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Show Let Us Make Your Last Springs Suit Look Like New f HUMAN DESTINY By HARRY R. CALKINS I & t UTAH HELPER, THE JIFFY SHOE SHOP Open For Business Next to Skaggs ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IMPORTANT We' consider our used car department a major division of this business and conduct it accordingly. ' You will receive the same courtesy, the same intelligent service and honest dealing as you would expect to receive if you were buying a new car. A Victory Without Profit SILVAGNI MOTOR CO. A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLE-ATHE DEALER WHO SELLS IT SEES THE HELPER GARAGE Auto Supplies First Class Repairing Agents for NASH and CHEVROLET We Manager Automobiles. Telephone 44 and 27-- - . - - Helper, Utah WANTED: furntehen. Call 4 or 5 OXjI lAii cref.ticlna fn La'diqs and Children's H.tn arriving daily. Pretty Styles moderately .priced, New to Mrs. J. T. Kelly was hostess the Bridge club Saturday afternoon. Mrs. John Hubbard of Price was an invited Edith Mrs. Frand-se- n guest the point prize and Mrs. August Litizzette the honor prize. . Children won 14c Yard Clarefice Johnson will entertain the members of the ladies Guild at her home Friday afternoon. Plans will be completed for the pastry and candy sale the ladies are working on. The sale will "he held Saturday afternoon at Green- halgh's Drug store and many deli cious edibles will be on sale. Mrs. S. C. Day, Francis Clement, a miscellaneous atternoon. Mrs. was Several Reynolds Absolutely the newest styles out at prices ranging from 69c to $3.49 a Pair Children's Bloomers, all shades, well made at 49c J Children's New Spring Coats New line of Children's Spring Coats from the little tots to the grown up girls. Prices $4.98 to $9.98 Children's full Mercerized Stockings, many shades, at New shipment Good materials, groi piar ; and . the e' prese this welL reds of stores in Frocks. made, very Store loss Mot He!; T cem i of House and the but ' attractive rywide 79c Each especially acitireinr. ten fhan ing the smart new r i fiar . apparel with Ladies Ready to Wear abh r lacl shi In abo Spring season abouv' Our extensive b enable u keep m ly ws pla 1 cc: touch too every activity in the ing str tion and production lifh rea se wearables ani aw "stores usually are j in its the first to present New Rayon Materials inj stc the public. A silky rayon mat- RAYONELL: desi janizatup t roai $9.90 to $22.50 erial 34 inches wide warranted fast color all 35c Yard lis h as Dollar-ser--we- ( wh Un In? -- lnr ll Stylc-senr'c- e ra' millions cf women tb ' cut the United he; Sta'e ;ea enjoy and appreciate. Each d?v from uct;' San Ray A beautiful silk Rayon material fine and sheer. Warranted ' last colors, 34 inchesi wide 49c Yard th oe ea 40 Easter vill cany rf interest in this Stcis, women, misses and tj tic in planning their Sprint fits of coats, dresses Silk Pongee 12 Momme 3 2 pure silk Jap Pongee nery, shoes and cessories, ty on di ri to I IPt inches wide Fahring gave 49c Yard an evening of Bridge on Sunday. The point prizes went to Mrs. Aug. Litizzette and Dr. E. F. Gianotti, and the honors to Mrs. L. R. Full-- : mer and Mr. J. Vignetto. At eleven o'clock; luncheon was served to these guests: Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Fullmer and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Reed of Price, Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Vignetto, Mr. and R. A. Nilson, Dr. and Mr. E. P. Gianotti, Mr. and Mrs. A. Litizzette, Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Melrose, and Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. T. C!ean White Rags Wanted at the Ti hi HI HELPER'S fw SUPER Kelly. " Paramount TORAGE and OILS SERVICE Sweet Shop try Sweetest Place in Helper Service and EL.NGINE TROUBLE SERVICE JNG and PISTON SERVICE Quality ALVE EXrEKT WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIRING JUST RECEIVED new shipment of better Dresses. Something new at $ 1 7.49 Store ule UTAH HELPER, "A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE tt and BUSHING .GNITION and The Gift Shop !ARBURAT0R Jewelers Strand Theatre Building HELPER- - SERVICE BATTERY SERVIO and ignition servic : VERYTHING FOR THE UTAH the CAE When You Think Automobile, Canyon Pool Hall RCALZO Think' AND PASCUZZI Proprietors ervice. Garage CIGASS, TOBACCO, SOFT LMNGS AITD CANDY The Lest Tables In Town a ei 25c a Pair Advanced Easter Silk Dresses for Ladi Th e Go en C. R. g;J ha Just at the n, made the social afternoon pleasur-rblThe self-invitguests were Mrs. C. E. Lance, Mrs. Geo. Zeese, Mrs. H. Clark, Mrs. M. Floyd, Mrs. Jos. Barboglio, Mrs. T. Litizzette Mrs. Alex Lakie and Mrs. C. T. Kendall. men utmost may . IN ARRIVALS LADIES COATS 'AND DRESSES and eport matIn Poiret-sheeerials. Fur