington, Idaho. ming party and luncheon at the Udy Monday from Gephart a week's visit with Amy he was accompanied Christopherson by Miss Phyllis bpnngs last Friday evening. Miss Burns friends in Canyon. Ogden who Patterson, will visit here for a 1 h new warhouse is "neanne com Both class and teacher wish to ex few The members of Wildey Rebekah days. pletion. The contractors expect to Lodge and their families will have a press their appreciation "to Glen Mrs. James Miller in have the building completed by the Piano Co. and also wish to Mrs. company with at Springs Monday evemiddle of July. A committee, conmos picnic All Udy Bosley of Tremonton spent Mon- the thank ward Bishopric for the use to are come members ning. urged ed of members of the Garland Lion's with chicken and other good things ot the classroom. PeLofe?0011 at a quiltlns prty i,; Club, is planning to hold a hie cele and the enjoy outing. oration in the new building. Watch Mr. and Mrs. H. David Hansen atLUdnrtri1.Helen Atkinsn for the date. tended Confirmation pKoy the The high school band, under the Luthem Church at services at the Fourth of July in Logo? Ogden Sunday, nirecuon or ueorge isve. cave a con June 30. Their daughter, Ida Gladys orest M(l her two W; cert Saturday night. The music was was one of the the most outstanding social children class, confirmed. Ferhaps was the Brigham the of flarland appreciated by people Major Eugene Santchi and wife, event of this week was the shower quests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Tuesday Rodes. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gadd e and Mr. visited Mr. and Mrs. David Holm- Riven in honor of Tay Rhodes with F. A. Driggs. spent the- earlv nnrt White, at nf gren and family the fore m;!!16 the of home Ms,met , part of the as recent bride, at the home of her 5wUm;Se Atklni'on. mis weeK in idano. week. Mrs. Santchi, is the younger Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday Jasper Rhodes. The girls of the Junior rlnsa nf tTno sister of Mr. Rlan for their annual Mrs. White received many beautiful Holmgren. to M. l. A. with their class leaders, trip Canyon. free pt The in classes Melody presents. Refreshments were servpd Mr. and Mrs. Janus pect to leave Monday morning July 8 Way given piano ...vo h,t:ii Glen fiuici allQ to eighty-fiv- e by some guests including for Como Sprnigs where they will Piano on with Co., under the direction of Miss from Riverside, Beaver Dam, Garland, ,n.ldZ Mrs Wi week. the Nel ard spend T was concluded with a recital Collinston, Fieldinsr. and Bricham Burns, Mrs. Harold Persson entertained ia on Monday eve at the Meth Mrs. Anne program, Nielson and of children Wlford Sorpnson returned members of her bridge club Tuesday odist church. , Garland have been visiting with Mr. hnn!lT morning at the Udy Springs. The The following was the program: and Mrs. Carl Larson and Mr. and days on the reserve all enioved a swim: frllnol" tin adies with sheep. Song, In My Garden . i By Class L. M. Holman. ureamasi men' mey spent the remain- Magic Music Thelma Sanfill, know Mrs. Wednesday Carl afternoon, that Mrs. S..C. Sorenson, who der of the time in playing bridge. Dons Woodward Larson entertained for Mrs. Nielson. Special guests at the party t0. her bod for many To a River Donna Sanfill Refreshments were served to twenty Millan Peck. Mrs. J. D. Gunderrheumatism is now able to Mane Westmoreland guests. son adn Mrs. Louis Peterson. 