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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929 and Mrs. Harold Peterson and Her- and make white and green aprons on man Forsberg of Salt Lake. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown and children; Ruth Fredrickson and WalMiss Edith Olsen of Harper is visit-in- ? lace Redeling motored to Chrystal with Pep Capener, Monday. They Springs Sunday morning. went to Ogden to take the Scouts to Mrs. Moroni Allen, who with her Camp KieseL two children, has been visiting her N. conwho is working at Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hess of TreCutler, father Bishop Evans and family left monton, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker, struction work near Huntsville, spent for her home at Cheyenne, Wyoming, and daughter Betty, were the dinner Sunday at his home here. on Monday. Miss Nina Evans accomMr. and Mrs. James Harlin and guests at the Karl Wellinjr home. panied her sister nad will make an n Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Macfarlane an- Miss Enid Murphy, come up from extended visit. nounce the birth of a son, Monday, Saturday afternoon to visit On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. W. F. friends. July 1st Baker entertained the members of the The family of Ora Hyer are visitiMrs. Roland Reese spent the week- Ladies Aid, and other guests in honor end in Logan. ng1 with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward. of her Mrs. Iva Simon of Welton Ward and Henry Hales also Ronald Murphy, yard master at Car-li- Peoria, daughter, 111. The afternoon was pleasScout Master H. S. Tingey, are Nevada, is here for a few days' antly spent with and social visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. conversation and games spending the week at Camp Kiesel. a daintly arranged Mrs. Macfarlane of Elba, Idaho, is A. C. Murphy and other relatives. luncheon was served to Mrs. Simon, here visiting at the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Baker, are ex- Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Dickson, Mrs. EdRobert pecting their son, Alphonso Baker gar Winchester and son Gene, of TreClayton Beck of Preston, Idaho, was and wife, from Sioux City, Iowa, to monton, Mrs. A. L. Shaw, Mrs. J. Y. "here on business Tuesday. visit them soon. They are motoring Ferry, Mrs. Sarah Allen, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker came and will tour Yellowstone Park. Mrs. H. Turner, Mrs. S. filbert,Mrs. L. E. Howard down from Pocatello Friday evening and sister, Mrs. B. Bradford, N. P. Jensen, Mrs. and spent the week-en- d at their home Winnefred Jarvis, of Brgiham were Wm. Johnson, Mrs. A. C. Murphy, ' here. calling on Mrs. C. F. Shaw Friday Mrs. W. F. Baker, Misses Fay and Friday, Glen Lawrence and family evening. Leah Bosley, Joyce and Betty Adney Mrs. Marjorie Smith of Garden Geraldine and Glen Simon, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt Dorothy went to Richmond to attend the funer- - City, Washington, has been visiting and Evelyn Baker. Mrs. friends here of several of Smith one s Mr. brothers. Lawrence fy Mrs. Horace Evans is passing the days. . n e T i r l innanes i etersun 01 is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. week at the Adams ranch at Promoniur. anu ivirs. Salt Lake and children, Maurine and Fuller who lived in Corinne several tory. Leland, called on friends here Satur- years ago. Mr. E. J. Brandley, Mrs. S. B. ConMr. and Mrs. S. A. Older entertain- verse, Mrs. Clarence Adams, and Mr. day. Nephi Dustin and Lyle Lefler came ed at Sunday dinner with covers laid George L. Davis of Rock Springs, up from Salt Lake Sunday and left for for ten. Wyoming, Motored to Corinne on Bear Lake the next day. Major William L. Livingstone, U. S. Tuesday, where Mrs. George Davis John Bowcutt of Honeyville has Army, retired, and wife were guests joined them and on Wednesday they been spending a few days here with at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. spent the day visiting the duck clubs his children, Lorenzo, William and Dickinson, on Thursday. Major and viewing the marshes. The party Livingstone was Mr. Dickinson's visited other places of interest before George. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jensen of Brig-ha- commanding officer during the returning home Saturday. War, and took the spent Sunday at the T. J. Udy Patrick Harlin and family of Salt home. opportunity to look up one of his Buck Lake City and Robert Harlin and Mrs. Harold Petersen and daugh- privates and talk over old campaign of Ogden, spent Sunday in ter Joey, returned to their home at days in the Phillipine Islands. Major family Corinne with Mrs. Eliza Harlin. Salt Lake Wednesday after visiting and Mrs. Livingstone were enroute Tiere for a week. from Salt Lake City to their home in The family of George Bowcutt left Tacoma, Washington. John Cobb, formerly of Corinne but Deweyville Tuesday for Afton, Wyoming, to be now of South Brigham was operated gone for ten days. The family of J. 0. Hadfield and on for appendicitis on Sunday at the Mrs. Fred Harrewood and children Mrs. E. W. Ward and children attend- Pearse Hospital and is doing as well of Salt Lake City were visiting with be ed the reunion of the Jenson family as can expected. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish Saturday and club met on Thursday at Bear River Saturday. The girls Mrs. Nina Dustin and children have afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Gardner and Mrs. gone to Bear Lake to visit with rel- their leader, Mrs. Woodruff Nelson, Fannie Gardner were shopping in' OgMrs. Henry Cutler is assistant leader, den atives. Wanda Lefler, who has been work- Carma Bosley is president, RoGene Idaho,Thursday. is visiting with friends for a and Vera ing at Clearfield, spent Sunday with Bradford, Miss Lilly Burbank of Mapleton, Abe members are few her father, Lefler. Jensen, secretary. Other days. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt were Gertrude Papenfuss, Florence Hatch, The Lish family met at the Crystal Lenora Cutler, Marion Young, Evelvn shopping in Brigham Tuesday. afternoon. All enMisses Phyllis and Thelma Woods Merill. Elizabeth Merill, Fay Wood, .Springsa Sunday swim and lunch. joyed delightful of Fieldnig have been visiting here June Nelson, Edith Bywater, Vivian Miss Emma Dewey of California, with Grace Udy and Roma Tubbs. Cutler, Rhea Reeder and Margaret was visiting with friends and relatives y Hatch. After roll call the girls spent over the week-en- d i. T. J. Udy spent Saturday and returning to Salt some time in discussing various sub- Lake where she will at Grouse Creek. work for the Miss Ruth Forsberg, Cleo Udy and jects connected with their work. summer, night. Sunday Al and Rn Bowcutt, went to Salt Demonstrations of cooking eggs in Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fryer are reLake Sunday. On Sunday they went eiprht different ways was given. The over the arrival of a baby girl, to Tirrnanogos, accompanied by Mr. club met at Mrs. Cutler's to cut out joicing born June 30th. Mother and baby are donig nicely. Mr. William Gardner went down to Ogden Saturday on business. Miss Wanda Wyatt and Florence Chidester, of Salt Lake, are visiting with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Sinie Loveland and daughter from Salt Lake were visiting with friends. A number of acquantances and friends attended the funeral services of Mr. John Shuman Friday afternoon. Miss Hilda Knudson and Miss FROM Ault were visiting friends in Monday. Logan FACTORY. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen have purchased a car this week. BEST AND ABSOLUTELY The boys from Camp Kiesel reported as having had a good time and excitement. LOWEST. YOUR Miss V'ienia Taylor of California and her grandmother, Mrs. Maggie EARLY. CALL YOUR Tavlor, have been visiting with, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen for the past -!- Riverside Corinne Og-de- n, Car-lys- le . m Spanish-Am- erican 4-- H nt Sun-Ma- 10,000 lbs. Best Binder Twine JUST RECEIVED DIRECT THE QUALITY THE PRICES THE PLACE ORDER WILL FOR ORDER AND DELIVER THE GOODS. GIVE YOUR OWN INSTITUTION A CHANCE. Farmers Cash Union Phone 35 Tremonton, Utah May-Bel- le Snowville The Home Coming celebration on June 28 and 29 was a big success People from many places came to take part and enjoy themselves. On Friday the program consisted of a Rodeo, Ball game, Airplane, rides a parachute GENTLE BULL IS jump and at night a picture show and dance. Music was furnished by EVER DANGEROUS athebigGaiety Girls orchestra. Saturday a program was given in morning consisting of speeches, Animals With Bad Reputa- the musical numbers and readings. Mr. E. C. Cornwall was orator of tions Closely Watched. the day. Warren Hyde of Blue Creek won the Rodeo contest on Saturday A11 bulls must be regarded as dan- afternoon. gerous," says II. A. Hopper of the New Mrs. Tresta Neilson of Salt Lake York State C llege of Agriculture. "It and Mrs. Lila Gardner of Deweyville Is the gentle bull, not the vicious one, were guests of their parents, Mr. and that most certainly kills or maims his Mrs. A. L. Peterson over the weekvictim. Those with bad reputations end. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Baird of Roy, ere more closely watched." Since Improvement In dairy herds Utah, spent Sunday here with Mrs. conies slowly, promising bulls should Baird's father, Wm Hurd. Miss Lola Rose, who is training for be kept In service long enough to denurse at Ogden, is spending her a termine the worth of their daughters. vacation here with her parents, Mr. With proper care, bulls may give sat- and Mrs. Abe Rose. isfactory service until fourteen or sixMrs. Emma Eliason of Brigham teen years old. here with her spent the week-en- d The chief reasons for frequent daughter, Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr. Mrs D. G. Nelson and son, Mack, changes of bulls as Indicated by owners, are: Sold for beef, changed to motored to Ogden on Tuesday of last another breed, his calves were mostly week retruning Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Showell, who has spent bulls, his daughters lacked type and were poorly marked, sold for beef to the winter in Ogden, came home on avoid Inbreeding, lacked arrangements Friday. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Wardleigh are for exercise and safety, he was often a few days in Ogden. spending neglected, became useltss as a breeder Mrs. Alvin Robbins was taken to and was killed, he killed his keeper. Ogden Thursday where she underThe first four reasons are, In part, went an operation at the Dee Hospital valid; under certain circumstances on Friday. She is reported to be doing nicely. they might Justify the disposal of Mrs. Horton Hurd and children are bull, Professor Hopper says. The last four causes turn upon Inadequate fa- visiting relatives at Ogden for a few cilities for housing, for controlling, days. Lowell Cutler went to Ogden Sunand for maintaining the health of the day where he has work for the sum- Each O. P. Skaggs System store pays cash for all country produce bought by them. This includes eggs, home grown fruits and vegetables and all other ranch products. Ranchers who sell us their products are not compelled to buy groceries from us, but of course we want them to if they are in need of food. HIGHEST 4 MARKETS Not only do we pay cash for country produce, but we pay the highest market price. Grocers who pay more than the market price "in trade", invariably charge too much for their merchandise. Bring your eggs or other produce to our stores. You will be pleased with every thing about them. FOOD x &msSm A Surety of Purity" stores summer. -- of ten A. M. The Superintendents will be pleased to have the cooperation and assistance of all teachers, not on vacations. Visitors always welcome. Alvin R. Dickson, Pastor. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere , The Three I's: Ignorance, Intoler-ancImprison. There is no denying the fact that the female dancer has visible means e, of j support There is nothing those why try. impossible : , d. Lest We Forget Excellent Plan to Keep Calf Little Bit Hungry three times daily can asmore food thnn when It Is fed similate after it has finished drinking Its milk. be at Milk fed to young calves should " about body temperature. Cool milk should be warmed to a temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit by setting the pail In a vessel of hot water before being fed. One cannot depend upon guesswork be sure to use a thermometer! Cold milk will almost always cause digestive troubles, resulting In scours which tend to stop the calf's growth and hinder Its getting a good A calf fed start. No one can accurately estimate with the eye the quantity of milk In a pall. Milk scales are very convenient for this purpose. Clean feeding pails are absolutely essential to successful calf raising. They should be washed after each feeding as carefully as milk utensils and sterilized if possible. Dirty pails Invariably cause digestive troubles. All mangers and feed boxes should be kept scrupulously clean. Plenty of bedding, straw, corn stover or shavings should be used, especially In the winter, to Insure the calves always being on dry litter and not on the cold stall floor. WE REMIND YOU THAT WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ENAMEL WARE, ALUMINUM WARE, GALVANIZED WARE, TIN WARE, AND HARDWARE EVERYTHING FROM A CLOTHES PIN TO A . COMBINE HARVESTER Con. Wagon & Machine Co. "The Largest Retail Implement Dealers in the World" Tremonton, Utah Phone 90 SOLVE YOUR HAULAGE PROBLEMS BY USING THE Ford 1 Vz Ton Truck NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Dairy Stable Equipment Makes Much Difference The equipment of a dairy barn makes a great deal of difference In DAMAGES the labor of caring for the cows. State of Utah, Good concrete floors with gutters and County of Box Elder, ss. drainage makes It possible to keep IN TREMONTON CITY OF ,SAID cows clean and minimizes the lathe COUNTY. I have in my possession the follow- bor of caring for the stable. Swinging described animals, which, if not ing stanchions which allow the cows claimed and taken away, will be sold considerable freedom have met with at public auction to the highest cash approval. When cows are confined bidder at my residence, Tremonton by stanchions they require less space, City on the 13th day of July, 1929, at less bedding and may be handled with the hour of 12 noon. less labor than by either leaving fhe Description of Animals cows loose or In box stalls. Dirt floors 1 brown Gray mare, smooth mouth, saddle mark on right side; shod; are not good In a dairy stable as they branded W on left thigh, weight about cannot be kept clean. 