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Show 1929 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 4, jgffi their way home after a short stay in I RIVER VALLEY LEADER change; .fro ith Salt Lake City. Mrs. George Beal accompanied Pres. the of shown. Development are today a R ranonor to Centerville to attend Subscription Rates electric the telephone, electrical ..$2.00 age, One Year, in advance o and Ward conference, Sunday and in the $1.00 light, phonograph, player-pianSix Months, in advance the evening attended services at Dewey-villfrom locomotion of .. .50 radio: progress Three months, in advance.... Dicycie u wo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stratton and ((c). l2. Western Nwolr I'nion I mobile; the safety razor and the farm Entered at the Postoffice at Edwards of Logan were guests John illustrations in shown are all tractor, Swallow, my lBter. O, sinter, ewal-loUtah, as Second Class on Sunday at the Charles Peterson and detaled descriptions. home. How can thine bean be full of There is no better textbook of Mrs. Chas Peterson and daughter, advertisethe spring? than history the Published at Tremonton, Utah, on A thousand tummert are over and but for the study of current Mrs. Rose Garfield attended ments, week. of Kunx lead. each t funeral of Mrs. Magdalene Thursday of history they are even more invaluable. hast thou found In the spring What on the r Logan, nday. of women everyday study Millions follow? to Published by fashion" in news- -. What hast thou found. In thins nofcv.j THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. tUIICUbadvertisements, and millions ol heart to sine? paper Incorporated What wilt thou do when the sumboth sexes follow in the same place mer is hed? tu nnfoinrvnrarv Hevelooment of the Swinburne. automobile, furniture, radio and every Editorial From May No. of "Tower di ivn pv Co. marketable Ins. Life Met. other Talks." product THIS AND THAT In the "Buddist Philosophy of Life" Tfc is estimated that aDDroximatelv sentence: you will find this 107 400 Heath claims for a total of MTkaM utqq o man horn blind and THE PERENNIAL When Disking chocolate add a drop $63)500,000 were paid in 1928 on life he said: 'I do not believe in the world PIONEER two of cinnamon extract, instead or of light and color. There is no sun, policies, tnat naa oeen in in the insurance romance of vanilla to the not beis are ever has There unfailing less. The one No or a force stars. no figures year no moon, new into ventures of fore serving. comDilation "The made a pioneer from by story seen these things." of life and thought and human Woolrlv Underwriter " fields who Before men baking potasay: are there All about Thninrh- thev1 mavif have been un- endeavor, and its heroes come out of them Into toes, drop There ic no such thing as love. There the clear-cand picturesque. rnnu-innnf it. the. acents. who wrote past There IS on.Vi tViintr a a Invaltv. ; for a few water boiling measure ara itisnrtsprl. in fact, to that inauranre. were working acainst ut them to no such thing as unselfishness. There then minutes men of its the not those' spirit an until pioneer 1929, age by time. Had they waited is no such thing as virtue, All bake In a verr hot oven. ana women uiu wc j i ent'a worth of that insurance coma and visions. things are but dreams unknown to This saves time .and dangers to of their be written had challenge written. been have It things? lou Why do they say thesedo twelve-montheat of Some it within the not dream think that perhaps they But even today we lack: no he. written the verv month, the milk Instead of water when tn had Use are think You they what they say. or incentive to seek new worlds very week or the very aay tnat it was mustard for the table. an just talking for effect or to raise to conauer. we must, in iacw cou- - written or it could not have been mixing to cook in a colander macaroni Put argument. can efnfiw eopV them, for old fields some of will Rave it from this The case is sadder than that They r.stf k nlnwpH to exhaustion, and written at all. Doubtless coarse or sieve, these prospects said to the agents who of the pan and bottom to the give voice to this belief