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Show THE TIMES CIRCULATION j THIS WEEK ! t VOLUME IS 1000 COPIES 1 in Pi Hei pfp T7 17 ielper, DELIVERED PROMPTLY TO EVERY HOME IN HELPER Nora'Vigil and Eva Morin, Carry on Shopping Tours in Helper and Price Without Formality of Funds. Charged With 3rd Degree Burglary Carbon County, Utah, Thursday, March 10, 1927 NO. 2 James Swyers, Pays "Flag Etiquette" Put Over Successfully in Helper Visitto LocalMoose Schools; Prizes to be Announced on Arbor Day It has been requested by the Ques. How should a flag be raisAmerican Legion and the Auxiliary ed anl lowered? that merchants owning flags be Ans. The FisS should be raised more punctual in their display of bi'iskly land lowered slowly and the national ..'colors, taking care to ceremoniously. have the flags on show only beQues. On what day and occasions tween sunrise and sundown. This should the flag be displayed? request for more care to be shown Ans. It should be displayed on all in reverence of the flag fits in most patriotic holidays. appropriately with the recent "Flag Ques. When was Old first Etiquette" program put over so displayed in battle on landGlory and sea? successfully in the Helper schools. Ans. The Flag first appeared in The results of this contest proa battle on land Aug. 6, 1777 in gram sponsored by the American the battle of Brandywine. It's first Legion Auxiliary will be announced in battle on sea was appearance Arbor Day, and the prizes will be Jan. 1778 when America captured awarded at the same time. The in- Fort Nassau from the British. terring quedions submitted to Ques. How ig the flag saulted the thildren and their correct ans- by those In military uniform, civwers follow: ilians males and females FLAG ETIQUETTE Ans. Persons in uniform renders Ques. When was the Stars and the right hand salute to the Flag; "tripes adopted; as the; Unjlbd when not In uniform men should Staites flag 9 remove the headdress with the right Ans. June 14, 1777. hand and hold it at the left shoulQues. Quote the language of the der; Women should salute by placing the right hand over the heart. resolution of the Continental Ques. When should the salute to the Unljed establishing the States flag? flag commence, while it is passand when Ans; Resolved: That the Flag of ing in street parade, the thirteen United States be thir- should it end? As the Flag passes In parade teen striper 'alternate rj?d; rl theAns.saJute should, begin! thirty white , the Union be thirteen stars, white on blue field, representing a paces before- the Flag reaches, a point opposite and ls held until it new constellation. Ques. During what period of his- ha3 passed on the same distance. Ques. What are the best methods tory did the United States flag consist of thirteen stripes and thirteen of displaying the flag indoors? Ans. It should be flat and the stars? Of fifteen stripes and fifteen Union to the observers left. stars? Ques. When a flag is displayed Ans. The flag consisted of thirteen stars and thirteen stripes from on a wall, what is the position of June. 14, 1777 until May 1, 1795. the stars? Ans. At the observers left and at When it consisted of fifteen stars 5 uio op. and fifteen stripes from May 1,Ques. What is the exception to until April 4, 1818. the rule that the flag should not Ques. How many stars in our flag as drapery and why? be used , and why? Ans. As a drapery for a soldier's beAns There are forty-eigh- t, cause one is added when a state is earke.t, because it thus is paying It homage to the dead soldier. added to the union. so should be Union the that placed How Ques. many stripes and why? Ans. There are thirteen, repre- is at the head and over the left Lodge on Monday Explanation of Plans of onal Organization was the Main Topic of Discussion. Nati- James dictator deputy supreme Loyal Order of Swyers, of the Moose for Utah, visited the Helper Jodge Monday night, as a part ot ois annual visitation program to she lodges of Utah. Explanation of Jhe plans of the national organization was the main topic of discussion. Mr. Swyers also carried mes- sages from James. J. Davis, secretary of labor and. general dictator jf the grand lodge, and from other ' actional officers. Visits from the state officers are looked forward to with great plea-mr- e by the members of the Helper lodge, and as testimony of their appreciation a large crowd of the local Moose and their ladies greeted the Con-gres- deputy. evening the Sunny-sid- e lodge held their annual frolic, at which Mr. Swyers was the honor guest and principal speaker. n When Mr. Swyers visits the caralodge on Friday night, a van of some twenty .automobiles, carrying members of the Salt Lake lodge will accompany him, and will witness the initiation of