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Show THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH ---- - -- These College Girls Prefer Long Hair -- Soldiers to Stage Fine Show for the Middle West Concrete Sidewalks Finding Much Favor The usP of ccme-rete for sidewalk~ has heeome ~o universal tltrou~hout the cities ntH! towns of thl!'l country that a town or eltr of any npweclaltle slz!' Is mrely found in which the sidewalks are not all made of tllis favored nwterial. Con<-rete is now unln~r~allr nc('ept Pd u!' the lt!Pal ~idell'allt material. Pror· erly hnllt eoucro•le w~tlk~ weet all thl rl'f]ttlremem s of a good foot way. ThPy nre durable, smooth wlthout being slippery, and are piPusiug and cl<•an In appearance. Gooc1 wulkR are easy to hulld. It Is only nPeessnry to follow a The l\Ild<lle West Is focusing Its attention on the big war show which the Iegular army will stage In the Grant Park stadium, Chicago, on May 22, 23 and 24. 'l'his Is part ot the War department's program to stimulate Interest In natlonnl defense and speed up enrollment In the citizens' military training ramps. Our Illustration shows the cavttlry nnd nrtillery at Fort Sheridan practicing for the event; and, at ri~;ht, ::\lnj. Gen. Ell Helmick, Inspecting gen· era!. nnd Gen. B. A. Poore, In command at Fort Sheridan. President Pins Medal Upon a Hero of the Navy ll~re Is li groull or long-haired girls at Willi:un Woods college, Fulton, Mo. tor not following the prevullltlg st~ le and bob!Jing ber locks. Euci.J of thew I.Ju:s some good reason Workers of Japan Object to Manhood Suffrage Good-Looking and Durable. few, easily undcr~tood prlnelples. to builcl c:oncrete walks that are prne· lienlly e\·erlustin~ . .lust four materials pnter Into a con· "'rete walk-]Jortland cement, sand, crushed stone or pehhles untl watet·. \\"hen lltese are couthlned In certain elefinlte proportion·, flluceel on H tlr& pHrcd foundation and allowl'll to hurtl!'n the WUII( Is romplete. flut the materials must be suitable; the founda tlon must lle properly prepnre<l; and 1 he mixing nqtl placing of the concret<J rnust meet the requirements of sound construction principle~. Failure to mPet one or more of the above conditions In the early days ot concretemaking was the t•ause of occasional poor walks being constructed. While a member of the crew of a seaplane which <'rasbed In Pensacola bay last January, Augustu:> Butler nowland, mechanic In tbE> naval air service, despite a broken arm and other severe Injuries, saved the life of an un· eonsdous and Injured shipmate. The photograph shows President Coolidge pinning the Treasury Life-Saving medal nn Howland In the presence of many high government officials. __ Future uOld Home" Weeks A group of the members o! the "Sekl!!!hln" Labor leHgue, W•Jo started an untl-unlverslli manllood suffrage moveSJent, seen l!tormlng the Imperial diet In Tokyo, where the suffrage bill was being debated. ARRESTED. L.4 WYER Trinidad's Memorial to Perry I __::...__ __________ WINS BEAUTY TITLE The "antiquated" past Is not so tar In th" rear after all. In America It Is hardly sufficiently remote to be regurdPd as historical In the strictest 'PH8e of that term. And yet the In· c·llnHtion too often is to !Jclieve that all thnt Is worth while In American has been written hy tho,:e or annnls 1 previous ~eneratlons. It might not he nn extravagant stat(>meut that at no time l'ince the coming of the first white settlers to Amerie an short's has the responsib lity of the in!ll\·iduul !wen greater tl'lnn at the present moment. There are still mnny old home weeks to he obsctTeel. a cleeatiP henee. n century farther on. Those who partlripn te in such gatherings ·will look hark upon the building which Is now being done, just as we of today look huck upon the structure we have reC<:'lveel us a Ie~arv from sturdy nne! forebears. - Christian hlgh·mlntled ·Science