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Show '- -- .. • The JORDA N HIGH SCHOOL opens for registra tion of student s 1\'londay, August 31 at 9:30 a.m. when all student s will meet in the auditori um for regardi ng the making out of daily program s. the paymen t of fees, the puchase of books, and the requirem ents set by the state for the selectin g of general instruct ions subjects by students . AIJ student s are urged to begin school the first day. Parents are request ed to plan so this·will be possible. The past record of our district in the matter of early and reo-ular attenda nce is commendable. This record shows a g·rowin_g sentime nt in favor of early and regular attenda nce. The unanim ous support of our for the benefit of the schools as an organiz ation, but for the prepara tion of your children· The educatio n of those children as Thomas Jefferso n patrons is urged n~t said, is the. means whereby our democra cy is to be perpetu ated and without which that democra cy will soon decay. . **The rumor is that the state educatio nal authori ty will have a survey made of element ary and seconda ry educatio n in Utah. Parents can help make the attendance such that our true conditio ns will be our general ly reputed conditions. **More courses and better courses have been planned for the coming year. Several of our fa(·ulty member s have been in attenda1 ce at local or neighbo ring summer schools to be provide d with renewed vigor and prepara tion for better teachin g this year in these courses. **The courses in Agricul ture, Home Economics, Auto Mechanics, VVoodwork and Art have been reorgan ized to provide more adequat ely efficien t instruct ion and activity for life prepara tion. **The Board of Educati on has made possible addition al needed teacher s to enable us to offer the courses listed above as well as French, Public Speakin g and Debating, and new Mathem atics courses. The state requires of an accredit ed high school that the foHowing subJects be taken by all student s who expect English , 3 units; Americ an History , 1 unit; Mathem atjcs and Science (Biological or physica l) 3 units, with at least 1 unit in each. Social Science, 1 unit;to be graduat ed: one-hal f unit; suggest ed; required by Jordan· This makes a total of 8 1-2 units of constan ts and leaves '71-2 units of electives out of the total16 units Phy. Educati on, uation. Student s who give thought to the selection of their courses will find guidanc e and leeway for prepara tion for the particul ar course they have required for graddetermi ned to follow. Everyon e should be trying to find the field of endeavo r he desires with the tion for thew.. rk in that field. , Some men go through .. life looking up, some looking down, others looking for a soft spot. VOL. 1 The man who is looking for a soft spot, will generally find it right under his hat. NO. 16 ~IIDVALE CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1925. SUBCRIPTION $1.50 YEAR LOCAL LIONS LEAVE BALL GROUNDS BRUISED AND BATTERED J NEWS AND STORY CONTEST FOR_J_O ___ -R_ A __ N_S-_ t_DDENTsiG~~:~~et:n'ritt~~~! D ... _ UTAH EGGS BRING ~Each School Should En- FANCY PRICES ON ter One Or More l\'lem OPEN MARKE T hers Then Boost Them Immens e Batterie s Used On Norther n Pacific RR Here Is "Miss Washington" Doubles. See Details Lucretia Garfield They sure playe<l ball. It beat a:Jy thing seen in this neck o' the woods Miss Abbie Vlrginltl Eagan, twentyf()r many a day. They waddled, they one year· old and an erurloyee In the Among the many uses of storage crawled and rolled around the diamond bureau of printing an<! engraving, wo 1 A particularly favorable fall and playing the national game we all love selected to be "MI.Is Washington•· In batteries beside. that of cranking and The advisabmty of entering the winter se~ason approaches for Utah so well. the ··thmtlc City beauty pageant lighting automobiles is that of fur· students of the Jordan School district, poultry producers, is the forecast of n i~hing power to propel the largest ·: : .: . > > where Mls~ Amerlra will be cho::cf?'n ~:;day evening, August 25 was ·.:: in both high and gra.de departments , the Utah Poultry ProducerH cooperstorage battery locomotives in the }. :~~ ;~~: Li-ons Club ba:;eball day and the .Midin the JOURNAL News and Story ative, a statewide producers' markd.