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Show THEJORDAN JOURNAL.M IDVALE,UT AH AN OPERATION Schalk Breaks Catching Record Lake City Fimls qhe . I RECOMMENDED I ~ Sheffield ~-B:U.>rs $3.00 up; Novelty catalog 10c. Moab Rorrcnt St, Salt Lake City, Utah.. & GINGER MARTIN AGENTS WANTED ~ Center Made to Measure Clothed. 123.50 up, Birr money !or right n•en. Writa 115 Mcintyre Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. RADIO MAOAZI;'\~: ~~....,.,....-- RADIO FANS vi~~ :~!':lyc~::~:~in~--. Progrnm<. lome 111bles, Topics. Qu: sti011s, to:x<.:hllngc~. etc. 9G $1.00. Write lor FrN' Copy, 71 West way, Salt Luke City, Ut~!1, 'f"LF.GllAI'll SCIIOOI. ~ .......................... ·~ ..w~_...._ S1451o $225 Monthl". Learn Tel<'tuuphy, Grl'at om"'rtuniti<'• Cl•an easy work. PS)~ition~ st~t·urtd. l~nrn while you learn. lfunrtn:•d:-> of gnutna\P~. Oldc~t and hest , echool, Wtite for flt'C t·alnlogur. Am~rit·an . Telegr:wh Collet:e. ~~~ S. M>in, Salt Lake. I CAlORIC: i "Best Heat Under the Sun" The most modern and economical home heating plant (Pipe or Pipeless). Can be installed in practically any bouse. Write for FREE booklet on "Scientific Home H~ating." Attra"'ive proposition for dealers In eYery town. GRANITE LUMBER & HARDWAR E CO. 1084 E. 21st So., Salt Lake City l************************~ SYNOPSIS.-To a gathering of anarchists In Barking, London suuu.-1.>, Zn bolcff. foreign agita· tor, tells of the operations of a body of men who have become a He menace to their activities. saYs they are masked and wear long black cloaks and are acting He Is interwithout thb law. rupted by the men he I~ describIng (the Black Gang), who break up the meeting, sentencing some or the participant.s to condign punishment and c-arrying away A memorandum found others. on Zabolet! gives an address In Hoxton, which the leader of the attacldng p>HtY considers of Im Sir Bryan John~tone, portance. director of criminal investigntlon, hears from Inspector McIver, sent to arre~t Zaboleff the night befor~. of his discomfiture. He had b<'en seized ano chloroformed and his ratd frustrated. Hugh Drummond, man or leisure, tells Johnstone of seeing thA,kldnaperr. and their victims. He be· comes an unpaid agent of the 'Yilllam pollee, unoer 1\lclver. Atkinson, ostensibly pawnbroker and money lender, really Count Zadowa, director of an:ll'chy ln England, does business In anA mysoth<:r London suiJuru. the Invades terious stranger Drummond attempts premi•es. to burglarize the premises to get evidence. CHAPTER IV 7$ ln Which a -Bomb %HOW Bursts at SWISS ALPS : I Unpleasantly Close Quarters AVALANCHI·~ = ALL 'l'Hll\'GS.- ~ I *% ADESTROYS It was perhaps IJPcanse the thon::\'ht mountain cllmher, In discuss· ~ ' IN * entered llu~h Druming the accounts of recent . of failu•·e nevet· head thut ~neh a cr•nsidcrable mond's ~ avalanches In the southern alps, =: measure of success had heen pm;sihle ;;; resulting In destruction and up to date--that, und the absolute, death, says: which he <le· unquestioning % The cause of these sudden ; manderl of hisol.lerlit>nce pnls, members of the descents Is 11ot far to seek. On Black Gang, and which they at•corf1ed the higher slopes there have hlm willingly. As they knew, he luitl been six or eight weeks of dear, no claims to hrllliance; but us they almost uninterrupted frosts, also L<new, he hid a vPry shrewd com· which have caused the exl:;tlng mon st•nse bent>ath his frivolous man· snow to become loose and ner. And hu vin~ once accepted the powdery. military truism thnt one indifsound % Now, under pressure ot the Is better thun two ~oo<l general ferent % recent heu vy falls of freeh ll<'CejJtf'd his leadership they ones, snow, this loose under snow has with unswerving