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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER. UTAH Entered in Hambletonian Stake it ' Good Weather Brings the President Out on a Hike MANNERS NEEDED TO SAVE HUNTING ' ,11 Am 1 English Far Ahead of Us in Preservation of Game. St ; "j8o w r T . -- t M s. V)VV I1 . fc- -A X n iI He? K The English are far ahead of us both in the niceties of hunting and in the preservation of game, and we miht do well to follow in their tracks, Nash Buckingham intimates In an article on the hunting situation in America in the the Sportsman. "The English have the surety of shooting down to such a.polnt of productiveness," writes Mr. Buckingham, "that they actually have time to discuss the table manners of what one raicht term a sportsmanship.' Most of the 'Don'ts we sea la our conversational pleadings consist of warnings against shooting the farmer's cattle or ox or auythlng that Is his, burning his barns, euttlng wires, and other sportively alluring acts falU lng Just short of murder and mayhem.' Turning to the game depletion In this country the article says, "The buffalo, the antelope, the wild pigeon are gone. We have the game, bringing it to sad estate by market hunting, and then, as Its scarcity has become apparent, turning to laws to fend off. the surge of civilization. "However, there must be more light before more laws. There must be reand clamation before reformation, reformation before restoration. Ganio restoration, if not the greatest, Is one of the greatest of reclamation projects In this country today, morally, physically, spiritually, and commercially." Without it all wild game In this couu try will be In the sad plight of the dodo. The game refuge bill sponsored by five of the country's greatest national protective organizations will soon be up before congress. "There are 79 protective state associations listed In our national directory. There are 53 state and territorial game and fish departments. There are 17 national protective organizations. There is now the Sporting Arms and Manufacturers' Institute, comprising as members some manufacturers of weapons, twenty-od- d tackle, and general hunting equipment There is one government protective agency and there Is the migratory bird law." But according to Mr. Buckingham, the only way to save our game Is to educate the hunter rich and poor, both need It Until he takes a hand, breeds stock and puts out food, discards his present motto, "a million for killing, but not one cent for Increase" until then, all the laws that congress can pass In a long session will have little effect i - j. :1 s -- , , ' J - i ' t , ,v,l, -- J V , ! ? .( A tt V fill " r. 4144 ' , 'sl' if - t- I' ' ' .v d I "J k- vXr -- Ecrrasw- , ' a V - 3 Photmrranh shows Grey Brewer, one of thp hpsf two TPnr aMq In lO'ifi stepped the mile in 2:0S1,i, going through Its paces (or the Ilanible-toa'tstake race, the great trotting event soon to he run at the Syracuse Wos -- t; M . .m. ..D T o 7i . . SS n;a --. i .... "x. " n J. -- ri - Sg- a -- -- .- " S'2MM g i : : f j r "SE 2 M " " -- 3 3 B S.a, b : s ill s- - S2- : 22 H '''S -E . -- 3 e-- 3h--- " ii? -- 3 ?. - g 5 zi 2 c.33S &5a3- . -- a5-"E.- 3 - t IS I i 55 oS ,i G :v- - J "Se".; ""S"" . iiit m if? 2 ., iSo' . 2S Is? ' r u, m S'SSS " 11 , s" " - -i "S Hi 53 ? 55 ia s ! -.-- ss rS iS s3f ; S 5 -- - a- 's c" s'e- a? aa? aj53 2 8 3 2 0. ""c - : S 5 ti 8 g QZ England Has Filed Davis Cup Challenge Once More . the only nation wh'ch has competed in every tournament for the Davis cup since it was put into competition in tiXX), lias filed her twenty-seconchallenge, the United States Lawn Tennis association an- Grait Britain, '- "Is s .5 :-- Coming Hurling Star r hikes, averaging a mile each day. This snapshot of the ' ing along the Ellipse. "a" 23 i2 a2 S S S 5 g 3 j1 a a. O S Built to Resist Waves of Gulf of Mexico II stretch of oddly fluted A concrete seawall has been , finished near Gulf port, Miss., to prevent the action of the waves of the Gulf of Mexico in washing away the const The wall Is 50 feet high and was sev14-ml- eral years Ouy Hush of ihe Chlrnjo with a Miotk Mi.siKipr-f blnt k hair, u wiry face, a world of i;iicllfin mid ii passion for baseball. he will be IIunaKer McCariliy his etur pitthw tliis year. : I ywniLudli,li..i.ii-iM.i.i.iiiiiiiiif- iii "ST" t r Te! o l 7 1. . -- 1927 prob- ably will not make Mr. Joestlng hit auyone more gently. The two toughest Jobs In the major leugues have been bequeathed Bob O'Farrell and Jack McCalllster. Leroy S. Allnrd, "2S. of Whltlnsvllle has been elected captain of the Brown University team for 1927, The "czar" In baseball, as elsewhere, the bird who can push his dollar through the ticket window, or cot. Is Now that the Chicago