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Show TH f1 {VAT/ON-WID£ /NST!Tl/T/ON- a /NC. DEPA RTME NT STOR ES Midvale, Utah. Our Quality Is a Revelation To Those Unacquainted ~_/Soc1~ety~ ' .l L -- -- -- -- l meeing of her sewing club which j held Wednesday in Salt Lake. was ~\1i!:fi!fiy;!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fiy;y;y;!Rfi~F.~·~lYiYiy;!li!fif//u -~ ~ :::: Mrs. H. P. Miller entertaine d the I members of her Bridge Club Monday, Prizes were won by Mrs. Wat.. ers, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. O'Brien. COUNTRY STORE AND VAUDE VILLE Mrs. Olga Whittemo re has returned from California and will make her Regular Picture Program Regular Prices Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McNamar a Ibeing won by Mrs. A. W. Nelson and WilMrs. daughter, her with home have gone to East Midvale to make Mrs. J. S. Alley. liam Waters. D H M j Miss Nina Sum bot. of Salt Lake their home. · • Townsend and daughter rs. w1th her parents ., Announce ment is made of the birth! spent the week-end June spent Tuesday in Springvill e A s b d at the home of relatives of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I Mr. anh Mrs.dLh. . Tuhm otd. f • H Gl M evenay urs ouse war e t At I was Firth of Salt Lake: Mrs · Firth Oreo . Portland, yatt rs.. 't en f th e · k ' a reumon ~ 1a t · 1 . . d f . d o s wee I formerly Miss Arvilla Jensen of this ' Owen mg ot nen s m Midvale last family was held A program gon VIS! e · · a f i}rmer resJ._ H I M week · I place. rs. yatt IS · · was given and refreshme nts were · I dent of this city d Mrs George A. Wnght wa:; hostess Miss Virginia 'Brown, Miss Helen . . to me;11uers of hei''\club Tuesday ev- serve • and Miss Virginia Esperson Stokes , Mond~y, evemng, at the Pearson ening. Bridge was played, the prizes iven on home of East ~enter - street, t.?e Y. L. l attended an entertainm ent g · b · ente1tame d for F r1"d ay evenmg . 1M. I. A pre:mlency . y M1ss Merlene . rooms were decorated with sprmg members· o.f th e J umor 1asses. 'fl1e 1 Beck of Draper c ·· 1 d• · f h fi owers an d po tt ed p1ant s. Lunc h eon • pnzesd · Mrs . E . E • El1'eson had as her aye P was earts o game t A I b l\·l· L 1 was served t o 25 gues s, . . ht an d · were u W1'1g J ames u, · Wednesda y, M rs. J • H • M orr1s "I r. an d ,.,r . won . y r ISS orene .y ett an guest u~rs. ._ Damty re- of Murray, Mr S A Broadhead have returned Miss M.ame P.earson. .. · v· . . _ Anderson entertame M . . freshment s were served to 28 guests. . ~ s. . · · d IC""'r rs. ch'ld l\1"1! C W M 1~ : to the1r home m Beaver after VISit:.. (·, •. ¥ _ , rs, t mS', t • <.L I erf favte a kIf - a number of little folks Saturday of :::; ing for two weeks at the home oi ~~ethd or last week on the occasion of the birth ~ens par YJ ~ ur a~. 0 r::h Mr ,and Mrs, Joseph Park, 1 .... Ir ay I' day anniversa ry of h er sma· ll son, ~ - ~~~'p.(f IS l:Il on ac er son, . Mrs. Ben Carhsle was hostess at anniversa ry Twelve were present· J ay · · l un cheon F' n· ' Smith of Magna w;;t.s Mrs. George ~ her home a.t a bndge 'S 1 Mrs. of week last of Friday guest a day after:won in honor of a number NOTICE ·~ Victor Anderson • of her fnends. 1:) Due to the fact that building s .: In honor of the birthday anniverMrs. A. Lundquist and Mrs. H. Gil'withbuilding to ns alteratio Eveline, and daughter, small her of ::: .;ary ous miscellane a at_ d lespie ente~taine City Midvale of '-'! on limits d the in entertaine Watson. Albert shower Fr1day evemng at the home Mrs. of Mrs. Charles Anderson in hono1 Sunday_ Following a dinner the af- have been made recently withof Mrs. Anderson's daughter, Mrs. teroon was spent in Liberty Park. out permits, attention is hereby I! called to the fact that such work Alvin Nelsen, formerly Miss Hazel The guests numbered twelve, Miss Leah Frazier of Salt Lake whether new building s, alteraAnderson . Gall).es and music wer.. enjoye<l and refreshme nts aerved to was a guest last week-end of Miss tions or necessar y 1·epairs of j any kind, must be covered by a :J, Cora Goff. 28 guests. ! from le procurab permit, building We<lnesday of last week, Mrs. A. 