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Show -- THE JORDAN .JOURNAL, MIDVALE, UTAH ----- mistress obvlom;ly Old not lnterel!lr m concern hlm. Renshaw 11ntched hliU with n tolerant understanding o1' h!a viewpoint. "Sl.e might of been suffocated," Jenks slowly rept>ated. Chapter XI ,. ,.____ - .,.. __ +++·! Sheriff Harris and Ogrodowski l l I I I I l +H H H I I I I i I I I Pirate Stars Remove Tonsils and Improve I'<><Jr for all tou~il>: <ot·t>- ha1 P het n lolauH><I of thlng,-lmt If lu1nolkup to thrl'e mcmlwr!< nf tht' l'Jthlnn·gh 1'1· ratPs, \\lll<·ll fo~ Ftnue 1•1:::' rec· ortls thl« ~ Plll'. Thret> of the n·:.:ulars rellortt'tl minus ton,!J' as a l'P,\llt of O])· l'ration~ dnrlng tile• wiutPr. And nnnp ~~ ns '10\\ Just ~e; ~nn, el· thE>r. "Pie'' Tra!·nnl', one of the thrPe, Is !Juek hPa\ h•r und 'tr<Jll:I:Pl'. He hit .~!J3, <tolt> :.!.J hasP~ and was thlrfi hll!'h muong till' r<'~tlar third hnf<PIIH.>n of hoth league~ ln fielding. .Johnny (Juo<·h. catl'lter, had ~llle of ht.. be>;t )et~rs last yeur, anrl ~tarts l!l:?~ tulll\lf: tonsils. Ditto for Gleun Wright. ~;;hort stop, "lw mad<' go<Hl In his first ~cur In major hns!'hnll. l lu·~ MY FAVORITE STORIES By IRVIN S. COBB \\ (•rp n Uncertainties. T~>n minutes later n rlefer(•ntlnl tnp on Htim;haw's door slwwed that Jenks hnd recalled hltnst>lf to the high uutie~ of his office. Be entered without walt· !ng tor a response, nnrl, findinl!' the ~ecretnry In a big chttlr before the unlit fire, Ret down the trny he car· rled and moYed n rouD<l the room for chnraeteristieully n mont!'nt with At the end of the nol~>eleAH activity. brll'f lntenal n smPII table wns at the )oung man's elhow, and from the decanter nnd ~!phon he had brought COP'(RIC.HT SY THf. CENTURY CO. Jpnks hn<l poured a st!f!' and welcome WNU Service, drink. He set th!!l before the se('ret ary ln liill'nre, And, producing a box of His shout<Jer. his agaln~t sagging wa• CHAPTER X-Continued clgnr"<, tnalntained a perfect poSl' o! tightened. hnnd her on grasp -19"I'm sure you're tired," he sai<l respeetful scn·lre till HPns!Jnw had "Yes, I am." 'L'he girl's voice was selcctp(J one. J enlrs certainly knew II! II II II II I II I l l I I I I l l II+ defiant but mlseru!Jie. "I have always gently. "Won't ~·ou sit down now?" to make a man eomfort11ble. Jenkl! how my than more tal;e on't '' I "Xo; hated the dark. I aliHtY~ have a dim spoke: lt's the shore Of the air that Is left." ll~ht In my room at night. COLLINS IS SIXTH "All right nnw, sir?" His ,·olee, ns He laughetl. "Htlll harping on that darkness I mind now-the utter black· rt•<pPf·tful. smoothly wn~ alway<~, ness, and the closeness. I feel liS If WI' ulr :·· lw rhi<letl, PILOT AND PLAYER "All right, thanks. Did Ml!<s Camp'!'he l!'lrJ'q voice Wlls faint, but the! were shut up In a tomb."" "Like Aida and ht•r ~·oung man," hnpul~P ttm nn1 punic hat! !Ht~"P<1. !Jcll drink lwr ~hPrr~ ?" "Yes, !Sir." Jenks he8itated. 'fhPn, Renshaw frivolously commcntNl. lie Shf> "as fN•IIng queer un<l rathPr Sox Manager Directs Team I nsk jul't how It happened. tlt'O\\·~~. "~light was so sorry for the girl that his throat "Here!" Hl'n«haw wns shnkin;..: her :-lr ?" he mellowly inquired. Play From Keystone ached, so anxious about her that the not "You're \'l<>lt'ntly. nlmo<t He qultkly, question. the w!'lcomed TIPnsltaw pit of his stomnch felt cold; hut he Sack. went on cheerfully: "Let the1n he a going to fnint, nri' you? Pull ) our- d!'Sirt•d the servant~ to know just how le::;son to you. All the reprl~al tilt'~· -elf to~Nher. 