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Show THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH ~~~~~~~ T H E B L U E CIRCLE Pilots Robinson and Fletcher What Will They Do . With Thirty Cents? Harry Savage, .Jr., New Rrltaln, Conn., fifteen-y ear-old caPtain of a baseball team, has received a dozen brand new big league baseball s Instead of an old one for his team. The youngste r wrote Maj. John L. Grltftth, executiv e vtce presiden t of the National Amateur A th letlc ll'edE>ratlon, which Is conducti ng a rumpalg n to revive nmateur hasehaH among youths, asking for nn old ball. The hoy added that the finances of his nrgnnlza tlnn 118d been recents. duce<! to When George Huff, director of athletics nt the Univei·sl ty of IllinoiS', and ll firm believer In boys: sports, was utlvl~ed of the appeal he voluntee red to send the hu!!s. ... > I w get out of the lifeboat with him and CHAPTER XI Continvecl swim for a time-th at kind of thing. 1181 ~ (@ by The CeDtury Co.) Rut when the mother and the child was It watch. Service. WNU He looked at his died, toward dawn, Mrs. Vandew ater's ball-pu t five. He und Verity Campnerv.e went, nnd she lived onl:v two bell must bave been in that Infernal hours longer. Did you ever Ilea~ what C!loset almost two hours. Would she opened nnd fixed themselv es on thP. Henshaw did after his rescue?" SomE-thing flashed ~ down to dinner? He hoped and eyes above them. Morris shook Ills head. NEW SLANG question , an apa light, of them-a In l>eUeved abe would. The strength "He pulled some wires, entered the hla w18b to eee her at the table was peal. Wh~ttever It was, the 11ecretary secret sen·lce, and went to Germany ThP ~· nnng sales rna n placed his though he did not reilllze it, the uncon: trlert to respond to ft. to meet up with the submarin e comcase on the porch and hegan satnple "You're getting on finely, sir," he mander on one of his shore leaves. It acloua repudiat ion of the foreigne r's genially: hothouse charm. He did not care to said, very slowly and distinctly . "We seems that the fellow had rem~tlned ] "II ow do you do? I sllouhl like to repeat that tea hour tete-a-tet e. It are all so glad. And I want to report upon the surf~tce, laughing at the pasinii"IIthwe to ~ ou our new corn rnzor." bad been a fascinati ng experien ce- that I am keeping my ~yes wide open. sengers In the lifeboats . Also, he had "You IH'elin"t wastE> pmr time," re· one that largely owed Its charm to Its I think I understa nd what you meant. Invited Mrs. Vandew ater Into the subpliec! the farmer sharply. "an' what's unexpeet edneas. Now he wanted to I have taken precautio ns. I am on the marine- his Idea of a little joke. The more. young fellow. lliut smart city lee the young lovelines s of Verity at job. Please leave everythi ng to me." story Is that Henshaw finally got him slung won't get you . er far in these The childish pucker died out of the llnd. killed him In an open fight. 1 the table, to discover whether the color farm you slop at had come back to her beautifu l face face. The look In the blue eyes-a don t know whether that part of the se~· the a scythe.' 'to watch her and to listen to her voice' look made up of anxiety, of fear, with yarn Is true. Anyhow, they got RenBe did not ask himself why he desired even a suggestio n of terror, changed to shaw. He escaped within a year, but theae things, but If he had the an· one ot acquiesc ence. The stlft' lips the things they put him through, added PROOF OF .PERV ERSIT Y swer would have been prompt enough. tried to speak, and finally brought out to the Adenlc tragedy, landed him In They would have MANAGER ·M'GRA W IS He merely wished to be certain that a word: the sanatoriu m. "Right!" she at again-th the cfrl was herself lunded anyone else In his grave." VERY CONSERVATIVE groped hancls man's old the of One exn afternoo felt no lll effects of the "They would." l\Iorrls spoke with toward him. RE-nshaw took It and rore humility. "It's amazing that he perience . !