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Show .. THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH ----- --·-- ... Wh at m.akes the~ ... valu e in Gen era l Mo tors .-. Cars? .~~' ' . B, .ARTHUR D. HOWDEN SMITH • U111U U.llOlCI! COPQlll<iK T ~lJ ARTKUll D. KOWD!:U SMITH . I l I to be di- carry her hal! across the world, and There was a moment of silence. might be the rum or the stimulus of hundred thousand pounds, two then, to cloak a mlserable conspiracy , The clean, golden sunlight fi.ooded the debate or a gradual access of selt· vided share and share by the company plunge her mro the society of such SYNOPSI S SCIEN TIFIC RESEA RCH AND through the stern windows and dap- reliance; but he was no longer to be ships' companies , and your as Flint and yourself?" scoundrels it." win to risk no Incur w!ll suasion. pled the polished surface of the table cowed by moral TEST. Cenurin g in the largest automotit~a Instead of losing his temper, as I The atory opens In New York, Flint rose and settled his belt. 'twould Murray, you, Flint's wrong I. !>earns. "If and molts darting with about the mlddle of the Eightlabarato riu and prcwing ground in thewarld. "I accept, for that I can do no bet- had expected, my great-uncl e stared at jaw dropped on his chest. His green be the first time without valid cause," eenth century. Robert Ormerod, this t throughou earnestly very me who tells the tale, Is talking to eyes glared. Peter and I were as he rejoined. "Come, come! You must ter," he said. "But I must have the A speculativ e took tongue-las hing. Peter Corlaer, chief of the traddazed as himself. Only my great· think of me better than that. It won't hostage." He snapped his finger toCOMB INED PURC HASIN G eyes. his enormous of into came man and ers, me. well ward sounds say quietly you pacing What calm, wash. remained uncle strength, when Darby McGraw, "You have seen this maid, I b&POWE R OF MANY COMPA NIES. "Come on, my lad. We'll show you But I It may be true. up and down the carpeted deek, eyes enough. Irish bonded boy, brings news said. he lieve," ndventur· gentlemen real o! life the the a to "otr the It Is o! that a pirate "hlp coudn't go back and report fixed upon some distant vision Insuring the best materials at the lowest pria. "I mPt her by accident. 'Twas I ok." An old sea captain anon the Walrus and ers aboard the Walrus." counsel fo'csle future. nounces he has been chas~d by "I'm no negro man to be bargained saved her from walking Into the "A I I - t h at ?" stammered Flint. expect to have It believed. I have notorious pirate, Captain the Head after her !ather." VOLU ME PROD UCTI ON. "'Sdeath! 'Twould be the greatest to blink myself when I think of it. O\'er and passed from owner to Whale's The older Ormerod Rip-Rap. approved he well," very did "Ypu . tells Robert the pirate Is Andrew haul in our time, Murray." - - !" Be grinned eYilly. "I know owner!" I exclaimed hotly. "You can warmly. "And you spoke to her? 120,000 skilled warkers "made mare than Murray, his (Robert's) great"Upmake me go, but I'll not step willMurray. "It is ours," affirmed your shoes." in do I'd what 835,000 General Motors passenger cars and Prithee, Robert, what manner o! maid uncle, commandi ng the pirate Ingly." spechim regarded terms." e on grellt-uncl My Murray sl\lp, the Royal James. trucks in 1925. Flint wns about to answer with a Is she? A Indy?" "What ulatively. ''Term!;?" echoed Flint. Is an ardent Jacobite. Next day "Yes.,, interl\:lurray when a oaths of encounter spurt terms?" to Darby us Robert and terms? Who can compel "'Vhat, then, Is your answer1" Mur"She should be an exquisite chit, one-legged sailor, John Silver. rupted. e carne to a stop in ray Inquired. grPat-uncl My QUAL ITY BODY WOR K. She has good blood In her. Robert meets a. young woman Robert. "You anticipate matter1'," he refront of him. "I don't play on tho~e terms," refrom a Spanish frigate who Is mother was a younger sister o! Fi5her Body Corporation £s a part of General Colonel father, "l\fy terms, let us say," he an· turned