'l'ry to hrace up!'' HP It had happenPd, If Jenks Intended to J:d11!e C(l!lil'', ll'tNnn lnfiel<ler of rnhiJPd lwr hnnrls "Pull yonr~elt to- dl~cn<s the matter below stairs. offered was to sing.'' Whit& :-;ox, stnrte,J his- Jh·,t l'l'a~on tile ":-limple~t thin;; In the world.'' he 1 "I'm afraid you don't apprel'lute ~ether," he nrgently revt:>atetl. "Don't m:tjor lt>aglle Blannger wltPn the 11 II" IE>t your><elf go!'' "n» "~li~s Ca"lnphell sn!d ll;;htl;:. 'Aida.'" ro"e on tile 1!1:.!:1 ''ll'll"on. <•nrtuln 'I liP ttPT•t:>nl In h!g volt-e reaC'!tNI tu>r, showing me throu~h the house. "'hen The girl "·as pathetically t rylng to take hi~ J>i:ll'e :tlon::~:;ddt> of "ill He "I feel so strunge," she rnurmurerl. "e renche(] this hall, I said something play up. Again his throat c·ontrnl'tcd. 1 Sisler, I lnn·is, Bam roft, Speakf'r an•1 "Not especially. I've alway!l seen "It's thf> u!t·. l cun't get a de!'ll n!Jout not ha>ing enough towels. You <'ohh n~ n ]Jill~ in;.: ntanugf'l', tlire(•ting know, I've mentioned that to you, too. some elephantine prima donna In tl1e !Jrpnth-" his team front ill~ l;ey,tone l•o~ition in He droppP<I her handR and startPO She "ent Into the closet to show me leading role, and It has !Jeen hurd to lnflt>ltl. the I tollo11 ed her take her sutTerlng's seriously, But I :m ns,ault n11 the door thnt wnA fn•n- where they were. C'olllns fall>' the ns~lgntnPllt of To like the music. We might try the ziptf !u its clPS(lPrntion. lie v.onl•l get arro~$ the threshold, and the door sudtogetht>r a lf'am that hns n<1t welding duet now, If you like," he entle<l the girl out of thAt hole, hP dechletl, denly slammer! shut behlntl us." re•·overetl from thP pft'ect~ full~· yt>t Jenks gazed nt the tloor. If he had to butter do\\ n the walls of lightly. H'nntlal of W1!l. "hPn disoMrou~ the of "That "a~ odd, sir, wasn't It?'' he tllat d-tl honsP, He'd rouse !<Onte ot ''Piea5e don't laugh at me.'' asked gently. "I won't-if you will admit that yon those deaf fool !I "ho werE' do?.lng in Henshaw looked at blm until the them think mal;e Ht•'<i wings. rllst:rnt are ~oollsh to mind a gay little adven butler',; Rlance llfted from the floor to the last trump "us f«J\tn!lin:!:ture 1111e this." He hall resumed the role ~t the hu· hls eyes. "You en II 1t gay 7" "I~ was very odd.'' he then sn!d, man hntterlngrnm. Yerlty wnR pn~~t "Oh, "ell,"-t1e uppt>ured to gl\·e hi" protest, an<! he kE>Ilt It Uti. Sudrh•nly, holding t!](' look. "In fact, lt was l'O mind to t11t> prohlem whlle he battered hPnd flrRt, he pitehed Into the outi'r odd that it simvly could not bn~·e hapthe ouk door-"I "lll substltutt> the eorrl!1or with .:uch force tltnt he ~truck pened." word 'amu•lng,' If you like that bet Jenks set'med start let!. nnrl reC'ollP<I from the oppo~ite "nil. ter." Behind him, Yerlty, clutt•hlng the sldP~ "I don't qultt> follow ~·ou, sir." "Ilo you m!nli It l-It I-" there 11'11!< "I will he clt>arer. What I mean a very long pause; "-If I hoi d your ls''-llenshaw spoke very slowlyhand?" she brought out at la~t. ·•thnt floJr dld not ~hut by Itself." "You may hold the right one," he To this, at first, Jenl!