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Show .1 SECOND PAIiT. OGDEN' DAILY OOMMERCI AL . PMCE FIVE CENTS. LLCILLES BRIGHT CUAT SHE OGDEN, UTAH, FEBRUARY Fttatetlo Railway Sote.' Eydr ia still ur.erinteodeet of Ihe Idaho divisMa. How locg ! Oh Lord! Ilow long? William El CELLS OF RAILEOADS 1SD Dispatcher Altee and Mack have bees relieved and their places Lm by tot RAILROAD MO. from ureea Kiver ana Ugaea. It is A Xovel IdfA of'Xortfc Pole tloM-Surres- A. Eiplofto the Y. rersonaU. - M-- C tioui Sotct &nd HUNG, ARE PEOPLE fifS HERE VI EG I Ml. AX EXCURSION TO FROM EE nnderstood their work had not bees although both ere giving aatiatac-Uoo-, with year of xpeneoo and will Important Railroad have bo trouble ia curing aituationa Made to Fiver Hot elsewhere. It m hard to give aatufae-Uo- n ia soma eases. Spring. ua The chief of of be eo foolish ss to 'venture upoa so hazardous s journey, until some method baa been invented which will afford all the facilities necessary for accomplish ing the great undertaking. It is a self evident fact that the railroad system is the only rapid method of transportation, and in this enlightened day, people do not travel to any greet distance in sny other way, unless they are crazy. The idea of starting to the north pole with a sled and a dog! Talk about Christopher Columbus being crazy f lie was not half so badly demented ae those cranks who tried to find the north pole. If this pole is ever discovered, it must be through the influence of railroad cranks. Railroads have been invented by means fbich people can travel overhead. hrfoot and in every other way man tle. Why not steer for the North roiex , With a few adUit'ons and alterations, our present railroad system can be converted into a flying machine which will safi reach the North Pole in two or three days. A balloon m'ht be attached w the engine in such a manner as to effect the desired result This will be a great money-makin- g scheme to some inventive genius. Try it and win your fortune. West bound freight below par this week. Some Indians camping in Wyoming stopped the train end began to fight the passengers. It was feared that a regular battle would ensue, but when two or three of the red warriors had been killed the remainder uttered an unearthly, yell and fled. They are determined to avenge themselves upon the cruel white man, provided the cruel white will stand still and take it all as a joke. A Salt Lake train came late to dinner yesterday. The Salt Lake people will have to get Vip earlier in the morning, if they want to get ahead of Ogden. A train jumped the track about a ile from Ogden. The engineer gently rtl tfnV lr tKfk mnnatap in It 1a n rna anA M. Pi IUIVI 13 nils nDVUUU IMUAR V,t I see how their could be disjitnsed with, bad boy wis busily engaged inAveek in ehovelin J snow from the tracks. He una retiirmea ana is beginning to turn his Attention to useful ? employment. Tho Union Pacitio headquarters have been moved to Ogdei). There wiJ be a funeral at Salt Lake soon. The city is slowly losing its vitality, and, in a short time, will die a natural death. Footpad& are the order of the day. There was one arrested near the depot. They usually appear in the form of ordinary tramps and frequent the kitchen doors, where they are kindly received and well fed by the sympathetic cook, who cannot turn anyone away hungry. In the evening they station themselves at the corner of a street for the purpose of securing a golden eagle if one should chance to pass that way. These footpads have a strict eye to business and under-Stan- d their profession pretty well. ' The social at the Y. M. C. A. rooms was well attended and passed off very pleasantly. Supper was served; games and music furnished entertainment for the evening. Every one feeemed to be well pleased. There will be another soon. It would be a bright idea to have them every week. Some Bostonians came to Ogden last week, and went fishing out to Syracuse. But to their amazement and indignation, they found the lake frozen over. They did not get any fish. Perhaps if they will return next summer they may be more successful. Ogden was threatened recently, with au earthquake. The "flyer" came in so rapidly, that the earth shook with terror. One corner of the passenger depot caved in, and had to be repaired. Some of the Southern Pacific boys were extravagantly elated over the election.' If women were as crazy over politics as men are, they would all be in the insane asylum. What difference does it make who is elected? The world will move on just the same without such xLkiMm-LiiJ- fol 49 lyiik's ' clatter. One of the Northern Pacific shops at Brainard, Minn., was burned;" loss, $50,000. men were killed in Pennsylvania Four at different grade crossings by the cars. A collision occurred on the Northern Pacific in which H. A. Lord of Devil's Lake, N. D., was killed and several othersi njured. Frank S. Bentley, of Sioux City, was struck by a train and instantly killed. One hundred men at Milton, Ore., Bupposed to be discharged railroad hands, went to the Chinese quarters and led all of the Chinamen out of town with ropes around their necks. An engineer was killed and a fireman fatally wounded on the Azteo limited express in Texas. The Chicago and Northwestern road has offered a reward of $500 for the arrest of Conductor O'Neil's murderers. A dummy car went into a ditch at Indianapolis, fatally injuring two young ladies and injuring the conductor. The strike on the Fort Wayne road is off and the cars are moving again. C. E. Mayne is coming bark to Ogden to Btort a skating rink. He will give complimentary tickets to the Southern Pacific boys. Perhaps he wants to get a pass to San Francisco. R. G.W.Kelly is dead and buried. Please ship your freight over the Union Lucille. Pacific road. . Ladies all recommend it. "Happy Home." What? Obitnarr. Perhaps the largest funeral ever held in this town was that of the late Thomas Randall, which took place from the Episcopal church on Friday last. Mr. Randall was for many years connected w ith the U. P. shops, in charge of the boiler department He was called upon to resign in December, owing to the change in managers, and went to Anaconda to enter into similar work there. On.Wednesdsy be came borne to see his wife and was taken UL No one anticipated the very serious nature of bis illness until Tuesday, when a special message was sent to Salt Lake City for a physician to assist Dr. Bean, of this city, in treating the case. Un Wednesday morning an operation was nerformed. which so far relieved the sufferer that every hope was enter tained for bis recovery, but in a lew hours the last change came, and be passed away without a struggle. The deceased was mucn res pec tea in the shops, and, though of a quiet and reserved disposition, made many friends who followed him sadly to his last resting place. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Bert Foster, who was as sisted by the Rev. John Dawson, of Idaho Falls. The rector preached the sermon, which was listened to by a sympathetic audience, many of whom could not obtain seats. Mr. Randall leaves behind him his wife, who will return to Logan with her mother for awhile; also ene son by his Our sympathy is first marriage. tended to his wife, and mother, and tie boy. Pocatello Tribune, 29. . THE The Coming KIRMESS. Brilliant Affair te be Tresentcd by Loral Talent. Undoubtedly one of the very finest presentations ever given by local talent in Ogden will be the Kirmess, which is to bo presented February 7th and 10th, in the Grand opera house. This Kirmess is modeled after an eastern entertainment of a similar nature, nnd will be comparatively elaborate. For over two months, preparations have been made to make this a grand success. Sixteen young ladies have been drilling for several weeks under the efficient command of Major Harris, of the Oscden Military academy. These ladies will go through the manual of arms with guns, and several beautiful fancy figures will be introduced, in connection with the military drill. Their costumes will be most attractive. Thev will bo attired after the style of the Daughter of the Regiment, with knapsacks, etc. A novel feature will be the living checker-boarThe idea was taken whish was given from a checker-boar- d in New Aork City by society ladies, and w'jichran for fifty consecutive nights. Twenty-fou- r little girls will give the checker-boar- d in the Kirmess, and to the instructhey will move according The tions of two expert checker-playergame thus will be played right before the audience, snd will, undoubtedly, create a lively interest from all. Sixteen young ladies and gentlemen will give the Sir Roger de Coverly dance, which promises to be interesting and attractive. The participants will be attired in the costumes of I11G, and undoubtedly the quaint figures, with the peculiar costumes, will make a ploasing appearance and the whole will be heightened by calcium lights, which will be provided for the occasion. Perhaps the most elaborate tableau ever presented in Ogden will greet the audience for the first scene. This is to be a tableau of nations, and is under the management of the ladies of the board of control, who have taken an active interest in making it attractive. Miss Carrie Dodd is to recite on the evening of the 7th, and Mrs. H. W.Shurt-liff- , the well known soprano, w ill 6ing. In addition, there will probably be one of the very beet solo dancers that can be procured in the territory, and a few other beautiful tableaux will be interspersed among the numbers. This Kirmess is it be given for the benefit of the Ogden Public library, and the active interest that the thirty participants have given for several weeks past in making the Kirmess as elaborate as it will be, should only increase the zeal of the citizens as a whole to give Ogden a public library that shall be unsurpassed by any other city of its size in the United States. d. Oar Own Importations. We have a large and well selected line of white, black and colored embroideries, insertions, flouncings, etc., in transit, they will arrive in a few days and will include all the latest designs and effects for spring and summer wear. Buy early, get your summer sewing done before hot weather begins. Jennings, Last Sl Thomas, , "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. PRICE FIVE CENTS. W. G. CHED & SOI is about two weeks ago and was admitted to the hospitaL lie complained of a severe pain in his bead, ana it is now believed that it affected bis reason. He is 22 rears old, six feet in hight, and of light complexion. His mother who lives in Omaha, was telegraphed tor and is now in Ogden aiding in the search. It is believed that Pierce is in Pocatello, and an officer has beeo dispatched from Ogden in search of him. Tribune. mi. Still in the Ring! lrruttmU polios Ogden starchluny attempt har been nad to ing for Kalph H, Pierce a patient woo Manager Patrick, of the Hot Springs reach the north pole, but the explorer disappeared from the Sisters' ilaspital hotel, was ia town yesterday and re always oome beck diegoded or die 00 in that city on the 30th inst Pieroe ported things ae prosperous out at the run betweeo the my of Urretko. They should not who was a braketnan on the Last evening, quite a large Ogden and Pocatello, was taken sack springs. 1, Great Retirin Sale crowd of ladies and ge&Uemea made up a sleighing party and visited the springs, where they had a very fine supper, and an an joyable danoa. While the sleigh ing laeta, there promises to be many such pleasant parties. nave been made with Arrangement the Raymond k Whitecomb excursions Our closing out sale has been a great success, yet we still have heavy passing through Ogden to stop over one we are offering at ruinous prices. Come and see us, it will pay you to which ten at Hot day aays' spring. Also, stopover is to be allowed on all through ticket east or west. The management Winter is here and we want everybody to be supplied with a good stove. of the company ha also arranged for for cash, the following great bargains: from on to two page of advertising for ing the springs in all the mstur sent out by ! the Union Pacific railway, and Mr. Lomax ha instructed all eastern agent to push business fo. the Hot Springs at ' ! Ogden. no be will dinner exception to Today the rule of excellence. The following ia No. Cook 7 Stoves, Regular Price Completely fitted, $24 00. Now $16.50. the menu: " " NO- - 8 " Raw oysters; celery. ,ooa. Soup Puree of tomato; Consomme a No. 88 la Jardiniere. FOR CASH ONLY. SEE THESE ritlCES Stoves " No. 8 & 80 Olive. Baked flounders, a la Madeira. New radishes. Boiled Chicken, cream sauce. Water cress. Roest Young turkey .cranberry sauce; suckling pig, sausage dressing; apple sauce; sirloin of beef, with Yorkshire pudding. ji trees b wee t breads, a ia Toulouse; calf brains, escalloped; braized tenderloin of beef, with mushroom. Sugar-cure- d dishes Cold ham. pickled tongue, salad of fresh lobster, msvonnaise dressing. Fish V sauce, French peas, sugar corn, mashed potatoes. Pastry, etc. Chocolate cream pie. cranberry pie; peach short cake, with cream. Desert Wine jelly; lady fingers; silver cake; raisins; mixed nuts; confectionery; Delmonicoice cream; cream puffs; deli cate cake; oranges and apples. Dinner from 1 to 3. THEY CAN'T BE EQUALED ! Stoves ! lines of goods do so. We ate offer- " 3300. Our lines of LADIES' and GENT'S UNDERWEAR ar Gent's and Boy's Clothing and Overcoats are special bargains. DRESS GOODS, Stoves " OTinor J $i2. , rrt 2400. " iU) lcc tVian rrtcf. finr af Be sure and see them. DRESS GOODS, A large variety still going at COST FOR CASH. Shoes in fine and good qualities, at less than cost. Ladies' and Children's on-han- GROCERIES! Plain ! GROCERIES ! ! We shall close our line of Groceries comnrisincr a full, assortment. FOR CASH AT LESS THAN COST. Ladies' Cloaks and lackets, in Silk Plush, and fine aualitv Cloths, at less than manu. facturers' cost. Now is the greatest opportunity ever offered. Embrace it. first-cla- From, this date we slmll credit no more sales, for Cash Only. Money talks. . ss t All sales must be Real Estate Xotos. ; Mr. C. IL Harvey, a brother of W. IL We shall run a column daily bulletin this month in this paper, making specLi!'men-tio- n Harvey of this city, is advertising exof our Remnant Sales. Ladies, it will pay vou to watch it closelv and also to attend cursions from Huntington, W..Va., to our Great , Bargain Sale. Ogden. This is a good work as it brings in before the public that section (L'len of the country and may induce some capital to come this way. The following is a copy of circular sent out by Mr. Harvey in the east. "Ogden, Utah! Boom! Boom! The coming great city of the far west come and join us. Special party will leave iiittitiiiiiiiitiittittittiintfiifiiiifrifiiiiiiiffififfiififiiriiiiiiftiiiitiMiitiitiiiiiifHinifiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiitmiinnH Huntington, W. Va., Tuesday, Feb. 10th, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiifii;iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii ls'Jl, at one o clock p. m. in charge of competent excursion agents via the -great C. AO. railway and run through P. Rl D3 SI in special cars from Huntington to 213 Ogden, passing through Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Colorado llIEIIIIIillllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllltllZIIIlIlillllltlllllllltllllltltllltlllllllinillllllltll titIUiaiiillllIfIHItIIlitIIttUllMIIIlIIIIIII!IIIIfIlIllJIlIIIIIIlf Hlllillt Springs, Pueblo and Salt Lake City. Special low rates will be given to anyone joining this party. Only a limited numbor will be taken on this excursion, and those desiring to join this party should make their arrangements as soon as possible. For full information as to trip, fare, etc., apply to W.G. Child &Son,24i i Washington A v. ISINOIWI! BEAUTIFUL SNOW! 11 sr; C. H. Harvey, Excursion Agt, Huntington, W. Va. AND COMMERCE. FINANCE New York Money. ' Nsvr Yoek. Jan. 31. Money on call easy, close offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper. Sixty-da- y 57Hi bilkSterlinR exchange steady. U.l&Ui Mat HM'.i ; demand silver $1.01. Bonds. New York, Jan. 31. Government bonds closed as follows : D. 120 4"V coupon . 111 U. S. 4's reg'd 109 V. Pacific' 0.S.4",4ro8'd....lO3 I Copper, Lead and Tin. Jan. easirr; Lake Yobk. New February M.25; Tin, 114.40. Lead, firmer. Domestic, steady; Straits, $30.05. Plates, fairly active, firm. OGDEN MARKET EEPORT. Wholesale Prices. Corroctod daily by Gibsoa A Sranrthwaite, e, wholesale produce dealers, 2363 Washington Oeden City, Utah, Grain. Baying. Selling. Wheat, new No. 1 mill- bu $60 iag, per ISO Oats, sacked, per cwt,. Barley, brewing, No. I ... 131 per cwt. . . . Barley, brewing. No. 2 urewt IS35 " Barley, feed, Barley, chopped Corn, eastern Corn, chopped ' . 1 1 44 Flocr. " And an Elegant Supper with a quiet dance in the parlors. Telephone Manager Patrick and make your arrangements., ' -- tl180 2 2 $ 1 2 7 '' Corn meal Rolled Oats, per bbl Bran and bnortt 35 10 80 25 75 e $2 00 SO itiimiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituuiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiis 14 00 13 50 lb. . 25 20 23 Lucerne Pbodccb. Butter, best, per Butter, Utah, Regular Evening Trains on the Motor Line run everyday. " 1 " dot.... Lucerne seed, per lb... Cental sacks Seamless sacks Table salt, iier ton Clean coarse salt p'rt'a Retail price tie aboit 11 I SO 10 M 7 W HOT SPR1MS HOTEL CO. I IiimijiiiiuimiiiiniiiiiiniimiiiM $t!4 iiiiinuiiiiiiiininuiHiimiimmiin 7 15 00 IS per 800 cant hlcher. , : Improve Your Chance While it Lasts . Timothy, irtr'ht per t'n " Timothy, m'ld " Red Top Wild Eggs, per Onions, HOT SPRING 76 Rich natent Straight grade Other grades Hat. WHAT DOES IT SUGGEST? Why, an Evening's Sleighing Party to .'" the famous B. F. PATRICK, Manager. ; |