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Show .. ,_, ... THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH ___ ___, Seen in National Ora nge Show in California .. Atlantic's Waves Work Havoc in New Hampshire Tow n (Ccpy for This Departm ent Suppll•d by th• America n L€glon News Service.) SAM UEL TO ASSIST ADJU TANT BART ON Frank E. Samuel of Topeka and Wichiht , Kiln., known natiunn lly for his work as di1·eetor of the organiz ation and membet·~hip activiti es of the Americ an Legion, was recently elevated to one of the most re~ponsillle position s In the Legion. Under the recPnt consoli dation plan affectin g cth·islons of nationa l headquarter s, Mr. Samuel was named as· sistant to Nationrrl Adjutan t James I<'. Barton and also directo r of general ud' ministr ation, while retainin g dirccEnglan d coast towns. This picture tlon o.f nationa l organiz ation. and memThe great storms on the north Atlanti c wrough t havoc In some o! the New nuheavy seas broke down the brenk-\ berslup matters . The dutiCs of ~lr. shows how houses in Hampto n Beach N. H. were wrecke d when the t will llc h::m<lled by adjutan tiona! I ' ' wnte't7. , Samuel in tltc abs('nce or incapac ity of Mr. llarton. ------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----1\Ir, Samuel has one of the big-g-Pst Nationa l Orange show held In This is the novel exhibit of the city of Corona , Cal., in the Sixteen th Annual joiJs in the Leg-ion ou his hanrl!', hut his prepara tion for it has lleeu long San Bernard ino, Cal. and thoroug h. That the New Orlellns Mardi Gras He IJegan his Le~ion work with the festival Is as popular as ever Is shown Inceptio n of the org-: niza1ion in Hll!J. f tly the lmmem ;e crowd here seen His first experi<>ncc iu Le~:ion arlm!nis· watchin g the llig parade. King Rex Is tration was gainet! a>: a8sistan t !.l<'pnrt· • shown drinkin g a toast to the queen, mP.nt adjutan t of Kansas during July who I~ under the canopy at the right. Immense Crowd Sees New Orleans Mardi Gras Fete I ,... ~. Frank E. Samuel . I • Result of Explosion of a Carload of TNT and August , lfn!J. After sixty days as assistan t lHljntan t, so efficient WitS Ills work, the departi nent heads snw fit to appoint him m; <lE'partmf'nt adjutant. l'nc)er his regime as adjut;m t f1·om SeJ•ten•IJer, J:l!D, to F• hruary, 1!)~4. Knn;;n~ <lep.trll!IPnt hecame one of the stJ·ongcst in the L(·~ion. \\' lu:n nation a. he:.u.l•t ,ttll't~rs len rned of the good work ~fr. Sami!el was du· ing ont in Kansa;;, he wots t!mfted to !•Pad the organi? .atlnn nnrl lll<'IllhPrship division for the nationa l org-anization. He IJegan that worl' on Februa ry 15, the trucks near Valpara iso, Ind., A box car on the Nickel Plate railroad , laden with TNT, was thrown from were demolb hcd ru1d othefs cars freight loaded and the resultin g explosi on was heard for miles around. Twe!Ye car are shown aiJove. TNT the of ts partly w1·ecked, and two hundre d feet of roadbed was torn up. 'l'he remnan Highest Plic e Paid for This Book HAWAllAN LAD WINS Hl::!-t John Itam~ey, Oklaho ma rancher , goes on trial In the near future at Guthrie , Okla., for the confess ed kllllng of Henry Roan, wealthy Osage Homsey told governm ent Indian. agents that he commit ted the crime at the instanc e of William K. Hale, rich cattlem an known as "King of the Osage Hills," who Is indicted with Ramsey !or the murder In the first case Institut ed by federal authori ties to clear up the score of "murde rs for million s" mysteri es among the affluent Oklaho ma tribe. 1\Ir. Samuel serwd OYer~ens rluring the \\'orl<l conflict ns lln Pnlisted mnn with the Tln·ee Hundre d and FiftyThird (Kilnsa s) inf<tntry. He was nssigned to special duty wilh the reglmentnl Intellig ence and operatio ns ' section. IIe at1Pnrted the ofllPI.'r~· training school of infantry at Lnn~reR, "But," explain s :Ur. Snm· r<rance. nf>l, "the armisti ce came< ulon~ before the commis sions were hamlNI out, am! another good •IJuck' printte \\'a:o «nved for compet ent kilchen pollee duty." ~rr. Snmael was born at Downin g, Mo .. necemb Pr 31. 