IO)'Uiity. \Vhnt was given way, and vast masse3 ot to !Je the end of their self-imgoing volume every lt, gathering light ugainM the pests of so· posed moment, are plunging down the not worry them greatly; <lid clety mountain sides. overwhelming wns that there shoulfl mattpret.l that all sheep and unfortunate tourists of sport in the amount certain a be and burying all that comes In the specimPns. Granted of colleetion their path. the promi~e of that, they willingly This type of powdery ava! f<arriflced any • enu:a;.:eml'uts and curlanche, serious enough to life ried out Hugh's ot·ilerR to the letter. .,.. and limb, I~ as nothing comUp to tlate. however, the cmnpaio;n. pared with the real avalanche thoug-h f;tr frr !II hPing dull, had not built up of accumu!a tlons of product·d nuy ·eally hi;.: re~nlts. A snow that may have commenced numh!'r of ~pnlts nnrl !I few lllrldPrateyears ngo. sized tlsh had ,July l>eeu t·ou;::ht in the Tl1ese vast accumulation~ octanding-net, :.ntl hePn sPnt to the pri· cur on the plateaus or less st~:>ep ntte pool to merlitaiP at leisnrP. Bnt Incline:. 'lhe pressure of each nothing reall)· large had ('Ollie their snccet>rling senl>on's snow tums way. Zahol~>ff wus 11 gontl hun!. l:t:t the under snow to Ire. nnrl ihP B!Hek <Jan~. ''hil'lt almed nH•relv winter n fter winter the mas~ the repre ·sion of terrorism h~ !Prut lnneases In weight and vnlume. lond fonnol it 1'"' <'a!Sy. The rorlsm. j A mornpnt n rrl\1~:>~'1 when, ow<'O\\ardif•e of the majority nHufwatiu;.: Ing eillret· to !li'Ci)~mre rrom \\'OS heeon in~ nw· oppnnl'nt. t!H•ir of higher l!'vels or the mass grow· ~ an•r ·:<•n to l<O:IJI :-trong thPil' notonous, lng so hnmens£', It overC'omes Tlot'Y w:mt<'•l lns;.:nltnry. watt>r, unrl any resistance that holds lt. Or, that Pl!ler,;t•!l rats the root guonthig due to an exceptionally mild st-wers. the frnm summer, the lowest stratum 1:vrn Dt·ummond h:ul lw!!nn to ferl against the mounrnln shle l>i tlnlt p~ttriotbm might be <'fltTi d ton melted and a !lort of water fnr, uutil tl;t, nwmPnt wiH n thE> :HI C'UShlon I~ formed upon which dn'f!' In Hoxton harl ~allt>n lnt<) their the whole glides forward. lonnd~. Tlu.•n. with tlor optitni>'!ll that There are other causee. hul for ~'<orne nuson such a! thl'se 1 lin•s eternal In thP hunter',: brPnst. fresh hope had nri~en in his mint!. the colosEml mass commences to He hnd detPrnolnC!l on a higg<>r ;;amP. move slowly <lownwar.l tnwnrd It faiiPd-lf they rlrt>w hl[lnk-he [f the valley. If the pace Is slow almo~t tlel'itletl to el111vk the thing had It Is known as a creeping l'hylli:;, he knew, altogether. up avalanche and can be kept un· if liP tlirl. ovet·,lo)·etl bE> wonltl der constant observation. There coup, old ~rfrl," llnal nne tlli,-; "Just Is little Immediate danger from \\'!Jitine; In the sat they as said, ;,e It and peasants and farmers can rein· awe·iDRllirin!! the fot· Carltou be warned of tbe approaching and dried, nne! cut It got "I've tlves. peril. dud a It's If tonight. off C'Omes it Sometlme!l, however, an aval.v~'l! Jis~ol ve ou rsPI Yl'f'l- H t any rate. anche of this type wfll wltllin a ftor the present. If onlv-" few hours of having become He sighNI, nnd his wife looked 111 loosenet1 hurl Itself downward loitn reproa('hfully. with the speed of an express "T know you lnmt nnothPr tight with all exceeding noise a train , and I'E'tersrn, ~·on old goat," ~<IH' remarked. lmaglnntlon. Nothing cnn withyou'll nevPr see him again. or "Rut homeand Farms stand lt. girl." horril.lle thnt buried. or away ewPpt stead~ nre I s!lal!, Phyl ?" RP thin!; you "Don't are forests of llr and pine at his shol'S. "I dr.spontlently ~tared crashed do\\·n or carried away thnt somemysplf feelin.