•'letcher :'.la~a.gers \Yi_II.H·I:t ~{ohinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers (left) llnd • It warmly. pressed enthey as her Brook· His first glance at has <'Ome through.u field Ebbets at minute a for dug fratPrni> . of th_e lluladeli> hla :\atiOnab "Trust me," he said. "Don't worry. · tered the dining room nnd took their "His father was an old friend of , Not' Willin g to Make Any lyn, JUSt before tlte start of a game. places at the table was reassurin g. Good-nig ht." mine,'' Stanley went on, "so I did what ' Statem ent as to Final his to d responde his In hand The tllough She looked exactly as usual, I could for the son. I promised hlm •· Stand ing of Giants. poulbly even lovelier. The evening pressure with unexpect ed strength. he added robustly, "that he would be Petty With Brooklyn r;======================l~ and doctor. and nurse the to nodded~ cown she wore was one he had not He n.s well as he ever was, and he Is. Men before, a shimmer ing thing of left the Poom. In the hall, however, he 'I he only ditftculty Is to make him "It Is too risky a thing to pll'k a white and sliver, set off by a long discover ed that Morris had followed realize it. His company has a twenty- four consecut ive-time winner of u penBy JACK SIMPSON . double-lo oped chain of pearls, over th~ him. five-thou sand-dol lar-a-yea r job for him nant to repE-at again,'' said Manager phythe about?" worrying he "What's beauty of which Madame Hvoeslef at when he Is ready to begin real work .T. J. McGraw of the New York Wonts ~========~======u sician abruptly demande d. once exclaime d. You're going back homl! today. to a reprE-sen tative n! the C'hristiun Throwin g Glove at Ball. "Probab ly just the little m:vstery hear?" "But I love you In those, cherie " she "For lhat reason I Monitor. Science It frettuent ly happens that a player, said. "I always rejoice when you' wear that concerne d Madame Hvoeslef and "Yes, If you think It Is safe." Mor- shall decline to make any ~tntement during an exciting- l>art of a game, will ' them. Pearls were made for you. You that's all over now.'" ris spoke with obvious regret. "With relative to the final stan~ling of the forget himself and hit a butted hall Morris shook his head. should wear no other jewels." two nurses In the house and the pa- Giants, although I will say that the with tile glove he has remon•d fi·om ed. maintain he "These were Aunt Katharin e's" .. "It's nothing small," tient getting on so well, I really have club Is us strong, If not stronger than hand. The penalty for sueh an ofhis Is eyes fellow's That look in the old Verity explaine d. "She gave them to no excuse for staying longer-a nd a · last year.'' "Reports sny the rye ''rop Is the is three hases being nwnrdeil if fensE' Jove-" By me on my last birthday . They came unmistak able. It's fear. lot of my patients are feeling Injured consE-rvative ::;tnnd taken a hatted hall and two buses for a the is This e\"ei' ·• best trousers down to her from her great-gra ndmoth- he thrust his hands In his But I'll come over every day, of by l\Innager l\lcGI·;nv and It Is well must cap or doesn"t that just show the _. glove "Well, The ball. thrown and, course.'' er, and every generatio n since has pockets, took a turn In the hall, are too many things nctually hit the bull in order that the There d. warrante of nature-w hen It can ty per·ver:;i the him ~dded to the necklace , until now there coming back to Renshaw , gave "Retter make It twice a day, fo-r a that might crop out In a team which for hrend?" or used glo,-e be the only If but , uwurdell be le really too much of it. I feel like rest of the sentence face to face--"lt week or two. Look In early every hlllf won four stmight pennant~. hn!