'nIher,chair on the lawn. Keith Rohde Mrs. Laura Olsen of is Brigham lielle Burton, who has Wn attonA. Evening Song Ilva Getz visiting at the home of her daughter, ng college in .Salt Lake ?fAthtowVsaw the talkie Moon Ruth Mrs. Meister S. E. Hansen. week-en- d with her parents, Mr. and Lady the Capito1 Rt L- Moon Miss Eula Rodes returned home last gan Lady (a) ivirs. donn uurton. Wooden Shoes Little (b) after a Thursday week's visit having Leah Arbon, who has been employed Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. E. S. Han-Dana Jean Abbott with her relatives in Lehi. in Ogden for some time, is Mrs. Laura Olsen, My Mr. Pony and Mrs. Tom White have re Mary Haight her vacation with her parents spending here. hter Musical reading, "That's What I turned trom their honeymoon trip ".uwini w Call a Fal." Robbins which was spent in Southern Utah. Bertha A college youth who Is reported to Snow and Sunshine anu MI8- EHansen had The places of interest visited were: know 12 languages ought to be equipChristoohersnn Amy Bryce Cedar Canyon, Kaibab Warren E. Breaks, Hansen and children ol ped for changing tires . (a) Sleep Baby Sleep Forest, Zions Canyon, and Grand CanIt isn't so very difficult to succeed (b) Minuet Bertha Robbins yon. if you have industry, common sense (a) Dancers Miss Louise Atkinson returned to There's nothing like an and a few first class enemies. ....Olive earthquake (b) Happiness Christopherson her home last Saturday after a two to take people out in the open air. MEN! d Our Values in Shirts and Fui nishings, NOW on Display, Merit Your Special Interest Men's Shirts In the big assortment of broadcloth dress shirts we are 98c offering at choice 1 silk finish $1.98 Imported broadcloth, See Every shirt properly styled. Cut to fit. Snappy patterns. We fit the hard to fit.' 25c 39c 49c In Our Grocery Dept. Cliquot Ginger Ale Cheer-uThe new summer drink 21c 50c 69c bag. 10c p. 35c Grape juice Potatoe Flakes Large Juicy Sunkist Lemons Tremonton Locals pounds pass into the is within the reach of all. Just take your time in selecting cool weather items in our big cool store. Light, airy, Wash Dresses. Fast color prints and 98c and $1.98 voils Up to date. Sizes up to 19s. Bow Ties J 3 doz. for $1.00 In Our Meat Department Pickle Pigs feet. Large size 2 for 25c ; lb. 25c Crystal Salt Bacon boef liver lb. 15c Young lb. 26c Young pork steaks Lean streak side pork . ib. 20c This quality meat and can't Try our fresh baby beef. be beat We always carry a full line of lunch meats. Gephart Stores Co. Sill of Whiteto $149 $1.98 $2.98 and Wear Youngsters' Clothes Quickly in SummerThe Answer WashSuits 98C Garland $2.98 and Boys Hats and Caps It light-weig- ou can improve Your Home, too r . AND AT A SURPRISINGLY MODEST COST OW often have you wiahed for a corner cabinet In the : room a set of built-iokihelvee the eleamimr ... AUt7 of ... Idft World n nr harA-arnn- Bon . . another room added Pf finishing off the attic? numb.er ?f UfflffiS jruu cn maKe in I r nojne at modest 2. TJttla flilniM AAA and tfcm will save ffcf I Jld bt a source IWf Msf action. Ton will be proud of the charnf and beauty they add. Come In to our office and talty It over or permit n to caHtelt us what you'd like to do. Offc experlenca enablea ua to realise. many things that yonVe ofUs. f9it rB couia wrora. our -yard Is alwl . i V Jit stocked with Snerousiy thai Men very building need-rf- s matter how large o Ji wr smaliilpeemitflR hj ht d 49C and 69c Bros-Rober- ts East Garland . . ni Bros-Rober- Wilson Lumber Co. "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Tremonton, Utah 'American StaniUd Lnr hcr from Amcr;vas Rest Milk" -- ts onf I.., .i' were-Mrs- . tTnuned "Ai K Nothing irka a genuine college boy any more than shaking out the envelope from home and finding nothing but news and love. Am I the first girl you ever kissed? I'll say you are. Yes, but am I ? First Senator: "The public is clamoring for an investigation of this railroad." Second Senator: "Can't have one until next year. The manipulotors tell me they won't finish what they intend to do to the road until next fall." (J,"al tfP li.JS.." criR-nam- - - . |