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Show . • THE JORDAN INSTITUTION- /NC. DEPARTMENT STORES Midvale, Utah. we're Serious and you Wi'l Be roo! In calculating the pmchasing power of If you thmk about th1s matte:r: and Will 1 our money we never leave it to cJhanee. . . . f tl h _ This Store a~d e~eiy o.le 0 . ~eof un dreds of Stors m th1s great fam1l~ associated retail establishments owes a real 'birt . to the public that makes responsl .1 Y them possible.. . . . We are senous about th1s responsibllity so much so, in fact, that we refuse to • · a sma11 permit others to deel'de even m way the extent to which we may go to safeguard the public....... how you are real~y ~ncerned, you wil~hb~ serious, too. It 1s Important to you a this Store shall be uniformly dependable d . th , ever~: ~Y m e yeru. . It 1s Just that depend.able kmd of Si?re which we are conduct}Ilg and oothmg shall deter us from serving you as near perfectly as it is a human possibility to serve. '11 1 ~+h' to To that end we Wl eave n\n, mg chance. AJ...J..IUJ.a!» NeW Coa s Are Different! • Spring Brings Original Styles The Coat Styles turn a new leaf --and present absolutely different fashions. You 'II agree with us that they're inexpressively attractive, too I Now is the time to buy r • Mixture Materials Most Modish The tweeds, tapestry effects, and other novelty materials hold prominence in the sport and semi-sport Coats. Twills control the more dressy modes. For the woman and • mtss. 14. $24.75 to Dresses Say, ''SPring Is Here!" Riverton The Season's Smartest Styles Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Garride entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Parkinson and family of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. H. Pierce of Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman entertained Mrs . Hattie Freeman ana family at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for · fifteen. Miss Elsie C. Strand of Salt Lake is the guest of Mrs. C. J. Carlson where she will spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Christensen entertained 1Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Harding of Provo at dinner Sunday. Mrs. Alice Phillips and Mrs. Evans Anderson of Lehi visited with them Saturday. Mrs. Rose Grant of American Fork returned to her home Saturday after spending several weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Ottesen. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Richey had m; their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ward and family of Salt Lake. Mrs. Ephriam Otteson, Miss Velma Otteson and the Misses Elsie and Estelle Hardy spent the week-end at American Fork visiting with relatives. Mrs. Hannah Lund will entertain at a .ihower Saturday in honor of her daughter, Josaphine. Mrs. William Reynolds entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of her sister, Mrs. G. J. Lloyd of West Jordan. Spring has really come -for here are the new: Frocks of Silk, shimmer~ ing, lovely beyond descrip-! tion, and new in every detail! Far the woman and . miSS. New Colon New Modes New Trimming Rose, grey, green, tan-these are a few of the delectable colors which greet you in the new Dresses. The graceful sleeves deserve admiration I Priced, only, DRAPER , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haun and Mrs. J. Mrs. Flora Snow and daughter, Em Dayley of Bingham Canyon were the lila of Salt Lake visited relatives here guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dow, several days of last week. last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Stay had as Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cherry had their guest during the week, Mr. . . their week-end guests, their Stay's mo ther, Mrs. M ary Stay o f as d :t..t M L s arsen of Salt Lake. aug;'~ er, rs. eroy Spamsh Fork. Mrs. Eunice Wall beck and Mrs.j · II · J hn B k d d ht f S It M1ss Wyse Gray of Leh1 spent 0 o r: an s ant afugM_ er d ~ra • several days of last week visiting La ~~:e were gues s o r. an " rs. 1 h · t .... s 1 cran e. H arold Wa lb ec k severa1 d ays of 1as t er s1s er, .urs. amue week. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Rasmussen and .Mrs. William Broun entertained at I Mr. and Mrs. Lional Rasmussen of dinner Friday in honor of her hus- :Midvale and Mr .. and Mrs. Soren Rasband, the occasion being his 70th mussen were dmner guests of. Mr. birthday anniversary. Covers were and Mrs. Anton Rasmussen, Fnday. laid for thirty-one guests. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ballard were Mrs. Stelle DeGroot of Thatcher, guests of :Mr. and Mrs. Reid B('ck Idaho left Friday for her home af- Saturday evening at a swimming ter visiting two weeks with her party at the Municipal baths. follow!ather, Mr. Charles E. Ellis. ed by supper at Shays Cafeteria and I• a theatre party at the Paramount Empress. Mrs. J. R. Rideout was hostess to her club Saturday afternoon. Lunch was served to seven. Special guests were Mrs. J. E. Mickelsen and Mrs. Thomas Burnham. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Allen had as their guest Sunday, Mr. Hans Peterson of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of Parker, Idaho vi~ited here during the week with relatives. Mrs. Stanley Rasmussen entertained the officers of the Religion class at her home Monday evening. Refreshments were served to Mrs. 0. D. Ballard, Mrs. Esther Anderson, Mrs. Lee Anderson, Mrs. Fred Sjoblem, Mrs. Sam Crane and Miss Mae Hibbert. Mrs. Clyde Terry entertained at children's party Sunday afternoon in a • JOURNAL Friday evening of last week Mrs. Thos. A. Smith entertained at a social for Primary Association officers. Progressive games were played. The prizes were won by Mrs. Chas. A. Canning, Mrs. 0. S. Johnson, Mrs. A. F. Hobbs and Mrs. Hyrum Beckstead. Mrs. Bruce Johnson and Mrs. Ira Beckstead attended the Grand Lodge visitation of the Pythian Sisters held at Sandy Monday evening. Mrs. Paul S. Roberts will be hostess to members of the U. A. CluL Thursday evening at her home on Lincoln Street. Mr. and Mrs. E. W .· Hall, of Raymond, Idaho, are guests this week at the home of Mrs. Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Smith anti children spent Sunday in Magna, the guests of Mrs. Reese Jones. Helen Hughes and Carol Goff were guests Saturday evening at an en tertainment given by Ruth Maycroft at the home of her parents in Salt Lake. Plans are being considered for a parents visiting day at the schools in the near future. Officers of the Pm·· ent Teachers Association have tht matter in charge. Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Kimball spent last week end in Salt Lake the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Eldridge. Mrs. Chas. A. Canning will entertain officers and teachers at the Primary Association Friday at her home on South Main Street. The Ladies Aid Society will hold a regular meeting Thursday of next week. "The Little Clodhopper" was presented to a capacity house at the L. D. S. Amusement Hall Wednesday evening. The Wesew Club met at the home of Mrs. Melvin Lind Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Joy and children were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jones, of Salt Lake. Following the Firemen's Ball Saturday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Smith entertained at a late Supper for 14. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Boberg of Draper and Miss Katherin(e ,Forrester and Miss Lillian Whelan, of Salt Lake, were guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary B. Stokes. Mrs. M. T. Wiles is spending the week at Manti, with Mr. and .Mrs. F. G. Ward. Mrs. J. Hollis Aylett was hostess to members of her bridge club Tuesday evening. The prizes were won by Mrs. H. E. Phelps and Mrs. M. J. Joy. Miss Thora Edwarfls, of Provo, · spent the week end as the guest of :\!iss Cora Lindsay. Officers and teachers of the M. E. Sunday School were entertained at the Community Church Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. P. Rasmussen will be hostess to members of her club Monday of next week. Mrs. Hyrum Beckstead entertained Thursday .at a quilting. f1 {VAT/ON-WIDE ... honor of her son, Willis, it being his seventh birthday anniversary. Lunch was served to ten little guests. Draper Old Folks and home coming day was held last Wednesday 1·n · the ward house and amusement hall commencing with a program at JO a. m. At 12 o'clock, noon, a ho~ dinner was served to everyone present. At 2 p. m., a very entertaining program was rendered by teachers and students of the Jordan High school and other out-of-town talent as wdl as local talent. Supper was then served to all the Old Folks, followed by a picture show at 7 p. m. and a dance at 9 p. m. Music for the dance was furnished by the Ariel orchestra. Murray Society The marriage of Miss Vera James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. James of this city and R. V. Gardner son of Mr. anrl Mrs. Robert Gardner of West Jordan took place Thursday in the Salt Lake temple. In the ev- FRIDAY ONLY 300 PRIZES REGULAR PICTURE PROGRAM REGULAR PRICE .. SATURDAY ONLY HEWLEtTS ~ SUPREME BRAND \1 I . ~ STRAWBERI\V~ JAM 0 ............ ...""'"",............. .... ...,... ... ~FQA~'K DRUGSTORE TUTTI E -=== Pr ODUGTION..;.__ _ _ _ _ __ THRILLING? You'll want to stand right up and cheer! FUNNY? You won't stop laughing for a month! ACTION? The author of the Wally Reid auto racing stories wrote it, and action is his first, last at~d middle name! Comedy and Pathe News ALL STYLES AXD SIZES GOOD TOOTH BRCSHES ) Brushes with tr';nsparent or bone handles; straight or bent Bristles serateu, tuft ed or recedir g. Also brushu; of pure bristle or of goat or badger hair for tender gums. Brushes for adults, youths or infants. Look over our assortment. Midvale Drug Co. Midvale Utah TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY . Thomas l\feighn in "THE MAN WHO FOCND HIMSELF" COMING-Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, March 14, 15, 16 COLLEEN ~IOORE in "IRENE" Where Quality Counts,- We Win IRIS !fhe New Spring Line Is Now Here. All Wool, Tailor Made Suits-riO Pattern at $24.00. Better Ones From That Cp. Why lluy Ready Made When You Can Buy Tailor Made For Less. Suits Made To Order. CLEANING, PRESSING and ALTEHATIONS :----------------';..._-·, WANT ADS H. F. RASl\fUSSEN, Tailor ' 64 West Center St. MIDY ALE, Utah '---------------· FOR SALE-Good building on Lincoln street. Call Midvale 37 2-t FOR SALE-Eve1·y day and every way, fresh eggs at the Kennedy Poultry yard, 3!J 4th Ave. Laura E. N. Kennedy. We Sell and Recommend FOR SALE-Give me an offer. 150 foot front, modern house and poultry yard. Clear.. 39 4th Ave. Laura E. N. Kennedy. FOR SALE TN SANDY 5 acres of choice land, five room brick house with city water. Barn, stablt>, chicken coops, garag<>, cement cellar and granary. Call Midvale 256-\V after 4 p. m. - FOR SALE-Choice Dewberry and Marshal Strawberry plants. Phone Midvale 156-::\I 4-t FIRE INSURANCE-DQn't Delay. See H. C. Aylett, 320 N. Main. Tel. Midvale 36. tf FOR SALE-Coles Hi-Oven Range used three months, good as new. Price $25.00, West Jordan Lumber Co. 2-10-tf FORD ROADSTER-IN A-1 condition. Call at Journal office for address of owner. COMPANY Call Mi~. 28 aad ask for ''Bing'' during the week for southe1·n Calif- tion entertained the ward members , ornia for an indefinite stay. at n vaude";l!e and musical program Miss Violet Christenson entertain- Ionday afternoon at the ward amuse ed a number of friends at a candy ment hall. pull. The guests were as follows: Irs. C. Malstrom had as her guest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Miss Lucetta Malstrom, l\Iiss Bl'rnicc Monday, Mrs. C. Edwards of Salt ening a reception was given at the Watts, Miss Rachel Gibbs, Mrs. L. Lake. home of the bride's parents, only the Richards, ':\Irs. B. Christenson and Mr. and .Mrs. Freeman Carlisle C'nimmediate families being present. Miss Grace Bateman. tertained Friday evening at their The decorations were in pink and Miss Grace Bateman had as her home on second west in compliment white. guests Sunday, Misf' Lucetta Mal- to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shaw, Mr. and 1\tr. and !\Irs. James W. Crawford strom and Mr. anrl 1\Ir!'<. L. Richat·ds. Mrs. Glen Hales, Mr. and l\Irs. Clifannounce the birht of a son. l\Ir. and Mrs. Clifford G. Larsen ford 'watts, Mr. and Mrs.· Williai!'t .,.. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cahoon are announce the birth of a daughter. Ingalls, Jr., and .Mr. aPd Mrs. Jolm spending a few weeks in the east. "Irs. Larsen was formerly Miss La Clay. Mr. and 1\Irs. 0. Headman an-I Veta Erickson. The Community Aid society mem• nounce the birth of a son. Miss Ann Howe entertained the hers were f'nkrtained at the home of Mr. and :\Irs. James L .•Tames en- 1 members of her Sunday school class l\Irs. A. Bradford Wednesday aftertertained at their home Tuesday ev-1 Saturday evening of Ia t WPek at her noon. • ening in honor of their daughtn, home. Games and dam·ing were fol1\Trs. Lambert Watts had as her Vera. Twenty-five guests were pre- lowed by refreshments. gtwst Thursday of last week, Mrs. sent. 1 1\lr. and Mrs. Lawrent'e D~vis an I R. Anterbcry of Salt Lnke. Mrs. E. E. Boggess cnt('rtained the nounce the birth of a son. Mrr. 1 The Gleaner Girls of Grant ward ladies of the S. S. S. Club Wedncs- Davis was formerly Miss Florence • will ('ntertain 1'hursclay evening in day afternoon at her hom<>. Pugh. honor of Mrs. L. Richards, a bride Dr, and Mrs. William Rothwell left The Grant ward Primary associa-; of last week. |