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Show • ' THEJOR DANJO URNAL .MIDVA LE.UTA H • "BAYER ASPIRIN" NEW WORK FO A POLLUTION OF First Mail Plan e From Salt TWO HOMES. AUTO C~RAVAN PROVED SAFE ADE H ppy. UT~H UNliKELY WATER SHOWN Lak e Spe eds To Los Ang eles WILL BE FHE0 I Take without Fear as Told in "Bayer'' Package NEXT THREE YEARS PRECLUD ES SHORTAG E OF FUNDS FOR RECLAMA TION 1 NEW ROUT.E OPENED AS GOVERNO R'S DAUGHT ER NAMES SHIP ESCALAN TE; BIG CROWD ON FIELD FOR CEREMON Y; CRAFT FROM WEST ARRIVES ON TIME. SNAKE RIVER HELD TO BE GERI\f INFECTE D BY AN IDAHO FALLS SPEAKER CHAMBE R OF COMMER CE EVOLV·I lNG ENTERTA INMENT FOR WESTERN STATES The Official Party That Bid The Escalante Good Luck On Its Ma;den Voyage With Mail for Los Angeles Sunday Were Miss Gertrude Neslen and l Father Mayor C. C. Neslen; Betsy D~rn, Daugh~er of Gov. Moving Pictures Showing The Poilunern of Utah; Jas. Taylor, B. F. R~dman, Thos. Kearns tion of Snake River by Unsanitar y and E. A. Culbertson , Members of Aviation Conditions Were Shown and Committee . Mr. Redman is Chairman. Explained ByWomen Who Used Lydia.. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cor.~pound "' have ~ken Lydia E. Pinkham's V~~~!!,~Co~m!!p~o~und and I think it ls Echo Re!!ervolr And Lake Control r the most wonderful • Plans Passes a Close Relation· e d 1 c 1 n e I ever LeaderEhi p In The Organiz«t lon of th11 " Is the stateship; Utah Lake Is Low; In· Caravan In California Will be I made by Mr vestigatin g Conditions . T~ken by the Automobil e I •:--·--e Shoup or' Associatio n of Nevada \ VIew, I!Unols. 1 Salt Lake City.-A nd now the dr brin~s Sal~ Ln 1\c a!!d L: a She declares that n!ter taking the Angeles closer together . Two pianes winged their w[l.y between the Salt Lake Clty.-Wi th the exceDLiun Idaho Falls, Ida_ho.-"A ny person two, carrying the first exchru ges of felicit:::ti ons o·1 the Compound she Is In ,. establish 1 Salt Lake City.-Pia ns for the en· of Echo reservoir and the Weber-Pro - who says Snake nver water Is not ment of the new service. better health than In both cities inaugura l fe-'tiYities ·gtart- tertainme nt in Salt Lake of the VIc· vo canal no federal reclamatio n work pollut.ed should be taken before an ed the pilots off rcj oicinO'. before. 1 to!'y Highway Caravan, which Is may be expected in the Salt Lake ba· lnsamty board. If I hear anyone make Mrs. J. Storms ot . "' ..., Gr· , .•, ct~ n·J to 29 Lane Street, Pat· sin during the next three years, ac- that statement I will demand their scheduled to reach the city in June, . In Salt J:ake, :M1ss Betsy. DeLl, the uvern01. s . ll"' 1 ~r, N. J., writes: cording to a letter from Dr. Elwood examinati on," said Dr. Ralph Fouch, chnst~ned "J1mmy " James' can not too highly of your slup by the ll[m~_ of 2no~her breaker are ptogressin g, although complete de· Mead, commissio ner of reclamatio n, to ~state medical examiner, head of the of t:a:ls across the west, Escalant e. Salt, ~n!~e's l,n~,erest was tails have not yet been worked out medicine and I recommen 1llt to all my Senator Reed Smoot at the meeting of Idaho state boar!l_ of health, iu an ad· mamfest ed by the 1500 who took the dust of Jnn ny s pi·opello r by the chamber of commerce commit- fri ends." Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" tee in charge of arrangeme nts, George the Utah water storage commissio n. dress before a citizens' maps meeting when he went aloft with These statement s were taken from 150 pounds of mail fer the closer neighlln package or on tablets you are not , two enthusiast !" letters which tell or The Jetter was submitted by Georg(> held in the Rex theatre recently to bors of the west. J. Martin is chairman of this commit· I the help that has be;:n received from getting the genuine Bayer Asplrln M. Bacon, state engineer and secre· tee. advocate a pure water aupply for Ida· using the