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Show I THE S88dYCity NeWS p. m. a ball game between the Fir:;t \V'Srd and the Second Ward Primary bop;, the Fir t Ward winning the .\lrs. S. L. Brad), Correspondent * * * I '=---------------!' game. JORDAN JOURNAL j. ·H. S. GRADUATION CLASS OF '25 Fire Destroys the Gibb's Home The Mel-0-Dee Singers and .Milady Singers entertained at a dancing par.Mr. and }Irs. T. Ostler spent the ty Wednesday evening. Tho Hall was week end at Nephi with 1\lr. Ostler's beautifully decorated and music was parents. furnished by the Columbians of Salt * * .. Lake. Mrs. F. G. Fischer was hostess to * • * he ~- B. Club Friday evening of last Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brady and famweek. The evening was spent in sewily were guests of Mr. and Mt-s. L. A. ing. Supper waH served to twelve Brady, of Binghauru, Sunday. guests. ISpecial guests were Mr:;. G. Mrs. W. G. Williams, of Provo, was A. Jenkins and Mrs. Jack Woods, of the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. JorgenMurray. son, the past month. * * * Miss Laurel Dewey and Miss Helen Jensen entertained at a Carnival party at the home of Miss Jensen Saturday evening of la~'t week. Progressive games were played and the prizes won by )irs. L. Beckstead and Golden Wilcox. Color :,;cheme was orchid and gold. Supper was served to twenty foul' guests. .. .. .. Tuesday at 2:00 p. m. the home of Mrs. Sidney Gibbs at 6200 Soul;h State Street, Murray, wa" destroyed by fire. Most of &he household effects were saved but cmly the brick wall:< of the dwelling are left. Mute evidence of the. fearful and ever pregent fire demon. ~o insurance was carried on the property and it wa. valued at about three thousand dollars. Mrs. Gibbs was baking, and hat! a :rtrong fire going. When she discovered the flames, it was nece,..~arv to i run quite a di.>'tance to notify the. fire department. The Murray department responded with their usual prompt ness but arrived to late to lsave the home. Mt·s. Gibbs, her three childt·en vet at home, and two grand children, ~re homeless. It is a deplorable .;tate of Gil'l graduates, especially, affairs. Mrs. Gibb',; husband, Sidn('y Gibbs, appreciate dainty gifts for died about two year,; ago and her son, per~onal adornment, and of tlvArthur Gibbs, died of pneumonia many you might choose, Jeweh·y last fall, while on a deer hunt in the best answers every requirement. Southern part of Utah. It is estimated that at least one thousand dollars will be required to 1 PRACTICAL WATCH AND place the home in a livable conditio:1. 1 CLOCK REPAIRING Midvale City, Utah -This is better homes week. First, get a home of some kind, ~omewhere. " * * Mrs. W. 0. Boberg and Mrs. A. E. Williams entertained at Bridge Luncheon at the home off Mr.~. W. 0. Boberg Saturday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. T. Christian ami Mrs. C. Rasmussen. • .. * jewelry for Graduation Gifts • The Congregational church s~rved dinner at the church parlors Tuesday. Special guests were members of the The Second Ward Dramatic Club Plymouth Congregational church and entertained at the home of :.Ir. and the Bountiful Congregational church. Mrs. A. C. Jensen Friday evening of .. last week. Procrressive games were o· :rt1r;:;. A. E. Rogers, of Salt Lake, played and prizes won by Mr. Udell . was a guest of Mrs. A. E . W'lli 1 ams Kuhre, Miss Helen White, Miss Olara Sunday. Pieroon and Mr. Harold Bjork. Supper .. * * was served to twenty five guests. Miss Kate Pierce, of Gunnison, .. * .. and !VIr. Milton L. Jensen were mar· Mr. Lee Batam~m, of Rockland, ried April 21, 1925, at Provo. Idaho, was a week end guests of his .. * * g~·aml mother, Mrs. W. L. Bateman. Mr. and Mrs. Olof Nelson announce .. .. * the birth of a baby girl May 9th. The Three Ward Primaries enterThe First Ward Primary Sea Gull tained at an English May Festival class entertained at a handkerchief Saturday at 11 a. m. a program por- shower in honor of Vera Greenwood, traying the Engli:.h customs was gi v- a membe1· of the class, Wednesday en. )Irs. L. Myers, of Midvale, gave afternoon at her home. Progressive a talk on the purpose of the Fe;,'tival. games were played and luncheon serFolk dances were given by the var- ved to sixteen guests. ious Wards and and by the Wards * • * cobined. music by the School OrThe Pythian Sisters held their chestra was enjoyed by all. At 1 :30 twelfth anniversary Monday evening p. m. a track meet was directed by jn the K. of P. Hall. Progressive Mr. S. L. Brady. All wards partici- games were played and supper was pating. The first Ward winning the served to twenty-two