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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY: LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 4. 1929 ndustrial Review of Prominent Box Elder Merchants UTAH POULTRY PRODUCERS ASS'N BEAR RIVER VALLEY TELEPHONE CO. SUGAR COMPANY UTAH-IDAH- O Located In Garland, Is A Truly MetropoUtan Establishment Is A Concern Which Has Done Much To Make This District Located In Tremonton Is A Popular Public Utility Concern In Has And Detail. This Company Is Directed By Men Well Known More y Worthwhile Of The Always Aid Any Every To Supported Much The Prosperous That Is Doing Rapid Expansion In And Is K. This Directed ..This Sorenson. J. Patrons. All Company Their To Service By Adjacent Communities. Project. Community By Furnishing Satisfactory Under Management Of Paul Heitz and His Able Associates, Who This concern is known throughout community project. Their policy in It is fitting in this industrial review high standing in the business circles Are Experts In This Line. this section of the state as one of the this respect is to follow the line which that we give preminent mention of of the community. Com-munit- wiucji lias uunc uiucu tu will benefit the greater number. their keen foresight has brought liisuiuuofis about the prosperity that this The fact that this company has inthe company to its present perfec- bring creased from practically nothing seven of Utah is favored with. part tion. immense volume of business, their years ago to their present standing The prestige that comes with their today, turning over as they do over When we stop to consider the service rendered by this public utility practical knowledge of the poultry six million dollars worth of eggs alone concern we will indeed have cause business which has won for them the throughout the state, strongly attest to feel proud that we have in this recognition of the entire west, all add that farmers have appreciated their district, one that is as capable to to the progress and prosperity of any earnest endeavors to aid them. serve us in the truly delightful man- district in which they have an estabThey pay the highest prices for your ner that we are served. This com- lishment. poultry and eggs consistent with marTheir plant has done much to ad ket conditions and we in this review pany is one of our greatest assets and is assisting us in making this vertise our city and they have always urge our readers to give them their district a more prosperous com- willingly supported any worthwhile fullest cooperation. munity in which to live. . To those of you who have not a telephone in your home at the present time we would especially refer you ,to this company, and you Market Carrying A Select Stock Of A Thoroughly will be surprised how inexpensive it will be to bring this modern con- High Grade Groceries, Meats And Other Food Products, Under venience into your home. The Management Of W. K. Burnham. The operation of modern and sucis an cessful telephone company undertaking that requires the service of men of experience and a comprehensive knowledge of telephones and their various uses. This cannot be acquired in a day, but comes from long study and practical experience. There is probably no other company of the size in the country that is better equipped to furnish phone serwhich vice than this organization maintains one of the most modern and plants and furnishes service to its very satisfactory patrons. The growth and prosperity of this company is due largely to the efforts of its officers. Their familiarity with resoruces of the vicinity which they supply; their confidence in the future utility development; up-to-d- 0. P. Employs Modern System Of Finance Which Meets Each ReBanking Service. This Institution Has quirement Of Been A Vital Factor In The Development And Increased Prosperity Of This Section. A Up-To-D- The service offered by the modern whose product is credit. Their knowfinancial institution is a far cry from ledge of men, markets, commerce, and the banking service that was available finance place them in a position to in the ancient and medieval times. If render a service to their own section we roll back the scroll of banking i which is unequaled by any other busi- . ' ..l tu. ....... history, only so far as the beginning of the Rorthschild era, we find that products which they weave into a banking service consisted only of fabric of mutual confidence, which is making loans and accepting deposits. credit. In fact the attitude and policy was This pillar of financial strength has often indicative of a desire to gain an acquired a reputation for following unfair advantage over those who en- only the policies which are beneficial joined the aid and service that banks to this section of the country. at that time rendered. Usurious rates Whether their patron is a large corof interest were charged and the poration or a humble individual they policy followed was one that oftimes rigidly adhere to the policy. of ex was a menace to the general welfare tending the same courtesy and giving of the community in which is served. the same careful attention to any However, today, we find that there problem whic his offered to them for is probably no other business which is solution. so absolutely essential to, and which Their executives are men of wide is so voluntarily solicitious of the experience in bankine circles and are general welfare of the community in fully competent to cope with every which it is established. The Tremon- (financial problem which they may be ton Banking Co. are manufacturers called upon to solve. 