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Show - THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE.UTAH ------- BtiND MANUFACTURE UTAH RUGS ildren -ByCHAPTER VI-Conti nued George Ethelbert ·--- CHAPTER VII -6Dick avoided the house and lts occuThe swimmer nodded, and across pants, though be hung around to spy the raft eyed Dick rather curiously. and pick up any stray conYersntion He seemed far from being e:~>:hausted, He had that he could overhear. and as Dick recalled his recent pow~Cop7rl1rht, 1U5, b7 W. G. Chapman.) reached the point where he was willing WNU Service erful strokes he wondered. to play the eavesdroppe r on the slightHe was a seaman, with a round, est provocation. The mystery of the bullet-like head, a scar across one hand, and then ~;;Jo\v!y ambled away. "hole affair puzzled him, and he cheek, and a squint in one eye. As Dick watched him In silence, expect- wished to get the thing straight. most of his body was under water, ing the girl to follow, but she reIle was an uninvited guest on the 1\fOTHE R:- Fletcher 's Dick could only judge of its size and mained standing until the sailor wus island, and he did not intend to mal,e Castoria is a pleasant, harmstrt:>ngth b~· the breadth of the shoul- out of sight. 'l'hen she slowly turned himself a nuisance. There was SOB'e- . dt:>rs, bull-like neck and g1·eat hairy to him. less Substitute for Castor Oil, thing wrong up at the house. . ~Jr. ' arms and hands. said "I ~nw him swimming In," she Cutler was at no time Yisihle. Whetl1er Paregoric, Teething Drop_s "Shipwrecke d?" he asked, between significantly, "but he dlt~n't seem to he was sick and confined to his bed, and Soothing Syrups, espetwo rollers. need any help until you called. Then Dick could not learn. The sPamon no dd e d. "'''l1nt ship?" I noticed he lost his nerve. Rather cially prepared for .Infants in arms and Children all ages. :Mr. Blake frequently came out and later. Dick added a moment strange, wasn't it?" scurried around, sometimes alone, and j "The yacht Pelican!" "Yes It struck me so," replied Dick at other times with Miss Cutler. Once To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Dick almost lost the power of his seriou;ly. "Even when I hauled him Dick saw him with the r('scued sailor, Proven directions .£!! ~ package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. arms In his surprise, and a big roller In, I thought he had more strength talking earnestly. nut there was nothtossed him back a few yards before than J. But the poor fellow may have Ing suspicious in this. If the yacht What would you do?" American Wives Will he could recover from the shock. been frightened. A night in the water had been wrecked, It would be natural "I would examine his yJockct!Jook," They were In the worst of the break- would unnerve any one." f'Uid Mlle. Yamata sweetly, to l:Jo for hlm to qulzz the sailor to get all This Believe Hardly ers after that, and It took all their "Do you think he was In the water possible Information from him. sure that he did not venture forth 3IIle. KikotrYama ta, the young .Tapcombined strength and skill to battle all night?" she asked a little bit too without plenty of money."-ITr om the Once the three of them walked to anese noYE'Iist who made a ~ensational their way through them to the beach. pointedly to snit Dick. (Translate(! for the de l'nris. Cri the edge of the highest blufT and 1lPhut In Freneh letters r<:cently with When they were finally tumbled ashore Star.) "Why-he said so. I couldn't say." scanned the ocean for some time. Dick City Kansas en•·ountPrerl l\lme. de bevond the reach of the sucking waShe gazed at him with a challeng- watched them from a scr~ened hiding h~r ":\raRa!,o," day ln a l'aris drawother the .:--·oaili('S feet his to himself dragged Dick te;, ing loolr in her eyes. Dick returned place. Finally, at an order from Freshen a Heavy Skin woman asketl French The I'oom. Ing and looked at the seaman. It with a smile of admiration, for with Blake, the sailor !crt and returned to antl~eptic, fascinating Cut!· the With about lore in .Tnpan. "You say you're from the yacht her windblown hair loose, and .her the house. Powder, an exquisitely Talcum curn l\Ille. Yamatn told the ar<lPnt poetPelican?" he said. "What happened 7 eyes flashing with strange emotion, Blake and Alice remained standing face, sldn, baby economical scented, woman, who is v;• ere yon knocked overboard 7'' she made a picture of striking beau- n few moments, the wind tossing and !'