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Show • •• • • ., THE J0 RDAN - ------- Sandy City News OU R STORE--A Mirror of Fashion We invite your inspection---Look over our materials For the Junior Prom ' Though our silks and other materials excel so markedly in Beauty of blend, they cost you a little LESS to buy here. Never before have we shown so many Printe Flat Crepes (One exclusive design only, to each dress pattern), Crepe De Schenes, Georgetts, etc. All The Wanted Materials to Make the Girls Happy. WE SELL POINTEX HOSIERY Ask to see our silk under Our Slippers are of the Newest Creations.! things-They are a riot-and we save you some money besides Allow us to suggest early appointment in our BEAUTY PARLORS Main Floor WE BUY OF MANUFACTURERS ONLY MEET ME AT BOOTHS oot . ere. o. Midvale , Utah SHOCK ABSORBERS TO THE LIMITED POCKET BOOK ''We have Nev er Low ered the Qua lity toR e uce the Pric e'' - .. \ years. On the whole these Since 1903, when the Ford features cost far more to MotorCompa nywasforme d, manufactur e than convenbeen Ford cars have tional design but are used beconstantly improved in qualcause of their superiority. ity, comfort, convenience and The Ford Motor Company appearance. Recent improvehas carried out a program of ments include new and atprice reduction that has contractive body lines- a lower sistently kept Ford value sucenter of gravity-close d cars in the automotive inpreme bodies. all-steel in color, and dustry. This has been made possible by the enormity of The basic features of Ford Ford production. With lesser ~ design have been retained. resources,Fo rdqualitywou ld Three point motor suspennot be possible at anywhere , transmission planetary sion, F d · dual ignition system, torque near or prtces. tube drive, multiple disc-inThe tremendous demand for oil clutch, splash lubrication, Ford closed cal's has again thermo-syph on coolin~ sysmade possible substantial tern-all have been features price reductions. of the Ford car for ei~hteen FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT TOURING $3.10 Ne~Prices TUDOR SEDAN $520 C 0 UP E $5oo · 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Hand entertained at their home Sunday, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mitchell of Provo. The rooms were beautifully decorated in pink and white with pink and \Vhite carnations forming the centerpiece. Pink and white favors were used in the serving. Luncheon was served to thirty guesst. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clynton Burdick, Mrs. Henritta Burdick, Mrs. J. Southerland, Mrs. Hilton, Mr. Geo. Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Attwood and Miss Marion Attwood of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. L. Forbush and Miss Margarett Forbush of East Midvale and Mr. Harold Bishop of Murray. Mrs, W. Boberg, Mrs. A. E. Williams, M1·s. Florence Stuart and Mrs. C. Rasmussen of Midvale entertained the members of the Bridge club and their partners Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Boberg. Supper was served to 24 guests at small tables. Lighted candles furnished the centerpiece. Tulips were used as favors. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. L. Sherwood, Mrs. T. Christian and Mr V. :\feed. Mr. and Mrs. D. Richards were special guests. The First Ward Primary officers and teachers entertained Thurl\Jay afternoon in honor of Mrs. G. Fornsworth, teacher. Games were enjoyed and luncheon served to thirty-five 1 guests. The First Ward entertained at a missionary shower Thursday in the ward chapel. jAn interesting program was given. Fifty dollars were donated to be sent to the missionaries who are in the field from the First Ward. Mrs. F. Christensen was hostess to the Pep Club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Sewing featured the pastime. Luncheon was served. Mrs. W. T. Vincent was called home from a trip to California on account of the death of her son, Mr. Willas Vincent of Midvale. Mrs. E. Beck was a guest at a party given at the home of Mrs. Vern Erickson of Salt Lake in honor of Mrs. E. Lloyd of Midvale. The Volunteer Firemen entertained at a dancing party Wednesday evening for the benefit of the relief fund for the Bingham disaster. The K. P. Lodge entertained at a dancing party in the K. P. hall. Refreshments were served to a large number. Mrs. T. E. Marriott has as her guest, Mrs. Mary Paramore of Salt Lake. Mrs. Addie Driggs of Salt Lakr· was a guest of Mrs. W. L. Bateman Tuesday. Mrs. A. F. Smith and Mrs. U. Richards entertained the members of the Elite club and their partner; Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smith. Progressive games were played and prizes won by Mrs. L. W. Nielson, Mr. S. L. Brady, Mrs. R. Beck and Mr. 0. Smith. Supper was served to 28 guests. The Third ward will furnish the program for the M. I. A. Conjoint meeting in the Second ward chapel Sunday evening. Dr. Charles G. Plummer will be the speaker. Musical numbers will be furnished by the Mel-0-Dee. singers. Mr. Lorus Hand will give a vocal solo. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Elkington announce the birth of a son. Mrs. Elkington was fermerly Miss Helen Boyden. RUNABOU T $290 FORDOR SEDAN $565 Closed car prices include starter and demountable rinu All prices f. o. b. Detroit. - II You Plan to Spend Over •soo Buy a Closed Car very social afternoon was sp~nt and Mrs. Sarah Forbush. Mrs. Nephi Gregory spent Thurs- luncheon was served to Mrs. Carrie day in Salt Lake, guest of Mr. and Coomber, Mrs. Florence Oliver, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory were Mrs. Louis Westbrook and Mr. Nor- Eliza Monteer, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Berrett, Mrs. Alice Burgon, Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brown of man Westbrook. Mrs. Nora Van had as her Sun- Eunice Jensen, Mrs. Laura AnderDraper at the Old Folks Day in the Draper ward Wednesday of last week day dinner guests Miss Lysle Wal- son, Mrs. May Smart, Mrs. Martha Oborn and daughter, Iona, Mrs. BesThey report a fine program and a ker and Miss Ivy Van. sie Oborn, Miss Anna Johnson, Miss of birthday 70th the of In honor loTely dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, Mr. William Brown, a dinner was Dorothy Coomber and Carol BurMr. · and Mrs. Vince Chamberlain, of served Friday of last week at his gon. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brady of MurSalt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. William home in Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Newere guests Monday of Mr. and J;ay guests. out-of-town were Steadman of West Jordan were Sun- phi Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Brady vis-~ Mrs. Clarence Brady. ~ay dii!41er guests of Mr. and Mrs. ited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. WilC. V. Erickson. Mrs Elizabeth Thompson and liam Steadman of West Jordan. -AGAIN-A Copper Washer for A Mr and Mrs. Shirley Graham were Silver 'Dollar. March only. Utah daughter, Edna of South Cottonwood ,. visited Friday with Mrs. E. G. Evans. dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Power & Light Co. Silas Brown, Mr. LaVar Richards and Miss Mrs. Horace Burgon. Salesman. Phones Midvale 57 and Mr. and Mrs. William Steadman of Midvale 263-W. ~ Thelma Hunt were married Tuesday of last week at the home of the bride' West Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Walin Grant ward Bishop Heber Bur- I ter Steadman of Salt Lake visited Mrs. Lydia Curtis and Mrs. Eliza gon performed the ceremony. A I Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Rey- Doty of Union were dinner guests 1 wedding supper for the immediate nold Brady. Thursday of Mrs. Edith Glover. Friends o! Mrs. Carrie Coomber family was held at the home of the very pleasantly surprised her in honbride Tuesday evening. The more you work, the more you Mrs. Bessie Forbush and Mrs. 1 or of her birthday anniversary at Louflla Hintzie visited Monday with her home Monday of last week. A can work. UNION - ·J 0 U RNA L --- -AGAIN-A Copper Washer for A Silver Dollar. .March only. Utah & p Light Co. Silas Brown, ower Salesman. Phones Midvale 57 and 2\lidvale 263-W. Supt. D. C. Jensen returned home Monday from a trip ot Washington, D. C. Mrs. W. Hewlett has spent the past three weeks at South Jordan at the home of her sister, Mr. and :\1rs. J. B. Schields. The officers of the Third ward Religion class entertained the members of the organization at a social Friday afternoon. Refreshments were served to fifty children. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Boberg, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Williams and Mr. Norval Stuart were guests of Mr.! and Mrs. F. H. Murray of Chicago. at a luncheon given at the Hotel· Utah Thursday. Mrs. Edith Glover presently enter- Paper Hanging Calsomining I Painting I 1 WORK GUARANTEED ESTIMATES CHEERFULL Y GIVEN tained a number of relatives iast Wcdnesday evening complimenting her birthday anniversary. Games, music and supper were enjoyed by: fourteen guests including .Mr. and :Mrs. Andrew Doty of Murray, Mr. • 724 E. Center Street and Mrs. Hyrum Graham of Union, Utah Midvale ::VIrs. Bertha Hansen of Midvale and ·---------------· :Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Glover. J. W. GRACE 1 I EAST MIDVALE Mrs. Sarah Bennett visited at Bountiful Sunday guests of Mrs. Lucy Thurgood. Miss Thora Allsop spent Tuesday with Miss Verla Thayne. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reeves had as their house guests last week, Mr. Lee Snedicar and Mrs. Harry M. Fuller of Salt Lake. Mr. and :Mr!