because they l n accihi drives auruau. us sticking luriner not ready just them, "I'm j a - -recurrent the men who are blind. Perhaps they t ti or it can then be drained easily. our canvassed i to challenare TK ia ii I nme nnw next montn. around had were born as blind men and never the challenge to create new "Come around after the first of the When making tomato soup the milk a decent chance to get their eyes open. powers urnrir inv 111 take it." nurseives. new uoca And it would will not curdle If yon pout it into and blind become year have Perhaps they and new fields of labor and have been easy . rs anunni enough, too easy in the hot tomato, Instead of the tomato j through habits of thought and action. those acents to say. "All into the milk. for man fact At any rate they are like the "Later" The fascination of the past is made right, I'll see you later." in n TtnHHhiKt book. They are blind When sleepless try a glass of hot and the miraging wnnM have heen too late, ana sixty out of perspective no no love, there is and they say that distance. Lacking three million dollars would have been milk Just before retiring. loyalty, no virtue. In preparing gravies, porridge and we may miss the inspiration of irrevocably lost to the beneficiaries. They are men to be pitied because these, mak is tnat a add the salt Just before servsauces the pioneer spirit aiways Time, brief tme, a day, a week, they are spiritual cripples. over. iv uwcuo mnnth or a venr at m rvjt. would have ing. woria the iei ing wie never experience They have catuaA tn destrnv nhliteratft all the us, in every man who matches When cream is thin add an egg finer emotions of life in their own among irJ4-the chall- - comforts and necessities, the educa ..v. acainst i 0 niw unA wnrlc to each pint of the cream and I white darkened lives. They have not had of his own future; who hazards tional values, the peace of mind which and enge often enough emotions these I a new business enterprise, pentxis an such a sum distributed to tne nereavea whip. strong enough to belive in their real- immnfiATi nrooMips a cosdcI or writes famlioo Place apples In the oake box to have, assured. ityspirit is thee millions were keep the cake moist Renew them as I But those You who read this may never look a book. For the pioneer nuof vigorous expression paid, and because the insurance was- they wither. out of your window in the night. perennial anu 11 tiv man imvi taken in time. Not one of those prosbeaume, Breakfast muffina may be toasted are stars very Nevertheless the or circumstance. narta had anv wav of knowinff how to serve with tea. Pull them apart tiful. Be sure of that little time was left to him. Not one of and toast brown. The next time you hear a man or a spirit-nothose i its agents knew how little time he life's beauties, woman deny Spread the cm side of cheese with had in rftmnlete the sale. o'hiovoTYipnts. its satisfactions, its to keep It from drying out butter one no and No one has do calculated, deep and worthwhile experiences, of cheese that has become dry Grated with could calculate any degree not be misled. of insurance mav be made palatable by adding hot amount the T.ifa ia nil riirht. Folks, for the accuracy, Tha AM rlnh cirls met on Wednes year cream to It. When melted turn Into a most part, are all right. But you are ,Uv at tho hnmp, of their leader. Mrs that wnnld have been Daid last all the men and women who had Jar and use as cream cheese. if talking to a blind man. was Brough. The afternoon promised to take out insurance later Have a look at yourself, too, and Clarence A small bit of leftover ham or meat, spent in making three Kinds 01 cooiues had not waited too long waited until nH conclusions. to the nut served throuch the meat grinder and was lunch there was nr more time for them, until WViw irsu ova HienrflirpfL when VOU and a dainty to mavonnafse will make nice added members present because uninsurable become had they find yourself cynical, when you doubt O. Garfield ana son irvine, ana of sandwich J. or filling. until aeatn injury or disease, the eternal venues, mase sure mat Glen and Elvin Garfield, motored to had of raisins to rhubarb handful a that loss Add the