~ made no regraciously conceded, acePptlng the reply. He seemed slightly disturbed and .. quest as the most naturul one In the . greatly puz?.led. world. "1'' e got to keep on bunging "You mean, sir, tllut It didn't blow with the left.'' lie extended Ills hand shut?" he asked ut la«t through the fn the darkness, found the small one mental mist that appeared to ha' e set· ,.that was groping townrd him, and tied over him. took It In 11 firm, close gra,..p. ''Of (·om·~e It didn't blow ~hut. How Again he felt tlte odd contraction of could it have blown shut? There was the throat !1e had expt>r!Pnce<l lwfore. no draft. What I mean is thut some Re knew what It had been to Yerity one, or something, Intentionally shut it." "::amphell to make that requPst. He Jenks now look!'d frankly lncred ~npw that, ltaving llllHIP. It, hf'r prldt> ulous; hut his reply, as alwu) s, was "'as In the dust, like a trailing !lug. deferential: He st•Pmed suddenly to know a gren t "That conld hrfrdly ':le, sir, ~l!ld U? many other things ahout her as he felt Why would anyone shut It? Who the quiver It that small cold hunt! in would "unt to? And even If an~·ont< hi~ own. wanted to. how could it be done with· "I'll keep on beatln~ with tl,f> left," out you seeing, ~;;h·'(' he repeated, efficiently combining thP "That's "hat I'd like to know my'' ords with the action, "IH cause about self.'' Hensltaw spoke wearily. The this time Monis ought to loe getting after-strain of the episode was tt>llin;; huck from his culls. I\ e ~t·Pn llirn usP on hitn. Jcnt;s n<'>tldPd and took np Manager Eddie Collins. the main stnirease Sf>Yt>ral times; anti the tray. lf he dOt'S it to-day-unless he's more tl:e \\'hilt' :-;ox nmks 1\'f>re J'l'llt b) tilt> ''It was a rPgrettahll• Incident, sir,'' 'a o;ent-mlnde•l than I think he i~ lntluenl'e <•f hig gam· ('(ontaminnt!ng he said QHIPtl~· hut flrmly, "due to the he's g-oing to realize that some one i~ a g-ig-Hnt it· onl_., nn Hsk f liH 1 hlPr~. unfortunnte condition of the knoll. l 1\ oultl npvrt>ciute the honor of his at· • <·ali· of I•!'r·~onalitl a for· tc~t ul'id knob the ha,·e to order·s ha1·e ~;iven Suddenly, Head First, He Pitched Into rPpnire•l In the mornin;.;." tent ion." !Jer of t 'oil in«. the Outer Corridor W1th Such Force PrPYIOURij' rollins h;ul turned deHf ..,"Oh-do ~·ou think he'll com(;' ~oon ?" E\ pry Itensh a w ' f!hl nut nn~wer. That He Struck and Recoiled From to all t•leltur!'s madt• to eli'\U(P E'ur·s The hand In hi~ was grn\\ in~ "urmer "ord Jenks had nttPr<'d had C'onvlneed tho OppoF.tte Wall. o mana~erlal r·ol~·. hut wtth tl'e to him and more stead). 'fhe human <'t>ntad lllm tl.at the hutl~r l:new nll nhont <!••nth of Jo'nmk Chance un1l the rt>tlle· was doing its work. Now, undPt' tlw of thP OT•en clol<et door, fil' a~Pd weald~· that door; unt he \\a~ al~o aware that hope aroused by Ills words, YPrlty an•! hllnketl at him In dawnin~. ln· .Tenk::; <lid not lntPnd to sltnre his ment of .Johnn~· E\t>t's, !'<tllin>< l'onwnt· ¥raspe•l his arm with her other hand t•r·t•!lulous nnfiPr~tantllng and rpllef knrm le;]c:(•. The ~olntlbn that suggest· e<l to llt'o't>pt thP tusk \l'holl~· ns an PX· JlPllmeut, to s!'P \\ ltethPr thP lll:tlll\· lmd was clinging to him. Fn!'lng thPtu hoth, tlw tn<'OIIlpurahl!' e!l ltBl'if ~<e~mefl pr('posternus. His duties woultl llltt•rft•r·e 11rth hi« g-t>rh1l "Of courl'e he'll conw soon. ~Jorrh .Tenl.