'Dhe Murray Women's club held it5 r, R. J. Pa- 'j regular monthly meeting Thursday L, Anderson entertaine d in h-onor ol the Building- Inspecto charge for · no is There tience. Mrs. Glen Hyatt of Portland, Oregor. afternoon at the club rooms. y re- I necessar covering permits Now comes Tom in his best show to 'd ate-a ·booming The Rarent-Te achers' Association who is visiting here, well as or contract The pairs. LaL Mrs, F, A, F ker of Pippin of the Murray high sclwol will meet comedy- melodram a of the plains-a nd with Tom com~ posin not if liable is owner as o1 Woods Thomas Mrs. and Wis,, the at o'clock 8 1'hursday evening at when his rollicking gang including Frankie Darro as the kid: Mason City, Ia., who have been the session of such permit s..:hoolrooms. building, making alteratio ns, or the dog and the pony! AI~ for one and one for all! Dr, and Mrs, F. E. Boucher enter. guests at the home of Mrs. William necessar y repairs. Also the Green Archer and .comedy tained a number of their friends at Waters left Saturday to return to City and Mayor (Signed) . dinner Thursday evening followed by their homes. Council of Midvale City Mrs. Edward Sutton and Mrs. Carl cards. SUNDAY ONLY lasL spent Wyo,, r, Kemmere of Everts WilMrs. and Mrs. W. J. Rothwell liam H, Rothwell entertaine d at a week-end at the home of l\Ir. an luncheon Wednesday afternoon at the Mrs. E. E. Elenson. Hotel Utah. Covers were laid foi Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bishop have 32 guests. Following the luncheon moved to their new home on East in SOW K DUROC ONE bridge. in spent was afternoon the Second avenue. In honor of Mrs. Chris Affleck, Elaborate preparatio ns are being READY TO FARRO W Mrs. Charles Morris entertaine d at made by the "M" men for an enterdinner Friday afternoon, Covers were tainment which they will give Friday lajd for 20 guests and the afternoon evening a.t the ward house. The was spent in games and music. Gleaner Girls will be the guests of Pure, Bred Chester Brood d entertaine choir T·he Grant Ward honor, Mr. and Mrs. Von Ammerma n and at a party Wednesday evening, The Sows I time was well enjoyed by playing children of Soldier Summit were Pl\one Midvale 71-R4 games and dancing followed by re- Midvale visitors Sunday. Mrs. Victor Anderson ,attended a freshment s. 1 FRIDA Y ONLY - .. SATURDAY ONLY • I For many years past J. C. Penney Company goods have be~n accepted by hundred s of thousand s of people through out the United States as the standard for comparison. Our quality has been a revelatio n to some people who have been told or who have imagined that because our prices were low the grade of our goods was correspo ndingly low. A sinO'le visit to our Store--w herever it may be located; in any of the 44 States in which we operate -will quickly dispel sucth tl:J.oughts and claims. It will establish in your mind beyond a shadow of doubt, that article for article and dollar for dollar more in genuinely reliable and standard quality can be had than is ordinaril y obtainab le. 0 Bear in mind that with the tremend ous buying power for our hundred s of Stores goes a selective· power that assures us the better grades of goods. ' Unexcelled Va lue In Young Men's Spring Suits The lines o£ the Thor· oughbred are unmistak able-all the Style there is-fabri cs and patterns that spell QUALI TY- ----- ---- ---- - 1 I • II i ..... _ __j IHCHAQDDIX For Sale •:LET•S GET Placed on Contract And who wouldn't jump