·..::;· world, recently put into coal hauling ·::· ! vale Band also appeared on the scene contest will be considered at the su- ing Ol'ganization operating in connecservice on the Yellowstone Division to add color to the oocas10r.. pervisors meeting tolll()rrow. of the N orthem Pacific Railway. tion with the state farm bureau. Ther Pa;;sing the hat netted the Midvale 'l'he JOURNAL propo6es to offer association believes the fall will see · These locomotives, of which at the Clinic $21.52. t'hre€ prizes as follows; present time there are two, are equipproducers receiving a price at least Joe Cushman says tnat more mo.ney To the students in the seventh and as good as the price enjoyed last ped, according to 0 & E, the local than they take in at a regular loogut· eighth grades th.J"()ughou.t the district year. Production for Utah is expected Exide Dealer, with Exide Batteries, game. a prize of-First, $15.00, see()nd $10.00 to be heavier, but, it is warned, this each weighing- approximate ly 18 tons. For the Gold the line up was; ~d third $5.00, for the student sllil>- doesn't mean These are the larg-est batteries for a lower price, for Utah' H. Aylett, p.; GHbert, c.; N ekon, Ra.smitJtinog •tlhe best short story during is producing qu~lity eggs and poultry railroad motive power ever built by mu en, Miller, Olson, Peterson., Ridli the school year on "How I would hn- which ace commanding top prices re-j The Electric Storage Battery Co. and Gustavison. prove the JOURNAL." t Each battery, according to the 0 & gardless of figures paid for conunon1 For the purple the The same prizes will be otfered to g~s. The industry as a whole Willi lineu;,> was ; E, weigh:; as niu"ch as 15 medium sizO'Bt'ien, p.; Cushman, c.; Pallanch, tlte student submitting the best .Uwrt be stimulated by feed cost reductions, ed touring car~ and over 700 onlin::->chultz, Hyatt, Ander,..on, ::\!eyers an• stories on any subject desired and on which at present seem likely. arv sized automobile batteries. The i Goff. news items seoo in from the scllooi~. lo~omotives which were built by the I Utah poultrymen this yea1· have Golf, Matthews and Stephenson. 1 In the high school i·t is proposed to a larger General Electric Co., at their shops number of spring pullets· Game -started promptly at 6 o'clocl. give prizes of like amounts as above in Erie, Pa., each weigh 70 tons. than ever before and many already Bennie Schmiett, umpire. mentioned -to the studem sending in The two locomotive;;: were designed have commenced laying. This couple<! .First Half Inning No. 1 the best weekly news items and illcie'\l)iecially for hauling emptly c-oal with a reluctancy to cull older hens Cushman at bat. Fowls. Hits t "> dents covering .school life at Jordan. cars at the storage yard, Coalstrip, short stop Ridd, fumbled. O'Brie,, 'J;'he Journal will publish as many of to make room for the replacement Montana, drlivering them to the open stock, i!5 boosti;ng production steadn.y flies to PeterSQin on fil1St, who fu t'he stories and item!! as PQfilSibl.e each URGE~ pit mine where they are loaded and bles. O'Brien safe on first, Cushn ' . week. T1he school or Btudent concern- 7~~i::~ beheve a new record returning them to the storage yard. forced to .second. lHeyers struck th ed must cut such 9torieil and items The round trip is an average distance How Utah stands in the poultrytl out of .the Journal and paste them in MIS!! Lucreriu Uurfield, uaughter of I ~ir three distinct. tim~ without mee, · of 31.':! miles. was told recently by A. R. Presid~nt Harr~ A. Garfield of \Vii- mg any obstructiOn. Stephenso.n t11 a scrap book to be submitted to the /World Micklelsen, of Draper. Mr. Mickelsen, de~igned charging gys- Uams college and Ml'll. Garfield, whose the hickory stick and fans. O'Bri< : judges at the close of the contest for J on{an District Schools \\"ill optm t A ·sp~iall~· one of the state's foremost producer;;, I If dairy farmet·s who grow silage · th b