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Show THE JORDAN t- Sehool law, now be-~-Dtlld states Sllpreme Court fD'iNI f coutttllti nan 1 y, re,. 0 •0 Gil • qulreir all ebildren of schoel age to atuod public IIOJiools. AfteJ echool bOure ~ Jltltt attend private or ~ iehOQIIk The law. haa been tfp •Jillf bJ over to be ed~ by private institutions. The brief- eo•teads that ''the state for its own protection as well aa -ror the benefit of the child has a right to demand attendance of the ehild at a public sehool for the purpose of giving education n~ssary to make such a child a useful citizen and a royal defender of the country." · If the law is declared unconstitutional it is argued that the way will JOURNAL ~y;~~~~~~ Jordan Valley-County Weekly MEAN WORD PUZZLE NO. 1 Solve it. The first correct solution to reach th Jomnal· Office, puur L by mail or otherwise, within seven days after the cation, will receive an order for $:>.00 wol'th of m rc andb.e at 0·1. any store carrying an advertisement in this L· ·ue. Ga. a el' o Shoes, Groceries, anything. You say it. Work th pa,..sengers. for patiently waiting is brain. The old special i BANCrl an the Scottish Rite Masons lfonh u.d So1Jth, and bas the be opened for Methodists, Baptists, of •.era! millions of mem- Lutherans and other sects or societies to establish schools of their own tlera pl. ..._, oxpalzatiODB. 'l'he Public: Defense League of with the result that we shall have a IIWriiP" bas jobled the case by decidedly conglometrate citizenship, ~ a brief eeWng forth that 153,- a nd the old war betweel_l church and ~ ctltUchen of that state are turned lrtat e will surely result. 1 BOOM BANG ._,l't • oesa - - c Brown Sugar 314 pounds ... . .........,.... ... .... Again--- .... Powdered Sugar 3 pounds . ....... . .. .... . . We wish to THANK YOU for the liberal patronage the past ten Clays. for this week and next we offer GREATER values than ever . ...... -.... 25c . .. . . . ........ . ........... 25c ~arne Still they pay more for the y; !fi ........ . goods. WE have a shipment of SNOWDRIFT SHORTNING, the cases came in damaged in transit. The cans ai·e dented-the goods are excellent. m ... . l:i cents per pound Arm & Hammer Sal Soda (Washing Soda) 6n> for. ........ 25c All sizes, while they last .......... ......... ... . . . .. ... . .. m 25c Large Size G. R. Washing powder, special ...... ·······-· ...... . 10 c Small G. R. Washing powder, special 5c GOBLIN TOILET SOAP, special . Booth Mercantile Co. .. .. . . . . . 15c Hooker Lye, special ..................................... _ .. ........... .. .. 25c Santi Flush, special .......... ............ Good 22. A blind ><trr-et. 24. Where we Jive. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 15. 19. 20. 22. 23. Meat fi'Cllll this store alwaYs looks appetizing. We buy the best MEAT we can, cut and trim it carefully and deliver it to you in spotlessly clean wrappings. Every sanitary precaution is ll8ed for your protection. And some people want quality while others wapt only quantity. You will W our prices in accord with quality. Comer Meat & Grocery Gilbert aad O'Brien, Props. ~---------------------: BE WISE and buy the FLOUR t at satisfies West Jordan M~lling Co. , .... llicl. 108 Midvale Citr, Utah Leisure of Old Age . ................. 2 for 19c .... 2 for 13c 15c POWDERED BON AMI, special . Yert:cal Sub <liYision of a State. A part of the calendar rear. All inkJJ;gent people do iL. More than one. A prepo:itio11. S.tlalle><t state in tht' l' ,1'on (abbr. Entirely. Same a~ 1!} \'t'l t: ·a I. iSame a,; ]!} hc,J· LJJlT<ll. A word often t.. ed in ;he ilible. .... each 9c 10c Peter Pan Toilet Soap, special ............................................ . ...... 2 for 13c 15c 65c Milk Strainers ... ......... ... .. . . ..... .... . UNIVERSAL VACUUM CLEANERS THEY ARE TAKING THEM AS FAST AS THEY ('OME IN Im !:fi Looking Meat 3 for lOc ................. 2 for 19c 10c Essex Peroxide Toilet Soap, special . Horizontal 1. Name of a river running from Fresh to Salt Water. 6. Name of a key in music. 7. Read it in the Jordan Journal. 9. A prepo.~tion. 12. A personal pronoun. 13. Utah Educational Association(Abbr.) 15. A girl's name. 16. They often get in your eye. 17. 'Used in printing the Journal. 