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Show THE HELPHR TIMES. UFA I'FTl. UTAH flewcomb Makes OUR COMIC SECTION Health Appeal Afitr Surprising Recovery Frnn. and AO. rtKUs Latuied by CaL dition. Garnir - m II Everyone to Know About Taw? aa - iHY iNeaxiy au au-Run-Dou- r i D Our Pel Peeve ft i . 1 III1- - ! l, ' " 4 or-FOR blamed upon Edwin kO'i'O l tnents can be 0tf 6joac,a well-know- n care-lesitesa- ," says former DenA- - New-com- ver garage owner. b, I rv "Tae knowledge of a few simple preventive m e will nfton forestall pain and hours of aniisv i.Mvu 'lanius laniac had glfcn uiu4j,au hope. I could hardlt and work I euffered torinentlni f pin rfe ,rN I - I i'1 Jaaneso Women - on tho Way pains. My nerves were affected ana m7 nights wera tileepIeA. Dizznai from blinding headaches attacked me. Eating caiired intense suffering. In tha effort to find relief I took Tanlac. I want all to know about this wonderful tonic. For it restored my health and built up my strength." Taolaj is Nature's remedy madj from roots, foarka and herbs, it relieves constipation, tones' up sluggish liver, put3 digestion is Ehape, and vanquishes pain. Don't let yourself become weak and scrawny. Regain good hea'.ti Take this wonder tonic and remedy Jlesulu from first bottle amazing, At your druggist's. - Turf Used in Building to Market. Houses of turf and steel are beii;! In Germany to relieve the dwe1 built (Prepared by the National Geoeraphlo baya through a densely tropical region Society. Washington. D. C.) lands the traveler at Pasourouan. iDg shortage; says the Baltimore St ljlng far off In the bastern There he may get the real flavor of The framework is of steel and the it TAVA, almost a world apart from travel by entering the tervenlng wall spaces are filled W Europe and America hus emphn-Elxocurious carts of the country called the turf, which has proved a good t the Twentieth century's sulatlon against cold, wind and heat J and set out for the delightq'Jlckonlns of communications and the ful No wuter is ns?d In the constructing mountain resort of Java's now Tosari, ensy of IJeas by recently bavin? Simla. the building may be occupied swr and Ever the road ascending:, its Bolshevist troubles. loads past miles of rico. and snsrar after completion. however, to have been pretty well fields to a pretty little hotel on the suppressed. lower slopes of the mountain range, The very recent emergence of th where one may rest. The remainder Javunese from serfdom no doubt in of the climb to Tosart la too steep for creases the desire for greater freedom vehicles, so horses and palanquins are among the small group of the edu usea tor tne final stage of the lournev cated; but the close association of tho Tosart la a dellchtful resort. A so of the uneducated with tlit. Journ of several days in the salubrious soil a virtual peonnce Is a nowerfnl ntr of the mountains renews onp fm force toward conservatism. life or travel In the plains. A walk Java is a favored isle in manv wnva the single street of the villa? along Its entire urea, enual to that of Now gives some idea of the mode of life or York state, lies within nine degrees of these mountaineers, who are nuite dis cne equator. Java Is the richest of In ono minute pain from corns Is ended, tinct from their neighbors of the lower the Dutch East Indies and also tho Dr. Scholl'a An hi'i uMiv Zinv.rvnr1a . Here are found the homes of " valleys. . r most densely populated; the number the cease tha by removing pressing ted that Tenggerese. hardy tribe who, or innabitants amounts to as rubbing of shoest They sxe thin, m4 ; many as at tne time of the Moslem Invasion 1.000 per square mile in some cated, antiseptic, healing. At all drti( districts. retreated to these mountain stro!'" and shoe stores. Cost bet a trifle. ' Aside from the sprinkling of Euro holds and successfully defended their peans and Chinese, the native populat- nomes against the invaders. ion, numbers more than KOnonnm The