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Show ? i THE kn Smith ot Sden is visiting week. faes J" Martin this jjcCormick, former operator Hdper Times, left for his Saturday. iB Ogden went J the to week izrr VanNatta z city the first of the on Ibf trip. -i of Easter, road foreman equipon to Denver Friday went iid business. Miiler left b, Clyde where Monday ; City In several days. Salt will for she 1 p Graham of Salt Lake City, .THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 1927 TIMES, HELPER. UTAH Mr. and Mrs. George Sprattling are receiving- congratulations over the arrival' of a daughter at their home. The young lady arrived Tuesday afternoon, and both she and Frank Hall left on a several the mother are doing nicely. This daughter in the month's visit to. Lo8 Angeles Wed- is the second nesday. He visited for a few days family. with his sons, Fred and Henry Hall Boys and girls of Carbon are to the first of the week. be given the advantages of club County Herbert Thomlfeon has returned work again this summer. from Salt Lake Gfter a short visit Agent Orson P. Madsen, the school to his duties as mine superintendent board and the Utah Agriculture on the of the Sweet Coal company at college are R. plan. Carl Marcusen, president Gibsonmine. of the school board, and Superin- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Olson return ed to Castle Dale Sunday. Mr. ous of getting the plans under way Olson was in Price the last of the as soon as possible and have invited week with the Castle Dale basket- Madsen to visit the schools and ball boys at the round robin tour principals and btart jthe wording plans. nament. They vis.'iedi Helper re latives before returning home. Bbout down j EMS - Securities company field man Mrs. y. H. Day and small son of In this vicinity the last of the Provo spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. fteddington. She left Sunday and and Mrs. G. E. Stover made a will be jodned by her husband at sojourn to Salt Lake City Provo. They are leaving for Los last of the week, returning Angeles Calif., to make their future i Friday. home. s. Charles Lopaz and children Miss June Murdoek was called to, Salt Lake Thursday for to her home in Heber Friday mornier treatment for their son Mc ing by the death of her mother, s eye. Mrs. Margaret Todd Murdock, 68. Death occurred Thursday at the is rs Frank Osborne tutoring family home and followed a long sixth grade students this week period cf ill health. The survivng the absence of their teacher ing family, consisting of husband, June Murdoek. three sons and six daugthers were at the death bedside. Funeral serjmonic Bergera went to the vices were held Sunday with burial where he fol e ty Thursday the in plot at Heber. family is who son regised his James, I at' the University of Utah Helper s n t MARRIAGE LICENSE County clerk, Elizabeth Hadlcy granted marriage licenses to the following couples during the past week: Arthur Herbert Jones of Cattle. Dale, and Myrtle Hendriskson of Mutual. Ernest Toson of Helper, Mildred Cornish of Rains. Tony Lupo of Mohrland and Rosi Volus of Price, Edward Pierce of Aspen, Colo., and Ethel Smith of Helper. John Juliano and, .Mary Lucia Nick, both of Price. Pgnacio Dela Cruz and Marie Cerranza, both of Sunnyside. Harold Wimmer of Duchesne and Lucile Wilcox of Salt Lake City. C. S. Day of Spring Canyon and Francis Clement of Talmadge. u yea?. in this shoppers ,aded Mrs. Grover Mrs. Rhinehart, iturday HIGH GRADE FURNITURE city all of 1. C H. Bishop are Mrs. a several weeks sojourn They visited at their SaHfornia. Mrs. home, Inglewood. ghter's Irs. Ray Tamp-I- n Harris of Roosevelt is Rose Sting her son, Faucett tin, and at the le in; Helper. Mrs. Harris is en-t- e to her home after a trip to V. W. th Dakota. The THE ABBOTT 'Licensed Embalmers Phone 129 ffford Building TASNA LODGE 39 NO. t REBEKAH Second and Fourth ( of Each Month jets th itfeets every Tuesday evening at K, P. Hall. Important business Members every meeting. attend; visiting ta. i urged LISK GRANITE WARE la CHINA AND CUT GLASS DISHES AND UTENSILS Dependable Tools and Cutlery Within Walking distance of shopping center Close to school Well drained rich soil. wel- brethren E. LAMBSON, M. A. HAG A, ;t ALUMINUM WARE The Helper Furniture and Hardware Company LODGE NO. 56 I. 0. 0. F. LUCAS PAINTS N. O Sec'y. AND MURESC0 VARNISHES ' CALS0MINES ; ONWARD CONS. LODGE NO. 15 Knights of Pythias eets Every Thursday Evening at 7:30, at Castle Hall. E. N. Radcliff, Latuda, C. C. M. Haaga, Kenilworth, K.ofR.&S p C. Bertolina, Helper, M. of F. Now is the time to figure that New Building. We have everything in Building Material POPE & POPE j" Lawyers Offices In Provo and Helper Helper State Bank Bids. Helper, Utal ion 118 , WM. Physician DR. . . fflce Rooms 1 jelephone 130 DR Helper Lumber & Hardware Company - PHONES UTAH HELPER 132 Residence, n UTAH FUEL COM PA A. HARDY DENTIST DR. W. Hall Henry Block Miners and Shippers of Phones ,les feet, at prices the workingman can afford to pay ELLIOTT 89m Office in FOR THAT IT'S FREE BUILDING Physician and Surgeon Henry Hall Building fflce, US FOR A COMPLETE COST OF MATERIAL ASK H. BASH and Surgeon and 3, Avalon Hotel Helper, Utah T WM Office 18-- For map and prices see 99-- CARBON COUNTY COALS AND COKE J. E. Undertaker and L!cenKI Embalmer Ambulance Serrlc relephone 29 Price, Cti FLYNS DR. M. ' Helper In the market for Horses and Moles for Mines Hay and Grain Mine Props Ties and Sprags and various other local products. ft Sure-eo- Home Industries Patronized State Bank Building HELPER, 131 UTAH in, tin imiiiih mi. .mi 160 Residence, mi, ..mu w tiii HELPER, UTAH I A It kit .ri. ' : j""" CARBON COUNTY COALS ARE THE BEST C. MELROSE Physician and 4 Furnaces use of Lucas Paints longer than most paints LFER CONSOLIDATED of ALLEN Parlor spend for Painting. It covers better and lasts Fridays Florence Lamhson, N. G. Gladys Johnson, V. G. Ella Burgar, Rec. Sec. Sue Maulsby, Fine. Sec. Mary Allison, Treasurer. D. and Prices certain means of saving part of every Dollar you Helper I HEATERS in Various Sizes and Varnishes is the one ' Quarter Mile South-Eas- t Helper School Ranges MORTUARY DIRECTORS FUNERAL, on MONARCH Stoves and Paint Dollar at Ray Harris, -- SQUARE Brand MATRESSES Save Part of Every Iter r. and le from PRICED REASONABLY Coleman, Mrs D. C. Gibson McConnel Mrs. 0. E. Summit. ' vision I.. l.n i ...iiiihiii ii n mi in j. ii j II 'Till ii -- jiu.m,.,i...u....... , ,, , , , , , iiiiIi,iiiii uiilillHlii.ii. lii.liimiiiijinilliWiiiiiiii.. til .niULiii. lli J mi mmrm- r- T |