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Show " THE JORDAN JOURNAL • • Other Side of the Story In Furnished Rooms By MARY B. WOODSON By EDITH H. OLIVER } ry;!fiY'i (@, 1925, \V dstern Newspaper Union.) (@, 1925. 'Vestern Newspaper Union.) AT I~ll<'TEE:'II Adolphus Dodson b<·· "WA.DFJ JARRETT, you were asked here to tea tor a pur· came a mp;;senger In the Nth Nutiona! bank. He was promoted sluwly, pose!" "Kind lady, have mercy!" but steadily, until be had u good posl"Yes, you were. I warn you. You're tlon, nnll in the process he met Lucy here to meet a woman!" Mears nnll fell In love with her. "Kind lady, why?" He was an earnest young mau; neat, I'm sick. and tired "Because--well, so thrifty. and reliable methouical, thrifty, inllecll, that he resolved not to of ~eelng such u fine man absolutely tell Lucy of hi~ love until l•e had au· wasted- knocking about ln-llingle other pr01uotfon; but when this oc· blessedness--" Pain darkened Jarrett's fine eyes. cm·red Lucy had goue away. He hull HI:; lips set. lost her and his heart ached. "Oh, I know very well what you're Adolphus had always lived In furto say-that there's only one going nlshed rooms; he hud dreamed or 11 ln the wol'fd for you (rot) and woman home with Lucy, uut uow that wa:< a one-woman man (rot)." you're dead, IOilt forever. He lunched at the that can't, Margaret, unless-lt "And so lllureka restaurant. There was a story that the engineer in the factory at the perhaps-you'd take pity on me-" rear blew the uoon whistle without he broke otf, his hungry, lonely eyes on looking at his watch "when he saw hers sorrowfully. "By Jove, what a Adolphus htmg up his coot anu hat on trump you've been to me! I don't sup. his own particular peg in the corner. po:;e you'd-think of it, would you-'' Auruptly, Murguret put the wldth of Adolphus came in one day prepa 1·ed to gc through his lnval"iuble routine. He the room between them. She straighttook off his overcoat and hung it on ened a rose in a vase with cold fingers. his arm; he took off his hut; he drew She llldn't look at him. "Don't be silly," she said, decidedly. Sailors Going Ashore To Put The Quietus On Some Sporadic Brawl Between the Natives In Foreign Port ~he folcllng nickel-plated coat hanger "You know I wouldn't. But why on m its n~>at hlnek cas€' out of his pockPhone 47 -J 43 N. Main et: patted his tie; smoothetl Ill~ hair- earth Polly Wyeth couldn't have been ·~ ~ There was a soft tlurry of gruy ue- sati8tled-" ;;n silence, little uncomfortable an After perfume of breath delicate a side him, slowly: said Jarrett found he and floated through the air, "Well, she is a-very beautiful himself staring at a small figure In Margaret. And then-" The wonum, big a with coat grlly that hun&- a gray furni.;hcd three or WANTED-Two hard at hls suddenly whitlooked man eg. gr_ay collar-on his own exelu~ive One of the twin boys of Mr. and children. No vicinity.. or Midvale died who Denney, His brt»~th shook Gold Ann knuckles. Sarah His own exclnsh·e chair tilted agam~l !'ned Mrs. Clarence Brady, Jean, about 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!fi~~~~~!fi~ now Party 1137-W. Was. Notify other wen-" were the table advised the worlrl of Its high him. "There years old climbed on the kitchen table in Union, Utah, May 19, 1925, was employed in Bingham. E. H. Fer- mission, but the gray figure tilted it "'Oh, Wade, are you sure?" Sunday afternoon and before nis born in Filongly Birmingham, Wargus on. "Why-wasn't It four In the mornonto Its four IE'gs, sat In it and mother could get him he fell to the wickshire, England, April 11, 1854 ing tlmt-that last time at the--dance reached composedly for the menu. gTadfor and G-Dresse;; Joseph of DHESSMAKIN daugthter the was and the floor, breaking his arm, between Adolphus stood there holdiug his when she came back with her s!lly commencement exercises. coat and hat and the folding nfcl{el- tale of just weaning a run in the wrist and the elbow. A local doctor Sarah Thompson Gold and emigrated uation and Also plain sewing and children',. plated coat hanger in it:; neat hlaek moonlight with Orafton and a motordressed the injury and he was taken to Utah from Liverpool, England on Midvale 159. 87 West case, when the gray figure turn ell to- <'ar breakdown- -the time !