Vegetable Compound . Both "Jimmy" didn't wait a minute. pro,·ed safe by millions and prescribed Mayor C. Clarenee ~eslc-n, B. F. According tary to of adYices the commissio rec!!ivcd n. from Mrs. Shoup and Mrs. Storms were In ho Falls. When the -postoffic e truek chugged Redman, chairman of !.he chamber l•y physicians over twenty-fiv e years for of San Francisco , im·itation s to all of a run-down condition whi.ch caused The letter from Dr. 111ead was writ· Dr. Fouch went further In his de· Colds Headache ten to Senator Smoot in answer to nunciation of the present source of onto the r!eld, with the mail separa· conmwr~;e a;-iation t:ommittt:e ; half a ! the commer<:lal and civic organiza· them m_uch unhappinr;ss. When women . . . are su!J'erlng from lack of Neuritis and Lumbago II tions, f1rms certain inquiries made of the senator the city's water supply when he stated ted from the 11ouches of the planE: ·dozen motion picture aud new~;paper and ind:v1dual s ~-ho have ' from weakness, their own strength • life and that from Rock Springs and points east, pho~ographers, notahle!; of the city contribute d to the fund, Toothache Rheumatis m by James T. Gardner, chairman of the that it is his belief that the state de· wh1ch made of their family is affected. When they Neuralgia Pain, Pain Utah county commissio ne!'s regarding partment should condemn the river his helpers stuffed the cargo into th~ and just citizens, c!'owded about the ! possible the constructi on of the Wend· feel well and strong and are able to do ship's hold and off and up she went, :• '"'"iante [or an hour bdore its de· I ever cutoff and the improvem ent of j their housework easily, happy homes• I Each unbroken "Bayer" package con. prevailing reclamatio n problems. Dr. water and shut off the supply. He right on time. ~arture. They wu.nH I to know all I the Victory highway in Nevada, to are the result. urged the citizens of Idaho Falls to tnlns provl'n directions. Handy boxes Mead's letter follows: • , • 1 Thou~nds The christemn g ~;eremony was brief. :.bout this new venture, its machinery testlmo~lal letters have "I have read the letter addressed to put forth their best efforts to obtain of t"t:elve tablets cost few cents. Drugrart1c.pat e m tile motor cara~an, been receivedo!from women In different you by James T. Gardnes and others. pure water and laid particular stress These fliers seem to be business bent. ~nd its men. which will travel from San Fra~c1sco 1 walks of me, stating tliat the Com· ~lsts also sell bottles of 24 and 100. So "Jimmy" patiently, and most ac- to Salt Lake ear 'y 111 June were 1ssued pound has helped them, The following explanatio n will, I trust upon the high mortality rate here, without frills. Miss Dern, clambered to the wing and crashed wmmodat a ribbon11 ingly, told t!Jom everything by Frederick II l'lay~r. presiJent of,1 =r====-== enable you to give them a reply that which he said was due to the many Smohe!e ss" Soft Coal =-:-~==::--:--:--:::-=~ draped bottle of water from Great about it. While the load of 150 pounds tho Utah.Xeva da·Callfor nla Highway An lm en tion Is being tried ollt to ·wm make clear what the reclamatlo u deaths from Intestinal diseases. M fR Ch Gas- --· ,. a er anges C. K. Macey, state sanitary lnspec- Salt Lake against a support. That was not by any mca:1~ capacity for the associatio n. make soft coni hurn without emitting l;ureau contempla tes doing in Utah At the same time it was announced 1 One of th!' mn. t ;;e riom; P_PI'IIs of tor, accompan ied Dr. Fouch to Idaho was nil! There wasn't any speeches. ;;hip it must be remember ed that it any consldernh le qunntity of smolre. during the next three or four years. there wasn't that much organizati on of the caravan which • h<' nutomohlle , cm·hon-m onoxi 1~E' 1!1 f'. cheering. But !akes a lot Falls, of and letters also to m<Lke one addressed the meeting By first thorou~hly wetting the coal, "'When in Utah in June, 1924, I exevery useful will celebrate eye at the the improvem ent of the )1 ~ rPr>or·tL·d to ha n• b"€ ~· f'l'mlnnted in field wa~ pound. PePple calling to the east h:n·e yet attention to the fact that Idaho e\·en of the cheapest grade, a1.1d then plained that the reclamatio n bureau burning It under a force1l draught. It could not undertake at once all of the Falls can be laid liable to damages for watching until the Escalante was less o learn about this new llne out of \Tictory Highway and the completio n 1 ~!1.''' 