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Show • TH E JORD AN JOURNAL. MIDVALE. UTAH In ! I 'By George Ethelbert Walsh ( Copy rtcbt , 19!5, b7 W. G. U /i e AI~II:I~ICAN • LOOT/ I.I:GION.e .~?~~~ ·~:~~. ~~~!_ (Cop y for This Depa rtme nt Supp lied by till Ame rkan I...egton New• Servi ce.) Cbapm~n.) 'WNU l!ent ce (@, 1926, West ern Newa pa.pe r Unio n,) Ma ry Rea d, the Wo ma n Pir ate W he n Grandmother Was a Girl Si ne r 1861 Styles have chan ged a lot since cran d· moth er was a girL The curls and frills and ruffles and furb elow s of that bygone day arc only a mem ory now . But ther e is one fash ion that has rema ined in vogu e duri ng all these yea rs- that has, as a matt er of fact, incre ased amaz ingly in popu larit y since 1867. Tha t is the fash ion of hom e deco ratin g with pain t prod ucts bear ing the labe l of The Chic ago Whi te Lead and Oil Co. This labe l SiJ:nif:ed high est qual ity then -jus t as It does toda y. of the com plete lin.e of half- cent ury- old tav·n r-·\\ ites, none is bette r kno· wn than King Wal l Finis h: ' AM ER ICA N LE GIO N'S TH E histo ry of pira cy lists at leas t long er capt ain of this yach t," she said . e wom en's nam es amo ng the The answ er cam e rath er unex pect FIR ST RA DIO POST promthre "I disc harg e him, and appo int in his -13 inen edly t "hre tlu·e n of the coa st"and viole ntly, The re was an 1 She nodd ed silen tly, and follo wed plac e--" explo r.Iar &ion y Rear belo !, Ann e Bon ny, the "wif e of w, and a bull et flatt ened !him out of the boat hous e. Jaun tily, The first radi o post of the Ame rican She look ed at Dick , who shoo k his Itsel f on Cali co .Jacl the rock near Dick . ; Hacl dmm , and ~Iarln Col:J. with a smil e on his lips, he walk ed to head , and whis pere d, "Bu Legi on is now in exis tenc e. A nurnet t. I'll ham , the "wif e" of Cap tain Cob l!am '·Th anks for the answ er, Bren t," tiona For thl• remarl.:ahle fuilih comb all the dealra ble th e end of the dock whe :e the crew go ns his mate ." ! clntrte1· for such a post was featur e• a.nyo ne can aak for. It's easy ines to prepa re by eimpl 'f was but the of 1he thre e, l\Iar y I!ea d Is per· reto rt. "\\'e can now con-~ gran ted rece mixin g with was still busy mak ing the ~·ucht fast. hot wate:r. It's easy to ntly at Ol:la hom a City , haps Alic e nod tied. "lllr. Barn ett, I ap- side r host , even by an amate ur who hae never held. a paint brushapply the mos t inte resti ng char acte t·. ilitie s open ed. Loo k out! " Ol<la., for , for it never e_pots, Bren t's mat e was ln char ge, l(ivi ng poin t you capt ain. a post to laps be or !mow otreak n as "Oka. And It Is to economical that you can finlab Will you take the Ile fired nt som ethi ng that show ed laho She was born in Lond on of ob~cure the overage size room for less than $1.001 dire ction s to the me-n. Dick wall ,ed ship 7" ma Huil lo Post :\'o. 300. " whit e In the dim ligh t of the cave . 1 1\Iem pat·enta!!'e, altho ugh it is said that Write today for name of deale r n""re stvou and up to him. !Jersldp in Red io post is reforFR EB "Cer tainl y, Miss Cutl er," was the The re was Colo r Char tshow m, 19 beautiful colora her a motl to choooe from. groa let· n, was and a the "you obje ng ami airy ct 1 strir ted to ''ete run! ; who do not live "Hel lo, Barn ett, you still saili ng on prom pt answ er. "~fr. Van THE CHIC AGO WHI TE LEA D & OIL CO, Ness was disa ppea red r1·om sigh t. the old Beac on?" he gree ted. : near a Legi on post , ~nd it is said that wido w." Rhe was brou ght up as a hoy 15th St. and S. West ern Ave. , Chicaa:o, Ill. a long time gett ing It out, and I mad e "Clo se in, men ," Dick said cool ly, owne an<! at tl1e tJ.ge of thirt een beca me a The mate , a :~:oung man , !'lwnng up my mind long befo re r~hl p of a rad1 1 o Is one of the foot he got thro ugh "but don' t expo se your selv