hearings have revealed how ball players spend their off hours, what Is It the cutcher says when he waddles out to the pitcher's box? Individual observer for earh ltnmer In the Catalina channel race was appelated by the committee In charge, who paid them $27 for six boms' work and $"0 If they wer eMkod to remain out nil night behind boiuh struKi'lIng contestant. t. trian, 72 'P Ait ? A P. Watson, famed pedeswho is now penniless at the age Edward In baseball they don't kill the goose that lays the goldeu eggs; they trade It to New Tork. 4 4 & No one had to pay $1,000 to get Into the big world series In 1917, which was a war. Dainty football attire for 4W Si JporfinSauibs fcw U y WOMAN PROSECUTOR One of the Leviathan's Propellers .V An ';;trlpllns from ii. in construction. Urn Three cities, Detroit, Toledo and Grand Ilaplds, which left the Grand circuit of harness horse racing, have decided to return and will hold meets during the coming season. ("uhs I" lVlM't'llM?illll 8 umciating in sports will become a part of the curriculum of Indiana unl versily's summer coaching school next year. It is said to be the first course of Its kind ever offered. fc' ll'lil llHMIilri J The Oklahoma State league will be ranks of organized baseball next spring If plans now in the making are carried through. if l,vlnf PrPKlilent. Conllrii'p has been tuklnf daily President accompanied by secret service men, shows him strid s i, UK ... - n newcomer In the V ' sV- d nounced. America dropped out of one tournament, that of 1919, because of postwar conditions In other countries, but the British resumed where they loft off nt the beginning of the World war nnd reached the challenge round 4ipiInFt Australia. In the 21 competitions for the International tennis trophy, the British have been five times triumphant as compared with six victories for Australia and ten for the United States. A challenge from Cuba, the first In the American zone, was received by the U. S. L. T. A. simultaneously with the one from England. '.1 V f d I '3 I Pedestrian Is Broke f "d d 2 2 aoO gwE-- "2 5 t4 g i N3 o- SoE" S3 B H . f .t a i M . r rT .raj;.,, "4 . , Mi m A business venture In of eighty-eigh- t which he was interested failed, but he has not lost heart, saying he expects to live to be one hundred. He received .$500 from a western shoe manufacturing concern in which he was interested, but tills money soon faded, and now he doesn't know when he will get more. ... 4' Jl i ..- -: r u iini ih'iiii .... ,rn..mr j nmrmioimniinM- i- C'.lt.l.In Attn 1n.. Mo., first woman to be - - Hi.'.. B cuy, j to the South Boston dry dock, Here, being inspected by a fair are which one of the three-blade- d being placed on the Leviathan, propellers type. repladns the four-blade-d v s itor , Rw)n D c appointed crllinai & caseg mme t(j Wash, t where fillft wlll be prl. vate secretary to George II. Combs, Jr., representative In congress from the Fifth Missouri district This Proves Fairies Do Exist Says Tournament GoU Becoming Too Popular Some golfers point out that there Is such a thing as tournament golf becoming too popular, writes H. G. Salslncer in the Detroit News. They point to the crowds of 12,000 that packed around Bobby Jones on lils lust round In the United States open at Scioto, and the 13,000 that lammed the fuirways when Jones and George Von Kim fought it out for theUnited States amateur title at Baltusrol. The severe mental strain caused by the unwieldy mob takes too much from actors In this golf drama. Jones has the heavier load to carry. Ho is always taxed more than his op poneiU, for Jones Is the mngnet, He knows it and feels constantly triat it is up to him to deliver. It Is next to Impossible for him to keep from over nressln?. That Jones won at Scioto In the remarkable; face of conditions that he lost at Baltusrol was not surprising. You will probably say that It must have been ns tough for Von Elm as It was for Jones, but that was not the case. Jones had the mob at his heels for five days bfforo he met Von ?.m. He was already worn out by the t'.me The he teed off against Von Elm. challenger was fiCsh. No crowd had pressed hlui through five d.iys of conv petition. JK I MAY BE STAGE CZAR tjr. frU'' ; : 1 '4 s p si . Wj v v , , ; -- 1 . i.- - o it nocsess iihotoirriiptis nf nelual fulrles, E. L. Gardner of Loufor a lecture tour of Hie United State.. Mr. Gjrdner mibinltfln ted this phntoanipli of a little girl Kiirrounded by fairies as proof of his osser- tloM thai falri- - do exit. The fairy photograph are vouched for as authentic by Sir Oman Doyk'. .iim(ni ht: nrrir-e- to - - j j j j N''W jHirtrait of Alexander P. Moore, ambiitMidor Spi';i. who 1ms been offered the p.!t of die t. former Aiiierlcr.n tator for the Huge in this country. |