tte · • em lS u;;e d f or ch argmg the final award. a nes engagement bas been announced to steals ;;econd with his usual alacrit. , Monday August 31st. Every child in while the Jooomobive is e"spotting'' John P. Comer, professor of polltlcal Goff hits to Ridd, Cushman &teals a Probably one of the most interest- said upon his return from California corn on the lighter !Soils ln the 1e- the District of school age shoul~l re- coal cars during the loading process. ICience at the Southern Methodist col· run, O'Brien comes home on an err<; · ing fields of endeavor is the gather- poultry fields, that California, even gion ' between Brigham City and San- p_ort pr.omptly at 9 a. m. for reg1stra- l By means of a set of transformer s, lege in Texas. though it possesses Petaluma, He Is to become as-! by R.annussen. ing and writing up the news of the ·t f th ld , h th' "egg ucfapter vanet1es t 10n, h 1gh sc h oo 1 s t ud ent s as w-e ll as, current is taken from a nearby line llstant professor of government at e wor , as n-o mg new taqum would plant Goff takes third on overthl'OW t 11 community in Wlhic:h you live and the cap1 a 1 o . de t de 1 t to teach Utah in poultry production. 1 two week;; em·her thun usual, they gra s u n s. and reduced from 2200 to 440 volts. Williams thl_s fall. people which whom you associate. second. Out at home on long spc The who enters late is al- From the~e transformer s, a charging What the California producers can- I could reasonably expect increases 1!11 ways atstudent Every student entering the. contest a disadvantage . He works a cable is run to a small trailer car ~~~~~~.throw from outfield by Gu will e entitled •to a C()py of tlhe Jour- not understand, Mr. Micloelsen says, yield of from 25 to 40 per cent, ac- ha1·dsh1'p upon h 1'mself, the •·-··cher, b 1 """"' carrying a motor-opera ted ca le ree, ul nd a coupon redeemable at the is why Utah obtains better prices f()r cording to results recorded during the the other children, and the taxpayer. which ~TREET Last Half Inning ~o. 1 aut()maticall y winds or unwinds her eggs than does California. During ~ • 'T local photographe r for a 5x7 portrait h' . Miller drives through short t, l . 0 h" If be h t 1 · If t . h . 'ted th 'd t f last f1ve years at the Dav1s County n 1mse , cause e pu s 11rnse the charging cable as the locomotive mounted, worth $5.00. Meyen; for a single. Rasmussen :, IS. np. e VlSl • e presl ~ 0 . a Experiment Farm, which holds its behind his clas~ from the begiruling; is moved forward or backward while 0 Students may obtain all the neees· Califo~a produ~mg ?rganh.1zat1his bat. Walks. O'Blien's meat hook l "?• 8 . th An 1 F" ld D W . d on the teacher, because she must spend making up the train in the yard. eary information from .tlheir teacher, and wh1le eonversmg w1th 1m t IX n~a Je ay eunes ay, extra time and effort to try to bring Beginning Saturday evening, Aug- 1gins to weaken. Gilbe~-t fowled 6,. · . · . : came up September 2. Merely to study at cl()se h' t d providing the proposition is accepted q uestion h h h'll Thu:; to Cushman. Olsen swmg. a wkk• chmgmg cable fuirushes . cur. 1m up o gra e· on t c 1 tt w h' h t "What percentage of extras do you range the striking diffenm.ces apparth e t or-generr ust 29, and every dance thereafter, stick. 1\lilleor having stolen third ,___ h .' d e ot • . er by the supervisors tomorrow. ren 1c opeTa es mo • • J ren, """'ause e IS ad rag m t 11e c1ass . ~e t 1oca, t 1 · tl b f th 1 get in your eggs?" Mr Mickelsen ent among the plots of th1s the Midvale Band expenwill furnish • d d tJhe forced to h walk II all the way at01 back 1 , et m 1e ea o e o· ·. 1 to ten s to retar t' I t th t f asked. (Extras is . the trade de>ng- ment, would be more than worth the an music and conduct the street dances seconil. Miller and Rasmus;;en a . k th te h ·' t· t emh" ah bam I ., como Jve. n urn, e curren rom nated for the extra fine quality eggs.) tim'e any farmer would spend in vi-j ~ ·ell ~-k -~c el t~ 1: : ': .1c. b econgs this motor-genera-to~: • vance on overthro;v;. OL<;en gets ~· set is f~ into in Midvale. The Californian replied, ".