-snapped clothes. to his home. Tlte break isn't so pain- the steamship Minnesota, arriving in Isabel Rosse. St. Center wards him, and In an instant all the hlY fingers In her face and just-left ful and try~ng with a child so small. New York about the 13th of Juiy, her there to get home as best as she years <'ried out In clne won!lonely 1864, and at Utah, August 20 the MOVING-Call Midvale 28 or MidilllmaCil· might?" His words hurried throuch his Mrs. Nephi Gregory was a dinner drop11ed He "Lucy!" vale 141-M when moving. Prompt same year. upon the floor auu stam- his tight !Ips. guest Thursday Qf Mr. and Mrs. Lew· \t f Carefu1, experienced. Also late garments service. after arriving in Salt Lake Shortly have been some there couldn't "Rut or flood inarticulate an forth mered Lake. Salt of is Westbrook general hauling of all kinds. Bing love and longing. ~l- ...... mistake? Couldn't there really have City, she went to work with BL'ihop McRae. I work day or night. Mr. Bennett Cash accompanied and Rawlins on the grade in Webbe1· CanCouldn't fun. for just spiu a been nn It was indeed Lucy. They ate chaperoned about fo1ty pupils of the yon and with her own hands, on a WANTED-Clea n cotton rags; 5 ct~ ecstatic meal together and agreed to there have been a breakdown-" "Pt!haw! Svirit of tun on Monday, Union School on an auto trip and daTe fro.11 her companions, wheeled per pound. Bring to Journal office. meet and eat anoth<'l" next dtQ·. the wedding set for Wednesday? with in that after day every met They Tuesday Cave, T.impanogos to hike some dirt on to the grade and thus FOR SALE-2 1-2 lot~ on 3rd Avenue. the Eureka. pl"ogressing by timid prim- \Yhat woman who loved her lover They enjoyed a nice lunch and returnhelped to build the Union Pacific Sewers and sidewalks all paid. See ly conYent!onal ~tep:o~ through the call- would have gone out at all with aned home happy and th·ed but none railroad. She then liver wlth her Dan Radovich, Phone 274, Midvale. lug of first names, the almo~t agltnfz- other man on the eve of her wed· the les.s for wear. lng delight of surrcptlllous hand- lllng-" bTothers, Cyrus and Frank Gold in tan. and black Miss Elva Brady entertained a "Hadn't you been away a good deal, LOST-Airclale, clasps, until one day Adolphus S[JOke Anthe 16th Ward of Salt Lake City. Wade?" lips his on been had that words birth· a the at Refriends "Dutch". of of number name large swers to the Her mother died some years prevJarrett's face reddened. He moved ward of $1.00 paid for infonnation for so long. anll be thought It ,;Just exday party complimenting her brother iom> to leaving for Utah. After workleading to recovery. Tyler Vincent, actly what it shoulcl be \\hPn sh!' ;;aid uneasily. Music Elmo, Saturday evening. ing for the late R()bert S. Sloan of "\Veil, 1-yes, 1-1 guess I had been she would answer him In a week, at Miller Drug. games and refreshments were the bit of a brute. She'd flirt anda said, he you-darling," for c·all Saddlers "I'll the 20th Ward and Henry main diversions. would get so-unhaplJY I'dthings out go will "~. In a trembling voice.• of the 16th Ward of Salt Lake City, to cool otf-Yes, I guess I want well, up Mr. Andrew Aooerson and daught· drive n~.''hxl un<l-takf'! to rllnner she was married to Charles Denney a ~ood deal-" away been had d." afterw Riverside drive ers, Lottie and Elaine of Downey, of the 11th Ward, in the old endowIt ever occurred suppo!!e don't "I could he Lucy murmured something Idaho are visiting friends and relament house oo December 2, 1872. She get-well, reck· women that you to not hear. tives in Union and vicinity. they are lonewhen and--defiant chilch·en les,; was the mothe1· of eleven "I can't hear you-darling-an d how Misses Elaine and Lottie Ander.,on Commencement Exercises for the neglected themselves and-imagine nine of whom are married, to having and Mr. A. C. Anderson of Downey, fortunate I remembered that ~·ou have ly graduating class of the eighth grade for:-" they--care men hy the-the preceeded her to the spirit world in Idaho were guests of Mr. and Mrs. never told me where you live." so been had on "Our-our courtship will be held in the Ward House Lucy murmured something else that infancy. Besides these, she has