Flint with decision. "Let me buked his associate. "There Is no oc- Her her seeking father's her and Leitrim, of duke the O'Donnell. Murray with a force Motors. swered. cruise with you, have a share In tak- casion for a hostage yet. We shall father was a younger son of Lord of sailors vlolta the Ormerod once for the Rendezvou s. It wlJere at sail yourself of know ye ." If "But differently talk I'll and prize, the Ing house. He announces his IntenShe will be much to the will be weeks, aye, months, before I Donegal. It can be taken why must we bother Murray shook his bead. tion of carrying orr Robert, by WORL D .. WIDE MARK ETS. King James returns to when fore wl' term!!, !\Jurray?" clamored Flint. force, If necessary, promising him " 'Twould ruin the plan. I know am In shape to sail west under Hisa great future. The Royal James Sales and sen/ice in 144 countries. "What's riches for us can be pnred you, Flint. 'Tis not In you to cruise paniola. Time enough then to talk Whitehall. " marvel "I jeered. I does!" he "I! and the Walrus, the latter comhostage." be your mttst It down to short cuts If for days and forego fat merchants of delivering manded by Flint, Murray's partFor an Instant Flint appeared to he that you should use so hardly a maid shared out right and left. If we take that cross your bows, ripe to be ner In piracy, appear. Murray, FAIR PRICE POLICY. Standard of such birth." Robert and Peter board the It, why not take all?" plucked. No, I can't risk lt. Alone, about to object to this view, but he that?" say you do Why "Hardly? prices, with General Motors' satlings passed James. "Because, " retorted Murray with a I can contrive not to attract atten- evidently decided lt was not worth deceits shabby your to end an "Oh, burst of terrible energy, "I have tion. In company, we should stir up another dispute. on to the buyer. subterfug e!" I shouted. "I ha' and gruffly. assented be upon go," it terms "Let paR!<etl my word as to the a hornet's nest." told you already I know she Is to be CHAPT ER VI-Con tinued which the treasure is to be taken." "Curse me for a canting mugger, "We'll settle the details at the Island. dragged aboard your ship when you GENER AL MOTO RS ACCE P.. "What's ~·oul' word?'' rapped FUnt. then, If I'll trade on It,'' snarled Flint. D-n me--" this with a sudden re-7could I For a moment I thought my great- "I'll not trust you, Murray, and that's vival of friendline ss- "I knew we had take the Santlsslm a Trinidad. "Bave we failed in any Important 'l'ANC E. CORPO RATIO N. A finance Murme, of treatment your stomach for lad to red-beaded not picked up that uncle would strike him. He made v~nture since our association began?" fiat." company owned by General Motars, and asray. But to expose a sUp of a girl, "You ha' a bead on your shoulders, " draw back .his arm, and perspiratio n "Suppose that I gave you a ho$t- nothing 1 'Tis a sure sign o' luck." mring sound tenns and low ratu to time And out he swaggered trom the scarce more than a child, to lite on conceded Flint. stood out In white beads upon ltls age?" suggested my great-uncl e tenattentions cabin, stamping and banging the door this floating hell and the "And you have not," amended Mur- forehead. Flint feared It, too, hut purchasers. You more. ray. "No, do not say any and sprinkling curses freely as he ot Fllnt and hls lambs!" did not raise a hand to protect himMy great-uncl e pursed his lips. All these factors mean that General are an excellent man to handle your self, charmed to Immobility by the gained the deck and shouted !or his to As 1 _youth vehement a "What of any as the to ship, Flint, and as fearless boat's crew to row him back virulence of the basilisk's stare which Motors has etlef':Y facility and every~ the maid's inclusion In our scheme, our ruffians; hut you are no more ca- Murray directed at him. Walrus. centive for . maintain ing quality in 'twas manifestly of the chlefest impable of looking ahead a week or two i•i"t Is my "·-ord," said Murray fithe product and value for the price. portance that Colonel