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Show THE JORDAN not exi!;t without advertisers. Without the smell of printer's ink abroad in the land, the wheels of indusky would stop. This fact is pretty genIssued Every Thursday by known. The age of the "Miderally The Jordan Publishin~ Company, Inc. night Ride of Paul Revet·e" is past. TERMS OF SCBSCHIPTION The covered wagon is important on!~· One yeat· ·-- .---------·-·· .... ·········-·· $1.50 ns a relic. When adverti;;ing is cut the volunme of business goei' down Telephone J\lidvale 178 and the costs of doing busines;; go up. Entered at the postoffice at Midvale Get this fact thoroughly located unCity, Utah, as seco1ld-class matter. der your belt and the world is ours. Watch us grow. BErJ'TER YETGROW WITH US. HOW DO YOU DO! The Jordan Journal There is a great song going around these days, quite silly, some say, but It's having a run, nevertheless. Ami so we open U{> with "How Do You Do." lt is claimed, we kno_w not how truthfully, that this community needs a good live sheet representing the interests and happenings, the little daily tips that pass between us, the news that often goes unpublished, con cerning which othe1·s are interested and might profit thereby. Therefore, the Jordan Publishing Company, was organized and incorporated, and is now a living inanimate per;;on in the eyes of the law. You have the privilege at this mo· hlent, to be reading· the.offficial publication of that organization1 to be known as the .JORDAN JOURNAL. Local capital purchased the 11nodern ing plant of the Salt Lake County Advocate, formerly opel~d.ted under the leadership of Mr. D. M. Clark. Mr. Clark has worked many years to build up a printing business in the Southern pmt of Salt Lake County a.nd one needs only to visit the establishment as it stands today to reaHe is lize how well he succeeded. taking a well deserved rest. The ~Titer, P. S. Roberts, has been placed m charg\) of the plant. The orders are. to pu~ the Jordan Journal over or_ qUit the JOb. iHow well I secceed WJI:, of com·se, d~~nd upon the c?operatwn I get, pr~vldtng the_ plant gt ves first class serv1ce at all times. d ! once opeTated a newspaper an j{)b printing plant in Southern Iowa h A ·1 6 192~ · leavmg same on pn . . <>, w en Uncle Sam and the Kaiser were at odds. But after all is said and done, we intend to give SERVICE, first, last and alwavs. 1We know that advertisers wili not use the columns of the JOURNAL without getting results and we know that the JOURNAL can Impressive Tribute I 0 f 1• • tvmg. • ----------WEST JORDAN MILK PRODUCERS '"OCIATION As "' '1'() BUILD The West Jordan Milk Producen;' Association are building a building, 30 x 30 just west of the E. L. Burg-on place in West Jordan, for the MIDVALE CITY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY 8aII League . Headquart~rs, ... City Hall, S. Main St. Midvale, Utah ~· Ray C~h_oon ·····-----~--~----------- ···- ··· ···· - - ···-- --- -- .. .--·· . - l\_Iayor:. · d Here ·G~. 0 rgan1ze C1_t\ Counc~Jman A. \\ ng<h t ···-~······ ........·-··-·······-·· ...... ~--·-···················--···· C1tJ Councllman J. A. Alley ---·-···-··············-······- ... . . prot ect'.lVe 8aSe M0 tor.Se.rVtCe Association Has Meeting . f h "I The fi rst meetmg o t e "' otor IService Protective Association of Salt MORTGAGING THE SALARY' Automobiles on the installment plan are not the sole cause of reduced purchasing power among the people. Millions of sturdy Americans citizens who W{)uld shrink !rom buying an automobile on the installment plan have no hesitation in going in for a refined practice like defened payments for diamonds, suits, dresses, books, stoves, · pianos, victrolas, radios, furniture, electrical machines -and homes. Im;tead of educating the people to do a cash business modern ·retail methods have gone to the other eXIta·eme. Of course prices include the average per cent for losses, and the interest rates chat•ged ~eet11 to make it an