foul·- S. L. Brady, Monday. hesltatfirst," he did not h<'ar-she wns so artorahle. wonderfully happy-at Thursday moming at 10:00 o'clock. ty-two grand children an<l twentyA. I. M. Wart! Third The "I can't hear you, dear; write It- ell the man, huskily. "It was all a entel·tainEveryone invited. was She children. three great-grand ed at a program and social, Monday on my cull'." He thrUled as her . oft horriule clisappoiutment. I-I dare Mr. and Mrs. Raynold Brady and an early worker in the Union Ward evening in the Ward Chapel for the fingers touched his hand and his own not let myself think of the-the hapMr.s. H. H. Brady were guests of Mr. In The Center Of To,vn 56 .MAIN STREET Religion Cla.«s, and an active for· purpose of raising funds to pay for a closed over them and the happy cuff. pier: days. I could· break my heart and Mrs. C. V. Erickson, Sunday. just with remembering nod wlth"WHE1 E QCALITY COUNTS" ty five year worke1· in the Relief So- n~ piano pureh ased recently for Only one wee!;. and he eouhl hold them " things !-should have done and times The children of Mrs. Martha MiLne as he wished. often as ciety up to a short time of her d:mise. their new chapel. F or tl•e fi rs t t·nue 1n hi s llf e Aclol· when I was-when I was-wrong. I entertained at dinner Sunday, honor· She was of a mo:;t loving and generDodson could not go to sleep that can-see It all-now, too late. But phus DeMiss Miss Donna Boulter and ing her bhthday anniversary. Covers ous disposition. iOJ·as Allsop entertained the Fir~t night. He had founcl Lu<'y again: then-it was all so terrible-" Sudwere laid for: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Funeral services were held, W ednes- Ward Primary Trail Builders, Monday they were engaged; they were going denly he put his face in his hands and Milne of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Gil· day in the Union Ward ch\pel. afternoon at the Ward Chapel. Game" to be married. He lay planning and sat very painfuly stlll. bel't Hilton of Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Qni<'klv, wlth that odd mother1"ng thinking of all the wonderful years ' :<NVwas luncheon and enjoyed were Margaret went to hlm. wo111en, of the that long so lay ahead together, Irvin Milne of Sugar House. h f 1 · 1 t 1 d ~ n da\' cray laid a gentle hand on g·uests. she ·• pe,re n a urn w ore e Pitying!~-. E. W. Olson, local barber, was call- ed to fourteen Mrs. William Steadman of West ;;houlcler. his pee•·been had Mr. and Mrs. Lon Sorenson an· went to sleep. The sun Jordan is spending a few weeks with ed to Logan the fir8t of the week on "Not half so terrible, Wade," she lng at him for some time before he account of the death of his father, nounce the an-ivai of a daughter, May her mother, Mrs. C. V. Eriekoon. 11woke, and he had to hurry off to the sale! tenderly, "as If you had been 1 Mrs. Reid Thompson and Miss J. E. Olson. Mr. Olson died Sunday 18. bank without any urenkfast and feel- nil wrong that-that last time. Jdl!t at entertained Nelson Andrew Mr:;. The illness. Myrtle Thompson of Provo are the evening after a long lng horribly disheveled. He was dis- SUJllHJse what she told you had been in honor of M1·. turbed all through his work, too, by true--There, that's the bell. Cheer supper birthday a Loat Wednesday held was funeral Smart. Dave Mrs. and Mr. of guests Andrew Nelson, Monday evening. the r~>memhrance that It was the luun- up, dear. I shouldn't have let you Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Brady, Mrs. gan, Utah . Covers were laid for fourteen guests. dryman's day, and he had not left the talk alJout It. 1 ought to be hung. Jessie Nix, Miss Mary Brady, Mr. Mis,; Lola Allred left Wednesday things for him. That, ut !Past, was all Ancl r so want you to forget that othF. R. Jorgensen was a caller at the Lionel Brady and Mr. Peterson of right, though, for his lantlfad~· hntl er woman just once and be nice to my Bingham visited friends and relativ- Journal Officl! this week. Mr. Jor- of last week for Deuver, Colorado, given them and made out the list in girl. Please. Somehow, 1 can't help gensen caught his hand in a belt at where she expects to labor as a mis- duplicate, just as he--. Suddtnly the hut feel the-the other affair was es in Union, Suooay. ·,-e world turned to a hfack chaos of de- jnst all-all a-mistake and you two Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller of the Concentrating Mill three or four sionary for two years. gl , spair as he rem~>mbererl that the ad- were just made tor each other-! want will A. I. .1\1. Ward First The weeks ago and has been laid up on was on the cuff of the shirt that you to like each other so much-" dress evening :\Ionda>.