~. all ~PI f-cont,·oJ ant! l'rt'R( ncp of hriPf ~ense of 11 ell-helng rlepartl'd un· aq a piH)'€J', nhillt~ ' lm· mo~t the Is not the mnn to neglet·t mint! fleparterl, llf']Jllc~sl.l' ~;usped alii! tier the tnPntul jolt of the com et'SJition Sox \\ :1~ tlw on!.' h':tnt \\"hlte The Al~o. had. ever portant patient he ha~ Ta\\ no 1-i:er was taking n lot out of ,tuttf'l'l'tl. to stan the ~Pason ((•ugut'H hlg the In the Incomparable Jenks hns told h'm liP wontlered what comments ··~r.v (;a\\ d !" hP Buic!, m·pr 11 nt! 0 , ('I'. him. ha111!. .Ja<·l; IIPn· g-Uiding llPII' a with und o'<'locl;, that ten Is ~<erved at fln~ "And you In th£>re, too, ;\li;,;s L'umplJPII . .Tc-nks \IOU!tl make on othl'r reeeJ?t epl· the <'int·mn<~ti of mnnugt>r dri•·k', that your cook's spedalty Is tonstPd untl 'most suffo('atl'd-" l'rPhahly sodl's that hud oceurrt:'d. tastp of higlir~<t his had rPally Het1«, muffins. It nm~t he about fi-Ye now," ](pnqflllll rmt him a~lt!e and can::ht thl'y, too, were "re~rettaule fnl'i•lent«." 11 hf>n he SPIII'On lust piloting leagttP "I patho~; he added 1\lth conscious Jenl;s oozt•d from the room, carrythe ~-:Irl'« IJrm as she hlinlwd nntl llJHlll tile HPd~ thl' of elutrgt• as~\tmet1 wonl•ln't mind hu' ing a hutterl'd mnf· S\1/l~l'tl. In~: Ill~ tray. HPI!~ tl1e "lll'n ~ronm I>:tt of h •11':tt tin • self.'' HPn"tl!lw's thoughts swun~ had; to ''It was pretty b:ttl whilP It lasted. U('fl\itrnl111ngthPir ltndcr~oi~H:WPrP • t 8-l''hlle he bange1l, kiekt•d, h•1t lt'R H\ PI' DOll," he ~aid t'heerfull~·. Yerlty. llow phlf'l,~· the girl had heen! tiPs mHIPI' souttwrn sl.l•" ul!d •littered, stopping O<.'C':tf<lon,tlh· to ":-;t,•a•l.r hl'r on the otht>r si<!e, .Tt·nk~. :o;lle would ~C'tuull)· ha' e .sufli<)( a ted turn the doorlmob ex)ICl'lmcntully .. Jlp a11!l "'' 'll g<'t her to t.er room. IIt>r<', rath(·r tlmn take what f<he C'Otls!f!Pred lllo1·e th!ln ht r "~hare" of tlte tliminlsi 1• had not for n moment forgntl!•n that hurr~ up,., ' Coach Paul P~~hn's Mat !•''"' ,Jpnks \\us Pxam!nin~; the (lour illJ.!' u!r suppl ·: 'll~h or malicious fOrf'e thut ha<l lie wonder•·d tum tn\ll'h )(.nr.;c•r she Teams Have Good Record •1tlenly closed thl! door might to fllst·orPr tlH• t'!lll'(' of the nr•·ltlt•nt. so 0 1'<n It a~ snddenlr. He did not lntt>n<l lliR lat·P h:ul :tn otlli. l'!ntlk,; look thut, •·nul<l hal" lu•ld her splf-<·ontrol, und l'tllltHJHttPtl I'IIH!IIpion<hip~ in l!J~() to be caught nupping, or to ha,·e th<J PY<'Il in tht> ex<·iteuH'nt or the moru.-nt. 11hat 11ould huiP happened If .JPnlis nn•l 1!1:!:!, tiPs f••r ti11t• ln 1!1~,1 and Hl:.!.> girl remnln In that trap one lu~tant Ht>nshm1 uoti•·l'tl. At tilt• Iutter'.; alsp Ita(! not ht•nrd hlm for, say, unother -!!4 "in~ n~ain:--f :l dt'f(•at~-that J(;; the nnlt•r I•P Jonnd hiR 11its, an<! hun it'd hour. Tl~o~1t \\!IS not a rellt>ct!on his rPmnrkahte rPt·or<l of Jllinob' \\'l't•-l!ing ltmgt•r thnn was neeessar~. \"erlt~· rPIPa~w} her grasp of hi• to t:tP otlwr sidP of \'erity to tuke het• mimi <'Ut'<'•l to d\\ •'II upon. Ill' swltl'h!'d tf>lllll llll<ll'r ( 'o:tt h l'aul l'rPIItl in >dx ft ()111 It tn the ruemory of the hutlpr's ~ .. a,<m~ in tht> HI:: TPn. arm 11nd slipped her left haw! furtloPr arm. "Jt rnig-ht of kill• d hPr," he duzt>dl.' :!e,lulne <·on~tt•t·n:ttlou \\ h<'n hP dis· Into his right one. He held it •·t•rnl!I:.!H Ul'\' f'XI'P}IPnl, l'ro~pP<'tS for •·o~t•r<'d thai-. :'Ills~ ('amphell, as "l'll fortlnl;l:;, !Jut Its lmpt>rl'onnll.l' as hP tnultl't'•••!. ~evpn ont of nltw IPtt<'r ntPn 1\'111 an". 'oo(hin::: of the sort!" lh nsha 11 11'- UPn~h:tl\', h.ttl lwcn a prif<otu•r. lll'l <'<>Uld. It was u niC'C' job, hP )'tHI<lt>nh t;\\C•r ('oa<'ll l'l'Phll'~ <':til. Lntht•in~PI', u rPalized, quite II dt•lleah• loll, in fn•·i. ,tH•t a 1\arnin;.; look ut h(, 11 ""'l' hl'r <li~(·oJufor·t, lier possihlt> danger, ltad Petf>r~lll!l'g hoy, who '' uH fou1· fall• a" to hold tllut hant! In <'Xa<'tl.l' th!