man. they blind very a brought not becoming you are Camn Kwsel. Saturday afternoon, re hoped and intended to provide insur- and aDnle pie: It Improves the flavor, the. blind man in the story said Gar afternoon. Day ance to meet. not there were no such thintrs. We turning Mondaywith Lemons and other citrus rruits Keep them alter enjoyreturned If a man nas decided to buy an better if hung In a wire basket Bvmnint niir&olwR with the like of fieldthe Scouts. the with Boy outing. . it doesn't make much difference him and we find he has no eyes to see ingLawrence Lemon Juice added to frosting while me auto Abbott was rusnea to ll whether he buys it today or next How about ourselves? Are you t where on Monday improves It even Hospital beating He Brigham next get month or KUnH man ? Am I? may year. he underwent an operation for appen- it niore cheaply by waiting, u ne love of and enousrh all have we May along as well as dies in the meantime he'll have no use iiirnifv dtiH unselfishness in our own dicitis, he is getting . be can expected for the car anyway. But it's different in lives to enable us to recognize it rewire Rrourh who has been very with insurance, roaay may dc tne others? ill, is very much improved and his last day that he wll ever be able to I darhter Mrs. BnrVlft of Providence, buy insurance. And his failure to buy HISTORY IN THE who has been taking care of him the it today may spell absolute disaster to MAKING past month, is able to leave and at him in his old age or That there are sermons in stones present is with the Jack Fronk family poverty and privation to hs and books in the running brooks has a f TSwnnntATl K. H. Fridal, Jr. and family left In this sense then, every sale of long been an article of literary faith, 1919. Wetern Newspaper Union.) but onlv now is there complete realiz Monday for a trip to Grand Canyon life insurance is made against time in Southern Utah. ation of the truth of the statement mH ntiAr nointa HnrVto leave ue. tk.ii it ! our dauschters and children. William to that tVn' arfhapolocnst of a far-othe eon irrevereritlv. we love, and those who love "Vhv'snid Those several morrow will seek his treasures in the of Salt Lake City were guests "I'd stay here; the question is, what advertisements of today. Just when they have learned t days this week of Mr. and Mrs. ueorge would become of vou?" help us, It was Anatole France who said Brough. One way of getting what you want had the pleas- is When we are old and lean upon that advertisements are the modern Mrs. George Brough by wanting nothing. them. historian's best materials. The cata- ure of a visit of her brother, Frank Half the falures in life arise from Comes a youth with flaunting and Martha unand Crawforth the daughters, magazine log, newspaper ads, feflthers. pulling in one's horse as he is leap rolls before one as luminously as a Lavon of Ruoert Idaho last week. With his flute of reeds, a stranger riare. ing. to moved B. the development of J.11 , Hansen and family on the screen film Wanders piping through tne vil . .. ., C . ,. . .1 m me customs,' n au Luse uiy lage iiithe times, me saga 01 it ouimaj. 1(. tn the fairest maiden ciinia clothes, implements and playthings of sen has secured employment there in And she follows where he leads today will be faithfully depicted in a garage. her, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Waters of Salt these advertisements excavated some Leaving all things for the stranger. at the Lake City visited the week-enthosands of years hence. Hiawathas wooing. FOR SALE National Cash Register, The story of human progress during home of George Brough. model. Light Oak finish. Call latest of Tolman Mrs. unfoldMr. and Nampa, 93.0.1. the past century and a half is MODERN JELLY MAKING 44 ed to those who delve into the adver- Idaho, visited a few days with O. A. tising mediums of the period. Style Seager and family. They were on CASH PAID For Dead and Useless The old fashioned methods of mak Reverse call Inir tellv have been laid aside for the Cows and horses. . tf41 - Brigham 493J2. more quickly maue, oi When modern science. BABY CHICKS of the heavy varieties lacked which fruits for sale now. Call F. B. Barlow. 