Monitot·. ~------------- -- - King Alfonso and Prince of Asturias I Time to Plant Trees Hush Meadows, prominent Los An· geles and Hollywood attorney, was ar· rested by city and federal officers wltb other member!:! of an alleged narcotic and boncl theft gang. Liberty bonds totaling $16,000, part of a large amount es E. l'ler re, mayor of the city of Port of Si :.lin, Trinidad. officially taken from a ' l)raska bank, were ren,.,,.,.,_::...,.'l~hA Perry l\Iemorial gateway with the key pre~ented to him !Jy the covered. cou:sul. Tbe gateway Is a memorial to Commodore Oliver llazard PRINCE HER SUITOR Whatever trees we want to plantnne! everybody ought to plant treesThe early ~hould be planted now. plnntetl tr!'es- get the best chance at making satisfactory g1·owth. If we are I going to grow a lawn-and everybody ought to grow a lawn-this is the best I time to get the seetl in the ground. Hot 1 dry weather 1:; not conducive to growl lng grass. It taJ,es the cool. moi'lt ;:PU~on of ~pring to get n new growth I fur n Ittwn stnrtctl. Then I! we expe.:t i t<1 ;;ardPn, plant tlowet·s, paint tl1!' t pt'!'IIHS<'S or otltcn~ lse 'et thn world l\Ilss Elsie Bishop of New London, 1-.now tlu:t we are umong those presIs so pretty that she was award· Conn., mt in the world's activities, It Is also 1 tinw to ;::-cu :!Ding. It Is thl• Ume to ed first prize In a contest carried on 1fon~o of l:'n.aln and Ills eldest scu, the prince of Asturias, heir to King the given was newspnper, Boston n by :e\ lewln~ tho "R1..,:lmente del Hey" or King's Own, First Spanish the thron ttl•utle 1 leave our hibernating 11 ental title "Miss New England" and received Infantry regiment, of which his majesty Is colonel and the prince a subaltern 1 nnJ get Int1 the w'< c· wuke :;wmg of a diamond nnd sapphire bracelet. officer. t"Pal m·tlon. l•'lorenee Xew;:;. I I I I • Only One Killed in This Wreck PANCHEN City's Opportunity LAMA First Aid Tearn of Little Children CltiJ?s Ito ve the llnJIJitlon to aspire to grPat lteigltts wl•en they ltnve built tltelt· fonnr!Jtlon with nn understnndJ in~ of tlte mnitt P. :<!'nt Lis wl kh bO into the <le\-clopment of pres·i~P an!l :::noel will. \\'t.h )UI thrse attt·Ihutes. 1 some eitle::; uwy he(·onte richer and 1 grt>:t!Pr, hut tiH'y •lo not an;! C'annot Troy l1:ts tile npporLH'(OOJe hetter 'l'rr•~· IIlli~· nP\'Pt' lwcome the tnnit~·. t•ity of half n million p~>ople; hnt 'frm·~ lllll)' heeott.e hPttcr and more fnvornhl,v known t lt!tn :Jnl" cltv twi•·e or tit reP time~ its ~ize If nPw ~tmltlnt·cls rre ndoptP!l un1l applie<l.· 'l'rov llet'llld. I I J1 ? Rattler Need Not Coil '!Itt commnn!y i P•'\'fl''<'d hellef that rnttler will lllS ~oun1lec~ thP reptile Is rt will s•rik e ufterward. 11 not strllw until nfter 't it,: wnrlltng I~ f"tl~P. If troc1<lt'n on whlfe n~lepp tir t an!l clo lt.~ rH tt Iing , • I • ... .. .1 • That's Different The youthful countess of Seaftelc., "1\Jpn un' IleC'ullur," haekr e''B • i\lrs only nineteen years old and heiress to This Is the l'ancllen Larnn or Llv· Ottoknow. "I know a lot of them whu ' lng Buddha of Tibet, photographed In 1 the thirty-million-dollar estate left bJ i'eam of youngsters demonstrntlng first-aid methods taugnt them by Red of the Snntu Ice passenger truln running between San Diego i her father, the late earl ot Seafleld. boast of their wonderful swing with Peking, which city he reached recently Cross Instructors, the youngest entry 111. the recent first-aid contest In Buffalo, ngelrs which was derailed on a curve at the foot of a steep grade. She Is being sought as the bride tor n golf cluh that enn't wield a carpet after nearly a year ot travel In mule ~- Y., ,l!tnged by the American Jted Cross and the New York Telephone rom· 1 beater wonh Jl darn " was the only one killed. 1 Prince Nicholas of Rulllllnla. pany. 'l'he::;e tots showed rernat·kable proficiency In modern flrst-nld methods, Utter or sedan chair. • I |