es. boy for a Fren ch larly. But life Shoo t rpqu iren1 ents of mem be1· ship. a roun d In asto nish men t, star ed stu- whe re I stoo d. You can coun t on me at anyt hing you ~e." in this hous ehol d wns too quie t for pidl y at the spea ker a mom ent, and in any little mi1:up j . The post br_o adca sts ever y Snturdn~ with Cap tain Inte rmit tent l\lar y volle so she ran awn y to sea and enys follo wed , and mgh t Rt mld ?lgh t from the-n with a glea m of reco gnit ion In Br0n t.'' Stat ion KP. H, liste d bull ets rattl ed dow on n a man -of-w ur. Nex t she Is the cave , with Okla hom a Crty , wav e leng his gray eyes smil ed and touc hed his Dick caug ht his hand and wru ng an occa 1 th 261 me- liste sion d al as shot a dese t·ter and soon Rfte rfrom belo w. Rea- ters. cap. it. "Bu rnet t, I knew I coul d depe nd llzln g the men belo w had the adva n- 1 Mor ward s we find her ~nlisted in n regi"!lo w do you do, ~Ir. Van Ness ! on 3·ou." e than 20,0 00 fan lette rs anrl telDIS TRI BUT OR tage of light , Dick agai n caut ione d men t of infa ntry to fight in Flan ders . Row 'd you get dow n hct·e '!" egra ms have been rece ived by Tiad lo "It seem s to me," rem arke d Jurg ins, his men SA LT LAKE GLASS & PA IN T CO. not to expo se "the msel ves. post sinc e DeR iring a chan ge, she left the foot "Cam e dow n with you In the yach t." scra tchi ng nls head , they star ted broa dra; ;ting "you don' t have But one adva ntag e wns In thei soldi e1·s and enlis ted In a regi men t of r fa- thei r popu lar mid nigh t prog 1·am You ng Bam ett star ed Incr edul ousl y. muc h faith In them SAL T LAKE CIT Y, UT AH s on cava lry wh!' that stoo d by vor. The y surr ound ed the mou re she fell In love with th of Janu ary 15, acco rdin g to Dep artm Dick turn ed hl8 head , and bega n you in the past , 1\lr. ent one of her fello Dick . You re- the cave on all side s, and whil w troo pers , a Flem ing, Rec alli ng Ear e the Adj. IIaro ld Jane way . gree ting the othe r mem l,ers of the mem bel· the time Fan lette rs to who ly Da ys Van ishi ng Wil d Life I fishe d you out of enem y was taki ng a shot m she disc at lose d the secr et of one crew fami liarl y. of have reac hed Rad io post from e,·er y the -" "I wou thei r num ber the guns of the othe rs of Am eri can Cu rre ncy ln the ld bate t o he a wild anim al stat e in the Unio n and Mex ico, Can- her sex. The y were mnrr !Pd and afte r "We ll, If ther e Isn't old Bren n! "Jur gins ," cut In Dick . "I slap ped coul d be 'Kor th woo ds," sai d the oldobta inin g a dbcl targ e opPnNI nn Inn. train ed on him. Hav en't you retir ed yet, you old salt- your face once ada and Haw aii. An Inno cent dog play ed his part in time r wl1o as a kid, and you bad r et urne d from his anThe nois e of the :;.hooting soon wate r horl'le? Hell o, Jurg ins! llo,v 's turn ed me up and Arti sts ~f nati onal repu tatio n ·:do the Thre e Hors ehoe s, near the cast le the crea tion of our olue st Ame rica n nual fi shin span ked me for it. hrou ght othe rs from the g trip. " It u sed to be whe n of B1·eda. Then Mar y's husb and dl!'tl bank yach t. With thei r, stuf f for Had lo post that rheu mati c knee ? Suff erin g cats , I'll let you do , says Gira rd In the Phil adel phia ther e was , inclu dmg and she once it agai n afte r this thei r quar ry Imp rison ed a prop er plac e to b e wild . mor In the cave the 'Irac y-Br own danc e orch e put on a man 's Inqu irer. you' re spry er than ever ! Hell o, Billy , tronb le"s over ." Whe n Con tine ntal mon ey I've just com e buck from estt· a, con- attir e and enlis ther e was no w hat I supneed ted of In a regi men t ln was not wor th keep ing mol"e slde red th? hest In the Sou and llen :'' ''I'll rem emb er that , Mr. Dick , but than a a "Co ntin e utal d - n," pose d was one of the few thw est; Art Holl and. Aga corp oral 's guar in wild plac es d aboa rd the Fow ler, w_tzard of the ukul she dese rted and Phil lllle lphl a The who le crew be,.a n nodd ing or I ain't sayi ng righ t staged a finan <'ial froli c. left, and I give you ele, late of silip ped on a now , I'll do lt. Peli can. The k shot s soon my ve!'