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Show • THE JORDAN JOURNAL Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Cro~grove, Mr. and Mrs. Hall')' Howard and Ml'. and Mrs. 0. D. Ballard and children atMr. and Mrs. P. T. Bateman anMrs. J. E. Mickelsen entertained tended the State Fireman's day at Issued Every Thursday by the engagement of their daunounce Liberty Park, Wednesday. .. * ~ The Jordan Publishing Company, Inc. at a dinner Monday, in honor of her ghters, Evelyn to Mr. Hoyal SpratbiTthdar anniversary. French MariMr. and :\fr;;. J. E. Allen hac! as ling and Wanda to Mr. Lorus Pra,t TERMS OF ::lUBSCRIPTION $1.50 golds formed the centerpiece for the their guests last week, :VIr. and Mrs. of Salt Lake City. The man.agc Will table. Cover:; were laid for twelve R. W. Shipley, Calvin Shipley, Mr. take place in the Salt Lake Temp:.;, Telepltone Midvale 178 guests. anti Mrs. Ed .Summers and children September 9th... • * • • of Paradi~e and l\lr. and Mrs. '1'. W. Entered at the posto!flce at Midvale Mrs. O!iveq· Boberg and daughter, Allen and children of Charleston. Complimenting Mi•s.->es Evelyn and City, Utah, as ~:>e<:ond-class matter. Wanda Bateman, !Jrides of the ,neat • * * Betty oi Sandy visi,ted relatives in 1\lr,;. S. J. Mickelsen and Mrs. C. \future, Mrs. Effie Bennion e•ttert.a-in-. week. KILLED FUR SL Tt:' DOLL.\.RS. ua·aper ~hree Jay:; la:;t · .. ed at dinner Sunday at her home in . . • ... * · to ~• W anl . Add'~tton . B ennton M., Hendrtcksen entertamed WILL '1Hl:S HAPh,N '10 '1&.c. w1e gue.,...., . . . at dmnEJt l\Irs. Z. C. Mitchell ant! Mrs. Bert Vv ednesday at the hollle of :.Yirs. M;ck- of !honor covel's we1·e lai.d f<lr Dr. JUUUNAL'l' ~lltchell entertained at a shower on 1eben in honor of Miss Fortia Ra:wli1t:s and Mrs.' Lal\l'Ont Bennion, Mr. and La.,t week-not Ia~t ,year nor a le- ·,, ednesday aiternoon m honor ot ~Ibs and !\Irs. LouJs J'Ohnson of Honolulu. M1·s. Norman Richard and Mr. Lot'US catle ago--but last week, itt one o. .t,!enor Thompson. Kelre:shments were Oovcr:; were laid for eight guests. Pratt of Salt Lake City Royal Syt ac• * • out' n:o:>t prom~ing 1.; tah cities 1 served to thirty-five guest.s. ling of West Jordan. J Mr. and Mrs. Elllil Nielsen and * * .. saw chat fate.ful notlce of attachmen. * • * • Fitzgerald Aulius Mrs. and Mr. childt·en of Cowley, Wyo., are visitOtt a print-.;.hop door and it was closeu Miss Rhoda Grosbeck of Springf.oT the lack of payment of $u3. OJ have as oheir guest this w~ek, 1~L:;;, ing at the home of Mrs. Nielsen's ville spent the week-end with Mis,; parents, Mr. and Mr~. Manas~eh Fitz Lu Ree Bateman. course there were other obligation~, ...Vladeline Fitzgerald of Woodta.nd. gerald. have institution bu. why ;;nould that * * * • * * Lake Salt of Gilbert Margaret <Vlrs. * * * bt.en closed at all 7 Then: it ~:>tood, full Mr. and Mrs. E. M. 01"-Cn an<l Miss Ada Smith was ho:stess to the family motored to Fort Herr~.11.an on oi high-prtced up-to-daLe machiner>, was the week-end guest of Mr. a.nd B. J. Club Saturday eYeni•lg. Eig•h, Sunday evening an<.! visited Mr. and 0. read)· tu work Ior the general gooc, Mrs. A. Rasmussen. we1·e present. S peci.al gue.,;t . members • * • of tho eoLnnunity. While I stood it. Elden Br0\\11 of Tw.n Mrs. J. S. Bod;ll. * * Mrs. were: as have Collett J. C. Mrs. m1d Mr. f1 ont of this uoor l mused at tiL Glen Hogan of West Mrs. and Falls Mr:; mo~hcr, Collet~;',; l\irs. guest, tn.tgeLl:> whtch occa~ionaily strike,. their Miss Clara Olsen of Salt Lake wa~ Jordan. eve1·J town-the closing ·Of home in- Maggie Watkins of Vernal. the guest of Mrs. E. M. Oben, Sunday. * .. * * * .. ti usw·ies for l·ack oi support. • * * ~1rs. Louis Johnson and Miss P<Jrtia Mr. and Mr::;. Marvin Stringfellow Mrs. Ernest Silcox spent the week .No-the printer diun't drink, ih~ didn't gamble-he wa.s just an hone;,'t, and children returned home Friday Rawlins left Saturday for Honolulu, visiting Mrs. Aluin Miller of Riverwhole-souled citap with a growin~: nom lJeseret where they have visited after visiting here for a month. ton. • * • fa.n.ily to support, an American whc, wr several Jays, the guests o( :VIr. and • * * Mrs. Ella Maycock and Mil>;; Ella wibhed to live up to American ideah ,~lrs. 