O'Donnell '• con· than Ben Gunn." "No nally In a very soft voice. ER VII CHAPT nection with me be not suspected. ,;Well, what would you?" Flint flung more, Flint. A poor thing, as the the best way to cloak that was And which defiance, at him with an air of poet hath said, yet my own! Also his daughter accompany him." have to Dream Man's Old Wicked A Murray Ignored. -that I may chime In harmony with "But why?" I persisted. "Why all My great-uncl e sank Into his chair 'I would make the greatest coup we your mental processes -It happens { ·with a gesture of disgust and poured this devious deceit? Why mix a young , havP attempted ." that my perFonal interests are bound three fingers of brandy Into a wine- maid In an unsavory Intrigue? Why Flint laughed disagreeab ly. up with the observanc e of these make her father disloyal to his masto arranged you "So yon snld when glass. terms. ter?'' "At . exclaimed carhe have !" you ~'Pbaugh go Into New York, but "It Is a matter we will not discuss Murray flushed crimson. you." company the with by ried bnck· no treasure times I am nauseated I since It Is beyond the range further, what, "He Is not disloyal to his master,'• with him My uncle regarded keep." I perforce of your comprehen sion. I shall mereunder other circumstan ces, I should I laughed, and he put the glass from he replied with his first show of CHEVR OLET • PONTIA C • BUICK say thnt the terms are fixed, and ly n. Indignatio describe as honest his Ups, peering at me across its rim anger. "Colonel O'Donnell 's master, reject or accept either wlll you that my master-ay e, your master-is "You fool!" he said wlth a rasp In OLDSM OBILE • OAKLA ND as if surprised. them." that wonder O'Donnell not did doth I What l voice--and his "You find occasion for mirth In my King James CADILL AC • GMC TRUCK S "\Vhat are they?" • Flint pulled sidewise In his chair as care for the paltry Spaniard who s1t1 Robert?" remark, One spoils? the of division to "As If to avoid a stab. "Did you think } "No," I said; "I am only expressing in the pal nee at Madrid? What do to myself , who I was to go into that huddle of a town, hundred thousand pounds Spaniards the for care us of any as have you that feellng my you to with Its wealth In furs and groceries, as author and architect of the plan; Uttle claim to possession of a sense have not been men enough to live up seven hundred thousand to our two and fetch out a treasure?" of honor as the man who was just to their declaratio ns o! support ot the "W h a t then?" demanded Flint, ships; and seYen hundred thousand . Stuarts? Boy, are you a fool?" here." to my friends who co-operate d with moi~tenln~ his lips. rage his about that was There dnctor to hold the train for the PresiMurray's large face, with its pow1\Jy uncle leaned forward across the me to make It possible." · awak- Really Was Not Much nod own my benumbed which dent. The darky ran down the t~ack erful, craggy features, glowed with Flint brought his fist crashing table, Ups drawn tight over his teeth. admiration reluctant the again· ened When the clubquick as a flash. the radiance of an Intense personal Conduc tor Could Do woman down upon the table. Hls eyes shot sparks. puzzled and embarrass ed me. which train, and it the reached conviction . Intelligenc e! "Knowledg e, fool! "I'll be - - It I accept I" he .A Kentucky clubwoma n, who ls a dawned on the conductor that she was was it my father had said of What Or dishor.or? "What Is honor? That "·bleb wise men labor a lifetime shouted. "What? Less than half to l'requent visitor 1n Indianapo lis, tcJls the person for whom the train had Accidant.'' by Her call for 'close him? Met a "I have we here In by Certes, pass to secure and the Ignorant our company? And .you sneaking oft twisted queer, a In the following story with some pride. been held, he was enraged and !or a "He Is sincere No hasty generalitie s can reasoning. thP gutter." with a cool hundred thousand pounds tatlvely. One time when she was In a very small rnlnnte almost forgot that he was in way." "One whose