~S t11at tl1e .Tapane~P an<l perfume. powder dusting and less emaneipatetl than European "No, sir, I come to get help. I've ty. Suddenly she smiled, whipping her skirts and golden hair. far superfluous. perfumes other her lms- Renders been In the water for ten hours. "Perhaps I'm misjudging you," she The man turned occnsionnll~·. and women, con~ider la•rse f Trio (Soap, Toilet Cuticura the One of Rer·kon I'd neYer made land lf you said, "and was harsh with you this while he seemed to be talking to her hnnrl's servant and oh PtliPnce an<! hU· Ointment, Talcum).-Ad vertisement. mility us thp mo~t <'>'I'Pntial virtues. hadn't seen me, sir. I was nearly ln. morning, but the day's happenings are Dick thought he eyed her greedily. "But RUpposing you were married 7'' this is coast the of purt t Whn getting on my nerves. Mr. Blal'e asThey sat down on a sheltered rock, One may liko to rerd about l'Juroa .JnpaiH·se." sai,J :\[me. de Xonilles, to lslnndan Is This coast? ''The sumes all responslb!llt y for the dis- still talking and looking seawnrd. A "nn!l rllscov('rerl that he was IJlanning pPan probl ems, though he doe~ not Valhnlln !" appearance of the yacht last night." great desire to creep up behind and con"i<ler them his affair. his up The man groaned and threw "Yes, he sent It away," Dick re- listen urged Dick onward, but U1e to SJleiHl tl1e night in bud company. arms In despair. "G-d, th~n I ain't plied. venture was too risky. done no good!" he said. "Tllat swim's "How did you know that?" she Suddenly another pair of eyes all fur nothing. I thought I was swim- .asked sharply. "Are you in his con- caught sight of them. Marie, from an min' fur the mainland." fidence? I didn't suppose"-sp eaklng upper window of the house, was watchHe appeared so genuinely grleYed Ing them intently. Dick smlled and ~--------------------------------~ and disappointed that Dick said symshook his head. pathetically, "It's too bad! But tell "Jealous!" he murmured. "A woman me about the Pelican. Where Is she? srorned is the worst enemy a man And what's happened to her?" can have. I believe I'll court Marie, "The usual thing, slr. She ran on for Information. " the shoals In the storm last night, an' With this decision made, he watched goln' to pieces. Can't last twenshe's opportunity to meet her; but transforming every rugs, into rags weaves ,$>David Tygersen of Manti ed, sir. It's a hours-doom ty-four when day the of vision as creations-H seemed to lenYe the house beautiful never most she them into pity, sir, she being such a fine boat, the state will hum with click of the shuttle~ and. becomes af< famous he saw her in conversaOnce alone. and-" for her rug work as Belfast is for its Insh !men. Handicapped tion with the sailor, and from l1er "Where was this 7" Dick Interrupted. by lack of vision this enterprising Utahn is none the less a booster manner he judged ~lle knew him pretty , for Utah industry in all its forms. "Don't know, sir. The captain he well. But even that could be explained said he'd lost his reckonin', an' without much difl:lculty. All the way _ couldn't get lt until sunup. That's =-=-::_-:; down Marie had been free and easy I now. But a lot o! good It w111 do with the crew. She was a natural Myton.-Con tracts for the construe- him now that I've tailed him!" flirt. tion of flumes in thP Gray mountain \ He let out another groan, and strugDick spent the night In a small cave 1 ditch were recently let by the Uintah gled to an upright sitting position. bad chosen for his headquarters . he Basin Construction company. One "You say this is an Island 7" he added. It would be difficult for nnyone to find million feet of lumber will be used "You sure It ain't the mainland r• : It's a Privilege to Live in him there, and more difficult to sur"I'd hardly make a mistake llke in the flumes and headgates. The prise him. He reasoned that the sailor that," replied Dick. Then, "If the work is to be completed by April 1. would tell Blake about meeting him, Salt Lake City-Heavy snowfall dur- Pelican's on the rocks why doesn't she and natural curiosity, If not suspicion, ing the past week from Cache county summon aid from the shore? She's would urge the latter to seek hlm out. wireless." with equipped elsefalls lighter and Juab eastern to complete stranger on the lonely A Salt Lake City-To maintain 3165.33 It ain't working no but sir, "Yes, l win· ranges to beneficial were where would be quite a curiosity. Island miles of highway in Utah In 1925 cost The storm ripped the wires to more. but supp!ie~ storage and grains ter times through the day, Dick Several the citizens of the state $568,152.05, acpieces an' flooded the dynamos. No, ternclosed' were roads canyon that someone was spying some feeling a had cording to flgures compiled by the sir, the capt'n can't send a message dd · on him, watching for him, and followstate road commission' s accounting poranl! and valley roads ~re mu y, ashore. That's why I volunteered to Ing him. Whether it was Blal{e or tbe department. The cost of administra- acc~rdmg to the weekly I eport of J. swim lt. I thought I could do lt with ft h t th tide and wind must "Go On, Please," She Urged When He sailor he could not decide, but it made . Cecil Alter, In charge of the local of- tl us tion is giYen as $56,329.00. e ra , u th b f h him more cautious. f. have drifted me out of my course." Stopped. and Ice o t e wea er ureau. · "1'11 have to he constantly on my Il 1 tl Salt Lake City.