a large class of candidates into their order. On March 15 they will again make an event of Mr. Swyer's visit to Park City, when the Salt Lake members will escort- - him to that city. The official visit c the deputy supreme dictator will be paid tp the Salt Lake lodge on March 17 A new class of candidates will be initiated into the order that night. On Tuesday - CHILDKEN GUESTS OF STRAND THEATRE, MONDAY SCHOOL K- v : J H. i set. When a flag is suspended street between buildings, what Bhould be the position Of the Ques. across a stars' Ans. The Union should be either or north. What day do we observe to the east Ques. as the birthday of our flag?" June 14. What did General Washington say relative to the' colors and rtars of the new flag? Ans. General Washington said: "We take the stars from Heaven, o .Miss Dorothy Rasmussen, Miss the red from our Mother counry, I'tiby Jones, Miss Verda Rasmussen separating it by the white stripes, Bullen. nd Mrs. Keith Helper thus showing '.iat we have separated from her, and the white stripes school teachers visited the g city of Price Saturday after-- 1 shall go down to posterity Liberty. den. Ans. Ques. repre-senin- Kew portrait of Brig. Gen, Logan Feland of the marine corps, who has charge of the land forces of marines In Nicaragua. General Feland won many citations and awards while serving with the Second division overseas. Prior to leaving for Nicaragua, he commanded the United States marine mall guards in the Eust. be above, red below with white In the center, Ques. Should our flag ever be draped, twisted or- worn as a part or whole of a costume? Ar.s. No. Ques. When carried with other flags in a parade, what Is its place of honor? Ans. At the marching right or at center of line of flags, in advance and on a higher staff. Ques.; Is the hoisting of any other fiag above our flag permitted? Ans. No. Ques. When only may the flag be displayed with the union down? Ans. In time of distress. Ques. When a number of flags of difcrent nations are grouped in a r.ii'r.ter, what fs the position of the UrUed Staes Flag? Ans. At the time of peace when a rations' flags fly in unison, they ir.ust fly from separate staffs. One r:ut not be hoisted above the other. Ques. When and by whom was the name "Old Glory" given to the. - Ques. What is the correct manner of displaying the flag on Memorial Day? Ans. At half staff until noon, then full mast until sunset, for the nation lives and the Flag is a symbol of the living nation. Ques. What is meant by half staff? It means that the flag is hung half way on the staff from Ans. the top to the bottom. Ques. When" displayed' at half ssaff, as on Memorial day, how is the flag placed in its position, and how taken down? Ans. tt is first hoisted to the peak then lowered to half staff, and when taken down it should be hoisted to the peak and then lowered. Que3. When our Ills is formally rained what should all present do? Ans. Give proper safute. Ques. What should people on the street do as the flag passes in parade j Ans. Give proper salute. Ques. When and how should blue, red and white bunting be used? Ans. It should' be used for all drapery, and the bluo stripe should United States flag? Ans. 'By Captain Driver in 1831. Ques. What is the Universal oral salute to the flag? An3. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One Nntion indivisible with. Liberty and.Justive for all." Mr. ar.'d Mrs., Roger spent the first of the Lake. Reynolds Salt week in Mrs. John Davis of S ofiold vi:;it-- l with MrS. L. J. O'Brien and Mrs. eva Rice last week. SAFEGUA RDING HUMAN. LIVES The fact the $16,700 has already been, subscribed for hos- pital bonds by Helper citizens 13 evidence that a hospital for Helper is a certinty. The way in which Helper has got be- hind and pushed this worthy project is commendable indeed and should prove a criterion for other cities of the state vho wis1 to prctect their citizens. Helper is shewing; the way to other towns of her size, and larger, by her progressive and industrious attitude. We shculd feel proud that we belong to such a hustlinsr citizenry, end all of us should lend cur efforts to make Helper a ssfcr and better place to Jive in. A hospital is cne of our nec of tickets from the stolen goods was found unburned lit the fireless This evidence was examined and conained tickets off goods from the J. C. Penny stores in Helper and Price, as well as from the store of Price and the Golden Rule of Helper. The articles taken included five dre;ses, of varying value, several hats, end numerous articles of sillc A rough estimate of underwear. their value would be around $200. The suspects were taken to Prce late Saturday night and lodged in the county jail. At their hearing Monday County attorney