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Show THURSDAY, MARCH liTE EELPErf TIMES. HELPER, UTAH 10, 1927 Ar THE HELPER TIMES Issued Every Thursday at Helper Carbon County, Utah. Entered in the Postoffice at Helper a Second-Clas- s Mail Matter. Bate, $2.00 Per Tear is Subscription Advance C. L. CONNER, Publisher RUTH METZ, Society Editor (Kit) XJ ( can do we have hlfi own that is yourself. course we hate braggarts, the kind that are always telling you how good they are to keep you from finding out how poor they are. Those are the kind of individuals that we could well do without. They are the kind of people who have no song to tooteth in their horn but they toot it just the same and its nothing more than a big blast of hot air. The kind of horns we like to hear tooting are the horns that are tooting about some-- 1 Of thing. Now and then Helper is accused by its rivals of tooting its horn too loud and we admit that civic pride now and then bursts from us In a big toot,, but that toot is a smalL one compared to the blasts of hot air that now and then sweeps in upon us from other directions. We pride ourselves upon our city and we are glad other cities do the same, but we resent the accussa-tio- n that we toot for tootings sake nothing else. When we toot w have something to toot about and we are not afraid to tcbt it, and we've noticed that other cities do the same as we do, except that now and then we show better judgment. A COUUTY RACECOURSE Have you ever walked out along the cement highway between Helper and Price, and felt tht cars whizz past you? We have and we wish to say that the Indianapolis on Memorial Day has speedway nothing on this particular stretch of Carbon County highway. Big cars, small cars, medium cars and Fords tear down the smooth surface of the road In a sort of hectic frenzy, and the fact that no more are injured than there are speaks more for the skill of the driver than it does for his discretion. We feel rather guilty writing this because now and then we have felt the urge to step up the did puddle jumper and see just how much she could do, and we haven't found out her limits yet, but nevertheless suppose something or other would have gone wsfong ' what would have happened? We probably would be. working an ash hoist instead of a typewriter. Critics teU us we live in a day of spied, etc. That youth can't get along with the old horse and buggy that fathher used. Well, that may be, but we harpen to know that mother and father now appreciate the speed of the four cylinder much more than they did the good natur-t- d getaway of old dobbin. How many of them prefer the organ to the latest jazz record, and how many of them stay at home looking the family album when there's a good show in town. If you took a look at the drivers of some of the speeding wrecks the highway you would be surprised to find that the majority along of them are not beardless youths, but men of middle age and beyond. Some of our county's best known citizens seem to think that this bit of cement was laid there for their special benelit to test out the car in high. Perhaps it was, but pedestrians now and then hate to think that all they amount to on the state road is raw material for an auto accident. The county officers who protect thin road from speeders ere not strict enough. Efficiency should be incorporated there until we could sing the song, "If you get '- - '- Jk'i-Zr'a- v,- v 'iufit 4 read, "He horn tooteth It well, but he that tooteth not his own horn, that horn tootheth not." Which means nothing more than if you don't tell others how good you are no one else will. If you possess virtues which the world fails to see is your business to bring 'em out in the light and the only one that where that tooteth fit? C5j -, t !VJ,-- - ' mmmf'r ram rr BLOWING YOUB OWN EOEN jSome v?Jurt"t:"' '& 1 v ;v. iv half, which stood seventeen to nothing for the Pasin lads. Better luck favored the:, in the second end Vert'aey raised K 1"? to 28. The nal coach, Romney, took out his two high scorers early in the game in order to save them for the others Manwaring at Center did neat work, as did Watkins and Noel. The Vernal bunch worked like a machine throughout. Mathis for Price mnde (several spectacular