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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL, MIDVALE, UTAH New York-Yorktown Air-Line in Operation Blowing Up Historic Passaic River Bridge communi~ ,, "Buil.d.in'J Community Building in State of Virginia A communit.Y um,;t lift it;;elf by Its That is the keynote of tile Co-operative Educnti<lll A~~o<:'ia· tlon of \"ir;;inia us bounded in its lnteRt annual report whi<'h ~ays that the genius of the organizatiou is to lleYelop the ('[tizPus nnll the t•ommunity from "ithin, and not l'U[lerimpose ,;omP plan from without. 'flte W<~M:iatiou promotes better schools, roads, I"!'(Tf'H tion, health, farm~. homes, citizenship, and eolllmunity IPadPI"Rhip. It worlts under the din•etion of tltP ~overnor, tlte state depnrtment~. higher in.-titution~ of learn· lng, rmd a group of <'ltlzen!'.. Its machinery of o1·gunization includes senior and junior leagues and a county counL"ll who~e object is to bring tile workers o! the county Into closer co-operation. It has l!"rown from a fpw leagues in 1904 to l,l:l33 In 1024-1,302 senior and mn junior. Its membership is 62,575---. 37,107 !'.enior and 25,468 junror. Last year the junior and senior leagues tog('ther ralsrd $165,126 for local Improvements. Mo~<t of this money was ~pe11t upon the public schools. The rfi'ports show that these gifts cov<'r nhout every phase of school improvement from furnishing a broom to ~uaranteeing o f:chool board Sl,:.WO for the H)U-2!'i school hud;;et. Either through pnhllc mf'etlngs or material n<'compli"hments B,7R7 pie<'es of dPflnlte work wPre reported for schools, health. roads, agriculture, d de and recreational Improvement. The as~o ciation Is financecl lJ~· the state and by donations from various corporatious and lndi rl<lualf'. Lts receipts for the past year amounted to ulmost $24,000. 0\\11 lJO<>I~traps. Christening of the giant twin-motored trans];lort plane at .Bowling field, Inaugurating the new airplane pas:;eng~r !lervice between New York and Yorktown, Va. Miss Elizabeth Owens, daughter of Clarence J. Owens, director gen· eral of the Yorktown forum, is standing on a chair, from which she christened the ship. Establishing Signal Post in Attack on Hawaii '£his, one of the ftrst plrtures o! the war game In llawall to arrive, shows a landing party from the Blue fleet establishing a signal post on the shore. ' ' .-:-. r T -~· I """ I ..:·· ~-. .-:. -.. •:"t· ·:f-;...-~ · ··~._ . . ; ,- . . - ~) ,_ ~ -. • . ' .. ,. . - "' - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - -- SHE'S GOING CALLING Unveiling Zeebrugge Memorial Scene when King Albert of Belgium unveiled tbe Zeet>rugge monument ereC'tf•d to the memory of British heroes who carried out the dramatic raid on the seaport when it was beld hy the Germans. ' . .< ·>· ,. ~-. .~ ::.·. :~· ., . -.:.·. ·. -~ ,, ..... 1· •.. Here Is pictured the historic old bridge over the Passaic river, near Little Falls, N. J., as it was blown up to make room tor modern Improvements. The bridge was ninety-nine years old and the scene of many a lovers' tryst. Enjoying Their Game, Even in Wheel Chairs Veterans of the late war who used to play baseball but are now confined to wheel chairs In the veterans' hospital at Tacoma, Wash., have or· ganlzed a league and enjoy their games, despite their handicap. :·. :-.· :·· ,. :·.· ..·. Room lor Improvement in Country Schools? H. 0. Dietric-h, superintendent o! the schools of Nonlsto"·n, Rpeaking before th~ National Education assoclatlon, derlared that half of the 15,000,000 children of the publle S<'hools are In the hands of teochers partially or wholly unqualified to teach them, says the Philadelphia Ledger. I<'ortyflve per cent of the teachers. he said, are without normal school training, and 54 per cent have had so little experience us to be ulmost helpless In tha face of their classes. Unl•ed States Commissioner o! Edu· C'atlon John J. Tigert !'aid that half the y:·hool population of the country Is rural and had to put up with the shortcomings and Inefficiencies of the small rural school .• He appealed for more government control to enable the city ~chool to share some of Its advantages with the country Rchool, declaring that the ri<'h <'ities should bear more of the financial load of rural eduC'ation than they do. In spite of the gr<>at advancement of education In all lines, the leaders at the ronv<>ntion see things in our ednca· tlonal Ry~tem to fin<! fault "·Jth, and probably they are right. GIVEN BALLOON WINNER Quebec to Have Statue of Cartier I. I .