1~8!.!. lie was rdU<~uted at 'Vnshbn rn antl Fairmo nt eolll'ges and holds un A. B. dPgrPe from the latter. Tie tnn~ht T•~nrlish from l!l12 to lntG in ("anton Chri,:;tian colfpge, Canton, China. ~. Underwo od & UnderwOO IIL "Silent Cal" Coolidg e lived up to hls name when a scientif ic test of the loudnes s of noise In the vlclntty of tho White House was made by K. P. l Royce with an audiom eter. Compa ratfve tests in other parts ot the nationa at eter audiom the capital were also ronde. Photog raph shows Ur. Royce with the White House. Testing New Infa ntry Howitzer QUEE N OF OZAR KS Phila delph ia to Have Amer icani sm Congress Philade lphla will IJe the scene of a great nationa l cong1·e~s of Americ anIsm next fall, if plans authori zed lly the nationa l execntiY e commit tee of the Am<'J'it~.ln Legion are curried out. It Wits suggest ed that a congr()SS ot all organiz ations interest ed In AmeriC!IIlism activiti es would be an especially fitting ohserva nce of the one hunu1·et1 nnd fiftieth annivrr snry of the adoptio n of the Declara tion of JndepPml ence In Phi la<lclrlhia on July This Is the famous Melk copy of the Gutenb erg Bible, the first book printed from movabl e type, which was sold the other day for $100,000, the hlgl,est price ever paid for any book in the world, to Dr. A. S. W. Rosenb ach o! New York and Philade lphia. It came from the Benedi ctine monast ery In J\lelk, Austria , where it had reposed for centuri es. It is printed in Latin nnd bears the title "Biblia Latina, " and t11e llne ":i!Ialnz, Johann GuteniJ erg and J ohmm l:'ust, 14511," at the !oot of the title page. This Mail Plan e Hit a Horse John Texeira , sixteen- year-old lia• Willian ~-outh, has been declare d th6 sixth winner of the H. S. Firesto ne !!'our Ye1trs' Univers ity scholltr ship, valued In excess of $4,000. Ills essay, "Econo mies Resulti ng From Highwa y Improv ement," suiJm!t ted In a contest conduc ted by the highwa y educati on board, was chosen as best of more thlln 200,000 submitt ed by high school student s of the nation. DR. VICE NTE VITA 4, 177G. Ilnlding of the congre. s immedi ate· ly hefore or dnl'ing tl1e nationa l con· VPntion of the Aml•ric·l!l Legion, whit'h mN·ts In Phlla<.lelphi:t, October 11 to 13, !;; the r•l. n. Nationa l offiecrs of the Lroglon, the nationa l Allleric ani Ill commi~.,ion anll offidals of i'('nn slnt•Jia anti PIIi'mJE'l· phia will co operate in den;lup ing the plans. In Confe rence Pnrson Drown - Cow am yo' hu~ban', \fandy? :\lancly --Ile am done coufin' to his roorn. "Sho' 'nul!, now? Could Ah see iu. ?" ":\((·IJlle so. Rut hP run in de JnllLegion \ I'Pel•Iy. HIUI>l'. "-AI nerlf'~!ll It Sound ed That Way The smile of Miss Estella Southa rd o! Joplin, 1\.lo., radiate s sunshin e, aceordlng to membe rs of the Ozarks Playgro und associa tion, formed to This Is the new Infantr y howitze r that Is undergo ing final tests at the boost southw estern Missou ri as a vag in Georgia . It Is designe d for use against cation land. So she has been selecte~ infantr y school at Fort Bennin machin e gun nests and strong posltloiUI. aa omclal "Ozark Smlle'' queen. "Did ) ou r:l:ow the l!i'<llop to Lis '""'Ill. J, n( ?" aske<l the Ially of the OIISl' mmn," an:<werroo the maid. "an' 1 l<>fl !·in, prayin' There wa!'l a chair "ot in his way before I could g< t the Lq;ton llllllll ··-Ameri~u !g-Ilt on "). ( :s, \"(•pkly. I I j Old DoiJbln was held re>;ponsillle for the wreckin g of one d Uncle Sam's air-mal l planes while he was grazing on the Des Moines field wiun Recent portrai t of Dr. Vlcento Vita. the west-bo und ship from Chicago was landing . P1lot John Biffle escaped the of enough not and plane, the o! first secreta ry of the Nicarag uan leg8.4 nnhurt, but there was not much left tlon in \Vashln(_ton: horse to photogr aph after the propelle t· hit him. |