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Show . JO-URNAL THE JORDAN - - - - --------~ I= - - - - EAST MIDVALE RELIABL& WORLD'S LARGUT QUALITY ~GOODI CHAIN ALWAYI DEPARTMENT STORE AT LOW•It ORQANIZA,.,,,.., _DE.PAiamN!_U()llU ,-·~~ Midvale, Utah .J Safeaaardina the Cuatomer Imported Volle Our buyers In New York are apecialists. Obviously, they are qualified to separate the wheat from the chaff when selecting gooda for our Stores. The Juperior quality of these Voiles speaks for Itself, when you .ee the materials I J • Exquiaite Fabric:a They know merchandise intimately. In no lines handled by us do they take someone else's word. They are constantly in touch with the reliable mills and sources of production. Quick action bt them, If necessary, assures our patrons the best of everything. But with us no transaction is the mere selling of 10 many garments, yards of material or shoes. We are packing Service with each purchase from us. And we aim to "'"' well/ .,e,. For undies, drusea, curtains, and any use when fine fabric is demanded. The yard, 49cand69c Irish Linen For Dresses Sport stripes, of course I That's the pattern o! these very newest linem for summer frocks. Make a jaunty, colorful dresr. from one of these colorful, striped patterns. The yard, Playin8 the Game With Booka Opened When the game of life Is .'layed in the open no one n~ed :Je excluded; when behind dosed doors the public should beware. In the great game of retail business there n~ed be no secrets. Each step should be as an op~n book that people can lay their plans with certainty and provide themselves confident of the ultimate result. Service must be hooked up with Quality and Value and the merchant prepared to assume fullest responsibility. We stand sponsor for the outcome of every purchase from us. There are no secrets in our methods. $1.19 Choose Fine Broadcloth! In Stripes or Solid Colors IJ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY- MAY 14, 15, 16. ; "The Code of the Wilderness" Smelter News. _ Mrs. Rachel Forbush, Correspondent ~========= 8;\IELTER SHIFT BOSS CALLED Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. R. Mr. Hans John Pierson, 59 years Forbush, of Midvale, visited with Mr~. of age, died May 7th at his residence Sarah Bennett. in Munay, ... * * He had been an employee at the ~ Mrs. Ellen Johnson entertained for U. S. Smelter here since July, 1911. her sister, Mrs. Olson of Salt Lake, Mr. Pierson was born in Malmo, Sunday. Sweden, on March 29, 1866. He leaves * * ot a wife and children to mourn his Miss Rosalie Olson was a Salt Lake Joss. visitor Saturday the guest of Mrs. Funeral services were held Sunday Howard Gorringe. from the Murray First ward chapel ... "' * at 2 o'clock. .Interment was made in Mrs. Ma1·y Sharp is on the sick the Sandy City cemetery under the list this week. direction of George A. Jenkins, under... "' taker. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobsen spent Thursday evening with friends in Salt Lake. Mr. G. N. Kirsebom, of the Boston * * • Office, arrived May 2nd to take Mr. Miss Wilma Harmon, of Manti, is Cullen's place as Research Chemist the guest of Dr. and Mrs. McL!oyd at the Midvale Plant. Kilpack. Mr. William Rose, of the Mason .. * * can be seen motot·ing around in Gang Mrs. Blanche Smith was a guest of Chevrolet Car. new his Salt l.iake friends last Wednesday. Star Horse Shoe Midvale The Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans are the proud parents of a baby girl born last Pitchers can be seen practicing most Friday morning. Mother and child any time, day or night, at the Yincent Court on Center Street. are doing fint\. . Heber Johnson leaves his machin* * * job at the Smelter to work at the ists Miss Mae Nielsen, of Salt L\J-ke, Mines Machine Shop at BingS. U. ~;pent Thursday afternoon and evenLouis Le Due, who is master for ham ing with Mr. and M1·s. Niels Nielsen. mechanic there at the present time. * * * Acute attacks of appendictis com- Leslie Smith, of the machine shop pelled Miss Ruth Pate to return home force is going to serve his apfroon Sage, Wyoming, and undergo prenticeship at the U. S. Mines Shop. an operation in a local hospital Sat- All thei1· friends at the Smelter wjsh urday m{)rning. ' \Miss Pate has been them success. Mrs. Carl Burg and friends were engaged in teaching school the past in the Plant this week. visitors year. At last reports she was doing now employed by