<es is venalty no ball. the mi:;:;e:; a Christma s tree festoone d with pop- amounts to terror! Didn't you see It?'" morning and late every afternoo n- chiefly among the,;e is o\·erconf idenee. cap Past~ing Contra ct dru wn. "Isn't It, perhaps, the fear of death?" lillY uround tea time," he added without corn when I have It on." us nearly is team a in i1lenc.e Overconf , in affair~ or state Position 1 thP throwing of While the praetlce Renshaw was thinking fast. How malice. "There's not more than one "But It Is perfect. It Is one of the It for oft prove brief though breezy. fidenee May I unclen•on as tnl detrimen ed consider not finest I have seen-an d that says much, If anything , could he tell this <:hnuce In a hundred that" anything makes the team 11lay listle~s. How- glove ut the hull is j The salary isn"t overgrea t writer the still plu~·in;.:." ball nt. "'heady experime an mal'e would i And the reslgnatl on"s easy. He to man? want much." will go wrong, but we don-'t ever, with thr leadPrsh ip of ~tcGI·aw saw two <'af'ell wh ere it helped the someseen or "Did henrd Sunday he's subject. y "Possibl Verity changed the take that. I'll be out again I as the hi~gest ohstade to ovE-rconfid in Dangli ng lor Some Tim~ you see grandfat her before you came thing he doesn't !Ike," he said guard· In time for lunch,'' he added with a dence that one cun think of, the tiiants teum. Tile tin;t occasion hHIJl:ene the in tied llcore go, Chleu in game a odd and house, old an Is . edly. "'l'his twinkle. .Mr. Langley -All, they have just down?" she asked Renshaw look as though they might repeat for eighth inning with the home club at he but things- " ui looked In for a moment, dropped I heir anchor ! The house seemed unexpect edly lone- a record for all time. The !JuHer hlt a terrific line bat. Morris ImpatiE-ntly shook his hE>ad. lllrs. Langley -Dear me ! I was was asleep or still unconsc ious-I don't ly v·lthout Morris' homely but comIs one hig rE>nson why I drive to right tielll that wn:s on itll "Th€re "Staned. "Nonsen se," he Interrupt know which.'' afraid thE>y would. It's been c'iangllng forting presence . R\'nshnw , working might c~m:siller thE> <liants stro~ger \\·ay to clear the ;wreeu net and tlrop for some time! Doctor ?tlorrls momenta rily sus- ley told me about that foreign manu- In the study all afternoo n and not outside this year.'' l':ti<l l\JcUraw , "and that Is ~ranager pended" the vigorous oper~ttion of his script busine!-'s. I don't think a man stopping for tea, did not observe the the extremel y tine showing of our into the hleaeher s for a home run. ntler a IE>ft-h he t Petty, .Tpss Embar rassing The right tiel<ler saw he had uo chance Hoblm;on !Jnught from Indlnnnp olis f or ' as sane as Campbel l would let himself change until the dinner hour. Then knife and fork. t stronges Our pitchers. ded right-han his threw ely de!ihernt that "Why did you give up pipe-org an "He's very restless In his semi- get fussed up over anything or he found at the table only Verity and a opponen t will probably he Pittsburg h, to cakh it null his Brooklyn ce nte nderH. H e is a vetconit but it, hit local and a bull glove at the consciou s Intervals ," he remarked . sort. Even If he did, he'd get wan Mrs. Pardee, whose heroic upa veteran le~~on s ?" but we cannot underest imate anY of tinued on OYer the fence nnd landed eran tnlnor leaguer a nd also "I felt so blooming childish, playing hard "There's somethin g on his mind. He's constabl e or someone to keep watch- ward struggle from a couch of pain the cl nbs. It does not seen has He ot the World war. · my feet.''-F rom the Stanford apprehe nsive-th inks he's too old to and then he'd forget it." with had been made possible, It appeared , both serviCE' an1l made a good record, estimatio n of other 'lat:•!8· -~lrdf•d the batter three l. Chaparra get over this, I suppose. It will he only hy the lady'!! unselfish devotion to associaoverseas and in the America n confiden ce the chanre to cfilii!l~ti'i;;;Ji·L.?