<S word el for the Wes t Indi es. A big dog , unle ss be"'a n to St~tlon hFI , Los Ang eles, wav ing to him, som e crow ding arou nd You 've grow n som wm; cove red wi th tar and th ey put traff i c co ps nnd the e sinc e th~n." tell, for the expl osio ns from bel~w beWhe n this shlp was rapt ured by ever y plac e the and shak ing han1ls with him. Unn ·ersa l qnarte~ of the Ford ~Iotm· The laug h that follo wed set his cam e less Cali eo .rack Hac kham , the pira te. then p!aR tered over with Con tine ntal trail s lnte rst·ct I ain't goln ' to risk my and les,; freq uent . A mou n co~npnny, "Thi s Is like old time s," Dick adde d, mind at ea .·e. all Leg1 0nna lr!'s, and the ofuoll ur hills . With drum and fife and n ~ cl{ up t Bve ry mem ber of the oeca sion ally rene he re agai n . Why , the <tjpl.y :IIur y deci ded that a hit of pira ting hed thei r ears . At ficml qm~rtet of a little aft'e cted by the greetin~s. crew was crow tlyin g ilngs that dog was mar ched wild thin gs I saw Rad io po~t. ding arou nd him, eag-er leus t one of the gang wou ld be a welc ome vn1· latlo n of hPr a ll the time I was had been hit. "Du d's who le crew , exce pt Cap tain and anxi ous to A spec!Ul prog ram for disa bled vet&how his loya lty. For chee kere d care er, "o she willi n;;ly en- dow n Che stnu t stre et and arou nd the gone was s ome goos <b<'rr les .. ntl a fel· 1 eran s is broa dcas t even · Sun day J ohn, ;ton. \Vhe re's he7' ' a few min utes Dick wus so over pow The proh lem of gett ing the men out ~>rno aftCC'ntC't' of the city hy a shou ting ga ng !e r who 'd drop ped h is pl1>e stem In the on at thrC'e o'clo ck ·Cen t rut Stun - roll ed In his c?;n pany of cutt hroa ts "I dunn o; lllr. Van Ness ," repl ied ered that he wus spee chle of the of men and h oys. Fi\·e d~tys la ter rlvl' r." cave was a serio us one. With dard time . ss. Alle e, Soon afte nvan "We ls are ('apt g'ivl nin ng Racl thls .Turg ins. "He was relie ved of duty a noti cing his agita tion , smil dmm speed up mis- nigh t . com ing on the diffi culty of cia! prog ram ," decl ared saile d to the Bah ama s and took ad· cam e Rob ert )lor rls' plan for a per· Rob ert mon th ago. It was a sad day for the chie vous ly. '·Wh y, you' C. watc lung man ent bank to repl ace the old Pen n· and guar ding the plac e Grah am, prog re trem blin g, ram dire etor and an- vant age of the ro3•al pat·d on offe red r est ot us \vhe n he left. 'Tai n't like Dick ! Are you afra id 7'' wou ld Incr ease . In the cour se of time noun cer of the post , "bec ause taps all ph·a tes who wou ld give them selv es sylv ania bani ,, \Vhlch hacl done its It u sed to be." "Yes , afra id of bo>ing over whe lmed they would_ be star ved out, but that usua lly soun d for disa bled vete rans up. The n ~Iary enli sted on a prlv atce t· wor k and was soon to quit . "l><o, Bren t Isn't Cap tain John ston ." by my ft·len ds. I feel like Less hon or Is give n to that temhidi ng and mig ht reqn tre days and days . In hosp itals hefo re we go on the air sent out u:v Go• Woo des Rog ers to Alle e Cutl er stoo d in the back - blus hing ." "It's only a ques tion of time beforf! Satu pora ry bank tban its reco rd meri ts. prey upon the Span!l';h ship ping and rday nigh ts." crou nd, com plete ly mys tifie d and we get them ," Dick said to Cap tain One thin g it did was to buy 3.000,000 Rad io post cele brat ed the open ing ·she had a prom inen t pnrt In the puzz led at first , but she was brig ht Barn ett whe ratio n they ns for \Yas hing ton's soldi eri". Anwith drew to con- of KF.T F's new stnrl ios on CH AP TER XIV Mar ch 1 by