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Show - THE JORD AN -~----- --- - - JOUR NAL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone oC S«it Lake vi,ited Tuesday \~;th l.\lr. and l\I rs. William Stone of South Cotton Member s of the Laugh-a -Lot Club wood. are ·pending the week-end at the 1\It'. and Mrs. Charles Thornto• t Jenkin's Cottage at Pinecres t. The were dinner gue. ts 'fue,;day c\·en n[; girls include: Miss Mary McMillia n, of 1Ir. ¥.d :VIrs. Jack Horton of &ut :\1i::<s Margare t Short, Miss Amy Jen- Lake. kins, Miss Beth .Ylartin, Mi.'>s Floren.::e * • * Merla Greenwo od is spending a few Hohnes and ).li~s Helen Rothwel l. days up Big Cottonw ood Canyon. Murr ay Soci ety "' * .. * .. • * • Introducin•g Mr. I. Oxide You know him well-t oo well. Iron Oxide is only anothe r name for ~ UST- the biggest thief, the greate st proper ty destro yer m the world. Yet mo~t loss from rust is unnecessary. If you will coat any exposed metal surface with Barret t Everje t Paint yo_u've be~ten rust. ~un, r~in and snow have no effect 0~ this endun ng protective pamt. Once on, the elastic filmcoat of Everje t stays on. II I II Mr. and .Mrs. James Sabine auu Mrs. Alfred Robbins, with a put~ family have had as their g·uests a. of fTiends motored to Goshen Sund:.t~ their home during t..he weeK, ••lr. unt, and spent the day w1th relative,; . * .. * Mrs. John Lambou me oi Too.:! I e. .;: Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Walters Ot Miss Mary Tavoran entertain ed th<: Miami, Florida were last week guesb OJ" members of the 0. N. 0. Club Thurs- of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Davis. • * * • day evening at the home on GermanMr. Kenneth L. P-erkins of tl1e Na''·' ia Avenue. The time was spent in at Seattle, Washing ton is spending: u matsewing and mu::;ic followed by refre:;h 25 day furlow with :Vir. and :.lr~. \\'. PROTECTIV~ terwha t ments. The special guests were: l\-Ii:<s H. Pe1·kins. the size, your * • * Beth Fletcher , Mr:;. l\lable \Vest, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rock ant! M' o. home is imEster baacson and Miss Violet SwcnOur long experience with paints of many kinds D. \\'. McDona ld were .Salt Lai;:e \' .pprtant and :,on. convinc es us that the quality of Everje t cannot be 'dtors, Tuesday . calls for the * • • duplica ted at the price. Anothe r thoug ht• • • Miss Vera Wright entertain e<l a. b est skill, Mr. and Mrs. William Sharp an , dinner Saturday evening of last we<!k. advice and Before you roof or re-roof -see our complete line of family of Idaho have rettn ned t in honor of Llovd Ct'Oxiord who ha:< arch it e cBarrett Roofings. There's a roofing suitable for your just returned ft;OI•l Australi a. Cover~ thei1· home after ,;peruling a few d.ay. tural service home, your garage, your farm building or your factory . visit with their parents, l.\fr. and Mrs. were laid for eight guests. available. S. W. Sharp. Small homes • * * The Beehive Girls of Mill Creek are more Mr. and ]\'[~"Georg·e Miller·be rg ward enjoyed a three .d.a.y's camping difficult t o and Mrs. Leonard Mille1:berg vis ttrip at Mountai r in Parley's Canyon Midvale, Utah plan than e<l Sunday Phone, Midvale 212 witih Mr. and Mrs. George PLAN H'l117· 1 this week. Millerbe large o n e s, rg, Sr. . * * • • * • because the plan must assist the dollar to provide Mrs. Ernest Charron of flollywo od Mrs. W. T. Perkins entertain ed to< the most possible. arrived here a iew tlays ago to visit her week-end guest, Ml'S. Audrey T. Your dollars will buy lumber , cement, hudwa re her nwther and other relatives and Bruce of Ogden. and home conveniences, but only the skill and Thursda y aftemQo n. fTiends. P1·ogres sive An interesti ng program was given the past week-en d, Mrs. John Hen• * ... • • * brains of the archite ct can assemble them withgames were played and prize~ award-· and refreshm ents were serve<l to 40 drickson and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cox