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Show -- TBI JORD JOURNAL J East Midvale News I Smelter News 1.-------------' 'l'uEIMky &f!t;ernoon, the following friends at Mrs. F. J . .Lemlberg Il)et at her home • Union avenue to cele Howard H. Hayes is employed at brate her birthday anniversary: Mrs. the Smelter looking after material on G. A. Alldenoo, Mrs. N. P. Swens<hl the New Flotation M1H job. He hails M·r s. Joe JMGbsen, Mrs. George Mill· from Salt Lake City. er.burg, Mra. 0. E. Jensen, Mrs. D. • • • L. Bow~ aod Jrlrs. J. R. Peterson an<. James A. Bateman, of West Jordan, daughters Katherine and Beverly, M1. Baghouse foreman is on a wu:aLion, and Mrs. E. E. Boggett of Murra) free from the troubles of dust coland ltias Esther Headburg. Pink aJKl lection. lavendar asters were used in decor• • • &tine thl-ought out the rooms. A \ 1 . Timekeeper McNamara was Chevdainty dillll8r was served to 5 o'clock, less a few days last week. Someone the centerpiece for tile t.M»le being a appropriated his Chevrolet bu.t it was beautiful birthday cake presented by returned to him in due time. Mrs. George Jrlillerburg. · • • • •. • • Geol'ge Tynell, draftsman is now Mr. Wil.ro.rd J. Bennett who is em· on annual leave. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrployed in the office of the D. and R. rell will shol'tly move tc,l Salt Lake G. Depot happened with .rather a City. painful accident Monday Morning. ~e W. W. O'Brien is acting chief clerk 1logether with other employes wer._ trying to life a 1300 pound casting on- during the absence of Chief Clerk A. to a truck. The weight of the castin6 R. Cahoon, who is enjoying a vacaagainst the truck caused .same to sli}- tion in Idaho. letting the full weight of the low.. directly on Mr. Bennett's leg ant L. H. Stauffer got a burn on hi.s t.oot. x~ys of the injured part wen leg yesterday from a welding mataken to determine the exten.t of til;; .:hine, while working around the lead injury as there is a supposition pre· plant. valent that there are some broken Oren Beckstead, Oxide Mill worker, bones in his foot. let a wrench slip and cut his lip to: - - - - - - - - - - - - - day, necessitating the taking of several stitches to close up the woUDd. ale, Community Store 0 for b ess. 'ltle County's newest department store is at serviee. We invite you to come and inspect our ge assembly of merchandise. We selected Midvale the location of our new store as it is positively the natural tradillg eenter of South Salt Lake County. Fred A. Cooper, father of the present Cooper brothers, opened the first store south of Salt Lake City at Midvale in Pioqeer days. Our MOTTO is QUALITY merchandise at BARGAIN prices. Below we can quote but a few of the prices picked at random from our varied stockWe can SAVE you money on every item you buy from our extensive lines. Our prices are based on cash-no credit accounts but we allow you the highest retail prices for your produce. Eggs, butter, farm pnKJucts taken in exchange for merchandise. The prices quoted herein are not special opening prices but will be maintained as our regular selling prices each and every day in the week PIECE GOODS ~=~-:..~~~~~~--~~--~~: Jap Crepe, blue, Salmon : : :: ·Pink, LaveOdar, Old Rose, per yd. - - 29c PhMnix Jtesiery, Silk, all popular Shedes, Clailfon ....·-··-·--····-·..·-·...-···· $2.00 ·----·-····--·- . $1.00 aDd $1.50 LIJI&'ette, Ul lilbades, or 'bowJseau SatiD, per yard ----··-··- ............................ 50c: ShaDgtai, all Iaten colors. per yd. ...... 