• right I hP:11l. • ~olll!' one wa,; honnd to hPar ntl'eet<'tl hint. H(•n,IJ:nv 11·us glad o! n l:):;·noundPr thl~ )f•:tr, :tnrl Barn,•:--. of way. l:n!ll't' the force of thi~ <li~t'OY· IIJP nol~P 11 e J.ept up. I <':tn't under- 1hut. f'hnmpulgn, middlt'liP!C:hl. Ul'l' tiH• n111\ <TO B~ CO:->TI~UJ<;D l ~tund "hy .I 011 oll<ln't IH•ilr It ><o"llt'r." er~: IJP ~):a in rushe•l into ~(lf'Pdt, · lettPr tllPn to gmrlnat<•. . - -"1 dlfl lu. . ar It ~(wner. ~lr/' .Tl)n~:'4 <-nn· ~lorrl~ fs sure to coinP.. nnd hP h l'rphn srarte<l 11ith only thn•p l't•1· Apples Once Grew Wrld ~ure tn It Pur us," he went on t•aslly. ft•:;s~<tl, al.,iPet tlllt1l't' 1he sho••k hl' hud eran'. all in the li~htwPl:!ltl~. lie tiP· Ap[JIP,, nR 11e kno,,· the1u totlas. In "I d<>n't J,now why I tli<ln't m~>ntinn t'P<'Pile•l. ''I !ward it for m<Jrt> titan Yl'lt•(lf'<l mrn to flll 1hP gaps m lhP. 1 Uilf'iPnt tint!'!< yr!'w wlld In purts of hea\~1\'Pi::ht«. Jlll<l tilt> Tlllni lrinntpllt'tl thlt ~ooner. It would lun·e spat'l•d you mt hour. Hut I tluln't ]11\1' um· attt'n ~ tit•n to it, bPt'aU'e I tho~ght ·it 1·.tnw I Europe nntl A~in, un·l their cultlvutlon ovPr l'nnhiP, !'hlfoag-o, lo\~a. ~lit-hi;:an all your nnxiNy." !It> rP·l'''·;::an in Europe l't>nturies ago, l.ut It an<! Ohio, ln<lnr:: to llutl<', nnd I,\ in;.: A long, tremhling Righ from th<·, ft·orn smnpwhet·e ont:;itiP." "~ht• rPmalnE'd f•lr Amerf..!ans to make the dnr~nt'. s Le8lde him told hlru that the rurnPtl to hi" originul rt•fraln: Tn<liann fot· the 1i11P. ~n utPM pro:::r•·~s in this dirP<'tlnn. ll.liXIt'ty wa~ not yet pa:o;t. lie ext·rtt'd mi;::ht hun• «un·ncutt'<l :" To~Ntl of );ol;om!' took •·ure of lhP One of tlw flrHt of these henefnctors "\\'I'll, Rht's all rl~o:J 1 t now. Il~>r• hlmst>lf to lntert'st the g~rl. lie ~~1nke ponn<l l'lti~S In most of thP lll<'f't' n;-•. ,; vlllnges she had mentioned Jn her ~on ul'e, \!Iss t': lli}IIIPll. snfe at th•• \\'ns J.oamml Bald11in. \\'lllle prom!· but ~l1uw of t'ltl<'lll?:ll Jlll~hl'd him all tilble talks with ~laclumf> JJ\·oe~IPf, nnd l!onr of your "" n rooru. llt•tter 11(' nent ln Ills <'UPitC'Ity as an engineer, lrtl l!l'a ~on nn<l \\ t'(•,tlrd ln t hP l'unl\JP "onld I on;; ~<ince lut\P hPt>n forgotten t whl<•h he also knew. He, too, had down fl•l' n "hlle." ! 'nptl'in K1'nne~, 1:!:1·! 11111t1d~r m~t. lit• O('l'lH'<l thP tlnor for her, \\1\tl'ho•tl t>XC'Pilt for his hmtlculturnl expPr!· wun<lel'Pd O\'er tile \\Orld, urH! had from L\Jtla. kPpt his sln!P of two qpa. sought it:s ut-of-the·ll'ltY place>~. A", hPt' wnlk unal<'f<<lily a•·rn"s thP t1 1 rt·~· tuP.nt~. wltir'h resulted In the produc· oon< ell'nr. "innin~ nil hi« hoptR f'ap• · tall.ed he punctnntl'd his sentence~. llol•l. do~Pd t11e do•>r, and lookPd at ti•m M t!te fmuou!< apple wlolch hears tuin·Pll'd .Hatlds of 1\loumtlPld won all his nnme. with tdow!l and kickf< u,.tOn the uu- ,Jpnks hls houl:-; a no! Dl'' et h vin:: lt.tt! nn op· The Un!teo ~tatPs now produc,..s the "Cet a rln~s nf •herry for ~flss :rleHI!ng r1oor, nntl fiR he hear nn<l "hehind" hin on tlw llllt. lie pmwnt kicked lte w11s ste,lrllly conscious of r·amphel!, and then hrlnll a ll'hlskr hulk of the world's applA crop nnd Cnn \\!'"<til's ill th~ 14.1 pom11l (·la-s. (Jpfs. ada adds to North American Rupremthe increasing clo~~·ness of the utmos- an<l ~nfla to mr rol,nt.'' he 11ire!'!Pd. a ~ovhomn1·e mi<l<llrw•'l~llt frnm J:nid, ,Jl•nks tlld not rl'tnrn his usual brl~k ncy. The European hPit extt>nds from pherP. 