111 mufllt r 1]1' ' lsi'{] hy n Paris Is said much of the smoke Is elimi- developm ent required of It in Utah. deaths likely to result from poor water than a mosquito size In the blue of Salt Lake. When they do, and they of the Truckee River highway project J •HgmP~, ~n~-s Popular ~[!'dl!l!llcs had been placed in the hands of Cal· llng::zllle. It not ouly tlo!', away with the western skies. will, that burden will be increased. nated. The coal thus burned Is said That In order to inaugurate anything supply. ifornia State Automobil e associatio n. 111 tra<'cs of '>moke hut d stroys the Moving pictures showing the polluto be more efficient as th!' smoke rep- we must have one unit of reasonable · th e or..,"an·17. at1·on of )olson(, !I~ f!lls h\' tran.;forn ing "'lt into . .. L ea d ers11 i p 1n . " resents a wa~te of carbon. More air size, about which we know enough to tion of Snake river by unsanitary con• . . .. , ' · C a l'f ' · WI'II b e t k lurm 1<'S>; (':trhon <h O'i:Hlt>. fh -~th is done ditions . .... were e caravan shown the m helps combusion . taxpayers 1 orma and a · :·· enable us to make a convincing state. . t' t Jy a heatln;::c·IPH:Pnt In t1 nufller en b y th e au t omo bI 1e aSSOCia 10n a I. I I t ment to the bureau of the budget. I explained by local physicians and 1 the invitation of W. A. Goodwin of 1 ~~· IH' c·nmJ• e the comhu ion or left It to the people of Utah to select others Interested In seeking to bring ' H' Y \por about a change In present conditions . Lovelocks , NeYada, president of the -~-·-::--:--:-----the unit nnd they selected Echo reserP. D. Bowler 1 of Overland the Layne Trail For Tired Feet It Can't Be Beat Bowler club, who originated voir,· a cross-cut canal and the lm· company, which is seeking to sink a I the idea of the caravan which will At night when your teet provemen t of Provo bay, In the order number of wells In Idaho Falls to pros.re tired, sore s.nd swollen mark the opening of the new motor I troru much walking or named. cure the necessary pure water supply, j ' tourist era for Utah, NeYada and Call· Every day find~ you miserable with dancing, sprinkle two "We have had ~e~inite data regard· explained the pumping system of his 1 backache? Suffer sharp, stabbing paim? AUIN'SfOOT·EASE powders forlnia. 1 ing Echo reserYOir and the c1-osscut company and illustrated his talks with in the foot-bath, gently Feel lame and stiff-alwaY• tired, nerv· George S. Ferderer. director of the rub tbe sore and In· ous and dispirited? Then look to canal, with satisfacto ry estimates, and pictures of similar weils now In overState Automobil e as!'OCiatlon, who ac· ftamed parts and your kidneys! Your kidne} a· are the this was approved by the budget. We ation throughou t the country. relit>! Is like ma.glc. cepted Goodwin's invitation on behalf blood filterti. Perhaps they ha,-e failed had no estimates of the cost of devel· Shake AUeo'a fooi·Eaae The visit of Dr. Fouch and Mr. to properly rid the blood of body voiof the associatio n, named C. C. Cot· Into your shoes In sons. Naturally, then, you suffer the opment at Provo bay, and this was Macey to Idaho Falls was brought trell, manager of the associatio n's the morning and injurious effects of this ~low poisoning:"' thrown out ~Y ~he budget, b~t kept In about as the result of statement s ma~e