-. help r•nn't like so muf'h straw; cattle, this that nil uehind othr·r or where rocks, rallwu)'S are all carried drar, it illy lnrkin~. i::; hir!l eloe<>ry % beforE> It until P.lther It comes saw never I If ghnstly too he wuulrl . to rest In lower level~ or hurl11 11gnin." him ( % Itself over perprndirular wnlls ~ % of rock Into the vulleys be- i "Th•• next time you ~!'e him. lfn)!h.'' / she nnsll'!'rt·d qnil'tly, "he \You't take neath. any !'IJnnees with yon." ''But, my angel ehild," he hoonwd •************************~ "I don't want him to. • 'ot eheerfnlly. Why Lena Ia Hard to Make Nor ,;hall I. Good For th·e months expl'rts In Wash- on your life! arP. UnclE> 'l'imothy thl'y Ington trierl to east a RIX·Inch rllsk of !.orrl! Ht•t·e optical g!as:l, but made two fnllures. looi;S mm·e like a m:mgel-wurzPl thau In Germany, however, n diS!( of P.ver., And so at nlne·thlrty that ~:>vPnil g, n seventy·two lnC'he~ of perfe<'t lens has been made. It reQuire~ 5.000 pound~ party of five men sat \\lilting in a of raw rnaterlnl compounrlt>d with smnll Aitting-room of n hmt~l:' sitnall:'d rrent I'Xactltude. The lfms when ('0Dl• In a rpnoote <'OI'11!·r of South Ken~ingpleted must be ef uniform denaitJ ton. Some ense!~ stoofl rnunrl the half-finisht>d 11 ith •·overerl walls tlaroughout. ----j;ketehl'j;, a;; bnfittetl a room IH•!un •in~ •o fl budding artist Sll<'h as 'l'ohy ~in No "Fare, Please!" clait•. • 'ot thnt he wus nn nrti t or It Is nnnouncPd tlout IHJ hie!~ born on ahlpplng honr!l vpss!'ls will he rnrr1Pt1 .. ven 11 hutlrling on~:>. hut he f••l t th:;t free the rernniurler of the voynge. II fllllll lll\IS1 hnve SOlllP <'X!:USI-' for This Is as It shoutrl he. Making the living in Houth KPn~iugton. And so helpless llttle creatures work their he hud honght the sl;etC'hi'S 1tntl pnt passage by stoking the furnaces In the the•n rmm<l thl' room, prin<·ipally to engine room Is unthinkable.-Ne w Or· <leC'·~Ive the lundlndy. The far·t that he \\oa'! never thPTP I'Xr'PJII at strange leans States. hours merely contlrmecl that I'Xcellrnt woman's opinton thnt nil artists werl' Riche• in Content dissolute rasl'als. Bnt he paid his He Ia tbe richest who Is content rent regularly, nnd timE's were hard, with the least ; for content a l.he especially In South Kensington. Had Wealth o.r nat1lre.-Socratea . t.be worthy soul known thai her aecond * * * * * * l * * i* i = ! % i* I ** ** = ** ** * = ~* * * = * t * :* $ *t* % * ! ** = i I$ I * = = I'm dr~ssrd up like this. We don't mf·an you any harm." The voice pau.-ed for a moment, und thPn went Copyrtqhl by GEORGE H. DORtlN CO. on again. "You understand that, :\larv. N. u.s.,"" tln. We don't mi'Un you uny hnrm, unle:;;s"-and once again there carne a bPst ~ittlng.room was the renrlezvous pausc-''nnlet<~ you try any monkey of this Rlurl\ Cang, it Is dnnhtful If tricks. You nre to do exactly us I she would have hreu !'IO complacent. tell you, without que:-;tion and at once. But ~'<he didn't know, nnd continuetl If you do you will recPive fifty pounds. hl'r weekly dustin;.:- of the sketdtl:':< If you don't-well, ~Iartin, I have ways of tlt>uling with people who don't with characteristic zt>a!. what I tell them.'' flO salt! ~oon,'' ht•re he should "TI'd watch. his at glancinl! Drummond, "I ' 'l'here IYIIS sllent·e whlle Ginger Marright." nil hird the got he's hope tin fitl,e:etefl about, looking like a l'O<)m, Inner the into "You didn't get trnprwd animal. "\\'hat do yer want dirl ~·on, Ilu~lo ~" ~aid l'Pt~:>r Darrell. me to do, guv'nor?" he snit! fit la~t. Rut I snw enough to know "~o. "Opl'n u safp among-st othl'r things,'' "Have you thnt It's beyonu our form, oltl lafl. answt>red Dl'nmrnond. We've got to have n skilled cracks· brought your tools and thing:,;'!'' man