1 . ! market stock of perishable foods are always A thoroughly up stock select of a high grade found to be in an unusually pure and carrying fresh condition. groceries, meats and other toodW.proK. In studying the demands of their ducts, under the management of patrons this firm has always been Burnham. aware of the importance of carrying The 0. P,. Skaggs Market occupies a select stock of everything needed for in a place of paramount importance the production of a well balanced meal this district not only because they They have also rigidly adhered to the carry a select line of high grade and business principles of extending to nationally known canned goods but each patron the same courtesy and because they maintain a modern and attention irrespective of the amount meat market. Their fixThese are only a few rea tures and general equipment are of expended. 4ona why this firm has assumed a available the finest and most modern place of cardinal importance in the and consequently they can handle all Tremonton business world. stocks expeditiously and make their In this issue we are pleased to refer which to one from store a convenient our readers to this concern as one buy. which is consistently and faithfully to-da- te te They use the most recently dis- supplying a constant need, namely covered methods of refrigeration and the ipgredients necessary to the pro hence their duction oi nigniy appeuzing meuis. sanitation is a by-wor- d; ADAMS BEAUTY PARLOR peo- through the advertising medium that they use in advertising their products. in consideration of what they art doing for this district we take distinct pleasure in urging the fullest co-operation of our readers with tali firm. . As our industries grow bo shall or district grow and our industries and district will grow only with our fall est cooperation. You will find their products the best that the market - . . VALLEY HOSPITAL A Splendidly Equipped Institution That Is Daily Rendering An Important Service To The Residents Of Box Elder County And Southern Idaho. There is probably no institution! known to the civilized world which is so absolutely necessary to our general welfare as the modern and hospital. Altho no one is desirious of being a patron in their well moments, yet in case of accident or illness, the people cf this community must feel with a deep sence of grat ification their good fortune in having an establishment, that is so splendidly equipped and managed as the Valley Hospital. The training in the eastern hospital which Dr. White is favored with, has enabled him to anticipate the hospital needs of this section and he has left nothing undone which, would contribute towards making the Valley Hospital.one that is adequately prepared to care for its patients in a competent way. It has been said by an able author 1 te Which Is Located In Tremonton, Offers The Ladies Of This County An Opportunity To Receive The Latest In Coffure Styles, Facial And Scalp Treatment And specializes in rermaneni wav ing. Owned and Managed By Miss Tressa Adams. ity that the Valley Hospital is as well equipped as any hospital this side of When one considers this Chicago. assertion and visits the hospital and sees the modern equipment, the well lighted rooms, the operation rooms with their five hundred candle power lights and in fact the entire establishment, he can well agree that this assertion is true. As a part of his policy to spare no expense in having the best equipment, Dr. White has recently installed a Fracture Bed, which is one of the few in the state. We in this review take pride in referring our readers to this hospital as one where you will be taken car of in a most delightful and proper man- ner. We wish to complement Dr. White on the splendid esUbUshment over which he presides. , , DENTAL SURGERY Teeth Play An Important Part In The Lives Of Every But As A Vital Factor In Our This is a business which we wish .that it was necessary to have this One. Not Only For Appearance, As Your Dentist Often As Necessary. Consult Health. that to call the attention of the ladies of work done for they thought this community, for it is considered if their hair was clean that was This is a all that was necessary. In the mod solely for their benefit. it is pos' CO. day and age when women, both old ern beauty parlor and young, are paying more and sible to have the face treated in more attention to the little things such a way that the little wrinkles Is A Firm That Is Well Known To The Farmers Of This And which make them more attractive and skin troubles vanish and with and which keeps them from having them the years. Adjoining