1 Oklu. \\on all hi>< l•nn•s, thrt'P h_v falls. His heart fluttered In a new unxietv nfllrmatiYl'. Jle did not "''·en move J:~;orWay lo southern France. The fruit . A. I•' Schultz of <;cw·,t'n wu~ the loPNt tor the girl. 8hP nmst he fl'ellng lt, from the spot where be stf•O•I. '!'he Is nl~> cultivated In New Zea!anct, Taa- llghl·hea1y, :11111 1~. A Bl'lmn of C'issna too. Slw must he sulferlng. Ye!l, her fact thnt the S('eretnry's w•ril bad nt 1 mnnln and other eouatrleL-Detron 1 Park fell he•n i,•a, elrlldcr f\h'llrto. so clo~e to him now, least been equal to that ot his young; Newa. ~~-<!:.~~~~ (CopyriJJht,) An Education in Peril The 01 !ginn! o! my fiction character ot "Judge Priest'' "ns a certain Judg;e William Bishop, now deceased. He was a wonderful old man-shrewd, simple, kindly, witty, gentle, merciful, and one of the most perfect Inter· preters of human character that the Border South ever produced. One time, a good many years ago, the old judge was actlng as chairman of a committee of three lawyers who sat to examine a g;angllnt young; man from the country who sought a license to practice at the local bar. The candidate had started out to be a blacksmith, but he had decided that wearing a frock coat and maklns ''l to juries would be euler Spl'eches H lhan bending mule shoes and shrink· < lng wagon tires, and so he made appllcatlon for admission to the le.. j arduous profession. Judge Bishop opened the Inquiry 'lhr•e> Boston rool>IPs, Sh!'l'lft' Har·ris anti tiJP eurhtPPn·)l'ar-ohl Ugrodo~l· wlth a series of questions designed to :<kl boy, in SJI!tf> of their youth and their ruwn!'ss and inexperience, are mnk· test the ambitious youngster's ,enmg a ;;tronr( bid for regular (Jlaees on the team. ~Iaua;;er Bancroft has great era! and specific quallflcutlons. faith ln !Joth of them. "Henry, my son," he began In hie usual benignant fashion, "I suppose you have done a course of reading llll+H-~H++llllll.lllllll with a view to acquiring the rudl· ments of this calling of ours and One-AImed Vete1 an thereby fitting yourself ror your new Sensation With Cue • I. career?" OnP of t!Je ~ensatlonul fen· "Well, jedge, I done scme readln' Wuco has sold Outtieltier .Toe )Inn· ~-. seahilliard pr·e«ent the of turc>s not so very much,'' confessed but •on to Harrisburg of the • 'ew YorJ;. \\'HS the recPnt I:nglund in son "I alms to do the most of my Henry. !'!'DDS) 1Y:tn!a IPUgUt'. Arthur by lllnfle ~~! of run I opens an office." after readln' • • • er pin) one-armt>d n flrotttlllrill, see just what reading let's "Well, !lfemphi~ hns relcn;;Pd uneontlltion· rPf!'n•e. ani! pursued Judge Blsh· done,'' haYe you oun:;· } u l'fll'!-:er, Floyd ally Outlit>lder to )enrs for stru~gle<l h:ul lie that you have naturally assume "I op. Ohio. -ter of Portsmouth, ~no in puhllr play, nnd, mal'" Blackstone?" read • • • "Black which, jedge?'' •• whllP he ltn<l attained these Ilarry Frank, foruwr llaltlmnrp nndi was this prnetice, ln tlgure• 0 "Riuckstone, author of great text· .Jerse~· Cit~ p!tdrer, hu~; been signed the aehieYed he tinw first the on the practice and principle books h~ Little Hock of tlle SoutltNn league. • of the law." fent lwfore a crowd. • • (;roun•ln!l, us a qergeant ot The candidate ehook his bend. Outfielder .Joe Weldell has be~n re· the won nearly 'ery f'Hvalry, "I ain't never heard of him," be Jpase<l unconditionally h~ tltl' :-;pring· • of brenk a confessed. champlonshiil, army tieltl ('full of thP Western ~~~soelut!on. riO lhPn being considered good "\Veil, how about Coke?" • • his lost he Ypres At him. for don't know ez I ever heared tell "I Hurry nhtalned hal' Xasilvllle neither." him, of foreIlls o! l!)Ht Hntl hnml lt'ft ~trohm, on lnflelth•t', from tht> ~lilwau· I.Jlrth· his on en<Jugh, oddly surely then you have studied nrm, "Well, sociutlon. a. American l.ee l'lnb of the or the United States Constitution the dn~·. • • <.'llarle.r P!'ehou~. former American •~-f+:H--H·+-11+-H-HI-!