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Show .. THE JORDAN _, .JOURNAL CITY FATHERS IN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE ~·-At the REGULAR SESSION BASEBALL NEWS A NATION-WIDE _ [ - l .., NSTITUTION By Joe Cushman The City Council held their. regular l Midvale ~hut out Hunter in the bi-monthly meeting at the CJ.ty Hall opemng . 1eague game of tile Ind··,lc.·., Tuesday even'ng. Mavor Cahoon pre- .. . . . , · h , . .. tr;al league. suled, ~OUilCilmen Mut~ ' hal clll!U:->.A~eln The fiel!ling of both team;;; ;;;bowed and Wnght pre.-;ent. Counc1 men mid season form. !e)· and Mills absent. For the first time in the hi~tory of Outside the routine bu.-ine,;,; sev-JMidvale base ball, th.:y ran into a era! important questions were -con- pitcher who threw to the right handsidered. ed batters with his right arm and The matter of pun:hasiug play ieft handed batters with his left. ground equipment and providing suitThe pitching of Beckstead and the able play grounds on the City proper- hitting of Stauffer, Reading and 1 ty at the corner of Main and Center, Smith featured Midvale's play. where the library i» located, was takTwo long hitR 01 the huntet· team en up. It wa::; ,lecide<i to enlist t.J1e went for naught when they faile<l to aid of the val'ious <:ommu.Jity and tollch fit·st ba~e. That is one thing I civic organizations and atten .pt to the opposition never get:-; by with get some action on thb projed. when Porter is playing first ba;;e. The que.;tion of placmg- t.he ••Iid·:ale The ~1urray and Pre ..;se<l Brick Cemete1·y u11der pe1petuai t1pkeep reg- g·a.J;e wa;:; postponed because o1 wet ulation::; was abo discussed. Fence:; g•rounds. .houl,l be removed and the cemetery 'l'oday, May 21st, Mi1lvale VR. Murotherwi~ beautified. If parties in- my. All of the busines~ houses of tere;;tect in this prOi)Osit:vn will write Murray are closing for the ope11ingor call at the Journi.l.l Office and state game. which is going co be preceded their views, it will lllattlially aid the by a parade, flag rai,,ing and ;;ome Committee and they wili appreciate other ceremonies to dedicate the New ·t Munay Park. l • Mayor Lester will pitch the first A committee wa~ appo.nted to cooperate wiW1 the civic organization. ball while Commissioner Clay anrl in perfecting· a p1·ogram for i\le.J .Ol'- Betger will catch and hit the same ial Day observance. Tin ..; i;; commend ball if the Mayor can con!e thai close. lt is hoped that Midvale fans will able and is a univf'J:.,~ al practice over follow their ball team to Murray. The this pro:;perous land. game starts ai 6 p. m. at the New Screens were onleretl placed on the I Park 011 Vine Stret:t o.l Murray. ~.a~e ball gr~nd ;;t~tnl~ f."e t~.e pr~t~..:. .1· The probable battrieH for MmTay r;JOn of fan" holdlllg 1e:->en ed sea~s are Gordan .Rihodes, the West High and hereafter no one need remam o<:l) s is a great prospect and Brick away from the game on account o.: Head, who had a tr). out with Ve1•non Midvale's foul ball artists. thi s year and who is now catching fo·r A ;;ounding boanl will be placed in thL Eastem Hatters of Salt Lake. the proper position in the rear of the Foe Midvale, Benny Schmiett has Band Stand so that the Midvale Bandt ! Beckstead, Reading and Goti' to pitch music will cal ry loud ~~nd clear to with Atwood and Cushman on the the multitude ol lbtcners every Sl c- receiving end. unlay night. Friday at 5 p. m. the Utah Coppe r Pool Halls are pennitLell to remain· of Bingham will play at Midvale. open until 12 o'clock <Hl the night s Those w<1'Il.ting to ~ee the cla;;;s of when the Firemen hold their ~treet bal 1 ~erved up in the Copper League ' '~" on hand. dances. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY-MAY 22 AND 23 I 571 DEPARTMENT STORES MIDVALE, UTAH Men's Athletic Union Salta Ju•t right for ipc-lng and Summer wear. Of good qualIty nainsook l well made and finished. Here 11 a nlue that has much to recommend it at our low price oJ.