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Show .. THE /NC. DEPARTM ENT STORES Main St., Midvale, Utah Time to Buy Blankets! See Our Timely Values We shall strive never to be remiss in this duty. · TO' know what you want and when you want it and be prepared to serve you so that you will enjoy the greatest satisfaction, is the duty of all our Stores. The price al.one tells .ollly a part of our story. We a.im to .serve you well with goods of quality and dharacter. Price is safeguarded by the peerless buying power- assured us by the enormous poohases we are constantly making for our hlJI!odreds of Stores. For Thrifty Housewives! Cool nights are near! Don't be caught with insufficient bed clothing. Buy now! Cotton blankets, ~ood quality, in standard colors. 54 in. by 74 in. (other sizes priced proporti.:>nately), the pair ................ . Part wool blankets in the plaid patterns so popular now.. In varie_ty of charmin~ colors. 68 Ill. by 80 m., the pa1r .............. ·... . .\11 wool blankets-warm and soft--woven of fine yarn. 66 in. by 60 in., the pair .••..•• $1.79 $4.98 $6.90 :F Why pay more? You can find now at this Store remarkable v a I u es in Coats and Dresses. The styles are chic I The quality of materials is high I At these low prices I You can't do better! Every child who comes into Booth's (whether they pu1·· chase anything or not) will be given FREE ONE PENCIL SHARPENER. Come in Boys and Girls and get yours, while they last. FOR ONE WEEK We will GIVE FREE your choice of a Little Doll or a lead pencil with every pair of CHILDREN'S Shoes or School Dress Goods Purchased (See Window). REMEMBER GOOD PEOPLE-OUR GOODS ARE DEPENDABLE. OUR - PRICES LOWER Style ! Find the most becoming and buy it I It means money saved. 75 What is a warm Home worth to you oot If you are trying to heat your home with ordinary NOW IS THE TIMETO BUY SHOT GUNS and AMMUNITION. BOOTH'S Have a complete line of all Sporting Goods at the right PRICE TOO ere. MIDVALE -. Wild Riding, Wild Fighting and Clean Romance You will find all these in "Cowboy Grit" SUNDAY ONLY If its a question of ·entertainment, there's no question about it HUNT STROMBERG preuntl ~LEA·£0 BY PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING COR.POR.ATim~ This is Carey's Latest TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, Sept. 1, 2, 3 Rin Tin Tin, The Wonder Dog, in ''Tracked in the Snow Country " SANDY FIRST WARD AND GR.ANITE MIX IN BALL GAME j ports .. s Important Savings In Women's Apparel Children (Continued from l'lage One) Kenneth G. Ikeler, of Tolana, Penwith three fowls .and no chicken. Gets nsylva.n:..a, pl'Ott-ssor of animal hushigh fowl into Rasmussen's mit. Goofi bandry in charge of livestock managefaces the Gold hurler. Miller picks nwnt at the Iowa State College and up Goff's .sitzling grounder. O'l:l.rien manager of a large commercial live" soores followed by Meyers, who was stock farm for the past five years, caught at home plate. was appointed professor of Animal Purple--.-3 Gold-2. Husbandry at the Utah AgricultUll'al College at the regular monthly meetLast Verse Third Inning Rasmussen iaces vicious meat cut- ing of the Board of Trustees held at ter. Gets hig-h fowl but Matthews the College. muffles it. Rasmussen walks. GilProfessor Ikeler graduated from bert up. O'Brien, being intimate with the Pelmsylva.nia Normal School m his partner, walks hm1. Olsen tliv~ 1909. In 1913 he received his b~hel out to Schultz. ·&asmus.s~w advances oc·s degree from the Pennsylvwia to third while first baseman powden; State College and in 1914 he reoeived his nose, Peberson up and strikes ouc. ~;he degree of master of science i'n Ridd gets ·long fiy to Hyatt, who wa.. agriculture from the Iowa State Colasleep. .R.a.smussen and Gilbert score. lege. Following graduation he W&> apNelson up for a simgle. Gustaviso1: pointed specialist in charge of beei fans. Leaving Nelsen -on first and cattle demonstrati<ms for the North Ri-dd on second. Carolina Experiment Station. He left Score, Purple--3 Gold--4. that position to accept a postian in Last Half Fourth Inning the faculty of the Iowa State College O'Bl'ien lqses •his control and is tak- where he •rose to the rank o.f full proen out of the box. Cushman substi- fessor. . tutes, Goff going to first and StephenIn 1917, Professor Ikeler was selson benind the bat. Ready for bus- ected by the firm of Carpenter and iness in reorganized condition the pm·· Ross of Mansfield, Ohio to select pie hope to gathet" the deciding run, shorthorn cattle for them in Great while holding the G-old <.lown. Britain for importation •into this Aylett hits to