-Maln highways Brigham City.-A new steel good 1 ng. particularly were slowly-"you e no said and nodded Dick he said to himself. "If Blake guard," concrete bridge will be erected by the on Is up to some crime, he'd put me out happened what after friends-not part a this Was hard. thinking was shape fair in are state the throughout mouth the at state road commillsion the of the mysterious plot? Or had the the dock the other day." survey inof Salt weeklybureau to the according tl of the way If he caught me. That ding un weather tates of,Jloxelder canyon s h or y, ac~or 1·ted "You're . reminiscently clmckled Dick seaman the and wrecked been sailor's standing in with him." yaeht to District Engineer K. C. ·wnght of friends." good not We're right. quite get to attempt an In life his risked 1·eportcd mud Lake, aside from a little He was wide awake long before t1e!p before Ehe went to pieres7 1·n the vicinity of Manti and eighteen this city. and, anxious to take his dip In dawn, ordered he know you how'd "Then lie e~·ed the man furtiYely. He the yacht away last night?" Salt Lake C1ty.-It has been defln· Inches of snow in Nephi cauyon. ocean before anyone else on the the ..1 happened to be strolling around Island was stirring, he scrambled down Provo.-;:..:in e stopH have brour;llt recalled· his extraordinar y strength ln 'itely announced that the annual cithe sent the signals to Captain the rocks to the beach. Cboo~lng a when Dick, saw he until ize'ns' military training camp will be I the Utah seed special, which is being battling the wuves Brent." The collnp;;e. suhse'}nf'nt his then and dis11 e!d at Fort Douglas from J:me 19 .to operated through the agricullural fuvorable spot for a swim, he threw I don't understand." signals? "What not did appearance, of spite In man, Pacific Unidn the by Utah of tricts ~~to accordmg off his outer garments and stood ready July 18 this summer, AcceE.!_ only "Bayer" package indecision. in moment a paused He was lie exhausted. terribly so seem Utah the with cooperation in system, milllocal for the plunge. formation received by the which contains proven directions. ~ Then lie shrugged Ills ;;houlrlers. "It Suddenly a distant, muffled hum like tary officials. While the camp Itself Agricultural college, state department breathing almost normally. IJandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. "Can you walk?" Dick askNl sud- may have been a coincidence," he ad- the buzzing or a s"·arm of hf'es will be conducted along much the of agriculture, Utah State Farm bubottles of 24 and 100-Druggis ts. Also flashed else, 0ne some or "He, mltted. to up get better you'd so "If d<'nly. aroused his Interest. lie stood !18tenlines as those which haYe preceded it, reau and Salt Lake chamber of comAspirin Ia the trade mart ot Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlco.cldester ot Sal!c7llco.cJd from the yacht. lng, turning his head this way and 1 its administrati on his year has been merce to the middle of its state tour the house and make a report to Mr. thri'e bright lights After that the l'ellcan got under way. that. He looked up and down the face iJOund~ of <·oppei·, and thll transferred from the organization of and a~proximately 6000 persons have Cutler. It's his yacht-" Copper Finds New Uses -:iO,\XXi.-000 shows signals." as lights the took I senhis of middle the in stopped He the present the explain to to up loss train a at the cliff, visited the of that ·igns of steautly into division industry the organized reserve One of the developmf?nt;; of the last him watcbecr and frowned girl The that rocks the at up stared and tence, ' white a After buzzing. time intermittent Briga('X)lan><ion. creasing of the regular army garrison. rose abruptl:v f1·om the beach a few with grave, serloos eyes. After a long his attention was directed to a thick vear i~ the ln rge eonf;urnption of cop· dier General Lucius R. Holbrook, who in the mnnufacture of ell'ctrical reSalt. Lake ~ity.