39 pectin were used for Jelly Friday and Saturday. making the fruits with Will buy veal, cows and hogs. Phone plenty were combined 36tf 44J1. Garland Now we have BEAR e. high-wheel- CAB! N eu Tre-monto- n, r. near-ancie- nt Insurance Pays ! J Sonus In Three Clearaway I A o LJi Groupes $19.90 r-- ut a II iuuiiii6 III h. lv-- v. 11 mio-ht- . Suits are from THESE A stock . . . every one of- f"V tfl fS - v. v I I l U them. ..That they truly represent quality merchandise ,s certain when you con- sider their orginal marfc- ings: from $25 to $30. We don't want you to feel that price is the only incentive. - mST Oi' I 1 J h& l If Jyjf I I " I sixty-thre- 1 I I A I $29.90 $24.90 Pi J j yT fllI u Sale or no sale, re- - member that a fcmt from Fishburn's is I a I " garment. East Tremonton Fr VI 1 ti e KITCHEN long-continu- GBIA (. ff . . I . X I 1 1 . I T T T '1 . ...want com.. d ... It Costs You Many Dollars An Acre To Fight NOXIOUS WEEDS Not to Mention the Reduced Crop Yields on Land Which is Badly Infested with Weed Growth 74-a-- 2, TWO SECOND for sale at a Bargain. Shop, Phone 15. FOR SALE 4 yearling sows bred for early fall litters Leland J. Han39 sen.. Phone 5y4. FOR SALE Team of Good Young horses, weight 1400 and 1500 lbs. 41 Murrey Hill, Elwood, Utah. PLENTY OF MONEY to lend on the right kind of real estate. NOR7tf MAN LEE, Brigham City. FOR SALE $12.00 per ton. Experiments conducted by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station have shown conclusively that by proper methods WEEDS CAN BE CONTROLLED For further information consult your county agricultural agent, or write the Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah Tremonton Banking Co. Published by this bank in cooperation with the Agricultural Committee of the Utah Bankers' Association WASHERS The Maytag HAND Good Utah-Idah- building lime o Sugar Garland, Utah. GOOD BUILDING LOTS 18tfd Co., For Sale Some right in town, others two blocks out. Also two homes for sale. Call Leader office. Team For Sale Weight 1400 lbs. each well matched. Also almost new cream separator at a bargain Call M. L. Nelson, 134J. Garland. 42 TAXI and STAGE Between Dewey, Tremonton and Garland. Call Bell 42tf Phone CO. Unlimited Money to CLEARANCE the season's most important HUNDREDS ofare included in this great July Clearance event tomorrow. Hats of ballibuntl, visca, sisol and lovely felt in delicate pastel and brilliant high shades. We want you to see the New summer felts, now on display, White and all leading shades $3.95 and $2.95 lf TASTY grocery specials for the housewife who likes to save on her food budget. f LOAN on Irrigated Land. 6V4 per cent. No commissions. JOHN J.SHUMWAY BelL fhones: B. ft V. 69.a-2- ; with them. the commercial pectin In bottles which greatlj ex pedites Jelly making. It needs less cooking and hence the Juice makes more Jelly. Now we may have plenty of the good blackberry lelly. which so many enjoy. Blackberry Jlly.Use four cupful. of blackberry Juice, made by crushing and draining the fruit Drip throngn a cheese cloth then through a flannel bag if wanted sparkling and clear. To the four copfuls of Juice add eight cupfuls of sugar and one bottle of the liquid pectin. Bring to a boll then add the pectin at once, stirring well to thoroughly mix; bring to a rolling a minute. Re boll, and boil one-hamove, let stand one minute, skim, nonr Into classes and cover at once with hot paraffin. Ripe Pineapple Jelly. Put the ripe fruit throuch the meat grinder, after peeling, adding a little water. Cook flv minutes then drain os above. To three cupfuls of Juice add six of sugar nnrl one bottle of nectln. Follow the directions as ahove. Raspberry Jam. This process does away with all the long cooking and drying up of the seeds. Crush the berries, using two quarts at a time. Measure the fiult Into a kettle, add to the four cupfuls. six cupfuls of sugar and one-halcupful of liquid pectin. Cook and boll for two minutes be fore adding the pectin, remove from the fire, add the lectin and stir con stantly for five minutes. Do not re turn to the bent. Let stand and skim, then seal while hot MILLINERY 12 FiSHBURN stsMMsWMMHUbnrfk WE GIVE XVt DISCOUNT STAMPS I |