shots from midfloor and Kay and Jeanselme did well. The Uintah team of Vernal won the right to represent the rgion in the annual state basketball tournament to be p'ayed in Salt Lake City when it defeated in Castle Dale 13 to 10 in the final of the round robin tournament on Saturday night before a huge rowd. scVrte Although ,the w"Jinin? warn'4 decisive, the young Uintah team outclassed the Central High five in every deparment. The winlead in the ners took an early first period and held it 4 at the half, was one point behind in the third canto but rallied to win In the final period. Noel, Uintah forward, led the attack for his team, scoring nine points and becoming high point man of the tournament with his twenty-fou- r points. Jensen of Castle Dale, who likewise played a fast game Saturday, is second in scoring with eighteen points. In the other game of the night Carbon High scored its first victory by disposing of Green River,. 16 to 12, in another closely guarded contest. Snow and Jeanselme starred for the winners, as did Tasker for mid-Marc- 7 ,itJ i' The Magician CIS ill pn S: lyes i and His Show of Wonders Uintah High Yins Tournament Honors o Last Saturday the streets1 of Helper underwent a incist vigorous seige of cleaning, when the fire hose was brought into Play, and every mite of dirt was scouted before its steady stream. The result was most commendable. Cleaning measures of some type must be kept in use if our city streets are to have a tidy appearance worthy of, our civic Rir, Fr.-da- pride. 0 : of the Mooseheart are celebrating the! first anniversary of their Helper lodge, next There will be a Monday night. banquet, social and dance, making fun for everyone present. The women Eastern Star, Naomi chapter, of Price held initiation at the Masonic evening. , Mrs. temple Thursday FJusfc ' Pi'V'cilila and Mi's;. Cara Wright of Soldier Summit were the candidates. Many Soldier Summit and Helper members were in attendance. QUEER QUIRKS in 1 HUMAN DESTINY 1 By HARRY K. CALKINS g round robin tournament of region five, which comprises teams Grtee.n, from Castle Da"i and Carbon High schools, y played off at Price Thursday, and Saturday with the Uintah High victorious and eligible to enter the State Scholastic Hoop meet. Thursday the firat games of the tourney were played and resulted! in victories for Uintah and Castle The first game Dale, (Central). between Green River and the lads from Emery was slow and was featured by much fumbling and poor basket shooting. The Green Rivers upset the dope can by outscoring Central in the first harf when the playing stood 4 to 9 for the melon huskers. Tn he second Central put up a more consistent game and, came back to win it. Score 14 and 20.' Jensen was unquestionably the star for Central, while Jewkes and Peterson did well. Adams for the visitors, was the whole show, making every goal from the field. The game between Uintah and Carbon was, very fast and hard fought all throughout, the latter having trouble finding the basket and never made one during the first The i WNU Service Columbus and the Good Prior might not have been AMERICA until years or even cen- iVLtf xl clt tr CO MING h wen TO THE turies after 1492 if a child's thirst had not changed the career of Christopher Columbus. A Genoese by birth but for many a mapmaker and navigator of years Lisbon, Portugal, Columbus was only one of a number of savants who believed that the earth was round and that a new route to the East Indies could be found by sailing west in the Atlantic ocean. Prior to the age of Columbus, men had come to believe that the earth was round but they thought that Europe rested nt the top of it. The middle of the earth, they imagined, was so heated by vertical rays of the sun that the ocean boiled and neither animals nor plants could survive In It, find beyond this boiling sea begun Hie downward slope which would prevent the return of any ship ruoh enough to sail so far. Monstrous sea beasts Inhabited this upside down world nnd beneath It lay hell as could be observed in the re flection of flames in the disk of the sun. U PA i ill. "jor Helper, Electric EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Phone 100-- jinoni lot i c ' enzn i r n war l- - lturdi isEnHrelvlandAllHs rummit- - by. Pftsident n Coolidge. Congressman Don B. has recommended Luke Clegg for the same position for the Roose. velt office. Qded nm frit Col-to- Rliln &m Mrs w Iter OVZW MAGIC -- NEW Ir. ar ie fro ILLUSIONS MOTERIES ' L v NEVER BEFORE. SEEN ON THIS CONTINENT aai SENSATIONAL Beautiful. 