object, but the fact is now being developed that many people are peldged to pay more than their weekly salary amounts to, and wages of I)lillions are mortgaged i r years to come. Meanwhile the grocer, the doctor, the dent;st, the regular merchant, is "standing the gaff" for everyday necessities. The installment busine~s has assumed such proportions that it i::, found necessary to e:>tablish a customer's clearing house in each community to the end that one dealer will know what the customer may owe to another dealer, and at the same time cooperate with the employer. Plans of this kind are in succe::;sful operation in several state:; and .ar~ beca us e of neceso · . II y growmg . "1·ty, rapH but it all adds nmteriallv to the cost JOURNAL 1 DL w·1 · ·1 l\'I 1 ham 1 utoh ····--·--·- ---········-········~---·-··--····· -- ... C-ity Coun01 man By Joe Cushman At a baseball meeting held in Mur- B. A. Rru;mussen ···--·-· ·······--···--~-----····-···-~·-········-···-···· .. City Councilman Lake County compri~ing practically all of the motor service a,Jd repair ray last week Murray Pressed Brick Frederick Mills ····-~---·-···-·--··· ·-·····-·... ·-· __ -····· ......... City. Councilm' stations in the county ~outh of ~bt) Hunter and Midvale 'formed a fou; Mary B. Stokes ·····················-······---·-···············-········--··-·-------- C1ty Recorder A. L. Anderson ...............·-·······-······--········ ·····-············---···· ........ City Treasurer • South, was held in Sandy, at the City terum league. The :oeason open~ Thur~day .May 14 D. W. Moffat ·····-··········-··-······ -·----···--·-·····-····-······ -····-·--····· ····;··--·· ..... Attol'11.}lY Hall, ApTil 6, 1925. Mr. s. nith, of the State Line Ser- with :Murray at Pres~ed Brick and 1 P. S. Robe1t.s ......... ·········-·······-·--············-·····-···················· Justice of the P~ viee Station, Draper, is President of Hunter at Midvale. Games begin- • D. C. Smith ······-·············-····-····················-····--···-· -····-··-······· ---· C1ty Marshall [ra Beckstead ···········-···············-·········-····-··· ... .... ·····-·· .. •····· .... Nig·h t Policeman ,. the Association. Mr. ' Hendrick~on, ning at 6 p. m. Shm·p. fhos. A. Smith ---·········-- _ ·······-·-----Fire Chief and Night Policeman • was Mayor I. Le~te1·, of Murray, l\Vlanage1· of the Sadndy Moto1rTShop, is roester, selected as Pre:;ident and Mr. Edgat· Arthur Larson·····-·-·····················-··-······ Supt. Streets and Water Works ice President an Arnoh f M of the Midvale Service Station and E tch 1 f S 'th H l ur- A. W. Bowen ···················--~---····----·--··-··--·-········-····--······-- Plumbing Inspector ar( ware, o a e ,; Garage is secretary-treasurer. Building Inspector Walter Wanberg ································--···-········-····-·········· t The next meeting will be held the ra~r' as eclt·e arybo. t th et r r S to e same eam , I G ff ·' urray 1as a u n, 1 Y em e .} ex ....... ··········-···-···----·······--····· -· ... .... 0 . C. Brick Pre:;;sed yeat·. last they had 1st Tue~day in June at Magna. The association seeks to protect the will use the same tea.m as Merit Hat motoring- public ~r posting the repair Club uses in the Sunday League in MIDVALE LIONS CLUB $Chedule on all makes of cars so that Salt Lake and Hunter was given peTMeets First and Third Thursdays of Each Mcmth the prices will be reasonable and un- mission to u~e some of the Ut.ah CopOfficers of the Club for the Year Beginning July 1, 1925 per players from the Magna Club. iform.. Dr. J. S. Alley ......... _. __ ·····-····-···············-····· ··········--······-· .. .... .... -.... President • At present there are about thirt~ C. I. Goff . ·············-··············---------- -· _________ ........ First Vice President one members in the Association and Mi(lvale has about the same club many more will sign up as soon as as last year. With Benny Schmiett Robert Wallace --·-· ··--·-· ___ ···- ................... Second Vice President they can assure themselves that the managing we should be able to top P. S. Roberts -----·········-··················-···················-·-·····-····-· . .. Secretm·.v organization it; for the good of both the list. Treasurer.., H. P. J\ililler, ..... ········-·····-················· ···- ..• ·- ······---····-·········-------... consumer and producer. Benny has at present Atwood and Jas. W. Stephenson .. --···----------·--- _ ····-- ..... ···-· ... --···· Lion Tamer There is nothing cornpulsorr in Cushman, catchers, Beckstead, ReadHollis J. Aylett ........................ ···········-···········-····-·-··········--·- . Tail Twister the matter of repair charge,;:. How- ing and Goff, pitchers. Po1ter first ....... Song Master ············-···················- . _______ ever, all standurd model cars now base, Smith, Jenkins, Whitmore and J. L. Meyers Dr. A. J. Hosmer ..... ······-···-··················--·········· .. term) year (1 Director have a repair :;chedule and it is thot Allsop infielders. Stauffe1·, Mcintosh Oirt>ctor (1 year term) ··········-····· ..... ·----- ... ...... ·-··· Dr. H. E. Nelson that by getting togeth('t· and talking Heading and Goff outfielders. C. J. Ridd Oil ectm· (2 year term) ·····-··········-···············-····-· ... .. .. over these matters, all service men Cahoon R. A. ..................... -······ ....... ···-·····-· ___ term) year (2 Director would benefit thereby, a,; well as the has Midvale games pre-season the In motoring public. played all four of the Copper League teams and judging from the showing Magna and Apex will fight it out for CLEAN UP DAY AT Roman Road• in Britain fir,.t place, Utah Copper of Bingham WEST JORDAN CE:\tETERY The Romans built four t·o11ds in flrlthird and Arthur last. taln which are still In u~=;e. What Saturday Midvale lost to Apex by Saturday, May the 16th, 1925, has Is known now as Watling street exMrs. E. l\1. Bateman, Correspondent a 4-2 score. Sunday l\lidvale won from Murray been designated as Clean Cp Day at tenclecl from Kent to C'nrdlgan bay; the West Jordan Cemetery. All in- Ikenlid street from Saint Davids to 17-4. Friday evening of last week about Frank Reading hit the longest home terested are 1·equested to be present Pl~·mouth; J<'o~!<e way from Cornwall thirty friends and reiati ves· surprised Gilbert Lloyd at his home, the occa- runs on recot·d. He and Louis Goff and assist in this work. The more to Lincoln; Irvin !'ltrePt, from Snlnt people who report for duty, the bet- Davids to Snlnt Hampton. sion being his birthday anniversary. held :VIunay to 4 runs. These two boys have the stuff ball ter and quicker we can accomplish The evening was spent in games and this v•·ork. players are made of. luncheon das served. Flower.' Slumber Time Add to them Whitmore, Jenkins * * * There 11rt· some flowers-the crocus, Mrs. Amelia Pixton, Bert Pixton, and Stauffer and Midvale will show for instance-that sleep not only at SUPT. of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Holand Pag-e, a bunch of young ball players of D&RGW GENERAL night, but 1\11 the winter under the LOOKS OVER THE CITY ground, In the form of a bulb. All of Riverton, were guest~ Sunday of which few teams can boast of their equal. Mr. and .Mrs. James A . .Bateman. early spring flowers are especially J. D. Stack, General Supt. of the hardy, and most of them nre protected * * Mrs. Mabltl Brwuter and baby re- SINGER SHOP CHANGES D&RGW Railroad visited Midvale yes by a touch sheath round the bud. turned ffrom Westwood, California, 0\\'NERS DURING THE WEEK terday looking ove1· the Alta branch which onlv bursts when the sun Is strong en~ugh to kiss the sleeping Saturday. on Center Street. • •t Glen Mitchell and Deming Wright * * * The City Officials and residents of beauty Into life. Miss Leola Hand, of Sandy, wa;; a have purchased the Singer Shop at Center Street are asking the railroad week end guest of Miss Wanda Bate- ~o. 7 "r. Main StTeet from Glenn to make some improvements in their Fret1ch Proverb man. Hyatt. road bed and put this stretch of rails Men make laws, but women make * * * The~e gentlemen will offer Singer in a condition more in keeping with morals. Mr. and Mrs. Geo1ge Hendrickson Sewing Machines, Columbia Phono- the genet·al character of the neighand Mrs. W. L. Egbert attended a graphs, Hecords always the latest, borhood. Vacuum Cleaners, fo1· .