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Show • CREDITOR'S QU£HY. .... Slowly, with great feeling ..:r.--- lR-.:-~-~~ - -'-]: Tuesday, Wed., Thursday, Thomas Meighan in "The Man Who Found Himself" the Iris - --- .,_ _ _ ----- -- -~ __, ,,_ ____ 4 i'=~ ~ -~-= ...=.;::K::._ jJ_-- -~~--·)·~- -- If a body tmt a body N ~~fr'ftj . ~·.,1 ~ _j e;-~1 •.• 41 -. - .....,.. Arul fail to get prompt pJy; -r;;...p-r"::EJ-~~:~;t..~ '~ ~t,.-·-t·~-------··· -·-~·i· . . - May 11 body VOL. 1. NO. 43 ---- COMMUNITY Gl UBOn Being a Hobo 1 Star Describes Thrills While Filming •vrhe 1\lan Whq Found Himself" ELECTS OffiCERS By Thomas Meighan 1vfurmurings of Spring - - a body rolt~ • -II ...-. -- -jtfi~ll 1(~-~ :·~-.;----t e ,.,.. • .- - - - - PRICE THREE GENTS :\IIDVALE, UTAH, MARCH 4, 1926 n.~k Pie:u;~ rn·mit to - (jay? - Universit~ Students' ARRANG~~~ ~::;~~~T~~~u~,:>;N, IN OTIGE TO ALL MILK DEAlERS IN wIth •Ter- II Come • rible Engbsh The principal rule to observe in planning home grounds is to preserve I~~i~p~:n:~~.e2s~ae~~=iist~~o~~~~l~ca~~ I MIDVALE I gardening, with tne Extension SerEighteen per cent of the 851 fr'sh- vice of the Utah Agricultural Colhobo. a being in thrill a There's Th" annual election of officers for man _students wl~o were :~?~st~:·ecl in jt:ge, who offe_rs th_e fo_llowing ~ddi It requires technique, it calls for the club year beg·inning in SeptemEnghsh classes at the CmHrstty of ttonal suggestiOns m his new ctrcuber was held at the regular meeting a matching of wit with the world, Utah failed to pass in that sut.ject lar called "Arrangement and PlannThe MidvalC' onlinance regarding Wednesday, with the following re- it has its dangers, it has its advenduring the Autumn quarter, acc.>nl- ing of Home Grounds." unknown. the into tures sale and distribution of milk by the sults.' Flowering ~hrubs should be arfang ing to Professor H. G. llichanlr., actrememcan suppose, I men, Most producers, and anyone handldealers, President, 1\lrs. Ira Beckstead. ing head of the En;;lish departmeut eel in gToups along fence lines and in ride a stealing of excitement the ber ing milk in any manner will be enVice-Presidents, :1\olr::;. H. C. Ayangles formed by the house foundaof the University. to tne letter, beginning imforcC'd lett, ::Vlrs. Wm. Waters, Mrs. J. H. on a freight train. Some have had "'The high schools of the \State tion. or low been have funds when it do to mediately. Brown. must send u~ studenb who can spdl In arranging shrubs in groups, non-existent. I never happened to First, all dealers must procure a Se~retary, Mrs. W'alter Nord. to thr dictionary, ami writ~ plant the lowC'r growing varieties in acrordingdone have I but point, that to get City Treasurer, l\lrs. A. P. Rasmussen. sentences," Ptofessor 1Uchardq ~aid th~ out~ide rows and the medium and permit from the City Hecordcr, yards the in jumping right Mrs. David l3oam, of l\1urray, whn my sharr of car "They must not use fragments for taller growing varieties in the cen- Hall, Midvale, giving them the in Pittsburgh. product around their distributc or sdl to FederaDbtrict the of Presidfnt is sentences nor commas for p,riods. ter and at the back of the group. howeve1·, me, to occurred never It Midvale. tion spoke. Plans were discussed reThis is the diffiwlty right now with It is highly important that the soil They mu~'t also have a card disgarding the coming District Federa- until recently that there is jm;t as En[;lish. Freshman frequently be shrubs the between grownfor things these in played in the vehicle from which the tion Convention which will be held much fun "The trou\)le lies in the home with worked and kept free from weeds. dawnit Then youngsters. for as ups milk is distributed or if delivered 20th. 1\Iarch in l\lidvale the parents who will not afford wellmany jn plantcd be could Trees conlure boyhood the that me on ed vehicle, then such prrmit without Exthe Miss Gertmde Inngals, of trained, able teachers and alll)w thon instanres to form a background for this that and manhood through tinues tension Division of the U. of U. then time and opportunity to teach well. the shrubs, as well as for break- must be on their person at all times. confirmare men some why