· social that account. He is however, about their closing Still urging, sh!! left him hastily, for a Weiner feast had gone and he hall not read it! He normal again and ready to resume Leaving at 6 p. m. rushed to the laundry; but lt had gone for his eye~. tragic, miserably lonely, in the Me Phie pasture. b ,, tf hL~ duties. h . . ·· ' to the main depot at the Rronx. He 1 d .. , ~ A Mr~. . M. 1 ete1 ,on entertameu suffered hours of Ignominy in over- were on er aga n epenuen y, eSafely out~ide, in the honor of j hauling un<'ounted hampers of other seechingfy. "Patsy,'' the 12 month old daughter at supper, Sunday evening in hallway, she swayed a moment, dlz· shirts. zily, and closed her eyes. There in of .Mr. arv! Mrs. Oscar Peterson, of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Taylor of Salt people's that room was the man she loved the to early went he day next The Chri~i· Fred Mr:;. and Mr. and Lake Center Street, Midvale has been quite anll costly a established and Eureka Encouraged by the entfusiastic nation-wide response to tll.e Firat AT ill, suffering fro.11 ear trouble. We are ensen, who are leaving for California. far-reaching system of espionage for with all her heart, with ali her soul, National Summer Schoo!, in 1924, the administration is offering a Mr. George Larson and Mr. Earnest apprising him instantly of Lucy's up- and heart and soul cried out to hlm. second summer of opportunity in 1925, with a varied program of happy to repo1t that the young lady her nails bit her palms and courses and faculty of educator~ pee:~less in their fields. Kellsy of l<'irth, Idaho are the guests pearance, hut all to no a\·nil. Lucy Suclclenfy j is much improved at this writing. her throat swelled wlti..J denie!,l sobs. Follow the,;e masters to this cool mountain retreat, whore study ia t d 1 f of Mr. Larson's Grandmother, Mrs. meant to keep a way in her adorable Sl briskly, door, ron with recreation that takes you to famed scenic plac;es and 1e t varied opene 1e . and up, modesty until the wee!' wns "Buddy," the young son of Mr. and W. L. Bateman. play directed by celebrated expert>. campus tlwn she would wait and he woul<l not ' uf~.er a moment. , . Special Faculty, June 15 to July 25 could you glad so m I dear, my St., Oh, Lincoln of except Mrs. J. Hollis Aylett, come and what could she think JUST WEST OF LEHI cauon New York. Mro. Palmer Nayj Ch1cago; UolVorslly Zoolon\ Allee, "I've come," she cried cordlnlly. was struck on the lip by a rock thrown COMMUNITY SUNDAY SCHOOL... that he had deserted her. ture Study, Corvelf 1 McClolfum, NutrlBm.el, t.leu1~ Hn~eno, Now _York; he-man to cure your dumps. a caught b t t tl EVERY SATURDAY J ohn• Hopkins; Roseneau Pu~llc th 0 lion, Car; Cornell' J!:conomiCI, AQ'r. • Boyle, 1 1ay 18 • was 0 J~ve een , I!e't! here now and 1-want you to by one of his playmates at the Midlloahh, Harvard· Seda-cwick Eoihah, t e .l\oonom1os, ~a••~;rd (q~a,ler) • n vo1, PICNIC with University of Brltish Columbia • Shelr" Cowles, B<>tany, Umvors1ty of Ch•ca~o I d Ilk hi hi vale School grounds, yesterday. Outthe happiest of Jus life he 11 ent me- ' k Primary Method,, Long ' lleach, er, I ) wee (qoe Colq'rb_la ¥u~k, l~ykema. me an m now , with ancl work, his through The annual picnic of the Community chanlcally Calif.; Turner, Hutory, H&[!_&rd.; was UuivcnfllY of Uudamage no Sooaology, scare J:o',llw_ood, good a of side THE DUNDEE Waeh· M~thoda, "-talker, Efficieoc ChuTCh Sunday SchQol will be held despair ln his heart sat long after he : In a few moments more, she threw s~un (quarter); Franzen, P•ycholugy, IrriaaWiduoe br • Co l'-!fg burn done. Play GeiSter. Cahforn~a; of UHiverslty had she room the of door next WeJne.stlay, May 27th. All pupil. knew It was hopeless In the Eureka. i open the ERYMAK ER ' • tion Practice. ·' an~ Games, Columbtlf: (one week)_; Somehow the hours dragged them- ' juilt quitted, threw It open and walked . Untvers!ty of ChtDancing. mman. H "UTAH'S BEST" '?pec.al Lecturero: edward Howard COI(O (throe weeks): Kester, AacountGraoite were Union visitors Sundav. parents of pupils, members and selves along-six o'clock ·came--the , ullth e_I Y in an d sa ld 1n hi s B t ar tl e d qngl(s, N ~w York.: .