Counties. With A Fine Store Located Jn Tremonton to Both look beyond their years. Study and experience on the part And Promoting Good Will Between The Farmers And The Town business woman today of the manager has placed her in a social and the People. Under The Management of Mr. S. B. Watland. are aware of, and demand the full position to offer valuable suggestions as to the care and treatment of your value This is a firm whose success may be it is bought, this firm takes care of ance. of correct personal appearher expert opinion being one hair, explained by the efficient and satis- that as a part of its program to serve is unusually good in the beauty that been have men For having years fying service it has rendered to the the farmer in every way possible. The their faces massaged and their hair parlor business. farmers of this district. In closing we wish to suggest a attractive, modern and taken care of by men who make it Believing in the great agricultural store of this firm is the congregating their business to know what is the visit to her parlor will result in your possibilities of this flourishing com- place for many iarmers wno come to best and what should be done to finding out many little things that munity, the organizer of this company this city and the manager of this preserve hair and remedy facial really count and which you will be determined to establish a business establishment has a pleasant greeting troubles. It is only in the last de- the future. which would meet every demand of for each one of them. in cade that the women have realized able to use to your advantage the farmers in the way of farm impleThev feature the McCormick-Dee- r ments. As a result, no firm in this line of implements which are part of the state is better equipped ing leaders in tarm impie recognized to meet the needs of the farmers ments. whatever they may be. They do more The manager of this firm merits the than sell the farmers the implements, Located In Tremonton Is One Of The Cleanest And Most they have a service department which high place he holds in the confidence He watches that particular implement of those with whom he deals. Sanitary Institutions Of Its Kind In Northern Utah. Managed By until it is proved that it will give ranks high in the civic enterprises of Mr. S. E. Bjorn. satisfactory service. If any adjust- the district and is behind all commun Through many years of man's de- time the mixer starts until it is ment is needed on the implement after ity projects. velopment, bread has occupied a place wrapped and sealed in waxed paper, of distinction in food values. It is thus assuring the public a product therefore fitting that the quality of having only the purest ingredients the ingredients that compose it and and made under the most sanitary its method of preparation be given conditions possible. This firm features the Golden careful attention it deserves. that o This In Date Public Spirited Firms Is One Of The Up-TNever before in the history of this Crust bread, which is not only made Section That Has Built Up A Reputation Over The Whole Country city have its people manifest such from the purest ingredients obtain wholehearted enthusiam as they have able, but is the product of an ex For Their High Grade Feeds, Gram and Seeds, i over the Golden Crust bread. This perienced baker. They are just as The feed and grain business is un- exact and the results of the feeds bread is quality bread, made from the expert in the production of cakes, and other questionably one of them most in- positive before they are offered to the best ingredients, in this modern snails, cookies, rolls, fluential of businesses to any com- public. bakery, equipped with the most bakery products, and to one who When you buy feeds from this con modern machinery available. doubts the superiority of their pro munity and especially is this true in a Bread calls for the choicest flour, ducts, a trial will convince you. community where the poultry, dairy cern you can be certain that you are These things, together with the and stock raising business in general getting for your poultry and stock doubly tested for pure food value, is such a predominating feature as it food that contains the correct propor condensed milk and pure lard, refined courtesv with which you are met and is in this one. tions of the body building, beef de- granulated sugar, crystal salt and the reasonable prices they have, are It is ,of course, very essential that veloping of milk producing elements. fresh yeast, all materials which go to some of the reasons why the Tre As a result of the painstaking ac make it a most nourishing food. monton Steam Bakery enjoys all feeds be properly tested and that the lines carried be those which have curacy in the manufacture of their The business of this institution splendid business and why we are proven themselves especially adapted mixing feeds and a diligence to give represents the ver ylast word in glad to refer to them as a concern to the uses for which they were pre- the public the greatest possible value modern bakery production and the which is a