guests. Miss greatest number" of points. Mr. Lynn Helen Kennedy furnished the musical Brady was high point man. At 3:00 nwmbers during the luncheon. .. .. .. , Principal L. W. Neilsen of the Jordan High School has instituted a plan whereby the first, second and third year students oi the High sohool and .the eighth and ninth grade students of the schools in the distl'ict will register this spring for subjects Which they expect to take next year at the High School. The reason for this is to plan the course of study and daily program on the basis of the needs as well as the desires of each student, to fit the subjects to the pupils, and to fit the course to the needs and future 1 equirements of the students. Better guidance can be given and better or~anization and classification perfected by this scheme. Slips upon which the subjects by years are listed have been handed out to the students. IPar~nts are expected to confer with students before a final selection is made. Each student is requested to register for no less than four units of wo1·k. I UNION Mrs. Rachel Forbush, Correswndent - Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Miller and family, of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Milne, and family, were dinner guest:< of Mr. and Mr:,;. R. I. Walker Sunday. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Raynold Brady visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steadman, of Salt Lake Sunday. .. 'I i * .. .. l The "Stork Express" stopped over at Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brady's h01me Saturday and left a fine big baby boy. The little chap and his mother are getting along very nicely. l l MURRAY 1· ~J :MIDVALE .. .. . Mrs. Annie Egbert spent Monday with Mrs. Edison Denny. .. * * SAND"\ I. LESTER Artificial Ice PROMPT DELlVERY SERVICE Office-6500 State Street Phones-Midvale 175-J, Murray 445 t.S USUAL-"GO TO GRASS" IF YOU WANT BARGAINS • . .. Miss Leona Mace, of West Jordan, was a dinner guest of Mrs. A.nnie Egbert Sunday. I 2" Genuine Brass-full size-Bed ...........-....·--·----··-···-----.... $21.35 2" Genuine Brass-full size-Bed ........................................... ______ 30.60 3" Genuine Brass-full size--Bed ............... -· ....................... 36.70 3" Genuine Bras~full size--Bed ........................................... 47.95 Not Damaged or Second-l!?nd FULLY GUARANTEED Mrs. Lillie Brady visited with Mrs. Hattie Brady last week. * .. .. Mrs. Will Johnson entertained on Sunday for Mr. and Mrll. Henry Anderson, of Murray. · * • .. Mr. and .Mrs. C. V. Erickson entertained for Bert .Monteer last Wednesday evening. Mr. Monteer recently returned from an Army Hospital where he has been treated for Diabetes. Games, music, dancing and refreshments were the main diversion of the evening. .. The Relief Society members held a quilting bee in the society rooms on Tuesday following their regular meetina:'. . .. Everything for the Home "Service Our Motto/' "H. GRASS FURNITURE STORES" MIDVALE, UTAH ]. S. MORGAN Everthing A Good Steak Sunday School children in which each,TO FORMER PATRONS AND class responded with song, story and :FRIENDS: pantomine. The J. H. S. Seminary, "' . students who reside in t e Ward took With the beginning of th1s week part in the afternoon meeting. Mr.; I . have discontinued my c.onnec~ion Carter A. Grant, of the Seminary was ~th the Advocate and the JOb pnntthe principal speaker and gave glQW- mg plant of t?e paper for the reason ing tributes to our mothers every- t~at I was gn·en an opportunity to where. dispose of the business at which I * * * CQnsidered a fair price, and in addressing these few lines to my friends The Mutual presented a wonderful and other ,;upporters of the busine,-.; Pageant in the evening, the theme of I wish to express my sincere appresame being to honor the Mothers. ciation of their loyal support and During the scenes violin selections their good friendship. were played by Keith Casper. The Through ;;quare dealing and stickfirst scene was chorus "Motherhood.'· ing to the job in ten years was able No. 2 was "The Family." to build up a nice little business and No. 3 was "Youth and increase the plant from an $800 No. 4 was "Old Age equipment to a $15,000 modern All depicting the untiring unceascountry new.