&bout thirty siting the farm on Field Day, in the ho ~- f~ 1 e, on! . e . PU)'eth,. _e r~~f<le the Exides. Thus, the batter1e~. ~re 'Dhe firemen decided to abandon the gle. Miller home. Peterson at . b -· - . . . ·t'1gat . I e IS Iequent y Ietamec1 lll ts glace kept in a fullv charged condLtJon percent " opm10n of the s·t'a t·10n m>e;:s Ois, d h t t th Water 'On knee. Gets walk. Mm d th t 1 ~ "Th~ there's the difference " wa.<> who explain tthe greater yields re- ~n 0 as re.pea e gTa e us cos -~ \\"ithout t·emoving them from the lo- dance affairs and since the Band must ture short stop steps up and fo,. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott and daugoh- the Utahn's answer "When~ver I suiting from early planting on th.e mg the taxpayer two ye.ars of exp~n~e comotive or interrupting the service. raise fund:> in some manner to pay off viciously, finally retiring after th1 , one year 1s. · Th e mot 01-g-enma . . t or 1s - necessary , b e- an existing deficit they seized th" ~wings. V.i.I\inia, who have spent some don't get sixty to eighty per rent ex- bas1s of the greater amount of day- to complete .. . of work. Th1s .. left on their homeward tras in my shipment I am disappoint- light available to the plants in May unfa~I to t~e. pupil h wh~ ente~\ i~tc' rause the batteries could not .be opportunity and will Nelson batting. Olsen out try: J probably make Friday of lll!St week. They ed and look into the matter without as compared with late September. 'I to t e teac ei, to t e 0 er c 1 t len, charged directly from the outside to make third. Sliding to no av~ 1. enough money to clear them by the to the taxpayer · I' ~end some time in Denver. M·rs. delay " The experiments with silage corn, and Let be f . t · serVlce me. End of inning numbe1· 1. Uthh nn.ultrymen, the association however, are only incidental to the . t us th af~r to eve~yonefanch1 t'C returning to her home in I time the Purpl~l snow flies. Gold-2. .. ~ . . . , _ 1 g1s Md. wHI aooompany her observes are commg to reahze the maJor purpose of the Dav1s County W er on e. u·s mornmg o. h sct oo Second Spasm ' part these . 1 WlS o co- f"10l\~~"MUNITY . h ty F arm w h' h . h f a 11 truek e are openmg earf1y,. ant.. Mrs. Shirley Y. Cutler, to important stxty to e1g T T IC 1s t e center o te 'th th Matthews ·h up. th Grounds '• I. to she t. .J L. I There !has been some gossip about . th . b . . t· t" b . d te 1 b opera Wl e a1me1, .,., en Xe·wn~,rt. R. 1., where they will join per oe11t extras play m e e1r usmess. crop mves 1ga 10n emg con uc < Y' b Quick t h throw . ·t to Pete~ on lays him o L ,<\N TJ :'the outcome of the Midvale Ban<!_ in · th Utah E · t St t· At oe atves comes on. >D!ISil!i'ti .,.... ,.-, who is on duty there. They sense now t h at U ta h 1s _ L -~ recoge xpenmen Cub Schult;r. a up wn. fo.wls prenervou,;ly. B: , D C J SEIO'~ . the Lagoon contest. The band <Lestres t thei'C ai'C Jn . progress ex t emave . S. ensen Mr. and Mrs. Water Browning, of nized everywhere for 1ts f'me qua J't l Y sen t f S h 1 a:rlives. Schultz gets \\ind and cr li to infot•m each and every person of {<)Jt'deln, old friends of the Scotts were eggs and the sentiment throughout varietal and cultural tests with onup · 0 c 00 s. City Treasurer 1:- .. 1 their record at that time and place lects a double. tlhP. depot as were also Mr. and the state is splendid. ions, tomatoes, green beans, eanning on stick without connecting. Fin , rlle Community Club Flower Show and are proud of their showing. Youngs Cutler and Mr. and Mrs. "We are looking toward the fall peas, carrots, watermelons , strawwill be held in the his 1'heatre lob-' Out of fourteen bands competing, gets a ingle. Aylett ;;"lows up. C ·b C. Aylett. and winter willh a fe€1ing that it will berries, sweet potatoes, fancy cuL t t }.)' t At 1 • by Saturday, Augm;t 29, from 3 to 6 the Midvale boys took foUI'th place Schultz re:U:hes home plate. I . · be th e best Year in our history," cumbes, celerv, IC riS p. m. ' cabbage, lettuce, ta-ble in the preliminiarie s. In the finals lanch flies out to short stop Ridd. 1 '1Mrs. Ira Beekstea.d entertained the I said Clyde C. Edmonds, secretary of beets, and other crops