the Pederson, Levi well. Utah Copper, at Bingham, was down * ... * Mrs. Leonard Sharp visited with to see father and fr~end-s at Midvale. her sister, Mrs. Roxie Gosman of Sandy, last Sunday. .She also attended MIDVALE COMMUNITY ' · Stake conference. CHURCH NOTES . * * • Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bowen attended By Rev. Fred N. Clark, Minister a Farewell party last week for Hen- Sunday School, 10 o'clock. Definite who Christian instruction for boys and ry Nielsen, of South Jordan, leaves Wednesday for a Mission for girls by competent teachers. the L. D. S. church. Morning Worship, 11 o'clock. Ser... mon by the Pastor. Turn aside from Miss Blanche Sharp was a Salt worldly cares to commune with God Lake visitor !Saturday. for this brief hour. * "' * Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. In the Children of Bishop and Mrs. T. F. evening a meeting with those in the Greenwood entertained Sunday at a morning of life will refl'esh and redinner complimenting their mother. vive. Besides the family, covers were laid The Bible Class will hold a picnic for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thornton, leaving the church Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bateman, Mr. and next Tuesday night Mrs. Hans Jensen, of Union, and Mrs. at six o'clock. Make reservations thw J\'lrs. M. L. English. W. C. Burgon. .. * * * :::·~ 01 ;::s 0' '+-< "The Code of the Wilderness" is an adaptation of Charles Alden ,4 Seltzer's .popular novel. His tales of the old West have won for him : a host of readers. )His cowboy stories are written from first-hand knowledge, as he rode the t·ange for several years in New Mexico, li1 0 l'l and are internationally famous. 41 "' ;::s 0 li1 41 ...::: r SUNDAY and MONDAY, MAY 17 and 18 "WOMEN WHO GIVE" adapted from the well-known book In Pleasing Colora and Color Combinationa The striped designs with the dark backgrounds are noticeably used this Spring. In solid colors, this material is always desirable. Especially fitting for the more tailored types of clothing. Priced, the yard, from 49c to 98c New Frocks of Silk Crepe Printed Patterns At This Low Price! Have you some place to go'? Then get all dressed up in one of these entrancing, inexpensive printed crepe Frocks which this Store is showing. They are made in such becoming styles! And printed crepe is quite the thing this Spring, you know. In Attractive Colora and Color Combinations * .... A very pretty "Mothers Day" program was carried out Sunday morning in Sunday School. Each class responded with some little song, recitation talk or pantomine. Misses Barbara Olson and La Von Gustaveson distributed beautiful little Mothers Books to all Mothers present. • • "' The regular Conjoint of the Mutual Improvement Association was held in the evening with special musical numhers by Mrs. Ralph Erickson and Mrs. Holt, both of Salt Lake. Elder LaVern Smith, of Draper, who just returned from North Western states mission was the speaker. • • * Mr. Charles Sharp and son, Randolph, Miss Blanche Sharp and Mr. Andy Bradford, of Murray, were the birthday dinner guests of Mrs. Roy Hite, of Salt Lake, Sunday. ... The Tang of the sea. Rug-ged characters of the New E<ngland ~· ooast. Thrilling rescues through the pounding surf. Shipwrecks. ~ Tense, dramatic scenes. The keeper of the light bravely standing at his post, his daughter an outcast. Incomparable acting. Superb direction. Reginald Barker's triumph. The finest story of men that go down to the sea in ships ever produced. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY-May 19, 20, 21 "ROBIN HOOD" -A Story ofLove Lances Swords Spears "That you'll remember all your years!" THE IRIS THEATRE "The House of Quality" BOOTH'S WISH TO ANNOUNCE * "' * NEW SILKS - The Union Ward Religion Class will stage their closing entertainment in the Union Ward Amusement Hall on Friday, May 29th, at 8 o'clock p. m. The program as outlined at the present time consists of the following · numbers; Lesson on dramatization by the little folks. Doll drill by the Primary Girls. Boys Burlesque Drill. Dramatized Pioneer Stodies. Flower Drill, "The Human Bouquet' A one ad play "A Gho""t m a Boarding House." The admission price is ten cents to everyone. Everybody is invited an<! WANTED-Clean cotton rags; 5 cts urged to attend this closing ceremony . per pound. Bring to Journal office. of the Union Class. It is instructive, entertaining and 1 Avenue. 