<ale or rent, wedding at Bountiful Wednesday. After the inspection trip, Mr. Stack and everything in their line. * * * made a swing around the city for the Mr. Hyatt is moving to Salt Lake purpose of viewing the iunprovements Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson are receiving congratulations upon the ar- where he will take a position as the in the past year. Assi. tant Manager of the Salt Lake rival of a daughter. Branch of the Singer Sewing Ma- -The street dance was a success, but * * * Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fur~e, were chine Company. there were more spectators tahn danWe wish the new owners of this cers. However, with the habit gl·owguests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. P. 1'. enterpt·ising business every succes:; in ing, a few more weeks will fill the Bateman. their chosen line. We know there is street, with Gilbert's melodians fur* * * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spratling en- an unlimited field here for such a bus nishing the music. tertained at dinnet· Sunday for ::VIr. iness and with SERVICE as their and Mrs. D. H. Aylett ami ::VIrs. H. C. motto, they cannot do othe1•wise than I succeed. Aylett, of Midvale. tt One of the most striking pieces of statuary on the famous battlefield of Gettysburg. It surmounts the monu . ment erected to the One Hundred and Twenty-third New York Regiment on Culp's hill. purpose of testing and cooling milk. The building will be complete'ly equipped to handle the milk produced bS all the members of the Association. Milk will be tested and scientifically cooled until called for by the \·arious creameries. J os. Hibbanl k; President of the Association and ·Donald Hogan is the Secretary-Treasurer. JOURNAL SHOP FORI~I\IAN REPORTS FOR DUTY Mr. Sam Leavitt, formerly from Provo Cit~·. Utah, is now the Shop Foreman at the Jordan Publishing Company's plant. Mr. Leavitt has had experience of all kinds, in pmctically eve1:y branch of the printing business. When you call at the Journal in the future, which we hope will be often, Mr. Leavitt will show you that SERVICE counts and that he can be depended on to give you first class workmanship. Now while we're on this subject, please be reminded that we want a chance to supply your printing needs. Just give us the copy and a bid will follow. We are not cut raters but our prices can't be beat. EFFICIENT PLUMBER LOCATES IN :MIDY ALE CITY c·t c WEST JORDAN * . Mr. Barry Wride, a plumber, formerly of Salt La'Ke City and Bountiful has established temporary headquarters at the Solomon-Ridd Motor Co., business on North Main S~reet. Mr. Wride is of the opinion that he will locate here pNmanently and i~ lookir.g for permanent headqua1ters * * * Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bateman en- -The old school house in West Jordan where he can display a line of uptertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. is about razed to the ground. Conto-date pl]lmbing goods. He is at present working on the and Mrs. Clyde Swenson and famil~ tractor Farr is pushing the work. new Cooper building on N. Main St. of Sandy, and N. P. Swenson. * * * -Daylight lamps have been installed Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bird and the in the JOCRNAL plant but they are -Have you noticed the Utah Power and Light offiice in Midvale. Glas,.; family, of Magna, Mr. and ~irs. Vern used at night only. Wonderful lamp, show cases but it's hard to keep the Carter and children, of Provo, wer.e worthy of a place in every home. hob nailed .