to deal with one of the doors''Yu~-I've brought the outfit,'' mutand almost certainly nnytloing impor- teretl the other. "Where Is the safe? ~Ere'?" tant will be in n !'afe inside." "Just run over the or!ll.'rs ngain.'' "Xo, ~lartin, not heJ·e. Rome disTohy F\lncluir came hack from drawin·' tance away ln fact. We shall start In the hlin!ls even more clnsely together. about un hour. Until then you will "l'erft•<·tly :;;imple,'' sal!l Hug"h. "Ted stop In this room. You cnn have a anti I uml Ginger Martin-if he's go• whisky-and·soda, and my friend here him-will p:o straight Into the homw will !o;(ay with you. lie has a gun, through the front door. I know the :\Iartin, ::;o remember what 1 said. No I!I'Ography of the place nil right, anfl monkey tricks." I've already laid out the 1'1\rNakrr With fuscinaterl eyes the crook rle rk ft~llow once. 'l'hen we must trust 1\·at<'he(l thP speai>Pr ri;;e and cro><s to to lnek. There shouldn't he nnyohrly an Inner dom·. 1·1tan!ling he ~eemed the1·c excrpt the little hlightl'r of a more hugr thnn evt•r, and ~lartln gnve cleric The re;;t of you will hang nhont a liil!h of relief as the door closed be· Don't hind him. out~l!le in case of :1ny trouhle. moYE>; the on keL·p togl'ther, hunrh but 1\eep the doors In sight. When The Pntrance to Xumher 5 Grren ,\'ou ~~>e u~ come out ·again, mnl;e ~trpet pro1·e<1 easier than Drummond yt>Ur own way home. Can't gl\•e you had PXVP<'tPd so easy as to be uhnost ~lilY more !letnilefl instructions because No lights sl1one in the win· suspicious. I don't know what may turn up. I dow~ uhove: the house seemed com:;hull rig m:yself out llere, after Tetl pi I'! Ply dt>l<ertetl. ~foreover, the rloor Into the strel't wa~ unholted, nntl with· out a mompnt's hesitation Drummond opened it and :strpp~:>d inside, followed by ~Inrtin anrl Te!l Jerningham. The long l.llack cloak had l.leen discarded; only the black mask coneruled his face, as the three men stood inside the floor, listening Intently. Not a sound was nudiole, and after a moment or two Drummond felt his way cautiously through the downstairs office to· wnrd the flight of stairs that led to the rooms above. In single tile they crept up the stairs, Drummond leading. The door at the top was ajar, and for awhile they stood In the carpeted passage above li~tening again. "Along this pnSI!age are the clerks' offices,'' he expl:tined In n low voice to the other two. "At the far end Is another door \VhiC'h wp shall probably ftnrl locket!. Beyond that is the Inner otllcr, \Yhich we wunt." "Well, let':s get on wiv it, guv'nor,'' mutt Pred Ging~:>r ~In rtin !ton r~Piy. ''Tio!'t'e's no good In 'angin~ uhaht." Drummonrl switched on his electric torch, atHI tlashl'd It ('aution~ly round. I loon; lPndin~' otT tlw pa~sage WPre nppn in most easrs, and all lhl' rooms wprp empty; It wns oh1•ion" that none "Biimey!" Muttered the Man, Shrink- of thE> 'tuff Wt'l'l' :obonl. Anti ~·~:>t he ing Back as He Saw the Huge Fig. felt an intlPiiuahle sen e l>f rlangPr, Him. \\hi('h hP. trit'll in ,.a,n trl shake ofl'. in Black Confronting ure "\'.'hat's the Game, Guv'nor?" 'omehow or otht>t". lte felt <'Pl'tain that W!'re not ale-ne--that there were "nives. r ou ltatl hettl'r go to your thP~' in thE> house. But Gingrr 1111 n rooms Hnrl do it, h•Jt 11 nit t11·st to oth~>r people l\Inrtin hfl<l no ~uch pt'l'SI'ntiments, mal-t• ;;ure that he's roped In Ginger was ntpidly het•omin~ Impatient. nnd ~I11rtin.'' the door at the rnrl of the Ojlen To lie g!anr·l'ri up ns lltP rloor npenr>d slioulol prove to he pnssn~e. if It ;!nd ,Jerry !:'p~·mnut· -~ometinte of the eh ild's pia as to be snl'h wa. lol'l:eli, It. l'. G.