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Show , THE JOR DA N JOI :JRN AL The·-""Jordan Journal West Jordan I joined a party of friend s and attend Mrs. Reyno ld Nicho ls and childr en ed the daiice at the Blue Bird ::)atof Hollid ay and Mrs. Jame s Gilbe rt · ht Welco me Home party for the reof Murr ay were guest s of Mr, and mg · . . Issued Every turne d I<.lders, Bi;;hop Wm. J .. Leak, , urday 'rhurs day by Mrs. .l!'mnk Sprat~mg entert~med 'fhe Jorda n Publis hins;. Comp any, Inc. Mrs. B. F. Andru s Thurs day, f the Texas Confe rence · Emm a Wedn esday evenm g m • Dr. and Mrs. S. C. B. Soren son ennonor ol Mr. _ Mrs, L. F. Smith of Spani sh Fork tertai ned at dinne d~~ner from Texas Confe r:ncc; El-1 and Mrs. c. L. Kaude n. Game r on Sunda y, Covs were T.El{MS OF SUBS CRIP TION visite d relati ves here durin g the past' ers were laid for Mr. der Henal d Beckm an from Germ an playe d <J.nd refres hmen !.tOM ES LOAN S INSU RANC E Vern Milla rd, FARM S ts serve d to One year .. --·-·- ·-·--....-.-·.. ·-·-·-..·- $1.50 week. Handy , Utah missio n; Elder Wiiiic e Jacob son of I i\ins. Emily Ward le, I Mrs. Phone Charl Midva es Milla le 13_1-w rd, Mr. and Mrs. Mr .. and Mrs. Telep hone Midva le 178 Mrs. ·lexica Mervi n n mis~io Despa n, in was entert held ained in the F. Hemy S. Soren .Egoe rt _Memrva .Egb~rt, lVIr.. sen and famil y of Salt THE MAN IS DEAD . Whu ::;aid "it A GOOD the •l\ . ONE! 5 room mode rn and 'Dhur sday aftern oon at the home of Lake and Miss Celist ward house April 14 at 8 o'cloc k. The •and Mrs. .0 rrm B k +~"d D 11 1 i Hoag. aard of u pays d to rent." her mothe You r, can Mrs. own Carri a ec home s...,:... e Sadle 1 .' frame r e in ~a . San Franc isco Califo rnia Nearl y new. And Two 1 > ld d All '-'prat lJI"' .Enter ed at the postofdfice at u.Ll ttva e honor of I out of what it co~:;ts to rent. There j Acres rich garde n land ope)ll.ng so 11 g was "t;t.ah , We Love j an d. 1..una. • an • _en her little 1 Q daugh • .,, ter Citv, Wand Utah, a, as Social Ave. Mr. S(~con and -c Mrs. a:;s· ma Carl er. it being Mads en Sr. visdd ~ are ways y<>u can build or buy a 1 Half cash and $25.00 Thee" ; invoc ation, DaVId T. Dahl; 1 l\1r, and ~lts. C. L. her sixth birthd , ay anniv erited at Magn a on per Sunda Ra month . y. en. ·, · song "If there is Sunsi line in my sary. Game s were playe d and lunch Mr. and Mrs. Lawre nce vhnste~home . Get busy now, ~ee Crapo ., Se.:_ CRAP O. - . Mr. and Mrs. Duke Pake enter tain. ' · d t Soul; " readin g, Grace )lalst rom; male "l· d y at cundick , Mer1 p·lX t on, Harol d serve d. entcr_ tame a d.mner ,, on a quart et, Charl es Smith , Josep h Smith son ed at dinne r on Wedn esday in honor tcrnuo n m hunot ~t Mr. anti Mr:s.~; Doris CHEA PER THA N A TENT ! Five I DAND Y HOM E Batem an, Mack Jacob son and Joe The Paren t-Tea chers ' Assoc iation of Mrs. Poage's fathe r, Milto n Cun{lick and Charl es Cock- E. M. Batem an anu 5 room mode rn, Bisho p David tam1l y, Room and mode rn bath. Fram e 1 b . k f Haun . Game s and refres hmen ts. held a meeti ng Wedn esday b · t . __, 'th d b eveni ng Bills. The occas ion being his birth" te h ouse 11no::u n at , u 11 aseme n , near Cente r St. yne; remar ks, Emm a Gardn er; duet, -·' 4 th A ve.. r1c L ucl l e .ua WI a o in e the on