muti ny whic h resu lted in her beco m- othe r, enoug h to conn ect the name- they used side r the situa tion . "Th ere's no fun poss ibly less wor thy obje ct, Ing a pira te agai n. broa dcas ting a 14-h our prog ram . with .he form er own er of the yach t. In starv ing was them the out. purc hase for them of 300 barWe ough t to Alth ough Barn ett, as the new ly apAga in she saile d ur.Je r the leadel" Rad io post was conc eive d and or::i. nts and the Info rmat ion Dick had rels of rum . poin ted cnpt aln of the Peli can, was find som e quic k plan for settl ing it." gani zed hy D. G. Rlxe y of Okla ship of Cali co .Jack , who by this time hom a live n her conc erni ng the secr et com"I coul d go dow n ther e," volu nCity , form erly a nati onal field secr e- had with him that othe r cele brat ed part men t on the yach t brou ght final_ nom inall y in com man d, Dick assu med teer ed the youn g skip per, "and a-et tnry for the Ame rican char ge and bega n uctl ve prep arat ions Legi on $5,000,. wom an pira te, Ann e Bon ny. Amo ng "DIAMOND DY E" ANY com plet e €'llll ghte nmc nt. She smil ed. for mee ting the enem y. '£he yach t one of them ." one of the pris oner s take n nenr 000 endo wme nt fund for disa bled vet"Yo u seem to knew uncl e's crew wus "An d get kill~>d your self, " smil ed ernn GARMENT, DRAPERY Jam rans acke d for firea rms, and with aica was a "you ng fello w or ens and orph ans of the Wor ld war. bett er than I do," ~he bt·o!{e in. "Yo u ever gagi y mem ber of the crew arm ed with Dick . "'No, Barn ett, I won 't perm it ng beha vior ," and Mar y's hear t The depa rtme nt of Okla hom a rem ight Intro duce me, l\Ir. Van Ness ." • som e sort of wea pon he divid ed his that ." succ umh ed to his char ms. This man Jus t Dip to Tin cent ly mad e a radi o Insp ectio n tour t or Dick smil ed and look ed fool ish. ruen into Boi l to Dye "Yo u forg et I'm capt ain beca and you 'rt to Phil adel phia , Hl~6 nati onal two squa ds. me enga ged In a quar rel with • com ·en. "'be re was no furt her need of conCap tain Barn ett was left in char ge mate ," laug hed the othe r. "Yo u take tlon city of the Legi 0ne of the ph·a tes and, acco rdin g to on. Wlth train ';fea lini Ills Iden tity, but ther e was of the pira te yach t whil e Dick led half the orde rs from me, and not give them ." lnw, they prpp ared to go asho re Eac h lfi-c ent pack effec ts fum lshe d in a mos t renl lstlc nece ssity of actin g quic ldy befo re crew up "We ll, If you wan t a smal l-siz ed man ner on the and to the hous e; Alle e acco mfight it out. age But cont ains dire cMar~· . to :;ave harm onic a, Legi on ofB rent retu rned . pani ed him. altho ugh he soug ht to muti ny on your hund s, capt ain, you ficia ls "boa rded " the he1· love r. pick ed tion a quar s so simp le any rel with the radi o spPc lal. "'!'h ey all know you, Miss Alic e," he hold her back . Stop s were mad e at St. Loui s, Terr e pira te, then and ther e forc ed a fight "I wan t to see how try to go dow n ther e." wom an can tint r eplie d hast ily, "and resp ect you. " "Sup pose I orrle r you to go dow n 7" Hau te, Indi anap olis and othe uncl e Is," she gave as an excu se. upon him and disp atch ed !lim with soft , delic ate shad es r poin ts. ·:Ar e! Aye, sir!" resp onde d the Dick shru gged his shou lder s. "I'd wh~1·p mu;; lcal • pr0; ;ram s and two- :nro rd and pi~tol. Hav ing pro, ·ed her Una ble to com bat this argu wen t or dye rich, penn amen , i<'uc hing thei r caps . Die!