lite means dismiss so vexed a problem, which Murray rose from the table and com- In your pockets, and your friends. as to me more than my own." a sensed I was. be Past doubt, Kentucky town and was wishing to consumed the attention ot gentle- warped nobility of mind which stirred make an engageme nt to speak before the presence o! a lady. Purple wltb hath menced to stroll the length of the like as not, splitting secretly with "The man does not live," Fllnt men since gentility's Institution . I rage he blurted out: "--it all. I wall cabin, hands clasped under the skirts you!" me to sympathy and pity. - I felt of a club ln Lexington , Ky., she arrived told that the Presldl.!nt had missed roundly. swore of quality the as honor conceive of of his coat. And as he strolled he My great-uncl e refreshed himself a suddPn as 1! our places had been at the station just 1n time to see her "He sits across the table," returned Calmly she answered : talked. Flint followed his every move with snuff, contriving to Invest the Murray. "MyI grandneph ew and heir. being faithful to oneself, to the ethical reversed, as if his white hairs were train pull out-the last trn.ln of the the train.'' I not the president of am sir, this for ''\Yell, d establishe has one uneasily, with occasional urafts of ceremony with an effect of distaste I will go so far as to assert that the standard mine, and his my unlined face. day. Acting quickly, she handed half the situation ?"-Indian apolis News. ly." prerarious so through pass life . we rum. Peter and I watched the two which I found amusing. "Perhaps I am a fool," I said. "Yet 1 a dollar to a little colored boy nearby, only reason I concern myself with dishonpractices man a If that "So of them, fascinated by this conflict low if I know nothing of your plan and 1 and told hlm to run after the train, "Stap me, but you have a this exploit Is that I may secure esesty toward all save himself he pre- so am Inclined to misconstru e it, which bad stopped farther up the of wllls, which was to exert a vital mind!" he drawled. "Allow me to tate and prefermen t for him." Truth never <lodges, no matter protested. I honor!" his serves Influence upon our lives-yes , and direct your attention to the fact that whose fault Is that?" track for water, and to tell the con· throws mud at it. Flint eyed him shrewdly, looked thoughts," my twist you do "Now upon those of hundreds of others. and the plan amounts to my friends He dropped knife and fork and --------------------~ from him to me and from me to him. In the fixed me with his eyes, so marvelous ly 1 -----------"I must speak in simple terms, I I undertakin g voluntarily to present "Your grandneph ew, you say? replied my great-unrl e. "And perceive, Flint," began my great- you an opportunit y to participat e In Long John says you're choice o' him. same breath you raise a complemen - alive and bright in their setting of uncle. the division of seven hundred thou- Still- No I like not your terms, Mur- tary question: What ls dfshone~ty-or crow's feet and wrinkles, so luminous The passion was out of his voice, sand pounds, for which you will be ray. They offer too little." honesty? As I ha,·e told you before, with youth. take from those who have much, and the sentence trickled from his culled upon to do nothing except. I "Tho~e are the first words you have "They are the best I can ofter," llps slowly, with an air of detnchmen t. agree to follow out several stipula- answered Murray definitely. "I will those who prey upon others." spoken which have had any tinge of Flint nodded sullenly, seeing t11at tions I §hall lay down." "You are clever with word!'.'' I lrindness to them," he answered. 