distinct credit to our pared. This policy is the one upon for the money spent, along with truly bread is scarcely handled from the city. which Lars Anderson has built his courteous and efficient service, Lars good name. Before the feeds are Anderson has commanded a good will manufactured they are subject to an in this country that is enviable. CO- He carries a complete stock of exhaustive laboratory and actual feeding test, and they must measure up in poultry and dairy supplies and is ade these tests before they are placed on quately prepared to meet any deWith Sales Room And Repair Shop In Tremonton Are Featurmands in this line that our community the market. New Chevrolet Six In Seven Striking Models. Also Truck The ing The various proportions must be may find it is necessary to make. Ton Or The One Bodies For Need, For Either The One-Ha- BEAR RIVER VALLEY IMPLEMENT to-da- y te TREMONTON STEAM BAKERY LARS ANDERSON, GRAIN AND FEED Good To have bad teeth is to have bad healht. The truth of this assertion is agreed upon by an increasing number of physicians every year, indeed, all of our really great physicians agree that there is no other one thing which exercises so great an influence on our health as bad teeth. Rheumatism, nervious disorders, and heart leasons are only a few of the serious illnesses whose real cause may be traced to bad teeth. Ulcerated and decayed teeth are secondary causes for a great number of kidney disorders. It is of real importance to all of us that we should have a thorough dental examination at least twice each year. Neglect in making this visit to your dentist may result in a complete poisoning of the system and make it necessary to have all teeth removed. Constant care and attention and the expert dental knowledge and advice such as your dentist can give you may save your teeth before it is too late. Your dentist has spent many years of research in dental surgery for the express purpose of caring for your teeth. He has especially studied the semi-annu- al lf lf causes and reasons that make your teeth decay and ulcerate, and M a consequence, he is in a position to know what best can be done to give . you immediate and permanent relief. You will appreciate the dentist's efforts in trying at all times to cor- rect your teeth disorders with as ., little pain and inconvenience to their 2 patients as possible. Consult your dentist more often a ' he is your friend and in a position to tell you when the first signs of bad teeth appear. They are daily rendering a service to all humanity in the work they love and their years of practical and theoretical experience are at your service, merely for the asking. In this review we wish to remind the people of this community that they have in their midst as complete a dental service as could be found in any locality in the state. Regardless of what your needs may be in the way of dental surgery, you find most efficient dentist in your community that is ready and willing to serve you. , , . WALLACE DRUG COMPANY Featuring Prompt Service And Absolute Accuracy In Filling Prescriptions And Carrying A Complete Line Of Drug Store At The Same Prices For Which They Are Offered In Th Larger Cities. Prtf-duc- ts . No longer does the name drug store signify an establishment where only medicines can be obtained, and where rows of ugly bottles meet the eye of the vistors. The drug store of has away to and given yesteryear been supplanted by, what is probably one of the most indispensable and certainly one of the most serviceable institutions any town may boast of, drug namely the modern, store. The Wallace Drug Store must certainly come under the latter classification and is ready and able to supply this community with a more diversified line of merchandise than any other kind of business. They offer drug products at the consistently cheaper prices for which they may be obtained in metropolitan Every drug stores. Their drug line is a Ton Chevrolet Truck. Under Management Of Mr. completely And One-Hastocked one of unsurJ. H. Fronk. passed purity and they are well The Chevrolet truck in either There is no institution in this part ton size lf ton or one and of the state which has obtained as wide a reputation for efficient ser- is a real buy and no matter what you vice service and for values given than need may be they have a body that this mecca of Tremonton motorists. will answer it. They have special The building of hard surfaced roads The Fronk Chevrolet Co. have on bodies for all classes of work and that the United States gave throughout use. to farm their floor the most beautiful, power- are especially applicable rise to the modern trucking companis offical establishments Chevroin This cars value and giving ful, ies in handling produce, overland reprsentative for Goodyear Tires and let history. and heavy trucking. This is hauling tire have automobile storage of equipped the especially Since the dawn efficient an way to move any article to enables them carry age Chevrolet has been one of the basement that you might desire, regardless of size names that was always prominent on a large stock