Pat-k Jack Sciwo ~nuLl! i. M'd ~ud Ur. Hid1a Kitch m it. rna day 'd .anniv were enjoy" '-', ersary . Dinne r was serve d Thelm a Hend erson ancl Reta Cundi ck; I tende d a surpn se party r 1 va 1e M1 va le. 61.10 0 acres 1and with · en range , furna ce at South Jor: · d Thi · Lyma n and Shreif f Ben R, Rarri es to Bisho p and Mrs. b 1 !rema rk,., Elder Willi~ Ja.c.obson; 'I dan Satur day night water almos t a farm and only $1575 David Bolls, an~ aun ry, Mr. a.t the h?me ?1 s ls a rea 1 arwere the speak ers. A good progr down paym ent and $20,00 per mo. "1 L p l .and Mrs. Lance lot Bills, Mr. and nen m solo, Mrs. Mark Gardn er, select ion, Mr. an d ,, g,am. . $1,?00.~0 a~d easy terms . 1 eWS was rende red f_ollowed by L·efream rs. eo ~ me_r, g · sh~Irs. Roy SEE CRAP O Glazie West Jorda n male quart et; remar ks, I honor of l\lr. r, Mrs. Lowe tta MadYou wtll hke 1t, See CRAP O. t d d A 1 Palm ers b1~thday and men ? an Elder Renal d Beckm an; Chips , by niver sary, Game s ancm g, arge crow sen, Misse s Ebba and Amel ia Bills ~· -~-·---and refres hmen ts The Daug hters of the Utah Pio- was m attend ance, . h and . GooD Mr. d by thl'rty guest s Leo BUY! Bills, 10 acres fine beet land i SAY READ THIS ! 1 have a bus after Ro\,•al Sprat ling; remar ks, B lS op were enJoy which neers met at the horile of "'11·~. J. the Mrs. M, J, Despa in and childr en eveni ng was spent in e . t d ., a radio betwe ~ conce en W Sandy d rt and Midva le $310.00 Wm. J. Leak; Welco me Home addre ss iness block and apartm ents on a . an a. amI J oyce return e d to t h e1r Mrs. 0 · H · B a eman al~ . Mr and Mrs Alliso n son, Bills Matts were on Frida y a£tern per oon. acre for quick sale. It's worth Mrs, U, ~orne in Wasatc~1, Frida; y after spend - dinne~ guest by Presid ent Soren Rasm ussen of the Blair are Dhome after Main Stree t, rentin g for $80.00 per s of.Mr . and Mrs. Georg e spend mg two Richa rds gave the lesson . A nut•l- ~~ .the more. See CRAP O. pa:st wmte r w1t~ Mrs, Des- w. Bills on Sunda y, month . You can buy it for $~5GO. Jorda n Stake . Priest Josep h M. Holt weeks at raper . ber of select ions ~ere giveu by tll pam s mothe r, Mrs. and Georg e Sharp were in attend ance. down and $2500 at the rate of $40 Can1e Sadle r. Mrs. Afton Speak man and little Miss Glady s Peter son and Miss La- SPLE NDID k SIX ROOM M BRIC t Junio r orche stra. p te K D near f per s lt month Bened iction by W. W. Ma1strom . L k Lunch , You have a living and eon wu. r. · e · ow 0 son, Arid of Salt La ·e were gues s a a e was ' von Bills entert ained at a weeni e Ward Churc h, Sandy , 1-2 acre the of gueilt it ':'lrs of pays ·. his Della for p_arents, Mr. and; roast on Frida y. The follow ing enitself. See CRA,I.oliO. Bills and childr en, Mrs., oi Mrs. Byron Birch last week, •' ::;cne d \,o fou1·teen, garde n and w.ater right. Cosy lit-j u J . L . Dow, F n d ay. J. A. Newm an and daugh ter, Louis e mrs. --------joyed the affair : Miss Esthe r Rin- tle home for a famil y. Owne r movMrs. P. '1'. Batem an entert ained The nwmb ers ot the N. B. Club en---Mrs. Susan nah Crane ~nd Mr. Dan- dlisba ch Miss Melba of River ton were guest s of Mrs. Sam- 1 Frida y night in honor Bills liisse s ing. Sells cheap for cash. Will i GO GETT BR! SAY! of Mr. Bate- tertai ned their pa ..'tn<Jrs awl ti!kCl.. .. ford HERE 'S A 15 Qr~n~ qf Salt Lake ":'ere ~he Crilla a~d Tress a Myers , Gl~dys uel Cundi ck Thurs day, man's birthd ay anniv ersary . Luch- l$·ue:sts .t<'riuay ovellll give Petterms . See CRAP O. j lg' Acre m dairy 1.he .ll.il·_,. farm gueat:o that will get y.ou ot .Mr, and Mrs. Archi e Smlth erson Lavon Bills Mr Frank Mr. and Mrs. 1. Atkin son and their eon was serve<! to 35 Drake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 $180,00 per month relative!!, Ht\011;; !.all. l'llll, <411~1 ww.te was tll'- durin g the past week. for milk ..alone daugh ter, Louis e of Boun tiful, ~r. Chari es Becks tead J~mes Stratt on NEAT SlX ROO.M FRAM E, near 1 After visitin g friend~ and relati ves ..:olur schem e. .t'ink cam.a tiun,; we 1 -... you can doubl e Lhat by adchn g poulMiss Lizzie Hardc astle of Sandy Gordo n Drake and Ora 1 and ~Irs. E. M. Batem an and fam1l y 1for the past two month State Stree t, Sandy , Price very 1 try. It is near State Cundi ck ·ali s, Mrs. Chas. u:se<l as favor::;. !:>U1Jpcl' was serve ... was the Stree t, has week- end guest of 1\iiss Mel- of West Jorda n of Bellin gham , Wash ington , Mr. and Stron g and daugh te.r, • reaso nable . Term s. See CHAP O. Dorot hy have on small table::; to 5\i. ::ipecial guest- . ba Hardc City water , electr ic light.-; . A good astle. Mrs. Gl-en Hoga n and baby, Miss Eth- return ed to their home . Mr. and Mrs~ Zach T. Butte rfield in Canad a. home we1·e and 1\h, a good and l\lrs. cow barn. ::>. L. BmtiY i.4Ih, Party Mr!i, John Day enter~ame~ at a entert ained at dinne el Brow n were dinne r guest s of Mr., Mrs Jame s .Ernsh r on Sunda y in 530 ACRE TIMO THY MEA DOW 1 has two farms will sell 1-2 aw has return ed Mrs, .Al Lar;;I)JI gi ~alt Lal;,~, l\i ... party down with w.ater ~onda and Mrs. Charl es Hog-<~.n, Sun?a y, . Good 'Dair y and Stock I y afte.m oon 1t hemg her honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Fullto he; home in Benn ett Uinta after· and .Mrs. G. A. Jenki I and rest can be paid out us oi OI the 1\iuna in)' 52nd buthd ay anmv ersary . Count ry. Fine lishin g. Plent y of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Samu el Cund1ck and spend ing sever al days L_unch mer, Miss Carol Fullm er, Maste r 01here while her 1\lr. anll l\lr:s. W. Wanb erg oi i\lwva l , was come. This is your chanc e. See serve d to Mrs; _Sarah Burnh am,, ivPr Fullm er. Mr. an([ big game , Timb er close by. $25. 1 childr en, Ray, Lucile and Neldo~ ~o-1 daugh ter w derwe nt Mrs. 01~ B. an opper ation Mr. and :\lrs. H. Soren:son, Mr. ant. Marth 1 CRAP O. a Duny on, Ehi!;J.heth Cottre ll, Peter son Miss Vario Peter per acre.· tored to Drape r Sunda ;; and VISited. ior appen dicitis Easy terms . See CRAP O 1 son Elain e at the L. D. s. hos- J.\i!n;. J. Bollig-er, Mr. and Mr.:>. M. Annie Lerry , Nora Stdng fellow , Car- , Peter son' and Maste Mrs. Cundi ck's mothe r, Mrs. Sarah pital. r Berstra~d PetAliso!!, !Jr. and Mrs, J. H. lhowi J, rie Sl\dle r, Mrs. Heber Crane . A. Smith , I erson all of Salt Lake. Mbs Franc es Critch low was the Mr. 1utd 1\!n;, Arnol d Pete1·son, Mr. l\lrs. l~oy Snow , Mrs. Mana sseh Fitz-1 Mias Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benn ett and dinne r guest of Mrs. Ebb.a Bills and Mr. Leo Bills