89e Fipred Crepe,_ per yd. -···-··········-···-·····-···· 75e M ia. Sport Flumel ·····--·-···- $4.00 and $4.25 kder aad Striped and Plain Patterns, port Flannel, yd. $4.50, $4.75 tJadenreU' a:epe, every shade, yd. -··· 28c MEN'S GOODS ('fte Latest Creatioas)_ BOl,a PaRts in Corduroy, just the ~:t~for seh~ 4 to 16. -·--···--~·----·--· 50e to 95e Dn!NI Sltbta M"-"-·---····· $1.00 and Up _.:...'-'-'- ··--·--·········-····· 10e and Up lJIIieDs at .....•....~~--~1~ -·---····-····--········· $1.00 to $2.50 Sox ... ·-····-·- -··· . 15e wac • • • 1 MIDVALE ITEMS ZORRO- ---- Education Costs Submitted • • • Footwe ar for Fall Webb & Christe nsen Shoe Compa ny . ' _ !l~=ti ~ SON OF Fast aa Lit"tnint and hundreds of ·items too numerous to mention. ther than quote so many prices we prefer to have you 'f'iait our store and surprise you with our great array of BARGAINS. Our purchases are made direct from the world's largest manufacturers on a real roc~ bottom figure. Our SAVINGS are passed along to YOU. 0 INCREASE IN PRICES "DON T ritter 1\ction :OOCIS LOWERED CHASSIS CLOSED CARS IN COLOR STREAM LINE ALL STEEL BODIES. ~ E. B. wnn:ms• severed connections with the Smelter' Assay office Miss Alta Nelson of Gunnison spen. where he was formerly employed. • • Tuesday at the home of Miss Lucile Employed by th!! Smelter during Woodhead. • • • the week: Leonard Millerberg; L. C. Mrs. Reese Jones of Magna visitet.. Turner; Frank T. Kuwana; Shigeji relatives in Midvale 'l'uesday. Kurosu; Barney Keathers; William • • • McWilliams; Philiop Welde; J. B. Mrs. W. J. Gardner, Mrs. R. J. Garo Poulson; J. F. Jensen; Bert W. Jepner and Mrs. B. Peck of Salt Lakt. sen; Ira A. Strong; Thomas Maronick; were guests Wednesday of Mrs. Thos George C. Walker; Georgi! F. KissA. Smith. eneer; Axel J. My·r berg; Clifton • • • Hardcastle; John C. Green; Samuel Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Drown spent H. B~; Geo11ge Willia~; Jose last week end at the Kubre {Jottagt.. Archiga; Harry M~re; Clifford F. at Brighton. Wengren; John Kisench; John West; • • • Fred Zimmerman; Arthur M. SelverAn eDtertainment was given Wed- ton; Clarence B. Carroll; L. R. Case. oesday in .b.oD:or of Mrs. Helber Eg • • • bert at her home on CeJI.ter Street. A Kendall Vincent and W. B. Joy are number of out-of-town guests wer.. practicing each evening on the tennis present. Games and refreshments were court for a Tilden match. enjoyed. • • • • • • W. S. Thomas of St. Joseph, Mo., Mr. Jos. B. Wright and dauchter, and old . timer around the smelter in A..d ata..t\int a \1 r p r i a e a featu.-e &ia treat Miss EdiiJl Wright and Mrs. Clarenct. tilie year 1913, gas department, V'iMalstrom and children of Jamestown, sited during the week looking over Fairbanks pictu.-e. • The finest adventu.-e ta\e C-alifornia who are here on a visit, ais old haunts. ever acreened. The dashi"'tt dari"'tt Don Q spent last 'WIIek at Brighton., return------ing Monday. The Y. L. M. I. A. of South Jordan Mn a\\ wo~ and !0\1 \ive in \autha and &ri\\a. • • • entertained at a social Tuesday in Friday of last week, Mrs. E. J. honor of their mothers. The affair was ( Knowles eutertained at a bit·bhda) held in the South Jordan Meeting party for her daughter, Louise on bel' house and was atteuded by several -------------- ~ eleventh anniversary. Games and re- hundred guests. It was one of the freshments were enjoyed. most successful affairs held in South • • • Jol'dan for many a day. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Beckstead an.o Mr. and Mrs. El. Beckstead of Soutl: Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. B~vh. Christensen of Murray and .Ml'. and Mrs. Clarence Rasmussen aod Alfreu Engreen were dinner guests Sunda) Costs per capita of educating chilof Mr. and Mrs. P. G. DOW'II:S. dren in the grade school of the JorMr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Smith anu don school district range from $97.45 family spent last ~k on the Straw- in the Bluffdale school to $52.89 in the Midvale school, according to the berry. • • • • report of an audit filed with John E. Mrs. Geo. A. Cluff who has been Holden, state auditor, by the Godviaiting her' sister, Mrs. George A. dard-Abbey company, certified pubWright, returned to her home in Ev- lie accountants. anston, Friday of last week. The per capita average for all • • • schools in the district, including BingThursday of 1aat week, Mrs. Frett ham and Ceneral high, is $69.67. N. Clark entertained a number of the The figures are for the school year playmates of her small 9011 1 Junion, 1924-26. . on bia ·b irthday annivenary. Gam~ The large attendance at Midvale and refreshmentlil were enjoyed. a:eeps the cost down at that place. • • • The Sandy grade school cost is Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Be~ an<i shown as $55.15, while at Bingham family have gone to Bingham to make it runs up to $91.13. The Sandy high Beauty of line and excellence of quality add to the attractheir home. school cost mounts to $149.12. The tiveness of our showing of Fall Footwear. Come here • • • shopping before you buy. 1eport, which is exhaustive is supMr. and Mrs. W. W. O'Brien and lementary to previous a.dits of the $1.95 to $5.00 School Shoes arriving daily Mrs. W. T. Vincent of Sandy, Mr. and same district by the same company. Splendid Assortment Mm. Fmnk Porter and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Miller were dinner guests Fri- tor a visit with :home folks in Branday evening of laat week at the hoDU! don, Wi& There will be a reunion hel<i of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Porter. in Wisconsis which they hope to at• • • .end. Sidney Mettz is loo~ after Frallcene and Bobby Quiek retlJrn - the Smlith chicken ranch, gathering ed Wednesday alter spending dle eggs, and money, etc. summer in Nampa, Idaho. • • • • • • Levi Olson has sold bia holdings on Mr. and M·r s. Henry Watts of Mur- the corner of Center and Jefferson Riverton, Utah ray spent Monday evening at the St~ee~ to Leon L: Olson, _of Midvale. home of Mr. and Ml'B. P. G. Downs. Thia 18 a very des~rable p1ece of prop • • • erty and will some day develop into Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waters who have a vallable comer. Mr. Levi Olson now bee11: towing the east for the past ~kes his home in Los Angeles witn ,--------------~---------..... month arrived home Tuesday evening. his daughter. Jrlr. and Jrlrs. Waten report a pleas• • • ant and enjoyable trip. . Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of Silver • • • C1ty who have been on an extended Jlrs. Walter Nord and daughter, trip to th~ coast will spend several Shirley and 111'8. J. W. Johnson and of th1s week at the home of Dr. daughter Hlyllis are at the Nelson and Mt-s. H. E. NeLson. Mrs. NeJ.son Cottap Cottonwood eany011. will visit friends in Denver before re· • • • turning to her home. Miss Eileen Bennett entertained the • • • member& of her Swaday School Clatls Mr. aDd Mrs. DownsofofMr.Provo 98 So. Main Street Phone, Midvale 132 at the amusement hall of the Com- spent S1mday at Wm. 4ile home and .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;.;;;; _ _ _ _iiii..J munity '-C&un:u, ~--'- Th··--'· of Mrs. P. G. Downs. ....