{ perm itted her to trail In the re-ar·. obey ," he repli ed. min ute rear -pla tform spee ches were devo tion In this Ama zon fash ion, Rhe nent colo rs in linDick watc hed them a mom ent in With out cere mon J he mar ried the youn giYe Barn g n. geri e, Ri!ks, rlbfello w, but not ett chuc kled . "I belie ve you bUI·st into the alien ee. The n his face becn me sud- fron t door , and then long afte r the who wou le pira te crew were ld." l'ions, skir ts, wais ts, mor e caut ious ly denl y grav e nnd seve re. "Ba rnet t, I mad e his way up to take n prl><oners . :l!ar y was tried with Jurg ins, who was crou chin g behi nd Bo drei' ses, the sick cham ber, coa ts, ys' Bas eba ll Lea gue wan t ~·ou and the othe rs to liste n follo wed by his men the rest, conv ide! l and sentenc~d to stoc king s, a rock , with one eye on the cave 's . swea t0. atte ntiv ely to me," he bega n. "Yo u're K.' d by deat h hut died of the feve r In priso n ers, drap eries , cove ring s, han ging sFed era tion ~Iarie, whit e of fare and trem entr ance , sudd enly rals. ed his head , blin g u p agai nst a hard prop ositi on. You 've viole ntly, End o 1·sem ent by the Nati onal nase - befo re the gallo ws coul d claim her. ever ythi ng! met him at the doon 1'uy. and poin ted. "Mis s Cutl er look s ex· bnll fede ratio n of the Ame rican g ot to choo se betw een your capt ain "Oh , it's you! Buy Diam ond Dye s-no othe r kin dJ..e· " she CI"ied ln relie f. cited .'' and your emp loye r. l\Ir. Cutl er is up "I was afra gion 's all-A meri and can base ball leag ue your drug gist whe ther the maid It was that hon ld capDick and Barn ett whir led arou nd for "Le Gra nd Exp loit " of Pie rre teriatell at the hous e unco nsci ous, sul'fet·ing tain agai n!'' boys was give n In a reso lutio n l you wish to colo r is woo l or silk, Trip ping hurr iedly over the rock s, vass ed by the fede ratio n at Its antrom a pois onou s drug that Doc tor AlLeG ran d or whe ther it is linen , cott on or mixe d "Wh ere Is Cap tain Bren t?" with her hair and skir ts whip ping the nual Iter gave him. l\Ir. Blak e, who plot ted mee ting In Detr oit good s. rece ntly "Go ne awa y with Doc tor Alst er." . The wind like 11ags, Alic e Cutl er cam e, reso lutio n read : th e who le thin g again::;t his emp loye r, prE HR E LI~ GHA ''\\'h ere to?" ND lives in histo ry wav ing them in wha t Dick thou ght Is cool lni hims elf in a cave on the "Res olve d, Tha t the Nati onal Base us one pit·a tP '"ho knew whe n to "I don' t know , but they said some - was anxi ety and fear Aw ake nin g of Old Ma dri d . lie star ted to- , ball fede ratio n endo Isla nd whe re I put him -alo ng with thin g abou ~top. Il e capt rse ured the one plan rich s ot priz t ~lr. Blak e and a cave , ward her on a run. e hy l\Iad rid is now one of the bu!'tiest :McG ee, who left the yach t a few days and -" ) the Ame rican Legi on to prom ote town an expl oit so dari ng in conc eptio n and and "Dic mos t prog ressi Ye citie s of sout h· k! Dick !" she calle-d. "Oit, and city athl etics ago. He swam to the islan d and reIn the ten thou sand in exec utio n as to stan d in a clas s ern Euro pe, Dick swu ng arou nd befo re she fin- uncl e's bett er l-an d a ship and the slee py old worl d 's com ing! " com mun ities whic h have port ed ~he yach t wrec ked on the ishe by itsel f; then he retir ed and neve r Ame rican d. He kept six step s ahea d of spot of form With er days is n[} long er recthis doub le Info rmat ion out, Legi on post ehoa ls, with her wire less dism antle d. his agai n wen t a-]ll ratln g. But his sucs: near est men In desc endi ng the she stop ped, and pant ing ogni zabl e. Sky scra pers are goin g up for brea th, I !~ave It to you whe ther it ,,·as .'' "Be It furt her reso lved , Tha t the cess prov ed the Insp irati on for his stair s. The re was a possib1e .cha nce wait ed for him to reac In grea t num bers . h her side. T he men frow ned and star ed in of head Nati onal Base ball fede ratio n co-o per- fello w bucc anee rs of the \Ve;:;t Indl~s ing Bren t of!' befo re he re-ac hed <TO BE CON TINU ED.