Cushman to G-off. country. During the World War, he Miller got ·a single batting 1.000% served as captain in the Remount Rasmussen puts the pill :i.nto Smeitt:l Service of the American ExpeditionHouse No. 5. Miller caught off the ary forces in France where he comsack at third. Rasmussen falls down manded the 3401ih Field Re!mount anJ crawls on bands and kness safe!, Squadron. to second. Cushman fans Gilbert reIn the opinion of Dean Charles F. b tiring the Gold. Curtiss of the !School of Agriculture Fifth Inning of the Iowa State College, Professor .:; G-old ·battery the ~e. Stephenson Ilreler is one of the most capable :men 1 .... fans. Goff singles to Gustavison, who that the school has ever had on its o mixes with ·the dust allowing runner teaching staff. 3l safe on fh-st. Schultz up. Goff ru:ns Professo1· lkeler also received very third. Matthews on second. G-off gets strong recommendation's from Presi- ~~ caught in box off third but Rasmus- dent R. S. Fearson of Iowa State Col- _ sen counldn't hang onto the ball. Cub lege, Professor C. W. Gay, head of the !Schulz gets single. An.derson swings Department of Animal Husbandry at ,. hi·s usual and ~~~:llowable three tiJne~S. the same institution, Professor A. Hyatt at bat. Fielder Nelson takes Bohstedt, chief of the Department of to the tall timber. Miller picks up Animal Husbandiry of the Ohio ExHyatt's grounder. Goff dies as t'he periment Station, and William H. Pow side retires. Score four all. formerly profe~or of amimal husLast and Final Struggle bandry at the Iowa State College. Olsen singles on second pitched ball With the coming of Professor Ikele1 Peterson at bat. Out. Ridd get.<s to to the Utah Agricultural CoHege, the first on fast grounder a.lva.ncing Ol- Lnstitutio.n will have one of the strong sen to third. The crowd goes wild. est departments of animal husban.dry The -reputation of veteran Cushman is in the entire inter-unountain region. at stake. Also the eat.<s, and every- The personnel of the faculty in thi:s thing. Nelson walks to the plate de- and closely allied departments includtermined that ilili> opPtDrtu!n:i't:y ha es the following names, i,n additio>n come. Stephenson squatting low be- to Professol' Ikeler: Dr. W. E. Carroll, hind the plate mw-murs to Cushman now on leave of absence at the Uni"Give him all you've &'Qt, Joe" and versity of Illinois where he is proJoe did. Nelson fowled time afte1· fessor. of animal husbandry, who will time. Mrs. NeLson was 'hystericai 1·eturn to the College next year to Docs knees quivered. Up comes the take charge of special investigatior.o; last ball. Two strikes on him. Dr. in animal nutrition. Dr. H. J. Fredlooked it over and hit a. twister high erick, professor of Veterinary Science; over first. Olsen held third until he Professor George B. Caine, head or decided on the proper prooedure and the Department of Dairy Husbamd1·y then took the winning run. ~nd Manufa.cturimg; Associatle ProGold-5 Purple 4. fesoor Byron Alder, in charge of the Game called on account of darkness. work im poultry husbandry, Assistant Cushman took the responsbility of Professor R. J. Becraft, in charge of the game when he relieved O'Brietn range management; Assistant Profesand was unable to deliver the g'OO<is. sor Alma Esplim, head of the work in NeJ.son won the game for the G-old's sheep husba:ru:lry and wool managewithout apron or anything. ment; Wilford Cole, ins,tructor :im It's up to the Purple to hold the dairy husbandry; and W. H. Warner, grand outing whieh was a. part of the assistant in poultry husbandry. penalty for the losers. The Lions will line up and play another ferocious game Tuesday evening, Sept. 1 on the SmeJ.ter grounds. 'Dhe purple's are not satisfied with the results. Benefit for the Midvale band. on the Smelter grounds. Th Sandy First Ward and Granite Primary base ball teams . played the FOR RENT Championship game -of the Jordan Desirable store room at 88 N. Main Stake Primaries on the Midvale Street. Good location for thriving Smelter grounds Monday afternoon. business. Inquire at Barber Shop Sandy First, winning by a soore oi next door to 88 N. Main St. Midvale. 