-put lois hen<l lnto the room. Hhsolntely t·ontemptihle. Ilr wantetl "Tell's here, an!l hp'~ got the hir<l to gPt on with the ,:afe. which might >ill rl;.!ht. Unpll'af:'ant·looki ng blol;e lake tim!', in>;!Pad of fooling round In with n llatteneol fat"e." n passa~e listening fnr mit-r. rosr', nntl Drummond "Hi~ht." \Vithnut a sound, the crack:,;mnn set lTO>;,-;t>d to a Cli(Jboa rrl. "Clt>n r olT, to wot·k; his coarse fpalures outline<! Zero-t\\'elve millnighl.'' ~·on fl'llows. in the clrde of the torch, his ill·kl'pt From the cnphoartl he pull~:>d a long ling-ers handling hill instruments ns hlfl('k cloal; and ma~k. which he pro· deftly as any snrgl:'on. A little oil f•et>defl to put on, while the othprs tlis· It pre and there; 11 stPatly pressure nppeared with the ext·l:'ption of Jerry with a short pointetl steel tool ; a faint Se~·nulur, who came into the room. He r click. was drc~sell in livery like n chauiT<'Ur, he mutguv-nor," are, "There you nntl he hurl, in fact, been driving the ns kiss "Basy up. t~:>retl, straightening l'ar in whid1 Ted had brought Ginger yer 'and. And If yer waits till I tlnd ::Hartin. me .:lo,·e I'll open It for yer; hut Gin· "Any trouhle?" asked Drummond. gPr ~Iartin's fingl'r-pl'lnts are too well "X n. Onl'e he was certain Tell hnrl known to run nny risks." nothing to do with the policl' he came Still no sound came from nnywhet·e, like n hit·d,'' said .Jerry. "The flfty the click as the lock shot buck though !JUirl dill it." Thrn he grinn<•d. "You horribly loud In the si· seemed hn<l know Ted's u marvel. I'll defy nnyjust as l\Iartin cnu· then, And lenee. horly to r!'coe;nizl' him." handle and pushPd the turned tiously Drummond notl<led, nnd oat down at open the door, Drummond stiffene<l Jhe table fat'ing !he door. suddenly und switched off his torch. "Tell Ted to hring him up. Am! I He ('():tid have ~worn that he heard don't want him to r<ee you, Jerry, so tht> souul! of vokes clo!=:e by. kePp ont of the light." Only for a f\P.t:ond-they were In· L'nrloubtedly Jerry Seymour was stantly sllt>nce<l; hut .inst for that right with rt•p:nnl to .Jerninl!ham's ft'lll'tiun of time ns thr> door opened he makp.np. A:; he anti ~!arlin nune iuto knPw lie had heard men SJleaking. tile ronm. it was only the Rudtlen start and cry tm the part of the crook that marie Drummond certain as to which It looks very much like a trap. 11a>: 1\ltich. What is Zadowa planning to do "Biillle)' !"muttered the man, shrinkto Drummond? ing haek as hl' saw the huge-flgun• in bluek ton fronting him, "\\'ot',; the sAp Razor Uladea Pkg. 35c; German Gi1- % dozen 2iie; Tree Brund Avoided by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound - - - - - - - - - ' : ' · By CYRIL McNEILE ·· BARBtioR AND BUTCIIER SUPPLIES ** * *** **= ** i* * ** ii = p E R j mp thnt • ~UillP, gtn·'nor~tt nn game, ~Inrtin.'' Raid "You've rPassm·ingly. OrurnLwnd bel'n told what you're wamNl for, lmvl"n't sou? A little profe~f<ional ns~~stanre tonight, for whirh you will l.le paid lifty pounds, is all we ask of • • • • • • (TO HE CONTI.:UED.) ·~rher.-·s you.'' But G!ngl'r l\Iurtln still seP.ml'tl far from easy in his mind. "You're on!' of this 'ere mark Gang,'' hi' said snll!'nly, glaneing at the door in front of standing. \I'll~ Jcrninghnm which Should hP t:hunce it and muke a dash to get ~ ll'ay ~ Fifty pounds are fifty lie gn ve a little shil·er pound~. 'mtas hh; eyes came round again to the motionless figure on the other side of the tuhle. "Quite C"orrect, Mnrtln," said the same reassuring voice. "And It's only because I don't w11nt you to reco~!!e • Los Angeles, Cal.-' 'I cannot give too much praue to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegr.;,;;,;,;;;.:;,;;,;:,;;;.;.,;,;_;:~ etable Compound for what it has done for me. My mother gave it to me when I waa a girl 14 years old. and since then I have taken it when I feel run down or tired. I took it for three months before my two babies were born for I suffered with my back and :::;:;..