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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 11, 1929 Industrial Review Of Prominent Box Elder Merchants DESERET BOOK STORE M'DOWELL PRODUCE CO. WILSON LUMBER COMPANY Located At 44 East South Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Located In Tremonton And Offernig To This Community The And Books on History, Buildnig Materials And Can Assist With Plans And Estimates Best In Fruits And Produce, Including, Cream Cheese And Water- Offer A Complete Line Of Stationery, melons. Wilson. For Any Sort Of Building. ..Managed By Mr. fc. Biography, Travel, Fiction, And Others. ..Managed By Mr. Hooper. What a drab, montonous world that Grecian civilization which gave To supply this community with the ket quotations can be obtained by The Wilson Lumber Company has profitable to go over the plans and Features The Best Quality Of Seasoned Lumber And Other t. become known as a leader in the lumber and building supply business. This reputation has not been acquired by any spectacular display of service, but has come as a result of consistent endeavor, on the part of the management to always have on hand a complete stock of the things, for which there might be a demand in the building game. They have on hand at all times a complete stock of seasoned lumber, lathes, shingles and other kinds of building materials, all of which are bought in such large quantities that they are able to sell at reasonable prices. They can supply you with of the finished berries and best in is this would be if we had no books, us so much in philosophy and government, that Roman civilization which gave us the basic principles of our present day laws, and so on down to that most advanced civilization of we are only more civilized as we be- which we are a part, only thru the come more educated. We may be medium of books. We know the history of literature sophisticated but how uninteresting we become to those who have a thoro and are enabled to be familiar with be- knowledge of what has gone on be- all that is fine in literature only fore. We may have traveled but how Pcause of books, for literature is books. The Deseret Book Store 01 bait much we have missed when we stood before the Kremlin in Moscow, the Lake City is able to supply this with anything, they wish in Taj Mahal in Agra, or the hundreds of other shrines and mileposts of hu- books on travel, biography, history, man history if we weren't familiar current fiction, poetry or any other with the history of the place. Only subject one could think of. They also books make history possible. feature high grade stationery in any We irace that early Egyptian civil- form, and a complete line of current ization that existed along the Nile, magazines. fruits, produce photographs product, calling them. nothing in the world today that they have to offer. They also the aim of this progressive produce This concern is under the direction There is which, more than books, contribute so have a large stock of doors, windows establishment. No matter what your a competent business man who has much towards making this age the and other mill work ready for immed wants may be in this line you will of find an adequate supply on hand at associated with him only such assist superbly civilized one that it is, for iate use. ants as he can depend upon to render They also carry a complete line of the McDowell Produce and you will the most courterous and magnamim find the quality of their merchandise Builders ous service. To market your produce Hardware, Crockey and . Glassware. There stock of these lines unsurpassed Here the producer is met with to the best advantage, get in touch are replete with many bargains, courtesy and accomodation in every with this well known house. ably priced. transaction as every one connected We are pleased to compliment them Another important reason for the with this establishment is conscient- in this review on the progress that business success of this firm is that, ious in their efforts to render real their reliable policies have merited by reason of their knowledge of the service. No obligation is incurred by and take pleasure in referring our industry, they can offer suggestions to asking questions and the latest mar readers to them. their patrons which save them money. You will enjoy the courtesy and ser plans and architect's drawings for any vice that you always find in dealing type of building one could desire and with the Wilson Lumber Company and eive you a close estimate on the cost we do not hesitate to suggest to our of it. If you are planning on a build readers that they avail themselves of Located In Tremonton And Offering To The People Of This ing of any sort, and especially a the service and merchandise they have home, you will find it interesting and to offer. W. E. GETZ, JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST corn-uni- COOMBS AND PERSSON Located In Garland And Offering A Choice And Complete