•. I I .y.. --~- Garden Color Schemes : !lli"s Eleanor McCarthy, ~ew Or· lieans society girl, at her airplane. She 1s piloting It to make social culls. •· 1 see nothing unU!'Uul in a womnn drlv· lng ttn airplane," said :.\11ss McCarthy. "'It Is just ns easy to operate us an nutomoblle and Is certainly more I t,Ieasant and ~peedler. \\'hile in France I learnrcl to fly f1·om Chn rlea :\ungesser, the F1·ench ace. This summer I in tend to fly to several Arneri' can resorts and will later tour Europe in my machine." I I I WRITES PRIZE ESSAY Smith's Best Bunch of Girls ?.lany large gardens have long borJers where color scheme;; <'Ould he wrought ""ith annuals or per,,nniniR. nr with hoth. Renwmhrr two point~ whfeh may he called fundnmentnls: White Is the one gi"Pat nrutrnlizer or harn)(lnizer in flowers and gray per· forms a ~imilnr oflice in foliage. DordPr~ in whi<'h ftnwe1·s and g-ray folia!!"e l1envily predominate ma.v have any nntl all <·olor,; in harmony ><o long RR they clo not mix, hut hnve hetween the111 11 mE>re touch of white. ~t1C'h n penC'e-maker J, oftPn more nP<'rs•ary hetW<'t'n shadr~ closely allied than In rnnrlH'd t:ontrast~. Tlms with t"·o shncles of pink thr lic:htPr appears \\"nshPtl anrl fatlcct In <'lof'e C(llll]lflri!<On wit It H d!·eper :mrl therefor!' strong-Pr hue. E"rn ;!rea1 mas f!'S of wltire relieve(} h:v an oecn· ;;ional tour·ll of an~· eolor never llfl· peal" rnOJtot r•nous. .. I Deautiful trophy a wurde<l the win· j ner of the national balloon race which i started from St. Joseph, Mo .• on May J. ' I I OUR NEW GAS MASK Clean Town Is a Winner Iron I~ mensured hy avoil'(lupois weight at 2,!!40 or 2,000 pounds to the ton, depending on the laws of th•~ state In which sold. Gold Is mE>nsurecl by troy ounces even though the amount runs into thousands of ounces. .. , T~~e s_ix most all-around girls at Smith college, wbo have been awarded S p111~ m recognition of physical and mental developt»ent and o! highest l!portsmansblp. Lc,~t to right-Gertrude Benedict, '26; VIrginia Thieme, '2fi; Barbara Churchill, 2fi; Caroline Bedell, '2fi; Lavina Fyke, '2fi, and Marjorie JSoomet, '25. I 'Jltis stutue of Jucques C"urtier, the discoverer of Canada, Is to be unvelled It is a duplicate o! one In St. Malo, I•'rance, birthplace of the explorer. j ln Quebec next June. In ~<]lite of the heM l'ffm·t~ of the houl'eholdE'r <li1·t "'Ill accumulate rlur lng the witttPr, nnd a municipnl elean· lng Is as nPr('~;.nr.' ns the dOlllP>.tir clennin):::. Yet mud1 C'an he clone In • thP wny nf k~>r·plnc: l'lPan that will I miti.c:HtP the rigors of · the rlrnn,.ing, wllPther In hou~e or ell)". The hahit of dp:,nlines~ Is l'!if<ily aequirrd. aud It IR one th:tt should be con~tPd and rultlntted. :'\<,thing does mnre than dirt to give a tm•n an unpr<>S]IPJ·on' appenrHn<'P as !R no <louht tmdP~'tood by !hM~ who are planuln~o~: to make lm;,wn tl;e mer! t~< of Tndlannpolls. It <loes not re. qulrr much Imagination to visunli:>:P a clean. ~hining and e,·en c:littering f'!ty, nn<l this we r·an h:n·e if "·e onlv ha':"e the will to strive for it.-Tnt!ionopolis New!'. Where Dawes Will Uve in Capital Measurements of Metals Robert Krumholtz, seventeen, ot Springfield, Ohio, won first prize of ! $7110 in the national essay contest conducted by the American Legion. More than 200,000 essays were submitted on the subject; "Why Communism 1.1 a Menace to Amerlc~n.lsm." I ' J I Oil Wastage in Coal It Is estimated that 8,000,000,000 gnl· Ions o! oil a year, besides numerous valuable by-products. could be re<'Ol· ered from the coal mined In the Unit('d States.-Sclence S<>rvlce. I Het•..! i;; pictured tile new gas musk ; recently developed by the chemical warfuf-e service. There Is a telephon<> attachment with this mask, enal>llng the wearer to be heard clearly even In the heaviest tiring. It was de· i signed chiefly tor service by ad vane<~ j 1111 posts during attack. The telephonP ! connection Is Inserted near the mouth· j ~ piece. The only drawback 1.8 tbat, . when the mask Is adjusted, the weare, i Vice President and llfrs. Cl 1es Gates Dawes have leased this houso atj Iq una bi 11 t 0 sp.,"Bk t 0 an;yone near b ;y 1620 Belmont road, Washington,1arfrom Mrs. Guy T. Scott, widow or Captain. .although helng able to carry on tele- Scott, U. S. A.. It was occupied tor years by tbe captaln'e father, Senatorl1 \}hone conversation with distant &ta- 1 Nathan B. Scott of West VIrginia.. The grounds tlona. John B. Henderson. adjoin the property of Mrs., 1 I |