-........y everung • • • The First Wa.M Sea Gull Class enThe Foundation Company, an Amer last ~ Games and Mrs. Wm. Mayeroft and daughter tertained at a haDdkerehiaf elbower OQ ~ CIOI"ploratlikm !has a '26,000,000 .....,..yed bl t:"~ty. Ruth of Salt Lake spent the week at Monday afternoon in ·h onor of Miss contract for reclaiming and irri.gatR th n - - ' ed to h the home of Mr. and lrlrs. D. A. Zclmona Jensen's •b irthday anniversary ing the Vardar River delta in Sal)1 . ~ D • uoranug return , er Drown. Games were played and luncheon serv oniki, Greece. home 1n M.idvale Sunday after spend• • • ed to eleven guests. Special guests !::a~ ~ve!e~ Brunswick llonday eveni.Dg of last week, Mt-. ·were: Misses Helen and Elma CushSpmai•lt Trea..,.• Ret~eale4 &'ld Kan 318 City, Mialouri. 811ld. Mrs. H. C. Aylett entertained at ing. .&.tter thirty yean George W. Haw· • • • a dinner and t.hreat!e party for liT. • • • tiu of Setauket, Long Island, N. Y.. llr. and Mra. Cla1'81lce Rasmussen and Mrs. YOWI.g'9 Clltler and their llrs. Am1a S. Jensen is at the Holy baa rnealed tbe fact tbat be bas dua and daughter, Mazoy, Kr. and Mrs. ~t:B,. M~ ..and Mrs. J. C. Scott and Cross Hospital where she underwent up a number of Spanl.<~b 1old colDL P. G. Down and daupters, Lillian Miss Vlrgirua Scott. a optic operation. year by year be disposed of them to )larpret and Darelitle were guest~! Members of the FoDbllightly club ----numlsmatlatl at a premium, tbere .,. Friday eveu.iDC of Jut week at tile were guests Monday evenmc of Kn. During late ye811'8 a marbd tar lni 100 ln all. Be discovered the home of Mr. &Rd Mra. Ba1vin <brist- A. R. Cahoon of Salt lAake. daDq bas beeD. erideDced for, too coins while dtntna bole~ for bMD . . . . till. Murray. Misses Cora and Melba Goff joined maay laws, too much legislation 8Dd potu ID 18M. ltemnants of a can•u A. J. Smith and w«e have returned frieDds from Salt Lake and spe11t Sat- too m1lieh I'OWimiDIBt by bU1'8&us aDd bq were fooad. Tbe c:oiDa wen dated fliOIIl BoutherD Utah ud lett KODday u.rday of last week at SaJtair, Mlltzr'Nfm1. lnG. A: Specially low prices on white enamel ware, electrical NOW READY I • HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A complete line of Kitchen Hardw~p"e, aJso Tools, DisJtes, Glassware, Galvanized Ware Enamel Ware, Tinware, Cutlery, Silver~ Ovenware, Linoleum Rugs. Alwnin· wn Ware,-Everything in Eleetrieal Goods Reg. Value Our Price 6 lb. Electric Iron ............$ 5.00 $3.69 26 pe. Set Silverware ...... 7.50 4.69 Silver Knives & Forks, Set 4.50 2.69 Silver Tea Spoons, Set ... .90 .58 9 indt Caserole ················-·· 2.50 1.75 Decorated Cup & Saueer Set 2.00 1.50 Safety Razor ~-···-····-····-····· 1.00 .59 Aluminum Percolators 1.00 .69 Aluminum Percolators 2.00 1.25 Ahuninwn Kettles ·····-····· 2.00 1.25 Ellameled Kettles .. ··-····· 1.25 .89 PER 9 S - FAIR • • • PAINTS We carry the famous Pratt & Lambert line of "Efteeto Auto" and "Vitralite" enamel and "61" Varnish at prices less than . you pay for the ordinary kind ( D.OUGLAS • • • SHOES Shoes are our Specialty Our up-to-date line at these prices deserves spedalmention. We buy direet from the world's largest makers. Men's Genuine Goodyear Welt Dress Shoes at ·····-···-·····················-· ..·· $4.85 Men's Work Shoes ·····-········-···· $1.50 and Up Ladies Slippers in all the Newest CreatiORs ···········-···-··--····-·· $2.35 to $6.00 A Large Assortment of Children's Sdtool SHOES We Can SAVE you from 50e to $2.00 a pair On SHOES. Make Us Prove It. Visit our SHOETERIA for real Bargains ill SHOES·for the eatire family •...Most of these shoes are at half priee. ~:: COMING TO THE IRIS THEATRE SEPT. 9, 10, 11 ''Save the Surface and You Save All" PAINT DECORA TE VARNISH in FRED HYKE PAINTING DECORATI NG I COMFORT-CONVENIEN~UTILITY BEAUTY GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY Riv rton Motor Co. s:::- |