of commerPrizes will be awarded as follows: they were competing with profession- derson takes third on error. Cushr :· !' ,.._Jouw ng ladies at dinner Thursday.! the associatio.n. "There is a commend- cia! importance. . ''Tracked in the Snow country" First prize, $2.00; ~econd prize is, al~. better than any thing now in up a.nd walks on highballs. An.. rMary McLean, Mrs. Marie Shan- I able spirit evident generally. We apFrom 2 to 4 p. m., on Freld Day, starrin? Rin-Tin-Tin, the "Wonc_ler $1.00; third prize 50 cents. Salt Lake City. They }'()St. Tis true. son out at home. Mrs. Susie Moore. A Crystal preeia.te .this spirit for it is doing visitors will be escorted over the plots Dog," IS announced as the attractiOn Purpl~2 Gold -2. . B h h . f I' Tl of Garden fl.owers formed the much to help build more substantially of the farm. The experiments in pro-! a~ t~e IRIS Thea>tre for 3 days ~eThere will be two sets of prize.<;. ut. t ef' ave no 111 ee. mg. _ Ie Last Half Second lasklet piece. 1 the structure of a great activity." gress will be fully explained and the ~~~mg September 1. As the tt~le One to the competitors east of the SprmgVllle band was the JU..~t wmner. Dentist 1 walks, as usual . Gus~. i · results summarized. At 4 o'clock there mthcates, the story has to do w.th D&RGW tracks and one to those reEx-Governo r Geo. R. Mabey com- son gets three good ones in a ' v, - - - - - - - - ---- -+------will be a melon "bust" during which dramatic happenings in the Far North siding west of the tt·acks. mented especially on the l"howing of using all of them. Go}(! pitcher '" everybody will be permitted to sample Beautiful June Marlowe is the heroFor the be~ di:;play of fl()wers the Midvale Band. bat. Walks. Nelson on second. • • .I the different varieties of cantaloupes ine of the tale; David Butler appear~ grown from the see·d · cli~tributed by The Band gained :V~at they . wenl ler, veteran slugger up. Hits to h' and watermelons under test. as her romantic young lover, and , the Community Club la~t April, the after. '!'·hat wa. p~bh~Ity for Midvale~ field. Schultz makes impos£>-ible f' ' · • The Davis County Fann is on the Mitchell Lewis is the deep-dyed vi!- above p1izes will be awarded. The i They al~ got theu· nbbo~<; and a $~a throws to Goff at Eeoond for do .. · l •. State Highway, about midway be- lain of the piece. children to whom the seeds were clis- cash pnze. at the ConsolJ~ated Mu~Jc Gold scoreless. tween Salt Lake City and Ogden. Rin-Tin-Tin has done oome won- tributed mu;;t enter the product of Co. Store m Salt Lake City. Third Verse King's station is the neare~t point on derful things in pre\'iou.." pictures in their labors in person at the Iris O'Brien over the plate. Fowls .. nd the inter-urben. Superintend ent A. L. !Which he has appeared, among them T:hea.tre on the aboYC date. Number This Week ....·-···-·..··---·-·-·--···--.. ··· 217 Carload~. affair and it should gather momen- finally hits to first but Petel'liOn '.a ; Wilson invites eveTybody interested "Where the North Begins," "Find Parents are urged to see that their tum as the years roll by. Number Last Week .....-................ '"·-···------·--· 201 Carloads looki~g over the auto;; nearby. l·p in any phrase of the experimenta l Your Man," and "The Lighthow;:e by children bring the flowers and enter 1 It does not matt!lr what your entry comes the Ju;;tice. Singles to l ·ft. Sime Period Year Ago .....-........ ---········-·- .. 239 Carloads work under way ()II this farm to be~ the Sea." In "Tracked in the Snow them in this contest. The communi- consists of. Just a few choice spec- Nelwn fumbles. Stephen,on fo:: ws present on Field Day. 1Country, he outdoes himself. ty club hopes to make this an annual imens may win a prize: (Continued on Page Ten) ::_:_. I ! IDAVIS COUNTY CON- SCHOOL SUPT· '6! DUCTS MANY TESTS EARLY REGISTRAFOR FARJ.VIERS I · TIONS THIS YEAR .· BAND WILL HOLD DANCES ON SATUR DA) I I EASTE RN VISITORS DEPAR T FOR HOME - . I TO HOLf) FLOWE R Cl N B L I IThe wonder Dog's a es ure Carload Shipments Received At Smelter Douglas Fairbanks in "Don QSon of Zorro" September 9-10-11. Is It Good?---Hellyes! |