-;~illi~m ~ac~ in yards back .from the water's edge. pnuse, she asked: grove of tall trees standing off hy per commands the Sixth Infantry brigade De11th of the wntf>r in the LondOll It is esti1 10 instnllntion. of front In fri"eration doing you were "What t .e ou ern ' Standing on a projecting ledge within them~elves on the highest point of the • and the post at Fort Douglas, will per- an article on Steel unit;; is kept nt from 38 to 42 feet bJ docks rPfrigeratiou l'l!'ctrlc that: matt>d night?" the of California Business :\'Iagazme, recent-, earshot as if she had just Stl'pped the house at that time island, some distance away from the sonally command the C. M. T. C. dredging. ron;;tant rdy approxiuw rPqulre will ln J fi~G "011, just hanging around," he nnly issued, says of the importance of out of 'the mouth ot a sen cave that house. been I'd see "You lightly. Ogden.-Nea rly 1,5~0,0(10 acres of the steel industry l~ Uta~: "Of. t~e yawned ba<'k of her, was Alice Cutler. swered "'!'hat's a pretty big swarm of be~s," In my narrow berth national forest land m the state of major basic industnes which vnthm Dirk was satisfied that she had been pretty cramped commented, "to make all that no1se. he on the yacht, and needed a little exUtah is now included in the state itself and allied lines of manufactur· there for 80me time, and had listened ercise." I'll take a look In tllat grove." 1 F;ame preserves, the intermounta in ing hold far reaching brnefits to Los to the sailor's story. plung'u~ into the surf, t,e , of Inst('Hd '!'here was st!!l doubt and suspicion threw on his clothes and wnlked up ''There's 1\IIss CutiPr now," he added, district of the forest service shows in Angeles and southern Cal!fornia, the pointing. "You cun repeat ~·our story In h!'r e;~·es \Yhen, rtrawlng a deep the hill. There was a peculia'r mesteel industry stands out." an annual report. Salt Lake City.-Repre sentatiYcs of to her, or"-slowly, smiling-"pe rhups breath, sh!' uddcd, "Where were you tallic quality In the intermittent buzProvo.-Uta h should find It possible . · on the yacht, that nobo<1y dl~covered zing that had more than nwul,en~d to kill 10,000 deer every ye:~r with a the Salt Lake Amateur Baseball asso- she heard you." 1 you 7" replil'd girl the hear.!," I "Yes, Dick's curiosity; It bad excited Ius proper program of conserYation in- eiation appeared before the city ·comWe want every weak, puny, "In-In-" he hesltatert. su;;ptcion. ~ugurated, Mark Ander.son, pres.ide. nt mission Tuesday and urged th.at Yar· graYely. ,,"It won't be necessary to man and woman In fagged-out ~ Therefore, instead of making rtirPct "Go on, please," ~11e urged whan he 1 m Ath - repea t it · of the Provo Conservat wn assoc1a t Ion 1 iou~ improvemen ts be mace make this test: buy to America She began maldng her. sllpp.:ry de- stopped. for the grove, he made n circuitous told the members of the Provo cham-, Ietic fields to encourage and further Tanlac at your drugof bottle one "Y'lu wouldn't belieye me If I told detour which enabled him to \{eep out ber of commerce at their monthly· amateur baseba!l in tho city. The srent from the rocks. Dlt'k ohered a gist's, take it according to dlrec· you," he answered, smling. "It would of sight of anyone on the Rnmmit o1 tlons for one week and see how membership meeting held In the Provo commission referr('d the matter to the l1and to help her. bu~ s;:he ignored it. sound a bit too-- too Improbable." the on sailors the of one were "You the plateau. By scaling the rorl's and quickly you get started back .to commissione r of parks and the city 'high school auditorium. me to probable to seems strength and vigor. full maunr:eu "Anything he the ledges along addressing climbing engineer. to prepare Jllans and make Peliean," she r said, · on." Go now. face '·our remember "Yes nltln. , Indians opposilt> Ute the from C!ty.-The Salt Lake reach the grove ·' , We know what we are talking estimates of cost and report to the 1 t t d d "Well, it was In a secret compP.rtI flldn't up thPre. You're 3 new DOl". re rna o Tnnlac has helped millions. about. are looking ahea an t expec ,. procedure. for plan definite a board ~d~ f man, arpn't you 7 Not one of .the old ment that only two persons In all the In our files are more than 100,000 Once within tll~lr shadows he crept rom now on greater advancemen letters or praise from grateful Nephi- Celebration of the seventy- crew ?!:at uncle had under Captain worlr! lmow of, if we except the archl- from tree to tree, always following the l than ever before. They haYe recently builders." and tects Johnston?" the of coming the of users. anniversary fifth BetOuray and Uintah the organized humming as a guide. It seemed mucb nodded but Incredulous, looked She cruise first my Is this ma'am, ''Yes, held be will Don't confuse Tanlac with or· ter Homes and Livestock association. pioneers into this valley nearer and clearer, but It was still per· two the were "Who head. her his toucherl patent nostrums. It is man The dinary yacht." the In to muffled as If coming from a consldeJ'o This organization covers the entire September 16, 17 rrud 1S, acconl!ng own tonic and builder, sons?" Nature's spol,e, he as y automaticall forehe!ld of board reseryatlon, with locals in the various plans decided upon by the able distance. from roots, barks, and ccmpounded the of owner f6rmer the was "One bold a detected <TO BE C0!