trim, etc. Newest stlyes and moderately priced friends of Mrs. Roger made an event of her Dr. and Mr3. you and NEW A' shower was given for Mrs. Iteva Rice at the home of Mrs. L. J., OBfien Thursday afternoon. Din ner was served to the following guests: Mrs. D. A. Durkee and Mrs. Wm. Price of Salt Lake, Mrs. Tom Price and Mrs. Fred Buvia of Soldier Summit, Mrs. Mary Mbrrison and Mrs. Wilma Brashie of Castle Gate, Mrs. D. W. Richardsi and Mrs. Joe Goiding of Price, Mr3. Rocs Lund and Mrs..H. E. Ford of Oi in ethers so ti ; nigl way cf return for House Frocks formerly Miss the motif of shower Monday Henry Day was hostess of the affair at her home in Spring Canyon. The- bride was the recipient of many (beau,tif)jjj and useful gifts for her new home. Luncheon was served to thirty-tw- o guests. Mrs. D. A. Bench and Mrs. Bryen Reed were the guests from Helper. many Satisfaction Children's Shoes and Oxfords fords. At This lar expended. ' St which this Store 3G Inch Gladio percales, in the new high color spring shades Mrs. HELPER, UTAH "A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE" and Ox- Most Watl 79 Gladio Percales ed BRAND children's Slippers i uci virt There are Elinore Smih gave a "kid" party to the girls of the O.N.O. (fuel Wednesday ovenintg at her Clever kiddish cosMartin home. tumes were worn and kid gamee ar.d appropriate refreshments further carried out Jthe amusing event. e. STAR li a. to $1.39 $1.39 to $2.98 Hats ladies Hats birthday Tuiiday afternoon when they gave a surprise party in her hdnor. and refreshments Music of the well known t If Miss ' New line win tJLd HELPER, New Millinery room house New line of Children s Hats and Easter Bonnets, the daintiest line we have ever had, many beautiful shades at reasonable prices. n im HELPER SOCIETY 21. New arrivals of Children s Dresses consisting of Ginghams, Rayon,Voiles, Printed Broadcloths, Printed Silk and Plain Colored Silk. They will make a dainty school, street wear or an Easter dress. The line is very large and as usual, priced low. - STORE NO 35 '""want ads always have used cars at a bargain a E iNXllTUTiON "Wh ere savings arc greatest buttle of New Orleans waq after a treaty of peace had been signed by the United States and England find therefore served no good purpose except to prepare a great po litical career for the victor, Gen. An drew Jackson, known to his frontier admirers as "Oid Hickory." Jackson was in many respects a typical product of the frontier. Tall and of tough fiber, he. was loyal, unselfish and a proud,' implacable enemy. A high temper, reckless courage and punctilious ideas of personal honor made him a man of unquestioned consequence in an age when dueling was still fashionable, and a fine intellect fitted him for the place he was to occupy in national politics. During the War of 1S12 Jackson, as a leader of militia in the South, carried on a successful campaign against the hostile Creek Indians, overcoming many obstacles common to militia warfare of that period. When William Henry Harrison resigned as a major of the regular army, Andrew Jackson was elevated to that rank, and sent against the Indians of Florida, who had been stirred to hostility by Brit- ish agents. News that the British planned an attack on New Orleans drew Jackson and his scanty force to that city in January, 1S15. Sir Edward Pakeu-habrother-in-laof the duke of Wellington, landed a force below New Orleans in January, 1813. Jackson added volunteers to his little army and constructed fortifications of bales of cotton on a position between the-citand the attacking force. Pakenham recklessly assaulted the entrenched forces and was badly beaten, being himself killed in action. The battle occurred on January 8, 1S15, fifteen days after the treaty of Ghent had been signed, but before the news of peace could reach this country. Notwithstanding the military futility of the victory, Americans were filled with joy over it, for they had not forgotten the burning of Washington by the British six months before. Jackson became a popular hero 'and In 1824 received a plurality but not a majority In the race for President. The house of representatives elected John Quincy Adams and Jackson became a martyr. Four years later he was elected and in 1S32 was y V. L. WILLIAMS. m TIIE Service Cleaners & Tailors Opposite Piggly Wiggly A NATION-WID- means literally, "Pedagogy" one who leads the feet- of the young, anciently, to and fronj school, rather than In' school! Ped(al) means foot in practically any word that it is found - WNU You can save a lot of money if you dig that last Springs Suit out and send it to We will us for Cleaning and Pressing. return it like new. - JUST A WORD,?. I QUEER QUIRKS in J $ t.'TT- EEITER 'TIMES: HHTER7'tfTiHr THE 10, 1927 THURSDAY. MARCH I 4 Now in Northern Garage Buiiaing-HELP- ER |