12 to 4. Both teams played good bali Lynn Brady, 1st ,ba3eman for Sandy ::;howed good form at catching flies. Granite's short stop, Mr. Despain cau,ght a Liner tthat must !have burnt Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Boyden spent a blister on his hand. George Mon·ow 3l the past week at Mt. P)easant. dandy's pitcher fanned one mal) after g • another. Delmar Larson stopping all ~~ Mr. Clarence Nelson has returned that passed the bat. The Granite team _ home from California. ~ere he ha~ were in the game every minute and been attending SICihO<l,l. i'or their size gave a good demon- • • stration of amateur ball playing. Ml'IS. Annie Egbert and family enSandy First, had some advantage in joyed the pasot week at Brighton. size as well as abili-ty. All playing a • snappy game and hitting &'Qod. UmMr. and Mrs. 0. Dastrup had a~ pires were Mr. Royce of Butlerville their guests the past week, Mr. wd and Mr. Cox, of Midvale. Stake ofMrs. S. B. G-oqld and family of Monficers, Mll\S. Newbold, !head of the roe and Mrs. E. A. Cowley and son~ Trail Bui!del"S of Stake Board and Frank and Vandez of RicMield. Mrs. Boyce, Pres., of the Stake Pri• * * lnary Board were well pleased with Mrs. Mary Englar, Miss Marjorie the game.. Park, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walton and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Handley of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pea of Salt Lake were Sunday dinner guest.> of Lake were Sunday guests of Dr. an<l Mr. and Mrs. D. Dowding. .:t1rs. C. C. JelllSEm. SATURDAY ONLY Pete Morrison and Lightning in "COWBOY GRIT" ! Coat and Dress Values ! Our ready-to-wear department may not be the most spacious or the most elaborate in the world, but it is chuck-full of splendid values for women who want attracti:e apparel. ra,._o .. -bly pncecl • # INSTITUTION- From the morruing our 'Arst Store was opened we have been mindful of our great responsibility ;tio tlh,e public as its distribtltor of merchandise. JOURNAL ,., LIONS LEAVE BALL EXPERT IN ANIMAL 1 FIELD BRUISED HUSBANDRY ON U. AND BLE~DlNG A. C. FACULTY .... /1 /VAT/ON-WID E OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC JORDAN • Stoves or fireplace you should investigate the WASHINGTON HOME FURNACE because it produces Furnace Heat at Stove COST. Produces circulating Moist 'Heat-Most Healthful Heat known. Cold comers are warm. Will do the work of two or three stoves or five or six Grates. COME IN AND SEE IT o. SANDY ITEMS • • .F • • .,. x-->>». • * • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. L. W. Nielsen was a guest of Mrs. T. M. Davis has as her guest the Bridge Club at Bingham Monday her daugmter, Mrs. Jack Pen-y of evening at the home IYf Mrs. E. Morris Roosevelt. • • • Scene from RlN-TIN-TIN in .. • • • • ·-··· ' AWARNERPICTURB A Story That Will Thrill You The wolf-dog was of "killer" stock-but the girl of the north dared to take him into her home and raise • him from puppyhood. They told her the wolf-stain • would never down, but in the round, sombre eyes of Rin-Tin-Tin, she found only loyalty and affection. Then came the killing! Was it the wolf-stain returning? The outcrop of centuries of heredity? RinTin-Tin was outlawed; men sought to destroy him. The girl who raised him and the man she loved tracked him. But Rin-Tin-Tin himself was tracking someone over the snows-to clear his own name and punish the guilty Never has a more thrilling story of the North been unfolded on the screen. You will enjoy the "wonder dog of the screen" in his most entertaining picture. • • • Miss Vera Oreer of Spanish Fork Mr. and Mrs. James Mi.tchell, Mr. is a guest of Miss Grace Nielsen. and Mrs. William Clayson were the • guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hand on Mrs. J. Green left Wednesday for Sunday. a trip to Idaho. ... Mr. and Mrs. G. Scharer and family Miss WiLma Bateman was a dinner IYf Payson were guests of Mr. and guest or·Mrs. Nellie Turner of Grant Mrs. David Hand the past week. Ward, Sunday. Misses Rosemond and Frances • • • Zverina who have been in a. tour Mrs. R. W. Born and .son, Waldo through., the Panama Canal and the spent a few days at Brighton at the guests of Mrs. R. W. Born tihe past Dixie cabin the past week. · ten days left Sunday night f()ll" ChiThe Congregational Sunday School cago where they will visit before reenjoyed a picnic at Liberty Park on turning to their home in Cleveland, Tuesday of last week. Ohio. ... . rRACKED IN THE sNow couNTRY" • Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Durkin and Miss Mrs. Jennie 'Dhomas and daughters Kate O'Donnell of Texas were guests Vida and Georgia and son Kay of of Mr. an.d MM. W. W. O'Brien the Eureka were guests of Mrs. M. S. past wook. Nielson the past week. • ~....w:.-:,:.::..·-=·....·:=:.c.~:$.~=-=.:;·~-=;=;::~:.w-:-=·~~~:::;:~~::w.::~:.::-~::~::~:::::~~~t;:..~..~ COMING SOON ALL TO BE SHOWN IN SEPTEMBER At the l f "Don Q, Son of Zorro" Douglas Fairbanks "The Desert Flower" Colleen Moore "The Confidence Man" Thomas Meighn "l'he Gold Rush" Charley Chaplain "White Fangs" Strongheart Of C9ur e IRIS THEATRE |