3rd on lots FOR SA.LE-2 h unique from start to finish. Sewers and sidewalks. all paid. See Dan Radovich, Phone 274, Midvale. SENTENCE SERMONS WANTED-Two or three furnished Midvale or vicinity.. No children. Notify Was. 1137-W. Party no·w employed in Bingham. K H. Fel·guson. ---------------DRESSMAKING-Dresses for graduation and commencement exercises. Also plain sewing and children's clothes. Midvale 159. 87 West c_en_t_e_r_S_t_._r_s_a_be_l_R_o_ss_e_._ _ __ __ MOVING--Call Midvale 28 or Midvale 141-M when moving. Prompt service. Careful, experienced. Also general hauling of all kinds. Bing McRae. I work day or night. * * * The Band Concert, given by the Midvale Junior Band, under the leadel·ship of Wm. Cox, in the Elysium Theatre last Monday evening, was wot·th the price of admission and more, besides the picture show shown in conjunction therewith. The Junior's played exceptionally well and if they keep on the improve Mr. Cox will consider entering ~em in the Ama.fl Jr State Band Contest. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett motored "from Nephi, visiting at the oone of Mrs. W. A. Garrett, Sr., in East Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory visited Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Len10ns, in Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sa:-n l\lackey, of Taylorsville over the week end. Every time you pass a church the Lo1·d knocks at the door of your heart. Open itl Mend• Skeleton'• Bone• Your quiet example will influence -'lending broken hones of skeleton• your children mo1·e than many words. ts a spare-time hobby of a Bloomsburg (l~nglnnd) man. Co.ne to church! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tholan and family were dinner guests of Mrs. Esther Davis, of Salt Lake, Sunday. • * * Mrs. Earl Tripp, Mrs. John Malstrom, Mrs. H. Peterson and Mr. an<l Mrs. Carl Tholan were visitors of Mrs. Clara Kemp, of Murray, dur.ing the week. ... * * Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonaild were dinner guests of Mrs. J. N. Rock, on Tuesday evening. • * * others have light. The effects obtained in the various color combinations aim• ply ..melt in your mouth." Miss Rose Allen spent Sunday with friends in Riverton. ... * • ... . ... Mr. and Mrs. R~>y Middleton and Mrs. A. H. Rock motored to Pleasant Grove Sunday and spent the day. just think of smart Dresses like these at thia very low price I Mr. J. B. Hayes, of Fayette, Mo., reported for duty at the J. C. Sto1·e in Midvale some time ago and reports that he likes the community and now considers relllaining here indefinitely . Mr. Hayes is an experienced merchandising man. He operated a store in Fayette, Mo., for seven years and traveled through Iowa and Missouri , selling goods for two years. Mr. Hayes will probably move his wife and three children to Midvale Above you have a view of the Control Room in a modern battleship. To landlubbers this is quite an interesting scene. It is in reality one of the most when school closes in Fayette. . vital and interesting parts of our _6igantic sea fighting monsters today, 1 ...... . , Arrival Today of their WANT ADS Miss Amy Howard, who has been LOST-TERRIER, Color tan, with teaching school in La Salle, Utah, is White . Points. Female. Answers visiting with Ml"s. Marie Robbins. to the name of Ped. Reward of * * • $1.00 will be paid for information Mrs. Hilda Peterson, of Garland, iF leading to recovery. Ned Miller, a guest of Mrs. John Malstrom. 342 N. Main Street, Midvale, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Neal Olson were the guests of Salt Lake friends Tuesday. • e "' Mrs. M. A. Tannel', of Nephi, reMr. and Mrs. Ralph Erickson and children, of Salt Lake, andt,.,.~ll'N2~~11!!1-t t~eg to her home Sunday after a Mrs. Almie Erickson, of Murray, wete weeks. visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. dinner guests of Mrs. John Gustave- Garre(t. -------------son Sunday. • * • Mrs. D. L. Bowen was a Riverton UNION WARD RELIGION JUNIOR BAND GIVES CONCERT visitor Sunday. PROGRAM GIVE TO CLASS AT THE ELYSIUM THEATRE The colors are beyond description r Some have dark backgrounds and • ....0 "Cape Cod Folks" Going at Sale Prices Have you been wondering what material to buy f<lr your new dresses j) For the children's spring outfits? Or for blouses? Choose cotton Broadcloth! Either a good domestic Broadcloth or an imported English weave., !l2 ell 0 . |