'vv oodruif Sol·en:;en. Little Edwin 1Squires lhad the m:.:;;. Maycock of Springville were guests * .. * to rear hb family as they should bt of falling from a hous.e Satfortune week. last Beck, Reid Mrs. and Mr. of Miss Barbara H.asmussen :;pent last brought up, who wi&hed to send hio. urday and breaking his arm near tit,_ • * * children to sehool, to own his owJ. week at Spanish Fork, the gu&t of * • • Members of the Obsolom Smiltt elbow. Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Smith. home aral pay Utah taxes. p· ... Robe M in Saturday reunion .a held fa:11ily . I L 1xt on J r., 1eft "tOr v err. . * * * BuT HE GO'l' NO .SUPPORT! Hi::. take '<l.·"da h U I Mr. Soren Thomp~:>on announces the the Draper Ward Amusement halL neighb<lr swho met him many time" 1 . Y where he. will ~ ' ta n~' pre-~ were guests hundred two About . hts school duties. Mr::>. P1xton and each day, whose children played w'ith marriage of his daughter, Eleanor to .ll f. I! .1 sent. A good program was render~:.d f 1. t Lake. Salt of Mitchell Wilford .\h. his children, whose wives were such oO ;w * a *er. by member:; of the diffel'ent families amt Y WI .good fl'iend. of 'his wife-forgot he fhe couple will make their home in 1 S 0 C 1 d M M after whieh sup. per was s.erved. Danewas a printer and sent their printing Salt Lake. . ar sond' ant . r. an Ved rs. f Lo t · 1 l 1 th e d ay ' s en t er t ammen · h d mg cone uc ec • * * * * * gan were 1nner a o ! aug ter, out of town. He supported all ·Of tht Mr. Blake Fitzgerald of Richfield guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robe11t Pixton clubs, the Y. }1. C. A., the Cham:be1 MI'S. Real Beck was hostess to the Saturday. Miss Veda will stay the of Commerce, the Churches, the is visiting •relatives in Draper this members o~ her club Thursday aftel'- • week-end. Mr. Roscoe Pixton, Erma school:;, the libraries-but he had to .veek. 1 noon. SpecLal ~ests were Mrs. Ella Pixton and Veda Carlson motored to * * .. go to another community where tthe) Mr. and Mrs. Beck.'ltead <>f Salt Ma~coc~ and Mtss Ella, Mayooc~ of Bingham Sunday evening and wer~ would support the local Pl'inters. Ht aru.l Ml'. and Mrs. Hyrum Stock- SprmgVllle and Mrs. Elden Sl'.ng- guest.c; of Miss Mildrel N erdin. Lake wa;; a good printer too, and .his pricec * • • South Jordan were dinne1 fellow .and Mrs. Stanley Rasmussen.! of were low--but Lord, man ;-he had to mg * * .. . ·e announces th Swenson P. N. Mr. •uests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allen, live antl oare for his family t hel' as lhad FitzgeTald Agnes Mrs. "' Geneva daugfuter, his of engagement So TREY clo;:;ed him out! Wlw '; Sunday. guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sorin to John T. Erickson of 0Tange, Calif* • * YOU-when you ~en<.! your printing ornia. Mr. EJrickson was forrtlally a Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Nielsen of Salt Rasmussen of Magna. out of the state! Afte1· all-owho's to resident of Midvale. 'l'he marriage blame? People m-e still selling theh Lake a't"e visiting at the home of l\11'. take place in 0Tange. will Nieb;en. J. A. Mrs. and Lon! fo1· less than Thirty Pieces oi * * * LABOR DAY EXCURSION * * * Silver. Mr•s. Annie Hibbard has returnecl Ml'S. Wm. Warr of Granger is visiting at the JJ.ome of her parents, SALT LAKE CITY AND OGDEK home after spending six weeks v~sit ing friends and relatives at Edin. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Allen. AND RETURN West Jordan DRAPER Jordan Journal . I I Economy in Envelope * * "' If you ~eal .I'Otlr lettPr ,nd find yon Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Withers had as ha,·e lf'ft out th•! inrlosul'e, take the their guests, Sunday, M1·. and Mrs. small "'nd of a wooclPn p.mholder nnt! Herman Woudenburg and children of !n~ert nuder the ri9ht-hand end ot ttu· lolliday. flap of tlw envelope. Then start •' * * * roll the penholllf'r •·:-trefully across un MT. and Mrs. :Goi·it1 Rasmuss-en and lt will til yoLI rull'h t:.e ·•ther end. children of Magna we1-e guests of Mr;; usually work splendidly. Agnes Fitzgerald, Sunday. Hall's Catarrh is a Combined Medicine Treatment, both * * * Mrs. S. W. Bateman and Mrs. ·K Salt I~ke City and retum $0.25; Ogden and return $0.95, via Denve.r J. Orgile entertained at a shower on & Rio Grande WestE:m. Tickets will Friday afternoon in honOT of theil be good in coaches only and will be I sister, Geneva Swensen a bride of the on sale for train leaving Midvale at month. The color sc'heme being pink 11:51 a. m., Septembel' 5 only a1al and Wlhite, garden f\lowers of pink will be limited to SeptEl!mber 8 for re- 1and white <lecorated the card tables at which luncheon was served to 24 turn pa,;sage. +++++++++++++++++++++++~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++•++• loc::al and internal, and has been success· ful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio ....- n • • - • \., Ar~ th~ Last Days of Our Clothing of dollars -.worth of high grad~ We still have thousands --- - - - - - -- almost your own-- price can merchandise- that---you -- -. ------ -buy- at . -- - Come in. If you don't see We Quit the Clothin·g B s1ness We must get rid of the goods. Accounts must be paid in full by Saturday 6 ·~ Men's Heavy weight Overalls at $1.19 o:ws.WIFT & co. 7th & E. Sts., Washington, D. C. Established In 1889. Whether Pauper or Millionaire A Good Meal is Worth 35c "As Clean as the Cleanest, As Good as the Best" U. S. CAFE SAMAS & THOMAS~ Proprietors. Utah Midvale .. Men's Heavy weight Work Shirts at 5 9c and up Ladies' Pure Silk Hose at 7 7 c HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS (. P. C. Rasmussen &Sons, DC. NEVER UNDERSOLD [ Residence ...... ....... .. ............. 5,000.00 guests. Progressive Heart:> was the REPORT OF BUILDING CO~Alll<ll'ew Malstrom Center St., .MIDVALE IN STRUCI'ION feature of the aiternoon. l:'rizes be4,875.00 Residence ------· ---·---.. ...... ing awarde·d to Mrs. P. C: Swenson, Center Nibley, W. J. July June, May, of months the Por Delila Miss 1Vll•s. Albert Diw,nond and Street, Residence 4,800.00 and August ,:;pratling. Joe Pierwn, Al!eil. St. 400.00 ·Added . . . .• Showing a substantial increase to * * * ln honor ol' Geneva Swenson, Miss business and residencial activities Mrs. Wm. Aylett, Cent<"r 400.00 Street, Repairs ... ~enevieve Gan.lner entertaillJed at a over same pe1·iod last year. Showing Cente1· Wright, B. Joo;eph as 1·eport thi.s at permits building 12 and Games nighL. :saturday :;!lOwer 60.00 ... Juncheon were enjoyed by eighteen against 7 for last yea,· with a total 1 St1·eet, Repair~ ........ - ........ . :Main Dan Dadovich, of $38,465. guests. Street, Adrled .. . ..... .... .... 1,300.00 follows: as Pea·mits * * * Waite-· F. Vr'anberg, l\lr. l{.ohert P1xton had a natTow es- Morrioon & Mer1·ell City Building Inspector, Lumber Co. ...............................$ 8,000.00 cape from serious injury last week. . vvaule unloading hay, something went Cooper Mere. Co., Main Street. ...................... .......... 12,000.00 wrong wtt.h the nay 1orK, it came oack ::;triking I\oh. l:'1xLon lin the face Mrs. J. Beckstead, 3rd Ave 700.00 Added ..-.. ----· ........... ........... am! neck. We are giad to see him If eYer~ IH' ·~n 1 "hn "'\ n~ a subnrhan tot lll il<l~ a ho•m• 011 it 1he rwxl genJack Brown, Lenox St., out again. 60.00 Prn• on \\I :I hP ;·oming to the city for Garage * * * ~olitt;de. -ll rookhn l~agle. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webster at·e l'e- John A. Aylett, ~nte1· St. ~;eiving- congratulations 011 vhe arrival of a son . I j j * ... • • • Gweneth Silcox \wts ·operated 911 ior the removal of her tonsils, Monday. * * * . • Mrs. Alma Egbert unde1-went a .