O. K. Clay preferred five misdeameanors and petty kreeny charges against them. Henry Ruggeri has been retained for the defense for their coming Low-entse- 'n trial. On Wednesday, Nora Vigil, who was out on bail was rearrested and the three were rearraigned on the greater charge of third degree burglary. insti'tuticH5 but one essary whioa countless cities go with-cu- t, Then i3 nc doubt about a person takir.g a chance when l e lives in a place that hasn't facilities to take care cf him in case cf accident or serious illutss. Many people have died because the hospital to which they were croinp. was too far sway from their home. Minutes count in many cases and when 1 hey are wasted a valuable life sometimes is lost. In this age whe;i industry depends so much upon the f:c:d and dexterity of individuals in handling: machines, rnd vhcre more dan pen confront the individual than ever befcre it is necessary that safety firct rules must apply in every line of endeavor. Still with all the appliances for the lafcgnardirg cf lives we have not do?.o entirely away with eccidtnt3. Where wo can't protect that life from accident we icrrt j, 'vu The bcr.ds which arc, now sold are for a good and r ble purpose, saving and human .'ivr.s. of rjctctirj to a Evevjonc who of this kind is p. b:al ratriotic citizen who realizes Tic importance cf the public by meking mere fafe the liv?. of its citizens. Helper realizes this fact and sror.cer proof is necessary than th3 way the citizens of ihis tewn has welcomed this bond i"u:. Wc know a lot of crcl towns r.nd ws know a lot of bnd crcs. If there is any trwa in th's county or state which thinks more of the lives cf its ciMzcrn than decs Helper v:c would like to know its be-J- tc Former Helper Dentist at Salt Lake Home Dies and J. L. Lewis had an exciting mlxup with thicr 5 Dr. John E. Christie, years cars Monday evening near the Mid- hand Service station when Gagocian Id, died at his home in Salt Lake suddenly turned' his Ford car in Friday. Dr. Christie had practlc-- i front of the lino of traffic and his dentistry in Utah s'nee the San car was strurk by J. L. Lewis who rancisco earthquake in 190 6, and was driving his Maxwell south. No "as one of the first dentists in mo was injured. tab to travel from ono town to Gagocian was charged with recknohcr practicing his profession. less driving in the City court TuesSome three years ago Dr. Christie day and was fined $10. esided in Helper and practiced o ft ir j r , x ifvi so. p it i iry in u - ty S& LOCAL NEWS $ s ? n ar-si- n j name. until he sold out to Dr. Shortly afterwards ill .ntir.try, ir & Funeral services were held for Einil Falvo Sunday afternoon from St. Anthony's church with Rev. A. F. Giovannonl officiating. Mr. Falvo had been bothered with heart trouble for some time and this was the cause of his death. The family resides at Sunnyside, iut they were old time residents elf this city. The members of the Helper band held a business meeting at the City hall Wednesday night. Professor Umberto Bovera Is at the head of this new organization whose memwith bers now number thirty-f.!- i, the .goal of making it fifty in view. Ilang were discussed for a dance to be given in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Deal of Peerless have purchased furniture, fixtures, stock and good will of the la;nry. ealth made it necessary for him o retire from active practice. The doctor was also an inventor. nS of his inventions being the y Ihrist'e lock. He beaded the f manufacturing this device the war made the business Other inventions are pend-npatents In the U. S. patent corn-anun-i- g of-ic- e. lie survived is by his widow and ive children. o Y.M. C. A. NOTES Bowling the Y gained new impetus at beginning Monday evening of this week, a new league was organized comprising five teams of four men each. The league is known a3 a three man league. Each team is named after a fish instead of an animal as in the league just ended. Fcllo'ving are the captains and the team names, along with the play- ers: Eels Emertson, Vignetti, Hardy Shoe store at Price, Mrs. Kauhala. and ill has been suffering from Carps-Lu- ke Harmer, Carmoni, health and Is taking treatment for and DeBcrry Horsley. stomach troubles at the Holy Cross Lumps Lambert, Komer, Celeste hospital at Salt Lake, She will go Pesretto. to California as soon as her health Flaini, 'Grunts Dr. Gianottf, Bob Carpermits. moni, Knobbs and Hall. Whales Wahl, Green E. Klaim,, The Iofre Dame girls held thMr P. Laboroi. regular business meeting at the The new league fcowl.3 Monday, home cf J'iss Kdna Litizzette Tuesday evening. Father A. F. Giovan-ro- Tuesday,- Wednesday and Thursday was present rnd gave hi3 san- of each week. The two remaining of the old league will ba ction to the present of an aisle rug which the club is fv.rnis'iing f',T St. playcj off In the a.ftcrntnn as r.oon The g'rb are as the teams involved arrange an Anthony's church. plcnnir.g a daiC8 for the near fut- hour, which will (hen prr.ro of the prze.. The winure. ners will be decided fcy the two Dr. and Mrs. C. E. McDsrmH games to be played off as the conand children are greeting their test was very close. s many Caifion county friends D. Bane, abode take in their up traveling they again j Mr. Carl CaGtlerate. They have been away freight and passenger a.ent of tho frcn Utah for Eevcral years. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad, was a doctor took up work visitor at the Association thir, wee!;. Mr. Dane travels out of tho at Philadelphia during their O office. and alio took a year's hospital Denver B. Miller Miller - c: post-gradua- te ab-se:;- work in at Ann Arbor, Michigan. He again in cnarge of the Castlegate hospital. A little larrer attendrr.ee waa I'otcd at la,t P.undy evening me;t-'nin the Association than the Sunday proceeding. II. n. Crrcn gave a short tilk on "Three Foras concerns gotten Principle:!' Thefe meetings welChristianity. come everj one desiring to attend mi inspirational song service. l:"y Sunday evening is the hour. g o LEGION HOLDS MEETING e posMb'y can save it if ws have the facilities at hand- Modem times have given us the automobile and everything depends 'on speed. Automobiles have brought us luxury and ako more ways in which to Icne our lives cr cripple our bcdic3. We must pay the price of progress, but it is foolhardy fcr us net to take the necessary precautions to save lives oncj they arc in danger. A hospital we is a necessary institution and WVlnFr hn . remrrmrpA this firt FOIL G shoulder. ; OF P2ICE PAYS RECKLESS DRIVING GAGOCIAN II J. Gagocian ....... 17-0- J. FINE h! senting the thirteen colonies. upOn Monday afternoon the Helper Ques. What is the color of the lowest and permost stripe? of school children were the guests Ans. Red. manager Vic Litizzette at a matinee a United States flag la the Strand theatre. The reels is Ques. When on a wall with the suspended shown were of South American vertical is it legally a flag stripes in nature,' countries, geographical of the United States and depicted the life habit and the Ans. Yes. products of th'h soKihtrn s;str' Ques. How early and late In the are These pictures high country. should the flag be displayed? in educationel value and are great- dayAns. The flag may be displayed ly appreciated. from a mast from sunrise until sun- Betcher is leaving Mrs. this week to join her husband in Gloryette, New Mexico, where the family will make their new home. The Betchers have lived, in this vicinity for several years, having been up Spring Canyon before comMr. Betcher left ing to Helper. last summer to locate in New Mexico. Miss Margaret Betcher, their daughter, will continue her duties as teacher in the Helper schools. f -- . B. L. - - Og-do- LEAVES FOR NEW MEXICO In Nicaragua Ncra Vigil and Eva Moiia, Mexicans, were apprehended Saturday evening after Several weeks of successful , shopping tours carried on without the formality of funds at stores in' Helper and Trice. Saurday night, while carrying on their sticky fingered profession in the Golden Rule stortr they were suspected by one of the clerks, who promptly informed Mr. Galania, the manager, of her suspicions. Marshal C. A. Knobbs was called and together with J. Cima and Mr. Galanis he followed the girls to their rooms at tht Lucky Lodgings. The two girls and Jess Morin, husband of Eva Morin were in the rooms at the time. While Marshal Knobbs was carrying on a search Jess excused himself to fix the fire, he returned in a few minutes with a shovel full if hot coals and was just ready dump the.se into the stove, when his motive Mr. Knobbs. suspected nd demanded that he deposit the :oals in the coal bucket. A handful. , - , Sticky Fingered Profession End s Behind Prison Bars The American Legion, convened at the City hall Wednesday night. In the absence of Comander It. A. ndf r Les Ivrk Nilson, Vice-'omwas in charge of the meeting. The mr prospn ts cf valgus locations fcr now loirion homo for the rropo'-ecame up for considerable Helper rtireifssion. Planjl fofr a merging nnd fVinco to be given at Kenil-worl- o were also discussed but no definite! actionj was faktn v.n',e from the appo:nt.ing of commute?:; on arrangements. Two new members were taken into the legion ranks at this time. VOXIAN PAYS: in a big world, pn'Jvi cross often enough to warn us on our behavior and to ?ugge:t that we may ir,c?t th.J Rama A fall is many perron again. times faster than the ri::p. Even ' Mrs. J. Hclmca was! n Salt Lak: isitor one day last week. |