19. Automobile Association (Abbr.) ...... :3 for 14c Lions Convention ~ Homes Needed in Midvale City in Mt. Pleasant y; m The Peer of them All to extt-aordinary Low attachments--Reduced for Regular 67.:>0-$10.00 ...... $10.00 down, $:>.00 a month .... Price-$59.50 ..... . .... . . .. • • es ompany Meats and Groceries Midvale, Utah. General Merchandise Phone Mid. 221 With ><atisfaction \ e a.lllOU!l'CI' in There is mueh talk just now about convincing the D & R G W railroad thi;; issue that abo•1t fiHe n Lion :, ;n some with Lione.·,e., a , · ,,,. 11 'thou"• '~ rrJ company that they could do a good will journe~· to .Ml. P .ea ,am ull ~at- • f-:! ""1 l\f bu.siln.ess by putting on electric or ..lr.Lr.!Ufi!:l~!:fi!fi ~YfiYFiYfi~~~ U:~tei.I-~U:: - <"'U.:I~u=t.r.:U':~U:U._ ' ay 23rd, o ::ttt • ot th' Al1 urday, ~as cars between Midvale and Bing· nual Conventio 1 ot Di t " ..: . Tu !fi!:fi!fi;;rl;n:;n::n ;;;n;n:n:J l.;n;n~::tl;;n;;;n:;n;n;.•rt;::;n;;n;;;n~.:::h;,n;n:ril ham with regular and dependable club at 1\h. Plca~am h<!l' plom;, c t Mr. and Mr~. L. Myers returner! last week. Games were enjo~·ed and us that we w;l! h.t'e th · "tin:e of service. Tue~day from a week;,; tJ ip to home gu.;:ts. twenty-one to ved ><el luncheon It is said that many residents oi our lives" v. hatt• vrr I at ,,wan:. The A birthday cake containing ten can- Malad, Idaho. Bingham would like to live down trip down ~h<,td'l be v.o 11 n ul al Mr. Mylle Allsop took l\Ii,;, Mada furnished the center piece. Little dies here in the valley providing they this time of dw , c.,:·. t ap[l< a ed fot The Rowane Swam1 of the Bee Hive Crosg-rove's 6th grade and l\I'ss baskets were fa\"ors. eould get cheap a:nd dependaible trans- a time that Lio,J . · ·I. on ~ "Lr .1pir Girls of the Third ward entertained Miss Alpha Orton entertained the Mar~el Christemen's 4th grade ·chool 'Portatio;n to and from their W{)rk ir1 Bertha" won lei be th•' I, tht,r.<kl c: , to Wa~atch for the tr'p but in a ,nU<;h a- 'Bet- at a Marsh mellow and Weinie feast Junior Class of the Fir~t ward Y. L. children, sixty in number Bingh111m.. But, lest we place the cart before tha" has made th1: u ip i.1 wo J, a1" at the home of their Bee Keeper, Miss M. I. A. at her home, 1<'1 :day even- Monday and . pent the day. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. B ady, l\1".: the horse, how about some huoses in is was d00.11ed to .- "C<.:l aJ autOJllO- Helen Jensen, Tu•£}-;day evening ~£ i.ng of. las~ ';eek. The even:ng w~t Brad), Mr. P. Peter.-.on, l\1!.·. ~hry ll:nc. 11 other anrl smgmg m spent were~ present Members \\Cek. last 1 th.is vilcinity where the people might bile for the dutie: of p:1th r;n<!Pr t hi B. Thoma. atkl Mrs. J. ~ix of Bing. trip. We have not : ece'ved the pto- Miss Melba Hardcastle, Miss Ardella! Refreshments were sen·e<l. reside when they move here. were ~sts of Mr. aml Mr.. J. ham enterThompson W. Mrs. and Mr. Ella What we need is some $2500 gram for the convt ntiu11 as ret bl t ; " LioV<l, Miss Gl·ace Elmen, Miss houses that will .rent for $20 to $25 will he goo•!. A n1 d or two about H ..;sen, Miss Mary Littlefield, MU;s taine<l the Acme Club at their home M. Nance, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Batt:'l ~an and per month. the city of Mt. PI a ant w,JI no In & 1 ilia Eck, Miss Ruth Anderson 1 Friday evening of labt W<'ek. P1ogressive games were played and 8Up-~ family motored to Magna and . pent It might be a timely project for aanis~. This c;t~· ~~ .he 'Tub" of Sm1 and Miss Enna Gerald. the day, Sunday. • Mr~. Hilda Nelson was hostess to per served to twelve gue<ts. some of our enterprising citizens to Bete county ancl i. h10w.1 b~ that take up, or at least interest outside title due to it~ geou' :.~phi• a! Jocafon !he Pep Club at her home, Wednescapital in the plan. They boast thr ~ccor.d hn '' L.,lll. day aftemoon of last week. The 'time The JournaJ WQuld like to hear club in this di tricl. \\'llich i~ a guman· was spent in s·ewing. Luncheon wa~ from anyone having anything to say tee that it i · a m· :ht~· go Hi town. served to fifteen guests. Special on the subject, whether it be pro o1· They are at all time.· ron( eJ ·nl; th guests were Mrs. A. R. Larson, Mrs. con. Please state in your communi- g'l, a test ·er-vi,·e to th i1· co,n ,,unit)·· Metilda Levin and Mrs. Mary NelSQJ1. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Beck spent the catim1 whether it is fQr publication The principal "mlu· ·,,;e~ of the , on1week-end at Spring City with past Ram tne and or not. munity ale agricuitute oouillet sheep indu.. ·ry. Ttw heop ~h.. Beck's parents, Mr. and M1.. Mr. Wm. Grahann and wife, gmnd- raised there m-e p1 ;ze winne1 ~ and J. A. Justesen. nephew of J. A. Alcorn, dropped in famous the world oYer. They boa-t The daughters of the Utah Pioneer's on Mr. Alcorn on their way home in of good businb>< houses an two \H '1 were gue;;ts of Mrs. John· Mattson, Illinois from California via Portland established bank". We could go o Friday afte111oon of last week. The · See our Windows for Bat·gains in this One Dollar Sale Mr. Alcorn has been showing them and fill up inche~ of space w·tl, in- following program was .given: Piano the beauties of Midvale and vicinity formation about !ITt. Plea ant bu+ th< duet, Miss Maxine Egbert and Mi-ss ore. Anything in one window $1.00: Every article which they were very much pleased best way to learn about thes~ thmg,; Mary Egbert; Reading, little Miss with. is first hand. Be therr- Satul'(iay, Ma:, Maxine Charlier; A Pioneer sketch, Any article in the other window $1.00 down and $1.00 per by Mrs. 0. Dastrup; Vocal s.olo, Miss· 23rd and see for yourself. month. The Mt. Pleasant Lions are leav- Juanita Jorgenson, accwnpanied by All \tt Bargain Prices ing no stone unturned in their effort Mrs. D. Richards, Mr:;;. H. Hendrickto make this the greate~t convent;on .;on furnished a number of piano selever, and every other club in thi: ections. After the meeting hour, redistrict we believe has its shoulder freshments were served to twenty~two to the wheel in ·an effort to do its guests. Show US that you read the Jour· part. Miss Clara Hosmer was hostess to MIDVALE ('JTY, UTAH nal by cutting out this ad and take the U. Club at her home at Salt Lake it to the PETER'S STUDIO. Tuesday evening of last week. The W. 0. W. NOTICE T his COUPON is worth One Dollar Regular meetings of Arbor following Sandy •members were preOtrer Good Until June 30, 1925. Camp No. 81!l \\. 0. W. will be sent: Mrs. A. M. Nelson, Mrs. R. Coupon always worth $1.00 on one held on the second and fourth White, Miss Josephine Johnson and dozen photographs Mondays only during the months 1\ibs Anna V. Lewis. of June, July and August. Please 1\lrs. G. P. Boyden and two sons of Otrer 1-$1.50 otr on our small P1·ice, Utah are the guests of Mr. take notice. Photos up to 4 x 6 Mrs. J. M. Boyden. and J. J. Isler, Clerk Otrer 2-$2.00 otr from sizes, 4x6 Little Beth Mitchell is at the L. D. and llP Hospital where she underwent an S. All member.,. desiring to join An extra tinted• picture goes with in the fraternal vi it to l\fagna operation for appendicitis. every dozen photographs Camp on Tuesday, May 26th, Mrs. G. L. Lloyd of Cheyenne is This Coupon is better than any $1 will meet at 7 o'clock p. m. at the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. coupon y»u could buy from any the following places: we~t Jo ·- Anderson. Mrs. Lloyd was formerly agent or other studio in Salt Lake dan members meet at Butter- Mis Vera Anderson • City. They can not sell as low or worth's store, ~andy members The First ward Sea Gull Class encan they do any better grade of will meet at the Sandy B k tertained at a handkerchief shower in ";/Is Clean as the Cleanest, As Good as the :J)est" work. Just drop in the Studio and honor of V~rda Rosen, member of from members all and corner =======-~== see for yourself before you go tb the class. Games were played and a Hall the at meet will Midvale Salt Lake and pay nearly double. SAMAS & THOMAS, Props. corner. Will leave at 7 p. m. hiJlcheon served to sixteen guests. We are open Wednesday and SatMrs. S. E. McKean entertained in sharp. Cars for all. urday 10 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. and Utah Midvale of her daughter, Arline's birthhonor Entertainment Committee ~ Sundays by Appointment of afternoon Friday anl).iversary, day Arbor Camp No. 815 W. 0. W. 0 "WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE'' !:fi!:fiYi!:fi!:fi!:fi I .Sandy City News All Bargains One Dollar Sale Peters Studio West Jordan Lumber Company WHETHER--- Pauper or Millionaire A man who hu worked all his life is entitled to well-eamed Waare in his old .,., 1Jut f.fiiN pt it fOt1 they do not prepare Are YOIJ laving a deftnite amoaat each pay day! A Good Meal Is WORTH 35c -- MIDVALE. UTAH U.S. CAFE __________ ._______________________ |