announc e lfrs. W. A. Page of Salt Mrs. Jesse Huke entertain e<l Wedout waste. The same materia l will build either •ad to ~Irs. A. Stuart and Mrs. J. H. guests. the Mrs. marriage Nelson was presente d Lake. Mrs. J. W. 01·d and daughter , of their ~on, Jack and nesday evening of last week at •he1 a shack or a home. Brown. .Miss Pauline Petet·son of Salt Lak.: with a silver plate as a token oi ap- Bernice joine<l her guests on a trip home in complim ent to Lloyd Crox We have arrange d to place at your command, at which took place in Salt Lak,e Satur• • • preciatio n for he1· services. ford, who returned recently fr~m a uay 1 w Lavon the pa.st week. very small cost, the services of good arc~itects. evening. They will be at home to Mr;;. Y. M. Anderso n entertain ed ... * • mission to Australi a. Come in and examine plans for :rn&llY delight ful friends in Midvale. at .her home Jlonday afternoo n, it Mr. and Mrs. R. Hanks and family • • * ... homes of all sizes. No obligation. of Salem were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ueing her birthday annivers ary. Mrs. Kathryn Candlan d and :Mrs. Pink Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watts motorMrs. Hilda Middleto n and Mrs. Em· and wh1te carnatio H. 0. Hendrick son ns last furnishe week-end d the . Farrel Olsen of Salt Lake were the ed to Lehi Sunday to vi'<it relative! ma Stone of Murray were guests on decoratiO ns. Luncheo n .was .served t.o * • • guests of * * "' We<ln~ay of Mrs. S. W. Sharp. 1Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smit:h twenty five guests. Mrs. J. W. Ord had as her guests Mrs. S. H. Smith had as he1· guest • • • • "' * • Monday, MTS. Vern Smith. Miss Lena Birming ham of BountiMrs, Y. Anderso n and Ml'S. L. U:!:fi!fil...l'!~!:fi!:fi!:fiU:y;!fi!fi~U!I...I'!!:fi!fi!:fi!fiU!!fil..l:l..l:!fi • "' • ful was a gue.-;t Fridar evening o.l Jarvis wereM.guests !:fill at a party given l;;n ;n;n . ;n ;n;n;n; ;;n Mrs. Ilo B. Erickoon had as her Miss Margare t Forbush . ;;n ;;;n;n ;;n ;J at the home of Mrs. Willard Snow ofj guests Friday, Miss Lucetta Malst~ TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE • • * Know the Lumb er You Buy l'Olll and M.iss Bernice Watts · Salt Lake, last week. Mr. Charlie Sharp and s-ons, Phil See Herma n Janssen about all kinds of insuran ce .. * • ~~-~~~~~~~52~~~~~~~~ * * "' of Salt Lake and Bert spent the for<: Monday evening the Intermed iate Mr. and M1·s. Lambert Watts had part of the week fishing in the Stra\1· General agent for Christian Endeavorer~ gave a fareas their guests Monday, Mr. and l'vlr,;. berry vicinity. South Salt Lake County N. Watts. Repres enting • • • well party in honor of Mis~ Helen BE WISE METROPOLIT AN INSUR ANCE CO. • • * Rol>ertso n and James Robertoo n who Mrs. M. J. Thornto n spent Tue6Mr. and Mrs. George A. Huscher day with Mrs. Rose and Sarah Alex- have been visiting here from CalifLife, Sickness, Accident Policies. And Buy the have returned horne ft'Om a fishing ander. ornia a1ul "llr. Waltec Meye.t'S who Larges t Company and hunting trip m Idaho and Wyo: will leave soon for the East. The • * • Lowest Rates ming. Liberal Benefits MLs.'ieS Lula Jacob~oen, Gertie For- church parlors were decorate d in "' "' bush, Messer~ Clarence Millerbu rg a .• l ~Teen and white color scheme. Twenty Call me before you buy insuran ce The Ladies of Woodcra ft Club moClarence Sharp enjoyed "Ba-=;t Peoplo' five member: ; ~er~ p~esent. y;Phon e Mid. 54 .Box 195 Sandy, Utah, R3y; to the Murray City Power at the THAT SATI~F IE.S tored Wilkes last ThuT:;day evening. plant grov,e in Little Oottonw ood Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. Meade an~ !fi!