lofty location of Tosari. nernhed These all belong to the Malay race on a flank of the Tengger massif at and almost without exception profess an elevation of 5.4SO feet above sea the religion of Islam. Put one on die pain is gonel level, invites one. by Its Invigorating Batavia, on the north air, to undertake walking trips and coast, is the capital of Java as well as mountaineering excursions, which In FOR its metropolis and the great emporium other of the Island would be out parts d!iet3 for trade among the islands und or the question. them and the mothw country, Lots of Volcanoes. The Netherlands. It is , a great, Two of these Jaunts which are most town with numerous Waresprawling Jcr w'.v nouses to take .the place of the ''fac- interesting are the trios to the crntei tories" of the early davs of Dutch of the active volcano and to the stun- mlt of a loftier eminence activity In the East. There are canals. which Penandjaan, commands an extensive view too, in true Dutch fashion, in the old SUCCESSFUL FOM 80 YEARS town. Few Europeans live there now of the eastern part of the Island. & 90C At all DrussJsts Volcanoes and Java are subjects It Is given over almost wholly to trade. be cannot that Volcanodivorced. and serves as well as a residence sec tion for Javanese. Chinese. Indians made in the first place, and constantly PARKiiR'S Arabs and Malays. Farther Inland on being remade by thorn. Java has more HAIRBAJLSAM Remorr Liandrnif Stnp itair F3 volcanoes than any area of Its size higher ground He the quarters of Eu Retoie Color and In the world. Estimates the active of Beauty to Cray and Faded Hit rnpeans, chiefly Dutch, of course. This white man's section has broad ave and extinct craters range from 100 to Htacox rhim inn nues and low houses embowered In ISO. Everywhere In Java, In the huge crater lakes. In fissures that now are looses, etc, stops ail pain, ensures comfort to U trees and shrubbery. w ibm Wuilrtni tw. 1.. river beds, even In nncient temples, fort, tnllieoox There are parks, green and colorful Uiomical Works, TatclioKUO, fi. i giits. half finished when interrupted by with the luxuriant growths of the some fiery convulsion, are evidences tropics. Near one of these is an im of cataclysmic forces. posing building of classical design. The "treacherous Klot," as the nathe Museum of the V.atavian Society tives call It. all but wined out the of Arts and Sciences. The Conner el town of Britar In 101!), but even Its phiint on a pedestal In front of the Sciatica nrempllr was mild compared to the devastation building was a gilt from the king of violent upheaval of Krnkatoa In lm Siam. presented on the occasion of his SriuRSl7H.tl.fi1r I Brno 4t f.ik (i fl visit some years ago. This museum Then Mother Nature turned anarchist ERAMCIIf,Vi;CLCO..2'l07W.EriAT..Phii..'p.j and a planted Gargantuan Infernal run contains the finest ethnological collection of any Institution In the Far East. chine on the doorsteu of Java. Km. katoa Is a little Island In the Sundu Good Hotels for Tropics. droppt" strait, between Sumatra and Java. It Avom tmnc d r u I The rising sun warns the traveler of One of the most fascinating snots la .or. fr- i- AM" W or ttmr ittiii"" the approach of noon and he turns all Java cities Is the market The BI'J ,Ilfl7IO III down .i side street In search of the Dutch have roofed most that brlnjl iwailortlnl wlW ' of them over t bt. tie, all dtuooM I, , welcome coolness of a hotel. As a and under the tile shelters the natives It.nStI.SowTrkOQ i rule the hotels In Java are clean, well display baskets of rice, bunches of hu kept and admirably designed to meet nanas and leaves bearinc nrenaration the requirements of a tropical climate. of betel, toppers and ground eoconu'. They usually consist of a main build Horse Superior to Auto In every Javan town the market, or ing, openly constructed, so as to admit passar, is a center of Interest Every packago of parcel post In tt' the passing breeze with wings If