walk In comfort. n highway's bureau, to undertake the Don't risk neglect! If your kidneys the appropna twn through 1ts inser· by D. w. Irvine, local druggist, m takes the lr!ct!on need help, use J)oan's Pills. • ·a other actiYe work of organizing the caravan from the shoe. Sold everywhere. For FREI tlon in the seKate by yourself. The which an attack was made on the kidney diuretic is so well recommended and making detailed arrangeme nts. Sample and a l<'oot-Ease Walkinr Doll, nor so succeosful. Ask your neighbor I arrangem ents for financing the Echo state board of health at a meting held addree" lU.EN'S FOOT-EASE. I.e RoJ, II. Y. In inviting the donors of money to reservoir were left in the hands of a Tuesday evening by objectors to the A Utah Case the $75,000 fund, which was raised In local committee , which has practical· proposed new water help up at that ::1!.-s. C . .M. Halt" northern and central California for ~on, First North ly completed its labor, and we have meeting as unreliable and the hoard lmproYLment of the Victory highway, Third East St., "''ritten a letter approving the program members were referred to as "paid Richtleld, Utah, to take part In the caravan. Meyer Don't ili'DOre tho dan~rerai1111ols says: "There was a l!ubmltted , but for the matters dealt politicians ." The state officers called of ac:hinw.erea. red hd~. bJoodsaid that it would give them an op. constant dull ache tbot eJeballa. MItc:heJI with In the Jetter from Mr: Gardner, upon Mr. Irvine to retract his stateE;ye Ba1ve remove. irritll· through my kidportunity to see first hand just what twnt red~f.n.flamm.atjoa., neys and I felt there Is no prospect of doing anything ments, which he did. The citizens of .ootn~• pam. ._..,,_,.";.k and t I r e d had been accomplis hed with their KALL & avour. for the next three years, and this Idaho Falls will vote on a proposed e about my money. Delegation s from the various Wave:rJJ PL,lf•w York usework. I had should be understoo d. $300,000 bond Issue April 29, :·.·· . county boards of supervisor s and the everc h adaches. "We consider it especially lmpor· 'olds S('tt\ed In chamber.; of commerce in this section my 'dneys, causing them to net irtant that the Investigat ion on the BAILER STARTS FLOW AT WELL Betsy DE:rn, Daugh~e1· of Governor Dern Crrist~ning the Air Mail Plane of the of the state have also been r• gularly. I used a box of Dor.n's invited to STOMAC:B TROUB LES Utah Western Air Express on its Initial Fli('ht. Mayor C. C. Neslen of Salt Pills Rl),d they reliev e d me of the county projects be continued lm· ~-Lal{e part in the celebratic n. quickly leave. Green's August Flower trouble. Lake, Jimmie James, Pilot, and Ben C. Redman. is a ;;tornachic corrective, has been ' mediately and an official finding Efforts at Cleaning Bore Brings Vol· reached as to their feaRibility. used for 60 years and has given reuntary Yield of 58 Barrels an Hour Reform Sch1ol Problem Faced 1 "If these projects are entirely abanlief to thousands suffering with indi'While the Escalante beat througl! '\';ere the only greeters when Maury 1 Ogden.-Ju dges of the juvenile gestion, dyspepsia, constipatio n, etc. doned for three years the farmers who I Moab, Utah.-A flow of oil by STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS heads 1 the clouds, along t';e same Invisible floated down at 3:20 o'clock. court~ of the First to Fifth judicial At all druggists. 