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Show JORDA1 1 JOURNAL " Telephone Midvale 178 Enten·d ut the po.;toffic{ at Mi<lvalt City, Utah, a:; second-cia"; matter . .. 1lv +.axp<.yt r ,.hould not be penaliz· t><. for 11 llone.>t~· ::..1d thru't by being for~c to a ·sut'1e the burden maintainin::- goH r.mte h "hilt>, the delinquent t. xpa~ '_. i pcrn'itted to e~cape. As a n::..t · of frirre .; to all who wjoy the p:'tvi egc of government, taxe!> one('! ~mpo:'ed !'hould be collected. \1 n'l.•l:.,i \\II show a marked • r. par } Jl't\ve~'n countrie~ where p act calh the s... Pe pHysical, econ01m 'c an.l ifl<iu. triu' concUwns exi><t. It n ,1~ b, t.1 ... , public t>tf cw.b in the ~ cot ntr.e \\ 'Hno tre-e delinquE"ncie:> arc _o nnrkcd n a~ have some, reasons to j.!•:it\ the unra;orab·e report. But why • ho•1' d .San Juan have a delinqu.r nc:v of over 40 per cent and Grand CoLI ty 12.8 per c!.'nt? Why should En11 1Ji bP delinquent to the extent of Hl.'i pl.' -er.t an<l Carbon County only i pPr (.)l t? Uintah ha,; a delinquency of 17 per c r t and it;-; 'lleighhor count~ I lt ch€- •oe u3 per cent. W11i'e it i< true that no public official can forcE' payment of taxes, the qt..e~tion arises whether many thousan<ls of dollars an' not lost an· n~.:ally dm to fa'lure on the part of puhlic officials to collect personal pr pe. t)' t. X€ ,, It i::< the duty of the ' ·e~ or to collect the~e taxes at the ti•re of n~res~ment where t te amount R not secured by real estate. He ha, th alternat ve of procuring a gootl am• sufficient bond guaranteeing the pa:,; ri1~nt of all taxes levied. lR thi;, t'llle oh..ened '? It b expected that the count~ treasurer shall co-operate in C\ t n way when these uon<ts are deltvere<l to him he shall take immedate action and collect the delinquent Pf rl<onai pro pert) taxe;; either from the de1inqllent taxpayer or from the bondsmen. Tlw as;;es::.:11ent roll dbcloses the fad when a taxpayer ha:,; e,;caped the ~ pa~ onent of hi~ personal pro petty tax. He pa~,; h·. taxes only when stren· wu, .nea ,ures are employee;, If he d . coyr·rc , a wf'akne~~ or tendernesf on the pmt :lf the ar~usot· or trea:-:t..te to co lect personal pt·operty taxes hE regards that a:; an achiev'Cment on .11:> part and proceed,; to tell the new,; to Ius neighbor~. As a result of hi~ propo· anda other~ are lerl to emp oy si dl~ tactics and thus the number of delinquenc~es on personal property tax in~rease. Our laws prov•de that all necessary costs o" collecting the"e delinquent tax" ~hal' be charged against the d lhquent. Thb should be vigo1·ously enforced a. a penalty again~t the tax<lorlger. When rr,al estate is sold for A new and unique bu~iness is that ol' furni~hing bridal outfits both for wedding parties and for gue~ts. It is argued that wedding clothes are generally used but once, and wou)d be out of style when needed aga:n. The "wedding outfit," makes it possible for poor people to have a "swell wedding," at a moderate cost. A Ney York concern rent~ a complete bride's outfit including· string of pearb for from $15 to $30. Th!.' groom, flower girls and attendants may appear in full dress for $5 each. Sometirmes the price goe~ ·up if something ha~ to be made to order, but is ~aves much money and materiail~· en· large:;;- the field of the co~tumer. taxes and the taxes are not: paid with in the period of redemption as provided by law, the county commission el';:; should immediately take dC€{b up• on all such prope1·ty and sell the pt·operty to the highest bidder. It is a favorite method of tax'"!(iodgetrs to allow the taxes on their property to remain unpaid for several year,; and then come before the county commissioners with a hard luck story, throw them e.lves upon the mercy of the court and suggest a cq:npromise. County commissioners have no right under the law to make any such tt<l- Buy Them From ' And now the Con:ervatives of Eng3nl. Merle J en=-en land have introduced a meas.;!·e pro- •1"tl1 Gr·1 d \'-", 11ss - Croso-rove yidin" for pension to widows, orpi1ans R"1c h an1"' ' 1s t D, onaI-I < s and person~ between the age~ of G51 2 n<.1 Cl avon t N e 1.on :md 70. It i.s patterned after . the 50·1 tith G ra d e-mr. · ,.. •\ s h man, T ea<' h er year old German plan and w1l1 prob· 1st. Eunice Jones ably be adopted. 2nd. Th()mas Davies 7th Grade-Mr. Brady, Teacher 1. Frank Schofield Riverton Motors, Riverton Triangle Service Station, West Jordan Wheeler Bros., Sandy Hiway Garage, Sandy Mount Service Station, Point of Mountain Earl Anderson, Sandy C. J. Ridd And Hundreds of Stations in 10 Western States MOTOR CO. Lincoln Ford Fordson I m !fi !:fi Yi !:fi y; y; I !:fi Yi y; y; Yi y; !:fi !fi y; !:fi ~ I Personal Service Phone 205 l\1 rlvale City, Utah U.S. A. Every Drop of Conoco Gas Made in Utah Pt·ovision~ are made to relieve indigent people and widows. A definite provision i,; made for this abatem!.'nt but the officers charged with collection of taxes can in no wise be ex· cused for their failure to collect the taxes in full or to sell the propetty by law in order to satisfy the claims which the ;;tate or some political subdivision may hold against that prop- ]. S. MORGAN PKMTIC'AL WATCH A~D CI OC'K REPAilU~G Midvale Cily, Utah I ~ ~ for Graduation Gifts 1>cr S?nal adornment, and of the nany you. might choosr, Jewelry hP.st an,,wers every require111ent. y; FRANK A. WADLEIGH Pa;;scnger Traffic Manager Denvet·, Colorado. m Jewelry Girl g ·aduates, especially, ~ ppreciate dainty gifts for y; orderly processes of g·oveum:m: is an incenttve to meet these obligations, regularly. Those taxpa}•cor~ who do not have this same ::~ppreciation of their obligations should be 1Wde to bear the ·r part of the burden. It i~; ' obviously the <luty of the pr·oper of1 ficiab to relluce this delinqu~cnc:~- and to protect the honest taxpayer against the tax-dodger. I TED WHEELER, Agent I m ~~~!fi~Y'i!fai!fi!fiYi:h!fi!:n!:ii~. ~Yt~-y;g;~ ' |