Line Of Men's Wear Including Leading Brands Of Men's Suits, Shoes, Hats, And The Smaller Accessories Of Dress. Today as never before has the "style and quality and taste with which we choose our clothing from footwear to headgear assumed an importance so pertinent to either our social or business success. These are the things which can be made to blend and present a harmonious impression or vice versa and the successful man of today realizes that his friends and his business associates are especially sensitive to the quality of and taste with which he chooses, not only his suits and hats, but the smaller, though none the less important articles of apparel. He is aware of the true value of correct sartorial impression and likewise he appreciates the derogatory influence exerted by discord or inharmony which often appear in ill chosen clothing. The Coombs and Fersson .Shop is an exclusive men's clothing store where one will find a choice line of shirts, ties, hose, handkerchiefs, and other details of dress, which carry nationally known trade marks and which represent the latest vogue as well as the maximum value and util- . ity. This store also offers a complete line of straw and felt hats for summer wear and many famous brands of suits for men. Their spring and summer models have an unusual appeal and yet are reasonable priced. The managers, by reason of their experience in the clothing business are qualified to give their patrons expert suggestions as to what they can most tastefully wear and you will find a visit to their store, not only an interesting one, but also a highly profitable one, if you are in need of clothing. STAYNOR AUTO COMPANY " Located In Garland, Managed By R. J. Staynor, Is Offering To An'Enthusiatic Clinetele The Greater Hudson In Fourteen Body Styles And Essex, The Challenger, In Seven Popular Body Styles. Up and down the highway of one daily sees evidence of the increasing popularity that has been enjoyed by the Hudson Motor Car Company for their superb automobiles namely the greater Hudson and the Essex Challenger. It is the unforeseen popularity that has made it necessary for the Hudson Motor Car Company to increase, for the second time,, the greatest schedule ever set for Hudson Motor car production, for richness and distinction of both color and upholstering, one would find m and it is this same merited popularity which has caused Hudson Motor Company to increase time and again the largest production schedule ever :set under way in Essex history. Staynor Auto Co., of Garland has on its salesroom floors a line of auto- mobiles that, for their beauty of lines, brilliance of performance, for ease and economy of operations and i difficult to surpass. The wide variety of rich and lustrous colors which afford to the owner an almost individual distinction, the large, roomy and richly upholstered bodies, the pulsating throb of their unleashed power and speed and the ease and economy of operation are a few of the reasons why the new Essex car appropriately uses the name Challenger, and why they are regarded by women drivers as a car of practical utility. You can appreciate these really outstanding . achievements of the motor car world only by a demonstration of their sterling qualities, which may be had for the asking by a visit to the Staynor Auto Co. show rooms. easy and delightful sort of experience. Mr. Getz is also a registered optometrist and takes pride in meeting the highest standards of his profession and is in a position, through his long years of study, to give the people of this community precision in opthalmic optics just the same as in any other division of optical science. We recommend that our readers consult him at the first sign of weak eyes and he will assist you in correcting your con- - Located In Tremonton And Offering The Highest Prices To The Farmers Of This Community For Their Grain. Manufacturers Of High Grade Flour. There is no business so absolutely essential to the welfare of a community as a modern milling company and in this respect we are pleased to say that the Tremonton Milling Company is rendering a most modern and complete, milling service in an admirable way.. They are manufacturers of the famous "Utah Favorite" flour. Favorite Laying Mash, and Favorite Poultry Feed, which is held in high .esteem by all their patrons in this entire state. Only the best wheat is used in the manufacture of this flour ;and every precaution is taken to injure the sanitation and purity of this .product. farmers should consider themfortunate in having a mill as large as this one in their community where they may market their grain. Wheat is taken on deposit at this mill on flour and bran and this service is The selves used and appreciated by many. The men directing this establishment are men well known for their square dealings and honest business policies throughout the entire state. They are well respected citizens and are behind every community project that wlil benefit this