your purchase Is small enough city of New York Is delivered by nor (he sleeping rooms. The to warrant wrapping you get a neat find wagon. charges In Java are much cheaper package enclosed In bnnana The waiting time when these wn1 leaf. ihnn In other parts of the Enst. The which nas deliver'' toen called the "wrnppiru are being loaded nd Java hotels furnish a great treat to paper of the tropics." fastened with n through the buildings and npartmen1-bgourmets that famous gasinmotnle In- cactus thorn. the postman is so great that it c3r' stitution known as the cljst-tafor Java Is extremely fertile made, so bo done wlih this equipment at oW nuto-moby Its numerous volcanoes, those half the cost of using an One takes his seat In a spacious p beneficent forces Tlu. vlllon and is brought soup by an army entire Island Is the most luxuriant of beturbaned Malays. Then large, garden spot la all the world. It Is so deep plates are brought, on each a densely populated that Its Inhabitant supply of rice. On top of this basic must till the noil, and cannot hIh.l 19 th The great alu of Bell-Astratum two Inches deep the diner their food from trees us In some .Smi!!i relldoldlgetHlv dlsordenofthc tomi(' Is expected to place an and bowrls Is pro J by Its subatantnl extraordinary Sea Ixles. But they do live by u miniIncrraseln us very rv.sr for tha V"1 variety of vecettihles, curries, dried mum of labor and thirty yrars. Promptly snd prope'lf they require for flsh, eggs, fowls nn1 incut flavored hsvis wt siinwn it to tsrn nrvtr shelter only H roof over their headi for tree samples to bill & Co., lac, with a variety of peppery condiments to protect them fro-Y. Orsngeburg.N. frequent rains A sail of TA hours from Ftatavli The result of these conditions 01 Perfectly Earniloas to Taoag ha one to brings SAerphaya, the most been that the present-daJavati has important seaport lu Java, with a good had slight need to concern hlmseif tmrbor at the mouth of the Solo river. with nrchli.-cture- , making machines, Ships anchor ofMioro mid passengers or household decorations. embark in ne of the native boats and Though the modem Javan Is not make their Wii.vg amhl the crowded concerned with architecture n.o i. Zo$ and 75 Pk.5old tverywnew (hipping to the lund'ng stage. land people of thousands of .rears ago Although commercially of great b'lllt lemples and monuments .,", Xoerahayu Is hot and pre- May ore. objects of wonder to tlif sents few attractions to the visitor. stud-ti- t and fracmentu of beauty t" For quick, lasting relirJ froffl There Is nn air of bustling activity the artist. Notable ninong these b ItcLing and burning, doctors prescrib la the streets which seems o verify the V.rc t Biiddli.i. or Boro Bocdoer, h (he city's -- eputnthm for alertness and mighty terrared temple containln fc 'iscendency In the mechanical arts. missive Image of Buddha nt.d a re A two hours' ride by rail from Sora- - nmkuble eerics of has reliefs. " back-count- J ' CSiiHW.!i.D. THE FEATHERIiEADS dos-a-do- COllMS And Then It Poured vast-mas- mmMm and I WOULD LOVE WrTTTn To 1 V 053 Ends pain at once! MOW f BSScholfs low-lyin- g Coughs Colds 4';,V"rft7ji i 1 REASe GET A ' lrT'' nS COME DOWN AND SrfTAK-lV- VTT BEEW 5 J KwoNr have To Co To anV I s T I ToTwoTMERSro5E3A,NDr1IK closed TES-J?- JMW iW'W ".'fl ToovUimft VQpt ZfcOTJ. XjU! OTW i 9 a 1 lt 30c Ar mm i RHEUB3ATIC PAINS STisynK MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL ( I A Terrible Shock X UtCTJT GET TO GO TO TMA.T SUPPSR UAST Wtcwr BECAUSE ' OP TUG RA1U I DOWT (tMmO3l : WH6U I VWfcS SO 95C .v. ' A.u,r A30UT f PlSAPPOlUTWEMT REMIWPS J y . r K 1 ME OF THE TIMG t Mii.ll CSAVsiLEO UKlttfl. S'llltntJU Eye O ValVC For SORE EYES ron-lalnin- g A i j1 rlce-labl- much-maligne- d ' '- -I . . OWS CP THE CRUEiXaT DlSAPPOIUTMPJTT 1 1 (J f 1 I TV I I - v VOU V I TVAS r, A REVIVAL j J ff AH W W Western Ntwupopcr 'II I lire Uellef n ' FOR INDIGESTION MltiS L'nlon.t'O IT IlH Lr t pITATIHG RASHB ResiEol f f ; |