~ others. better If he doesn't fully regain conXII by r up Chapte ,=::;:=t;~:howl was setthe ball tion . as well us argued ;ll Bclousne ss for a day or two. Worry Is Verity, Henshaw observed with satONE TRUE MAN own team's ability. by the glove hit the of evidence no showed , Isfaction the worst thing In the world for him, John R. Hamilton . "I will continue the ing tl!'ld and· the hatIn·evlous day. It was ae I've said before." Followin g the arrival of Doctor Stan- ordeal of the Kelly and \\'illiam ....... .;.:. L. he entitled to a was should episode the therefore that tPr plain ngly "Can he speak yet?" lncrE>Ilsi ley, who breezed Into the sick room at to the outfield to firM base. fnct that the glove unless The his, run. and home secret IH•r Renshaw asked the question. He Obremain to noon the next day, the strained atmoswe face this yE>ar. Terry hit hit the hatted ball gave the hatter served that Jenks, busy at the side- phere of Tawno Ker lightened still one counted .lenks. Renshaw dld pitching about .239 last season, hut I tJu·ee bases rE>gar<ilel's of where It only for board, remained motionle ss till he more. Doctor Stanley wns gratified by count Jenks. lie also counted James Quln~y. one of the new teums in the to Improve tremendo uslv. landed after it was hit. The baseruuhim expe!'t rulght not or might Hart Annie. and heard the answer. league, will be known a s the Three-I said and the condition of his patient, A. N. !\ehf :w·l! ner was left on third base and failed Heds. "He tried to, but we won't let 'him. so. He approved of the nurses, and he IncludE-d In the little coterie that The veteran pitchers, as ef'l'ecth·e ns to seore. The game wE>nt Into extra InEverythi ng depends on keeping him was careful to let them see that he In the servants ' quarters , discussed J. N. BE-ntley are fully • • ago.'' a year finally team visiting the and lncldE>nt. nings the quiet." and college hasehall nal and l'rofes8io He liked Morris as a man dl~. won. The manner of Morris was less as- consider ed him a good type of comWhen the men! was over, Renshaw football draw the large:st crowds in The other pla~· was a glove thro\\"n sports. sured than 1t had been In the morning. mon-sens e, country practition E-r; and accompa nied the two women to the "No~-way's Nurmi" Coming by the cateher at a wild return to t!I& Apparen tly be had not been wholly sat- he allowed Morris to Infer that hi9 door and held It opE>n for them. Then, States United the to plute. A baserunn er on second atIsfied with the report of the day nurse, opinion was much more enthusia stic returning to the tablE>, he took a cigaThe rnivE>rsi ty of Californi a based · all-arc· an Norwegi Hofl', Charles tempted to seo1·e ou a short single to ball tE>am will inYade the East this rette from the box Jenks offered him who had arrived after luncheon and than this. the attentive ser~ athlete and holder of the world's : ··le left tl.E>i<l. The return throw was ten season. bad spent the Intervals with his paMorris felt on such Intimate terms lit It nt the flame , and leaned back vault rE-cord, plans to come to the fN~t wide of the plate and would have tient. • • • In general, and the vltor also provided world the with In rPlltPd in the box sents. The catcher Seeing the eyes of Verity widen In great Stanley In particula r, that after In his l'll~otlr, ostE-ntat iously abstracte d . Cnited ::Hates to make his home ry ha:s uneondlt ionally reWaterbu alann, Renshaw broke In on the re- the professio nal consulta tion In the hut In reality alert and watchful . That this cc·untry, accordin g to won! re- luckily hit the hull "ith his glove and lE-ased Hip ('m1way, who bas failed to ftectlons that Morris seemed to be ad- study, which followed au excellen t the two