district. We are pleased to refer our readers to them and it will be to your advantage to see them before marketing your grain. DR. M. C. OLSON Located In Tremonton And Featuring Automotive Service In You May Have Your Car Greased And Oiled While Shopping. We are pleased in this edition to They have kept abreast with the refer our readers to the Blue Light times by providing a large stock from Service Station as one which is not which to choose. Gas and oil is also a only one of the largest, but as one part of their service and the oil is of which is undoubtedly offering a more the best grade and time tested for Complete greasing complete service, than you will find hardest wear. in any other service station in North- and oiling service may be found here dition. and they are conceded to be experts ern Utah, This is an establishment which would and are very efficient and careful in be a distinct credit to cities much this line. You may also on these hot larger than Tremonton and here the summer days have cooling refreshpublic finds efficient and expert tire ments as this is one of their features. men and service employees who are This establishment is owned and ready and willing to serve you. managed by Mr. and Mrs. Adam who have merited the large Because of their large volume of business, they have an unexcelled and successful business they enjoy, Registered Heating and Sanitary Engineers, Featuring Kohler buying power for this section and as because of the square deal methods Plumbing Systems, Capital And American Heating Systems And a result can save the consumer money they employ in their business policies. Duro Water Systems. A Full Line Of Plumbing Fixtures And in the tire market. They feature the And it, is with distinct pleasure that Dayton tires which are conceded to be we, in this review, congratulate them Parts In Stock. the leader in both longevity and easy on their splendid institution that service and efficiency has built. riding qualities. "What the arteries are to the body vogue, in bathroom furnishings the plumbing system is to the home." namely the colored bathroom suites. This is a comparison which is not They come in orchid, pale green and for both require careful other appealing shades and are the and expert attention when they need last word in bathroom beauty. You will also find on display in repair. If the circultatory system of your body is bad you are doomed and their showrooms a full line of plumbOffers To This Community Fresh Milk And Cream Milked if the plumbing system of a house is ing supplies and many individual defective you are constantly annoyed kitchen and bathroom fixtures which From Their Tubercular Tested Herds. They Employ Every Saniuntil it is put in order. The business do much to break the monotony and Safe-guar- d To Assure The Purity Of Their Products. Owned tary of the Burgress Bros Plumbing Co. drudgery that house work is often is to install, and keep in order, your composed of. Mr. Burgress can show By Mr. R. A. Christensen. plumbing systems. you where, with the expenditure of a The modern dairy is a far cry from most healthful or all beverages. The If you are building a home, consult small sum, you can often entirely Mr. Burgress and he will advise you omit the tedium of housework, and that of yesteryear and no business has Federal Heights Dairy has spared no as to the best plumbing system that in so doing cut the time required to shown improvements as fast as the expense to make this business a modern dairy. In olden times a can be obtained for your particular do it in half. modern one, not only in sanitation, needs. He features the nationally The splendid service that this con- dairy was considered a place from but also in regard to efficiency'. They known Kohler plumbing systems and cern renders to the public is well which to buy milk and butter and no are equipped to furnish milk or cream taken to keep it clean and for fixtures, Capitol and American Heat- known by many, and the large busi- pains were Cows parties on all occasions. were milked, regarding systems and Duro water systems, ness it does is a glowing tribute to sanitary. need have no fear in feedMothers of health less and their resultantly, all of which. are conceded to be the high quality work and the fair Federal Heights milk to their leaders. They are prepared to supply prices one always finds in dealing many cases of sickness came from this ing babies for this milk is found to be source. and install, what is now the current with them. But today, we have the modern always pure, fresh and contains just butter-fa- t for dairy where everything is white and the right amount of building purposes. Protecting sanitary, sanitation is their God. The body health is their pleasure. cows must be tubercular tested and your AND CO. We are pleased in this industrial the environs of dairy plant itself are sterilized as often as used. The sani- review to compliment the Federal Located In Tremonton, Is The Popular