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Show • 1'HE JORDAN • JOURNAL UNION Which CfJrove~ · ~~~ South Jordan The great satisfaction women experience with Electric Cooking is borne out by the fact that thousands of our Electric Range users have told us that they "could not do without it." The outstanding advantages of Electric Cooking expressed by our customers who use Electric: Ranges are: . FULLER PEP ~ ,~ ~ I / /p •I ~t' , given by the buss driv.ers and janitors of the Jordan High School, given at the school, Friday night, April 16, A dance was enjoyed by many in the amusement hall, given last Thursday night, April 15. Mrs. Annie Holt, Mrs. Pearl Wheadon, Mrs, Evy Wardle, Mrs. Emma Sheppick, Mrs. Trubie Holt and Miss Vera Mort.ison are now taking a nursing course given by t}¢ Red of~ort F o o d s perfectly cooked and deliciously flavored. annoying odora. SIMPLE RELIABLE Just turn a switch, set time and temperature control-easy as turn• ing on a light. Your heat, time and temperature controls assure . . . $5 ....... . . . . .1 I tJtahPower ~ ht absolute uniform result•. ~~··"'""'""""'''"""''-"'"'""'''""''"'-''""""'_' DOWN---Balance on Convenient Terms EAST MIDVALE _..li-IIIIIIIIIUI11Itliiiiiiiii1111111Ul-'"'''~-Mtltlft*ll-lllioiiiU.llltiiiiM.....IIIWOI-101UII\IIItUIIIIUI1lllllti\I11Ullltt- Efficient Public Seroice ~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~f -~· The New Spring Line Is Now Here. All Wool, Tailor Made Suits-50 Patterns at $24.00. Better Ones From That Up. Why Buy Ready Made When You Can Buy 0 d Tailor Made For Less. Suits Made To r er. N ALTERATIONS CLEANING, PRESSI G and Cr~:s.atM~:~!'Beckstead H. F. RASMUSSEN, Tailor MIDVALE, Utah 64 West Center St. hf* I '*' &• w• t¥W ECONOMY \ Auto Finishing in DUCO, OPEX and other IAlcquer Finishers by Spray Method FRED HYKE 98 South Main Street 24 E. Center St ... _ Phone: Mid. 272 Phone Midvale ·132 Midvale, Utah 0 & E Electric Service The Dominating · Motive No dani{erous fumes and no ~SAFE spent last week visiting her brother, Mr. H. R. Webb and her sister, John Strafelda of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Bait Howcroft and sons, Gayl and Max of Salt Lake, Mr. Joseph Naylor and Mrs. Annie Clifford were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Naylor Sunday of last week. Mrs. Sarah Beckstead was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stocking on Sunday. Mr and Mrs E. 0. Maxfield and Mr. ~nd Mrs. L~ A Palmer and baby Ralph were week-end guests of Mrs. J. F. Palmer and family. Mr. and Mrs Elwood Wardle were week-end gue;ts of Mr. and Mrs. John Wardle. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beckstead, Sr., had as their guests Sunday, Mr. THE MAN WHO IS LONG ON and Mrs. Ben Maxfield and son, Beck Granite. WORDS IS AP'f TO BE SHO~T of Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Tishner of ON DEEDS Riverton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beckstead, Jr. BATTERIES CHARGED Miss Lucile Bateman of West JorIn our Battery Department we have dan visited here Sunday . all the very latest equipment and can give you expert Service. PAINTING AND If your Battery is on the 'blink bring DECORATING it to us for free inspection. -Electric Fixtures For People Who Care -Wiring Materials Agency-Exide and Philco Batteries -Vico and Veedol Motol Oil Remien Art Wall Papers -Hal Gas ' \ save~ smoke, no fumes. ~ A Home Product For Home People - I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett had as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. Oscar Garrett and family of Provo and Mrs. Wielda Busaiht and family of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kersey and· Mrs. Ada Mahoney of Salt Lake visited Tues. day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forbush. Mr. Edward Kresser, stake board member of Religion classes attended the Religion class conference which was held at Granite Sunday afternoon. The Bennion ward Dramatic company pre~ented the show "Lighthouse "~an" to a iarge and appreciating au<lience in the :b;ast Midvale ward chapd Thursday evening, ' Mrs, Blenora (]uthi.Jert of Salt Lake .1-lrs. Hilda Middleton and Mrs, Pearl ulson visited Thursday at the h~me of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sharp, Mrs. Ruben Sharp ente1·tained on Friday for Mrs. Daisy Swenson oi ::iandy and Mrs, Gunther of Salt Lake ,md Mrs. May Swenson, Mr. and Mrs. Masoni Thayne and .lamily and 1Mr. and Mrs. William Thayne and family of Farmington iormed a party and attended the vYilkes theatre Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Milne and children motored to Lehi Sunday and .,pent the day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allsop and ramily enjoyed a trip to Big C<>ttonwood canyon Sunday, Monday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett visited with Mr. and !