at a chance like this? Never before has Dix offered you anything quite so funny, You'll laugh" your head off. Also The Gang in ~ ''Th~ Love Bug" and Pat he News. MONDAY AND TUESDA Y Suits that are RIGHT ' -in every hidden stitch and seam! You're sure to like them! And the price is moderate . ,__£ngliab Two-Butt oll -Euy, graceful atyle -Eaay Fitting Back -Some have broader •hould· den -Notch or Peak Lapel Trou• -Straiatht-Hanatin~r sera -Unliniah ed Worateda and Cauimere a -Overpla ide and Stripe• -Greya, blue•, tan•, browll Others at $19.75, $24.75 to $34.75 I Mrs. Sidney Wright entertaine d :Wednesd ay afternoon at her home in Granger in compliment to Miss ThelIn honor of the birthday anniver- ma Parkinson . Spring fiowe1·s decosary of Mrs. 0. E. Olend, thirty of rated the rooms and the lunche<ln her friends entertaine d at a surprise tab!~. Covers were laid for ten party Thursday evening of last week guests. Mrs, Milton Dixon and Mrs. J. at her home on Benbow avenue, Games and music were enjoyed fol- A. Jones were hostesses to the ladies of the Community Aid Society Tueslowed by refreshme nts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson an- day afternoon . In compliment to . Miss Mildred nounce the marriage of their daughan operator of the telephon\.! Carlisle, Weston of Nelsen ter, Hazel to Alvin company in this city whose marriage Idaho. Mrs. Will Robinson, Jr., and child- to Ray Nelson will take place • soon, ren of Payson are the guests of Mrs. a miscellaneous shower was given on Robinson's mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Wednesda y evening at the home oi Miss Josephine Park by the other Mumford and family. exchange operators, Music Murray Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles were enjoyed throughou t games Mrs, Alvin Nelson and Mrs. Eliza.. and beth Reynold motored to Santaquin the evening and prizes were awarded to Miss Ruby Graves and Miss LaSunday and spent the day. Preal Williams. the d Miss Rachel Gibbs entertaine A buffet supper was served. Those members of the Star Six club Monday evening. The evening was spent present besides the guest of honor in games and dancing followed by were Miss Clara Pierson, Miss Annie Olsen, Miss Zelia Mumford, Miss refreshme nts. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Rothwell Josephine Park, Miss Lilly Gordon entertaine d at dinner Friday of last Miss Lila Carlson, Miss Mae Nelson at their home on Third ave- Miss Mabel Pierson, Miss Frankie and in compliment to Dr, Rothfather, Dr. W. J. Rothwell, his eighty-sev enth birthday an- Murray Socie ty Mrs. Frank Olind entertaine d the of her sewing club yesterafternoon at her home on Benavenue, A one o'clock luncheon served to ten guesst. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carlistle of South and 6 West streets anthe engageme nt of their ghter, Mildred to Ray E. Nelson. marriage will take place April in the St. George Temple, •.. :-;.-. may be extended confidently. BROKE N LINES OF SLIPPE RS Regular Price up to $5.00WHILE THEY LAST $2.49 ANOTH ER-BRO KEN LINES Regular Price up to $8.00 WHILE THEY LAST $3.49 COME IN WHILE YOUR SIZE . IS HERE Our store is always neat and clean. Every Specially trained. employe is courteou s. Skilled in tire care. Anxious to please. Whateve r she may require in tire needs, we have in stock. New tires--G oodyear s-the best by the choice of more motorist s than any other kind. Good service- our own Goodyear standard . Midvale, Utah The roar of flames was like the voice of an angry conscience. With Blanche Sweet, Jack \Mulhall. Not often do they make 'ern to hit as hard as thisbut they've done it this time-Ma sterfully ! Phone Midvale 200 AT THE- -:r~ -OF COURSF "The House Of Quality" ::;:: ·~n~~!:fi~!fi!:fi~~~~~~~!:fi!:fi!:fi~!:fi!:fi!fi~~~~ ... |