servants resented his pres~ ceived from Oslo, capital of Norway. it fell into the pluying field. The hat- come to tE>rms. Hofl' who was churucte rized during ter WllS awarded third hase as he had dressing to himself rather than to his luncheon , he felt privilege d to refer to ence he was l)ulte aware. He drank • • • cordial with calm the lnst Olympie s us the "world"s rrossed first when the offense wus sipped enf'l'ee, his table compani ons. Is leading a fighting Harris Rucky still he Isn't . the case of Renshaw enjoyme nt, and followed to their hln- · greatE-st all-aroun d athlete" by Head committe d. If the eatcher had not ball club, onE' never whipped until the "All that Is natural enough," he rather-w ell-rath er hipped?" processe s of the Coach Lawson llohertso n of the Amer- stopped that wild throw It woultl have last man Is out. She-I don't believe t he1·e was el"et casually contribu ted. "!)lr. Campbel l He's got, or terlands the mental point. one on "Only early here rome to agreed team, that Ican batter the accuracy health. an and man true to a womun. his a with field about room the playing In anxious the men left Is alwaya • • • bad, just one obsessio n left. He Is, or. A. A. Mlllrose the for winter the In had nhout Adam? they very If He--How Illness them his take scored. amazed to hnve have type could would He Is the F'or the first time In ten years, the was, afraid he can't make a living. his In ations Complic carnival. playyou Indoor the till cases his. two, or above follow day to the a of able for been In both aeriously Clevelan d Indians are wltbout n spit· He'll get over that In a hurry. It's May Die of Joy al!'alrs at home, however, prevente d er committi ng the oft'ense was favore~ ball pitcher this season. and smoke hl!i d prolonge convince him that he Is on the mend." Renshaw rly Idiotic when one consider s particula time. that at trip the e Is bliss,"" said Black making Ignoranc "It from him modrew. possible last were they ipping to the by the penalty "I suppose so." Morris' words record." He stopped and glanced cordial-s his White, ··well, then. my boy. To 13 Is record vault pole whose Hoft', n atmosthis He was Intrigued by aon-com mlttal, but his expressio Toronto, of the Internati onal, has You'd better get your lite Insured; quizzical ly at the other man. "Have ment. phere of Intense but coni rolled re- feet 9% Inches was unable to compete r Oubfielde brfJrhten ed. Be ate his dinner with you any Idea who he Is?'' Since )"OU may die of joy:• yeur-old nineteenobtained -for In Ills favorite event at the Olympl<-s unlooked of glimpses by t, sentmen bla usual apprecia tion and strict atoption. on Detroit from Cleo Carlyle "No. Is he anyone In particula r?" expressi on In previous ly expressio n- because of a heel bruise. He ran in tention to the enterpris e. A Natura l Inquiry • • "Hather I'' slipping the 800 mE-ters, however, and Will! were masks whose faces less United of son rth, Catehfn l Verity's glance, Renshaw Jerry Wadswo "Do you sell motor cars, hnms, snow He enStanley's E"Y"-" twinkled . finals. the In placed recslde. and gly, Is rth, reassurin her Wadswo at amlle4 States Senator James snovels, clrureh bells nnd the lll;e?" joyed getting a rise out of the coun3~ licensed boxhas state York with New room living the to returned reHe In smile s team. tremulou rather haseball a ceived a memher of the YalE> asked J. I<'uller Gloom, the human try doctor, especiall y since the latter Ing dubs. Well Doing tur.n. No referenc e whateve r had been had put on this know-It- all and man- a reluctanc e due to his expectat ion ot ley McAu by en a. finding Mrs. Pardee there. But the nd made to the closet episode. It wns of-the-w orld air. Even a hag of peanuts and an elec"No, sir, we fill wesi'PlJ't oo C'owes, Isle of Wight, is the great- tric fan cannot make baspball by radio -" replier! the salesman . of the dinner hour had been the strain ~ clear that neither Morris nor Madame added he "He's Joh!: :d. Hamilton ," E-St yachting CE-nter in the world. Hvoeslef had beard of it. It became casually. "I suppose the 'R' stands for limit of her enduranc e. Verity, alone as thrilling as :sitting in the bleacher s. "Then, why In the name or the hlrd the In hurled • wits • • fire, the It before of bear to not clear that they were • • the broad and sweeping wing~ do with Henshaw , though he never used the The Eng-lish lawn tennis champion -that an unspOke n but understo od or- name till he went to the Ranlltori uw depths or her grandfat her's pet chair. The Cincinna ti cluh has Insured you cull this 11 drug store?" "I llllve not had a chance to thank ships at Wimbled on will open June :.!:.!. RubE> Benton for $1 r..ooo and Jnck der to that eft'ect had been Issued. No and dropped the Hamilton ." yesacted you way -the for-for • you and Jenks, Both Thick one would know of It save I-Ienllri<'ks for $:!0,000. Hnin't wuth lt. Morris gazed at him. goggle-ey ed. "You tone. low a In said pu<'ks of foxhound s she 173 ," are terday memThere as far the discretio n ot Jenks, as London, whose strong • in • clerk A "John H. H.:.:nilton, the financial ex- were splendid. I shall never forget lt.'' in England and Wales and tPn In bers ol the f~:Ullly were concerne d, pert and amatem· athlete?" Condon. a rookiE', has h!'E'n r!'lea~ed points were maligner lng and st upidity, He found his voice. Scotland . could be relied up.ln. by London of the ~Ilchlgan-Onturlo thought he coultl use the fog as on ex"Yep. Unusual combinat ion, Isn't epilittle that ted exaggera "You for After dinner Morris found time lE-ague. A sore arm hastened his de- cuse for his nhsence. !,;o he sent a It? Prodigy at eighteen . Wrote most sode at the time," he snld gently, "and l Is to be establish ed In parture. memorill A a short aside to the secretary : note to I he otnce: "Too thick; can't of our authorita tive works on banking you are exa~~:geratlng It still." Camp, the "father Walter of honor "The old man's worrying about come todny.'' and finance before he was thirty. (TO BE CONTlNU illD.) " football. n America of White eometbln g. I don't know just whatChicago the rt, Davenpo Joubert Promptly the r-.•IY came from tl\e Financia l advisor to the governm ent. but It lan•t good tor blm." some arm his hurt who boss: "Too dense; don't come at all." Rox pitcher Treasure r of one of the biggest trust Fir•t Coinag e of Silver the scene of the time ago, ha~ his wing back In good he will Atlanta Renshaw nodded. companie s. Helped to establish the Sll ver was first coined on the Isle ol Dixie nh1toreyele rally and joint gypsy shape again. "I w" afraid he would. If you For Her Head a dozen counhalf of system currency H ~re the ancient Greeks .-\eglna. tours on June 12 and 13. let me speak to him, and If he undernamed coins Dumb Dorn-L ast week he sE>nt me Has had standard stamped a turtle on their first silver • • • ltands, I tlllnk I may help to quiet tries. Ieftstar former Jenkins, Homer Incinations. a box o! candy with a card rending, after him by grateful coins over 700 years before the Chrisa sports are consider ed handE"d pitcher of Georgeto wn univerAustrali In him." all oft' "Sweets to the Sweet.'' dentally, found time to carry tian era. The first silver coins In the "Know what he's worrying about?" to be at lea~;t as lmportan t as the sity, has heE>n signed by the Washing RenThat's sports. Active Agnes-T hat wns a pretty In honors of sorts United States were Issued by the 1\las"Not entirely, but I have a susbusiness life of the nation. !!. American ton sentimen t . suchu,et ts colony, which minted small • picion. Anyway, let me see what I shaw!" • Dumb Dora-Y es. hut this WE'E'k he Lord I Of course It was the silver coins, familiarl y known as t~l! "Good and steel concrete college's can do." OhE>rlln pitcher d right-han Mann, .T. Ernest that knocked him out. pine-tree shillings. sent me nn Ivory hair brush.