explains Any cm,tomer and any officer of the spoke on the "Influence of Books in High school teachers arc overworked. ing the view of out-buildings. har; a right to demand the percity the Home." Tea was served, the hos- ed tramps. It is impossible for an exceptionally corr(•sshould walks of width The Story Prison at any time. card mit and Sullivan E. P. 1\lrs. tesses were capahle teacher with the best of train pond to the size of the building ancl in seouenres closing the of One distributing milk purChasThose l\J rs. C. M. Middleton. ing to teach six l:wge llasses a day. a graceful curve should mark every my new picture, "The Man \Vho ed !rom other producers must see supc>rvise the study 1·oom and do tum in the wall. Found Himself," shows my escape all persons from whom milk if!' that othl'r committf'e work and do it well. THANKS The planting of flowers along thE purchased by th-.m for distribution from Sing Sing by means of a leap Such a teacher cannot I'Xact a high sides of the walks and foundation clamber within the limits of Midvale City Hhe Mayor and City Council wish to a moving freig·ht train. I order of work from the stt!dents. a by have the proper credential!>, otherchased am car, a. recommended. of not top is the to house the of to ~hank all contributors to the Bing"Despite the large numbPr of fail be.down crawl wise both producer anct· distributor to forced lawns, of Concerning the making ham Relief Fund, also all Commit- brakeman, thC' per· University, Utah the at ures be liable. will Mr. Han~en· recommends early spring .tween two cars and later leap into a tees assisting in raising the same. centage wa!; but half as great a2 that Milk is easily eontaminated and planting, preferably on land pr~The sum of $3!14.30 being the total dirt road at a grade crossing-at of the failures in the samE' drpartbe handled strictly in accordmurt fall. preceding the pared ASSOCIATION POULTRY STATE WILL INVESTIGATE amount raised in Midvale. Distribut- night. ment at the Unh·ersity of f'al'fornia. GOOD IS COOPERATION ordinance specifications. with ance COSTS the made, STORE be GROCERY Two sowing~ should I will confess that reading the ed as follows; U. S. Smelter, $210.90; Failures in English at the UnivPrsity will take notice distributors with Milk cross-wise to the first. Steel Works, $76.00; balance in Mid- sc1•ipt in advance didn't fill me will be practically eHminat.•cl whe'l second this part A goocl lawn-green mixture con- herco• and govern themselves acResponse in the local poultry as- the patrons of the high school of the A statewide inveRtigation of the vale proper, S107.40.. The money any great enthusiasm for howbe, to had It picture. of Kentucky Bluegrass and cordingly. the sists of co-opstate the in units income and expenses of the grocery :::ociations, was sent to Bingham State Bank for state are willing to pay in mon •y Clover, in the proportion of 5 White By Order of the Mayor eve . stores of Utah is about to be con- epative marketing organization, the and in healthy puhlic sentiment for the Bingham Relief Fund. to 1. Allow 1 pound of the mixture !fred E. Green, my director, ducted by a newly created depart- Utah Poultry Producers Co-operative and City Council. higher standards in the Englisll d~ 500 ~quare feet of lawn. each for cho. e a spot on the Long Island ment of business research at the in comunities visited thus far by Utah, Hidvale, at Dated ses of many of the 'Ctah hlgh A copy of the circular from which The Palace Auction Rooms will be Railroad for the stunt. Dressed in University of Utah. It is the pur- officials of the association, has been 1926. 