30c and 90c. It are called upon to pay the existing I recently Foater·Milbu m C<>., Mle. Chem., Buffalo, N.Y. from the Utah Oil Refining· trail came Captain Maury Graham. But t!Je main thing about the day j districts of the state have been sum· -;~~;;:~~ you cannot get It, write ;;;:~~;:= indebtedn ess will feel very loth to 1 Utah Southern·M idwest Exploratio n Maury settled to \Voodward field as is that the undertakin g prO\-ed itself. noned to a meeting \Vednesda y, April - - - - - ___ • _;::~::::::;:;::~ G. G. GREE::-l', IXC., Woodbury , N. J. take any favorable action, and will companies ' pioneer well on the Cane lightly as a tumblewee d in his great Air tt•ans)Jorta tion be!.ween Salt Lake 1 14, with the juvenile court commis· 1 Then They Parted refuse to make payment, which will creek structure at the rate of fifty- Douglas plane. lie was tired, sion, of «nd the Los board Angeles of In Imitatio n trustees i~ a and reality. Super· II'he l I "A Jit+fp hinl told me wh:1t kind ot result in confusion, trouble and dis- 1 eight barrels an hour, or 1400 barrels 1 course. But the trip Is easy, he de· pony express and the railroad must I intendent E. J. Milne of the Utab 1 , 1 lU\\'~'PI· ) lltll' :Mr. Lisle-My dear, I have ·a split- credit tor fulhet• WiiS," all concerned . daily, gave another hint of what might r clared. He found fog a time or two ac:mowlcd ge a competito r, ting headache. Can you manage to faster by State Industrial school. The meeting "\\'!tal r!id "le :-;ay'!'' "Utah lake Is at present very low be expected of Utah's first gusher and some raintstorm s to the will be held at the school beginning at south. many hours. get rid of these people? "( 'hPPJl, chPep." and the investigat ion can be better when the water Is shut off and the Otherwise , he encnunter ed only air ~Irs. Llsle-I can't Yery well show The srevice will continue. People 12:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The ''\\'pll, a duck tul1l me what kind of made now than at some future time sand at 2024 feet is pierced. them the door. 1 In his history-ma king trip from Lo~ will heeome aequaintcd with its bene- purpose of the conferenc~ which has 11 1!nc·tor ~·our father was."-Cor neO from a physical standpoin t. In order to ascertain what would ( Angeles to Salt Lake in something Jltg and will use it. It took "Certainly not: but you can show a little been cailed by superinten dent Milne \Ylclcnr. "The control of Utah lake is a part I be the best method of securing a more than seven hours. But his ar· \ idle to get some yourself at the piano!'' people to use the 1 is to cons!der some me:;.ns whereby of the Salt Lake basin unit an:! must thorough test of the well and shuttini rival was no such cc·lebratec l e,·en ailroads and the automobil es. But the ends of justice may be ~atisfied be carried forward with the other off the water, a serios of cortferenc es as "Jimmy's" departure. Natural ly That is he west now rould not do without 1 among juYenile delinquen ts without 1 More Difficult branches of the unit; the owners of relative to the question were held re- there was not many at the field tr Hher d them. So, too, the west soon commitme nt to the industrial school 1 ""'!:at arp rou cloin~ for a living?" Binks-Di d you eYer try to climb a land around Uta~ lake ~·ill undoubted · ce.utly, H ..B. Carnahan, Jr., burea_u ot ~·eicom~ Maury. Represent atives <! , ill der".and and havP air transpJr· ' in Sl!ch large numbers. The problem · "Bl'<':l thIn~." grea~ed pole? ly take all poss1hle act10n to prevent tmnes engmeer; H. C. Bretschnm der,, fhe Tnbune, employees at the a1 ttion. Another new 1lay has com<> will be considered from both an econ·j =:---= ==="" 7------.......=-Jlnk~-~n. but I've tried to stick to additional water being turned upon Yi('e president of the Midwest eom· port and less than a score of casu; 'immy" and llfaury haY<> surely start- ,Jmical and f:(lc.ial standpoin t. Supcrin· good resolution!'!. - Cincinnati En- them from the ·weber river if some pany; A. \\·. PeaJse, division superin·l visitors, none of offical chamct'•, 1 something . 1emdent Milne points out that if the quirer. proTislon is not made for the control tendent; L. L. Bechtel, field sup&rin----------------number of inmates at the institution of the lake. tendent; R. C. Coffin, chief geologist; ,.;t .:· .""',. <',, ,. , .,~" contitmes to incr{'ase additional c )ID 1 John C. Howard, president of th!'l Utah I 1 \· ··-\ panieR of bnrs must be formed, and ' 01'l Ref1'n1·ng companv. ·, G. T. Hansen, Air Express To Create Recor d ·~:) \. , the girls' departmen t also must be .