3l 10 9 ghter' in In l ! Bewildering DaHfoi . Irs. " E ting tin, a&d Entirely Original- - f ie in te te Strand Theatre on th D; Thursday and Friday, March THE 10th and 11th offers its many Ft The patrons besides their IN HIS ALL NEW ?fl .. usual-excelle- "I program, an uford extra ordinory special, added Feature Attraction, Green, The Magician and his show of wonders, assisted by Miss eta thf Marguerite Lewis. picture J j OF VvrWv &Y iWONDERS Green gives a performance entirely different from the usual vaudeville magic, he carries a ten of effects, beautiful stage serines, trappings, also SDccial rear ribra-lionles- at year Chinese and scenery 2LP; f elaborate costumes, and pre- sents a number of entierly new and startling magic ef- fonts. Green has been a globe wonder-work- s During this 2 nichts engagement in the city he will make a complete change cf proerara with the small admission nrice for this monster double show. Crowded houses should magic Jtr& MYSTERY r Lyery attn L I ,1 eeta I 7 e. Mv Hi C. p. erect him on his engagement tVBOPEAN SENSATIONS here. enoriiamgcase. Buy a Buick! It eet8 for er j j more than 40 years, in many countries and f,ivcs a snacoy Tirc?rram in 49 minutes that would take many so colled 'world's greatest' magicians 2 hours to present. 74 Buick advantages meansup- - J Otflc He ion Greenhalgh's Drug Store luxuriously Where you get the best built, moder- -- ately priced. ft THE GREATEST BUICK EVER BUILT CARB0JI RUBBER & REPAIR Phone 68 F sixth tb Jun Soldier is tr ngr beyond beliefall these serv'ce with it. That's why we say "miles and smiles" in the same breath. For OUR gas makes smiling customers who come back for more. Our gas is easy on your engine a3 well as on your bank account. It adds life as well as power to your car. s. m to, -- o- engine buys 20c rs. steering gear, an BUYS OUR GAS sojc last frli s ey trotting THE MAN WHO 10-1- 1 ier L. L. DENNIS, Manager "HELPER, UTAH and , Children Adults 40c springs, . vised against the voyage. Tired and sick at heart Columbus took his little boy and started to leave Spain nfoot Intending to seek aid at the court of France. On the way he called at the Franciscan Monastery Ln Itablda to beg water nnd bread for his little son. The prior, Junn Perez, talked with the traveler and learned of his thwarted ambition. This prior, who had been the confessor of Queen Isabella, was convinced and sent to the queen to beg an audience, lie succeeded In winning for Columbus the opportuifity he sought Ships were outfitted and the daring voyage begun. Instead of a practical route to the Indies, the bold nnvigaler discovered a new world. ONE- -2 Thur. & Fri., M ar. w setting Early abandoning these superstitious theories, Columbus devoted his life to study of nautical science and cosmography. He longed to sail west around the world, hoping to reach India, the land of marvelous riches, for whose trade all Europe was scrambling. Refused assistance by the king of Portugal, he carried his plans for a voyage of exploration to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. These sovereigns wore interested but the wise men of Spain ad. SHOWS IN 2-- BIG C Sen; !n tb ed hi T.vrl'i TL Snow has recently been named as postmistress for Huntington; Emerson B. Nason has also been named for the postal office at ntilever e P. scientific cushion design, ca- flWiRiNG System lifetime sewice city In Correct balance, J let us install a Cl . - Green River. BUICK design cares tor vour comfort inmany different ways. US is i '3-- 0 above sixty the cops ll get you if you don't watch out." I J. that money can buy price R DE TOILET GOODS GALORE PRICE, UTAH DI Pi . . jelephoi DKUGS A1TD MEDICINE; Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded From Standard Drugs Utah Carbon Motor Co. in 1 ffice, DE of Known Qnaliyt, J 0ffl 18- - SUCH IS LIFE COME 111 MID v JKjlhw Yiuui I '( rr7m:-SSi- L -- srwr t frfo HEAR WE ARE TO i m rii W I - Y- iV-i- , ILlJ |