-.;;;...;;Jbad spells as if my heart was affected, and it helped me a lot. The doctors told me at one time that I would have to have an operation. I thought I would try 'Pinkham's, • as I call it, first. In two months I was all right and had no operation. I firmly believe 'Pinkham's' cured me. Everyone who saw me after that remarked that I looked so well. I only have to take medicine occasionally, not but I always keep a couple of bottles by me. I recommend it to women who speak to me about their health. I have also use<i your Sanative Wash and like it very much." - Mrs. E. GoULD, 4000 East Side Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. Many letters have been received from 1 · women vho have been restored to health hy Lydia E. Pinkham'.s Vegetable Compound after operat10ns have been adviSed. Key to Treasure Houae .Just thluk of the nost treasures ot words full of rich and rare meanln~ that lie locket! up In our lnuguage, hidden awuy fmm coi:.mon use aud ••njoyed only by thr lt>a rnpd few 1 It Is us If, possrsslng tlw mineral w~:>ulth of thr world, ready for the mlut, we s('ornftllly turned aside to remain tn pon•rty. rlictlonary C"onstltutes the The As trrusnre house of our lan;:;nn~e. >l people we neediP!'~Iy tlt•]Jri\'e ourselves of the great helps at our commnnd. In our dally tesks, not one of which <'an be performed without the use of words, we possess ont1 th9 most primitive tools, while we might be equlpperl with the .kecnut and most etHclell.:. Hny "Cracker" Schalk, catcher of the Chicago White Sox, who broke the all-time record of the mnjnr leaguf's for games caught when he wore the mask lint! protector In hls 1,575th contest. For twelve consecutive yenrs he hail caught 100 or more games each senson. 5oofhinq and Hea.linq Household Ointment Condensatio ns ~~~~~~ , ~ New York Canoeists Expect Swedish Defi The New York Canoe club, located In the old Garrison inn, at Fort Totten, Is expecting a chal· lenge for the International Chal· lenge cup from the Canoe Club of Sweden. A series of rnces will probably be held in New York waters In August. The clubs of the United States will be asked to participate In a series of races to determine the fB.!!test decked sailing canoe and the best snUorman to defend the trophy. It has been successfully defended since 1865 against English and Canadian challengers. ~~~~·~~~~i Abo1·e Is picture of Hoy Leubbe, a product of the Omaha t<andlots, who loa::; heen sold to the New York Yankees for a sum rrported to be lie is a catcller and hard $l:.!,!'i00. hitter. runner has returned to within a step or two of the base before he pitches the ball, thereby releasing the runner of obligation to touch the base, especially Ir the umpire has calletl "play." This Is one of the common·sen!'le modifications of tl e rules adopted to spectl up the game. ~Iost people love platitudes. Joys are wings ; sorrows, spurs. In politics experiments mean revolutions.-Disral'l l. A foresi;::htP.d man always provides alibi,; beforehand. No one ever l.lecame thoroughly bad all nt once.-Juvenal. Some make an a!l'ectatlon of their absence of affection. There Is no love sincerer than the love of food.-G. B. !:'haw. \YhPn faith I;; lost, when honor dies, the man is dead.-\\'hitti('r. Kill a man's vanity unrl you may klll the who'e spirit of the man. Of two evil>; the lesser Is h\ n~·s to he chosen.