~"'-< president and J. L. Dougan, field [ ·)!. x increased. This, he shows. cannot be ~ Salt Lake City.-Sev eral hundred s~perintenden.t .of tl~e Utah Sout~eru done under the biennial budget of the I G BELL·AN S pound~ of mail will be available for 1 01! company, JOm.erl m these m_eetmgs. school. At present there are 11C Hot water transporta tion from Salt Lake to Lo~ As a result, a barler was run mto the 111 flliJI tMsted to boys and thirty-thre e girls at the in· 1 Sure Relief Angeles for the official opening of the well to clean off the bottom. o shkton, ready to stitution air mail transporta tion service to be I cash ln. TanlatJ Will Operate New Park Train guiclil;p built me up. inaugurat ed · April 17 by the Western I Indians to Have Game Farm A year ago diphthe· Air Express, Inc., it was announced Salt Lake City.-'rhe Union PacHic Moscow, ria ran rne dow•. Iilaho.-In formatlon ha! by Bevereley S. Clendenin , president syste'm recently announced the opera· Tanlac agaitl cams come from the Lapwai Indian resena· 25¢ and 75¢ Pk8s.Sold EverYWhere of the chamber o! commerce . Undet tion of a new direct tllrough pass~nger to thB rescue. I'm 1 tion, south of he:-<!, that State Gam€ a plan being developed by the postai train between Salt Lake City an1\ Ce· strong and 'Digorous Warden R. E. Thomas announces hie 1 facilities committee of the chamber, 1 dar City, t~ ~~ ku_m~n at. the "Ut~h.l fiOrD. " Miss Clara departmen t will cstahlish a game- farm of which R. W. Burton is chairman Parks Spectal. This IS bemg done m Jepsen, 1303 So. on the reservatio n, In Kez Perce conn· I 15th St•• Bur/into thousands of letters will be sent frorn 1 connection with the opening of Zion ty. A. l\1. Rose, superinten dent o! loti. /owt~ Salt Lal{e on the first flight of the/ park, Bryce canyon, Cedar Breaks , •.._,,...,., constructt on of the highway bureau,' Douglas air mail planes. Salt Lake and the North Rim Grand Canyon Na· After a spell of Grippe or fiu, will start e: ectlng necessary building~ I citizen~ are being urged to provide tional parlc season of ln26. This new when your system Is all run down soon. Chinese pher:.sants will be propand your legs are so weak they can the first flight of the express planel service will be operated daily, the 1 1.:· ~.·. agated on -r. -~~- '"" the farm. The game de· I hardly hold up your body, start from Salt Lake wi·th a record-bre ak first southboun d train to leave this ! partment, right 1n taking '.ranine. on the reservatio n, m1d the ing cargo of mail. Results of the cam city May 31 and the first northboun d 1 :-· · J j C \"li I' AlP for Dentnl G I, 01<1 ~'ab4 It's wonderful bow soon you 1 bl b farm WiJ e estn .IS h e d 011 tl'IS an1 T~ 'th, Discarded Jewelry, I 1amc ~. ani! palgn will be presented and final train from Cedar City leaving June really do Improve ! Tan lac sails l\l Oney for the enterprisc e in beillll l'lf,tlnuon , l'ash hy rPturn mall . F r!la Gold plans completed by, the postal facm 1, while the last southboun d train will · h d l th N p right In and puts the system ln Hef\uin~r Co. 21 W AdaT s, .lacksorvllle , Fla f urn1s e >Y e ez erce conn t '· I __ _ ties committee at a meeting soon. Ail leave Salt Lake Septembe r 30 and the I i fighting trim. It cleans the blood, sportsmen , and the state departmen t n H-" \mIt "'' \Ja; TDIJo: 1:-.-To cA•·JJ. mail Jetetrs :will be exchanged by the last northboun d from Cedar City Oc· ~. revitalizes the digestive organs, . • 1 8q1nri+•nce unnecessary v~~":. lH"Oflt. Our Will operate the farm. Sportsmen In propositi() l a pr··ven 101011 y •. leer. mayors glYes you an appetite for solid food of Salt Lake and Los Angele£ tober 1. 