~hoes out of the · glass: guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. HyA much needed improvement and ap- rum Beckstead. -Booths Sale is going full blast. * * * preciated by UP&L Jordan Valley One lady stated that "Booths are havMiss Elva Pixton, of Murray, vis- ing a real sale this time." Get your customers. ited the latter part of last week with share of the bargains .• Nora and Norma Bateman. 6252 S. State St. Straw Hat Day in Utah May IS Watt's Inn See the displays in our Window. As usual we are show ing the newest shades and shapes at just the right time. Bleached Straws in large shapes are the things. Note the Prices in the Window Those • "So Good" Hamburgers THE FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. "Always the newest Style" C. J. Ridd DANCE MOTOR CO. Lincoln Ford Fordson AT Personal Service Phone 205 Midvale City, Utah U.S. A. EVERY FRIDAY DUNDEE ORIGINAL SYNCOPATORS DUNDEE'S Utah's Most Popular Ball Room Hello! I am learning to walk. And I am ~ankful for my "NURSIE KAR" That's why I smile. This beautiful Convet·tible, Corn-~ bination Nursie-Kar for the baby is sold by this reliable store . * * * -You will do well to look over the Mr. and Mn;. William Rolf and advertising columns of the JOURNAL fa~m.ily of Park City, were guests on Tell us what you think of the new Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dwight. dress. How does it fit and is it very * * * becoming. • Word has been received that W. C. Smoot, of Yakima, Washington, was operated on for appendicitic last week -The First League Game of the base and at the present time is in a ser- ball season will be played on the ious condition. tMr. Smoot left here Smelter grounds this evening between about a month ago for Washington Midvale and Hunter. Good match. where he is employed by the Utah- Fast play promised. ldaho Sugar Co. -J. H. Wraver, on old time D&RG * * • man, is now operating the railroad Miss Nora Bateman is visiting m next door to the new TexInn, ::Vlotor Salt Lake City. Station, at the intersection Service aco .. * * Center Streets. ami A program and social was given in of State the Ward House .Monday evening b) ne1· guest of Miss Lola Grant, of the Parent-Tea-chers Association. Myrtle Dyett and Z. Evans, both of Sandy, Sunday. • * • West Jordan, were married W ednesMr. and Mrs. 0. H. Bateman and day, April 29th. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Batebaby, * * * A daughter was born to Mr. and man and baby Gerald, of Salt Lake, Mt·s. Sam Wardle in a Salt Lake hos- were guests of Mrs. Lyflia Bateman pital Saturday but it died on Monday Sunday. Funeral services were held at th~ home of Mrs. Emily Wardle on Tuesday. =.....= :o....;;;...;~=----'"...o...-....... West Jordan Lumber Company :mDVALE CITY, UTAH WHETHER--- Pauper or Millionaire A Good Meal Is J. H. Brown DENTIST SANDY, UTAH. . WORTH 35c ".f/s Clean as * * * the Cleanest, As Good as the :Best" SAMAS & THOMAS, Props. Funeral services were held in the Ward Chapel Saturday for Theo, a sixteen months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price, who died Wednesday at a local hospital. Midvale U.S. CAEE Utah • • • Miss Lu Ru Bateman spent last week in Salt Lake City. Dr. When your baby is able to walk you can convett it into a Wagon, Coaster, or a Go-Ca1t. • * * Mr. and Mrs. George Goodridge entertained Sunday eYcning in honor of Ed Oborn who left Mondav for the southern part of the State ~vhere he will remain this summer. Those in attendance were MiHses Erma and Maud Monison and AI Strag-ley, of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gardner, Jack Hornish, Mr. and Mrs. Au~ Dr. J. S. Alley tin Peterson and Mrs. Mable Bywate1·. Chosen president of the Midvale Lions * • * Club for the yem· beginning Julf 1, Mis~=; Bernice Bata:nan was a din- 1925. A real booster for Lionism. I ! We wish to thank the good people of f Midvale and surrounding their VERY LIBERAL patronage the SALE now in Full Blast. ---Booth Mere. |