\Irs. Judge Greenwood of Salt Lake. Mrs. Almeda Latey announces the' marriage of her daughter, Helen and J'lr. Harry Bowen .of Midvale which will take place Tuesday in Salt Lake. A wedding supper for the immediate ••• ramily will be held Tuesday evening, at the home of Mr. Bowen in Midvale,\ Mr. P. J. Rock of Salt Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Me ~~~~tX. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~151 ffiB ~ LESLIE LIND . ~ c. in a manner to convince you of the sincerity of our aims. We think a lot of the business we .are in-to our minds the economical distributi011 of food is just as important as making laws, running a bank, or any of several important things. The love and enthusiasm we have for our work is reflected in our store appearance, service and prices, and has made our organization the largest and fastest-growing of its kind in the West. (I_D_d_:_D_f_II_II_P Let us Protect Your HEALTH as Well as Your WEALTH THE RELIABLE ·S HOP Plumbing, Healing, Electrical Wiring, etc. Bath and Electrical Fixtures of every descrip tion. All work guaranteed. .Office 87 E. Centre Phone Midvale 216 ERNSTROM and EGBERT, Props. "the hub city" Utah Midvale ~---------------------~~-------~ • Mr. and Mrs. Orson Thompson of SaLt Lake were guests Sunday of Bishop and Mrs. T. F. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson and Mr. and Phone Midvale 108 airs. Charles Dahl attended the .dance at the Blue Bird Saturday evemng, Mr. I. Goff and Mrs. Rachel Forbush represented the Religion Class the Jordan Stake at the Religion -~ of Class Conference held in the Sandy First ward Sunday afternoon. Mr. Foster Greenwood, Jr., had as his guests Sunday, Mr. Claud and PAPER HANGING AND ALL HOME DECORATING Elmer Thompson <>f Salt Lake. Miss Ruth Anderson of Salt Lake! Wasatch Street Phone Midvale 136-W!iill visited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonald. I SELL PAPER Mrs. Rose Alexander and Mrs. ~ Sarah Alel'ander were Sunday dinner West Jordan Milling Co. ~ I I No ashes, no soot, no ~ J. W. GRACE Midvale Utah Phone Mid. 120 THRIFTY CLEAN EFFICIENT lt food, time, and worry. Becaus~ I;;-~. ~cDonald ente~a.ined of Mrs. M. J.-Thornton. for :Mr Primary Conference was held Sun- and Mrs. T. 1<'. McDonald of Murray: day afternoon in the East Midvale Mrs. Sarah Bennett had the mis. ward chapel. The following is the fortune Sunday to fall down the eelUnder the supervision of the Par- program that was carried out: De- lar steps at her home on State street ent-Teachers' Association and the voti~nal music, Morene Cash; song "I She suffered a bad laceration on th~ Unity Club, Arbor Day was celebrot- Thank Thee Dear Father"; opening back of the head and also a br<>ken ed at the Union school house Thurs- prayer, Amos Nelson; song, "l:i'estial rib. Her many friends are lwping day. Flower:;, shrubs and vines were Days"; address of Welcome, Primary f<>r a speedy 1·ecovery, planted around the school house. President Mrs. Mima Nelson; minutes Mr. William Sharp of Rigby, and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Thompson and of last COJ}ference; gramatization, Mrs. Clifford Walker of Blackfoot, baby and Mr. and Mrs. hlarl White "The More Westward" by second Idaho arrived here Monday to be at left Wednesday morning by auto for group; memory gems and memory the ' bedside of their mother, Mrs. S. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson ex. songs, first group; table pictures; W. Sharp who is very sick. vect to remain ior some time. Mr. song, "Jesus Once Was a Little Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonald and and Mrs. White will visit in New Child"; brief story of the life and family spent Sunday of last week York before returning. sayings of Ghrist, sec<>nd group; dia- with relatives at Holliday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson en- logue, Blue Bird class; solo, Fay Mrs. Lizzie Panter of Salt Lake tertained Friday evening at a shower Glover; presentation of Sacrament is spending a few days with her in honor of Mrs. Ivan rierson. Mrs. towels by Blue Bird girls; demon- mother, Mrs. Sarah Bennett. Pierson was formerly Miss Estella stration, Trail Builders; talk on work The Recreation Committee enterAnderson. of Trail Builders, Mrs. Ethel Miller- tained all the ward officers W e'lnesFriends of Mrs. Lucy Jones very berg; demonstration Sea Gull work; day evening at the ward amusement pleasantly surprised her on Tuesday presentation of officers, Mrs. Orrel halT. Community singing, dancing evening. Mrs. Jones was f,ormerly Bateman; remarks, Stake Officer, and games were enjoyed and a banMiss Lucy Anderson. Mrs. Jennie Burgon; remarks, Stake 1quet served to one hundred guests. Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Brady were advisor Albert Glover; remarks by Toasts were given by P. A. Swenson Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Bishop T. F, Greenwood; song "When and Mrs, W. A. Garrett. Mrs. Walter Steadman of Salt Lake. the Little .Children Sleep; benedic. The Glover brothers very generousMr. and Mrs. Edward Kemp of tion, Katherine Cash. ly contributed some splendid shade Salt Lake spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. A. J. Wagstaff of Holliday and ornamental trees which were and Mrs. L. A. Green. visited Wednesday wilth Mr. and Mrs. planted Arbor Day on the church lot. Mr. and Mrs. Cu.rtis Brady and D. W. McDonald. Mrs. Samaria Goff and Mrs. Lefamily and Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. A. E. Smith entertained Tues- land Goff were Salt Lake visitors Green and family motored to Fish day April 13 at a Birthday dinner in 1Saturday, guests of Mrs. Anna DowLake at Pelican Point and spent Sat- honor of her husband, Covers were ding, 1 urday and Sunday, laid for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gor- I Miss Mary Erickson was a week- ange, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence GusMr. and Mrs. Reynold Brady were end guest of Mr. and Mrs. William tavison and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold I guests Wednesday evening at a surSteadman of West Jordan . Beckstead and children. 1 prise party in honor of Mr. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory were Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Steadman of West Jordan . among those from Union who attended a shower Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BtiL\• hurst of Bennion ward in honor 01 Mrs. Arnold Mockley. ¥rs. Mockley was formerly Miss Verna Gregory. Mrs. Bessie l<'orbush and Mrs. Jolly Proctor visited Monday afternoon with Mrs. Polly Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker who have been visiting here with relatives and friends returned to their Behind every successful institution home in Idaho last week, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Proctor and Mr. there is a dominating idea. It's the thing and Mrs. Phil Walker of East Mid. vale were Sunday dinner guests of that makes the wheels go round-"that ,\1r. and Mrs. Charles Van. -ROSES. Special until April 24th something" without which no man JOr busonly 50c each. Buy from us. We iness can long maintain the lead. In Skaggs sell to the other nursery, J. Eugen,; ~·'ordham, 1\iursery, Phone Midvale 52. stores it is the determination to reduce the Members of the Creek Relief Society held their meeting Tuesday afoperating costs to the minimum; to elimiternoon at the home of Mrs. Nora nate all waste; to keep ourselves and out· Van, , Mrs. Roy Price had as her guest employees up to the maximum of efficiency; I'hursday, Mrs. Reynold Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory had to take a small profit on 1many transactions, as <their guests Saturday and Sunday ,Mrs. Lewis Westbrook and their rather than a big profit on a few transacchildren and 1\lr. Norman Westbrook tions; to render a defmite service for the of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mockley of Taylorsville. profit we take and to conduct our business Seuen 'Uital 'Points ious to get the beet seed into the ground so as to receive the benefit of the moisture and spring rains. • The books of the Jordan Mercantile Mrs. Rosamond Maxfield entertaincompany which were stolen last year ed at a surprise party Monday evening of last week in honor of her hus- at the same time as the safe, were band, E. 0. Maxfield, it being his found last week in the canal while There were 2l)th birthday anniversary. Games it was being cleaned. found where the canal runs through and music were enjoyed after which a They were two course luncheon was served to the old Egbert home. the following: Mrs. Maxfield, Rose, wrapped in burlap sack,; but were Earl and May .;\'[axfield, Mr. and Mrs. badly water-soaked and damaged. Ben Maxfield of Granite, Mr. and Through some misunderstanding, Mrs. Whitehead of Salt Lake, Lucile the J oruan Me1·carttile company has and Ross Bateman and Myrtle Gun- not changed hands as prevwusly a,ndick of West Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. nounced, It is still running under the Erban MacMellan, Mr. and Mrs. Lee .,ame management, Mr. J. M. Holt. Sunday School Conference was held A. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cooper, Miss l\lerinua Beckstead, Mr. here Sunday instead of the reguhu and ]1, ••• Leo D. Palmer, Mrs. J. F. ;:,.acrament meeting Charles Smidith Palmer and family and Mr and MrB. of West Jordan and Henry Jorgenson of Sandy, members of tne ::>unday E. 0. Maxfield. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Robertson mo- ::lchool board were spedal speakers. tored to Salt Lake last week and at-. !llu~ic was turnished uy the choir. Don't forget the dance Saturday tended~he Wilkes Theatre. Mrs. Leo D. Palmer entertained at night, Ap!·i! 24 in the Amusement a surprise party Saturday night in nall. Music will be furnished by the honor of her husband, it being his .Paramount orchestra. Everyone is Music invited. 21st birthday anniversary. and games were enjoyed and a two M1ss Tuttle spent Sunday home course lunoheon served to the follow- with her folks in Spanish Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Winward, Laura ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Bart Howcroft of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Lau- .and Darrel Winward visited witn rence Rendolsbach, Jack Smidth, Mr. 1V1rs. George Stocking and family on and Mrs. R. W. Palmer and sons, El- .::>unday. Miss Healy visited her folks in Alton and Vaughn; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W•'.nlle, Mr. and Mrs. Nowel War- pine, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hardcastle and Mr. dle, Mrs. Emma Wardle and Lucile Battrman of We~.t Jordan, Elmer Pal. and Mrs Lawson and family ot mer, Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Maxfield, ;:landy were week-end guests of Mr. 1\lr. and Mrs. A. Stocking. and Mrs. James A. Shields. Mrs. Henry B. Beckstead entertainMr. and Mrs. Hardcastle and Mr. ed at a surprise party_ Monday of last and Mrs. Lawson and family o1 week in honor of her husband's birth- ~ndy were week-end guests of Mr. dan anniversary, Games and lunch. and Mrs. James A, Shields. Mrs. William Douglas and baby, eon were enjoyed by 25 guests. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Naylor ~ and Billy of Murray spent last week here family were dinner guests of Mr. and visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Otto Smidth of West Jordan on .rlartin Beckstead. Mr .. and Mrs. Henry Beckstead and Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Anderson of Salt Lake family of Midvale were guests of and Mrs. Hattie Mack.ay of Granger Mrs. Fred Cooper, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Dunyon 01 visied here Wednesday of last week. Draper were dinner guests of Mrs. Elton Palmer of West Jordan and Mr and Mrs. Leo Palmer motored to !~lary Shields, Sunday. Mrs. Ed Christenson of Wyoming Sait Lake and attended the Wilkes formerly Miss Edith McMullin, is Theatre Saturday of last week. • After nearly two weeks of rain and here spending several weeks with he1 cloudy weather. farmers all around parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0, McMulus have resumed their spring plant- lin. Miss Alice Beckstead and Mrs. ing. The planting of grains has been practically completed. All indications Gladys Douglas and baby, Billy o1 ~o far show a favorable future f<>r Murray wen~ guests of their sister, the farmers. Sugar beets are now .1.\<Irs. Samuel Cooper, Monday of last being planted. ·The farmers are anx- week. Mr. David A. Shields is reported to be improving, the last few days, He is still bedtast. His three children, Paper Ha.nging Orval, Dick and Vaughn are now Calsomining quarantined with chicken pox. Painting Miss Gladys Wlheadon of Salt Lake spent the week-end with her parWORK GUARANTEED ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Whead<1n. Judson Garner of Crescent and AuESTIMATES dero Garner of Lark spem Saturday and Sunday visiting their parents, CHEERFULLY Mr. and Ivlrs. W. H. Garner. GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. John Stocking have moved here from West Jordan to make their home. Many boys and girls from here 724 E. Center Street attended the Free Banquet and dance gues~s QuALITY This Popular Bakery offers as special inducement the following prices: CI'nn amon Rolls and Doughnuts ' doz...... .20c Electric Quality Bread, Sc, 2 for ..................15c Bread Is .Your Best FriendEat More Of It- ~ ELECTRIC HOME BAKERY ~ In The Iris Theatre Building MIDVALE UTAH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |