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Show i .. COVERS SOUTH SALT LAKE COUNTY LIKE A BLANKh'T. WISE ADVERTISERS APPRECIA'fE ITS VALUE IN EVERY C'0!\11\ll'NITY THERE MUST BE A l\tEDHTl\1 FOR INTERCHANGE OF IDEAS. USE THE JORDAN JOURNAL NO.1 # MIDVALE CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, MAY H, 1925. ORDAN COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS IS ORGANIZED Executive Committee Selected Working Overtime On - And Financing And Various Other Activities JULIUS KRUITSCHNITI • I Where! Oh Where! <-w~T~A~w~:;~:y ~·:~R~w" ANNUALS >ORIS EN' OUTING AT G N VA Are the Houses For Rent? Traffic Law Violators are Paying Penalty PRICE $1.50 PER YF:AH On May 15th, 1925, it will again be legal and good form to wear a New Straw Hat. It's a sure sign that Spring is on the wane and Summer hangs just arojmd the Mr. D. C. Tolliner, of Vernal, Utah, corner. with ,,his wife and child, arrived in Now here's a proposition! Midvale Wednesday evening and came Usually you can find some errors direct to the JOURNAL office look- j in the adverti~>ing of any newspaing for a house, or somewhere to live per. By errors we mean only mis :or the present. spelled words. 'fo the first man, We were forced to info11m Mr. Tol- wpmen or child, bringing to the liner that so far as we knew there Journal Office a copy of the Jorwere no houses for rent in Midvale. dan Journal for the issue of l\lay He decided to loe>k for a camping 14, 1925, with the greatest number ground and pitch a tent until some of misspelled words marked in the place could be found. He was likeads herein, will receive for his or wise informed that Midvale has no her trouble, a brand new_ sailor ~>traw hat of the latest make and tourist camping ground. Mr. Tolliner then said he would put modei. tent up alongside the public road for Here's a chance to blossom out a while and go to work here, hoping Friday morning with a STRAW at that something could be done in the our expense. near future. He is a machinist and We figure a woman can make boilermaker and will seek work at her husband a present of the lhat, local industries. and if she doesn't possess such an Mr. Tolliner will call at the JOUR- animal, then to the snappiest comNAL offiee Friday. Anyone knowing petitor for such honors. of a loction please communicate with ......--·--·..--·--·---·..--••,.,,,..__, __,,___, --••-loo!• Midvale 178 on or before Friday, the 15th day of May. Irrigation Ditch Controversy is Decided in Court Geneva Is Mecca For .Frollicking FolIowt>rs of Isaac Walton At An al Sportsmen's Outing, !\lay 16 & 17th Since the visit of Mr. Oscar KirkElaborate preparations aro romham and Dr. F. A. Goeltz, members pleted for entertainm"'nt of Spc.tt-;of the Salt Lake~oy Scouts visited men at the An•uml 01.1ting at Gen(;\ ._. The city officials have decided that Midvale in the latter plt't of Aplil, The case of James A. Allcorn versus next Saturday and Sunday. things have been on 1the hum in the the most flagrant traffic Jaw violators Charles Reading, involving the right must be punished sufficiently to enascout !movement. The Gene:va park nn.; been cleaned 9f way for an irrigation t.litch in Mide need a Scout Council here in ble them to realize that the higfi.ways up ard i:s in £xcellmt condition-; "'or vale, is sent back .to the lower court the Valley (South Salt Lake County) and streets are for the benefit of the the visiting n ultitude. .and from all indications, we will have greatest number and that individuals Julius KruUeohnltt, veteran railroad for further evidence and if desired, A Ton Of Elk l\leat a full fledged organization, fully fi cannot run a motor vehicle without official, has announced hie retlremeilt a modifkation of the pleadings. Am~mg the many itemA order ;d to complying with the law. from the poa!tlon ef chairman of the nanced within a few weeks. Alcorn bought some property travappease the mner rran appears :..ooo The foltowing letter, which is selfBeginning this week a motorcycle board of the Southern Paolflc linea. He ersed by an irrigation ditch while pounds of Elk meat. Thi, conjurenatory, w-as mailed to all Troop patrolman was added to the list of Ia paat aevantv yeare old and goes on the pen1lon l11t. the land was used as farm land. It tion wit!:: a 1000 sacks of potato~, officers. Cars without lights, with 1itteemen the past week: had subsequently been subdivided in- 500 sacks of carrot:>, etc., ougl!t to open exhausts and speeding are being Midvale City, Utah, make a stew that would be re 1 ·J-.ffi arrested and turned over to the City May 9, 1925. to city Jots. Alcorn built a house on by both kmgs and potentat£:o;, Committemen of the Justice of the Peace for .action. the land, and when Reeding, who Hundreds Of Dollars In PriT..es Di::ltrict Scout Council: .A!bout fifty violators were tagged bought in another corner of the subTne plize committee has been busy the 21st day of April, 1925, Mr. Sunday and Monday and many hunKirkham, Executive Secretary dreds advised that further violations division, insisted on opening up the the past two weeks gathering in the Salt Lake Council and Dr. F. would result in arrest. old ditch, the litigation en:;ued. The prizes to bE.' given away to the win. ners of the vanous events. Organizer, requested per· Oh, Consistency, Thou Art A Jewel case was tried and argued before the The curtain is all ready to be raised IUil!tion to a:ppear before the Midvale !Several of the individuals were supreme court, on th(' issue as to 1'rn:P .>hooting, fly and bait ca.,tirg Club and explain the matter loud in their denunciation of the meth for the biggest evening of fun and whether the obvious location of the for .distance and accurncy, t>wimnnn~;, ·ganizing a Jordan District Coun- ods used and the way the matter was merriment in many years. At 7:59 Id di h boxmg bouts, and I{O on an infinitum o tc was sufficient to as ure tne runs the list of ('Vents. for the Boy Scouts. This permis- being handled, yet those same citizens P· m. Friday night in the Community right of way for it. was granted and after listening preach from the house tops that in Church the ball starts rolling at the Miss La Priel Rasmussen and DarThe supreme court finds that an im· Local Man Heads Shoe Tossers these gentlemen, the Lions Club Midvale the Jaw is not being enforced Bills-Carnival. "What is tantamount to a revolu 1 H A portant consideration is whether the The hoe t pitching rlimiuatwn .,.,,,u.,,u that the move was a good and and ev.ei1 talk of getting outside help, First, a lot of laughter in a snappy tion in the matter of styles that rna • re . ylett were married Friday of water could be conveyed cont t horse "I 1 be d to Reeding's .es WI s age at this outir1g sketch, then a chance to test the Qne and unanimously recom- etc. ·' d Y last week in the Salt Lake Temple, land by any other t·oute. Rot· furthet· with four courses open to al. corr,e,.,.' A But, when they are caught with steady arm, the eagle eye, and the be regarue as really fashionable in the appointment of a ~~ the wardrobes of mothers and their The bride is the daughter of Mr. enlightenment on this subject the cal'e . L. Anderson, a to;;:>er of State wit '1 •u~...,., to a ~rmanent organ- a clear case against them, it is anoth- deadly aim, with lots of goodies to daughters, is takirig place this Spling" and Mrs. P. C. Rasmussen and is· is sent back. Instead of involving on· repute, will re-prcent Jor<lan Va le.Y. appeas~ the old appetite. Is that all? :zati<m 1 Fepr,~se·nting 'all sections, all er and different matter. Thrilling Boat Races It is not the desire nor intention of and sub-divisions of southern Of course not. To tell all would said Manager E. R. Benson of the J prominent in social and chur<:h cir- ly one issue, the supreme court sugC. Penney Company Store, who re· cles. Friday evening a dinner was gests that several knotty que;;tions Motor boats of all speeds and Eize, the officials to extract money ft'O!m be telling all, but--Oh, Boy, Let's Go! County. turned May 6th from the regional given at the ho:me of Mr. and Mrs. might be raised in this case. !l'he will purr around the three-qua1-ter <>f A. J. Hosmer, C. I. Goff and J. any person for revenue purposes, but Queen of the Carnival, did you say? buying convention of the organization A. P. Rasmussen, for the near relalower court found for Reeding. a :nile course for hand ;orne prize . tet>hEms:on were appointed on this merely as a gentle reminder that the Why, sure, who is your choice? ~·ck For information of those who are There is plenty of room for all visiyour girl and boost her with your which has been in session for eight tives of the young couple. The Committee then in- practice must cease. Pink and white were the colors used not familiar with the location of the tors to watch all racing events. The campaign will continue indefi- votes. And let's not forget those days at the Hotel Utah, Salt Lake various citizens throughout City, Utah. in the decorations. '!'all vases of ditch in this controversy, we might Dancing will be in order at the District and called together the nitely. See that both head light$ and prizes. A peek in the Utah Power "Colors? Anything you can imasnap dragons were placed about the state that the said ditch takes water Park Saturday evening and in all men for the purpose of con- tail light are burning and properly and Light window will make 1 you gine and then some ITT'ore! !Fashion rooms and chrystal baskets of pink from Ce~ter Street in Midvale, just probability a band will fu.rnish the the Scout Movement and to adju:;ted. Keep your exhaust muffled. want yo1•·· number to come up the I"XoeTt. "I.,a vi' rle..:lnr ':i eve11 !'olo!' in sweet peas were placed at intervals east of Lmcoln 'Street and runs thence music Sunday. possible and advisable, a per- Keep your speed Within thirty miles ,lucky lle. North for about ~ city block, in t:,e Get \our .\lembenhip Card scout organization: Butler, at all times, and across intersections [' But if the lamp goes some other the rainbow, and some that have nev- along the dilmer table. 011 er been detected there, to be stylish, Mr. and .Mrs. Aylett expect to leave r~r of fi_ve or .SIX lots Boyce; BlufTdale, W. C. Crump, and along school g1·ounds slow down place, think how good those chocothe East Admi~.:;ion to thP Outing w 1ll be Crescent, R. D. Fairbourn; Dra- to at least fifteen miles per hour. lates will taste. Friday, I believe you but black must be laid a!'dde. This for Los Angeles in the near future stde of Lmcol"?- Street, than turns to free to members of any Fish and H. E. Stringfellow and John Day; This must be done for the protection said? Yes, the 15th. that's the day. applies to a woman's hoisery and to where Mr. Aylett will go into busi- the we~ runmng through ~e. ~enter Game Protection Association. So get other accessories as well as to h~ ness. of lots m the Eastvale :;ubdiVlsJotl. o t John A. Butterfield; Mid- of all concerned. v• It is contended that the tract thru u your mem bership receipt or go Leon L. OI.SJon, C. l\1. Middleton, Mrs. A. A. Larson was hostess to coats, dresses, and millinery. So1ne which this irrigation water is taken prepared to tak~"' out a me1'1b ers h'1P a t !Stephenson, C. I. Goff, and A. Friday evening of last week Mrs. members of the 500 club ]l.f onday. A of the intriguing names given to the W1"1J b e t aggc d is now city property and should no the gate· All m~bers ~.. !'l<»m1<P-r~, East Midvale, P. A. Swen- K. A. Carlson entertained at dinner one o'clock luncheon was served. new colors are 'tiger's eye,' 'goblin be the coupon attaclted the tag 1 blue,' 'desert sand,' 'ashes of roses,' I onger ' used for farming purposes entitle th~ hold<>r Riverton, A. T. Butterfield, R. S. in honor of Miss Pearl Wilson, of to "''"I'"T"M * * * wigwam,' 'lipstick,' 'golden oak,' aad or for uses incident to faiTmdng. pate in the grand prize if;:;,-w,r-'io..• ~mrltoJn., W. J. Myer:;; Sandy, Dr. R. Sandy, who recently returned from a A special program was given at the Born, A. R. Gardner, Clarence mission to the Southern States. Cov- L. D. S. church Sunday School on 'gingersnap.' While the lid has been ME.'mbers of the immediate son, L. W. Nielsen; South Jordan, ers were laid for six. Mothers• Day at the conclusion of almost completely removed from the of all Sportsmrn's are inviua and M. Holt, Hyrum Stocking; Union, color scheme skirts are limited in ~pe'Cial which every effo1-t~ have been made to mother present was giv* * * Jensen, Geo. Green, Jr.; West Mrs. Jas. Nibley and her mother, en a carnation. 0 0 David T. Dahl, A. J. Shut- Mrs. Caroline Han~en, have returned * • only. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Beckstead and so many new furbelows in designing the .Midvale Health Center will f!ive from a months' visit in Los Angeles, ·_oroa:n Scout Council Organized -Several of the commi<;tees report <'.hildren, of Soldier Summit, spent and trimlming that a book would be clinical attention to children under California. above naJm.ed men met April necessary to describe them." school age. Hours 9:30 to 11:30 a. B 1 that arrangPmrnts are comnleh last week end in Midvale. y popu ar request, the University ""' to Another Meeting Held Midvale City, Utah, in the City m. d • * * . b . of Utah observatory will be held open spring some real thrills at Gen"va on Another meeting w.as held on May and organized the Jordan DisPhysicians an nurses WI 11 e m t th bl' Ma~ 16 and 17 and you can only wi I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Fox, of Pro. h"ld 1 o e genera1 pu 1c every Tuesday Mrs. Wm. Waters entertained the a tte n<!ance a nd ::)' rn:.lh ~VID_lf Council of the Boy Scouts of 7th and it was unanimously decided vo, were guests Sunday at the home "CJl I b. evening between the hours of 8:30 und have to attend and watch your str-p. Dr. Goeltz and Arthur W. to appoint a District Commissioner of Mrs. Fox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. membet·s of the Duplicate Bridge ren needing m 1ca .... VIce WI e 9:30 p. m. The telescope will be adClub .Monday evening at her home on welcome. attended this meeting, repre- for the Jordan District. There was N. August Pierson. justed and trained upon the most imCenter Street. Dinner was served to the Salt Lake Council, Dr. also a unani!U:ous decision at this portant heavenly bodies so that all * * * eight. meeting to raise $1000.00 for the purwas acting chairman. Mrs. C. I. Goff attended a meetwho are interested may, without Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Parduhn enterpose of defraying the expenses of the ing of the U Club held Tuesday evcharge, view the planetesimal system. Jordan Coundl until the 1st day of ening at the home of Miss Clara HosA special Mother's Day program tained at dinner Sunday in honor of January, 1926. was given Thursday by the Ladies Aid Mrs. Parduhn's mother, Mrs. Mary On Thursday nights the observatory mer, of Salt Lake. Out of this amount the salary of Society. Members of the Munay, the Wyhnn, who t·ecently returned here will be open only to students regis* * * f1·om California. Covers were laid tered in astronomy. It vvill rerr..ain the District Commisl'ioner must be Saturday of last week Mrs. Everett Bingham and Sandy societies we1·e are the names of newcomer. for Mrs. J. B. Taylor and children, of open for the remainder of the :>choo i in Below paid. $300 to the Salt Lake Council Reading our midst, same frorr nt:lr and entertained the play mates guests. Tea was served. Salt Lake, .Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Par- year every Tuesday and Thursdus others from afar. Th"'y are putlng to defray the Jordan Oouncil's pro* of her daughter, Lilas, on her' birthduhn, of Pleasant Grove, Miss Zelia the weather permits. portion of the general organizastion ex Mrs. Ross Vincent of Idaho Falls, day anniversary. Fourteen were pres adjusting of the telescope and •,n a daily eight at the local rmelter; Zabri:;kie, of American Fork, and 11The pen..ses, ,the remainder will be used Idaho, spent last week end with relab E. 0. Maxfield, TholT'as A. Scott, ent. • Merrill Hand. for office expenses, Scout activities a o servations v.ill be undet· the d1- Eldr('d Gardner, Henry J. Bateruar::.> / tives in Sandy and Midvale. *'* * and miscellaneous items. rect supervi:;ion of P11ofE.".ssor David Almie McCleery, Christ G. D• nnesrn, * * * The L. D. S. Relief Society met for Mrs. L. W. Nielsen The sum of $1000 above referred to spent last week H. Allen, instructor in astronomy, who William Plott, H. D. Turner, Harold A luncheon will be given Wedneshas planned to give his time to the F "I · L C has been pro-rated over the Jordan quilting Tuesday. day of next week by the Community end at Spanish Fork, with her mothobservatory in explaining the various * • "' Joox, _,, enm . ooke, Alma Mon on, District as foll~ws. Club for the retiring and newly elect- er, Mrs. Ertrma Creer. hn M. Pe1·ry, Wm. H Nichol., Eras Mrs. W. L. Renner, who has been h b d A * * ., p enomena o serve . W. C. Crump, Jr., Bluffdale, $30.00 great many t B N F B visiting fricHds here left Tuesday, ed officers. The luncheon will conpeople, both students and public, seem I us oyce, . . ecker, Verne MilIver Boyce, Butler, $25.00. Mrs. A. R. Gardner returned home to return to her home near Pitts- clude the activities of the Club until Thursday of last At'thur G. Co\(', Earl Christensen, R. D. Fairbourn, Crescent, $30.00 week from L. D. S. to ha\'e a gTeat deal interest in this Ner, October. olan Shields, Henry Thayne, Euge .e burgh, Pa. ..... H. E. Stringfellow, Draper, $78.00 HoRpital, where she underwCI!lt an work and have expressed their pleas· Croxford, Horace. Jenkins, Golden H. * • * Leon L. Olson and C. M. Middleton ure at being able to make use of the F armer and Max C. Popp. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cloward, operation. Midvale, $272.00. Mr. and Mrs. <;:. F. Keeney and observatory and its equipment. The of Payson, were guests Sunday of meeting the following men P. A. Swenson, East Midvale, $45.00 and family ~ Sa!t La~e, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Larson. telescope housed in the observatory The U. S. Smelter has teams wt'lrk • Galleazz1e ~d Lonn Stokes, of unanimously elected officers of Duane Miller, Granite, $15.00 is one of the best and largest in the * • Harry McGee, an expet·t in the ing at the side of the new tlotahon ordan District Scout Council for John A. Butterfield, Herriman, $25.00 Bmgham were dmner guests Sunday Mrs. H. E. Phelps spent Tuesday merchandising game, is now occupied Intermountain west, having a six itiCh mill, grading for railroad tracks. The at t~e home of Mr. end Mrs. Jos. E. 1925; Dr. A. 1 J. Hosmer, A. T. Butterfield, Riverton, $98.00 with friends in Bingham. in putting on the gigantic unloading lens. It is one of the most modern, work will be on in earnest within r.. Chairman; A. R. Gardner, A. R. Gardner, Sandy 1, $50.00 Jenkins. * • • sale at Booths. Mr. McGee ' knows having an electrically operated clock few days. • * * Vice Chairman; A. J. Shulsen, A. R. Gardner, Sandy 2, $45.00 Miss Melissa Bateman, of Salt Lake t.he business from A to Z. Pay hi~11 to direct its movement so that once The old Maxw('ll path1nder h<lS .Mrs. Walter J. Taylor has returned P"ta.TV-Treasurer. A. R. Gardner, Sandy 3, $50.00 focused upon an object it will follow was a Midvale visitor Sunday. a visit. You will profit thereby. been sold. Joe Blackmer, former purfrom an extended visit with relatives '-'UJmrntlU<ees Appointed Jos. M. Holt, South Jordan, $6~ 00 it through its orbit. The telescope * * • chasing agent at the U. S. Smel';' ·, in Berkeley, Calif. authority given them, the Hans Jensen, Union, $65.00. was purchased about eight ye::; s ago At a meeting of the U. Club held will shed a tear when he !earns tl·at elected officers appointed the D. T. Dahl, West Jordan, $108.00 * "' • by the State University and has been a.t the home of Mrs. C. I. Goff last John V('har has purchased hi> first Several hundred sample copies of Mr. and Mrs. Ray English, of Black committees: The drive will start on .Monday, the in constant use sin<:e that timE.'. week the following officers were elect and only love for five down and five this issue are out. Look over the foot, Idaho, are guests at the home Finance and Organization 18th day of May, 1925, and continue ed for the ensuing club year. Presa year. paper carefully a.nd when our repreGoff, Chairman; D. T. Dahl, until the . required amount is su.b- of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. English. John H. Kane is now employed at ident Miss Josephine Johnson, Vice sentative calls on you for information, M. Holt, H. E. Stringfellow, ,;cribed. * * * the U. S. Smelter as stenographer. President, Miss Laura Gardner, SE!&c- advertising, etc., be prepared to give Did it ever occur to you that a J:>aH' lira. II. H. Wheat, of Salt Lake, Nelson, P. A. Swenson, W. You are respectfully requested to tary and Treasurer, Mrl'. Niel L. Olhim a royal welcome. We can spent million all Sunday dollar flotation mill rr ight in Midvale. Jr., A. T. Butterfield. give this worthy matter as much smb son. Arrangements wHe made for Subscribe for the JOUR:'~AL. profit by boosting a little. Someincrease business in thi locality. of Honor and Publicity licity as po~"Sible, by publishing same Miss Irma Malstrom, who has been the annual club dinner. Refresh· times it takes a lot of educational Nielsen, Chairman; Leon L. in schools, churches, public gatherings work to put over a good idea. R. S. Hamilton, C. M. Middle- and any other way you deem advis- a resident of Los Angeles, California, ments were served. Day, Dr. R. W. Born, R. D. able. for some time past is visiting her * * * I Mrs. H. C. Aylett entertained TuesUpon motion of Joseph M. Holt, brother..: here. day evening jn honor of Mr. and .Mrs. i By noticing the hot dog stands as Rallys and Miscellaneous it was unanimously decided that the • * • J)arrel H. Aylett, who were recently' they spring up, we know how thick Activities Mrs. Raymond Vincent, of Salt meeting place of the Executive Com· lnarried. Forty young people were the fleas are on a dog's back. StOcking, Chairman; W. J. mittee for the year 1925 be held in Lake, was a guest early in the week, present. Out of town guests were John A. Butterfield, !Tans Jen• Old School Building situated on the of Mrs. A. A. Goff. Get the habit of looking for the Misses Joyce Rideout, and Mary Ek, A. Green, Jr., J. W. Steph- Midvale School grounds. * • Number This Week 209 carloads Iris Theatre ad. Always on the back Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Firth, Milton Boyce. Mrs. A. A. Ferre, of Gunnison Sessions of the Court of Honor, Number·Last Week 184 carloads ~n;ftM•~ and above state com- Rallys, Outings, etc., will be held in visited last week at the home of her Cowan and G. Knowles, of Salt Lake. page in the same po~ition. Same Period Y eru· Ago 169 carloads constitute the Executive various places, from time to time, daughters, Mrs. Jesse Booth and Mrs. Games, dancing and refreshments within the Jordan District," of the organization. were enj.Qyed. Joe Cushman. Subscribe for the JOURNAL. ~~------~ -.----~He~-.~~--~~~----'~ Big Community Fun Festival •r. Popular Couple Rainbow Colors This Marrid in Temple Season ·for Milady I Health Center w·u Give Clinical Attention • See Stars Wt.tbout :::~ t~Yw:~rt~~e::n~:~net~:;: !~: Ed~~~;:'!YB~~Ii:;s~natc~hnete~ ~~~e~~ the Usual Headache ~~~~~~n a~~~an~~~~t;ii~rb!o~~~ New Employes At the Local Smelter • • • • • • • • • • • W:nt. • • • • ~·--------------===========~..• '·~ Carload Shipments Received At Smelter • .. . . . __. ,_________. , . .__ ... ·~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--·--·--·-~ |