> ama zem ent. ate part icul arly with the Ame rican and the long reig n or pira cy in the the cave to relea se the priso ners , and Legi on In the cond uct of thei r base - Seve ntee nth cent ury bega n. "}lls s Cutl er here will back up all he mad e a hast y fligh t in that <lirecWa nte d Info rma tion ball prog ram for boys ." my Le Gran d was a Nor man who settl ed state men ts," Dick cont inue d. tlon. A lectu re was bein g deliv ered In a The juni or leag ues are well unde r on Tort uga Islan d and beca "We 're both work ing In the inte rests me know n But tner e was no sign of the enem y villa ge hull. The folly of ever y form way In man y sect ions of the coun of M r . Cutl er, who is temp orar ily un- on the way , try, by the Eng lish as "Pet er the Grea t." and whe n he reac hed the of gam blin g was to be expo sed once acco rdin g to Fran k C. Cros s, natio nal able to spea k for hims elf. Cap tain entr ance to He had been "on acco unt" for a long the cave he hear d voicel! and fore ver! dire ctor of Ame rica nls" ' for the Le- time , but as a pira te he had Bren t Is In leag ue with Blak e and belo w that conv been a ince d him he was too The chie f spea ker, stum ping up and gion . mise rabl e failu re. Doc tor Alst er to keep your emp loye r late. Bren Fina lly, almo st t and Alst er were do.wn dow n the plat1 'orm The :;ene rai plan of the leag•1e calls starv ing and in deRp alr, he cam , spec ially erec ted he-re u ncon scio us unti l they can play ther e with e in Blak e and McG ee. for the occa sion , laun ched forth lnto for cham pion ship cont ests thei r gam e. So far as I know they In loca l sigh t of a grea t Span ish fleet , and Stat ioni ng hts men in stra tegi c po- the very heig hts of rhet oric . com mun ities , in cong ressl o:1a l distr icts, seei ng one ship , the bigg est of Inte nded to Jet him die final ly." sitio ns Dick uppr ouch ed the entr ance . all, lag''Beh old the serp ent of gam blin g!'' In state s, In sect ions , In regi H e caug ht his brea th, paus ing long ons and ging som ewh at In the rear he lmm edl· "Bre nt, we know you' re arme d," he he shou ted. "See his hung ry tang s, final ly In the juni or worl d serie s at at~ly conc eive d a dari ng enou gh to let his word s sink in. "Be- calle d, "hut sche me. neit her Blak e nor ~fcGee read y to strik e! But I will crus h the Legi on nati onal conv entio n. Swe arin g his men to fight to deat h tore you cam e back , we had ever y- has a gun. I saw to thn.t. The re are him !" and ne;·e r surr ende r and orde ring one thin g our own way . Blak e and Mc- six of us up here , and ever y one' s preDow n cam e his heel upon the !mag · 'Ho spi tal of them to hore a hole In the boat so Gee were priso ners , and Doc tor Alst er pare d to shoo Tre atm ent for t the first hl.'ad that !nar y vipe r. '!'he re was It wou ld sink quic kly, thus "bur ning a rend ing ot w as cow ed so that he had to do our show s up. Miss Cutl er's disc harg ed timb ers and the Entertainment Vet era ns of Wo rld Wa r his brid ges twhi nd him, " Le Gran spea ker disa ppea red. lddi ng. I had 9Cnt a wire less broa d- you, and appo inted d at :K-0-I-L the Barn ett as skip per. It was a sele ct audi ence , how ever , l\for e than 23,0 00 Wor ld war vet- push ed !lis little vess el a st, calli ng for help . I Imag ine Iken t I'm his fir,;t alon gsid e the mate . Ther efor e, this and not u Utte r was hear d us he scra m· eran s, excl usiv e of thos e trac ing thei r big man -of-w ar .lust as nigh t was fall icke d that up ~and hurr ied back . Any . isn't muti · ny. The <;rew is follo wing bled Into view . But the voic e ot a disa bilit ies to the Wor ld war serv ice, ing In a mom ent Le Gran d's pirnt~s a y, his com ing up8et~ the who le the orde rs of thei r capt ain. l'iow, will sma ll boy brok e End ed on End have heen exte nded free hosp ital treat-~ had swa rme d ove1· the the awfu l silen ce. ettle of fish. He'l l stiff en Doc tor you com e slde, arm ed up peac ab.ly and surr ende r, Cou sin "Ple men Hirn ase, t :;inc 111- Is that a new hull mist e the pass age of the Wor ld on!, with pisto ls and cutla sses er," he aske d, meek ly, bter 's spin e, and rerh ups relea se or Is it figh t?" . kille d cloe "hav k OH'r War e you ther Yete kUie e? rans ' act on June 7, 1!)