~paper and job printing ing love and devotion of our dearest plant. The former patrons and new, friends, Our Mothers. ones of the business will find the j • * • Mr. and Mrs. Raynold Brady visjt- management of the new paper will ecl with Mr. and Mrs. Will Stead:nan gh·e the same old reliable and courof West Jo1·dan Monday evening. eous service which has been extend- 1 • * * edTo in the the past. business institutions of • Mrs. Jessie Berrett is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. South Salt Lake County I wish to make this statement in all sincerety: Eva Brady. That con;;istent advertising in The JORDA~ JOUR~AL of reliable NEWS FRO:\f ARBOR CAMP goods at con:,;istent prices '\\<;Jl be the most profitable investment which can The local camp of the Woodmen be made in any line of legitable of the World, Arbor Camp, will visit busine,;s. with the Magna Camp on May 26th. D. 1\1. Cl~RK On the following evening, )lay 27th a vi~it '>ith be made to Camp 338 the :Memorial Sen·ices on the l:;t day of May, 1925. Salt Lake City. All member~ are urgently requestHead Counsel, I. I. Boak, from Denver, Colorado, will be present at ed to attend the Memorial Services. Should Be That's what you will say when you serve one of our steaks for dinner. Cox's Market 56 :MAIN STREET In The Center Of Town "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" ==============================:' .--------------------- ---------'"'! The Leisure of 0 d Age BOOTH'S CUT PRICE :-: S A L E :-: Will continue until the next issue of The Journal •• • • Mrs. Katherine Denny visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denny, of East Midvale. Friends of the latter Mrs. Denny will be grieved to Jearn that she is very critically ill a.t this writing (Tues.) suffering mainly from ills resulting from high blood pressure. A man who has worked an his life is entitled to well-earned leisure in his old age, but few get it for they do not prepare Are you saving a definite amount each pay day? Midvale State Bank • • Mr. Meyers, of Salt Lake, gave a very interesting lecture and demonstration on the Budget System in the Homes. MIDVALE, UTAH Such BE WISE Good and buy the .. * * • * • Midvale 119 Approximately onP- hundred students of the Jordan High School will The event of graduation from high receive diploma~ at the annual Com- school marks an important goal post mencement Exel'ci~es to be held in in the life of every boy OJ' girl and the high school auditorium Qn the the entire c01mmunit:r should receive evening of May !:!2nd. 1'he program an educational impetus and a thrill of for the exercises as announced this t>ride to see one hundred well trainweek will include the following num- ed young men and women go out l'ebers: March of the Graduates; Under pre~enting Jordan to conquer the Freedom's Flag; by Jordan High tasks of higher education and the School mixed chorus; Invocation; the problems of life. string ensemble, played by graduates The parents of these young men of the class of '25; salutatory, Udell. and women are to be highly congratKuhre; vocal solo, by Rosamonri Holt' ulated for having so "'illingly sacri('25); valedictory, Beth Steadman: ficcd many luxuries in order to enable tuba solo, by Donald Nicol ( '25); ad- their children to gain the richest of dress by Richard R. Ly;man; presen- all legacies, a high school education; tation of diplomas, Superintendent, and the g~·aduates themselves are to D. C. Jensen; song, by senior girls; be congratulated upon having so exit march, played by Jordan High faithfully applied themselves to their school band. ;;chool work for the past four yeat·s. * * .. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Van is very ill suffering from kidney trouble. Mr. and Mrs. William Steadman, of West Jordan, and Mr. and Mrs. Almie Erickson, ~ !Murray, s1.ent part of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Erickson. MIDVALE FURNITURE CO. Own it. Take an interest in it. An better home, will come uuton atknll). -Work on the foundation fo • the • Cooper building on Main i moving t"'lp'dly to COIT'pletion. Mrs. :M:. L. James entertained for a number of out-of-town guests including; Mr. and Mrs. Brandol'l\ of Bremerton, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kekaptelle, Mrs. Alferea Christensen, Miss Agnes and Grace Jame;, all of Bingham. .. .. . "Mothers Day" was very fittingly observed in the Ward in all the different meetings Sunday. A lovely program was given by the FLOUR Looking Meat tnat satisfies Meat from this store alwaYs looks appetizing. We buy the best MEAT we can, cut and trim it carefully and deliver it to YO'J in spotlessly clean \\Tappings. Every sanitary precaution is used for your protection. And some people want quality while others want only quantity. You will find our price:,; in accord v,;th quality. Comer Meat & Grocery Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. West Jordan Milling Co. Phone Mid. 107 Midvale City, Utah I |