'Tis add, that there may be no misunderan answer was required. "Let's hear 'em." Handings, Flint, that the odd sevE'n sneered; "but I'll not be fooled. What my fault you are so far ignorant, "We have frequently discussed the My great-uncl e ticked oft the items hundred thousand pounds goes to pro· have you to say of your craft In de- Robert, and I will endeavor to repair Span· the of one taking of po!!siblllty upon his finger-tips. mote the Interest of a cau~e. and not luding O'Donnell Into risking his the ert·or. I did not seek to delutle Ish treasure ships," continued Mur"First, 'tis hilrhlv desirable that we to line the pockets ot Spanish offi- daughter ahoartl this trensut·e ship? you when I told you I carried you ray. "nut we have never attempted should lle low during the ensuing cials. as ~·ou may suspect; and it Is Do you call it honorable to persuade from New York because I needed your the project because we could not dis- months. Activities such as we usuu!!y highly probable that considerab le of a foolish unbalance d fellow to take aisistance , and that Is so far true cover the date of salting or the port conduct would tPnd to affright the my share will follow it. I pay se,·en an innocent young girl out of a convent, that 1 admit without hesitation 1 wherein the treasure was embarked. council of the Indies and bring about must have your help before I can It hRth heen the custom of the Spnn- a change in plan for the treasure aught of my future plans for achieve ~~~ ~Z~Z ~S~~Z~~Z~~Z~~~~~~~Z~ lards in recent year!!!-ln fact, since :;hip's sui I ing." .. your station in life. In fine, bettering the depredatio ns of Mor_(;\"an and his • • need you at this time being I then?" do, Robert, we ''What shall 1 brethern to shift arbitrarily the port Spyfor up you can need me; and your bear .:-.. l to i than Is '· more "My tounsel of embarlmtl on from year to year, as Rotb there. with Flint is but the least p careen and hostageshi gla~s island likewise to change the date of sailing. I hope from you." services the "conof or years "co-rent'' ages seven every liiiddle exIn an the In~ Once prove 'twill erlngs. ancl foul. ships are One )·ear the port would be Cartagena , • "That Is frnnk," I replied. "And cellent opportunit y to make all clean vent" 'vas used to describe a rPllglous ~.here would be., what was called a the next Ch11gres, the next Porto Bello, I'll you told have 1 lt. match will . the all Garden," which "Covent at tl~, I.Ience Sabba Great assembly. 1 the next even Vera Crnz. They have and 1·igllt." of a convent that covens of a w1de tlistt·ict would con- • not help in piracy; nor will 1. The garden tile from nodded. lint I<' produce been known to ship the year's "We shalt need our speed against once stood on the site of the famous glregtate, an? tJ·adlltlon l~ns It _thaht on taking of this treasure ship is-" of the mines around Cape Horn. And "Bid bid " h Interrupte d . "Be- I or d. London truit nnd flower market. By t 1a occas10n t 1e (·luefffi w1tc e e, e, d similarly the treasu1·e shlpR. which t11e Spnniard." he commente If h' II" "D e degrees "coven" came to be used to fore )"OU commit yourself further let great-un<"l . my ce sacJ' returned was shall," tmse "I ev in Invariably sall used formerly to "This brings describe any gathering of twelve peome tell my story." ' · the fall of the year. now depart when- with some emphasis. advis- vle with a leader. In the case of 'Tis point. second He f(>ft the table and toolt from n my to me ed Discover Rays New counthe of fancy the ever it pleases coma c-omfor in stand cruise to not came do It we that witches, able Sclen('e has e!itablishe d the exist- cupboard In the wnll a rolled map cil of the Indies to fix a date." lm· chief their inter· with to aim I twelve, of treasure. pany the for pany ence of new rays, stronger than ultra which he spread upon the tal>le beHe pausPcl, and Flint raspeddevil. the ng before repreilenti Trinidad or g Santissima personatin the cept X-rays and 1.000 times greater in tween us, shoving a~>lde the plates 1 "So much is known to all of us." to seems into district Caribbean every the from Englund, In Im~!';es frequency, with lonl7.atlon the snme and glasses to make room for It. I "I conceded as much," rmswered she meetlocal and co>en, Its bad Atlantic." have the at all times of the day or night and saw at a glance 'twas n chnrt of the Murray smoothly. "What follows you In