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!fiy:&!Jiy;!:fi!:fiy:j!fi!f * • • i!fi!fi!fi!:fi!:li!:fi~ Canyon Tuesday and spent the day. l\h'S. Le;o.ter Fot·bush entet·tain etl v , l\lr.:;. E. Allen returned home Tuesday J "' • * Monday and TueS<lay for ~1r. anu fpom a tnp through Ydlowst one Park -----------------------------~ Mrs. Amelia Pixton and son, Albert Mrs. James Mitchell .. * * of Payson. l\1r. MURR AY MIDVA Mr. LE and l\Ir;;. ~1yrle Allsop enterSAND' \ Pixton motored to St:>anish Fork on and Mrs. Swen Benson and childr-en tained at dinner, Sunday. Covers were Wednesd ay and spent the day at the of Bing1ha:m were her dinner gua<>b laid for Phone Mid. 108 1\Irs. G. W. Lar.:>on of Shelley Midvale home of Mrs. Mary Atwood. last We<lnesday. ldaho, Mr. and Mrs. J . .Monteer and * * * children of Salt Lake, Mrs. W. Young Mr. and Mrs. Leo Phillips are visit Mrs. Ivan Glove1·, popular cash:e1 of Tooele, l'>lrl<. U. Larson and children ing t·elatives at Devil's Slide for a of J. C. Penney Compan y is taking ~ Mrs. S. A. Bateman and Mr. 0. J. few days. much needed vacation of two week; Batman of Almo, Idaho. • * • • • • Mrs. S. H. Smith ha.d as he1· guests Mr. W. H. Perkins entertain ed two Mrs. S. A. Bateman returne<l home Tuesday , Mrs. W. Bun'Ows of Salt days of last week for fouT <lf his boyLake. hood chums, namely Mr. Roy wr;ght, Saturda y from a month'.s visit in PROMPT DELIV ERY SERVI CE • Mr. Leonard Hildawa y, Mr. Je;;se Idaho. Mrs. Bateman 's daughte r, Mrs. * Mrs. Elmo McMillin was the guest Ander.so n and Mr. Walter Holdm,'llly, G. W. Lm·son and two children reOffice--6500 State Street of her mother Monday, Mrs. A. John- all large ranah owners of Twin Fall,, turned home with her for a visit. * • • son of Union. Phones -Midva le 175-J, Murray 445 Idaho. Mrs. W. Young of Tooele is a guest _ • • * • • Mrs. Charles Malstrom had as her Miss Margare t F1orbush and l.\ir. of her sister, Mrs. V. Laroon. • • guests Sunday, Mr. and Mr~. Charles Harold Bishop of Murray joined }IisF Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brady enjoyed Edwm·ds of Salt Lake. Daisey Milne and a party of Mill a Waterme llon Bust with the UniCreek friends and enjoyed a dunce at "' "' Miss Fl-orence Reeder entertain ed Oak Villa last Wednesd ay evening-. versity Summer School Students at the Old Paper Mill, Sunday night . the girls of the Star Club Wedne.sda~ "' afternoo n. The time was spent in sewThe First Ward Relief Society ening and games after v.lhich refre~il tertained Monday afternoo n :in honor ments we1·e serve<l. of Mrs. Paul Nelson, an officer of • * • Mrs. Thomas Birch has as her guest Eleven members of the Bridge Club the Societv who is leaving Thursd-t y at her home, her grandson s, Stanley and partners enjoye<l an outing at with her ·husband , Mr. Paul Nelson for Castle Dale, where Mr. Nels-on. Curr of Los Angeles, Calif., and Les- Lagoon, l<'riday evening. has the position as principa l of the ·lie Curr of Idaho. • • • Castle Dale High School. 11: • • "' Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowding and Mr. ;;n Mrs. Charles Eatchel, Mrs. Nelson, and Mrs. H. Sorenson of Salt Lake 43 N. Main Phone 47-J Mrs. Ollis Glavis, Mrs. J. Burgen and entertain ed the Dow Club at UlE. Mrs. Rose Williams of La Grande, U! home of Mr .and Ivirs. A. Dowdw;, ;;:n Ore., spent We~ne;da! at Saltair. Saturday evening. Games were enjoy~ U: ed and suppe1· served to twenty fhc FIRE INSURA ;n Mr. Jene Bringhu rst motored to guests. NCE-D on't Delay. Payson a'nc! was one guest of Mr. an!] • • ., See H. C. Aylett, 320 N. Main. Tel. ~ Ml·s. J. Steward . :\fid vale 36. Miss Wilma Peterson of Salt Lakt tf and Mr. Andrew Han.«en were •rnan-ie<l FOR SALE-- 4 room modern house. istence depends upon our acSaturday of last week. 172 l<'irst Avenue -16-2M tive and earnest co-opera tion Mr. and Mr: Egbert anrl FOR SALE-H ouse with nice garden Wlith labor. We welcome Miss Ilah Hall of Sacrame nto, Califlot. Easy terms. 119 3rd Avenue, Miss Beatrice Simpers entertain ed ornia are guests of Mr. Egbert'.· you to come here at any Midvale. 