P. T, Batem an and Mrs. M. Bird, Mrs. L. Lan;o ii, g~rald , Mrs. A. L. Sheph erd, l\b-s. J, visite d at Payso n on Sunda baby D.ona were guest s of Mr. and Thurs day night. y as the Mr. anJ Mr:s. B. Beck, Mr. and Mr:s. Fitzg erald , Mrs. Harry Mrs. Shirle y Richa rds Sunda y. Hewa ru and guest of Miss Starc k and Mrs. Geo. The Paren t-Tea chers ' Assoc iation A. Cushi ng, Mr. .and Mrs. A. E. Mrs. Georg e Uarbe r of Logan and Whet man Mr. Loren zo Coole y and Emer y' gave a very s\lcce::;sful entert ainme nt Willia ms, Mr. and Mrs. F. Chris ten- Mn;. Elias L, Day of Salt Lake. Richa rdson of Soldie r Summ it visit- in the sch.ool audito . Mr. an'd Mrs. Antho n Ferril l of rium 'l'hurs day sen, lUr:s, J. Uuit~nvo(Ju; 1\lr, ami Dr. 'th and 'I Mrs. C. d 0. '·1 Jense s H n ,p and Coole then y , Magn d · a are visiti ng at the home of e w1 •' r. an "' r . . ''. l\lrs. li, o. Heudr ickson , .Progr essiv" childr en of Magn a and even1 ng. , Frida y ami Satur day Dr. and Mrs. Mrs of this week, Rosa Olive r, The good time club will give a Rook was playe d and . prizes award - T. U, Morg an of Bingh all1 were the Miss Delila Sprat ling is spend ing dance in the amus emen Mrs. Jesse Bigle y and son of Magt hall Satur - ed to .Mr. L. E. Van .l.Jam, Mrs. W. guest s of Mr. anq Mr>:J, 8 Rasmu::;sen 11a was the guest of her the week- end at Sprin gville as guest day night , April 24, paren ts, Mr. Don't forge t ~vamoo.·g, Mr. E. Beck and Mr. W. Sunda y, of -Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Baker . . o.nd Mrs. Jame s S. Ferril l on Sunda y. the dance Frida y night , Hugh es, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Radde n have Mr. and Mrs. P, T. Batem an atl\lr·, <\DU ~ln;, H, S. l!yatt enter - -ROS ES, Speci moved to Salt Lake to rotake their tende d the wedd ing al until April 2-lth ~!iss Alta and Leon W~tkins of recep tion of Mr. 1tained at dinne r :::>unday · ;:,over::; Ogden home were guest s of the1r grand . and Mrs. Arnol d Mock ley at the Ben- .vere lait\ for ~6 gues~!O only 50c each. Buy from us. We 1 paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. , J. Larso n, the Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Becks tead nion ward house Mond ay night . 'fhe Voluu teer l.<'l1·emen entett ain- sell to the other nurse ry, J. Eugen e : past week- end 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jame s A. Batem an dd at a danci ng party __· _ _ _ __ in the amuse - Fordh am, Nurse ry, Phone Midva le and famil y motor ed to Taylo rsvill e ment hall Wedn esday eveni ng in The hamm er of eonst ructon Frida y eveni ng and attend ed a fare.. no11or of Mr. A. Nebo There are too many girls who can drown s out the hamm n. er of the knock well party given in honor of Mr. Fran The First ward Relig ion class colo dance 24 hours And too few who can er. cis Hussi e. • . ierenc e was given Sunda y in con- get a meal in 24 minut es. J , Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Cocky ne, Mr. uectio n with the Sacra ment servic e. I -ROS ES, Speci al until April 24th LOST -fto} s Overc oat, gomg south and Mrs Earl Batem an Norm a and The Thin! WArd ~unday schoo l ConThere is no law under which to ar-1 only 50c each, Buy on S~tc Stree t, south of Midva le,. Nora Batem an spent from us. We su'nda y