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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929 James Miller of East Garland spent Monday with Mrs. Wilford Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ryman Peterson and jchidlren and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mrs. Wade Joyce and son Bobbie of Stokes and children spent Sunday in Salt Lake City is visiting with her Booth Valley with their parents . On Friday evening the married sister, Mrs. W. M. Miller. Mrs. Wanda Peterson is visiting in folks all enjoyed themselves at the Udy hot springs. After a good swim Salt Lake with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Young were Sun- and chicken dinner was njoyed. day guests of Mr. Young's parents, Those who enjoyed the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. George Young of j Messers and Mesdames George Marsh, Bishop Peterson, Eugene Miller, Mer-- ) On Sunday evening Ward con- lin Grover, Perry Stanfill, Leo Young ference was held here with a god at- Ryman Peterson, Engvar Peterson, tendance. Brother O. A. Seager, Mrs. and Wilford Miller.. On Friday June 28, several friends Ralph Stayner and Miss Edna Capener of the stake board were present and meet at the home of Mrs. Perry Stan- gave some interesting remarks and fill, it being her birthday, where they enjoyed a chicken dinner and a good music On Tuesday, Mrs. Perry Stanfill, time. Mrs. Leo Mrs. George L. Miller, Young ,Mrs. Eugene and Mrs. Wilford Bill Miller, motored to Malad, Idaho, and New spent the day. Cost Mr. and Mrs. Roland Toombs of Promontory were Sunday guests of Continued from page one.) Mr. and Mrs. George March. Mrs. Dora Patterson and children Ten pair of shoes, or two pair for of Syracuse is the guests of Mr. and for each member of the family Mrs. Eugene Miller. consisting of not over five, Mrs. Sarah Archibald of Plymouth 10.00 valued $5 per pair is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. M. l One shovel, one pitchfork, one gar 90 Miller. den rake, valued $1 each Mrs. William Bosley and Miss Eve- Three hoes, valued at $1 each 90 The city family fares even worse, lyn Miller of Tremonton, and Mrs. Penrose . I J i Cor-inn- e. ! . I Tariff Will of Living Raise And Co. France Grants Asylum to War Foe's Widow trigue. BLDG. The French government considers of the the monarchy not in the light of a widow of a ruler once at war with the allies, but as a sorrowful mother who Is trying to educate her children. Investigation disclosed that Zita was not engaged In politics and. therefore, was entitled to residence in France If she chose to lire here. Austro-Hungar-ia- DENVER, COLORADO Are Pleased to Announce THE APPOINTMENT OF ROY T. SHAW 135 W. The item of sugar, alone, will increase the family budget on an average of $8 a year. The family using a quart of milk a day and two pounds of butter week would pay $5 a year additional on these things. The meat bill, for the average family, would be about $12.50 more every year; and everything else in proportion. These are Congressman Cordell Hull's figures. A $20 suit of clothes will cost $31. It will cost 90 cents more for a football for the boy in college and 30 cents more for a baseball. Every dollar's worth of toilet soap will cost $1.80 and a $2 pair of kid gloves will cost $3. The list could be continued indefinitely, but these items will indicate what the Hawley bill purposes doing with the cost of living. This in the face of President Hoover's recommendation for limited tariff revision at Elizabethton, Tennessee, with whicv only and his statement in the speech he opened his campaign, in which he said: "the purpose of the tariff is not to balance the books of business corporations but to safeguard the family budget." Paris. By a special act of the min Istry of the interior, Zita, last of the Hapsburg empresses, has been granted the same asylum in France which la granted to any other foreigner who Uvea up to the laws of the republic and does not engage In political In- Henry L. Doherty 438 GAS AND ELECTRIC for not only does it use most of the' articles that make up the cost of living to the fanner, but, in addition, its table costs move up enormously. n Frisco Chinese Become Stock Market Players 5th N. KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY The Bear Valley Leader Carries more country correspondence than any other weekly newspaper in the state of Utah. Subscribe for The Leader And Know the Happenings of your Town and the Valley San Francisco, Calif. No more Is To tlckee no washee" in San Francisco's Chinatown it's Just "tlckee." LOGAN, UTAH it THEIR REPRESENTATIVE For the city's oriental population has become Interested in the stock market and recently a Chinese news paper carried for the first time In history the mysterious brokers' qHota tlon symbols In Chinese. One brokerage firm has organized a special Chinese department with a Chinese In charge. The Chinese are said to speculate mostly In groups, dealing in fi.000 share lots. TO SELL Securities of The CITIES SERVICE CO. He Will be pleased to call upon you, and explain Co., Common and Preferred Stock the Investment in Cities Service Subscribe fop The Leader. $2.00 a year. Before Your Vacation Trip Drive In ! Let us inspect all your tires, properly inflate them and repair them if they need it. Or trade us for new Goodyear Double Eagles or which will insure troublefree motoring proably as long as you'll keep the Only All-Weath- Hear Yc! ers car. Hear Ye! All All Sizes . . All Prices . . HEAR YE! We Are Going To Publish a Newspaper We like to talk to folks, and we've had a hard time trying to get around the community to talk with all of our friends each week, so we've decided to do part of our talking through a lively little newspaper which we will call LOWEST PRICES IN 30 YEARS BARGAINS IN THESE LATEST LIFETIME GUARANTEED GOODYEARS The big, husky, full oversize Pathfinder Tread Snpertwist Cord Tires genuine Goodyears. Usual first quality superior to many makers' highest priced tires. ..Specially priced. 30x312 CI. Reg. "McCORMICK-DEERIN- G $.35 O 29x 4.40 MOUNTED FREE NEWS Types All Goodyears $.60 D 30x $7.40 4.50 NO WAITING 30x312 We don't want to put the Bear River Valley Leader out of business so we've decided to run our newspaper inside of theirs. FORD-CHE- V. SPECIAL New Speedway.. CoriEjcb-- y EVERYTHING IN TMt hiaitt or y $g.50 . Special Low Prices on AH Grades of Good- year Tubes MORE BARGAINS! Green Trading Stamps if $60 30x4.50 -- and church socials, and other local gatherings and events. It is our aim and desire to publish a little newspaper that is chock full of newsy, interesting, helpful items. Watch for our first issue next week. Quality 29x4.40 Carry a SPARE TUBE! You'll find us on this page each week. We hope you'll enjoy our news and views on many topics and that you'll help us make our newspaper interesting by sending us news items about farm sales, school We Give Thes New Goodyear Pathfinders 30x312 29x4.40 $J.50 $J.70 30x4.50 $j.80 32x6 $g-4- 5 Service VfSlFOHTHE FAM Fronk Chevrolet Co. Phone 20 Tremonton, Utah |