4t members of the C. Y. C. Club at her m<lther, Mrs. Anna Egbert. hQme on State Street, Tlhursda y. A time to consult us upon fi* "' • MOVIN G-Expre ss, Hauling of all social time was enjoyed and refi-eshMr. and Mrs. C. Hansen had as kinds. Call Sam, Murray 1-10-J tlO nancial matters. ments were served. their guest the past week, Mrs. Leona "The Handy Place" • Falcoun er of Montana . FOR SALE-T omatoes . 50 cents per Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen of Union bushel. Burton :\I. Oliver, Union, * * • were guests Sunday of Bishop and Ford Accesso:t:ies, Oil, Gas, Tires, Tubes Mil<s Callie Jensen entertain e<l at Utah. 8-20-4t Mrs. T. F. G1·eenwood. Small Hardwa re, Brooms, 1\tiscellaneous Items her home on Main Street, Thursda y CLYDE L. RADDO N • evening. Progress ive g-ames were Mrs. Teacher of the Violin. Fo1· particuEmma Stone of South Cotton played and prizes won by Miss ALWAYS OPEN Fern wood visited W e<lnesday vrith Mrs. Hughes, Miss Lurelcla Ra<ldon, Mr. lars, phone, :\Iidvale 86-J3 -8-27-4 t Main and Smelte r Streets Rachel Forbush . Midvale, Utah Kennelli Bills and Carter Grant. A FOR RENT- Sept. 1. Five t·oom supper was served to twenty guests. room Bungalo w. Modern. Sleeping I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomton of Salt porch. 25 S. Holden St. Call E. Lake were the guests Sunday of Mr:;. Mrs. J. G. Hill had as her guest Cu>;hing, 11idvale 114-W. M. J. Thornton . Sunday Mrs. I. A. Whiteca r and child • ren of San Francisc o, Mrs. J. H. FOR SALE-B arney Google Store at Marian Porter of Salt Lake was a Whiteca Mich·ale Junction . Good Location . 1t r and Mrs. R. G. Whiteca r guest last week of Mr. and Mr:;. Goo. of Salt Lake. Millerbe rg. MIDVAL E HOTEL and Apm-tm~ts. Rooms $10.00 monthly and up. • • " Mrs. Florance Chri~ten~en of PresMrs. Parley Glover entertain e<l on ton Ida:ho visited here witJh friends Clean and good service. Sunday for Miss Dean and Lam-a the past week. FOR SALE-O ne Cole's Hot Blast Your Friends Eat Here Bateman of Midvale. • * • Heater, good condition , $7.50; abo I • • • • Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. A. E. Wi11- . good range , with water jacket, ! Mrs. Leonard Sharp had as her 1ams, Mrs. W. 0. Bobe1·g, Mrs. ~- $12.50. Several yards of fine linoj guests Friday, Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, Mrs. Earl Peterson ,. Mrs. Vv. leum, cheap. 25 Holden ••• • St. Pnone #!:< -.. . Jensen of Salt Lake. ? ~:t 1] . '·,. f} M. Hug•hes, Mrs. Ann MarriOtt , Midvale 115. -It e\.~ 4 (~ if~ · w.lit ' w:l1 ~ · :: ';;;Z$'-.&, ~ ..:::::·· ... * * Clvde Raddon, Mrs. C. Swen. on and Leo Smith of Driggs, 11 N. Main St., Midvale Ida:h<l is vi- M;·s. Neil Monahan were entertain ed FOR SALE-T wo Building Lotssiting here with friends and relatives . at the home of Mrs. T. L. Raddon on Inquire, 39-4th Avenue, Midvale. . .. Examine Our Home Plans No PAINTS • • • WEST JORDAN LUMBER CO. iiiiii ii iiiiii iii iiiiii iiii I .. . . "' West Jordan Lumber Co. MIDVAI.E, UTAH m FLOUR !:fi !:fi !fi !:fi !:fi !:fi !fi !:fi y:; !fi !fi !fi !:fi !fi y:; y:; !:li . y:; y:; West Jordan Milling Co. . "' . • I. LESTER • i!:fi!:fi!fi~ • !:fi y; y; !:li !:li Yi y:; Bread, 3loa vesf or - .. Cinn amo n Rolls and Doug h.. .. nuts, per doz. • • . Sandy City News 20C ithou t the laboring· man this bank and every other bank in the country would be useless. Our very ex- WANT ADS 25c !fi I ~~~~'liiiy;YW.!fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi:h!:fi!fiYj!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!Ji~ _ EAST MIDVALE Visit .. . y; !::fi !:ft !fi !:fi The Home of Home Made Bread and French Pastry Artificial Ice • • ~a)•ne Labor and Banking Frank Soter's • • • "' L--- -...: ..--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --..i Satisfied stomachs are eur best advertisement. • .. Midvale State Bank MIDVALE, UTA H ~------------.;~~--~~~~------------------~- . "' . --- --- • • . . .. 1 j STEWART'S CAFE 1 I. • 1\ln;., a es~ -t:·=~ 0 .. . :A\- tl~1: . g_jV=:, S' · Ane w pair FRE E if They Rip Look lor the Two Hors es |