in Salt ierenc e was held in the Third ward rest a nation for drivin g the war Juncti On. sell to the other Rewa rd. nurse ry. J. Eugen e Retur n to Lake . chape l all day Sunda y, ·hario t while intoxi cated , Fordh am, Nurse Jou.rn al. Offi:e_ or _137 South 11th ry, Phone Midva le 52, Ma'lcu m Shuls en entert ained for Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Batem an ana East, Salt Lake City, the follow ing guest s Satur day night : son, Noal, Mrs. Sophr What March overlo oked April is I EXPR ESS-- -Gene ral ona B-,tem an, MJD V haulin g and FOR SALE -New mode rn -room Mary Richa rdson , Alva Diamo nd, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. suppl ying, 5 movin Hyatt g. , Mrs. Call AtMidva le 235-J 7-22 house . Good locati on. See J. A. Flore nce Richa rdson , Dora Ritch ie, mina Larso n and Mrs. J. D. Batem an Alcor n, West Jorda n Lumb er Co. were guest s ~t a birthd ay party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P. T. 4-1-26 tf Batem an of West Jorda n Frida y evFOR SALE -Cho ice Cuthb ert Rasp-~ ening in honor of Mr. Batem an, MID VAL E SANDY berry plants , $1.50 per hundr ed. A. 1 A Welco me Home party will h A. Malm trom, 55!) Cente r St. given in the First ward chape l Fri4-t 1 day eveni ng in honor of Mr. Rever l TfrGJ ••··• Allsop who has recen tly return ed GOIN G FAST -Larg e Choic e Lots j ~· ~ /~~ !~~ from a missio n to the centra l states . 50 X 145. Best locati on in town Mr. ~nd Mrs. J. Matts on had a::. Midva le's new Addit ion. Only their guest the pa!'it week, Mr. A. $350 per lot. Your own terms . For Black of Afton , Wyom ing, • ·.; sale by owner . A. A. Malm strom , !. • _. '. Mrs. Frank Park is at the hospi tal 559 Cente r Stree t, Midva le tf lb:=~===-==-=:-, where she was compe lled to under go ALL KIND S-of Sheet Metal work an opera tion. LIVE S, MIN UTE S, AND MILL IONS done and repair s. Mode rate prices . The Klenzo Trea tmen t The Ladie s Aid Socie ty met at the Wholesale and Reta il Ever y time the clock ticks , a stagg ering sum of Midva le Tin Shop, 88 No. Main St., Cong regati onal churc h Thurs day af_ Midva le. money chan ges hand s. ternoo n of last week. Mrs. Louis e t-4-8 REA SON ABL E RAT ES Ander son and Mrs. J. H. Brow n were This 'money, reme mber , is only a check upon huWHIT E LEGH ORN Eggs -for hatch hostes ses, AT ALL SEA SON S OF THE YEA R ing from our flock mated to Ivan's · man labor . · Mrs. E. Beck entert ained at lunch pedig reed cockerP.ls of 265 egg eon Tuesd ay aftern oon. Cover s were NO EXT RA CHA RGE :FOR SPEC IAL DEL IVER Y If you work, you receive mone y for your labor. strain . W. 0. Bober g, Sandy , Ut. laid for seven guest s. Bridg e was Phone Midva le 173-R t 5-1-26 played . The prize was award ed to If you do not save some thing , you have throw n OFF ICE, PLA.l\"T-6:>00 Sout h State Mrs. S. L. Brady of Salt Lake, away both time and labor. You have wast ed just so FOR SALE -Bab y Carri age $10.00. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bober g were the much of your life. · Call Midva le 168-J. guest s of Mr. and Mrs. J. N'oland of Salt Lake Tuesd ay eveni ng, If you do save, every tick of the same clock adds FOR SALE --4 Desir able Resid ences . Mrs. H. Soren son entert to ained your income. on Enqu ire J. Wilm er Booth , Booth Wedn esday aftern oon in honor of her 'Dhe use of Klenz o Denta l Crem e Mere. Co. Clock ticks and minu tes are the thing s of which small daugh ter, Kathe rine's birthd ay with a anniv Klenz ersary milli o Tooth Brush insure s . Lunch eon was served to ons are made. A MYS TERY -Stra yed, latter part 1!