-- Men's Retan Outing Shoes Service and Value Pete Morrison in "Santa Fe Pete" Stan Laurel in "Zev vs. Paprika" "Leather Stocking" SUNDAY, :MONDAY, TUESDAY-MAY 24, 2:J, 26. Real value a t - $2.25 "Big M.ac '' Work Shirts Absolutely the World's Greatest Work Shirt Value at our New Low Price of- A flashing drama of the we:-;t,-alive with blood-tingling thrilJ,q, heart-stirring romances, and vivacious, virile humor. None Genuine Without Thi• Label! ~ ..., c:l ::s Ct ~ 0 "' ..... ::s "Big Mac" shirts are true to the name--BIG shirts, cut full aud roomy; BIG value, for service, durability md satisfaction. New Carey Picture I The most popular cowboy on ihe sc1een will again make his bow to th e people of Mi<lvule, Jlan·y Catt:Y western star wit,h the reputation of a hard-riding, two-gun actor of abiLt) will be seen at the h is 'I hea.,t·e ,r, "Beyond the Border." Like aJl the Carey ~torie:; this is a red blooded sto·ry of Ul 'al·e men aJl(l cowar<ls who live<! out in the greai west where men rule by right and the law take:; its own cour><e. It is crowded with action to thrill one, romanc2 to enthrall one and mystery to tingle the blood and make it ru~h tluough the veins. May 24, 25, and 2G. I "Pay-Day" Overalls Have the Punch for Service Each for Overalls or Jumper -Strictly union made; -Double seams through· out; -Extra full cut for com· fort; -Two hip, two side, watch and rule pockets-tacked to prevent ripping. -Make good always because always well made. National Biscuit ::1:1 - a> ~· ..<:: ~~ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY-MAY 27, 28, 29. . Mack Sennett's Big new Six reel Comedy "Down on the Farm" W • 0 • W • A 1•dS Midvale Band I I The local Camp, W. 0. W. took up the question of support fo1· the M:dvale Junior Band at theh· meet1 1 ing Monday night of thi~; week and decided that their bit should be $5.00 in cash. This action is commendable and it is hoped that other organization and clubs in Midvale and vicinity will do likewise. The band mu»t ha\'e funds to carry on. They purchase .ueir instruments Pound Wheat Into Flour from their own funds. Let us help T<'lonr from nuti1·e IYheat in ·we~· ' them ~n the financing of an organi- Aft•icn ls made hy pounding t lie gralt zation that benefits all of us. on wo<Hlen mortars, thet·e being n• Let's keep the band going-. flour mills there. NEARLY ALL GONE--- Label OD "Pay• Day" Overalla A Few of those Wonderful I Sunday nearly 10,000 artists of the Yale University is getting some free as important as the interest of oil bamboo rod collected at Geneva. publicity through a statement issued and gasoline dealers, and ·has pas~ed Everything went along as per by one of the professors on the sub- a Jaw compelling gasoline dispensers schedule and all joined in pronouncingto publicly display a list of their ject of how an intoxicated person may prices. Other states are studying the the outing the best ever. sober in half an hour, if he so desires. plan with a view of adopting a simThe formula is to breathe rapidly. ilar system. Nothing- ever provoked so much ad-[ Some of these cases that come under verse comment an1ong the other natour observation have not only breathions as France's big loan to Poland for ed rapidly for half an hour, but have SPORTSMEN'S AT GENEVA armament purposes, while unable to "raised the roof," with excess lung THE BEST EYER HELD 1straighten its own financial tangles. power. SQime other cases seem to be In view of the conditions and criticonfined to the legs. Anyway, Yale The Sportsmen's Outing at Geneva cisms American financiers loaned the is to be congratulated for lending a last Saturday and Sunday was a great] money to Poland and relieved France hand in the solution of this pressing success. of the last pa:'.nnent of $100,000,000. social problem. Some 2000 people attended Satur"Beyond the Border" where anyday evening and the dance floor wa~ thing might happen ami every~hint' Wisconsin holds that the interest so crowded that dancing waH almost is known to have happened. of the gasoline consume1· is e<}ually impossible. Iris Theatre, May 24, 25, and 26. I BRASS BED Bargains Left Lower than Pre-War Prices Brunswick Records. Monarch Ranges MIDVALE FURNITURE CO. Box 367 "The House of Quality" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ''The Man Who Came Back" !R. ~ SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY ~ !:fi May 24, 2!) and 26 !:fi ~ "Don't Miss This Big Feature" ~ !:fi ~ "The Storm Daughter" !:fi y; WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, May 27 and 28 You Will Enjoy It. Midvale 119 Everything for the Home "Service Our Motto." "H. GRASS FURNITURE STORES" MIDVALE, UTAH !:fi ~ m ~ ELYSIUM THEATRE I y; Under New Management panies means to Utah." The curator of reptiles at the New york Zoo, Mr. Ditmar~, keeps tab on 1leaths from snake bites in this country, and repo 1ts that during the past three years, more than 400 people have died from this caul"e. The South American serum is a sure antidote for bites from the most poisonous reptilt;, but it is not always withil} reach, and the patient is not properly treated. 'f16~Y1:ii~";)~ the Look for (U UniOD THE IRIS THEATRE Co.~ "The National Biscuit Company, one of the largest national concern:;, wh:ch ha,.,; a local factory in Salt Lake City, i~ one of the lat·gest, if not the la.rgt·st, s;ngle buyer of :;ugar manufactured by the UtaiHldaho Sugar Con1pany. In HJ22 the biscuit company pm·chased sugar from the UtahIdaho Co,mpany amounting to $1925..16.28. This was increa.."-Cd bhree and one-half times in 1~23 to $655,575.91. In 1924 the company purchased from the same source, sugar to the extent of $1,()44,930.50, making a tital for the three years of $2,493,052.69. When it is noted that the greatest part of tl1is sug-a:r purchased here wa.s shipped to eastern factories of the National Biscujt Company, thei11 local needs being only a small portion of the total amount, it can be realized ·what this patronage of our home com- . 0 l -made of fast color chambray, in plain blue and grey; -two big pockets, with buttons; -extra stitched reinforced seams; -square cut tails; -large, roomy sleeves and body; -all sizes: 14 ~ to 17. • Harry Carey in "Beyond the Border" I Very comfortable, light in weight and extremely serviceable. Rubber heels, double soles; rubber outsoles. 49c Theatres_........ )• TIIOUOUGIILY RENOVATED AND CLEANED l~ m !:fi !:fi ~~~~~~~~!:fi~~~~~~~!:fi~~~~~~~!:fi!:fi~ GET IN--While the getting in is good. ·you 'II be the looser if you dgn' Booth's Better Grade of Merchandise stilf selling regardless of Cost. ' ~ Booth Mere. Co. ed upon taxpayers is to propose a MEMORIAL DAY AT WEST bond is~ue in which provision is made JORDAN AND WHITE FORT for the setting aside of a certain a· • mount annually for interest and sinkProgram to ·b e held at the West ing fund. Taxpayers are led to beJordan and White Fot't Cemeterie.~, l;eve that when their 'taxes are paid May 30ih, 1925. Bishop Wm. J. Leak for that pm·pose, public officials utiin charge. Exercises at White Fort lize the amuont for the one sole purat 10 a. m. and at West Jordan at pose indicated. 11 a. m. Music by West Jordan SilveP Band. "America." V'!e are prote:;ting· in the name of Invocation by Chaplain Willard 'W .,. humanity against seveml forms of Malmstrom. legal puni~hment as now practice<! in Decoration of Veterans graves by the I certain state>:. Our critici ·m is of a Boy Scout>:. constructive natm·e, however, as \·e Music by the band "Pleyel!" Hymn." have in mind a most log-ical and more Male Quartette "Boys of the Old human sub>-'titute for the pfeviously Brigade." objectionable methods. Memorial Address by ~Ir. J o;;. HibScientific tests have demonstraf.·d bard. that any human being who has had Male Qua1tette, "Tenting." the pl'ivileg-e of ,.;eeing that 'remarkMusic by Silve1· Band "Rest in Peace." able new comedy feature entitled-· Benediction by Chaplain. "Down on the Fam1". "Taps," by Scout Buglet·, Howard Ima Kidder Olson. PRE&S AGENT One of the popular illusions imposIris Theatre |