Distributor Of The tary precautions practiced at the Heights Dairy on their splendid busiDairy are such that ness and we wish to say that the Northern Utah; Outstanding Motor Car Value: Managed By Federal Heights well use the slogan, manager of this concern is doing much they might New Ford And Lincoln Motor Cars And Ford 1 lz Ton Trucks For "Careful Mothers Use our Milk." to help the prosperity and health of This concern is rendering a real this and adjacent communities. You Harry Tailor. service to this community for milk is can whip their cream, but you can't The new Ford motor car for which the public. conceeded by all physicians to be the beat their milk. the Utah Auto and Implement Co., is The Utah Auto and Implement Co., distributor for this part of the state, of Tremonton might well be justly is undoubtedly the supreme and proud of this Ford Motor product, G. achievement of the last whose restfully tilted and wide, deepdecade of the automobile age. ly cushioned seats and the hydraulic The new Ford is a car in which shock absorbers and carefully planLocated In Tremonton And Featuring A Complete And Diverone finds all the advantages offered ned spring balance give it a Pullman sified Line Of Drug Store Products. A Fountain Service As An by larger and more expensive cars, car riding comfort. yet it sells for such an outstanding They should be especially pleased Added Feature. low figure as to belie credibility. with the thought that they are supThe absolute beauty and smart- plying a car within the reach of a This is a drug store that has long will find a complete line of face ness represented in its low sweep- moderate income and the compli- been established as a part of lotions, cold creams, powder, toilet ing lines, the superb performance, ment to their reliability and integprogressive businesses and water, rouge, and in fact demonstrated by the swiftness of ac- rity that is theirs for being the has anything kept abreast with the times by celeration, its surging scpeed, and the Ford Motor Company's representa- constant that they might have need for, all of enlargement of stocks until which consciousness' one feels of its un- tive cannot be enlarged upon. bear nationally known trade they are now offering a more diverleashed power and the marvelous They offer free greasing and wash- sified line of merchandise than will be marks and are recognized leaders. ease of operations, exemplified by ing service and any other attention found They are offering this community a in the larger drug stores. a steering wheel that responds to the car may require for the first They have always had a fine rep- complete fountain service and in mixa touch, gears which shift smoothly 1500 miles. Their slogan is the sale utation for their exact precision in ing fountain delicacies their art is unand silently, brakes which take ef- of "one new Ford a day." and many physic-an- s surpassed in this section of the state. filling prescriptions fect quickly and firmly and the viseThey feature the new Ford 1 ton recommed them this service. They have provided tables that add for like manner with which it grips any truck, with six forward speeds and Their your convenience and endrug stock is a complete one greatly towhen sort of road are only a few of the two reverse speeds. This Truck can and Mr. joyment stock has selected indulging in refreshonly Scott, attributes which make it a gem of be had in two distinct gear ratios and after it has been endorsed ments. our by automotive engineering such as only any type of body that you may reMr. (Scott, is one of our best known leading scientists and health bureaus master craftsmen could present to quire. thereby assuring his patrons of the and respected citizens and we wish in absolute purity of their drugs. this review to compliment him on the The ladies of this county will find admirable way in which he serves this CO. this a desirable panacea as here they community. BURGESS BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING COMPANY FEDERAL HEIGHTS DAIRY far-fetch- UTAH AUTO IMPLEMENT H. SCOTT DRUG COMPANY Tre-monto- BARNARD HANSEN AND A Store With An Unexcelled Reputation That Has Served This Section Over Twenty Years. Featuring Dry Goods, Ready-to-weAnd A Complete Line Of Groceries And Hardware. LocatedvIn Bear River City. PECK ELECTRIC SHOP ar The People's Painless Chiropractor, Of Box Elder County Is Offering A Complete Chiropractic Service. The Good lie Has Done The business life time of the averFor The People Of This Community Is Inestimable. age successful business in the United Chiropractic has eliminated many chronic diseases, which have been conspicious failures of many methods of treatment. The most brilliant success of chiropratic, however is in adjusting the cause of acute disease, for in these the recuperative powers have not been weakened by long illness and the results are generally prompt and certain.' Bodily ailments come as a result either of a violation of nature's laws, on