>. small guest s. of Janua ry, 1!l26, 2-yea r old heifer White teeth Mr. and Mrs. V. Meed, Mr. and Guern sey, from farm in Union . ReHealt hy gums Mrs. ll. Soren son, Mr. and Mrs. E. ward. Notif y L. A. Smith . Phone and a Beck and Mr and Mrs. G. Tame of Midva le 62-R3. 4-8 26 Clean mouth Midva le enjoy ed a swim ming party IS NO OBJE CT-i f you fail at the Munic ipal baths Satur day evDenta l Crem e _,_,_....... . 50c to read the ads in the Jour nalenmg follow ed by suppe r. Klenz o tooth brush es, 35c and 50c Save Mone y by Readi ng Them ! Mrs. M. Bird entert ained at lunch eon Frida y aftern oon. Cover s were SAL E-6 Acres good land on laid for seven guest s. The time was Stree t, South Side of W asatdh spent in sewin g. Midvale Midva le 123-W. Utah · Mrs. A. Hugh es entert ained Mon.., day aftern oon of last week in honor of her son, Wilfo rd's birthd ay anniv er Special sary. Lunch eon was serve d to eight Price small guest s. Game s were enjoy ed, Miss Lucy Rosse n, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rosse n and Mr. Leona rd Harm on, son of Charl es Harm on of Grang er were marri ed Wedn esday , April 14, 1926. -ROS ES. Speci al until April 24th only 50c each. Buy from us. We sell to the other nurse ry, J. Eugen e In Quan tities of Fordh am, Nurse ry, Phone Midva le 52, I RIVERTON C. C. CRAPO REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 I I sandy c·ty N -- 1 - - - - - - - 1 I I I I I I I I MIDVALE I BAKERY . SPE CIA L ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY WE AR E EQ UIP PED TO TA KE CARE. Of You r Des ires For Tha t Nex t Social Affair . Lea ve You r Tro uble s Wit h Us. Par ker hou se Rolls and Dou ghn uts, doz. 20c Bre ad, Reg ula r Size, 8c, 2 for 15c, 3 for 20c All LA YE R CAKES ·-· _, .... ,................................._.. 30c • Oth er Pric es In Comparison We do all our BA KIN G in Midvale 43 N. Mai n St. ALE, UT AH 52,1 WANT ADS -- -- -..--- --- -.- --- ! I I ~~~, '~.,_:;~~~~ i\" i{~ ~ :£~ \~)~~ l ~·~~ I. LESTER Artificial Mid'Vale State Bank· Midvale Drug Co. Chix 50 to 1,000 On 36 Hour Notice • FEE DS OF ALL KIND S Midvale Feed & Seed Store M. L. MeN AMARA Prop rieto r DRAPER Mrs. J. H. Bober g entert ained at a childr en's party Wedn esday after- . noon in honor of her daugh ter., Blanc he, it being her 7th birthd ay anniver sary, Refre shme nts were served to 26 little guest s. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey of Los Angel es, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Bailey Mrs, Jenki ns and daugh ter Olive and Miss Mabe l Waym outh of Salt Lake were guest s of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Baile y last Sunda y. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rasmu~sen of Heber City were guest s of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rasm ussen Wedn esday and Thurs day. REAL SERVICE Quality Goods Gilbert O'Brien Personal Service West Jordan Lumber Co. MIDVALE, UT AH |