---H-HH--H-HH-~ j of America nnd the constitution and the Bill of Rights of the state of af<,sorlatlon shor·tstop, hal' heen named -1·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I b:entucky ?" <·oach of tiJe Lo~ ola college bnsei.J.tll "To tell you the truth, jedge, I ain't t(•om. English Tennis Star round to them yit," admitted the got • ThP YankePs hare ~ent ,lohn Lev!, aspiring blacksmith. Indian outfielder, to IIarrbhurg of thP. ''Henry,'' pressed Judge R!shop, .\'ew York·l'enns~ II nnl!l league on OJl· "suppose you tell us just what books tlnn. -what authorities-you have studied since you beenme seized with the de· • ll'llglll' WatPrhun of the sire to become a member of our bar?" ha>< relt>H~C'd Left~· ~nllh :m, Frank Then Henry pondered a moment. Gruher and Willium ..\I<·Xeal, all l'e· his face brightened. "I tell you, jerlge," he said, "I read ITUit "· one big bonk c•alled 'Revised Statutes Atlanta q[. tlte Southern leng;uP ha~ of the State of Klntucky' mighty nl~h 1Ple:t"Pd Outfielder l'rant'IS KPlly to through, an' I kin remembPr what 1t t;rpenvllle of the ~outh Atlantlf' says." 1t~ngu"=". "My son," stated ,Judge Bishop, ''the trouble with you Is thnt the next :-;pnntor Ht'ed SnH HI of Utah lu•lpt>d legislature Is liable to meet and remakP the fl]lPnini{ <la.1 prof'( t>rlinl!'~ in peal every d -n thing you know." Salt l.akt> a hig ~uc-<·<s~ by making the tir:-;t 1\ lid I'll I'll. With All Good Wishea I I DIAMDNDX IJ PI ~K UPS !t X Is • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • to hn\P callt•tl for a ngun• dosf' to $13,000 i:; Raid to 110\H'I twc>n o!Terp,J Hill no:tk hy Brooklyn, in 1m PITort to hrrt• the 'e.teran spit· halh·r· out of rl'tir, ment. ~aid A <'ontnl<'t • • The lXtt:nt of thP lnjurlt>, to .loe HC'ri:Pr. mannger of till' lJPm l'r WP-t· Prn lengnt~ tf>:llll, snffp,.·f>d in nn automohiiP ~!•ill m•ar ~linend \\'t>ll~, Texas. "Pt'f' n "('\ !'I'Pl} ll'l'Pn<·lwd hat·k, hrul~ps :mel lat:erations. • • • · ,. 1111• .~ ppalueldar: IP:t;!ll( ha' hl't'n r!'· · 1 on a ronr~• 1n 11 1lH:o; 1s \\'I 1r-n nrg-a t11Zl"( Knox,·l!f!• tlroppt'tl out tn join the ~al !~ IPaguP, it wus fonn<l i.. be lmpos· . . •thlP to g't'l al)ntller f<rxth l'itl', >;o John· -on t 'it~· \I'll'- forcNI to gPt ·nut. • • • • I l'uoqogl a ph sltows Jt>an llorotra, the WlmlJipdnn 1924 Ia\\ n-tennls churn· . . JIHlll. \\'ho mni!P a splt>ndtd showing In . thP nauon:tl indoor doubles championf~ltlp. I L\;~~~·t ) ear a~ \Yimbledon he deHe Is a llf'ent ltJehar·ds pater ·· f t ter o the Ft'l'nch Davis cup tfum. lw(•m l'rnnk Hnm t•r, wlto i~ Join~ ing the nuttiPI<1 for :-;an I'ranl'iseo, \\a~ a hi~~ f1(·ro in thP oppnln::: ~alllP of thf' ~~ 1 jtl!-.. ~tp.Hint..:f f~pfon:~o ~~·~tl tIP. J'(l('Ortl~ H hrf•:lidnc: ll)l('nlll;:: da.1· C't'll\\ <1 the for· lltl'r < 'It•\ elntul :ond \\'~tshington pi :I) PI' h<lD:[<'tl out '" t• hnlll!' runs. Coach .Joe ·wood .. :\nnui. 1\t> un<it•rstand, ue1·er ~as 11 • • • Ir., !luring tile hoxing cart•t>r of Benny 1 otJard, ronslstin;; o1' ::!00 tlghts, he "' llt'Pd H.J knnl'kout~. • . • tinte fot· lwo nnd l'aa1 o );urmi's ht>~t t l•r<'l· tJll:tt't!'t's mites Is 1:1 :oa, "lt!le \\'tlliP Jtitola's titHP is 1:? :!i() :1-!'i. • • • -:\lllU'It·Hn ntl'll't1•s Ul'l' this ~Par cap' taining till'<''' tc'an.