~4. 1 the ,,•at chm an and Pier re ran d the serp ent? " lake and ~lrGee. The re'll be four dow n Wife of the Dec ease d- Sh·h ·h; acco rdin g to reha hillt atio u offic ials of II int& the cabi n, whe1·e he foun f tJ.(>m. Cap tain Bren t's anne !l, I ~~..,~~~: d tbe ;~-r.:x-r-x-r~Y~s-~~~--:;:. Doe sn't hurt one bit! Drop a littl e that 's p oor ol rl .Tohn. the Ame rican Legi on at Was hing ton. .>.-:r-!-~~s~~~~~~!-~s~~~~~ Spau ish adm iral pluy ing ca nls. I knew the u ppos e, hut the othe rs arc not. I . "Fre czon e" on an achi ng corn , Inst ant· room wou ld be crow rled, so I s•no d the The ho>;piLal . !Jill for thei r trea tme nt "JCRus bles s us!" excl alme 'l the aslie\ ed them of thei r we.t pon» ." flllJl roxim ated $8,000,000. tonb hed Rpnr .tnrd . "Are thes e devi ls, ly that corn stop s hurt ing, then shor t- colli n up on end .-;. "ebr aska Awg wan . Agn in be rnms e,l, ~weeping tile circl e ly you lift it righ t off with finge rs. The ayer age peri od of hosp itali za- , or ,1·hut art', the~-?'' Le G1·and quir r face s a little nnxi ousl y. '\'ow ," he l,ly You r drug gist sells a tiny bott le of tion for the,; e vete raHs was DT days . assu red :rim thnt tbey were not The fool ne ver hns jurlg men t. sum ed. "there'~; goln;.: to be a fig-ht TJ1e lll;;h land bagp ipe is a prim lti1·e and chan devil~ "Fre ezon e'' for a few cent s, su!li cien t to ter by keep ing the bag full ot All elas scs anti type s of disa bilit ies !Jnr desp erat e m~n who wou! r po~»e-r;sion of this Islan d and the Inst rum ent with a ll kill a~ qual ity ull its own , wind and regu lates the volu me of nnd diseu~e were trea ted rega rdle ss quic-KlY and willi ngly as they wou ld remo ve ever y hard corn , soft c0rll , or a eht. Help from som e pm;~ing ship sa)·s the Chie ago HO W'S YO UR BLO OD ? Jour nal. It has nine soun d by the pres sure of his arm on of who the vete ran was, so long aH eat and drin k, and dl'mnn1lerl the ~ur corn betw ePn the toes , and the foot ay com e at any time , but we can' t note s, but they are n.ot -!Ike the chro the bug. Tacoma, \Va sh.- "I was so grea t!, he coul d prod uce an hono ruhl e dis· rend er of the ship . The adm iral real· cul!u ses, with out sore ness or irrit atio n peud upon that . We'v e got to face matiC' seale . The benefited by takin g Dr. Pierc e's (i<)lden bagp ipe scal e does Wha t !Je prod uces may not be the l'lw r·ge. izt>d the futil ity of resis tanc e and SUI' e mus ic now ." not exis t in uny othe r instr ume nt anrt Med ical Disc over y swe etes t form of mus ic in ~he worl d The Wor ld War Vete rans ' act was t·eno ered . Rea l Pro dig y He lnrn ed to the girl at his shle. Its muRic, unli ke that T am convinced "reg ular " musi c, can but e,·en nas:;ed larg ely thro ugh the effo rts of Le Gran d di d not was te any time to eurs that are ~ar from ' '\Vh I!s!'l Cutl er, In the nam e of her not be tran 8vos ed there ;s noth ing bet, y do j•ou call your child rem arkfrom one key into Scot tish It is the ruos t ~mforgettable of the Legi on. Furt her liber aliza tion of m looti ng the ship nor In allow ing his atl!e ? etc, who own s this yach t and Islan d, nnot her. ter for a run dow n nil mus ic. ThoEle who have liste ned to the act Is soug ht at the pres ent ses- j wen to get out of hand from liquo r. Eystem o r for thm ves me tl1e righ t to spea k for her. "lie 's nine year s old and play s no The bagp ipe Itsel f, In Jts IIigh land He at once <Inn blood the of 1ut . I was sufpibr cong his ochs ress, pris of. oner Incl the ~ asho re , instr ume nt, udin g a pro,· Ision 1 diffe rent clan s and you