>. Walter Wright mo· torecl to Provo Monday of last week. Mrs. Arthur MeFarland, Mrs. J. N. Rock and Miss ·Ruth Ande1·son all of .Salt Lake spent Wednesday with Mrs. D. W. McDonald. Mr. Allen E. Bateman leH Thursday for Castlcdale and Vernal when> he spent Friday and Saturday in the interest of the State High School Athletic Association The Bee-Hive Girls of the Mutna 1 met at the home of Mrs. Jennie 1\IcDonald Monday evening and enjoyed games and a candy pull. Twelve were present. Mrs. Hlida Wiles of Midvale spent Monday with ::\Irs. Sarah B"nnett. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forbush and daughter, Margie and little son Mitchell spent Sunday afternoon ancl evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hand at Sandy. Mrs. George Hand and Mrs. Forbush and families entertained at a we(lding supper in honor of their brother, Mr. E. A. Mitchell and wife of Provo. Mrs. Mitchell was formerly, Miss Areta Durant of Provo. Thc> ~· color scheme waR carried out in pinl;: and white. Pink and white carnations decorated the parlor and the cakes were in pink ancl white. The bride wore a dress of orchid r,repr>. Assisting in serYing were Miss Leola Hand, Mii=<s Marg·ie Forbush and :.Vlrs. David Hand. Supper was served to the following: Mr. and 1\lrs. E. A. Mitchell, Mr. ancl Mrs. George Hand, Mr. and Mrs. David Hand, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Attwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forbush, Mr. and 1\'rn;, Clinton Burdick, Mrs. Etta Burdick, Mrs. George Hilton, Mr. Hm·old Bishop, Mr. George Hilton, Miss Leola Hand, Miss Margie Forbush, MiRs Reva Hand and Miss ::\!arion Attwood. Mrs. D. W. McDonald attended the Wilkes Saturday evening. Miss Merla Greenwood entertained at her home Monday eYening- of last week at a candy pull in honor of the Bee-Hive girls of the :.'\>1. I. A. IN ALL THE WORLD FIRE STON E Makes the Only Gum-Dipped Cords Of all the tires on the market today, there is just one tire built of Gum-Dipped cords-FIRESTO NE. ...... Gum-Dipping is an exclusively Firestone process that makes every Firestone Tire an extra feature tire, a tire with extra strength, endurance and flexibility. But even so, Firestone cos£ no more than just ordinary tires. -buy Firestones--com e in. 1 E SERVIC 0.E. &CenterE.St. ELECTRICPhone: Midvale 272 25 Big Questions Often Beco me Little Ones DRAPER ENTER'f AINS IT'S OLD FOLKS Age 12 Ferro! Smith 7th Grade Draper Park School Miss Laura Shepherd, Teacher Draper's Old Folks and Home Coming day, which was given in honor of all persons who have ever lived in Draper, and which had as special guests, those over sixty years of age, was a striking success-perhap s the most successful since the insti• tution of the day in 1898. The celebration began at 11 a. m. February 24 with an impromtu program. As the guests arrived the committee welcomed them ancl pinned carnations on them. Those from sixty to seventy received red; from seventy to eighty, pink and eighty and over received white ones. The school gave three numbers-two songs by the Junior High Girls Glee Club; "Swanee River" by two darkies the fifth grade and several sefrom • Old setlections by the orchestra. tlers gave interesting experiences and jokes. At noon, a banquet was served in a tastefully decorated hall to about three hundred fifty people, one hundred of whom were over sixty years of age. During the dinner the Second grade of the Draper school gave a flag drill. After the banquet a prepared program was given. It consisted of songs, readings, musical numbers he TROUBLE IS NOT SO and remarks by local and out-ofMUCH WITH LABOR AS town talent. Three members of the General Church Old Folks CommitWITH IDLENESS tee were present. Bishop Heber C. WHEN YOU NEED Iverson of Salt Lake City was the GAS main speaker. OIL OR 6 o'clock luncheon was served Don't just drive in anywhere. to At those over sixty years of age. There is as much difference be- The "picture show "The Goose tween OILS and GAS as there Hangs High" was both interesting is between sunshine and rain. andButappropriate. perhaps the Old Time danee Once you use VEEDOL OIL and in the evening was the most enjoyHAL GAS you will find yourself able time of the day. It was indeed, a fitting close to an already well coming to thespent day. The hall was over-filled as both young and old swung to the clear strains from the Ariel orchestra. At one o'clock the music ceased and people tired but happy were taken to their homes. The committee is to be comple24 E. Center St ....... Phone: Mid. 272 mented on the splendid activities of the memorable day. Midvale, Utah When you have an account with this reliable Bank to tid you in their solution. It is true that ready money • will not solve all of life's problems, but it smooths the road past many. Start an Account today and be ready. FULLER PEP 0 & E Electric Service Midvale State Bank Bohemian Hop-Flavored PURITAN q . MAL T Best Results NoCooh~ng~~ Choicest of Meat s Chops-Lamb , Mutton or Pork, whicheve1· he prefers, y(}u may order from us, knowing that when you unwrap them they will be all that you expect. Corner Meat &Grocery Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. Midvale, Utah |