~ at Oxford un!Yer: ity ill J:ngland lar ro~s••, fPnl'!ng and hoxin~. r .~ I ~:~· \\ v~~~) I ~~ ~ • • • A fi:;rl t for .Jat•k I>emp~ey. world ht•a' ~ \\ l'l:rlit l'loampion, 1~ jn~t us fHr a'' .1.' :1"" l-'\Pr ..Ja<'l' 1\:parn~, llis nwna~ 'o; . ~ ~('1', f!pl'farf's. • • • < oa< It ( ;h·nn \\'ar·uer or Stanford 11 ill ilt•lld a group of tpn lllPt.Jh!'r~ of tliP '-'to•nfo1'<l plt~sit·•tl P<lneatlon group In a sUlllfllPI' ,..,.llool of l'O.tf'lrlng. • • • l'Hity n! <'lilt-ago nntatorq Jun·e I IelP<'IPtl nnd .Tohn !'(•!role· Ed '11ln );o~es 11 ltz to ht'H•l nf>xt •t•ason·s '<\\'htllnin~: 1111'1 \\ utt'r polo squnfls re~pectllt•l~·. • • • II. H. AI~Pt. •:w. star· •·eutPr, was elP<·IP•I t apt alit of I he l'nh PrsitY nt C'ltir.tgo ha,kP! hJ II le:nn for I'IZfl at ll ll<'t'liUg' of tile \\lnn<•t's of 1najt r· IPt· ten;.. • • • .Joe \\ ood. tlH t'<l>tl'll uf Yalt· unrn•r· l1,ehull squuus, He ilos ~orne stt~··s proml~lng mnterial, nntl intends to turn out a "surprise ten• - Yer~ Harry :o;tuhl<lreiler, "IUl' qnnrter· hUP(\ Of thP '\'o•rp D:lflll !t•atr Jas~ ~(,r, IJn:-; sgned u (•ontr·,.pt to •on.h the \'!lin Xo\':1 eollc~:P fot :llnll t • m tor the next three ~ears The colonel of one of our negro regiments serving In France during the \Y or! d wnr ynpressed It upon the rank and file of' nls command that In the field a soldier addres ing his superior officer Invariably should ha;e regard for corred military proredure and, as nearly as might be, for correct mllltnry language. The lesson must have gone home, because now among the treasured pos~e!IS!ons of that colonel Is a certain document sent !Jy runner !rom a forward trench to com· pany headquarters back ot the sec· ond line of defense. On a scrap of paper, with a atub of pencll, the author ot the communlca· tlon, a much-harried black corporal then undergoing hla baptism of' 1hell· lng, wrote as follows: "'.ro Lieutenant Seth B. McClintock. "Commanding Company Io'.-Biank Regiment. "Blank D!vlalon, A. E. F., U. S. A. "Dear Slr-I am being fired oo heavily from the left. I awa!t your Instructions. "Trustlni these few lines will find the same, I remain. you 1 "Yours , ruly, I "James Jordon." 1 . In the Time of Trial our town years ago we had for a I cityIn judge a fine old gentleman, typl· cally southern In manner and air and voice and habit. lie liked a toddy betore his dinner; sometimes he liked one after his dinner. He was a first· rate judge of the merits of d!Rtllled liquors. Perhaps that "·as why he looked with private dlsfa ,·or upon the products ot a little one-horse distillery which presently started up In the yfcinity. TI1ese p1·oduct~ were more famous tor fire and potency than for purity or mellowJJef<s. I hll8rd 11 seasoned lmhlher say once that when you took a slug of the stun' you lmmedlately had all the 81!11sations of having swallowed a lighted kero~ene lump. Be that as Jt may, tt was fighting "hlsky. Guinea plgs were prone to lnliUlt foxhound~ after a sw11 of it. On 11 ('et·ta!n duy our judge was decanted ngnlnst the e•l~e of his favorite bar. Court had adjourned and he waa re:t'rPshing himself "lth a toddy. In came 11 friend. "Judge," said the newcomer, "have you ever tried any of the stutr they'r• • making at thut new stlll house out oo llaytield road r· 1 "No, son,'' said the judge, "!Jut l reckln 1'1e tried nearly e1·ery!Jody tb .. did try it." I |