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Show -- THE JORDAN JOURNAL -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pixton, Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Simpson were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Issued Every Thursday by The Jordan Publishin~ Company, Inc. A. Bateman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bateman TERMS OF SUBSCRIPI'ION announce the engagement of their One year .....___ , ___________,, ______________________ .... $1. 50 daughter, Edna, to Charles Cock- The'Jordan Journal Telephone Midvale 178 ayne. The marriage will take place Entered at the postoffice at Midvale this month. City, Utah, .as second-class matter. The marriage of R. V. Gardner to Vera James of Murray took place Thursday in the Salt Lake Temple In the evening a reception was given at the home of Mr. Gardner's sister, WEST JORDAN · Mrs. Albert Olsen. Besides the imMr. and Mrs. Al Rose spent Satur- mediate families the following guests day and Sunday at Magna as guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Lenna of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steadman. James of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mrs. Eliza Howick returned from Beckstead of South Jordan and Miss Blacldoot, Idaho, and will make her Delila Gardner. Covers were laid home at Magna with her daughter, for 23 guests. Mrs. Jack Steadman. • M"r. and Mrs. 0. H. Bateman of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson, Meryl Seattle, Washington are visiting Yr. Peteraon, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Nor- Bateman's mother, lln. Lydia Bateberg and Emily Wardle were dinner man. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles PetMrs. Amelia Simmons and son, erson, Sunday a'h•en in honor of Vivian of Draper and llrs. Peter Gust Lunskaj, brother of Mrs. Peter- Jensen of Sandy were dinner guests son. Covers were laid for twelve. of Mrs. Lydia Bateman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ren Richardson of Miss Norma Peterson of Salt Lake Midvale were dinner guests of Mr. was a dinner guest of Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Leland Richardson, Sun- Peterson Sunday. day. -AGAIN-A Copper Washer .for A Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Beckstead 1Silver· Dollar. March only. Utah were dinner gue1ts of Mr. and Mrs. Power & Li,;ht Co. Silas Brown, George Elkins at Midvale, Sunday. Salesman. Phones Midvale 57 and Royal Spralting underwent an op- Midvale 263-W. eration for the removal of his tonMr. and Mrs. Heber Peterson and sils, Monday. baby Cherby Lou went to Provo SunMr. and Mrs. K. H. Korberg mo- day and visited at the home of Mr. tored to Salt Lake Monday evening and •Mrs. Wm. Dovun, Mr. and Mrs. and attended a banquet at the New • Mark Down and Mr. and Mrs. Dell House hotel, given by the Sweedish York Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Heber club. Peterson and daughter inotered to In honor of Mn. Geor~e Hockley's Union and were guests of Mr. and 48th birthday anniversary a party Mrs. Sam Beckstead. was given at the Hockley home FriMrs. Bernard Rasmussen and ehildday evening. Games, dancing and a ren, Mrs. David Syrle and baby, luncheon were enjoyed by twenty- Sherley of Midvale were the dinner five guests. guests of Mrs. Joseph Hibbard . TuesDon't miss the Spanish operetta day. ' "The Bells of Barcelona," rendered by Mrs. Arthur Jensen Tisited at Bear the choir Saturday night. River city Saturday and Sunday. The marriage of Miss Mar Brown Mrs. E. 0. Hendrickson of Salt and William Landers took place at Lake and Mrs. Carl Murdock of Park Tooele Thunday, February 25. Mrs. City visited Mrs. M. S. Newell on Landers was formerly of this ward. Thursday. West Jerdan Two Perc ent Redu ction , In Tax Effec tive Now We Will Absorb Immediately On All FORD CARS The Two Percent Reduction In Tax Which Normally Does Not Become Effective Until Midnight March 28th. This Means That You Can Have Immediate Delivery of A New Ford Car and Take Advanta ge Of The Two Percent Tax Reduction. C. J. RIDD MOTOR CO. MIDVALE, UTAH -- -------------- --~------·---- in A Copper washer • JjJr AS ,ver Do lla r - - _________..!!!f!