-T imE>s The mint was "All right. Come In with me now." Adenlc tragedy 5,200 fans. It will of the New York Giants, has been seat will stadium mother and sister closed by order of the crown In 1684. of Cuha. Morris led the way to the sick Didn't he and his he ready for next full's foothnll con- Rold to the Indianap olis tE>am of the lifea In around drift niece little and The firRt coins made by the United · room with long strides, which Rentests. Amerll'a n associati on. after their ship was States governm ent were in li93. The Proper Proced ure ahaw easily matched. They found the boat all night, • • about reading r remembe I d? torpedoe Fred-A philosop her nnee sale! tile patient lying very still, with his eyes AC'cording to followers of bullfight s, Each player In the Amerlcn n leaj\'ue time-" the at It trained \\ ny to cu:-e yourself of u i ·e looklng only etftclentAn ~l:.!lled. Papal Triple Crown to fnce a wild bull unarmed Is he· has two sets of home anrl two sets of his watch to had he and "Yes; bedthe by chair Is to rut• away. Do you believe her affair from rose nurse lleved to he the most hazardou s sport road uniforms . TheRe uniforms , 100 The tiara, a high cap of gold cloth, die child the and sister and mother ,.. It? ed. approach side as they In the world today. to the team, co~t $2il E>nch. on. They encircled by three coronets , with a exhausti and cold of slowly away run you If , softly. said ertainly she Flora-C asleep," not "He's • sis- mound a~d cross of gold at the top, twin His family. entire his were esomeon for asking girl. "Be has been It The annual golf tournamE-nt for the Mark HumphrE-y~. ,Timmy ~running with the ter was Mrs. Richard Vandewa ter, you ls the triple crown of the pope. Benabaw , I think the name was.'' chamgiate intereoliP st stones Northwe Pacific precious nnd George Carroll, right-han d pitchwidow, and Is ornamen ted with Belulbaw leaned over the thin figure know. She W11.S a young It Depen ded the Portland in hPid lJe three will wltll d ers, have. been releaRE>d to Knoxv111e and pearls, and Is decorate Jimmy 1\I<:Auley, nJterau :murtst11p pionship lltretcbed out In such pathetic helpless- Incidenta lly the most beautifu l woman royal diadems. It is wltnout lnscrlp· Is that new structure . What 1\luy. of Memphis Hewittof the Sally !<•ague by from Los Angeles of the Pa- third week ..._ The features of the fine old face I ever knew," ~tunley museft, "as well tlon. A symbolic meaning has been secured • you have put np there? cific Coast league, to fill the place wen drawn Into a pucker, as If by as about the most charming . The de- foun~ ln the triple crown, a11 repre- made asGolf by hic Dooltt-W ell, it I get a tenant for The AmE>rlcnn Osteopat The average number of hats used vacant by the Injury to "Rabbit" votion between her and her brother saut~ea. held These he over It, It's a bungalow . If I don't, It's 1\ n major IE>ague club Is 25 dozen. sentlnl the authority of the pope Is making a decided hit sociation champio nship will "'lP. Oampbll l,.. he aid, speaking was unique. Tbey were insepara ble. the church "mllltaD t, upectan t aao Maranvil le, the garage. with Chicago Cuh fans by his clever ovE>r the Lambton Golf and Country bats average $2 apiece. It costs They say he worked like a demon that ..., eleal'Iy. bats. tor July. In season a $600 Toronto, about nt." course, clubs club triumpha hitting. fleldlng tllld timely '1M llbll e,rea of David Campbel i Dlabt to keep her alive-ev en made ller By Elizabeth Jorda n ... I... av • ONE-BASE HITS i ! p .. XPICK·UPS DIAMDNDX • • • • • • • • S~nrt NntE!s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'wlll • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • • • • • • • • ' |