of tires at all times. or weight, and the damage often done the highways. It has since the begin- Their tire stock, at the present time, in railroad shipping is almost entirely of In is excess the increasso $2,400. ning of the industry been in movement absent by auto truck. estabthis of The service station ingly popular from year to year that The modern trucking business is in 1929 and 1928 Chevrolet sold well lishment is one of the outstanding business that calls for over a million cars in each year. Their features of the place. Their repair aa scientific of efficiency. This is in them degree high and the equipment 1929 model is a dream of engineering shops employs men who company in factories the trucking that as such after and patterned appointments finish, style of experience and had have and years made are cars the where of they resources the of only a corporation well trained in the trucking busiGeneral Motors could present to the carry parts of all models. In Their are ness. Chevbeen trained mechanics have public In it we find not only the stop worrying if you call smoothness of six cylinder perfor- rolet schools and of course are true onYou can Their knowledge of firm. this Ward has Mr. more Shuman, cent over experts. mances but thirty per with which to facilities and their Service to added the been of four a cylinder recently power at the price will save you business this conduct car. FRONK CHEVROLET OSCAR STRAND, TAILOR This firm employs a number of ple in their factory and are , doing much towards boosting the community Utah-Idah- Up-To-Da- te TREMONTON BANKING COMPANY 4k SKAGGS MARKET this modern sugar factory, as an establishment that is a distinct credit to our community. Sugar has long been established as one of the leading industries of the world and Box Elder County is favored with having connection with this o large industry through the Sugar Company. Their products are well known throughtout many states and their reputation has been built on the quality of the products that they manufacture and the honest and square dealings they employ in their business policies. They are men of sterling integrity and have a , very te for the absolute care and efficiency they exercise in filling prescriptions. Aside from drugs, they offer a line of merchandise which will not suffer by comparison with that of metropolitan companies in drug either quality, completeness, or price charged. A full line of high grade stationery at reasonable prices and toilet articles for every call, including perfumes, not only of American manufacture, but many of the choice importations, are offered to a critical known . public. We are proud of their success ana take this opportunity in thanking them for the benefits this and adjacent communities will receive from their store. This store is owned and managed by Mr. F. E. Gibbs, and we are pleased to say that it is one of the finest and most drag stores in Northern Utah. up-to-d- one-ha- lf With A Tailor Shop In Tremonton And Catering To The Men Of This Community Who Want Distinctiveness In Their It is fitting in this review that we it has been almost impossible for give mention of this modern Tailor anyone except the wealthy to have sho. It i3 a distinct credit to Tremon- just such clothes as these. Mr. Strand ton to be able to support a men's tailor shoup such as this and marks the progress of the city. Here you will find the weaves of cloth and patterns that just suit your individual taste. The selection is large and the suggestions that Mr. Strand can fofer as to the style and cut of your clothes are exceptionally good as Mr. Strand has spent many years in studying the different weaves and styles of men's clothing adn is conceeded to be an expert in these lines. There is no one but that want hte style and quality of tailored to measure clothes. However heretofore has made it possible for everyone to avail themesleves of hand tailored clothes. You will be surprised how inexpensive it is to have your clothes tailored to fit you, and only you. This business has been built up on the firm foundation of quality merchandise and quality workmanship. Mr. Strand has worked as a tailor for many years, long enough to become skilled in the manufacture and art of good clothing and we wholeheartedly refer our readers to this establishment as one where you will find quality, workmanship and reasonable prices. one-ha- TREMONTON TRANSFER i. money and also leave you satisfied Their years of satisfactory servic in this field have made them well known in this section of the state, and they may be depended up on to give prompt service at any hour Of the day or night for quick transportation of any trucking that you may '.. wish to have done. The owner of this establishment U well and favorably known throughout this and adjacent communities and la behind any project that Is for the betterment of this community. The1 trucking companies are large taxpayers and the benfits any community derives from their lines are large. Trucking companies are largely, ponsible for the road development of the state and deserve our fullest - . rr |