___ ~~~ffiBffiBffiB§B§B§RffiBffiBffiBHffi§BffiBffiBliliJ!*l§BffiBffi1JffiB~ MIDVALE I. LESTER Artificial I • - Wholesale and Retail REASONABL E RATES AT ALL SEASONS OF THE YEAR NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY OFFICE, PLANT-630 0 South State * Telephone, Residence, Murray 445 Midvale 175-J r * ~H@~§B§B§B~ffiB§B~~ C. C. CRAP O Real Estate, Exchange, Farms, Homes, Lots, Exchanges, Farm Loans, and Insurance Sandy, Utah Phone Midnle 137-w FOR SALE-2¥.: acres choice land X 231 feet. Cement sidewalk, in Midvale, close to Center Street. Sandy. Price quoted on request. Call me. WANTED-nea r Sandy 5-room cot$950.00 BUYS A 3-room cottage in tage and one or two acres land. Sandy. Corner lot 75 X 120 feet. Very choice location. Part cash $3650.00 BUYS you a fine home in and $20.00 per month. Midvale. Brick Bun~alow, 5 rooms and bath. Nearly new. All motf_tlrn MONEY TO LOAN-I can lend you conveniences. $450.00 down and money on farms. Ten years time, $36.00 per month. easy payment, interest 7% and no commissions. Interest payments 160 ACRE FARM in south end of once a year. county, rich sandy loam with Jrood water right for 100 acres. Fifty $6500.00 BUYS next to the best home acres in alfalfa. 5-room house, in Sandy. New 6-room fire brick small barn, good sprin~ water. An Bungalow, full basement, half ideal place for growin&" tomatoes, block of ~round. Part cash and terml!. fruit, hay and farm crops. Ideal for dairy and poultry. Price $15,18-ACRE F ARM--4-room cottage, 000.00. Easy terms to ri~tht party. barn, poultry house, small orchard. outfit goes with the place. Large raspberry patch, 6 acres alfalfa, balance in stubble. Fine NOTICE-If you wish to 11ell property, I can sell it for you if it ia place for fruit, dairy and poultry worth what you ask. If you want farm. Easy payments. a home, a lot, or a farm, I ean $1250.00 CASH or $1400.00 easy find you what you need at the terms buys a 6-room cottage on most reasonable price and eee to beautiful Pioneer Avenue. Lot 48 it that you get what you bargain fo~· --~----~~----~--~--~ I •• Our6reotOnnua/Eventl • down 'IJdown I$ a month Dur in( More/i On(1 Require s fewer coats than ename leasy to apply-cos ts less Sunlight can B ARRELED kept as fresh w!:tite be from half-pint to 5 -~tallon size. It is guaranteed to remain white longer than any gloss paint or enamel, domestic or foreign, applied under the same conditions. Can be readily tinted. and as the day it was put on. Made by a special process, this white paint's surface is so smooth that the worst smudges can be quickly washed off with a damp cloth. Barreled Sunlight ia easy to apply. One coat is generally sufficient over a previously painted light surface. Where mo~e than one coat is required, use Barreled Sunlight Wldercoat first. Barreled Sunlight means spot- less white woodwork-bathr oom The AutoM atic Electric Washe r does all that any electric washer at • any pr1ce can do • -It lS a Golden Value There are more AutoM atics in • • serv1ce tn this • terr1tor y than of all other makes combin ed . and kitchen walls as washable as tile. Cornea ready mixed in cans Barrel ed .I. , ( . __ '- . . Sunlig ht TBB IIJCB PROCESS \(Bll'll West Jordan Lumber Co. ''None Better'' Laying Mash llaie from BarleJ, Oats, Com, Bran, Short11, Beef SeraJ, Buttermilk, Bone Meal, Charcoal, Salt, Cotton Seed MeaL Now On ' • Our FOURTE ENTH ANNUAL of the MARVELOUS SALE MINIMUM CRUDE PROTEIN_ ..------·-·-· 17% MINIMUM CRUDE FAT_ MAXIMUM CRUDE FIBER _____...._ __ Made by the • .. West Jertlaa Milliar Co. Phone Midvale 108 ... REMEMBF..R: Back of every washer we aell ia our guarantee and our well-lmown service Mrs. Andrew Swenson entertained Vision is the architect of success. at luncheon Wednesday afternoon of last week f<Jr Mrs. Pierce Swenson, Opportunity is another name for and Mrs, Reuben Sharp of East Midinitiative. vale. |