4, March schools." the> foregoing sug-gestions are taken the scene of another sale Saturd:1y old clothes and wearing a cap, I wait- pose of the University to make sueh virtually 100 per cent. In adition to train the for tracks the regular fourth alongside will he sent free upon request to the ed 10:30-the at morning investigation!; of business condition::: co-operators of former years comsale of the season. Valuable prizes to come along. The engine was snort- of the state as an aid to the small- ing back into the association, many John Schoutf'r 7th Grade F.xt<>nsion Service, Utah Agricultural CTAH POWER & LIGHT will ~e given away at 107 N. Main ing more smoke and steam than any town merchants as \\'ell as munufac- new contracts are being signed. This So. Jonlan School Age 11 College, Logan, as long as the supEMPLOYEE IN HOSPITAL ply lasts. St. Mr. J. l\1. Gottfriedson a,nd his engine I have seen for a long time. tureres, wholesalers, banks, }JUblic field work was accomplished through Carolyn Hay, Teacher staff have for their motto "Y1'nhs for I crouched, ran alongside for twenty utilities, railroads, etc. a series of meetings commencing on The ole! foll·s of the f;outh Jordan Hugh Grant, affable employee of Friendship Via Square Dealing." or thirty feet, accustomed my eyes The research work is bring car- February 1 and ending Saturday, \Vard were f'ntertained Friday, Ft bthe local branch of the Ctah Power • Many of their customers, it is re- to the mist and made a grab for one ried out by mo::;t of the States of February 13. A. R. Mickelsen, new ruary 26. Dinner was served to the For the second year in succession and Light Co., was rushed to St. pel teJ, rlqnl>)q•1 ... t.'iCr money without of the iron handles. It was easy- the Union and a rompiled report was president of the co-operative, a-nd Al- old folks and to specbl guerts from a forn1er Jordan star has heen cho><en 1·emoving their purchases from the just like the old days, and there was issued for the Nation last yE'ar by hertus Willanlson, vice president anc! 12:00 to 6 ·00. An interesting pro- to lead the University of Utah ba::>· 'Marks Hospital last Friday evening a great kick in going up the sway- the Harvard Universitv. This ::;how- field. director, attended all the meet- gram was given wpicr was very Pn ko't ball squad. "Pete" Dow was elect and operaterl on by Dr. Ho'smcr at sales room. 8:15 for appendicitls. ing ladder to the top. ed, for instance ,that 11.2 per cE·nt of ings. Clyde C. Edmonds, general tertaining and amu ,ing to hot'1 ed next year's captmin by his mates Mr. Grant i ; resting easy at the City Counril held l'egular meeting We bounced down the tracks for the income of the grocery stores was manager, had planned to attend the young and ole!. In the ev~·TJing an after the game with Montana, Tueswriting and is on the way to present at City Hall Tuesday evening. All a mile or two. I was sitting on top, spent for salarieR, whcre,1s the> sam<• majority of the gatherings, but as- old time dance was given. Everyone d~y night, which closed Utah's gearecovery. complete members were present. The Auditor admiring the full moon and think- report for Colorado shows a perccn. sociation business kept him away had a good time. son. Pete will surely make a real was present and brought many spec- ing what a fine, breezy way that was tage of 10.8. Information of this sort from many. Monday ewning the young boys lea•ler for the state school men. JORDAN PINISHES BASKET ial items pertaining budget and mis- to see Long Island on a hot night for the state of "Ctah will be of thC' "On the whole the state is respond- and the married men playell a ganw Cal Boberg, the best college player BALL SEASON IN A BLAZE cellaneous items to the attention of when the train came to a halt. We greatest value to business men of thE' ing good," reports Mr. Edmonds, of basket ball in the amur.emPnt hall. in Utah, was captain of the "U" thiE the "city dads." Mr. Joe Cushman backed up to where the cameras were state. "and everywhere is there observed a To the surprise of everyone the mar- year. Cal was formerly a four letter Jordan ended the 1926 basket ball explained a proposed street lighting- were located. The bureau of business rea!;earch good sentiment. Such locals as Dra- ried men were the victors. man at Jordan. ~eason in a blaze of glory by trimOnce Again project and the matter of placing the a't the University will ·conduct in. per, Lchi, American Fork, Pleasant :!'vfr. Bcrk visited th€\ South Jordan -----·--·-·-· GrantsviliC' Friday by the overming waste paper receptacles on the main AI Green came dashing up. dustrial surveys of communities and Grove, Brigham City, and Cache val- ~chool Friday. He gavP a speNI te:;t score of 30 to 17. Grantswhelming "Are you all right, Tom?" he industries. It will make individual ley are back in the ranks full force, in penmanship to Pach room. It wa~ CARD OF THANKS streets was discussed. out with a six point lead started ville shouted. I certainly was. studies of the cost of doinp: business more confident than ever in the op- found that most students arc writand sincere our extend to wish We but Jordan's five man defense then The Mlaker, Zegarich and Svetish He was apologetic. in selected lines and of the problems 1 portunities of egg-producting in ing too fast. \VP havC' decided now heartfelt thanks to all those who sc began to function and held the visitrio of boys were arrested in Murray "Gosh, Tom! There was so much of managemC'nt in those lint's. Bus- Utah." to work for quality not 'luantity. recent our in us assisted willingly helpl<ss. The quicK break of tors '!'ast week for minor thefts, we are smoke I am afraid we will have to iness institutes will he held in varWhile in the field, the officers of Miss Hraly spent the week-end at bereavement and for the many beauto the offense from BeetdiggC'rs the do it again. How about it?" told. ious communities of the state for the the co-operative noted the unusu::lly her home in Alpine. tributes. floral tiful enabled them formation the defense What could be sweeter! benefit of employes and the puhlic. 1 heavy o.rders for baby_ chicks. Two Vincent T. W. Mrs. to score several setups. The first We did it. When the brakeman In addition to this, other special sur- local umts alone, Amencan Fork and U. S. :\f.INE ·.scHOOL NOTES family. and half ended 13 to 8. JORDAN MUSIC came looking for me, I slipped down veys and statistical analysis will br Draper, have placed orders for a 'fhe new combination of Oldham quarter of a million. American Fork Age 14 the ladder at the other end of the carried out. Fay Brown Jen,;en at fonvards, Larson at ancl With the c:>oming spring, warm sun Martin Hapfenbeck of the Univer- is adding 125,000 baby chicks, and 8th Grade car, saw the flash of a light and a U. S. l\Iine School center, and Greer and Jacobsen at Adam's Longest Day shine, the sweeter mu~ic of bircls anc camera as the train went by farther sity Extension Division has ju~t been Draper 108,000. Mrs. Elsie Nelson, Teacher Indications now point to a big in- bees, that greater happiness that Had Adam uttered words like these, guards was very effective Greer down the line, then I fixed myself placed in charge of the new departled the attack with twelve points. They'd be quite easy to believe: on the coupling and ment for husiness research at the flux of future layers for Utah's comes with renewed vigor and dc-.terDr. Paul Uicharrls and Miss VanEe comfortably larson, Oldham an.d Jensen each mination, we will work more; play "The longest day I every know growing poultry industry. take me State institution. was up to inoculate the school child- hoped the engineer would Was that on which there was no scorfd well. Jacobsen played a fine more; laugh more; love more and be for a nice long ride. ren ag-ainst diphtheria. defensive game. Eve." better. There's something soothing about HENRY WAROSWORTH We have a new family at the U. OH BOY! RIOT! SPORTSMAN'S Butler and W. Anderson of GrantsHotTman. Crowell -Alice There is new music, and old mu~ic, It the bumping. LONGFELLOW S. Mine. They moved up Wednesday the swaying and played the b!.'st game for the ville and there is bad mur:ic and good muBut you has automobiling beat. year? from Lower Bingham. last present you Were Many a man has forsaken his Tooele county lads. They fought hard 8th Grade lf sic; there is happy music; funny mu· sleepy or careless about Delila Sisam Mr. n. Phillips, an ore hauler haE can't become for victory as it meant a chance for Miss Peterson not, you sure missed a barrel of fun sic; strong music; rolorful mu ,ic; puppy-love to lead a dog's life. iron work. I cer- Midvale School gone to Salt Lake to work. The al- your grip on the them to go to the stat(' tournament. a Longfellow, large Henry Wadsworth and a good feed. This year we will sombre, sad, weak, light, heavy, hoboes for a half titude wa~ too high for l\Irs. Phillips. tainly envied the gamo was rather rough. The mine, of Announcer: A friend --small, ·great, wise music. W~ sav hour. The best part of it is you don't favorite A mprican Poet, was born in be back at the old stand. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mott entertained Elk's Club Basement, Th~rsday, !'till, "Music is music"; hut mul.<ic is watching a tennis match between a are going, and you Portland, Main<', February 22, 1S07. Mr. gd Frank of Salt Lake at their know where you The Jordan Sophomore Basket ball Brtmii in college from graduated He "different" and there is music of a couple of school girls the other day, March 4th, 1926, 7:30 o'clock p. m. don't care. You just know it will home Wednesday evening. added another victory to its Squad toilet of assortment an holding was should written we and having 1S2fi, Reindeer and Elk Banquet. Sur- kiwl for everybody see when the train wick Maine in One of the ore teamers, Mr. Mott be a new place to growing list Tuesllay when rapidly with doing you arc "What several of his best poems while thcrl'. pris" programme--music and fun- give it a chanc-e. J.e~rn to discrim- articles. stopped hauling ore for the U. S. stops. In 1!J2G he was sent to Europe by FREE 'rO ALL SPORTSMEN PRE- inate in music, but give it a l"quare those things?" I asked. He pointed they defeated Murray in the latter's The hard part•of it is the gettingHe is going to Mine yesterday. MEMBERSHIP deal and ahove all take what von to one of the players and replied: gym, 23 to H. One more game, l!J2G off. If you pick a soft spot, luck is Bowdin Collegl' to prepare himscJf SENTING lease. lanforeign of profe~sorship the for CARDS. Join today, so we'll know can -what there is-for yourself; "I'm keeping that schoolgirl's com which will he played with Granite at Thursday a U. S. Mine horse went with you. If you don't, thPn the old Jordan Tuesday will close a successpicxion while she plays tennis." two guage and literaturr. He sprnt you will be there. Arrangements ar!:' enjoy it. over the bank. The horse was on the arnica and liniment are handy. I hit season for the underclassmen. ful There's been an irt.erest taken in years in study and travel, after complete to care for fifteen hundred. outside of the team and was plow- a soft spot. Jim Jensen, Ras Greer, Virg. JacCensured The train was going down grade which he taught in this college from WHITE COLLARS ARE BARRED the regular Wednesday aftc-rno<>n ing his way through the snow when which he gracluated. -look out for the Kangaroo Court. musicales at thC' Sandy School. '!'h" I stood with heart aflame by Betty'~ obsen and Walt Jennings will grad" he lost his footing and fell down. His at a great rate. I could tell by the uate this year leaving a bad hole in chair, Cambridge, to Later he moved Thifl is to be a r<~al party. Come students arc getting much good from leg was badly cut. Dr. Richards took lights where the cameras were loBasket Ball squad. If the Jordan's her from rosebud_falling a saw And cated-that is, I could tell approxi- Massachussets, the seat of the Har- on fellows let's open the season. The them. nine stitches in it. eight sem<'ster rule gets Glen Stuart, hair. The two glfle cluhs, the !\fi-I atly mately. T heard somebody above the vard University, in which school h ~ Elk's Club Basement is yours for the occupied the chair of Language and night. Walk right in through the Sin"'ers" ladies chorus. director ':\fL., Quite bold was I, to whisper in her the gallant little captain, only two , -AGAIN-A Copper Washer for A roar of the train yell: "Jump!" ml'n, Oldham ami Larson, will return ear, Freda Jensen, and the "Mel 0 Dl'l' Literature. Breath-taker tunnrl, and see what happens. Silver !Jollar. ~farch only. Utah another season. for l Betty flower, that me give you "Will Mr.