-1TINUED.) sections. These schools are called directors of the hom-coming and Juab but Dick thought be gather at great exwe that herbs leer In the eyes. "An' I'm afraid, Pelican, and he's dead now." county fair a...,oclation. Nurse Tells Surprisin.r chapters. pense from the four corners of Visitor• Meteoric mean?" you Ness, Van "~Ir. the earth. Results of Tanlae Myton-Acco rding to rerurts recent· ma·m, It's the Iast. " t!Jgden.-~tressing the importance 10,000,· between that nodded. Dick computed ls It the yacht where idea no haYe "You Interadded "And the other?" she Tanlac goes straight to the seat ''Nervout prootratlon upset me 10 l in ls?" -to Utah and the intermounta in coun- ly brought to J\.IytQD, the snowfall 000 and 20,000,000 strike the earth'• darenot1oouta lone. TrledTanlac of your trouble; cleanses and puri· try of the passage of the Gooding bill the mountains the past two weeks ln- roguth·ely. think I'll mention the oth- atmosphere dally. Two or three meteandresulttsurpr laed me.. Waaable "If I had, ma'am, I'd tell youknow ties tho blood stream; puts your · 881'd "I don't didn't cap'n The into Is This heavy. been has to stand three months' •train of a this that forth setting and orites are seen to fall yearly. Since in congress shape. First proper in digestion shrugging his difficult case when doctor said b1,1t thing you know you have an apthe crucial time, the finance com- sure plenty of water for the Uintnh :~~~~~:· Ml?hbe he does now. Pity I er's name," he replied, a large part of the earth Is coveretf 1 one woman in fifty could hold It's kno1v you course, "Of oulders. sJ 1 m ittee of ths Ogden zone of the Utah basin the coming summer. 1 petite like a starved child. You with water or uninhabited, lt 11 ( out." until dn)· ight, an' then waited hadn't I. That's sufficient." re11t at night and your whole body Ogden.-May or George E. Browning 1 tried to reach land." Mn. Hattie Crall thought probable that about 100 str!kt hlppen' Traffic association dis· begins to feel the stir of strength 1630 Hardin1 Road "Yes, that's sufficient," she mused the earth annually. It Is not knowll "Yes, It is 8 pity," replied llfiss Cut"' patched ll!ttera calling for financial as- requested Senator William H. King to ' Des Moinee, Iowa and energy. amend senate bill No. 675, which pro· ller, with 8 peculiar drawl In her volee. thoughtfully. Then ralslng her eyes positively that meteors and meteorltea sietance tc carry on the rate fight. Don't you be discourag ed. "I wonder how are composed of the same mater~ Salt La.k" Clty.-Plans have been vi des for the sale of 36,3~0 acres of 1 .. A11 right," she add ell briskly. "Go to him, she added: put orr testing Tanlac anDon't of the lnforcompleted and construction work w111 public land in the mountams east of I ~p to the house, and report to-to- you came In possellSiOn will feel like your old self again. Get a bottle now and day. other Germany has a union ot Iron ana mation, if what you tell me ls true. begln shortly on a new high school Ogden, to the city at $1.25. It was Wr. Blake. Uncle's not up yet." W~'clt you should notice signs Tanlac Vegetable P11ls for a in Take I don't suppose you care to tell me." steel pipe manufacture rs which eon· of rM' imrrovemen t. Th~n you constipation. at Orantnllle, 1t was announced by requ'e sted that the land be transferred 1 '"J'ee, ma'am!" "No, Mlsi:! Cutler. I'd ratller ::lot." trois the prices. toac.hed bJa head again with a Cannon & Fetzer, architects in charge to the city for watershed purposes Walsh I ~ I l BLIND MAN WOULD GIVE UTAH A NEW INDUSTRY I ==========;==-=======::-_=-..:-_=.:::.===L::::::==== = I ...······i :········...s···· Note s !New Utah........ ... !................ SAY "BAYER ASPIR IN"- cge?Udne Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed by physi, cians and proved safe by millions over 25 years for Colds Pain s· I Headache Neuralgia Neuritis Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I Sar ~n ~ I I I I I l a. We wan t you to make this test |