~atthews, ynivering, Columbia; Kilpatrick, Educati• .n, o1ty_ of Ch•c~go, D•vmllY. School, E:. /<· friends of the church and Sunday hour when he was to have called for ' face · Columbia, (2 ,w~ekl),; Louderbac~, Ge· a fternoon. Stemer, Grmnell, Iowa, A. E. Wtnat11 re. ~ Pal.ner, Ca1tforn1a; of This Orchestra Is U. ology to-te you want 1-1 Wyeth, "Polly The closing exercises of the Union Scohool are invited to attend. All will her. He went to his room onrl ~at ' • sh1p, Boston. Study. Cornell: Moriart1, HeAlth EduJarrett-" June Wade RegJster meet-1\lr. 29. ' dusk. 27-Auc. falling July the Term: Into F~t~ 2d out 25. N~w staring 15-July there, june vi" lea to Term: 1st time in church the Ward Religion Classes will hold in I meet at cataloc. for Write quarter. for $35 term, 1st $25 cry, Fee low Tuition man's 13. the or 12 heeding Without : see never would he the Ward Amusement Hall, Friday at eleven o'clock for Liberty Park. It was all over; at th~ '~vale her again! With no definite idea be· or the woman's quick, surprised In·11 b t t" A ~equ"'te t e pro· yond escape from himself and his take of breath, Margaret quickly shut Ball Room. You evening, May 29th at 8 o'clock sharp. ·"1 1 ~I' hran..<>por k ·1 a wn w1 f anu y is as eel to pre- misery he seized his hat an.d ran down- . the door again and left them alone. ~ac VH et. The progra.m is as fQIJows: lhaVie a.l.l lhetarii Lesson Dramatization, by the Little pare a basket lunche fm· the oca&.;;ion. stairs. Someone was fumbling out· . Slowly they were walking toward each and danced to the Sunday School providing the ice I side the door wllh a latch l{c,.l', he other terriule joy and hunger banlshFolks. them and know <.1·eam. For detailed information cal i' tore the door impatiently open-and · lng terrible pride In their faces. And I Doll Drill by the Primary Classe;;. Mrs. L. English. Henul!mber the time Lucy walked In, all sweet confm1ion ' as she fled up her stairway, the pent· how great they Burlesque Drill by the Boys. : up sohs ~arne jaggedly through Marwltfn she saw him. and date and be there. are. "You'll Say garet's throat at last. They tore at sa!cl, she late," be to sorry so "I'm Stores Piooeer Dramatized her sorrowing, low-spoken words: , don't you If mlnutl!. a be won't I ''but They're Good." Flower Drill "A ~uman Bouquet." Straight-shootin g, hard-Tiding, fast mind I'll just run up and change my I "Oh, I love hlm, I love him. And One act Play "A Ghost in a BoardI he could have been mlne-Oh, he action Harry Carey in the fieriest hat." ing school." GOOD ROADS Adolphus stared at her. ''Run up," could, he could-If only I-I ha!ln't. . . 1 f h t General Admission 1Oc. Come get a \ henrd-her side of the-story, tooI he said stupidly. GOOD FLOOR dollars worth of entertainment and wes ern o IS VJVIt career. . LOGAN, UTAH If only I-I hadn't known-how much on is room "my That's "Beyond the &rder," Mayj' "Yes," said Luc7, tbey-tbey needed-each other-" the top ll.oor." help make the performance a success. 24, 25, and 26. m !fi • ~ Patronize Your y; Home Bakery- -- ~ MIDVALE I BAKERY y; !:fi The Home of Home Made Bread and French Pastry ~ !fi u N 10 N I Pioneer Answers Call 1 Union :...-.- -----. ..: - Cinnamo n Rolls and Doughy; · nuts, per doz. - - y; Bread, 3 loaves for WANT ADS m 4. • • • !fi 25c 20C ~~ • i SATURDAY IS THE ~DAY COX MARKET IS THE PLACE MEAT SPEC IALS Boiling Meat lb. .. - - - 16c .. 15c .. Pot Roast lb. 25c Loin Steak lb. 20C .. Veal Cutlets lb. Sandy City News Cox'S Market EVERY IGHT ---May ROLL ER SKAT E.. AT Dundee Ballroon1 Midvale, Utah Ladies Free. Gents lOc. All Skates 35c No gentleme n admitted in overalls :-•·································............................................................................................. ·DANCE AMERICA 'S GREATE ST SUMMER FACULTY COMING TO UT ARA TOGAS S P R I N G M I I s ! 1 I - ' I t' UTAH AGRICUL TURAL COLLEGE U.............- ..--.. • |