· by clirrcted rhorus, the male. as His home here is known What a sensation! It was like COMMITTEE-Salt 1Lake County Singers" Power & Light Co. Silas Brown, good weather has developed The ' dear?" been Fish and Game Protective Associa- J. M. Boyden, were both featurel in Salesman. Phones Midvale 57 and flying. J sailed out of the darkness Washington House, for it had and· track fever at Jorbaseball the music for the l\L I. A. conven She nOllded; and with clumsy finger 1the between the cars into a flood of bril- the head quarters of Washington, at tion. :\lid vale 263- W. dan. A call for spring athletics will tips P. S. For your dollar this year tion at the Sanely Third Ward Cl•a lian light in front of the cameras. one time. Later he l'PsignC'tl from be made today by Coaches Ballard lips my to it held anrl bud the took I c: Each 28th. February Sunday, pel, but feet, writmy time on Movi<' a his all landed Riot, I Harvard, and spent you get a shot at the The Lions Club held their regular Fortunately, and Gardner. At least a hundred can blossom "the said, she "Alas," numtwo sang organizations to be shown in April, the 3rd Annual the two mel:'ting- at the M. E. Church Thurs- I must have stumbled around con- ing poetry. will n,nswer this call. boys feel, not me. I Some of his most famous pi{'(•eo Outing to take place during May, and bers. day, March 4, with a full attendance. l'iderably. The lights blinded Greer, Webster, Tapp and Johnson Why waste your kisses on something which of poetry are: "Ev'lngeline," which good fighing beginning June 15th. This was purely a builiness session. didn't have the remotest idea are the only basPball letter men left so unreal?" "Popsie, when I was at your office was supposed to go. Al Green, was published in liH7 and has longSecure your membership card and Encouraging reports were receivec! way I from last year. A pitching datf will MacDorman. Lona jollying and talking was you shouttoday, been a favorite; "Kavanaugh," "ThP button from any of the Sporting from the Street Widening-, Sig-n, n. with gl'eat presence of mind, be the greatest n€'ed of the Beetdiglabor. of dynamo the is Joy to heat the band. Why don't you jolly "This way, Tom." Builclin~ of the Ship~," "The Golcltm Goods stores in the city. , ~ D., Strt"ct Lig-hting and many oth- ed, gers. jolly· some around home?" I ran toward his voice and colide<l Le.g-end," "Hiawathea," "Miles Stander committees. Jensen, Price and Adolphson are Keep your brain-fires burning. "You imprudent young cub, you! with him. Mr. W. B. McGinniss, master meish," and many short poems such as only lettPr men available this the Himself," can Found you till Who a Man table be that "The Leave rehas "The Village Black~m ith,", "The chanic at the U. S. Smelter, The Jordan Principal's Club held in track and field competition. dross. year is happiness but gold All on run days' three a Children's Hour" and "The Psalm of tired and Max Presler is at present gentleman!" ,their monthly luncheon at Shay's which opens was Life." :Mr. Me-· "I don't want to be a gentleman, 1 acting master mechanic. Cafeteria in Salt Lake Saturday af- 1arrh !Jth at the Iris Theatre, Disappointments make a man The secret of will power is deciMeighan Tom for especially writt<'n job Popsie; I want to be a lady worktrying this down held has by Ginniss clarkPned Wfre clays last His ternoon and enjoyed a swim at the worthy of success. sion. the death of his wife, but through all efficiently for many years and is en- ing in your office." Thif; by Booth Tarkington. Municipal baths afterward. I I sorrow his heart kept its sweetness titled to the rest which he has so ehergetic club will give an entertainYou are worth as much as you are Doctor: "You should never take! The man who believes m himself anti love for ehildren. He died in justly earned. We are not informed ment and dance at the Jordan High to the world. worth anything that doesn't agree with is always right. His as to Mr. McGinniss' future pla11s. I. Le~ter, the ice man, is back with Cambridge, March 24, 1882. School Tufsday, March the !Jth. A you." comprehensive and interesting folder m: this week and reminds you that birthday is nearly always remPm The man who thinks big thoughts E\-ery hour is an opportunity to Mr. Meek: "It's too late, Doc, I'm life, in aim an have people him Some was printed in the Jo]lmal Printery 'tis time to fill the old ice box for the be red in our schools. We know big things. does something. learn I already." married but they forget to pull the trigger, as "The Children's Poet." summer grind again, concerning same this week, ., .. I I |