'Trains will be known as No. Wrlto j'. this section of tho state hope to in Cor <le cripttcn C<e•' : EUiott r.nurd oux Lu. and makes you feel like a new and the pre:~iclents of the chambers o! 103 southboun d und No. 101 north· 10112 '\at net a ~t.. :--an I~"'ra ·.:•:· · 4 o. Caltt. crease the number of J;lh(asant~ and 1 person. commeree . bound, it is said. Loading the U.S. Mail on the Initial Fiigtlt, Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Jimmie develop better bunting, Nothing will tum the trick quite , good I WA:\'T TO lll~AR l·ItO~I OW-"I'R 0Jo' rann or ran('h for sale. S. Dal"ympte~ James, Pilot. as fast as Tanlac, made after the 1 Llano. rrexaR. Basin Farmers Urged Irrigation to Raise Season Corr Is Opened famous Tanl!lc formula from roots, San Francisco Cerebrates Rebuilding - - ----~1yton, Utah.-Ge orge Tingley. Sr. barks and herbs. Buy a bottle toBoise, ldaho.-Th e irrigation season Las Vegas Scene of Celebratio n Angeles to Salt Any Lake book City. ycu want To propSan Francisco, Calif.-Sa n Francis day and get started haek to full of the firm of George Tingley & So01 orr. the Boise project began recently. erly celebrate the occasion -by the city co observe'l the twentieth anniversa r) mail, C. 0. D. strength and vigor. Take Tanlac of Myton, is encouragi ng the farmer! The outlook, despite below normal gave an elaborate pageant, dipicting of Deseret the most Vegetable Pills for constipatio n. Book Co., memorabl e Las eYent Vegas, in thE Nev .. -The wheels of to plant yellow field corn In this par1 snow conditions in the hills, is favor· the anival of the pony express city's rider history, 44 East the So. earthquak Temple, Salt e and Lake progress fire Cit;r, Utah again moved forward for of the Uintah Basin. Sheepmen usee able, declares J. n. Bond, manager of r~as Vegas, Nevada, when the Western wrth the mail, which was taken by the of April 18, 1906. Celebratio n of the several carloads of corn the past yea1 the project, and no hardship is being I Air Express company air mail planes pilots of the Western Air Express. even, ancl rejolcin~ over the city thaj and it was shipped In from outsidt I spring, anticipate phenix·lik e, from the smoulder d for late "The days of old, the dayf' of gold, crops. Consider landed at the city gates to pick up points. Mr. Tingley will put a corr ing ruins. began lnst night in the civit The days of wine, of forty-nine ." sheller in his seed plant and \s In tht able rainfall came in March and the the first man matter transferre d from follows the first comforting touch of auditorium when thousands of souU the old pony first express of April, rider although pouch last to month it passed forever when "Wild Bill' Mor· market for fifteen carloads. The loca' the new planes on their way to Salt 'd f L of Market street boys and girls gath demand In the basin, It is said, woulc wall not up to normal. The preciplta· 1 Lake City. ~~~·a:o::ys~x~~~~~e~: ~~a~, ;::/aft~~ 1 ered to live over again In songs HINDER CORNS Removes Corns. Oa1 take care of a large proportion of thlt tlon to date totals 4.60 Inches, as com lou&ea, t"'te., stops all palu, ens!:! res oow!ort to tb(. Las Vegas, Nevada, le the only stop delivering the pouch to the mall I dances and sp~eches, th'.l heroic 1)are4 with 4.51 inches a year ago. "refu teet, ma.~tt-s "Walk.i.ntt e&£:r. 15c lJy ~n tJr at~... 11roduct. on the new air mall route from Los planes. 11181& Ulsro.t Cho:nloal Won.s. !"<>~=IIIlO, N.Y. ~ree days" tha1 followed the disaster. I I I Does not affect the 'Heart I I I -~~~ 1-r- . :;:~· ~- ALLEN'S FOOT=EASE =---·--4 l' Backache Wearing You Out? I EYES HU ,•, •,on I DOAN 'S p~~~s II I I I I.,., . , Sick bodies mad e strong I FOR I. DIGESTION I Cutic ura Talcum Unadulterated l &:quisitely Scented ( I -------·--------------------------------·---------- s~~~v!.~~! ,!~~!~1§ sinol l l BOOK |