1200 pounds. Said animals are held by me to se- SALE OF ANIMALS FOR cure the payment of trespass damages done by said animals upon the premises of Tremonton City, on the 2nd day of July, 1929. D. P. MEISTER, Poundkeeper of Tremonton City. Dr. Wm. Eli Hawkins Chriopractor and Masseur Bank Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 3 ap- preciation to our many friends who were so kind and thoughful and helped us in any way durnig the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. John Shuman and family. to Rennis Larkin was chosen as president. No other officers were chosen. Mrs. Hannah Cooper is spending a few weeks visiting friends in Ogden and Salt Lake City. Mrs. Chris, Peterson and daughter, Vida, Mr. and Mrs. Orian Peterson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cutler for the week-enMrs. R. N. Cutler and Mrs. John Arbon went to Stone Sunday to hold Relief Society ward conference. Miss Dorothy Arbon, while on her way home from Logan, where she has been working was hurt in an automobile accident when the car in which she was riding was forced down the grade. She was brought in to town and medical aid was given by Dr. bull and a more serious cause. mer. Wardleigh. She is recovering well. Professor Hopper Is the author of a Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson of The Relief Society in our ward was bulletin just Issued by the New York reorganized Sunday. Mrs. Charlotte Howell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. State College of Agriculture on "Tlie Robbins and her officers were released Alma Larkin Friday. Housing and Handling of Bulls," E 177. In it he says that bulls respond to care and training. The author describes the bull stall, the safety bull pen, handling the bull, trimming the feet, ringing, and dehornin;:. The publication will be sent free upon request made to the office of publication, Roberts Hull, Ithaca, X. Y. week. Mrs. John Fryer was shopping in Ogden Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank and children, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brig. Burbank of Brgiham Citv Sunday. C. J. Dewey spent some days with the Boy Scouts at Camp Kiesel last week. of Water Mr. Lloyd Lish has opened his ser- Contamination vice station now and is located on the Will Lead to Disorders main highway, so if you want service water supply of dairy farm The come right his way. Mrs. Grant Evans formerly Miss should be carefully examined and Its Alfreda Marble was cvisiting her purity established. The farmer owes this protection to his own family, to mother, here over the week-enMiss Zenda Hunsaker and Miss Ada his business Interests, and to those Hunsaker, were visiting friends here who use milk that comes from his Thursday night. dairy. Contamination of water may Mr. Frank Chisek, night operator, lead to typhoid fever. All water on and Ross Birch, went fishing up Logan the farm, even that to which only the canyon Monday.Mrs. Willford Miller and daughter, cattle have access, should be above suspicion as to Its purity. If cows Virginia, went to Logan Saturday. Mr., and Mrs. Dee Loveland and wade In polluted water, disease bacchildren were visiting friends in Har- teria may adhere to their bodies and later fall Into the milk pails. Especial per ward Sunday. Mrs. Ugene Shibe and daughter, attention should be paid to the purity Betty June, returned to their home in of the water In which milk palls Salt Lake City last week. and other utensils are washed. At least one day is spoiled for the man who discovers that his last year's suit can not be made to do for another There will be no preaching services for the next two Sundays Julv 7th and 14th. The Sunday schoolDWeW and 14th. at either Tremonton or Corinne. The Sunday school at both places will meet at the appointed hour s FACjL) d. COUNTRY PRODUCE Methodist Church Notes - Cows for Cream The number of cows that can profitably be kept for cream production on liny farm Is de pendent upon the quantity of pasture, roughage and labor mailable. However, on most farms this number should range from five o ton head. The Income from these cows will usually take care of the operating expense of the average farm and make It possible for the farmer to bank the returns from his cash crops rather than pay old debts with them. Various Body Types DUAL TRANSMISSION TWO REVERSE SIX SPEEDS FORWARD LOW INITIAL COST LOW OPERATION EXPENSE LOW DEPRECIATION Do - Not - Wait Place your order Now Utah Auto & Imp. Co. TREMONTON, UTAH PHONE 28 |