not, .Miss Alir e?" form , cons ists of an airti ght leut her doe~n't even reci te ferin g f rom an and set to that the san wou wall for ld I•'ran s gl of ve ce, whe re he li'l'ed • piec es." the fune ral dirg e say free out- pati ent trea t· I " Yes. yes,. . she repli~rl hast ily. bag with thre e woo den stoc ks, usua lly that It Is !Ike anae mic condition, men t to the all rest vete of rans his life In penc e. no othe r mus ic ln th~ rega rdle ss of th~ veQ thin g he snys is true ." of ebon y, fitte d into It, one of them had scarc ely any Wor d of his expl oit spre ad like wild · worl d. cla.ss or orig in of thei r disa bilit ies. "The n," res:H ned Dick , smil ing at hold ing the mou To Hav e a Clea r, Swe et Skin blood , and wha t thpie ce, anot her the tire amo ng the bucc anee rs of Tort uga e crew , "l wan t volu ntee rs to he-lp chan ter, anot her thll Tou ch pimp les, redn ess, roug hnes s there was was thin thre e dron es. As and Hlsp nnlo !n. They left th<•h· work and impo veris hed. Me mbe rs Are Mu sici ans \V«i t a ,.ninute,"' he udrled, ft•own- mos t peop le know , It or itchi ng, if any, with Cutl cura Olnt Is play ed with the Bon <lf killi ng and dryi ng hee:f (from whic h men e• in Hu ma n Han d I became very nerv ' "let' s d-9 the thin g lawf ully. \Ve hag held unde r the Harm t, then ony will prev ail at all mee tbath e with Cutl cura Soap arm, the dron es they deri. -ed the nnm e "bur rane er") The re are no mor e bone s In a child 's Ings ous, weak and thin 't wan t any of ) on to he char ged O\'er the shou lder, and and hot of. a new post of the Ame rican wate r. Rim e, dry gent ly and but the 'Disc over y' completely resto with the finge rs hov~ than that of an adul and set out to emu late Le Gran d in red t. In tbe Legi on orgu nlze d in l\Iin h muti ny. \\'e" re on land , and not on the note hole s in dust on a little Cuti cura 'l'alc um to my blood to a natu ral and norm al state neap olls. the chan ter at the yourtg, how ever , the ends !ltta ckin g Span ish ship s. of the bune s Ever y one of the 2G mem No boat leav e a fasc inat ing frag ranc e t he high sea . Ther Pfnr e, the own - fron t. and I grew well and stron!!'. I have bers is a muon skin . neve have not been firm ly attac hed to the sicia was too sma ll In whl<.:h to mak e the r take n a medicine that d1d .o muc h o r his repr esen tath· e, can dis· Eve n. "As the post gt·ows, band s, ryw here 23c each .-Ad vert hern ent. Exre pt that Its scal e Is Its own and shaf t, whtc atte mpt to capt ure any size Span ish I l! in an X-ra y pict ure wou ld ot·ch estra s, for me, it made me feel like a new pei"rge nny mem ber of the crew or the does not exis t In any glee club s and quar teta - -othe r Instr ume nt, give the etrec t of mor son. "-M rs. Sara h Dahl strom , 1611 S. ship , and thus Le e bone Gran s d"s than c e re~ ' ' on: realexpl will oit be orga nize d from the mem berBoy s Wil l Bar gai n the bagp ipe Is simi lar to a chur ch ly exis K St. Tabl ets or liquid. All dealers. t Bon es orig inat e and deve lop ship ," Haro led to Innu mera ble ot~1ers wh1ch mari e lice Cutl~r grn!Jet1. all!! C!ltching orga n in prin ciple . The ld D. "Ho Hop w p, old 18 your siste r, !On? " orga nlzO !' of the pira Wri te Dr. Pierc e's Invalid~' Hote l in play er main - from Sf<>l'eral cent er• tes of the \'i est lndle a noto · know n a• ceD t.., 1 the post , decl ared . cu e SJ>oke a uiet h. "Un ,ut is n o tain s the wind pres sure "She 's so old it'll cost JOU II qunr - Buffalo, N. Y., for free advice. on hla dron es of ossltlcatlPlS. rlou a for ruRU, year s. ter to find out." 1W, N. U., Salt Lak e City , No. 17--1926. CH AP TE R XII I-C ont inu ed W a ll F in -- - I I I I ! l I I se ns ibl e springand su mmer Para Base Lift Of f-N o Pain! E ve ry Q ua rt G ua ra n ee d 'Jood ~-~ Ba gp ipe an d Or ga n Al ike in Pri nc ipl e I I .. |