week; a once Intensified held became usually look were ulue Ings The of 10,000,000-volt varlet)'. They were Caribbean sea nnd the Spanish main do not know. When we returned from held partly described by Dr. R. A. ~lillikan and the Islands wlJich ~tret<'hed from Witche;:;," of fa<'e. "Sabbath Flint's the but Madagasc ar-" "You'd leave the Walrus behind?" four times a year, and usually on a of the California Institute of Te!'h· the top of the Floridns to the Bra. "'Twas against my advice.'' ~rowlerl demanded . !:e Thursday, for some strange reason, nology to the conYention of the Na- zils. Flint. "Ye play too much wl' polities." yourself," for it Figure must. was the more important of the gath- tiona! Academy of Sciences in Mad!· "I "This Is for reference, " he re "With politics! Exactly," agreed ships tall "'l'wo relative. my argued son, Wis. He has studied them since marked. "l\:ly story begins in Europe. my great-uncl e. "\Veil, perhttps I uo. seas, within easy narrow the plying the \Yorld war, beginning where and we require no map for that 'Tis true that so far I have obtninerl Saving Mere Not Thrift and Havana the and Jamaica of sail German scientists left off. l\Iillikan Your father, Robert, was a stout Ja. trifling advanta~e from the sport. ex· It is well to understand that thrift the frighave should We leo! ;\[arm won the $40,000 Nobel prize for first cobite at your age. He has since clutllng one substantia l fortune, this Is means much more than the mere sav- measurem ent of the electron. plan My time. no in us after ates The changed his conviction s; but we'll say vesfiel we are in ami the Informatio n ing of money, says 'l'hrift Magazine. It runship, klng's a as e mogquerad to rays, unnamed, nre dne to atoms pass- nothing on that. score. I, on the conwhich makes It possible for me to customers who is unfortuna te that so much of our cur- ing over to other atoms, with the sun trary, was born a Jacol>ite and am ugly any from ning Becaute only genuineAiabaatine will give you thote aoft delicate. artiaic Aiebutine tal>e this year's treasure ship." • rent thrift educationa l effort is direct· ." themselyes Rhow never shall I soul. and heart still, which add 10 much to the beauty of your home. one he colon, action, the on effect no my having I caught Flint sat erect. saving money of lines along solely ed you'd after "And Flint. said "Aye," Good decorator• Ule Alabaatine. Nearly aU lltoret ellina painb ~ it mlltock. said. They app.;ar throughou t space, rest until the Hanoveria n usurper breath. Peter, too, showed a gleam It all .Many people, through great patience stowed and treasure the taken Aal:: ~ dealer or decorator to show you •aJHllea ancf ezplain 1M Alabutinedisplaced. been has directions that all eyes from little bombard the ea1·th of excitemen t In his u by lay to able are , self-denial and would thought what hatches Opaline Ptote.-th e ncweat and moat beautifill method of interior da:oratitlA. twinkled from behind the rampart~ below only to loae It ln the at all time, and have extraordin ary sum, le comfc-rtab ·walrus, the aboard us _, t give you Cornp any of flesh that masked his solemn face. The Alabas tine Mich. absorbing power. Murray tells of hfa ~ream ,.,. and off, nnd we end through Ill-advised Investmen t. Grand Raplcb, " - - me, Munay !" swore l<'llnt. eh? You'd be up Thrift education should be conduct· share." the next installmeh t. "Do you sny t.hat In sober earnest? might whistle for our the In money place mothers Swedish spenLI to How lines. broad along ed r~ Flint," Captain me, wrong "You How-how touch?" be quaveren. and Invest Is as Important as how to baby's fir~t bath to guarantee Its my great-uncl e simply. pliet\ thousand hundred five "One mllll<oD wealth in the future. (TO B. COXTINU11 D.) But Flint gave an ugly lauill. It &:save. JlOI)IHlP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GE NE RA L M OT OR S .. , .Witch es Had Regul ar Period s for Meetin g t I Look.,for theC1·oss andCi1•cle Printed in Red on Every Package of Genuine Alabastille I ' |