account of an interference with nature's way to keep the body in perfect health. The human structure is so constructed that it is unnatural and impossible for the disease to creep in without cause. The nerviouH system which leads to and conveys life to every remote part of the body is designed td give perfect health to all the organs and keep them in repair If y ty Its Broadest Sense Is A Real Metropolitan Establishment. Official Representative for Dayton Tires And Alemite Greasing Service. out-standa- rd TREMONTON MILLING COMPANY -- BLUE LIGHT SERVICE STATION Community A Complete Optical Service. The craft of the present day jeweler or gold smith is one that has survived from ancient times. Whereas in the days of old the gold smith only royality and nobility, the present day jeweler service is sought and enjoyed by all! With most people the selection of a birthday, holiday, wedding or any other sort of gift is an exasperating task but the Getz Jewelry store offers a service not only in variety of articles carried but in the capable suggestions they are able to give you, which makes this sort of thing an are States is, according to government there is bound to be disease in the statistics, three years. There are particular organ supplied by the ner- many who continue to be successful ves so obstructed. for a moderately longer period, but Chiropractors do not treat symp- there are only o few which are able toms, because, regardless of how long mark, the symptoms were treated, if the to go past the fifteen-yea- r cause remained, the tendency would and there is only a select few which mark in continuous be for the patient's sickness to stay pass the with him. Once the cause of your business. sickness is done away with your disTo enjoy such a protracted tenure of business success such as the Baragreeable symptoms disappear. One phase of the service of this nard Hansen & Co., has enjoyed, is a doctor that you will appreciate is his finer tribute to their business policy effort with Chiropractic adjustments and the quality and values represented that are not severe. Do not be afraid in their merchandise, than words conof being hurt if you go to him. He has spent much time and effort in de- vey. This company has alweys had the veloping methods of adjustments that are practically painless. A trial will best interest of this section as a convince you. Every case is carefully part of their business policy or else analyzed ond given close personal they could not have existed as long as they have in continuous business. 20-ye- ar Maintains A Most Complete Electric Shop In Garland Featuring Well Known Electric Supplies, And Is Very Well They are today offering the finest, Thought Of In Business Circles Owned And Managed By Mr. S. most and exclusive lines of popular dry goods, men's wear and women's ready-to-we- ar that the market af- fords. They carry nationally known lines in men's wear and their ladies' department is likewise a vast array lines. Their dry goods department of the most exquisite and popular is completely stocked with a large variety of fabrics in many colors and of various textures. Their grocery and hardware departments are completely stocked and one will find here anything that they may want in this line. They use the latest methods in refrigeration assuring the freshness and purety of their merchandise. Their business has been conducted in such a manner that it has won for them an invicable reputation throughout this community. M. Peck. Often yau have heard that electricity runs the home and every modern house wife will testify as to the truth of it. Advances made in recent years in applying this for practical uses, particularly around the home, is that experts such as represent this firm are demanded for installation. When a home is constructed today, it is the common thing to get the electrical contractor, who is especially equipped to take care of the electrical work. The experts who have charge of this concern know the electrical business, both from the practical and theoretical sides. They know the laws of electricity, but at the same time the years they have spent in this work gives them a thorough knowledge of the working out of these laws in the practical details of house wiring. They know, too the requirements of state laws regarding fire protection. More than this, they will wire your house so that you can procure insurance at the most advantageous rates. Great care should be taken in this regard, as a great many fires result as a consequence of improper wiring. Mr. S. M. reck is very well known for his fine work throughout Box Elder county and, he is to be complimented on the many fine jobs that he has completed. By their skill, by their satisfactory service, by their fairness in dealing with the public, members of this firm have earned for themselves a reputation which has traveled all over this section of the state. In making homes more livable they are a real asset to this community. -- m - |