-;erious opera:tion last week at the :L. D. S. Hospital. She is getlling along as well a~ can be expected. * * * Mrs. J<lsepih Gardner left last .week to spend two week> at Moott Lake. f t Mr. and Mr~. James A. Bateman,! Mr. and MTs. Earl Bateman and baby · left for Panguitch, M·On{lay to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bateman. They: expect to be gone ten days. This Lady is Canning Today * * * "~),_no, she can't be!" you remonstrate. "She's all dressed up ltttmg on the front porch." aG4 But t.he canning is going on just the same-in the oven of her model or sketches for search and report on patentability. Our book on patents and trade-marks it. Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepal'Li and Wah;er Shepa1·d and l{oy Stlcox spent ::iuuday in Hoytsville. ~lectnc. range. \Vhen. she prepares the fruit and syrup and puts it In the prs, her part IS dot~e-~o stirring over steaming kettles on and cnpitadsts. If you have an Invention, send us a ~~a!_y~u want, ask for • • • * are being quickly sold to manufactcrers -- Then make us an offer . • Suits Made To Order First class work guamnteed Ladies Tailoring A Specialty H. F. RASMUSSEN TAILOR Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired ·}! 'V"st Center Street Pi'One .L\lidvale 117-W idvale, Utah 6080 South State "Bert & Len's Dodge In'' for choice FRUITS and VEGETABLES Hot Dogs-Candy and Cold Drinks Stor~ a h?t stove. The oven mamtams a low, steady heat that cooks the fru1t perfectly, and you never have to watch or worry about the process. The Electric Range for Economy There is no other method of cooking that is so economical or satisfactory-3c a meal is the average cost of cooking electricallyresults are always the same when you cook electrically. It'is simple and dependable; clean and convenient. There's no soot, no ashes, no smoke, no fumes when you use the electric range. $5.00 Down for Any Model The balance in convenient monthly payments. ranges at any of •our stores. See these modem Mr. and Mrs. Rust came home Sun-! day from an extended trip visiting: t;a·iends and relative~ at Ep!J.l'iam.j They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T~-1 land Hibbard, Sunday, M·omlay they! left for Provo Canyon to stay a week. I THE SURE WAY There is one sure way to avoid Autoing Troubles. Have us look over your CAR periodically and regularly. An ounc{' of prevention is worth a pound of cure. . E. E. ELIESON B. J. O'CONNOR 0 & E Electric Service Phone 272 25 E. Center 1\IIDYALE, UTAH * * .. Mr. and Mrs. George Olsen of M i d - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " ! ' ! , . vale, Mr. W. Hatch and Clara Olsen! of Salt Lake wet-e dinner guests of fiir. and Mrs. Albert Olsen, Sunday ev:l~:g.Joseph • Ol:.u .. has been very 1 sick since Satmday but is 011 the impl'OVe now. * .. * A family dinner was given at the. home •of Mrs. E. J. Orgill in honol' of their father, N. P. Swensen who is leaving Tuesday for Orange California. Dinner was served to eigihteen guests. LODGE NEWS Arbor Camp, No. 815 is inviting all membel's to be present at a Special Meeting, August 31, 1925. Matters of importance will be acted upon. John J. blel', Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pugmh·c and Mr. and Mrs. Justin Pugmire, Sr. l'eturned Saturday from a trip thru WY'oming and to Bear Lake. Good fishing and hunting prevailed. Rev. Fred N. Clark is in Ogden attending the annual convention of the Methodist Ohurch this week. Miss Ruth Dearing of North Holden Street returned home last Sunday f1'0m a two month';S visit to her Grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dearing of Brunswick, Mo. She also ,,pent two weeks with relatives in Kansas City, Missouri. BET1:'ER THAN A GAllD:EN Shopping here for your green foods is better than owning a garden of your own. You get the very choicest of the ve!;·etables grown in many gardens. Compare . our prices only when quality is considered We pride ourselves on stocking onl the choicest the market affords Comer Meat &G ocery o~Bden, Props. Midvale~ Utah Gilbert and |