-TI1oma s a Kempls. Rear a large fumlly and noises won't bother you mu<'h. Girl Swimming Star ot'1 r \\'onwn tnlk for mnny and listen for rew. Sometimes It's thf. wan \\I o doesn't he:situte "ho g, ts lost. Returning to Bases. The rule of requiring basPrunners to rNnrn to ha e they ori~inally hel<l on I foul halls SPems to pt>rplex mnny 1 pln~·en>, although It Is very simple. Players nre supposed to return to their hasPs without liahllity of being nut out on nil foul bnlls and play cannnt be l'esumed until they have tourlietl the ha!'e and pitcher Is in his position. This rule hns hl'en mod· itied hy umpires <lue to the fact that It slows the game and play Is autom~ttit'ally resumed when the pitcher Is in his box. If the player Is attempting tn r.-turn to bnse nnd comes within a few f<·et of It when the pitcher starts hls motion to pitch to the batsman the 11layer need not proceed, as play was resumed. It t.he baserunner was forced to return nnd actually touch the base the fllt<"her would be working at an advnntnge over the runner, as the latfifteen-year-old Gibson, Adrienne ter could not get a leatl from the base Pacific coast, the of star swimming to way Its on was bull the before swim· 220·yard junior the of holder the plnte. Alameda. In resides She title. mlng basethe that sees pitcher The wise No girl app!'E>ei:1t•'S a lo>rr who Is nn.tble to hold his •>II n. If a man rc h nses a plect of property he takl's a fresh grip on it. :\I:1trlmony Is the post gradunt conrs(' of a wou1:.m':s etlucation. He who discusses Is In the right, he who t11sputes Is In the wrong.-Ve Hulhiert·~. A nonsinknhiP ship has bPen invented br n 'ew York state man, who says his model has with>:tootl 700 slnl:!ng te~ts. AROUND THE DIAMOND New Hnven has sold Shortstop Jesse nunser tu Dridgeport. • • • Shovel Hodge, a pitcher released by both Scranton and York, has been signed by Elmira. • • • Pitcher Rert Grimm, released by PeConnie :.linck lost the services ef ol'ia, immediately hooked up with Sammy Hale for a stretch when the Quincy. latter Injured an ankle In St. Louis. Cleveland Is reported to be trying to Eddie Lewis, pee-wee outlll'lder, has obtain Dinty Gearin, little left-lwnder. been obtained by Chattanooga viu the from Milwaukee. waiver route from , ·u!Shville. • • • ThP Robins ha,·e picked up anothe.r Beaumont has si;::nerl <'Htcher llfanmember of the Brown fnmily. Raymond Brown, a right-handed pltrher, cuso, f<H'merly wlt h Lon.'!view of the East Texns lea;::ue Is getting a trial. • • • • • • • • • Oxygened Furs The furriers have a new trick. They cannot yet bring a dead squirrel to life, but they have put life Into a dead fur by oxygenizing lt. The farorlte trimming on the new ribbed vel· vet coats from Paris is In oxygenized gray squirrel, blue otter and tiger. Oxygenized opossum takes an espectatly fiery sheen. parties at present are almost as large as their sunshades and are much the same shape. The hats, however, are the more eluborately trlmmell, the decoration~ ranging from fruit au:l flowers to ostrich pompoms und pnradise plumes. Remon• Oorno, cat- Write for attractive booklet of Parisian perfumes, powders, rou~:es, etc. 311 West 34th St., N-YCK'k I~~~!PA~~li~e '!!~~~~ Lamp Shades Bound in Velvet l are made of Striking lnmp shades J:eorgette In shades or yell ow or amber Reaemble Sunahade laid ln fine plaits and bound at the wear·· are women top and bottom with wide bands ot T:'te hats English ~ at a.rtemooD tw.lctl011.1 and i&rlleD black velvet overlaid with 11)1d ia!oQD. ------ I HINDERCOR NS touaea. etc., atope &11 pq.ln. enaurna eomtort to the reet, m&kes walking euy. Lie by mall or at D"'ll' I .Jiata. li!Moox CbemiGal Woru, Pat.cbogne, N. r. ltNmllth~nthttm. At<lrul'1dstlor 11b7 Rher Troy, N.Y. )loolr.let. .L. D. S. Business College SCHOOL OP rri'ICir:NCY AU COIDIII8rclal bnul..-_ Catalotr fr-. IIALT LAKI! CITY. UTAII 10 N. Me .. St. • |